• Member Since 13th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen May 6th


A sentient tribble floating through the seas of time.


An Equestrian Girls Concept. · 10:43pm Aug 13th, 2020

Instead of always being a school principal or corporate owner, how about this:
Sjena (Good Sombra) and Sombra (...guess) are twins who are legendary actors on Bridleway. After their star-making turn as the two halves of Jekyll and Hyde, Sjena became typecast for tortured heroes and Sombra became typecast for bombastic villains. Much to the surprise of their friends, Fluttershy and Sour Sweet are both megafans.


Side Info · 11:17pm May 3rd, 2020

So I am still not doing so hot in terms of actual storywriting, but I'm not totally dead. My collaborator thewondersomethingorother and I have started a "historical archive" blog for all the worldbuilding that's going into our works. Anyone interested in stuff that likely won't be showing up in the fic itself is welcome to come watch us stumble through setting up Equestrian History.



Tiny Hiatus · 10:40pm Feb 6th, 2020

I apologize, everyone, but my health is still going through a rough patch and it's absolutely killing my productivity. So I think it's best to set aside writing for just a little bit until I can actually put the necessary focus into it. Hopefully this won't take more than a few weeks and then we'll be back in business.

Report cosmicbiscuit · 153 views ·

Minor Improvement. · 1:41am Nov 3rd, 2019

Hey, all. Lots of doctor visits the past couple of weeks. On the good side, though, my hand has healed up enough that I've been fitted for a custom brace that allows for more wrist and finger movement, so I should be able to get back to work writing soon. The story must go on.

Report cosmicbiscuit · 158 views ·

More Apologies · 1:32am Oct 15th, 2019

I'm still working on Those Who Tell the Truth, I am! But my hand is refusing to heal, and there have been some other not so pleasant medical/family things crop up, so it's still rather slow going. But I'm not giving up. I want to tell this story.

Report cosmicbiscuit · 198 views ·

Slowing Down · 1:19pm Sep 1st, 2019

Hey, all. Minor apology to make. I massively fucked up my dominant hand and have been put in braces that makes typing really difficult. I'm not putting Those Who Tell the Truth on hiatus, but chapters are gonna take longer until I heal.

Report cosmicbiscuit · 145 views ·