• Member Since 7th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 1st, 2017


I like to pretend I know what I'm doing, so that eventually I'll start to believe it.


You know what? I think I'm in the mood to write some more - How Many Ponies Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb. · 10:01pm Feb 14th, 2014

I officially get an F- at making blog posts. But hey! That's still two grades higher than what I get on math!

But yeah, more light bulb-ness coming soon. I'll be writing it when I'm not shoveling snow... four freaking feet of that crap.

Report TheSheepMaster · 388 views ·

What is the worst thing you have ever written? · 2:09pm Feb 12th, 2014

A long while - four months ago - I wrote The Box of Jack. The idea was that this pony dude - Axis West - would go around searching for evil spirits in boxes all over the world. He became Princess Luna's student in the first chapter. I was going to write more of this, but three downvotes were enough to make me change my mind.

The paragraphs


And apparently, it was really annoying.

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Report TheSheepMaster · 505 views ·

I suck - differently than you do · 4:50pm Feb 11th, 2014

I was just reading this amazingly funny story, and thinking to myself how much my writing paled in comparison to what I was reading and lol-ing at. And then I realized...

Huh. My writing sucks compared to this, because this isn't my writing, and I am not this writer. I'm not going to ever be a better that-writer than that writer is. My work will always be different. And people will like what I create for different reasons than the reasons I like what others have created. I am sure of this.

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Report TheSheepMaster · 485 views ·

What's that? Seven stories? · 9:57pm Feb 10th, 2014

Woo! The big seven! A number nobody really celebrates. Well why not? Seven is such an amazing number. Seven is the day of the month in which I was born. Seven is when I learned to ride a bike. Seven ate nine. Seven has swag, yo.

You've gotta admit - yes, you - that seven is a cool number.


Report TheSheepMaster · 500 views ·

Why do you write? · 8:20pm Feb 9th, 2014

I should write more 500-2k word blog posts, but I've found that I get far more views and comments when I ask a simple question. I'll post more fun, somewhat interesting (maybe) blog posts, but for now, why? Why do you continue to play this writing game? You tell me and I'll tell you.

I write because it is fun, and because I love reading, and because there are some brilliant writers and I want to be a brilliant writer some day.

Report TheSheepMaster · 466 views ·

What is your very favorite first sentence of a story, and your very favorite first sentence of a story that you have made? · 7:30pm Feb 8th, 2014

I'm not quite sure about my favorite first sentence of someone else's story, but my favorite of my own is this:
Rarity jumped off the edge of the world, and the musician followed her.

What do you think?

Report TheSheepMaster · 392 views ·

I've lost three followers in the last two days. Is this normal? · 4:08am Feb 8th, 2014

I do write weird stuff, so that could be part of it, but I find it kinda strange that I've just been unfollowed thrice. I have been followed by two other people during that time, but still, I'm missing a follower. Some people disliked my content enough to stop following me. What have I done!?

Nah, I'm just kidding. I don't really care. Much.

Report TheSheepMaster · 353 views ·

New story crashed and burned. (Ish) · 9:41pm Feb 6th, 2014

Meh. It was bound to happen eventually. I was going to write some complete crap and have to learn from it. I guess I'll just do something different next time. Maybe something serious.

See ya, peeps. I'm off to write.

Report TheSheepMaster · 444 views ·

I'm a persistent little bugger. · 1:01pm Feb 6th, 2014

And that, my friends, is why I'm doing half decent. I'm not always persistent, but I try to be. I want people to look at my stories and be like - "This stuff is total crap, but he will get better." More glorious to me than the idea of being the best, is the idea of being the worst that there could be, and after a lot of hard work and practice, becoming the best that I can be.

One of my goals in life is to be known as a persistent little bugger. Persistence is key.

Report TheSheepMaster · 563 views ·

Peeps be makin' me artz. · 7:53pm Feb 5th, 2014

And I must say, this is quite good.

Nah, actually, that's pretty flipping awesome. I highly suggest you go and check out Mondai Shunketsu. This dude can flipping draw.

Report TheSheepMaster · 465 views ·