• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen April 16th

Dolphy Blue Drake

I used to not watch MLP much, but after reading fics on this site, I had to write my own. Today, I'm a passionate fan with few complete fics, but a firm desire to finish all of my fics.


Back In Action, Baby! New Fic and Great News! · 9:12pm Mar 24th, 2019

Okay, yes, it's been a while since my last blog post, hasn't it? Well, I've got good news for my followers: I'm assembling a new team of co-authors, supporting authors, editors, etc. who will help me get a lot of my old fics back off the ground, proving they weren't dead, just merely comatose. This is an extensive process, but in the meantime, I've got a new fic! Don't worry, this time, I have an outline already stretching from beginning to end, so the fic should reach completion.

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Delay of Chapter · 5:01pm Feb 11th, 2016

Chapter 5 of The Moon's Wrath is being delayed for the time being. I have cover art on the way courtesy of another user, and it should be ready either late today or early tomorrow. I'm holding off on posting Chapter 5 until the art is ready so that when I post, I'll get more views from people seeing the new cover art while it remains in the recently updated box.

I hope you all understand, for I really wish to get more people to read it.

Thank you,


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Info for my Newest Side Fic · 10:43pm Jan 20th, 2016

I've begun to post a crossover with my own personal work on Deviantart called Child of Water. The fic hasn't been approved at the initial point when I posted this entry, but I'm putting this blog up now, anyway. It's about time I introduced the figure in my avatar, for one thing, and introducing him means introducing the rest of his family! The work on DA is actually quite a bit behind when I planned

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Hiatus · 8:51pm Jan 9th, 2015

I'm putting every fic I have on hiatus for now. I have some major projects to accomplish outside of FiMFiction for my future. I want to make a living designing video games, so I need some examples to pad my portfolio. My future is very important to me, and though FiMFiction is as well, it's more of a hobby. I will update fics occasionally, but that will be very rare. The hiatus will last until my projects are nearing completion. I hope all of you can understand.

Report Dolphy Blue Drake · 342 views ·

Has it really been a year already? · 4:20am Jan 3rd, 2015

After lurking for several months, I joined this site on January second, 2014. Now it's been a year since that day, and what a year it's been. I started a bunch of fics that I've since developed writer's block for, I got roped into helping my cousin write a terrible story that I had to put down (the story could've been good, but we did it wrong. Horribly wrong), made some friends, earned a few followers, and wound up better than I was when I started, even if I didn't make much literary

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New Story Submitted · 12:10am Dec 23rd, 2014

Yeah, I know a lot of my followers just want to see the fics I already have continue, but to be honest, I'm having trouble with them. I've lost my creative spark with them, so I'm trying to regain it. In the meantime, I have a new story that will update from time to time. I hope you guys enjoy it. I'll tag the story once it's accepted.

Report Dolphy Blue Drake · 320 views ·

A bit of a start · 12:03am Dec 11th, 2014

Well, the hold on New Terra has been dropped, so I'll try to get it and my other fics updated soon, but I hit another roadblock. Now I'm very sick, and I can't think very well most of the time. I'll be attempting to provide more updates, but I can't say how soon they'll be. Please bear with me, and as soon as I get over whatever bug I have, I'll put forth as much effort as a clear mind can provide.

Report Dolphy Blue Drake · 312 views ·

All current fics on hold until further notice · 2:35am Nov 1st, 2014

I'm sorry, but my life's been really stressful lately, so I can't continue writing any of my five current fics at the moment. I've begun a sixth as a side project for the sole purpose of regaining my creativity. It may or may not get posted on FiMFiction, but for now, it's there for me to practice my writing skills and reignite the spent flames of my creativity into a raging inferno of ideas. For the editors of my fics, I plan to keep in touch with all of you, and I'll continue to attempt to

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Report Dolphy Blue Drake · 267 views ·

Back to square one. Sort of. · 11:42pm Sep 5th, 2014

Well, I've closed the Mister Citadel account, most likely forever, so I'll be working more exclusively on this account from now on. This means that new stories and updates to old stories will happen more often. In fact, I have another story in the works, and I'm working on the next chapter for each fic already up on this account. So, please be patient. Updates are coming.

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Report Dolphy Blue Drake · 493 views ·