• Member Since 18th Jan, 2015
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Tiki Enthusiast, Bat fan, writer


Releasing a new story in (approximately) 12 hours! · 6:00am Nov 12th, 2021

I'm releasing a long-term weekly updating story tomorrow (Friday November 12th), at around 10:00AM PST. It'll be a continuation of the main arcs set up in "Do Ponies on Earth have Magic Dreams?" And in a way this is intended to be the finale for the bulk of them. There will still be some loose threads left throughout the story, and while there's still a lot left to write, I know that this is going to be a big and ambitious story so I hope you'll all tag along for the ride.

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New chapter tomorrow · 4:18am Oct 17th, 2021

I know that the story's seemingly an updated version of something I had originally written a while ago, but while it retains the core story at least in the beginning, a lot of the content has been overhauled and updated, and the last part of the story is almost entirely new content. The chapters up until now have a lot of old content, but also a fair chunk of new content as well that better ties things together, gives better perspectives on what the characters are doing, and lines up with my

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The News · 9:44am Sep 24th, 2021

Greetings friends, got a red hot news update for you all today.

Life’s been busy, I left a job I was overwhelmingly burned out in, struggled to pick up a new one, started college again, and finished/started/restarted a handful of projects all at once.

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New cover art! · 5:41pm Jul 26th, 2021

Just a small update for you today! If you haven't noticed, the story now has new cover art with an illustration by the awesome Featherhors. I know this story is marked as "complete" but I do plan to write additional chapters in the near future, so feel free to follow it and maybe you'll get some surprise updates every now and again.

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The beginning of the end · 6:56am Jun 1st, 2021

The first of the final seven chapters is being published in less than a day. Expect the remaining chapters to be published daily up until the ending. If you’ve stuck around for the story so far then I really appreciate it, this has truly been a passion project.

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Some News! · 4:37am May 21st, 2021

This week's regular update is kind of a special one. It's kind of the soft finale before the story goes on a hiatus for a little while. I don't want to keep it there too long, but what I wanted to try is writing out the rest of the story so I can release the remaining chapters as daily updates up until the full finale. As it stands right now, after completing my outline there's about eight chapters left. This could fluctuate, but expect something to that effect. I hope you'll all bear with me,

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Short break in updating · 3:32am May 1st, 2021

Hi there! For those of you who are actively following along with the story, I have some bad news. Tomorrow's regularly scheduled chapter update will be pushed back until either mid week or next weekend. It's a little bigger than usual and it's taken me a little longer to write as a result. Another reason is that Midair Pony Fair is this weekend and I'll be taking part in the trivia panel, so that's also consumed a little bit of time. Stay tuned though, there might be a double chapter post this

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Where we’re at so far · 6:05am Apr 16th, 2021

Things are starting to move along at a quicker pace and pretty soon we’ll be hitting the end. Chapter 41 is more or less locked and loaded for the usual Saturday update (Which is also incidentally my birthday AND bat appreciation day!). Right now there’s probably a good ten or so chapters left, but this could always wind up changing too just given how things naturally evolve over time.

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My passion project is one year old today! · 3:53am Mar 23rd, 2021

Do Ponies on Earth have Magic Dreams? just turned one year old today, and that's an exciting event for me just because of how special this story is to me. This story started as a rewrite of the very first story I had ever written. As first stories often are, it was rough around the edges, overly bloated, and the dialogue and characterization were just a complete mess. That said, it was the first long story I had ever finished, so even if it was a complete mess, it was still special to

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So here's how we're going to do things! · 4:59am Mar 17th, 2021

So in my last blog I talked about how I was splitting "New Horizons" into multiple stories. Turns out that that's going to be three separate stories. The first is going to focus on Silver and Scarlet, and is going to more or less contain the majority of these chapters (Except for family Christmas which was a cut Christmas chapter that might see the light of day someday!)

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