• Member Since 19th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Tuesday


I'm just a person who enjoys reading and writing Fanfiction. No more, no less. I try to be kind to everyone I speak to and I ignore those who are impolite to me.


Update + Looking for editor · 4:10pm Jan 6th, 2019

So you guys know, I'm working on Chapter Two still, I would have had it up last night were it not for a glitch erasing the entire chapter forcing me to have to rewrite it from scratch...


Anyway, I could use an editor for this story early on to make sure I don't make let any mistakes bleed into my story. It's clear people have high hopes for this and I intend to deliver.

Anyone interested can DM me. I just have a few requirements.

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Like John Wick: Redemption? · 1:47am Jan 3rd, 2019

I must say, I was not expecting the reaction I got from the story to be so overwhelmingly positive in such a short period of time. So I decided to do something a little different than I normally do.

Would you like to chat with me and potentially contribute to the story? Or just talk and have a good time? Well, I made a discord server for the story!

If you are interested, please, step into the Red Circle. You are more than welcome.

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