• Member Since 1st Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen February 8th


I'm Canadian!


Grammer a Week 19: Short Answer Section · 7:07pm Apr 10th, 2016

This is Grammer a Week, the periodic blog program-thing where I soapbox about a grammar subject I find interesting. You might, too! This week's installment is a little different; as a sort of poor "apology" for not posting anything grammar-related for the last few weeks, here's a three-for-one! I'll be covering the predicate nominative, conjunctive adverb, and apostrophe use.

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Grammer a Week 18: Parenthetical Phrases · 9:46pm Mar 17th, 2016

This is Grammer a Week, the periodic blog program-thing where I soapbox about a grammar subject I find interesting. You might, too! This week's installment is about the parenthetical phrase. Chances are you've used this construction before. You might know it as an aside or an interruption in thought. Past merely defining it, this post will also be about the subtleties of the parenthetical phrase.

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Grammer a Week 17: Differences Between American and British English · 3:11pm Mar 10th, 2016

This is Grammer a Week, the periodic blog program-thing where I soapbox about a grammar subject I find interesting. You might, too! This week's installment is about the differences between American and British English. Just because we speak the same language doesn't mean there aren't a laundry-load of differences between our dialects. This post will cover some of the more interesting differences between the two.

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Grammer a Week 16: Oxford Commas · 3:01am Mar 3rd, 2016

This is Grammer a Week, the periodic blog program-thing where I soapbox about a grammar subject I find interesting. You might, too! This week's installment is about the Oxford comma. Also known as the serial comma, the Oxford comma is a subject of intense debate among grammarists. Not as vicious as, perhaps, the debate about single vs. double spacing, but it's still something you'll see people screaming

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A Statistical Summary of Fimfiction (Or The Scattered Remains of an Abandoned Study) · 5:25am Feb 27th, 2016

About one year ago, I had the exceptionally bright idea of taking a random sample of all stories published to Fimfiction at the time and attempt to find something significant to say about them. Whether by suggesting what genres get the most views, or what sells the most, or what stories this fandom was lacking. Come to think of it, I'm really not sure why I chose to begin such an endeavor in the first place. Probably because I thought it was fun (for a given definition of "fun").

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Grammer a Week 15: The Curious Case of "Pegasus" · 6:35pm Feb 23rd, 2016

This is Grammer a Week, the periodic blog program-thing where I soapbox about a grammar subject I find interesting. You might, too! This week's installment definitely errs more on the side of "interesting" than "useful" because I'm talking about the word "pegasus" today. What do you think the plural form of the word "pegasus" is? "Pegasuses"? "Pegasi"? That question is actually much harder to answer than you may think.

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Grammer a Week 14: Subjunctive Mood · 8:33pm Feb 14th, 2016

This is Grammer a Week, the periodic blog program-thing where I soapbox about a grammar subject I find interesting. You might, too! This week's installment is about the subjunctive mood. The obvious question to ask is "what is subjunctive?" Because if you were brought up in an American high school, like I was, you probably weren't aware there was such thing as a subjunctive until you learned it in French or Spanish class first. Il faut que vous sachiez le subjonctif!

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What the Hell Is the Author Doing? · 5:30am Feb 13th, 2016

Um. Hi, guys! It's been a while (like a very long while) since I last made a blog post on anything. I've posted a few stories in the interim, but socially, I've been rather quiet. I'm not one to make my blog posts like a Twitter feed, but I figure that some of you would like an update on what's been going on with me.

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Flarity "L" Series: Post-mortem · 2:00am Jun 10th, 2015

(Psst! If you were waiting for Lust to finish before starting to read, it's finished now!)

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Grammer a Week 13: Ellipses · 11:52pm May 15th, 2015

This is Grammer a Week, the periodic blog program-thing where I address a frequently broken grammar rule and tell you how to fix it. This week's installment is about the ellipsis. The ellipsis, otherwise known as the "dot-dot-dot," is a piece of punctuation that is very easily overused. It's powerful punctuation, undoubtedly, but only in moderation.

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