• Member Since 7th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Monday


If only I could be as grossly incandescent as the sun..


An Absence of Creativity · 4:47am Oct 17th, 2021

An Absence of Creativity

A Random Spout of Nonsense by a Small Writer

I think one of the hardest things for a writer to understand is if an idea is simply a nice thought, or something that can be expanded upon into its own world. We often think of idea's and say; "Wow! That'd be a really good story. I should start writing that and get it up and see how people like it!"

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Birthday! · 12:29am Nov 3rd, 2020

It's my birthday today!

I know many don't care, but I thought i'd let anyone else know. Most people I know have forgotten, or simply don't care. But, it's okay, i'm still happy.

I'll try to get some more chapters out soon. Semester has started today and, let me tell you, it's gonna be tough. Hope I can get anything out.


Concerning my Stories · 3:43am Oct 18th, 2020

These changes have been made to the following stories:

Survival is Necessary - Cancelled
Solaire and His Sun - Hiatus
The Ghost - Hiatus
The Diary - Hiatus

The reasons for these changes are simple, and I'll give an explanation for each story.

Survival is Necessary

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100. · 3:47am Sep 18th, 2020

Boy's and girls.

I've hit 100 followers!

I've gotta' say, I didn't expect to get this many. From starting off with a... well, questionable start with 'The Diary' I've made it here! I'm glad people have liked my stuff, and I'm glad that I was able to get onto featured dozens of times. I question if I'm even deserving of that praise.

Since I've hit 100 followers, I plan to do something for you all!

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Hand problems.. · 4:02am Aug 23rd, 2020

I type this on the computer i have just set up.

today, at 12:00pm i had an accident.

a gigantic piece of my middle finger was sliced almost completely off. And, as of right now, is completely detached.

a table we were moving had a glass top, and the top was easily fifty pounds plus. it was awkward to grab, so i tried to lean it on the side of the table. the table slid out from underneath the glass pane, and fell onto my hands. it shattered.

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Moving is complete!.. Mostly. · 8:22am Aug 22nd, 2020

I'm back again!

I know there has been NO updates on any of my stories as of recently. This isn't because im dead, or that i'm no longer continuing them or writing still.

Since I've been moving, my computer hasnt been set up. Plus, power management is the upmost priority at the moment, due to the breaker not being in city regulation. It has to be repaired.

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Currently Moving · 4:19am Aug 12th, 2020


I'm currently moving houses, so updates on stories will slow down considerably.

The Ghost of Tsushima story will be coming out soon, but after that things will probably slow down for a little while. I still intend on updating these stories when I'm able to get internet running at the new place!

Until then, I hope you all enjoy the new story coming out, and I hope you're all doing okay. I'll be back soon, so don't worry. I don't disappear~!


Ghost of Tsushima Story · 8:49am Aug 10th, 2020

Hey, its me again.

Writing from my phone this time. It certainly is late.

I just finished Ghost of Tsushima, and honestly, its an amazing game. Probably in my top five games of all time. I know there are people that have a lot of problems with it, but personally, I loved every second of it.

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What gets me going as a writer? · 1:58am Jul 26th, 2020

What gets me going as a writer?

Well, I'd probably say the biggest thing that motivates me to write is music. Every time I come up with an idea for a story, or write a chapter, I'm constantly listening to music. The music helps dictate the mood and feel I am trying to go for, and usually I go for sad music.

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The Diary · 5:37am Jun 8th, 2020

This is an update to The Diary's writing process.

The Diary

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