• Member Since 29th Jun, 2015
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Curtis Wildcat

Don't ask questions. Just have fun. Slam the oven door and join the party.


Notes on Calico Driftwood and My Namesake's Origin · 5:18am May 18th

Here's some background music. I'll be going on a bit of a tangent, so you may be here a little while. ()^_^

The chapter with Levi Vs. Calico is coming up pretty soon. There are some notes on the latter that are too lengthy for me to share at the end, so I'm going to lay them out here instead.

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Intentional Shout-Outs and References in M.L.G. · 10:35pm April 23rd

Some background music. You're going to need it: we're going to be here a while.

To find out who I imagine some of the OCs (and Leviathan in English) to sound like, the story's Trivia page at TV Tropes here has a list of them under "Hypothetical Casting".

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Status Update, April 2024 Edition · 2:02pm April 15th

Part of my slowness in writing M.L.G.'s latest chapter is for the usual reasons: tiredness, minor depression, having other things on the mind, that sort of thing. However, in what can only be described as "whimsy", I've recently decided to complete a list of all of the intentional shout-outs and references in the story as of the most recent chapter.

Don't ask me why. I couldn't explain it if I tried. :rainbowlaugh:


Something To Think About · 11:40pm March 23rd

I have a message to share with prospective authors. If you go into writing a story---be it as a living, or just for fun---don't automatically assume that what you're doing is wholly original.

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Tired, Running On Empty · 9:51pm March 19th

That pretty much summarizes my mental state of the past few days. Constantly tired (half due to not getting enough sleep and half due to my walking regimen), and I can't really think of things I want to write for the story. You know you're having trouble finding things to talk about when your brain fishes for tuna, but ends up with guppies instead.

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So INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATED Right Now · 10:39pm March 14th

I copied the latest chapter of M.L.G. to my flash drive as usual. I took it home with the intent to post it today. I double-click the file.

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How Curtis Wildcat Writes the World · 2:04pm March 11th

Or, to put it another way, the rules I abide by when it comes to the stuff I write on this site. My mind doesn't necessarily function the same way everyone else's does, so there may be some discrepancies. Have some background music in the meantime.

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Something to Look Forward to in August · 2:12pm February 2nd

There've been a few comments in my most recent chapter of M.L.G. saying that they were curious about the "City-Wide Heartsong" plan I originally had for Illudere's battle. Obviously I can't go back and make that huge a change to the story, but what I can do is start planning ahead for the Third-Anniversary Chapter in August.

The ACs have been non-canon for the most part, so I intend to have a lot of fun with this alternate take. :pinkiecrazy:

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M.L.G. Story Update, January 2024 Edition · 11:26pm January 27th

I went back through the first handful of chapters for M.L.G., from the opening up through "Alexandrite", and made some minor edits. Nothing that would impact the plot or anything like that.

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AO3 Story Mirroring · 4:17am January 15th

Been a while since I started the process, but I'm almost done mirroring M.L.G. over at Archive Of Our Own. I've gotten as far as "Shine Aqua Illusion", and I expect to have it fully posted within the next 3-4 days. So if by some chance you want to read it over there instead of here, feel free.

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