• Member Since 21st Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen February 6th



I Guess I'm on TVTropes now · 8:19pm Dec 2nd, 2012

So apparently inspired by the revelation that it's not actually dead, one kind soul just let me know they had created the bare bones of a TVtropes page for Duel Nature and asked me for a list of tropes I wanted them to put on it. I'm wracking my brain trying to think of what I'd put on there. I know at least a couple people found the story through the link on the "Badass Boast" page, but I'm sure I can't come up with anything

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Report Eakin · 206 views ·

My Secret Fear is One Day I'll Accidentally Write a Terrible OC · 8:26pm Nov 5th, 2012

Really. One of the big advantages to writing fan fiction instead of the regular kind is that you have a cast of pre-assembled characters to work with. This creates its own set of challenges, of course. It can be difficult to tell the story you want to tell without pushing them into doing something OOC, something I've been guilty of doing in the past. But still it's generally easier than creating a brand new compelling character from nothing. Creating a new character in fan fiction also invites

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Hooray for Large Numbers that Happen to Appear Significant Only Because We Count in Base 10! · 5:27pm Sep 26th, 2012

So last night after I posted the latest chapter of Duel Nature, it passed 2000 unique views AND I hit 100 watchers. I just wanted to say thanks for reading my stuff and giving me all your feedback and support over the last couple of months. Grad school has been vacuuming away my free time, but I'm going to keep plodding away at writing whenever I have the time. My top priority is more Duel Nature, which I've plotted out through the end and just have to actually, you know, write. Second,

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Question: Does This Exist? · 8:15pm Aug 16th, 2012

Hey guys,

Random idea I just had, but probably not an original one. Are there any fics you know of that present Blueblood as the Bruce Wayne to some Canterlot superhero's Batman? Seemed like the kind of thing that would make for an amusing one-shot

Don't know if I'd ever actually have time to write it as I already have my hands full with Always Has Been and Duel Nature, but I was wondering if it had been done.

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I'm Not Dead! · 12:37am Aug 8th, 2012

Hey folks,

I've gotten a couple prods reminding me that it's been a solid 6 weeks since I updated Duel Nature, so many of you will be happy to hear that I finally got off of my flank and started writing again. I'm not putting an ETA on the next chapter, but I can promise that it will come out before the heat death of the universe. Probably.

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2nd Person is Never a Good Idea · 10:53pm Jun 25th, 2012

I don't blog. Don't think this is going to become a thing.

Also, the three four empty beer bottles beside me make me think that, if I DID start blogging, this would not be the right time to do so.

But screw that.

I look at the front page of FiMfiction.net reasonably often, and there are almost always stories that feature the second person as a storytelling device.


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