• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 44 minutes ago

Cosmic Cowboy

I'm a linguist. I like ambiguity more than most people.


Why You Should Read "The Skyla Pseudonym" by iisaw (if you haven't already...) - - - Top Shelf #4 · 1:24am Sep 8th, 2020

Thought this blog series was long dead? So did I!

Overall, my passion for this fandom has definitely cooled over the past few years, and even my enthusiasm for the endless possibilities of fanfiction has ebbed. Over this past year or so, I even started picking up real, non-pony books again (and finishing them!) in situations where I'd traditionally be reading a fanfic on my phone instead.

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Plug to End All Plugs · 7:39am Aug 7th, 2019

(Boy, does that conjure some strange mental images . . . .)

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Bargain Bin of Fic Ideas · 7:14pm Aug 7th, 2018

Since I'm mildly bored at the moment, here's a list of fic ideas I once had that never went anywhere. I'd be willing to try my hand at one if something gets overwhelming support, or even pass it on for someone else to write if anyone asks.

Enough intro, let's see these! (In no particular order.)

I actually still really like this idea. The reason I never made it past page 2 is that I'm honestly not clever enough to do it justice.

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Diving into EQG (Hubris ho!) - New Off-Site Project? · 4:32am Jun 20th, 2018

Here for you to overlook is the obligatory "I'm Alive!" comment to open up with.

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Dreams on "Star Trek: TOS" and "Ponyfinder" · 5:33pm Mar 6th, 2018

I'm back, batches. (Let your cookies come. They will all fall before me.) And boy do I have a doozie for you today.

So recently I've been marathoning Star Trek: the Original Series. I've also been playing in a campaign of Ponyfinder (ponified Dungeons & Dragons) for almost two years now. I've been meaning to do a blog post on that, in fact, but I've never gotten around to it. Anyway, both those things came to a head last night in another extended and detailed dream sequence.

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Dreams on "Game of Thrones" · 4:14pm Jul 20th, 2017

Hey all. Guess I'm still alive. Haven't been feeling much inclination to doing much on the site, but I'm still reading almost nothing but pony fanfics (re-reading, mostly). I am actually working on the next entry of Grammar for Real People, and a while ago I made a lot of progress sprucing up my plans for Minoan Crisis, as well as preparing for a large project I may or may not have hinted at in the past. Here's hoping any of those actually bear fruit anytime soon.

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Retcon · 8:56am Sep 6th, 2016

So a year or two ago I said in a blog that I would change my short bio every week, and I actually kept pretty close to that for a long time (if anybody noticed). But some of you (maybe) may have noticed that my current one ("I'm a linguist. I like ambiguity more than most people.") has been up for much longer than that.

This isn't so much out of laziness as simply not wanting to take down what is clearly my perfect short bio. I can't replace perfection like day-old bakery stock!

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I defy you to out-fate this one · 11:54pm Aug 3rd, 2016

I feel like the entire last six months of my life just culminated in this one thing. If this isn't the biggest coincidence of my young life, I must not have been paying attention.

It went something like this:

Step 1: Try to land internship with local publishing company, Future House.
->Step 2: Fail. :(
->Step 3: Am idle and poor.

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You know the "Let's eat, Grandma!" comma joke? · 5:53am Jul 15th, 2016

My new favorite is "Come on, guys!"
That is all.


Dreams on "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" · 1:29pm Apr 7th, 2016

Okay, here's a better dream for you. It's one day late and more about the graphic novel series I've been reading as a follow-up than Batman V Superman itself, but I'm pretty proud of it.

The actual dream was split up a couple times by me waking up briefly, and it didn't really have any story, but it still fascinates me as I lie here awake three hours before I need to be up. It's all coalesced into a dramatic intro, even.

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