• Member Since 8th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2021


Trapped forever in the pages of a storybook.


  • Registered: Aug 8th, 2014

Stories ( 8 )

Top Stories

  • TWings of Bravery
    Upon finding a mysterious door, Derpy and Carrot head to a place unknown to all. What they soon find out too late however, that their curiosity would soon put to risk not only their friends, but the entire fate of Equestria and the world around them.
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  • TStay With Me
    A brand new and strange creature has arrived upon the land of Equestria. Celestia takes the creature in and as time passes both find themselves drawn to each other as they complete the struggles of life together.
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  • T"From Whence I Once Came"
    When Cadance stumbles upon a book detailing of an ancient race of ponies, she believes a certain creature may have an answer for her and reveal to her the origins of a certain 'sappy' pony holiday.
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  • TThe Queen of Ashes
    Celestia stands amidst a field of slain and burnt bodies. Some of them belong to her. As she looks upon the fallen she must comes to term on exactly how much power she holds.
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