• Member Since 10th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen May 24th


That guy? Yeah. That's me. I'm that guy.


Aaaand progress. Kind of. · 5:27pm Mar 22nd, 2018

So I'm blocked, a bit.

I've got this Act 2 prologue, right? I know exactly how it goes down. I know who's involved, I know the beginning, middle and end, I know who the POV is, who the antagonist is, what the scenario is, and how it all pans out.

It's the damned details, you know?

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"I love deadlines. · 4:17pm Dec 8th, 2017

I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

Life happens. Thursday came and went, and since horse-word fan-fictions are as yet not able to pay my many and sundry bills, I was forced to reprioritize a bit in order to keep the lights on. I figure if Douglas Adams can be a bit cavalier about missing his deadlines, at least I'm in good company.

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Exciting! · 5:56pm Dec 6th, 2017

Act 2 prologue nearly done. Minus one minor section it’s content-complete, and the rest of the scenework has gone through multiple edit passes. Chapter will be content-complete tonight, edits will happen tonight and tomorrow morning, and I’ll post tomorrow afternoon.

Act 2 is going to be a hell of a ride.


Act 2 Prologue Homestretch · 2:21am Dec 5th, 2017

6400 words, multiple edit passes. A bit of content left to slam in, but that's a major motivational fix in and a much more compelling... transformation... for a character who's turning into my favorite anti-hero.

Expect the prologue for Act 2 this week - and then things really start to heat up. Figuratively speaking, of course. Also possibly literally.


Holidays and the Flu · 5:40pm Nov 26th, 2017

Deathless update status: 6k words and nearing draft completion. I like where it went, but it’s rough, so it’ll need a couple of editorial passes, but release is in sight. Had to spend some extra cycles on this one, because it hints at a lot of things that happen later, and character motivation isn’t something you want to get wrong. Poor Hurricane.

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Report Gaudior · 324 views · #status #flu #lotsoftea

Still here, still plugging away. · 2:07am Nov 20th, 2017

Keeping up on my promise to make sure I'm posting at least a couple times a week - so here I am. I think going forward I'll do two things: one, status update, and two, horseshit of potentially personal or random nature. If all you care about is that I'm still alive and writing, you can ignore everything after the next paragraph.

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Deathless, Faith, and Updates · 4:03pm Nov 16th, 2017

So the minotaur in the room is my publishing schedule. I haven't exactly been all that great about making sure Deathless is getting regular love, and I want to address that. Even though the story's been in development all along (which should be obvious by the blizzard of chapters I just published), that's not really inspiring for someone getting to the end of Act 1 and wondering if Act 2 will be published in a similar storm at the end of, say, 2019.

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Writesplosion. · 5:19am Nov 15th, 2017

After quite a long while away, I've decided it's time to finish what I've started. To back that up, I've uploaded and published the rest of Act 1 of Deathless. Due to reasons that are entirely my own responsibility, the later chapters have had no third-party editing, so apologies if they're rougher than expected.

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Rabbit holes. · 3:30pm Jul 1st, 2016

Digging into some new horse words, I decided I'd look for some inspirational music to get the feels right.

Foolishly checked to see if there were any new remixes of 'Interrupted by Fireworks' for a scene in Act 2.

Fell into the rabbit hole of recent Final Fantasy 7 remakes I was blissfully unaware of until now.

Still haven't come up for air. Playlist is immense. No horse words written.

Send help. Preferably via the Highwind.


So, I've been away. · 1:41pm Jun 30th, 2016

I honestly don't even know what to write here, but I really do need to say something.

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