• Member Since 16th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen April 17th


I like to read, write, and create havoc. And to make jokes. And ponies. I really, really like ponies.

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Even More Stuff I Wanted to Write and No One Wants to Read (About Me)

Hello! My name is Breanne; feel free to call me that! Or AmblingAnarchy. Or Ambles. Or nothing. It is the internet after all.

If I were to rank the ponies, it would be something like this:

1. Applejack (who I want to be when I grow up)

2. Rarity (who I am most like)

3. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle (ABC order)

I'm currently a student at my local community college here in Christ's Corpse, Texas studying some useless prerequisite course rubbish and majoring in computer science.

Were I to rank the ships I like, it would look something like this:

1, Rarijack

2. Literally everything else (sorry)

I actually won a number of small writing awards back in high school, but those were all essays and non-fiction. I enjoy the writing process, but tend to be slow with fiction, especially stories.

On those rare occasions that I actually do force myself to write things, feel free to leave criticism. Or hate. Or money. You know, whatever feels appropriate. If you like my content, that's cool. It you don't like my content, that's cool. Either way, I'd never post anything that I wouldn't read myself.

Comments ( 29 )
  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29

1680578 Aweee. Thank you. That makes me super happy to hear!

1679793 Sure thing! I'm glad to watch anything you do...on Fimfiction. I swear I'm a normal, non-creeper human being!

Seriously though, love your work.

Thanks for the watch! :pinkiehappy:

1603085 For a quality piece such as All The Bitter Remains? Anytime!

Thanks for the fave. :raritywink:

  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29
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So I've Noticed Two Things... · 10:06pm Apr 23rd, 2015

1) There's been sort of a lull on Rarijack type stories for a while.

2) I don't have any completed stories.

I've decided to do nothing about either. Nah, just kidding. I published a one-shot Rarijack thing. It sucks. I suck. It's great. I'm great.

Report AmblingAnarchy · 261 views · Story: Going Out For Lunch ·