• Member Since 9th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


My name is Thom, I'm from the Netherlands, and I love writing stories. That about sums it up, I think. https://azhelchasm.com


Upcoming and active MLP fanfics, and other projects I'm working on · 12:58pm May 28th, 2020

It's been a long time since I last posted one of these. Hell, it's been a long time since I posted anything on here, period. That's not to say I've entirely disappeared off the face of the Earth. This post is meant to give an idea of what I've been up to, and what MLP-related projects I want to work on in the 'near' future.

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Things that really make very little sense in Meaning of Harmony, and other ramblings about the story · 10:26am Jul 1st, 2019

I know, it makes no real sense to make blog post about things that make no sense in a story about magical talking ponies, but hey, I like rambling about my stories and this seems like a fine place to do it. In the story, there are several moments that, upon closer inspection, make little to no sense. So far, no one has pointed them out, but they do still bug me. I harp on the show for making mistakes like these, so it's only fair I turn my criticism on myself as well. With that said, let's

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So I actually tried to make a cover · 8:41pm Oct 5th, 2018

In my ever ongoing quest to attract readers, I decided I'd try my hand at throwing together a cover for The Meaning of Harmony. For someone who has neither experience nor talent for graphical work, I think my attempt worked out rather well. Sure, it's not perfect, or anything, but it conveys what I want it to.

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So about that update... · 8:04pm Apr 29th, 2018

I figured that since I made one post about my activity, I might as well do another one. I'm still working on Chapter Seven of Meaning. I'm having a bit of a hard time with it, as evidenced by the fact that I'm nowhere near done with it. I do hope to have it up in the near future, but I'm not really sure when that's going to be. All I know is that it won't be tonight like I originally wanted. Oh well. If, for some reason, it still isn't up by next week I'll be sure to write another blog post

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Meaning of Harmony update and new fic · 10:05pm Apr 17th, 2018

I don't usually announce what I'm up to, but there's a first time for everything. I've begun working on an outline for a slice of life story, just to see if I can write a multi-chaptered story where saving the world isn't part of the plot. It'll most likely also be very light on the shipping front. It's also the very first story for which I've ever written an outline before starting work on it. It's a nice change, really; I've never thought up so many plot points in the span of one evening.

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