unicorn destiny: equestria is magical.

by Shinka24

First published

A man who was in a devastated world reborn in equestria, what will he do in these world?

He was just a man, who lost everything, but in the cold hug of death, a second chance is given to him and now he will make sure to enjoy it, while evading isekai tropes.


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Good morning/afternoon/evening, today I bring you a new saga for the My Little Pony fandom.

This story is strongly inspired by the fic: "A Journey Beyond Sanity," which is one of my favorites. I don't know what happened to the author of that story; I hope he's okay. But his story inspired me to create this one.



This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans with the purpose of improving in the art of writing. This story can and most likely will have spelling errors. Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated. This story is not going to be a HIE or G5; it will be tinged with the G4 story, MLP: FIM.
Disclaimer: I don’t own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (I wish), all the rights go to her creator, Lauren Faust, I only own the oc’s.

New diary, day XX/XX/XXXX.

Hi there, writing this new diary because I lost all my other ones in that last attack. I want to keep track of what's happening, just in case someone finds this after I'm gone.

My name? Well, it's not really important anymore. I hardly use it, so I can't even remember what it was.

You might be wondering why I'm jotting all this down. Well, let me take you back a bit.

Back then, I was just your average Teenager—going to college, hanging out with friends, watching internet videos, you know, the usual stuff.

The news was buzzing about potential wars between countries, but nobody really took it seriously.

That all changed when they dropped the first nuke right in downtown Manhattan.

After that, chaos erupted big time. Powerful folks started launching nukes left and right, turning major cities into ghost towns.

And just like that, chaos took over.

Devastation spread like wildfire, wiping out everything in its path. Bustling cities turned into rubble, with only the wind and the cries of survivors left behind.

But the war didn't last long.

People realized there wasn't much left to fight for once the dust settled.

Communities sprang up to shelter the few still standing. But the fights didn't stop there.

People got greedy, wanting more, though nobody really knew what "more" even meant.

Communities boomed and busted, torn apart by fights from within and without.

I bounced around from one community to another, searching for some kind of home, trying not to feel so alone.

Till I couldn't take it anymore.

Seeing communities fall apart from human greed got to me. The world seemed messed up to its core.

So, I decided to step back, find some solitude.

Found refuge in one of the cities fried by radiation. At that point, I didn't care if it got me too. This world was in a sorry state anyway.

Survival became my main gig, relying on what I learned from those communities—growing crops, rationing out what little water and food I had.

Kept myself busy, you know?

Things were okay for a bit.

Till those bandits came along, wrecked my place, and sent me running with just the shirt on my back. Lost everything again.

But the memories of my loved ones? That's what keeps me going. I have to honor them, no matter what.

Recently, I managed to find my old house, and now I'm trying to rebuild my life here, even if it's just for the nostalgia that remains. It's a daunting task, but I know I must carry on. Not just for myself, but because I promised my mother before she passed away. Her memory and her wish to see me move forward drive me to fight every day, even when everything seems to be against me.

End of the new diary.

The book being written was closed and placed gently on the desk. The person, an adult in his thirties, got up from the desk in his room to prepare for a new day.

He was a tall, slim man, standing at about 1.72 meters, with long hair and a scruffy beard. He wore worn-out clothes as he headed to the bathroom to freshen up. After taking the best shower he could manage, he looked at himself in the broken bathroom mirror, studying his reflection as if he hadn't seen one in a long time.

After pondering for a while, he shrugged and told himself, "I'll have to figure out how to cut my hair." But then, an intrusive thought crept into his mind: Is it really worth it?

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he gave himself a few pats on the face and affirmed, looking at his reflection in the mirror, "Yes, it's worth it."

He left the bathroom and headed to the kitchen, where he found an apple, the only food he had at that moment. He quickly devoured it before going outside to check on his crops.

Since the war ended, communities had started raising animals to try to lead a more normal life. However, having spent a lot of time alone, he hadn't been able to find any animals. That's why he had survived on a diet of vegetables and fruits.

The lack of proper nutrition had weakened his body more than usual, making his bones more fragile. He inspected his crops, making sure they didn't have sick roots or were infested with pests.

His routine continued until his sharp ears picked up the sound of approaching footsteps.

Turning around, he saw some men coming towards him, armed with firearms.

"Assault rifles," he immediately noticed, as in his old community, the citadel, the scouts used assault rifles to protect themselves from any bandits they might encounter.

"Looks like they're from a community," thought the man as he raised his hands in surrender. He had no means of defending himself; he had always been more of a cultivator than a warrior, and he had never participated in the war that had destroyed the world.

Anxious, the man watched them as they continued to approach with their weapons raised. "Gentlemen, is there anything I can help you with?" he began, but his sentence was abruptly cut short as he was immediately shot by the armed men.

As he fell to the ground, he could hear the men speaking: "Quick, search the house for any valuables," one scout said to another, before footsteps faded into the distance.

"How rude," was the man's last coherent thought before darkness consumed him.

Speculation about what comes after death has always been a hot topic. Some envision heavenly bliss, others dread eternal suffering, and then there are those who think there's some sort of continuation beyond the grave. But for me, it's a bit different.

Instead of the expected heaven or hell scenario, I'm stuck in this weird void. It's like floating in a bottomless pit of darkness, with nothing but my own thoughts to keep me company.

Seriously, is this it? Afterlife just turns out to be a bleak, empty void? It's almost laughable... Even in death, I can't catch a break and be with my loved ones. Talk about irony.

So, what's the deal now? Am I doomed to float around in this void for all eternity?

As I reflect upon myself, a luminous white light in the background catches my attention, drawing nearer with each passing moment.

What could this radiant glow signify?

Push harder!

As I observe its approach, faint echoes of voices reach my ears.

Your foal is almost here, just a little more effort!

The closer I draw to the light, the clearer the voices become.

Indeed, I could swear I heard them speak of a foal, a curious yet perplexing notion.

Feel the magic within you and channel it toward your foal.

Magic? Wait... am I undergoing reincarnation or something akin to an isekai concept in a world of enchantment?


Though I remain puzzled by the persistent mention of the term "foal." While typically associated with young horses, I'm quite certain it doesn't apply to me, a human, does it?

...does it?

Suddenly, the luminosity envelops me, and a kaleidoscope of colors fills my vision.

"Congratulations, it's a male foal!" booms a voice, jolting my sensitive ears and coaxing me to open my eyes.

Only to be met by the sight of a pristine white ceiling.

So, I find myself in a hospital room.

...wait, foal again...

Oh no.

Without warning, the doctor repositions me into the "arms" of my new mother, which is a Unicorn with crystalline white fur, like freshly fallen snow with a white mane and tail with blue highlights and light blue eyes.


Perhaps this isn't so dreadful after all.

At least they're not anthropomorphic ponies, and thankfully, I've avoided the EQG realm, which is already a relief.

Then, to my surprise, my newfound mother casts an anxious gaze upon me.

What now?

"Doctor is it typical for my foal not to cry after birth?" inquires my new mother, her eyes fixed upon the doctor, a stoic orange earth pony with a fiery red mane and tail, clad in medical attire, who now directs his attention toward me.

Uh oh.

The doctor, meeting my gaze, offers my new mother a reassuring response, "Do not fret, Miss Crystal Frost, it's not uncommon for a foal to delay its first cry at birth, but if you wish, we can conduct a swift examination to ensure his well-being."

Wait, my new mother's name is Crystal Frost? No, wait, more importantly, that wasn't the most tactful response, doc, judging by the concern evident in her azure gaze.

"Please proceed as you deem necessary, doctor," my new mother replies, her palpable concern evident, prompting a nod of affirmation from the doctor.

Oh no, what is the doctor planning to do to me? Ah, why can't I simply cry to expedite this ordeal!

Come on, focus, focus, focus, focus!

Why am I suddenly feeling so overwhelmed?

I distinctly recall feeling rather detached emotionally a moment ago.

This is perplexing.

Ah! Cease with the blinding light, you [Beep] doctor!

Wait, what?





[Beep], [Beep], [Beep], [Beep]!

No! I'm unable to curse now.


"There you go!"

"You did it, doctor!"

Ah, [Beep] my life.

After that... incident at the hospital, my new mother rested in bed while the doctor took me to another room for medical check-ups. Should I feel embarrassed by this new experience? Honestly, no. Now, I'm just a baby—or a foal, if you prefer that term. Besides, I know it's a standard procedure for newborns, something I learned from one of the few doctors I encountered in the communities.

And strangely enough, it brought me a sense of comfort and solace. It's been so long since I've been in a hospital or around doctors, even if they aren't human. It made me cry again.

Goodness, why am I so sensitive? Hormones, perhaps?

Eventually, I was taken to a quiet room with other newborn foals and settled into a crib. Finally, some time to myself. A chance to reflect on my new situation. And honestly, I didn't know how to feel.

On one hand, I couldn't be with my loved ones after I passed away. On the other hand, I've been given a second chance at life, in a happier world than the one I left behind. It's all a bit overwhelming, and my tear ducts seem to agree.

Seriously, why the [Beep] am I so sensitive?

It's been years since my feelings had been numb.

It feels weird to feel again and as strongly as I do now.

And why do my curses sound... different? Is it Equestrian magic? Cartoon logic? Discord's influence? I honestly have no clue. And I don't like it.

Either way, I have to decide what to do.

If I judge the fact that I was reincarnated into a possible isekai trope in MLP that, thank goodness, they're not anthropomorphic nor are they EQG's so I'm fine with this.

Now, if I follow the isekai trope that is usually done in this type of situation, I will most likely get involved with the main characters of this series by being a seventh element of harmony pulled out of my ass or because I want to go home.

But I don't want to go back to my world in devastation, I have nothing left there, and god forbid If I become the [Beep]Ing seventh element of harmony.

So, to make sure I'm not, I have to stay away from the main characters.

Shouldn't be that hard right?

"Sweetheart, we're back!"

"Welcome home!"

I remained silent as my parents exchanged affectionate gestures; my gaze fixed on my father. Specifically, on the gleaming golden armor adorning him.

...well, [Beep].

That would be it for the first chapter.


Chapter 1: Thing happened, a lot.

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Hi, I hope you enjoyed the previous chapter.

This new story just got into my brain and doesn't want to come out.

I don't know if I'm going to do it right but here it is.


This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans for the purpose of improving in the art of writing.

This story may and most likely will have spelling mistakes.

Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated.

This story is not going to be a HIE or G5, it will be tinged to the G4 story, MLP: FIM.

Disclaimer: I don’t own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (I wish), all the rights go to her creator, Lauren Faust, I only own the oc’s.

It's a beautiful day outside, the birds are singing and the ponies are spending their time outside.

And I'm cooped up in my little room while I'm reading a book.

It's been quite some time, a few years in fact, since I came to the realization that my mission to avoid the plot to avoid become into a [Beep] harmony element was going to be more difficult than I originally imagined.

Some of you may already know why but let me just state the obvious as to why it will be more difficult.

My father is a royal guard.

What does that have to do with anything, you may ask? Well, it's simple. It means I'm in Canterlot, or Cancelot, or whatever how does it his name, which puts me close to one of my favorite characters, Twilight Sparkle.

And the fact that my father is a member of the guard will mean that he will eventually meet Shining Armor when he joins the army and/or get intimate with Princess Celestia.

Now, that doesn't mean that my father is close to the Princess by any stretch of the imagination, but considering how isekai tropes work, he might as well be.

That could mean that I might have to get to know Twilight Sparkle because of the connections my family has.

While that should make me happy, as I'll get to meet one of my favorite characters in the franchise, it also ends with the fact that I have to stay away from the holders of the elements of harmony.

So, to that end, I have a mission to accomplish.

Main mission: Avoid Twilight Sparkle at any cost possible.

Why Twilight? Because it is impossible for me to avoid Princess Celestia, considering that my father is a [Beep]Ing royal guard and she is the ruler of Equestria, it will be impossible for me to avoid her, so I must only avoid her student to avoid the plot and not be a holder of a non-existent element of harmony.

Platinum Breeze, your wit is truly remarkable.

...Hmm, oh yeah, that's right, there are things that happened during these time that I haven't counted, so let me give a quick recount.

After my parents stopped giving each other cuddles, my mom introduced me to my dad with this name, Platinum Breeze, so that must be my new name.

My father is a unicorn named Bright Shield, he is a tall and pretty strong unicorn if his arms, I mean his paws, his skin or whatever is silver with blue sparkles, he has a crimson red mane with silver highlights.

Oh, and he has a cutie mark of a bright blue shield with some sparkles, my mother is from a plate of food that looked like spaghetti.

He also has something that surprised me a bit, he has a large scar on her side, it doesn't look deep according to my little medical knowledge but it did surprise me.

Isn't My Little Pony a children's show? I thought no one here could be seriously injured, at least not enough to have a scar as big as that.

The truth is, it shocked me so much that, for some reason, I started crying.

Seriously, these emotions of mine are a mess.

Is it because of my new body or what the [Beep]?

I don't even know anymore.

Anyway, the days went by fast with only a few incidents.

The first incident, seemingly insignificant at first glance, was the moment I caught sight of myself in the mirror.

I know, shocking, right?

Incredible that I had not even asked myself how I looked until I saw myself in a mirror.

Although it is also true that I, in the start, spent most of my time sleeping that I forgot to ask myself what I looked like.

My new form is a small silver-white unicorn, my mane and tail are violet and my eyes are turquoise.

I was fascinated with my new appearance and couldn't thank god or whoever that I wasn't in an anthropomorphic world.

Some people will be annoyed that I keep emphasizing that, along with the fact that I'm thankful I'm not in EQG, but I have my reasons.

Well, moving on to the second incident, is that I was able to use magic.

Or something like that.

You see, it was an ordinary day and my parents had woken me up for lunch, or well rather it was the babysitter they hired since my parents went to work, my father to his shift as a guard and my mother downstairs.

You see, the house we live in is a 2-story house, where downstairs was my mother's business.

Or at least I think so, because always before I go to sleep, I see my mother go downstairs and I always hear voices of other ponies downstairs.

Anyway, because my parents couldn't take care of me 24 hours a day, they hired a nanny to take care of me, which annoyed me a little but I was understanding considering I was a baby or a foal or whatever.

My nanny was a lime green earth pony, with a light pink mane and a cutie mark that I don't remember because I didn't pay much attention to it.

So, there I was, reluctantly awake for my new nanny to feed me, only for her to decide to play some game with me by refusing to give me my food.

It seems she decided to have a bit of fun by pretending my food was an airplane, but it took longer than expected to serve it to me, leaving me quite upset.

So, you must imagine my annoyance at the whole situation and with my emotions out of control as they were, I tried to take it from him by force but obviously I couldn't, I was or rather am a colt I couldn't even reach him, so I could only give him a look or a pout as I imagined taking the spoon from him.

So, imagine my surprise when the spoon flew from her paw to my mouth in an instant, I looked at her annoyed only to realize that it wasn't her who did it, if we rely on her surprised Pikachu's face to give us an idea.

After that she went back to feeding me and put me to bed in my crib and then ran to my excited mother for some reason.

I mean, I'm a unicorn, me using magic shouldn't be surprising, even if I'm only a few days old, or will it be a month, month and a half? I really have no idea because my sense of time is atrophied but it must not have been long even though I already have my teeth, baby teeth but teeth, nonetheless.

And then, time passed again, a few days later the second incident, my parents happily for some reason decided to stay and play with me all day, apparently, they had both decided to take the day off to spend time with me.

Which was nice of them but unnecessary, considering I could already walk and talk.

Oh, I didn't mention that did I? Well yeah, it looks like the ponies can learn to talk and walk after a short period of time

Do you know how hard it was for me to get used to walking like a quadruped? Because it was hard the first few days.

So, it seems like ponies develop pretty fast, or maybe my sense of time is just all mixed up. It didn't take me more than a few days to learn how to walk and talk, thankfully since the language of this world is still English.

Let's not talk about writing though, that took me much longer than I would like.

And even if I left to use diapers, it shouldn't be so much time after I was reborn in this world, so I must not be too old, right?

At first, I thought that.

Then, we played for a while or something, if you can call throwing balls at each other a game but it was quite entertaining.

What wasn't any fun was feeling like I was being put through a test. They kept tossing the ball just out of my reach, knowing I couldn't reach it because of my size. Then, when it got stuck in a tree at Canterlot Park—finally found out the name of the city—they looked at me like they were waiting for me to do something before using their magic to get it down. Their expressions seemed kind of disappointed.

Did they expect me to use magic?

I had tried, after the second incident, but so far, I couldn't replicate what I did that day with the babysitter. Like, something were missing.

Then, in a moment the ball was trapped in the tree again, and I was overcome with a strong sense of anger.

In my fury, I managed to summon a flash of my magic to push the ball, enough for it to come out of the tree and hit me in the head.

My folks were totally surprised but also super excited. They hugged me tight and said things like, 'Wow, at just 1.5 years old and already doing magic! How awesome!' 'That's our little champ!' and stuff like that.

Which made me realize that my sense of time was really out of whack. I spent a year and a half living in this world, and I didn't realize until they told it.

It's not like they forgot about my birthday, cause we've celebrated it before. But lately, we've been having so many parties for various reasons. Out of all those parties, only three were just for me, and I didn't even know which one was my actual birthday.

So, I suppose my sense of time was a bit... off, if you catch my drift.

Ever since then, they've been teaching me all sorts of stuff, and I've been soaking up all the magic knowledge like a sponge.

I founded the magic really fascinating and more so how they used it in this world.

In a nutshell, every critter in this realm can use magic, or so Starswirl the Bearded says in his book, Magic 101. And yup, I also read his books, his knowledge is fascinating.

Anyway, as I was saying, all the critter of this realm can use magic but in different ways and different uses.

But ponies are the creatures that have the deepest connection to magic.

Or so say the book.

Earth ponies have magic circulating through their bodies all the time, making their bodies stronger and more resilient than other ponies.

Pegasus ponies have their magic concentrated in their wings, making it possible for them to fly and being able to interact with the weather.

And last but not least, unicorn ponies are one of the ponies with the strongest magical connection of the 3 groups, being able to channel it through their horn, being this the main channeler of unicorn magic.

Unicorns use magic as if it were their own life support, making them able to improve themselves with magic but also wearing out their body if they use too much magic.

There are records of unicorns who became unable to use magic by exceeding their set limit to magic use, losing their horn in the process.

As I mentioned earlier, I've been totally enchanted by magic ever since, and I've been practicing it non-stop. They even sent me to a sort of magic elementary school here in Canterlot. But now, I'm almost done with school, and my folks are thinking about sending me to a different school, one that's more suited to my magical talents.

I'm not bothered by it, though, cause like I said, I'm completely fascinated by magic. In fact, my cutie mark is all about it! It's an open book with sparkles bursting out, symbolizing my passion for learning magic.

But you know, I've never quite understood why cutie marks even exist. Sure, it's kinda cute how they reflect a pony's aspirations on their flank, but what bugs me is how it seems to dictate a pony's destiny.

Why does everyone make such a big deal about a little mark on their flank? Does that mark really have the power to shape our destiny? Personally, I think we shouldn't let a symbol define who we are or what we'll become. Instead, it should be more like a compass, guiding us toward what we're passionate about and what brings us joy.

I remember spending countless hours immersed in My Little Pony, captivated by its world. But I could never quite grasp why some ponies were so fixated on finding their 'cutie mark.' Was it really that crucial? Could a simple picture on their flank really chart the course of their lives?

To me, the true beauty of life lies in discovering what you love and what you want to pursue, not letting a mark on your flank dictate your path.

Anyway, right now, I am currently 5 years old, and I would like to say that I now have stable control over myself.

Immersing myself in the study of magic became much more than just an exploration of skills. I discovered a calmness in that path that surpassed any expectations I might have had. Not only did it offer me structure and stability in my day-to-day life, but it also became a way to take control over the life I had lost in my old world, what I lost I graciously regained through study.

The unconditional support of my new parents, combined with the deep sense of purpose I found in magic, gave me an emotional stability that had previously eluded me. It seemed that the trauma that my old life had generated was slowly fading away, it was not only the hormones of being a newborn baby in this world but also because inside me I felt lost in this new world.

And yes, I also discovered a personal "sleep" ritual, although I prefer to call it a vague attempt at meditation. In those moments, I would let my mind wander and clear, immersing myself in a state of serenity that allowed me to recharge my batteries and return to face the challenges of everyday life with renewed vigor.

I also managed to reestablish my concept of time, it only took me another year and a half to establish a normality in the passage of time around me.

And most of all, I haven't had any contact with Twilight Sparkle in all my time here, even when I had my brief moment of panic when we went to see Princess Celestia's sunrise day, which was amazing, I can see why these ponies like the show.

Anyway, if I continue like this, I can keep the isekai trope from kicking in and manage to get on with my life as a would-be scholar of magic.

Nothing can go wrong now!

Everything can go wrong now!



Whew, sorry, I just had a bit of a meltdown recently.

You see, shortly after I ended up invoking karma, my parents showed up telling me that they enrolled me in Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, which didn't bother me at all, as the school is a prestigious school that any unicorn would be honored to get into and I'd be a fool to avoid getting into.

Turns out, Twilight and I both ended up enrolling in the same school on the very same day. Talk about coincidence, huh?

On the bright side, I got here first.

But on the downside, my parents are all buddy-buddy with Twilight's folks.

Then again, Twilight seems pretty jittery, so we haven't exchanged a single word. Good news for me, at least—I haven't failed my mission yet, I can still be not part of the plot.

If all goes well, then I'll just have to go in, pass the test and go home to celebrate.

Piece of cake right.

Haha... nope.

"Participant number 25, Platinum Breeze, please come to the room."

My ears perked up at the sound of my name and I eagerly rose from my seat, heading straight to the room for my practical test.

You see, to get into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns you have to pass two tests, one theoretical and one practical, which test your skill and knowledge in magic.

The theory test wasn't too tough, especially since I've been studying magic for more than half of my life in this realm. So, acing it was a piece of cake.

The practical exam is a completely different experience. It can cover a wide range of challenges, from levitating heavy objects to hatching an egg to demonstrating elemental skills.

In short, it could be any test that demonstrates your magical ability.

Once inside the room and in front of the jury, I gave them my best smile. Suddenly, several ponies entered carrying various objects, each with the same sign in front of them.

Apparently, the test involved performing magic elements in sequence; they wanted the objects to feel the different elemental magic one after the other: fire, wind, water, and earth.

"Alright, Mr. Breeze, you may begin!" announced one of the mare judges.

With a determined gaze, I focused on the four objects surrounding me.

Elemental magic is somewhat unique and the best way to describe it is that it depends on several factors.

First, concentrate on the target.

Second, mentally visualize the target.

Third, mentally repeat some incantation of the spell you are going to use, because spells have incantations so they can be used correctly.

Not all spells have them, like levitation and other magics just require having in your mind the image of what do you want it to do, but elemental magic and other magics like this required a incantation to be able to use it.

Four, you have to really be concentrated, get all the juice you have inside you to make the magic work and do what you want it to do, one wrong step and the spell will go out of control.

Once I performed the first 3 factors, I concentrated hard on the four objects around me, I could feel my horn glowing brightly, a sign that I was using my magic.

In a moment, the 4 objects ignited into controlled wood fire, only to be extinguished by the water summoned below, shaken by the wind and finally collapsed by the earth energy I imbued upon them.

As the spell concluded, I eased off my concentration, letting my magic settle. Glancing at the judges, I noticed them jotting down notes. They exchanged nods before one of the esteemed judges addressed me.

"Considering the magical prowess, you've showcased today, along with your performance in the theory test, we're delighted to extend an invitation to join our esteemed school. Congratulations, young talent!" he beamed warmly.


I couldn't contain my excitement, so I started bouncing up and down with joy. I caught sight of my adoptive parents, who were beaming proudly, and rushed over to give them a big hug. Though they may not be my first biological parents, I've grown quite attached to them, thanks to a bit of Stockholm syndrome. Plus, they've been incredibly supportive of my magic studies, even getting me loads of books to help me learn.

As we were getting ready to leave, my dad asked the judges something. They just shrugged and let him do whatever he pleased. Turns out, he wanted to stick around to watch young Twilight's test.

Once again, it seemed my parents had formed a fast friendship with Twilight's folks in the brief time they'd chatted. Maybe they knew each other from before, since they just called them "dad's friends," and that was enough for them to want to support their friend's daughter, for whatever reason.

I didn't quite get why the judges let them stay, but my protests went unheard. Before long, the Sparkle family arrived, and the nervous Twilight began her test—hatching a baby dragon egg.

How they managed to get one, is beyond my knowledge.

The test itself is super tough, not impossible, but definitely challenging, especially for a young filly like Twilight.

You see, hatching a dragon egg is kind of like using a time machine. You have to speed up the egg's time until it's ready to hatch.

Well, it is the same thing to hatch eggs in general but one doesn't know how much time an egg has left to hatch and if you past that time the spell don't work.

And dragon eggs take quite a while to hatch.

Now let's see how it solves it the young Twilight.

…okay, no offense to Twilight, but what followed was a sad demonstration of magic as she couldn't even summon her magic to attempt the spell, which was surprising.

Wasn't she the element of magic? How on earth did she move on to that if she currently couldn't even summon her magic.

I mean, it was pretty sad to see, but it left me perplexed.

Maybe she's just too jittery to harness her magic? Emotions do play a crucial part in spellcasting, after all.

After numerous tries, the young filly slumped in defeat, wearing a crestfallen expression as she murmured, "I'm sorry for wasting your time." It tugged at my heartstrings, and I almost went over to comfort her when suddenly...


There was a resounding boom, and it seemed to trigger something in Twilight. Suddenly, her horn lit up brightly, and the spell she'd been struggling with shot out towards the egg, causing it to hatch right before our eyes.

But it also made her magic go out of control, as with a small scream, she began to levitate and cast spells everywhere.

From one moment to the next, the judges were levitating above the air, her parents were turned into plants and the young newborn dragon had a growth spurt.

The only grace that saved us from suffering from one of Twilight's spells was my father's quick thinking, which protected us with a shield that made us unable to be hit by her magic.

But now, that led to a conundrum, how do we stop the out-of-control filly?

I couldn't do anything, obviously and neither could my parents, my mother is not an expert in magic and my father is holding the shield.

So how do we...?

Ah, that's how.

The solution was that a wild Celestia suddenly appeared and somehow managed to calm Twilight down.

Seriously, all it took was for her to put her paw on her, give her a look, and wham, Twilight calmed down.

Princess Celestia, please teach me your tricks.

Afterward, everypony who had been affected by the spells returned to their usual selves, suggesting that the spells' effects were only temporary.

And then they started talking.

Turns out, the Princess recognized Twilight's extraordinary magical potential and raw talent, something you wouldn't typically expect from a young filly. This led the Princess to take Twilight under her wing as her ward.

Which made her obviously accept, be overjoyed and get her cutie mark in the process.

Which made her jump for joy again, this time in circles around the princess.

After a while, she settled down, and Princess Celestia took her leave. My folks then went over to hers, inviting them to join us for a celebration at my mom's restaurant, right downstairs in our house, which she runs. They gladly agreed to join.

So, we went to celebrate.

After a while, the celebration was over, Twilight's family left while I became friends with Twilight.

Currently, I was in my room banging my head against my desk.

Main mission: Avoid Twilight Sparkle at all costs: Failed.

How did I just fail my main mission in the second chapter? How?!

Seriously, it feels like the universe is against me.

As if I just want to prove that I can't avoid my fate.

Well, [Beep] you!

If I can't avoid becoming your friend, then I'll just go on with my life, I won't [Beep] care what happens from now on.

From now on my main mission will be:

Main mission: Live your life.

I will not let you gain destiny; I will live my life no matter what you put in my way,

I will not become a [Beep]Ing Element of Harmony.

That at least I can hope to achieve.

Hi, I hope you liked the second chapter.

See you.

Chapter 2: Schooldays

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Hi, I hope you enjoyed the previous chapters.

Any mistake or doubt you may have, don't hesitate to comment, after all I'm still a novice writer.

Without further ado, let's get to the next chapter.

This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans with the purpose of improving in the art of writing.

This story may and most likely will have spelling mistakes.

Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated.

This story is not going to be a HIE or G5, it will be tinged to the G4 story, MLP: FIM.

Disclaimer: I don't own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (I wish), all the rights go to her creator, Lauren Faust, I only own the oc's.

Today was a new day.

The sun was up and the ponies were out doing their business.

As I trotted towards my first day of school, I reflected on the events of the past few days. It had only been about three days since the Celestia School entrance exam, which was held on a Friday, and now it was time for me to go to the school.

Some might argue that three days is not enough time for a student to prepare for school entrance, and in a normal scenario, they would be correct. However, I must remind you that we are not in the Earth anymore; things here are a bit different.

First and foremost, in Equestria, the age of graduation and transition to adulthood for a foal is 16 years old. After reaching this milestone, a pony is considered independent and free to carve out their own path in life.

Secondly, the government provides school supplies for those students whose parents are unable to obtain them, or if Princess Celestia so chooses. Since it is her school, Celestia is in charge of providing the necessary resources for the students.

Books, backpacks and everything necessary for the pony to comfortably attend school are included. However, in this world, clothing is not necessary for ponies, unless it is for special occasions or simply for personal taste. Although it may seem curious, there is a logic to it.

Unlike humans, ponies have fur that keeps them warm on normal days. Only on cold winter days do they resort to certain garments or magic to keep warm.

At the beginning, it felt a bit strange for me, but I soon got used to it. Since it was a daily occurrence, I learned to embrace my lack of clothing. Although, sometimes, I would wear a garment just for old times' sake.

Today, I decided to dress a bit fancier for school. My "uniform" is a stylish cape that drapes over my shoulders and down to my stomach, complete with handy pockets for storing bits and school supplies.

I also brought along my backpack, though it's more like a shoulder bag that hangs comfortably at my side. It's spacious enough to hold all my school essentials without being too bulky.

Sometimes, I find myself wishing for a magical bag with infinite storage. Unfortunately, in Equestria, that's not possible. Or if it is, those artifacts are probably locked away. There isn't much information about them, though.

Space magic is a rarity in Equestria. While there are various types of magic, such as musical, elemental, compact, and even time magic, space magic is practically non-existent, or perhaps considered forbidden magic. Despite my best efforts to search spell books, I have not found any information about space magic.

It's likely an incredibly difficult magic to perform, as only high-level unicorn ponies can perform time, cloning, or physical alteration spells.

Anyway, I was currently trotting to school, which wasn't too far away. The school itself was located in the center of town, with accessible routes so you could take shortcuts if you were running late or just wanted to arrive early.

For the first time, I was thrilled to trot off to school! Well, it wasn't my very first-time attending school since I arrived here in Equestria, but it was the first time I was heading to a school I truly wanted to attend.

In my previous life, I started studying engineering in auto mechanics, but I lost interest due to a pandemic and dropped out. Later, when face-to-face classes resumed, I switched to accounting. It wasn't a bad career, but it wasn't my true passion.

Upon beginning my schooling in Equestria, I discovered that the classes were somewhat dull. As a human reincarnated into a pony with knowledge beyond my years, the lessons designed for foals failed to engage me. What truly sparked my interest was the opportunity to practice magic, yet such occasions were rare, particularly since not all of my classmates were unicorns like myself.

Now, I have a deep interest in the main subject of this school: magic! And with some prior knowledge about the subject, I feel at least somewhat prepared for what lies ahead.

Actually, although some might assume that with 5 years of experience in this place and about to turn 6, I should be a master of magic, that's not so simple.

Why, may you ask? The answer is quite simple, the books I have access to.

It should be pretty obvious, but I'll still say it: no one would think to expect a foal to read those super difficult books on magic and understand them. Most of the books I was given were for foals, full of pictures or very basic information, and sometimes they even contradicted each other.

I would often tag along with my father, seeking his help to decipher the mysterious language of the books. Even he was taken aback by how some seemed to underestimate the intelligence of foals. It's as if the authors believed little ones couldn't grasp complex concepts.

Certainly, it bothered me. Sometimes, I'd even toss the book I was reading against the wall out of pure frustration. But usually, I found solace in a soothing cup of tea to calm my nerves.

I discovered a certain tranquility in sipping tea when I'm feeling upset. There's something about the warmth and comforting aroma that helps soothe my troubled mind. It's like a gentle hug in a cup, wrapping me in a sense of peace and serenity.

Is kinda weird but so are the things now.

So yeah, I'm really glad I came to this school.

And having finished my internal monologue, I have already arrived at the school.

To my surprise, though somehow not so surprising, I see Princess Celestia standing at the door, greeting all the students who are arriving at the school.

She certainly has a lot of time on her hooves, that mare.

As I approach the door, Princess Celestia greets me with a gentle smile. "Welcome to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, young Platinum Breeze! We are delighted to have you join us."

I must have had a rather puzzled look on my face because she chuckled softly before continuing, "Yes, I remember you, little one. You were present during my new protégé's tryout, and you're also the son of one of my unicorn guards."

Ah, it all makes sense now.

Not really but I will go out with that.

Nodding to myself, I return the princess's salute and wander into the classrooms.

She's probably waiting for Twilight to arrive, although knowing how enthusiastic the little filly is, one would imagine she'd be the first one here.

Where is she?

Meh, she's probably not too far from here anyway.

Anyway, I just got to class and settled into my seat.

Let's see what the 1st day at this prestigious school is like.

...honestly, I know I shouldn't be surprised.

I understand that we're just foals and it's just the 1st day and all, but I thought, considering this is such a prestigious school, things would be more like college than a foal school.

All we did during all the classes was introduce ourselves to each other.

Nothing more than that.

The only notable thing was that I was in the same class as Twilight and she looked a little disappointed too.

Of course, I didn't talk to her other than a few cordial greetings, not only by choice but she was also keeping to herself.

I don't remember her being like that, honestly, but considering I don't have many memories of this show, it's not very surprising. It's been almost 6 years, so it's obvious I'd forget things.

Anyway, since I have a little bit of free time before going home, since we leave pretty early, I decided to go to the school library.

Because yes, this school has one and all students can go into it.

Actually, it was one of the few things that caught my interest about this school. You see, the school is open to the public, but you need a pass to get in. Luckily, they gave us one before classes began.

Actually, it was one of the few things that really caught my interest about this school, since the school is open for everyone to access, provided you have a pass, which fortunately we were given before classes started.

It seems wrong to me that there should be something like that in the school, as someone could take advantage of it to learn things they shouldn't know. However, it is possible that the most important knowledge, such as tomes of advanced magic, is kept in Princess Celestia's library. In the end, the books that the school has might not be the most advanced that exist in the world.

Although I don't know that I haven't been to the library yet, but that can be easily solved.

With a determined look on my face, I headed to the library with only one purpose in mind: to study for my free time.

I never thought I would do this.

Once I entered the library, I was greeted by the librarian who gave me a look, to which I just proceeded to show her my pass, she examined it and gave me the okay to access the library.

The library is huge, easily the biggest library I've ever been to, (not that I've been to many libraries to begin with), this place has at least 3 to 4 floors and a lot of shelves, I can even see several carts to grab several books at a time around the library.

Is all of this handled by one pony? If so, my respect.

I quickly moved to the magic section, which is the only section that interests me in this place for now and checked out the books.

It wasn't hard for me to find a book to read: the secrets of magic by Starswirl the bearded, a book that obviously talks about magic.

Now let's see if I understand it.

Hmm, nope, too advanced for me.

Let's see... this one? Nope, still pretty advanced.

Hmm, this one I understand, "magic theory" by Moonstone Mask.

This book basically talks about the theory behind magic and how to summon it more effectively so you can use it without getting tired of it.


Quickly, I made my way to a table to sit down and study it when I heard a voice.

"Um, excuse me, do you happen to have any books on raising dragons?"

"Sorry! Nopony's ever written one!"

I looked up from my reading to see little Twilight Sparkle using a cart to carry a stack of books.

Wait, did she just say, "rising dragons"?

Did the princess really make her take responsibility for Spike? At such a young age? Seriously?

No wonder the current Twilight is so different from the future Twilight, raising a baby, especially a baby dragon, must have been super hard.

Why the [Beep] did Celestia make she do that?

...Should I help her?

Seeing as she's currently leaving the library with the stack of books heading home, she must have rented the books, so any option of helping her has been off the table.

...meh, she will be fine

If Spike turned out to be well behaved during the series and an excellent kid, then Twilight did well.

And she has the help of her parents anyway, so she shouldn't have any problems.

Yeah, it's none of my business, so I'll ignore it and get on with my good book.

I regret ignoring that problem.

A lot.

Today was my second day of school, and I found myself in my very first class, which, oddly enough, was a lesson on magic. Suddenly, I spotted Twilight peeking out the door, as if she were searching for someone.

Professor Inkwell, silly name if I'm honest, scolded her for coming in late on the second day of class and let her take her seat.

But she had baby Spike with her and the baby dragon decided, at the very moment Twilight took her seat, to start crying.

I ignored it as best I could, as I had already decided not to interfere with Twilight's upbringing with Spike but that was not the end of it.

A few days later, I was in the library studying, just like I did on the 1st, only this time a different book, when suddenly I see Twilight walk in with a stroller that had a sleeping baby Spike in it.

She grabbed a stack of books and sat down at a table to study.

Everything was normal until Spike conveniently decided to start crying.

That made me irritated again, and I wasn't the only one, as the librarian and other students who were around at the time were also annoyed by the sudden noise and asked her to be quiet.

Twilight tried her best to try to calm the crying baby but obviously she couldn't, she had no experience.

Seeing her desperate to calm the baby dragon it made me regret my decision not to help her sooner, so I decided to help her right then and there.

Bounding to my hooves, I hurried over to her table. I noticed the librarian about to speak, but she paused upon spotting me, as if pondering my intentions. Truth be told, I found myself asking that very same question every day as well.

Once in front of her desk, Twilight turned to me with a look of recognition. "You are..."

But I interrupted her with an urgent question, "Did you feed him before you came here?" Twilight nodded quickly.

Harnessing my magic, I lifted Spike up—boy, was he heavy, and still crying! I drew him near and cradled him with my hooves.

Phew, that scent...no wonder this little guy was in tears.

I gazed at Twilight, my expression questioning. "Do you have any diapers and wipes?" She nodded, a spark of recognition in her eyes, and passed them to me using her magic.

With practiced finesse, I rearranged Twilight's books to create space for little Spike. Swiftly, I changed his soiled diaper, ensuring thorough cleaning and drying.

Afterward, I carefully carried the used diaper towards Twilight, who had a bag ready to contain it, neutralizing any unpleasant odors.

Glancing back at little Spike, I began to hum a sweet lullaby, taught to me by my parents. It worked like magic, lulling Spike back to peaceful slumber.

I turned to my incredulous audience, where Twilight stood.

"How-?" she started to say before being interrupted, this time by the librarian.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave the library, both of you." She said, to which we both turned to look at her.

"What? But why?" I exclaimed, feeling irked because I still wanted to study my book. This one was all about how elemental magic works.

With a stern glance, she directed her attention towards young Spike, which irked me, again. After all, he was just a baby. I was just about to let my voice to go out with all my frustration, but before I could protest any further, Twilight's hoof halted me.

I met her gaze and noticed her shaking her head. Then, with a resigned expression, she headed towards the exit, taking Spike's stroller along with her.

I gave the librarian mare an annoyed look, but she only gave me a blank stare as she pointed to the exit, to which I proceeded to retreat, but not before levitating my backpack off the table where I had left it.

I could have made more fuss, but in the end, it was no use.

Once outside, the little filly turned to look at me, with clear question marks on her face.

With a gentle smile, I spoke up, "I believe you already know who I am, but allow me to reintroduce myself. I'm Platinum Breeze."

Rather than reintroducing herself, Twilight went straight to her question, "How did you manage to calm Spike down like that?"

"Well..." I hesitated, trying to come up with a suitable answer, I couldn't just tell her that I learned how to take care of babies in my previous life, when I lived in the communities, nor that I learned the tune my parents played me with their horns when I was a foal and learned how to whistle it.

"I read it from a book." I said with a nervous smile, hoping she would believe me.

Which luckily, she did, as she turned her gaze to Spike, who was still sleeping and looked up at me to see.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to get home before Spike wakes up." She said then started to leave.

But I stopped her, putting a hoof on her shoulder, causing her to turn to me and say, "Wait, let me help you take care of the baby."

"What?" looking at me puzzled, she replied, "no, you can't."

To which I gave her an annoyed look, "Why not?"

"Because it's a task given to me by Princess Celestia" proudly proclaimed young Twilight.

I gave her an incredulous look. "Twilight, you can't take care of the baby by yourself. It's too much work for a little filly like you," I began to say, before quickly adding, 'or for me, but the two of us together can do it.'

She gave me an annoyed look, or rather a pout, and firmly said, "The Princess gave this task to me and me alone because she trusts me. I will not allow anyone to make me let that trust down. I know I can do it and I don't need help."

She finished, then turned and stormed off in the direction of her house.

I looked at her with a blank look of annoyance, and then a smile grew on my face, "well, that's not for you to decide, princess" I said and then walked away towards my house.

The next day, considering that we had the same classes, during class time, I decided to talk to a classmate who sat next to her and the classmate decided to switch seats with me, more than happy to get away from the girl and the crying baby.

She looked at me with surprise to which I gave her a little smirk, to which she gave a snort and then turned her attention back to the class, or at least tried to if we consider the crying baby, which I quickly soothed with the same melody I used to put her to sleep the 1st time.

Since then, directly or indirectly, I was helping Twilight with the care of her dragon child, although I could only do it during class hours or in the library.

But apparently, I was very helpful to her, as she was able to keep up with her studies and although she always looked very tired, I always did my part to at least get her some sleep during classes, making notes for both her and me.

Was it laborious? Yes, it was.

Do I regret it? Maybe a tad, but I couldn't let a young filly handle a baby all by herself.

And so, it went on for half a semester, even with my help Twilight still looked pretty stressed and had a hard time using magic.

One day, after a test that she failed, Professor Inkwell asked her to stay to talk about something, which I didn't stay to hear because I had other things to do at the time.

All that went on until a very special day came, the annual royal tea party, where all the teachers, students and parents gathered for some reason.

Did I care about the celebration? No

Did I still go? Of course, I like tea and wanted to keep an eye on Twilight and Spike.

Which in the end turned out to be fruitless because the princess decided to take Twilight and Spike to the room where all the parents were.

I don't know what happened in there but it must have been quite a mess, as Twilight ran out of the room, taking with her a rather dirty Spike with her magic.

Which gave me an idea of what happened in there but I decided to ask my parents, who obviously decided to sit with Twilight's parents.

Apparently, Spike escaped from Twilight's backpack and made a mess by spilling food on him and Twilight said she was basically feeling pretty stressed about taking care of Spike almost all by herself, and a bunch of other stuff, although she admitted that I helped her quite a bit, to which my parents told me they were proud of me for helping someone else when they needed it.

To which I dismissed it, because I did it with pleasure.

Taking care of baby Spike was like taking care of any other child, only that this one spit fire, and I love taking care of children.

The next day, during classes, surprisingly Twilight arrived early, with Spike still by her side. She looked less tired and happier. She thanked me for all the help I provided by taking care of Spike during classes when she couldn't, and apparently it turns out that the princess didn't expect me to take care of the baby alone and thought she would ask her parents or her brother for help.

Then Twilight finally decided to accept help from her parents to take care of Spike while they were at home so that she could study and sleep in peace and she asked me to help her continue to take care of Spike during school, which I gladly accepted.

I was going to keep helping her anyway, even if she didn't ask me to, so I didn't mind continuing to help her.

And so, the time flew by.

And before you knew it, 10 years had already passed.

Yes, I know, time goes very fast.

Since that day, I became sort of friends with Twilight, even when it was no longer necessary for me to take care of Spike, we became friends or at least study buddies, since apart from birthday parties or tea parties, we only saw each other during classes or in the library from time to time, and only to study.

We recently turned 18 and we both graduated from school but we still were in the school.

You see, while we have long since finished our formative schooling, we are still in school learning, Twilight as Celestia's apprentice and protégé and me as a future scholar of magic.

Apparently, I have some talent in magic, not as good as Twilight's but quite the same, for while she has more magic than I do, I have more knowledge of magic than she does.

I'm even in the process of discovering a new form of magic.

Or so I hope.

What kind of magic? Glyphs!

Some will say, "What, Glyphs? We're not in the owl house, go to your fandom."

And hahaha, not that kind of Glyphs my friends but similar.

You see, even with all our knowledge, Nopony can harness the magic that is circulating around us, as the magic that is in the air is too dense to be handled by any pony, which is why we unicorns can only use our inner magic when casting spells.

So, I have tried to create "Glyphs" which are basically written words that draw magic from around us to activate spells.

They are not like the ones they used in the owl house and I have no idea how I still remember that show, but thanks to that I was inspired to create the Glyphs.

You see, I'm currently in my workshop and I'm in front of a circle that has a coded language that is basically the basic fire incantation, what it should do is go up in flames and hold up like a campfire.

Simple, right.

I wish it were.

It has taken me 5 years of constant study to be able to create a coded language that contains the incantation to perform the spell and so far, I have made no progress.

Nothing, literally nothing.

Honestly, I'm starting to think it's impossible and I'm reconsidering taking up another branch of magic to devote myself to instead of my current one, which is simply magical research.

Well, anyway, here's attempt number... I can't even remember which one.

Touching the circle with my helmet, I wait to see if anything happens.

And I wait.

And I wait.

And... nothing.

Sigh, I should have guessed.

Well, time to go back to the workbench.

Oh wait, that's...

Yes, there's a small flame in the center of the circle.

It's barely holding on but it's there.

It worked...

It worked!

Aha, [Beep] yes! I have created a possible new branch of magic.

Oh well, more like I'm closer to creating it now that I have my 1st semi-successful attempt, but it's a step closer than I've been in 5 years.

Now, to jot down my current discovery.

*sound of door slamming*.

Oh... I could attend to my guests.

But considering I only know one person who walks into my workshop like this, then I already know how I should greet them.

I turn to see Twilight, who looked rather rushed for some reason.

"Hello princess is there anything I can offer you in my humble-" I was about to continue but a hoof in my mouth interrupted my rambling.


"Save your musings for later, Platinum. I need you to come to Ponyville with me to stop the reappearance of Nightmare Moon," said Twilight with seriousness.

…say what now?

Hi, I hope you liked the new chapter.

I know things went by pretty fast as far as time is concerned but honestly I didn't want to dwell too much on her childhood and I also didn't want to focus or make a whole arc centered around school or her childhood days.

See you in the next chapter.

Chapter 3: Ponyville

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Hi, I hope you enjoyed the previous chapter.

I know I did rush quite a bit when it comes to the childhood era, but if I'm honest, I just didn't want to focus on it.

Well, that's it, enjoy today's chapter.

This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans for the purpose of improving in the art of writing.

This story can and most likely will have spelling errors.

Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated.

This story is not going to be a HIE or G5, it will be tinged to the G4 story, MLP: FIM.

"So, let me get this straight, you were reading one of the stories published on behalf of Princess Celestia, again, and because of that you learned of the possible return of the mare on the moon, the one referred to as Nightmare Moon"

"She is going to return; the prophecy says so."

"Aha, whatever you say princess-"

"Stop calling me that."

"Anyway, after you found out about something that apparently only you noticed, you rushed to text the Princess about it and her response was... Spike."

"Ah yes, here's the letter," Spike said as he pulled the letter out of who knows where, "ahem, 'My dearest, most faithful student Twilight, you know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely but you must stop reading those dusty old books.'"

"Pff." I couldn't help but snort at the contents of the princess's letter. However, at the annoyed look Twilight shot my way, I burst into laughter, doubling over and leaning against the carriage for support. Spike joined in shortly after, his laughter echoing mine.

We were currently on route to Ponyville in a carriage pulled by two Pegasus guards. Normally, we would have taken the train from Canterlot to Ponyville. However, due to the official nature of our business, we were given special transportation.

It has been two days since Twilight walked, rudely if I may say, into my workshop and asked for my help in stopping the return of the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon.

Naturally, my initial reaction was to tease her for her cryptic inquiry without providing any context. Her cheeks flushed slightly with embarrassment as she proceeded to fill me in on the details, though I remained skeptical initially. And that brings us to the present moment.

After indulging in laughter for a good minute, I straightened up, only to be met with the mare's unamused expression. "Finished?" she quipped dryly.

Controlling my breath, I nodded and motioned to Spike, that he had stopped laughing before I did because of the look Twilight was giving him.

"Oh yes, ahem, 'My dear Twilight. There is more to a young pony's life than studying, so I'm sending you and the young Platinum Breeze to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location, Ponyville. And I have a more essential task for you to complete, make some friends!'"

At the soft whimper that escaped Celestia's protégée, I couldn't help but stifle a snicker.

"Come on, it's not as bad as you're making it sound," I said as I looked at the whining mare leaning against the carriage, who was looking at me with her annoyed look she was getting all the way here, a little because of me another little because of the situation we found ourselves in.

"Look on the bright side, Twilight! Princess Celestia arranged for you two to stay in a library, doesn't that make you happy?" said Spike cheerfully, trying to cheer up the annoyed mare. I was amused and stroked Spike's head, which he accepted by looking at me with annoyance. He doesn't like it when I do that; something about being too big to be patted on the head. Kids, right?

At Spike's words, Twilight couldn't help but perk up suddenly. "Yes, yes it does make me happy! And you know why? Because I know I'm right. We'll go through the preparations as fast as we can and then we'll go to the library to find proof of Nightmare Moon's return," Twilight said earnestly, looking around Ponyville as she said it.

Hearing what she said, I couldn't help but smirk and say, "Oh, what am I hearing, the princess is only planning to fulfill part of the tasks her mentor asked of her? Oh, what would Princess Celestia say if she saw you being so rebellious, my dear Twilight?" I said this in a teasing tone, as I loved to tease her when she was so focused on something like this.

At that, Twilight gave me an annoyed look and said, "First of all, stop calling me that. Secondly, don't call me that either. And thirdly, she said to go over the preparations, both of us, not just me. That also means she wants you to make friends too. Do you want to make friends, Platinum?" asked Twilight with a mocking tone.

I raised my paw to answer her, but stopped myself as I reflected on what she said. The truth is, I don't have many friends besides Twilight and Spike either. One thing I kept from my previous life is that I didn't like being in crowds and was pretty antisocial. "Touché," I said with a smile.

She smiled back, satisfied, and continued, "Besides, I'm her student and I'll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria won't depend on me making any more friends. I have enough with the Mr. Wizard here." Twilight said as she pointed at me. Oddly enough, since the beginning of school, I haven't stopped wearing my cloak, and now I also wear a wizard hat, simply to complement it.

Hearing her response, I couldn't help but let out an exaggerated groan and hug my hat to my chest. "It's called following a role, my dear Twilight. I'm an adver-" I began to say with conviction before she interrupted me, putting her helmet over my mouth.

"Don't say it. I'm tired of hearing you say that" Twilight said, visibly annoyed, as she quickly removed her paw from my now slightly drooling mouth. "Did you just lick me?" she asked incredulously.

I replied with a smirk as I stuck out my tongue, enjoying the little prank.

Before things could escalate any further, we arrived at our destination and the Pegasus guards made a sound indicating that we had arrived, we calmly got out of the carriage and Twilight approached the guards, "Thank you, Sirs" she said with a smile, which left the gentlemen satisfied.

Before we could continue our little debacle, Spike hurried up to speak, "Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have more interesting things to talk about," he said as a pink mare with a fluffy mane approached.

Huh, that mare looks familiar... if I remember correctly, she's one of the most commonly featured ponies in the series.

If I'm not mistaken her name was... Ponka, Ponka Peach.

Wait... she wasn't one of the main characters.

But that means... uh oh.

I think I'm on the first episode of the series.

Now I need to read the book of the elements of harmony, there I should say that there are only six elements of harmony, no more, no less.

I really hope that being born here didn't foolishly and forcibly make me an element of harmony, because that would ruin my life.

And this story too.

Before I knew it, Ponka was already in front of us and Spike said, "Come on, Twilight, just try," he said as he pointed at Ponka.

Twilight had a look of uncertainty on her face as she looked between Spike and Ponka, before giving an awkward smile and saying, "am, hello?"

I couldn't find the way she said hello funny, only to be surprised when suddenly Ponka leapt into the air letting out a muffled scream, only to run off, or fly off, to who knows where.

No, wait, she's running.

Huh, what a strange pony this Ponka is.

"Well, that was interesting, alright." He said with a complicated look on his face before he started walking, to which Spike sighed.

I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, to which he looked at me, "hey cheer up Spike, I can tell things won't be boring around here," I said with a smile, to which he smiled back, then I bent down to get him to climb on top of me, which he did and I proceeded to follow Twilight.

"Summer Sun Celebration: Official Overseer's Checklist, number 1: Banquet Preparations, Sweet Apple Acres." Spike said as we approached a farm, the farm had at the entrance a sign with an apple on it, the farm was quite large, with lots of crop land and some animal houses.

What you would expect from a farm.

"YEEHAW!" we heard a scream that alerted us, causing us to look to where the scream was coming from, and we saw an orange mare with a yellow mane and a cowboy hat was running towards a tree, when it looked like she was about to hit said tree, she suddenly stopped and spun on her legs to proceed to kick the tree, which caused the apples to plummet towards the barrels that were on the ground, to which she proceeded to strike a pose, which I thought was rather strange.

Was she expecting an audience? Or did she see us coming and decide to put on a little show?

Before I could process it, Twilight let out a reluctant sigh and with her head down, proceeded to walk towards the cowgirl mare, "well, let's get this over with" she said as she raised her head again and we followed her.

This mare looks familiar too.

Could she be one of the main characters?

Man, I should have written down my memories of the show, then maybe I wouldn't have trouble remembering what happened at the show.

...yeah, better not, there was too much risk of someone discovering that role and then it would be a complete pain in the ass to explain it.

I'd rather forget things that are yet to come than have it discovered that I had a past life.

Once we approached the cowgirl, this time I decided to do the introduction myself, "good afternoon miss, my name is Platinum Breeze and my partners are Twilight Sparkle and-" I started saying but before I could finish, the mare interrupted me furiously shaking my paw with her two paws.

"Well, howdy-do, Mr. Breeze? And hiya, Miss Sparkle! A pleasure making your acquaintance, I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like making new friends," she said and then proceeded to do the same to Twilight, to which I could only look at her in bewilderment as Applejack was furiously shaking the paw of Twilight now.

"Friends, actually... I... we..." Twilight tried to say, but she couldn't finish because of how intensely Applejack was shaking her hoof.

Then, Applejack stopped and looked at us with a warm smile. "So, what can I do for you folks?" she said, giving us a friendly wink. I glanced at Twilight, who was still shaking her hoof furiously, to the point that Spike had to hop off my back to stop her, not before chuckling at the sight.

Deciding to get on with it, I cleared my throat and said, "Well, actually, we're here to oversee the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, and as far as we know, you're in charge of the food, right?" I pointed at the cowgirl mare, trying to sound calm despite my fear of another vigorous hoofshake.

"Sure are, sugar! Would you like some samples to try?" Applejack said with a wink, bowing to us. I was about to decline, but Twilight seemed to have another thought.

"Well, as long as it doesn't take too long—" she began, but suddenly, Applejack vanished and a bell started ringing.

I put a hoof to my face as I heard the cowgirl yell, "Soup's on, everypony!" A stampede of ponies appeared from who knows where, dragging us along with them, and before I knew it, we were seated at a large table.

I looked around, bewildered by all this... energy these earth ponies had, before Applejack popped up out of nowhere again. "Now, why don't I introduce y'all to the Apple family?" she said, gesturing to the crowd of ponies grinning at us.

This place sure is lively, though it's not that bad.

Although it's starting to get to me all this chaotic energy they have and now I just want to go home, "I'm sorry, but we're actually in a bit of a hurry here," I said trying to be as polite as possible, as I didn't want to antagonize a family this big just for the sake of it.

But before I could retreat, a mare arrived offering food, and my treacherous tummy decided to rumble in protest, reminding me that I still hadn't had breakfast. "Darn it," I thought as I looked at the food.

"This right here is Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apple..." Applejack began listing, but I tuned her out as I stared at all the food brought by each Apple family member, drool forming at the corners of my mouth.

Damn, my weakness for food.

As the food piled up, I started munching on one of the apple pies they brought, while Twilight and Spike stared in disbelief at the amount of food being served to us.

Between bites, I saw Applejack officially welcome Twilight as part of the family, even pointing at me and Spike when she said it.

Suddenly, Twilight spit out the apple she was eating, which was gross, and said, "Okay, I can see you have the food situation under control, so we'll be on our way."

But before she could make a tactical retreat, a cute voice stopped her. A little filly, whose name I didn't catch, looked at Twilight with sad eyes and said, "Aren't you guys staying for lunch?" She then gave her the most adorable puppy dog eyes.

Twilight, with a shaky voice, replied, "I'm sorry, but we have a lot of things to do." At her words, the entire Apple family let out a collective sigh of disappointment.

Jeez, talk about social pressure. I continued to eat my apple pie, knowing Twilight would cave in soon enough.

And I was right. A few seconds later, she said, "Okay," with a resigned look on her face, to which all the ponies in the surrounding area cheered.

After enjoying a hearty meal, we were back on our way to do the prep checks. This time, Spike was walking on his own paws, and I strolled beside Twilight, amused by the sight of her clearly stuffed.

"Food is checked. Time to look at the weather situation," Spike said as he jotted something down on his report sheet, then looked at Twilight.

"Ugh... I ate too much food," Twilight groaned, waddling along, which amused me to no end.

"No one told you to eat everything that was offered to you, dear," I teased, earning a less-than-amused look from her.

Before we could start bickering again, Spike interjected, "Um, supposedly there's a Pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash who's supposed to clear the sky."

Looking up at the still-cloudy sky, I remarked sarcastically, "Well, this sky certainly looks cloud-free," pointing to the many clouds still overhead.

At that precise moment, zas! A blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane crashed directly into me, throwing us both into a mud puddle. I couldn't help but let out a groan, a mixture of pain and annoyance.

Once the mare got up off me, I stood and gave her a less-than-amused look. Despite her looking oddly familiar, I couldn't help but be annoyed. She just laughed a little and said, "Sorry?" Seeing my unfriendly expression, she took flight and added, "Wait, let me help you." She then headed towards one of the clouds.

Twilight and Spike approached me, with amused looks and I could see Twilight chuckle a little, to which I smiled and shook myself fiercely, dog-like, causing mud to fly out of me and crash into Twilight, causing her to look at me with a less than amused look now.

To which I laughed a little, only to have the Pegasus approach again, with a gray cloud with her, look at us in confusion only to shrug her shoulders and proceed to make it rain on both of us.

Drenched, I looked at the Pegasus mare, who I believe to be Rainbow Dash by the color of her mane, laughing clearly amused with our situation to then say, "Oops, I guess I overdid it a little, Um... uh, how about this?" she said to then fly over the two of us at a high speed, causing a rainbow tornado to form above us, and once it was over I could hear the mare say.

"My very own Rain-Blow Dry patent," she said proudly to then lower herself to the ground as she continued, "No, no, don't thank me, it's been a pleasure," to then look at us, both of us with matching fluffy manes and annoyed looks, to which she proceeded to laugh loudly, to which Spike followed her after seeing us.

I shook myself hard, which thankfully made my mane go back to normal, Twilight mimicked me but it didn't work for her, I guess because of how different our manes were and now I gave her a look but of pity, as it wasn't fun to have a mane like that.

Looking with annoyance at the two who were laughing, Twilight said, "let me guess, Rainbow Dash?" after hearing her name, the Pegasus stopped laughing and stood up proudly.

"The one and only" she said then took flight, this time approaching Twilight with an excited smile, "Why, did you hear about me?"

Twilight replied, "I heard you were in charge of keeping the skies clear." She sighed as the Pegasus turned away, then looked up with a calm smile. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is Platinum Breeze," she said, to which I gave a small bow. "Princess Celestia sent us to check on the weather."

But the mare seemed to lose interest, as she laid back on a cloud as she said, "Yeah, yeah, that's easy, I'll do that in a jiffy after I finish practicing," said the lazy mare.

Before the conversation continued, I walked away, and sat down next to Spike as I let Twilight take care of everything, since knowing how Twilight was, and seeing how Rainbow was, this would be resolved quickly.

And so, it did, after Rainbow proudly proclaimed that she was practicing to become a Wonderbolt, Twilight teased her that she wasn't talented enough to join them because she couldn't keep the sky clear.

In the blink of an eye, the sky cleared completely, leaving Twilight and Spike staring at the sky in disbelief. Rainbow said goodbye, saying she couldn't wait to get to know us better, then gave me a quick wave and left. To be honest, I stopped paying attention to her before she left.

We then proceeded to head to our next location, which was the place where the celebration was supposed to be held to see the decorations, once we got there all that would be missing was the music.

Or at least I hoped so, if there were no more mishaps.

"How beautiful," I couldn't help but notice as I looked around, the place looked pretty well decorated and honestly it looked quite beautiful.

"Yeah, the decorating is going pretty well, this is going to be quick and we'll be in the bookstore in no time," Twilight said as we walked into the shop, then looked at the decorations and said, "beautiful no doubt."

"No..." said Spike suddenly and we looked at him, to see that he had his gaze fixed on something, or rather, someone, "Not the decor, her!" he said as he pointed ahead, where a white mare with a dark purple mane stood.

She looked like she was eyeing some kind of fabric suitable for decoration, I guess, though I didn't pay much attention to her as I was watching the amused reaction to Spike's first crush.

"How are my spines, do they look good?" said Spike to then stare at the mare again, which caused me to snort in amusement and Twilight to roll her eyes in amusement as I proceeded to move my paw quickly in front of him to see if I could get him to react, but no, he was mesmerized by the mare.

Ah~, first love, it's always the one that hits the hardest.

For now, I decided to sit next to him and watch, I'll let Twilight handle this one, it should be fun.

And it was, the mare, who introduced herself by saying her name was Rarity, went berserk after seeing what happened to Twilight's mane and took her to another establishment, which was apparently her clothing store to give her a makeover, even giving her dresses to match.

It was funny until he tried to do the same with me, something about my cloak and hat being out of style or something, and only stopped after hearing we were from Canterlot.

I can't remember the last time I ran away from someone like that, I'm not proud of myself but no one will change my style.

Maybe I'll get rid of the hat though, honestly, I've been thinking about it too but it just goes with the theme I had, a young apprentice of magic discovering a new magic.

...eh, when I think about it now, it sounds stupid.

Anyway, once we distanced ourselves from the place and Spike stopped being so enraptured with her, we headed to the next destination when suddenly we started to hear the sound of birds chirping.

Which made us head in the direction the sound was coming from, which was a yellow Pegasus standing in front of a crowd of singing birds.

Huh, it's funny, neither her nor Rarity bring back memories or look familiar, were they secondary characters or I just don't remember them?

Meh, who cares, honestly, I don't.

Having an identity crisis over memories from over a decade ago won't help me and will most likely just make me overthink things.

The past is the past, let's just focus on the present.

Sure, that knowledge would surely help me in what's to come but what's the fun in knowing what's going to happen? Where's the point in enjoying your life knowing what's coming and what's not?

My life goal is simple, to live my life, later I may write down what I remember from the program but it's not my priority, it's just living my life.

"Hello!" suddenly said Twilight who, during my internal monologue had approached the yellow Pegasus with pink mane, the birds that were singing before had scattered and the poor Pegasus looked scared.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to scare your birds, we're just here to check the music and it's sounding beautiful," Twilight said with a smile.

After the Pegasus landed in front of Twilight, I approached and suddenly there was a sort of awkward silence, at which Twilight looked at me for help, which I proceeded with introducing myself, "I'm Platinum Breeze, and this is Twilight Sparkle, what's your name?" I said looking at her with an encouraging look.

"Um, I'm Fluttershy..." said the pony in a very low tone and barely looking at us.

We shared a look before Twilight tried this time, "Sorry, what was that?" she said with a smile.

"Um, my name is..." she said, this time backing up a bit.

"I didn't understand what you said," Twilight said, trying again.

But instead of answering, all she got out of the Pegasus' voice was some strange squeaks and a sidelong glance at us.

And the silence returned.

How uncomfortable.

Oh, the birds are back.

Seeing that the birds came back, I said: "Well, seeing that the music sounds pretty good and that your bird friends have returned, that means that everything is in order, so we proceed to retire," at that, the Pegasus just let out a little whine, to which we proceed to retire slowly.

Once we get close to the bush where Spike was, Spike comes out of it and Twilight says, "Well, that was easy."

...honey, you summoned Murphy.

Suddenly, I found myself lifted off the ground as I heard the Pegasus exclaim, "A baby dragon! I've never seen one before, it's so adorable!" Spike seemed to puff up with pride at the praise.

The Pegasus continued to enthuse about Spike, to which Twilight decided to pick him up with her magic to retreat, but the Pegasus kept wanting to know information about Spike, so she followed.

Seeing that they were walking away, I hurried to keep up with them and from there until we reached the library where we would be staying, I could only hear the exchange of words going on between Spike and the Pegasus, who I now know is called Fluttershy.

It was the longest and strangest walk I've had all day, and that's saying a lot, since a lot of things happened today.

By the time we got to the library, it was getting dark.

As Spike was about to tell her about the day we had today, Twilight stepped forward and said, "I'm so sorry! How did we get here so fast? This is where we're staying while we're in Ponyville, and my poor baby dragon needs sleep" at that, Spike whined saying he didn't need it but just shut him up by putting his hoof in his mouth.

And no Spike, I'm not taking my hoof off just because you lick it.

Ouch, let alone because you bite it.

Before I knew it, Fluttershy grabbed Spike off Twilight's back and pulled him inside, intending to put him on his bed. But Twilight quickly intervened, pulling Fluttershy out before she could act. Fluttershy muttered a few more things before Twilight slammed the door shut in her face.

At that, she looked at me to see, to which I just shrugged and proceeded to go inside as well, stopping Fluttershy who tried to come in behind me and also slamming the door in her face.

"Huh, what manners." Spike said annoyed.

"Sorry Spike, but I have to convince the Princess that Nightmare Moon is on her way and we're running out of time!" said Twilight looking at Spike who was looking around.

Huh, actually, it was pretty dark.

Where's the switch?

"I just need time alone, so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time." Said Twilight looking around too, "now, where's the light?"

Ah, here's the switch.


Jesus Christ!

Suddenly, as soon as I turned on the light, a bunch of ponies greeted us with streamers, balloons and other party stuff.

At Twilight's sigh of annoyance, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Surprise!" Hey, it's Ponka, "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie..." oh, I guess her name wasn't Ponka but Pinkie, oops, "...and I made this party just for you guys!" said Pinkie cheerfully, "were you surprised, were you, were you? Huh, huh, huh?" she said as she hopped around.

"Very surprised, bookstores are supposed to be quiet," said Twilight with an annoyed look on her face.

Me? I trotted over to the punch room to pour myself a drink because I was really thirsty.

The whole day of today left me thirsty.

Oh, and now they're getting closer.

Apparently, Pinkie kept saying a bunch of words that I decided to ignore while she was "talking" to Twilight, and while Twilight poured herself a drink the pony kept saying a bunch of words a minute.

And all of a sudden Twilight ran off in a rage straight to who knows where.

"Aw, she was so happy she was crying tears of joy!" said Pinkie, misunderstanding Twilight's tears of frustration for tears of joy.

"Hmm, hot sauce" ah no, looks like Twilight took hot sauce by mistake.

Ew, hot sauce doesn't go with sweets.

I proceeded to pour another drink and grabbed them with my magic to head in the direction where Twilight went.

"Hey there, Sugarcube, where ya headed?" Applejack called out, but I was too preoccupied sipping on the juice they served to respond. Instead, I just waved a hoof in farewell and trotted over to Twilight.

Navigating through the three floors took some time, but eventually, I found the room Twilight was hiding in. As I entered, I spotted her attempting to muffle the music with a pillow over her head, though it wasn't particularly loud in the room to begin with.

Closing the door behind me and setting aside my hat, I trotted over to her bed and settled down beside her. Bringing with me a cup of punch from downstairs, I offered it to Twilight, but she swatted it away. Luckily, my magic caught it before it could spill.

Observing her distress, I decided to create a small anti-sound bubble around us. This bubble shielded us from the external noise, leaving only the quiet inside. Twilight peeked out from under her pillow, astonished by the bubble. She then glanced at me, surprised to see my horn glowing with magic.

"Well, did you expect me to spill all the secrets of my spells?" I teased, flashing her a smile.

You see, although I am some sort of a scholar of magic, I should really only consider myself a scholar who continually researches the use of magic, but while researching some way to create the Glyphs, I have created a few spells to my name, some public and some not.

And this was one of the newer ones that was still in the process of creation before today, considering that it can be considered a successful attempt considering how well it works.

You see, even though this world is magical, spells still have to follow some real-world logic.

For example, elemental spells can only be made small with an enchantment, like making a fire or lighting a candle, if you want it to be stronger there must be something to fuel it, which can be your own magic (not recommended) or something else external to you.

Until now, according to my research, no one had created a silence spell, or well, rather, one that left an area where sound could not enter, because it also ends up blocking the air we need to breathe.

It took me a lot of work and months of research, but I was finally able to create this spell, which allows objects to go in and out, like air, but keeping the sound out unless it is one generated inside.

But the sound that is inside cannot be heard outside and vice versa.

The perfect spell for when one wants privacy.

Once Twilight stood up, she pointed her helmet at me and with an intense look said, "You'll have to teach me that spell," to which I just laughed and instead of responding, I offered her again the drink I brought her, which this time she did take.

"Do you want to talk about it, Twilight?" I asked softly, glancing towards the books surrounding her room.

After taking a sip of the drink I brought her, she looked at me in frustration and said, "I should be studying, looking for some proof of Nightmare Moon's possible return. But instead, there's a party here, in the place that was supposed to be a sanctuary for studying. Now I can't concentrate on anything."

Looking at her, I gave her a sympathetic smile and said, "I know things didn't go as planned, but you must also understand that not everything goes as one plans." I used my magic to draw some books that were scattered around.

"I know these books probably don't contain the information you're looking for, but killing your head over this problem won't solve anything. Relax a bit and enjoy yourself before it's time for the celebration. Who knows, maybe Princess Celestia is right," I said as I watched Twilight pick up one of the books. Then, she looked outside, where the night had already risen and the moon was at its peak.

I looked at the moon as well and frowned when I saw it, the figure of the unicorn pony posed on it has always puzzled me and I remember it was one of my concerns several years ago, though right now I can't remember why.

"According to legend..." I snapped back to reality at the sound of Twilight's voice, I looked at her to see that she was reading a brown colored book with a cover of a golden unicorn with diamonds around it, "...on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid her in her escape and she will bring the eternal night," Twilight said then showed me the page she was reading and I opened my eyes at the image that was in the book, it looked very much like the image that was on the moon.

"I want to believe it's all an old fairy tale, like Princess Celestia and the others say, but things seem too much of a coincidence that fills me with uncertainty" she said to then look at me with some fear in her eyes, "what should I do?"

I gave her a little hug, and after we separated, I said, "you are not going to accomplish anything by feeling upset with the whole situation and considering that the book you are looking for is most likely downstairs, the best we can do is wait and pray that things are not that bad" with a smile, I offered her a science book that I saw was in the pile of books I attracted.

With a small smile, she said "You'll still have to teach me this spell, you know?" to which I just snorted, then grabbed a science fiction book that was here, and opened it to read.

Twilight proceeded to do the same, and we continued reading for a few hours, until suddenly the door opens, Spike says something but because of my spell we don't today but before I can undo the spell, he sees us and then backs away, saying something again.

We look at each other but then shrug to go back to reading.

A few minutes later, Spike opens the door again, only this time I undo the spell before he speaks and they say, "Come on guys, it's time to watch the sunrise!"

After dropping the books on the floor, we headed to the place where the ceremony was to be held.

As we entered, there were already several citizens inside but luckily, the place was big enough to fit all the ponies.

As we entered, Spike was perched on Twilight's back, and I trotted beside them, realizing I'd left my hat behind again. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie popped up out of nowhere, chattering away at lightning speed. I couldn't keep up with her rapid-fire words, so I just tuned her out and focused on the task at hoof.

Only to stop just in time for the show to start, with Fluttershy's little birds singing, the ceremony began.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts, as the Mayor of Ponyville, it is my greatest pleasure to announce the start of the Summer Sun Celebration!" at her words, all the ponies began to celebrate.

"In just a few moments, our city will witness the magic of the sun and celebrate this day, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the pony who gives us the sun and the moon every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony in all of Equestria, Princess Celestia!" she said to then step aside for the curtains to open, but when they opened them all they found was...


"This can't be good," I heard Twilight say and could only nod as I braced myself.

"Stay calm, everypony, there must be a rationalizable explanation," the mayoress said trying to calm the nervous crowd.

"Uh, uh! I love guessing games! Is he hiding?" said Pinkie Pie as she looked around.

"She's gone!" said Rarity after returning from looking for the Princess.

At that news, all the ponies exclaimed in surprise.

"Uh, she's good!" said Pinkie Pie, before screaming as she saw a blue mist appear from the place where the Princess should be.

And out of that mist formed a pony, with a mane made of the same mist, black in color, with wings and horn, a suit of armor and a Cutie Mark that looked like the moon, she was...

"Oh no, Nightmare Moon!" said Twilight, looking fearfully at the pony.

I just kept getting ready, ignoring Spike's overreaction of fainting.

"Oh, my dear subjects! It's been so long since I've seen your precious sun-worshipping faces!" said the moon mare looking around at everyone.

"What did you do with our Princess!" said Rainbow who looked ready to fight the alicorn, only prevented by Applejack.

At that, Nightmare Moon let out a cruel laugh to say, "Why, I'm not enough royalty for you, don't you know who I am?"

"Uh, uh, more guessing games. Um... Pokey Smokes, or how about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty...!" said Pinkie only to be silenced by Applejack.

"Doesn't my crown count now that I was imprisoned for thousands of years? Don't you remember the legend? Didn't you see the signs?" she said moving closer to the ponies standing near her, which oddly enough were Rarity and Fluttershy.

"I did" oh, why you had to talk Twilight, now her attention is on you.

Hopefully, she hasn't noticed me.

"And I know who you are, you're the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon" Twilight finished saying.

"Well, well, well, a pony remembers me, then you know why I'm here too," said the evil Princess.

"You're here to... to..." started to say Twilight but couldn't finish.

At Twilight's fearful look, the mare just laughed evilly and said, "remember this day, little ponies, because this will be the last time, from this moment on, night will reign forever!" she said before laughing villainously as her fur went crazy.

And out came thunder as well.

Huh, what a crazy thing to do.

The mayor, showing courage, declared, "Seize her! She's the only one who knows where the Princess is!" Hearing this, the Pegasus guards, tasked with escorting the Princess, swiftly moved toward her.

To which, the evil Princess replied, "Stay back, you foals!" she said to then use her magic to control the lightning bolts she was generating to strike the guards.

And the guards were down.

Seeing my chance, I fired a huge laser at her that generated a force field around her, aiming to keep her in prey.

But it seems I overestimated my capabilities, as she broke it with her horn, before turning into mist and lunging towards me.

Luckily, I moved quickly and now the Princess takes the place where I was.

Come on, the battle lessons I had with my father can't be in vain.

Generating fireballs in a ring around me, I threw them at her, but she generated a shield around her, causing the spell to hit the shield and do nothing.

I started firing powerful lightning bolts at her that usually go through normal shields, but the Princess's shield stiffened.

Such is the difference between our power? The difference between a unicorn and an alicorn?

Well, I'm [Beep].

The mare let out an evil laugh and turned misty and lunged at me again, only this time she did manage to catch me in it and take me with her into the dark sky.

I swear I could hear someone screaming my name before we were in the dark sky.

...now what? I can't move and I have no idea where we're going.

Well, it can't be very far.

Eventually, we come to some sort of dark castle and as soon as we get there, he throws me to the ground only to leave again.

Oi, where do you think you're going?

Ugh, it's not worth it. She's gone.

Looks like I'm in her throne room, considering the shape of this place.

I don't think she'll be long in coming back considering I'm here, so I must prepare a spell to attack her this time, not imprison her.

I should at least be able to inflict some damage on her, right?

When she reappeared, she appeared on her throne laughing evilly but I was prepared and cast my spell on her, which was basically a giant lightning bolt.

But she dodges it by turning to mist, and again my spell was ineffective.

Before I could do anything else, she exclaimed, "Get down, you silly pony!" With a swift and powerful spell, she tossed me, pinning me to the ground

"You're quite brave to challenge me like that, little pony, and you're not doing too bad for an untrained soldier," she said, circling around me like a predator eyeing its captured prey. "But alas, your efforts were in vain, and now you are at my mercy."

"In your dreams, Nightmare Moon," I declared, my eyes blazing with determination.

She responded with nothing more than a cold, calculating smile. Then, as the mist began to swirl around me, I felt an overwhelming drowsiness creeping in.

"Now, sleep, little pony," she mocked, her voice dripping with derision. "I'll deal with the fools who dare to approach."

"You'll... you'll... fall..." I managed to murmur, my voice trailing off as sleep overtook me.

I started to wake up, feeling quite cramped around me.

Ugh, why can't I get up.

...ah yeah, I'm trapped by the spell that Nightmare Moon put on me, and I can't even move, only my head and is just a little, I can't even feel my magic.

What kind of spell is this?

"Ah, I see you're awake" said my captor, who was walking towards me from her blue haze.

"Good morning, Moonie. Could you untie me, please?" I asked, looking up at the mare before me.

"Amazing. Even when you're helpless before me, you show no fear," the villainess remarked, her eyes narrowing as she studied me.

"The only one I'm afraid of is my mother when she's angry, and you're definitely not her," I replied, glancing at her from the corner of my eye.

She narrowed her eyes further, her gaze sharp and intense. "You will learn to fear me, my stubborn pony. Very soon," she said, her voice even but carrying a hint of menace.

Her threat didn't faze me. After all, I'd been through worse situations than this—twice.

Both times were in my old world, and both times I had narrowly escaped with my life.

But the point is, her threat doesn't scare me in the slightest.

"I thought it would be rude not to inform you: the girl who knew about me and her allies—your friends, I suppose—have arrived in the Everfree Forest. They're desperately searching for some pathetic, useless stones," she said, pointing a hoof towards her throne, which was shaped like a sphere. Huh, what a strange throne.

With her mist, she formed an image showing what Twilight and the others were doing. It looked like Rarity and Fluttershy were the main characters in this scene. Who knew?

"Why doesn't it have sound?" I wondered aloud. "Is that the extent of your spell? It shows what a person is doing but not what they are saying?"

"Your questions won't save you or these fillies," she retorted. Aw, but I was curious. "Unless, of course, you listen to my proposal."

"...And what might that be?" I had a suspicion, but I wanted to hear it from this evil dictator herself.

"If you value the lives of these ponies and all the other silly ponies in Equestria, you need to do one simple thing."

"...I'm listening, for now."

With a cocky grin, she said, "You're a pretty brave pony and have a strong grasp on magic, little stallion. Join my side, Platinum Breeze. Be the captain of my royal guards, and no one in Equestria will be able to stop us!" she exclaimed dramatically, thunder rumbling out of nowhere, again.

"...How do you know my name? I never told you," I said uncertainly.

"One of the mares in that group said your name, mentioning that you were due for rescue. You're the only pony I kidnapped," she replied. Aw, I knew Twilight cared about me.

"Anyway," I said, "I appreciate your... lovely offer, but I need time to think about it." Or rather, time to think of a way to escape, because I had no intention of betraying my friends. Besides, being a villain is no fun.

She looked at me, then turned away and walked towards her strange, spherical throne. "Then by all means, consider it. But I warn you, if you refuse, it will be the last time you act charitably. I sincerely hope you make the right decision. In the meantime, watch as I deal with these pests."

With a wicked grin, the mare transformed into mist and vanished, off to confront the ponies.

Now, with no distractions, I needed to concentrate on a plan. I hoped Twilight and the others weren't in too much danger from whatever Nightmare Moon had in store for them.

Uh, they've done well so far.

They each have a talent for something, a unique talent no doubt, and each used it to stay ahead of the situation they were in was pretty unique.

Like when they faced that scorpion lion with wings, I've never seen anything like that in my life.

Well, face to face, but if I had read about them, a manticore, it was a pretty dangerous creature.

Although it was reduced to a small puppy by the animal tamer, Fluttershy.

Then they had to solve some silly problems, at least from my point of view. First, there was that "scary" forest, which, honestly, the only frightening thing about it is how ugly it looks. Then, they encountered a sea serpent with a seriously messy mane.

All the problems seemed to be easily solved for them, while I struggled to find a way out of this spell, let alone a plan to escape my predicament. And wouldn't you know it, right on cue, Nightmare Moon returned.

"So, you've made your decision, my little friend," the moon monarch declared dramatically upon her return.

Without a plan in sight, I decided to mentally shrug and improvise. "If I may say so, you look pretty frustrated. Those 'pests' managed to foil your plans without fail."

Upon hearing my words, she gave me an unimpressed look and approached me with a threatening tone. "Judging by your tone, I gather you've decided to reject my offer."

I met her gaze with a look of apology and defiance. "I'm sorry, but not sorry enough to betray everyone I know for a dictator."

"Mmm, too bad," he said as he glared at me, though his tone didn't say as much, "Then, you're useless to me. As soon as your friends arrive, they will witness your swift demise.

"Hmm, whatever you say, crazy dictator," I retorted, trying to sound unthreatened even though I was somewhat afraid for my life.

"Crazy? Is that what you think, Platinum Breeze?" Nightmare Moon responded, her voice dripping with disdain. "Let me make it clear that I am not crazy. I am simply the perfect monarch this land needs..."

"No," I interrupted firmly.

"Excuse me...?" she replied, clearly taken aback.

"I said no," I repeated, ignoring the death stare she was giving me. "Do you know what you are, Nightmare Moon? A fool who doesn't understand how things really work. If you think ruling the night entirely will do any good, you're mistaken."

"That's what you think, Platinum Breeze, but the ponies will learn to live and respect the eternal night or suffer its wrath," she countered.

"That's exactly what will happen in the end, until there's nothing left," I asserted, my tone unwavering. "I don't know if being trapped in the moon has affected your knowledge or if you're just ignorant of this fact, but without the sun, without the light of day, all life in Equestria will perish. Without sunlight, all plants will die, and without plants, there will be no food for the sentient creatures of this world. All will die, leaving only a desolate, lifeless wasteland."

And I don't want that to happen, I already lived in a world like that and it was horrible, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let that happen to this magical world.

"Then so be it," say what now? "if they can't appreciate and adapt to the beautiful darkness, then let it be their doom."

"Don't you see?" I exclaimed, disbelief coloring my words. "It will be just like on the moon! With nothing living, with no one around, everything will become a desolate wasteland, just as it was on the moon! Eternal darkness brings nothing but desolation and sadness. We need the light and warmth of the sun for Equestria to thrive, for all creatures to live and be happy. Do you honestly wish to be left alone, for all eternity, with no way to fix it? Again?"

"...It's not about me being alone," Nightmare Moon responded, her tone defensive. "I don't need anyone to pity me or anything else useless." Despite her words, I could sense a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. It seemed that what I was saying was having an effect on her. "If in the end I'm the only one who respects the night, so be it."

"That's not true, Luna, and you know why?" I said in a determined voice.

"Hmm, indulge me."

"Because I respect the dark too," I said at her surprised look. "Both light and darkness play a crucial role in the fabric of our world. Light brings us hope and joy, but darkness teaches us patience and allows us to reflect. Without both, the balance would vanish, leaving a void in our hearts and in our beloved land, I understand that your sister understands that...and you can understand that too."

"...What are you suggesting?" I can't believe I am really getting through to her, I really didn't expect her to listen to me, but if I can get through to her, I will be able to solve this matter without the need for violence.

"Go back to being the mare you once were, Princess Luna. The respected and loved mare you have always been. Let go of the pain and anger you carry in your heart. You are and will be forgiven, drive away the eternal night, let go of the past and return to who you were." I said hoping to reach her.

I was being as sentimental and inspirational as I could be, pulling out the words that came to mind in hopes of reaching this mare, but if I succeeded, there would be no need for the elements of harmony and then I can be completely free of any isekai cliché I can get myself into.

I still don't know if it's going to happen, but better safe than sorry.

After what seemed like an eternity with the two of us staring at each other, the reluctant mare was the first to look away, turning away from me, "It's too late for that..." was her calm response, with a hint of finality.

But I wasn't about to give up, being so close.

"It's never too late for redemption," I said with a soft tone in my voice, "Come back to us, Princess Luna, your sister needs you."

"She never needed me."

"I don't think so."

"Then you are a fool to believe otherwise," was his short and blunt reply.

At that, I just smiled, "I know."

Just as he was about to open his mouth to continue this endless argument, he suddenly stopped and raised his head, squinting from what I could see, and before I could say anything, he disappeared. Most likely to the direction where Twilight and the others were.

I sighed in disappointment, in the end, I couldn't reach her.

I guess I'll leave the rest to you, Twilight.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw that Twilight and the others had found the stones, which as far as I could see were only 5.

So far, so good.

Then, because Twilight was too focused on the stones, she couldn't react in time to the violet tornado that took the stones, not being able to prevent the stones from now being in the power of the moon monarch.

But that also didn't stop Twilight from jumping at the last minute into the tornado, disappearing as well.

That was the last thing I saw before the spell showing me what was going on disappeared, replaced by evil laughter as Nightmare Moon reappeared before me, the stones floating around her in her grasp. And there, in front of her, stood Twilight, looking utterly shocked at the Princess of the Night.

It's kind of difficult to make out what's happening, considering I'm behind Nightmare Moon, her body blocking my vision. But I can catch glimpses of the scene unfolding before me.

Twilight, with a look of determination, assumed a stance to attack. I suppose she hasn't noticed me yet, though given my position, it's not too surprising.

"You're kidding," I don't think Moonie is, considering how determined Twilight is, "You're kidding, right?"

In response, I could see her horn light up with magic ready to be cast, and Twilight charged, I could see in response the alicorn preparing to defend herself, then launching into the attack as well.

I'm not worried though, because while Twilight can be quite reckless at times, she's also very smart.

And I knew it, as soon as Nightmare Moon got close enough to her, Twilight teleported in front of me, or rather in front of the stones.

Though that didn't stop her from gasping when she saw me in my predicament. "Hello, Twilight," I greeted casually, trusting her to understand.

"Are you okay, Platinum?" she asked with concern. At my nod, she sighed in relief before redirecting her attention to the stones. "Just a spark..." she muttered, focusing on the scattered stones on the ground.

I didn't quite grasp what she was trying to accomplish, but I had faith in Twilight's abilities. "Come on, come on!" she urged, her magic beginning to influence the stones. But before she could complete whatever she was attempting, Nightmare Moon appeared before her, sending her flying.

Despite the interruption, it seemed Twilight's efforts had some effect, as the elements briefly flickered with energy before shutting down.

"But... where's the sixth element?" Twilight exclaimed in disbelief, her hopes dashed as Nightmare Moon laughed cruelly, destroying the stones with a forceful stomp.

"You little foal! You thought you could defeat me? Now, you'll never see your Princess or the sun again! The night will be eternal!" Nightmare Moon declared triumphantly, her mane crackling with dark energy once more.

No, this couldn't be the end. "Twilight, don't give up!" I urged her, my voice filled with determination. "Believe in yourself and the others. Together, you can overcome anything!" My words seemed to resonate with her, reflected in the determination shining in her eyes.

"What a nice little speech, you defiant pony," Nightmare Moon mocked, her laughter echoing around us. "But you're wrong. Without the Elements of Harmony, there's nothing that can stop me!"

"You think you can destroy the elements of harmony, just like that?" at that, the villain stopped his laughter and looked at the mare who was speaking, "Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of the elements of harmony are right here!"

At that, the crystals reacted to his words and rose up, much to the moon mare's disbelief.


"Applejack, who reassured me when I had doubts: he represents the spirit of honesty!" said Twilight confidently, to which one of the broken crystals surrounded her.

"Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion-" which was epic, "-represents the spirit of kindness!"

"Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by laughing in the face of danger, represents the spirit of laughter!

"Rarity, who calmed a distressed snake with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of generosity!"

"And Rainbow Dash, who couldn't abandon her friends despite her heart's desire, represents the spirit of loyalty!"

And there's only one element missing, right? Please, please, please let it be so.

Don't pull a seventh element out of nowhere please.

"The spirits of these five ponies helped us overcome every challenge you threw!" and several of those challenges were more dangerous than others, like the one with the manticore.

"You still don't have the sixth element, the spark didn't work!" said the nervous monarch of the night, to which I couldn't help but laugh, knowing she was [Beep]ed up, though it annoyed her, "What are you laughing at, you silly stallion?"

"But it did, a different kind of spark," Twilight said as she turned to look at her friends, "I found it at the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you, the spark ignited inside me, when I realized you are my friends!" yuck, that sounded corny enough but I still couldn't help but smile.

Now a bright light appeared above us, the sixth element, which descended upon Twilight who looked at the element in amazement.

"You see, Nightmare Moon, when these elements are ignited by the spark that resides within our hearts, it creates the sixth element, the element of magic!" said Twilight and suddenly a bright light blinded me...

Ouch! Why is the light so strong? That hurts.

I closed my eyes since I couldn't cover them a When the light finally dimmed, I cautiously opened my eyes. I witnessed the elements merging with their bearers, creating necklaces for them and a crown for Twilight, for some reason, and then the rainbow emerged from them to descend in the direction of Nightmare Moon, who panicked and could only scream.

"Noooooooo!" screamed Nightmare Moon when suddenly the rainbow... enveloped her in a kind of tornado... that was weird.

Now to get my eyes closed again for the suddenly bright light.

Hmm, wait, I can move again.

Ugh, it feels good to stretch after being stuck in the same restrictive pose for so long was awful.

Oh, and I got my magic back, sweet!

Moving my body, I quickly verified that everything was working in order and once I saw that it was, I smiled and walked over to the group of mares who were lying down after their first use of the elements.

Haha, good thing I didn't become a stupid seventh element of harmony, now I can be at peace.

"Oooh! My head!" groaned a certain blue Pegasus in pain.

"Everypony okay?" Applejack inquired, scanning the group.

"All good on my end," I confirmed as I approached the group.

"PLATINUM!" a voice exclaimed, and suddenly I found myself enveloped in a hug that nearly took my breath away. When I looked to my side, I saw it was Twilight, squeezing me tightly.

"Hey, Twilight, let me breathe, please," I said awkwardly, not accustomed to such affectionate gestures. Fortunately, she released me soon after, and I glanced up at her, noticing the crown atop her head.

"Hey, now it looks like you're a real princess, Twilight," I remarked with a touch of humor. Though she initially gave me a dry look, she soon smiled.

"I'm glad to see you're okay. I was worried when I saw Nightmare Moon kidnap you," she said calmly, her gaze fixed on me.

I shrugged, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the attention. "Eh, I'm fine. That's what matters. And would you look at that? You guys turned out to be the representatives of the spirits of harmony," I remarked, glancing at them with a small smile. They seemed excited about their new trinkets.

"Wow Twilight, at first I thought you were just talking a lot of nonsense, but I guess I really think we represent the elements of friendship," I said,

"Indeed, you do," uh, where did that come from? Oh, from there.

Suddenly, a glowing orb came through the window, before disappearing and revealing the ruler of our land, Princess Celestia.

At that, the ponies, including myself but excepting Twilight, bowed to her while Twilight was happy to see her.

As they began chatting amongst themselves, I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from the mare who had taken Nightmare Moon's place: Princess Luna.

She's... smaller than I thought, compared to how she was before and compared to her sister.

"Now alone with another will," uh, ah I distanced myself from the world a moment ago, I looked over to see Princess Celestia, who looked at her sister, "Princess Luna" who woke up at the sound of her sister's voice.

"It's been a thousand years since I've seen you like this," she said as she approached her sister, "it's time to put our differences behind us, we are destined to rule together, little sister."

"Sister?!" the mares said in surprise, only to look up at me seeing that I was not surprised.

As they gazed at me, I couldn't help but feel puzzled. "I already knew," I stated, which elicited looks of disbelief from them. This, in turn, only deepened my confusion. "Wait, you didn't know?" I asked incredulously. They denied it, which I found rather amusing, especially considering Twilight's denial. "Twilight, it literally says so in the story you read," I pointed out. Twilight slipped into a pensive state before realization struck her, prompting her to slap her forehead in embarrassment.

Turning back to the scene, I witnessed the heartwarming embrace between the two princesses. Pinkie Pie, moved by the touching moment, began to shed tears, only to abruptly stop and exclaim, "Hey, do you know what this calls for?

Now what.

A party.

Of course it had to be a party.

Look, I have nothing against parties, normally, but right now I'm really tired and sore. I just want to go to bed and sleep.

Although I couldn't help but feel happy when Spike hugged me as soon as he saw me.

"I thought you'd be celebrating, Platinum," a voice said coming closer. I turned to see Twilight approaching me.

"Right now, I'm feeling pretty tired and sore from the whole thing. I just want to go to sleep," I said, and then I took a good look at her and noticed that she was slumped over. "Everything all right, Twilight? You look a little down."

"Indeed, why so sad, my faithful student?" Ah! I couldn't help but jump in surprise because I didn't notice the huge alicorn approaching out of nowhere. "Aren't you glad your quest is over and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?"

"That's just it," Twilight confessed, looking down at the ground. "Just when I learned how wonderful it is to have several friends... I have to leave them..."

Ouch, your words hurt me, Twilight, but I also understand your feeling. It's not easy to have to leave those you've grown attached to. In my case, I can't help wanting to go home and sleep in my comfy bed, then go back to my studies.

"Spike! Make a note!" Said the princess, to which he pulled out some paper and a pen from who knows where. "I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria: she is to continue studying the magic of friendship. She is to report her findings to me, from her new home... Ponyville."

I couldn't help but be a little surprised for that but then I smiled as Twilight's new friends came over to celebrate the news with her.

"Oh, thank you, Princess Celestia, I'll study harder than ever!" oh please, like you don't study a lot anyway.

But regardless, I found myself smiling, happy for Twilight.

Now I just had to go to bed.

"And what will you do, young Platinum, now that the mission I gave you two is over?" said Princess Celestia, and now everyone was staring at me.

Ah, it would be wrong of me to say that I just wanted to go home to sleep.

Considering the pleading look Twilight was giving me, I guess so.

Ah, [Beep] the social pressure.

I took a deep breath and smiled, "Well, I guess I'll be able to stay a little longer in Ponyville, because of Twilight and I can always continue my research here, so it's not that much of a problem,"

Twilight's smile brightened even more, and the other ponies cheered.

Ugh, what did I get myself into.

Being hugged by Twilight and the other girls, I could only sigh as I accepted it.

Can I go to sleep now?

And that's it.

Long chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it.

chapter 4: the ticket master

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Good morning, afternoon or evening.

Today I bring you a new chapter.

If you have any criticism about the story or any suggestions, I'll be happy to hear them.

I hope you enjoy it.

This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans for the purpose of improving in the art of writing.

This story can and most likely will have spelling errors.

Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated.

This story is not going to be a HIE or G5, it will be tinged to the G4 story, MLP: FIM.

It's been a few days since the Nightmare Moon incident and the eternal night thing.

The party didn't last long, at most an hour and that was because all the ponies were incredibly tired, most of them had stayed awake unable to sleep because they were worried about the whole "eternal night" thing that the mare in the moon was going to bring.

So, it was no surprise that as soon as they had a chance, they went home to rest.

That was especially for me and the bearers of the elements of harmony, or mane six in short, that we were incredibly tired, they from the adventure they had, me from being kidnapped and held prisoner in an extremely painful and uncomfortable position.

After the princesses left, the girls came over to say goodbye.

Pinkie immediately came over to me to give me a crushing hug, saying a bunch of words per second, although I understood the substance, which was that she was glad I was okay and then we were going to have a party for that fact, to which I tried to dissuade her but couldn't, I only got her to promise to make it a small party between the 8 of us.

Applejack slapped me hard on the back, saying I was pretty brave for standing up to Nightmare Moon like I did, but at the same time scolding me, saying what I did was pretty dumb, I just smiled at her and nodded, too tired to do anything else.

Rarity and Fluttershy both said they were glad I was okay. However, it was a little hard for me to hear it from Fluttershy considering how softly she spoke, but at least not so low as it was when we meet, and Rarity congratulated me for getting rid of my hat but insisting I stop by her boutique to give me something better.

Rainbow congratulated me for giving Nightmare Moon a certain fight but also said, rather arrogantly if I do say so myself, that if she could have fought, she would have given the evil alicorn a good fight, which I thought was rather ridiculous but said nothing.

After that, everyone went to their respective homes and that's where the day ended, so to speak.

It was still weird that I was sharing a house with Twilight, since in all the years I've known her, I've only been to her house a few times and the same on her behalf, but never for a long period of time nor were they repeated times and all those times were for studies or to take care of Spike, or to teach him.

After that, came the biggest problem of my new stay in this town, moving.

While moving is usually not a big problem for most ponies, since with magic you can easily transport all the things needed for a new home.

And more so in our case, since our new "home" was already set up with all the necessary accessories to be habitable, such as a living room, bedrooms, a kitchen, bathrooms, etc.

But the real problem was that I was leaving behind my workshop, along with all the magical tools necessary to safely create new spells. Everything I needed, including all my notes, was there.

While they could bring them to the tree house safely, another problem surged and it was that there was no place to put them or so I thought.

Until we discovered that in this library there is a basement.

And in that basement, I had the perfect space for all my magic tools, plus some stuff Twilight brought back too from canterlot.

But also, given the layout of my new house, developing my elemental Glyphs has been out of the question. Unless I want to risk setting my new home on fire, which brings us to today.

I was currently working on the coded language to try to create something like runes, which I got the idea for recently as a way to have a backup plan in case my Glyphs didn't work.

I'm also taking care of the library along with Spike, since Twilight went off to help Applejack with apple picking since Applejack asked her to, I stayed because I have my own work to do and Spike stayed because he wanted to.

No, I honestly have no idea why Spike stayed with me, usually Spike goes with Twilight because the two of them are very close, but Spike has never stayed with me.

Well, except that one time, when he decided to sleep over with me one day, when he was still kind of young.

...Yeah, I don't want to talk about that, let's just say Twilight can be a very paranoid mother when she wants to be.

Spike is cleaning up the library a bit, as it was getting a bit dusty but it didn't take him long to finish it and now, he is sitting near me to see if he could help me.

"So... why are you doing that again?" asked Spike for the millionth time as I was writing in my notebook trying to create the correct language for the rune.

"I've told you before Spike, it's for the creation of a new form of magic" I said without taking my eyes off my notebook as with my magic I held an open book with a spell I was trying to pierce, or rather adapt.

Or whatever, I don't even know the correct term.

"So, why can't I help you?" asked Spike, looking at the books and notes scattered around me.

"You've already helped me, Spike. You brought me these books and made breakfast," I said, glancing up from my book to smile softly at him.

Spike has always been a wonderful assistant who loves to help. I'm pretty sure part of that is due to the upbringing Twilight gave him, though maybe I had a bit of an influence too.

We'll never know.

Anyway, I'm very grateful to Spike, as he's the one in this house who cook for both me and Twilight almost every day.

It's not that Twilight and I can't cook; we certainly can if we put our minds to it. It's just that we usually have our noses buried in books or busy with our own tasks. I'm always wrapped up in my research, and Twilight is deeply engrossed in her studies. It's amusing to reminisce about the times our parents had to practically drag us away from our studies just so we'd remember to take care of ourselves.

Well, it was not an easy task and definitely wasn't funny, for them at least.

Anyway, Spike smiled back at me with a proud expression and said, closing his eyes, "Well, glad to be of service! After all, I am your #1 assistant!"

At that, I just smiled and shook my head in mock exasperation.

That's right, Spike is my number 1 assistant, or rather, mine and Twilight's.

I'm not sure where it came from or why he came up with the idea, but one day, out of nowhere, during one of my study afternoons at Twilight's house, Spike declared himself our number one assistant and started trying to do everything for us.

At first it was cute, but then it was infuriating because Spike wanted to do everything for us, although after talking to him, making him understand that he doesn't have to do everything for us, he stopped.

Though that didn't stop him from still being our number one assistant, more of Twilight's than mine, since he was still living with Twilight after all, but you get the idea.

Anyway, it's time to get on with my work.

What I'm trying to do, as I had said before, is to move this spell into coded language so that it can be used on the surface without resorting to using our magic.

It is quite similar to the Glyphs I was trying to do but, unlike the Glyphs, the runes are quite limited in what they can do in comparison.

For example, Glyphs, in theory, can cast any spell with in correct coded language so that it can work, using the magic that is around us so that it can work.

But runes are more limited in some respects.

First, they can't be used for just any spell, only very specific ones like the levitation spell I'm using now.

Second, the coded language for runes is different from the one I use for Glyphs, making it harder and more time-consuming for me to create them.

Third, runes can't absorb magic from the environment as easily; I've already checked. Instead, they need an internal source of magic to work properly.

Why did I make it so different from using Glyphs? Because, oddly enough, it can't work any other way.

Runes and Glyphs are very closely related, which is why I can work on both without problems, but they are not the same.

This is because-

"Hey, Platinum," Spike suddenly said as he brought a book with him, "can't this book do you any good?" asked Spike showing me a book.

Hmm, magic lines? Isn't that the book that talked about the root of the spells we unicorns use nowadays?

Wait... that might actually work for me, I've already read that book and if I remember correctly, there are certain parts that detail the difference the way we use it today to how they used it in the past and before ponies used magic with the environment they lived in.

Smiling cheerfully, I turn to Spike putting aside my notes and the book, "that's a great idea Spike, give me the book please," I said as I held out my helmet.

He happily was about to give it to me, until he suddenly dropped the book as he covered his mouth with his hand and the other went to his stomach, as if he was going to throw up.

Wait, that's it- "Spike, you have to let it out, don't fight it" I tried to advise the dragon, who listened to me or at least I think so, since he couldn't keep up the fight and let out a burp, taking out his blue flame that soon turned into a letter.

Yes, Spike has been able to send and receive letters from Princess Celestia for a long time now.

We found out by accident, one day Spike accidentally burned Twilight's homework, which made Twilight angry, but the homework suddenly appeared in my room while I was resting after a long day, leaving me very confused.

Since then, Princess Celestia charmed Spike's fire so that he could send letters to any pony as long as Spike has a clear idea of who he wants to send them to and have a connection with them.

Luckily, it's not the first time it's happened and I was prepared, moving away from the fire before it hit me, I didn't want to repeat what happened the first time it did it in front of me.

Ugh, my fur still itches resentfully from that incident.

Shaking my head, I watched Spike pick up the letter and open it without a second thought. Before he could read it, I put the paper down and said, "Spike, what have I told you about reading the Princess' letters when Twilight isn't present?"

"Um... that I shouldn't?" said Spike, smiling sheepishly. Then, hastily, at my scolding look, he added, "But, this might be something important."

"Spike, it's from Princess Celestia. All her messages are important," I said, rolling my eyes and feeling annoyed with myself for saying it. I have nothing against the Princess; in fact, I respect her a lot, as I've said before.

The concept of a monarchy feels antiquated and somewhat flawed to me. Governance shouldn't be solely in the hooves of a single pony, but rather shared among two or more, with input from the people. This form of government persists mainly because of the trust every pony place in Princess Celestia. However, this reliance on one pony has left others feeling helpless in various situations, disinclined to take initiative knowing that Princess Celestia will handle everything for them.

You see this a lot in the nobility, like that nephew of hers...

Ugh, I don't even want to think about him.

Anyway, turning my attention back to Spike, who was watching me as I was having my little internal monologue.

Sighing, I removed my helmet from the letter and said, "Okay, Spike, you can read it, but make it the last time you read the letter without Twilight being here."

At that, Spike smiled, cleared his throat and said: "Hear ye, hear ye," oh, old English, must be something very important, "Her grand royal highness Princess Celestia of Equestria is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent city on Canterlot on the 21st day of um… yadda, yadda, yadda… cordially expends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest!"

"Eh, a second letter? That's new," I said as Spike grabbed the letter, a confused look on his face as he glanced at me for answers. Normally, when Princess Celestia sent a letter, it was always just one. It's rare for her to send a second letter.

Nodding to him, Spike opens the second letter and says, "hear ye, hear ye, Her grand royal highness Princess Celestia of Equestria is pleased to- wait, I just read this," oh, wait, don't tell me what it is- "give me a second, city of Canterlot, 21st day of... yadda, yadda, yadda... extend an invitation to Platinum Breeze, plus one guest."

As he looked at the letter in surprise, I had a look of annoyance, as I didn't like the "Grand Galloping Gala" like other ponies, this was mainly due to some bad memories I had about the gala.

Before I could continue with my line of thought, the dragon burped again, this time bringing four special golden invitations, "Look! Tickets!" exclaimed Spike excitedly, obviously more excited than I was from all the anticipation.

"Yes, they are," I said, rolling my eyes with some annoyance as I grabbed my tickets offered by Spike with my hoof and tucked them inside my cloak, waiting to be forgotten.

"Isn't that great, we should go find Twilight, she'll be so thrilled to see these tickets-"

"Then by all means," I interrupted the dragon before he could finish speaking, "Go and show Twilight those things. I still have work to do," I said as I sat down and grabbed my notes, feeling the nonexistent weight of my own tickets on my back.

"Oh...you're not coming?" said Spike looking at me confused, which is reasonable.

Normally I wouldn't pass up a chance to see Twilight, whether it was to tease her or just to hang out, either studying or... well, studying, it really was rare that we did anything else.

But I really felt like continuing my study and besides, I needed to think and decide if it was worth going to the Grand Galloping Gala.

"Sorry Spike, but I really need to focus on this right now," I replied looking up from my notes to look at the young dragon.

He looked at me, confused and hesitant about what to do, until he finally shrugged. "Alright then. See you later!" I waved with my hoof as he hurried towards the door and left the building, undoubtedly eager to show the tickets to Twilight and hoping to be chosen to go with her.

Because that's how it always is, the ponies go crazy trying to get a ticket, but the gala always ends up being a disappointment.

How do I know that? It's really simple, several years ago I went to one.

As you may know, my father is the captain of the unicorn royal guard, or was, until he retired to make room for the new sensation, Shining Armor, Twilight's brother, to take his place.

Anyway, as I was saying, considering how important the gala is for all the ponies, the guards keep an eye on the place, making sure that civil order is maintained and that no mishaps occur.

My father, being in the old days the captain of the unicorn royal guard, always had to be present at the gala, to write rotation schedules for the guards and make sure everything goes as it should.

One day, Princess Celestia allowed my father to bring me along, the reason? I don't know if I'm honest, maybe my father asked or the Princess suggested it to him.

Well, in that time since I was a kid, I always knew that the gala wasn't the big deal that everyone made it out to be, I don't remember exactly why but I definitely wasn't very excited about the idea of going to the gala when I was a kid.

That was re confirmed during the gala, since I was just a foal at a fancy party that is usually roomed with high class nobles, I ended up getting bored quickly and decided to go find my father so we could leave or something, I don't remember well.

After circling around the entire building about three times looking for my father, I had the unfortunate luck to run into Princess Celestia's nephew, Prince Blueblood.

Apparently, they brought him along so he could see what the festivities were like and get some connections.

When I saw him, I wasn't happy to see him, I don't exactly remember the reason why either but I knew it was because of something from my past life but I ignored it, thinking to give him a chance considering he was also a foal and might not be as bad as I remembered him.

I was wrong, big time, whatever education his parents gave him make him to be a [Beep] as he was as I remember, so it started from when he was a foal, as he was behaving like he was underneath it, just because he was a Prince.

He literally expected me to carry his stuff for him, or bring him his food, or be his [Beep]ing seat!

I ended up getting so fed up that I ended up throwing him into the fountain in the garden party.

Of course, I was scolded for the way I treated Celestia's nephew, although she didn't mind, as she knew her nephew could be very exasperating.

In the end I had to apologize, reluctantly, to the "poor prince."

It was super annoying.

And now I was officially being invited to the "party" I hated so much...and I'm really considering it.

While I really don't want to go, I'm pretty sure Twilight will force me to go one way or another, she has her means to do it.

I shake my head, now is not the time to think about it, I must concentrate on my research.

Then I can decide whether or not to go to that [Beep] party.

I put my hoofs on my head while massaging my head

I'm not making any progress at all.

This should be easy, I managed to generate a small fire with the Glyphs! Why can't I get this book to float in front of me with a rune?

I've managed to set up the encoded text, I've managed to get it to absorb the magic of our environment so that it can work on its own and sustain itself.

So why isn't it working?

As I was killing my head thinking, I could hear the door opening.

Maybe Twilight can help me with my little problem, she's smarter than me after all.


"Oh. Um... excuse me Platinum, I hope you don't mind if I come in..."

I blinked, not waiting at all for the little Pegasus in front of me to come through the door, before giving her a soft smile, "Good afternoon, Fluttershy, it's no problem for me, after all the library is open to all the public." I said, despite being quite curious as to why she came despite Twilight not being around and definitely not coming for me, but I kept it to myself.

"Thanks, I hope I'm not interrupting anything" Fluttershy says as she gives me a shy smile looking at all the books lying around along with several of my notes and some objects.

"Not at all, in fact, I was just about to take a break." I said as I closed the book that was floating with magic and my notes and stood up to stretch. Phew, I feel more battered than I thought, I must have been in that position for longer than I thought.

Looking at the Pegasus pony in front of me, I couldn't help but have to sate my curiosity and asked, "If you don't mind telling me, what brings you here Fluttershy? Neither Twilight nor Spike are around at the moment," it was then that an idea popped into my mind, remembering Spike leaving to tell Twilight about the tickets, who at the moment was with Applejack.

Don't tell me that by a quirk of fate, or rather for the sake of plot, all the mane six girls found out about the tickets.

That means.

Instead of answering my question, the yellow pony turned and said to someone outside, "You can come in now," and then, to my surprise, multiple creatures from the forest suddenly entered the building.

Looking around, I could see a rabbit, a squirrel and three birds.

Fluttershy must have noticed my puzzled look, "I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to clean up the library a bit for Twilight. I thought it would be nice of me to be a good friend to her. Oh, and for you too!" she said adding that last part nervously.

I couldn't help but smile and chuckle a little, "Hoping to win her sympathy so she can take you to the gala?" I said as I looked at the animals doing some unnecessary cleaning as Spike cleaned the library before he left.

He stopped midway through giving his bunny, who I have no idea what his name is, a brush, "What, oh no, I never-!"

"It's okay Fluttershy, feel free to dust the library all you want, I'm sure Twilight will appreciate it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have something to do." I said as I ignored her thanks, using my magic I returned the books I used to their respective shelves and picked up the rest to take to the basement.

Before leaving, I made sure my tickets were securely fastened and hidden inside my cloak, I didn't want to be in Twilight's position.

But first, "Will there be something to eat in the kitchen?" I couldn't help but wonder, as all my time in my studies made me hungry.

I was sitting at one of the tables that wasn't being cleaned by Fluttershy's little animals while reading my book and finishing the sandwich I had made myself, when I heard a muffled cry, "Fluttershy, not you too!"

"Honestly, I don't know why you're surprised Twilight," I said as I read my book, though honestly, I wasn't really concentrating on it, the soft melody Fluttershy was singing was quite distracting, considering it was a nice tune and made me quite sleepy.

Not that I was going to admit it, it's kind of embarrassing.

"Oh! Well, hello Twilight," I couldn't help but chuckle under my breath at her innocent tone of voice, "I hope you don't mind, but we're all doing a little spring cleaning for you two." I laughed again at the poor lie Fluttershy just told.

You're a sweetheart Fluttershy, but you need to get better at your lies.

"It's summer."

It is indeed.

But that reminded me of a song lyric.

Well, more like just its melody but now it's stuck in my mind.

"Oh-" why does she keep saying oh at the beginning of each of his sentences? "-well, better late than never, right?"

...that's not how it works, Fluttershy, Besides, I'm certain this place had a thorough spring cleaning not long ago.

"It was Angel's idea" eh, so the bunny is named Angel, good to know.

Seriously though, blame the bunny Fluttershy? I thought better of you.

Angel doesn't seem to mind though and it seem happy about it, maybe it was really his idea?

"You're not doing this for the ticket, are you?" of course not Twilight, she's doing this out of the goodness of her heart.

...Wait, she might very well get to do this out of the goodness of her heart, even if that's not the case this time.

Uh, I hadn't thought of that.

I should improve my sarcasm

"Oh, no! I'm doing this for you and Platinum are my best friends, right Angel?"

At that, I just blinks in bewilderment at her, "do you know that level of friendship can only be achieved over time, right?" the Pegasus just shrugged innocently, causing him to facehoof at the silliness and putting my eye roll.

'Angel' seemed to agree with me.

"Oh, yeah, we're just doing this for the ticket," at that, both Twilight and I blinked, neither expecting the blunt one. Then I hear the loudest growl I've ever heard from a stomach...other than my own but luckily, I've already eaten.

Uh... that food was made by the rabbit? I wouldn't eat it if I were you, Twilight.

"No, no, no!" it's okay, Twilight, there's no need to get so frantic about refusing a meal, there are better ways, though I understand your irritation. "Well, this is all very kind of you and Angel, but I won't accept any additional favors until I've made my final decision," at that, I nodded approvingly, as sometimes you need to be firm to be listened to, "So I'm going to ask you to leave-!"

"Surprise!" at the sudden super loud sound, I drop the book I was reading to see Twilight being kidnapped by pink hooves.

Stepping out to see what's going on, I see something quite surreal.

"Twilight is my bestest friend, Whoopee! Whoopee!"



"She's the cutest, smartest, all-around best pony! Pony!"


…am just witnessing.

"I bet if I throw a super-duper fun party! Party!"


"She'll give her extra ticket to the gala to meee!"


"Yes, Twilight?" after throwing her some sort of party or something, Pinkie approached Twilight happily hoping she had won the ticket.

That... was really weird, but honestly, with only knowing Pinkie for a short time and a little bit of my memories, it's something she would do just to try to win Twilight over.

But it was still very chaotic and annoying.

"At least the other ponies are trying to be subtle about the ticket!" said Twilight annoyed getting up from the ground.

"Wait... what ticket? What gala?" uh oh.

"Oh, you didn't know?" wait, no Pinkie- "Twilight has an extra ticket for the Grand Galloping-!" before she could finish her sentence, I rushed to her side to cover her snout but the damage was already done.

"The Grand Galloping gala?!" exclaimed all the ponies around us in unison.

After that, everything went into chaos, with all the ponies talking, flattering Twilight to curry favor with her to get them to take them to the gala.

Twilight and Spike tried to escape but the ponies surrounded them offering favors among other things.

Seeing that they were in trouble, I tried to rush to help them but I couldn't get close and before I knew it, Twilight and Spike were running away and the army of interested ponies followed them.

Uh, that just happened.

I feel kinda worried for Twilight and Spike but I can't help them now.

Entering the house and closing at the door, I see Fluttershy standing there while together with her animals.

"Um... I don't mean to be impolite, but you all need to leave, at least your animals, Fluttershy," I said as I opened the door. The animals seemed a bit offended, but after some kind words from Fluttershy, they left, except for the rabbit, who decided to stay close to its owner.

"Oh, Platinum, you dropped these," said Fluttershy as she grabbed some tickets, my tickets, oh [Beep] me, "oh, you got your own tickets to the gala too?"

"No, Fluttershy, they are tickets to the great beyond" I said resignedly but also expressionlessly.

"Oh... why?" at her response, I couldn't help but give myself another facehoof at the fact that she didn't detect my sarcasm.

I seriously need to improve my sarcasm.

"Yes, Fluttershy, these are my tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala" I said as the Pegasus gave a silent squeal of excitement, then an idea occurred to me "uh... you can take them if you want" I offered, extending my tickets towards her.

The pony's eyes widened in shock as she approached me, "Both? But one is for you, and the other is for whoever you want to take with you, right?"

I shrugged, knowing this gave me an excuse not to go. "I'm not the biggest fan of big social events, and honestly, it's no big deal. Take them, you can bring along the bunny or any of your other animals," I said, ignoring the rabbit's protest squeals. Clearly, he didn't want to go to a boring event either. We're on the same page, little buddy.

"But...it's the Grand Galloping Gala! How could you possibly not want to go?" he said as he looked at me, not taking the tickets from my hoofs.

"Simple, like this," I said as I dropped the tickets on the ground, showing how much, I cared about the event, much to the dismay of the Pegasus in front of me.

"But... it would be impolite to refuse such an invitation from Princess Celestia!"

"Yeah, well... it sucks to be her, doesn't it?" I said as the pony gasped again in shock, this time accompanied by her rabbit in shock, an amused smile crossed my face, amused by the whole situation, "I can't just be forced to go to an event I don't want to go to, no matter how much I respected the Princess," I said as I looked at the tickets to then look at the pony in front of me. "Take them, I don't need them, besides I don't want to go through the situation Twilight is going through right now," I said as I went to sit at the table where I was reading my book, to go back.

Well, time to continue relaxing- oh, my thoughts are interrupted midway when the yellow Pegasus came to my side and left the two fallen tickets next to my book, "I'm sorry," she started sincerely, "but I can't accept these tickets; they are for you and whoever you decide to bring, it wouldn't be fair of me to take them away from you, it's not right,"

"Sometimes life isn't fair Fluttershy," I said closing my book and looking at her, "besides, you'd be wasting the tickets, I don't need them, I don't feel like going to a high-class party full of snobby nobles and arrogant studs,"

"It can't be as bad as you say, Platinum," said a voice turning me to see the blue Pegasus, Rainbow Dash with a smile, along with the other girls who at one point entered the house.

Seriously, how did all five of them get in without me noticing?

Looking at her, I said, "Have you ever been in the gala, Rainbow Dash?"

At that, her look turned shy, "Well...no, but I've always wanted to-!"

"Exactly, now do me a favor and please shut up," I said as I stood up from the table, ignoring her jaw dropping at the sudden command, or favor.

Looking at each of the assembled mares, I looked at them with a hard stare, "look at you, all of you; trying to win Twilight's favor so she could take you to the gala, but instead, you just ended up annoying her. Do you honestly think she would just share her ticket with any of you?"

"Of course she would," Rarity said in protest, not liking my annoyed tone, "We're her best friends-!"

"Exactly, ALL of you are her best friends! Although, saying you're her best friends despite the short time you've known her seems a bit absurd to me," and no, I'm not saying this out of jealousy or anything. "Do you really think she would take just one of you to the gala if she can't take all of you? No, the most likely thing that would happen is that Twilight would return the tickets to Princess Celestia-" I said, ignoring their gasps at the thought "-because she can't decide who to take. You might not know this, or maybe you haven't noticed, but Twilight values all of you equally. There's a reason she decided to stay here in Ponyville instead of going back to Canterlot. And if you keep pushing her for the tickets, you'll only make things worse."

After I finished speaking, I let my words sink into their skulls as I drank some water, not bothering to hide my smile as I watched the ponies look away in embarrassment. It felt good to make them reflect on their behavior today.

Seriously, they call each other their best friends despite only knowing each other for a short time, they didn't know Twilight like I did, and no, I'm not saying that out of jealousy.

"Well, gee, I hadn't thought of it that way..." Applejack was the first to respond, as she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, "I guess we've all been pretty selfish with poor Twilight."

"Indeed, Applejack," Rarity said as she nodded her head, her tone suggesting she was embarrassed, "I feel ashamed for picking on dear Twilight like that!"

"Oh! Oh! I know!" I couldn't help but chuckle a little at the enthusiasm the pink pony had, even in a tense moment like this, it really represented laughter, "As soon as I get Twilight, we'll apologize to her!"

"Great idea, Pinkie!" said the blue Pegasus as she nodded her head then looked at me, or more specifically at the tickets resting on the table next to me.

Why do I have a feeling I'm not going to like what she's about to say?

"So, Platinum... you sharing that ticket or what?" Yeah, I didn't like it at all.

The sound of my hoof slapping my face was heard throughout the library.

After a long time, after dark, Twilight and Spike finally return home. The indescribable sound of the transportation spell, which can only be described as a "POOF!" was suddenly heard and I lifted my head from my book, which is a science fiction book if you were wondering, to see the appearance of Twilight and Spike.

"Uhh... phew, looks like Twilight's magic wasn't controlled, considering Spike's appearance.

One negative effect of teleporting is that if you don't do it correctly you can hurt yourself, though not the user.

The spell is meant to keep the user safe regardless of the user's mastery of the spell, the same cannot be said if I teleport someone with it.

"Let me know the next time you're going to do that..."

"I didn't even know it was going to happen!"

"Hi Twilight, hi Spike," I greeted as I casually approached them, wondering how long it would take for them to notice the other ponies in the room.

After the discussion, they decided to wait quietly for Twilight to return, thankfully leaving me to enjoy my reading in peace. "You guys look terrible."

"Now is not the time, Platinum, now quick Spike, lock everything up!" I couldn't help but blink with a mixture of bemusement and amusement as they closed all the doors and windows and turned off the lights.

Looks like they had a good time, at least now I don't have to worry about their well-being.

After they finished, they sighed in relief and leaned back against each other.

Then the main light came back on.

Uh, it seems that in the midst of all the chaos, she didn't realize the other girls were here.

And I unconsciously brought my hoofs to my ears as I watched Twilight scream in frustration, my goodness, she must have reached her peak of how much she can take today.

"I can't decide!" the unicorn said as she started to panic and I unconsciously moved to her side, "I just can't decide! It's important to all of you and I can't bear to let you all down and giving me gifts and doing me favors won't make any difference! Because you're all my friends! And I want to make you all happy! But I can't, I just can't!"

She ended with an exhausted collapse, putting her hooves on her head and sounding deeply ashamed to admit the truth, I put my hoof on her back and started stroking it in an effort to soothe her, comforting other ponies at times like this has never been my forte.

It seems Applejack had the same idea, because she reached over and put her hoof on her.

"Twilight, sugar..." why does she call us all "sugar"? "We didn't mean to push you so hard; you see, we didn't really come here for the tickets." And you can believe those words, since they come from the bearer of the element of honesty.

Twilight looked up in surprise, "You're not? But-!"

"We've all thought about it and realized how selfish we were, it's your choice, not ours, who you decide to take with you. We won't hold it against you."

"That's right," added Fluttershy as she flew over to us, offering her support. "It's terrible how I, how all of us—" hey, don't include me in that group, "—made you feel bad." "And so did I! It's no fun picking on a friend!"

"Twilight, it was unfair of me to force myself on you like I did."

At their words, I nodded in approval, at how well behaved they were and the fact that they were learning their lesson.

"Yes! That means the ticket is mine!"

...well, not all of them.

"I got the ticket~! I got the ticket~!" before she could continue her dance, a lightning bolt rang out and struck her flank, causing her to jump in surprise and look at us in bewilderment, seeing that they were all looking at my flaming horn.

I just gave her an annoyed look, which got the message across, I also ignored the disapproving looks Applejack gave me.

"Uh, on second thought, anyway, I haven't perfected my signature move for the Wonderbolts anyway, I don't need the ticket either."

I smiled, happy to see that now I was really thinking things through.

"We were all so excited about going about going to the gala, but Platinum-" my ears perked up at the sound of my name and I looked at them, seeing that they were still talking, "made us realize how obnoxious we were being, told us how much pressure we were putting on you."

Spike looked at me in surprise and I just smiled back, though I felt a little embarrassed to be called that.

"Sorry Twilight!" I smiled reassuringly as I watched Twilight smile at the chorus of apologies from her "best" friends, as she stopped stroking Twilight's back.

"Spike, take a note," I stepped aside to let Twilight stand up as Spike magically produced a scroll and quill from nowhere. "Ahem, 'Dear Princess Celestia'—" as Twilight began to dictate her letter and Spike wrote it down, an idea suddenly occurred to me.

Grabbing my tickets from the table, which surprisingly weren't taken by any of the ponies while I was distracted, I used my magic to slip them into the message Spike was writing, ignoring the curious looks from the other ponies.

"-'returning both tickets for the grand galloping gala'"

"What!" I grimaced a little at her shouts.

"'If all my friends can't go, then I don't want to go either!" finished Twilight proudly, smiling confidently at her own words.

I just let out a huff as I nodded, "I told you she was going to do that..."

"Well, yes, But-! Twilight, you don't have to do that!" said Applejack in shock.

"No, I've already made my decision."

"So have I," I said as everyone turned to look at me while Spike prepared the letter, "I've also made up my mind and I'm staying."

"Oh yeah," Twilight said as if remembering something, "Spike mentioned that you have your own tickets. Speaking of which, Spike, you can send the letter now. Wait, Platinum, you're not going either?"

"Nah, I'll send them back the same way you did," I said as I watched Spike send the letter with his green fire, "I was considering going, but if you're not going, I'm not going either."

"Huh?" why do you look so surprised, Twilight? "Why?"

"I have no reason to go, and even more so considering I hate that party," now everyone was looking at me surprised, considering they had never heard of a pony saying they hated the gala, "besides, I still have my research to do, so I'll be busy too."

"Well... okay," said Fluttershy to look at Twilight, who was looking at me to then turn to look at her friends, "But Twilight, you're not going to the gala either..."

"It's okay girls, I couldn't have fun without my best friends with me," she said sincerely, ignoring the twitch in my eye, as the rest of the group hugged the unicorn, I tried to pull away, but they grabbed me and forced me to join the group hug, Ugh. "So, I'd rather not go."

Eh, same thing, better to go with good company than to be left alone at a party full of noble snobs.

And Spike suddenly makes noises like he's resisting throwing up, making me slap myself in the face if I wasn't trapped in this hug, how many facehoofs have I given myself today?

"Well, wallop my withers, Spike," Applejack said, which made me blink in surprise, as I'd never heard of that term, "Isn't that just like a kid? Can't take a little feeling- hey!" started Applejack only for me to pull her away by yanking her tail with me magic, out of the way of the green fire, 'Wow nelly!' now a term I understood.

"You're welcome," I said after managing to escape the hug, stretching as I saw the letter, that was quick.

"A letter from the Princess? That was fast!" my exact thoughts, Twilight.

"My faithful student, Twilight, why didn't you just say that in the first place?" I couldn't help but let out a snort after hearing what Celestia wrote, as I watched Spike pull several tickets out of the letter, "Seven tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!" exclaimed Spike as he held up the tickets.

The mares around me let out a collective gasp, "Now we can all go!" at that, my smile evaporated.

"Well, have fun everyone," after all, there were only seven tickets, for the girls and the dragon, looks like the Princess forgot about me, which is weird but there's always a first time, though now at least I have a reason not to go.

Ignoring the look Twilight was giving me, I turned around heading for the stairs, only to turn around by a green glower, which was another letter from the Princess, "This one's for you, Spike." Spike read as he grabbed the ticket that came with the letter.

That means... oh no, ignoring Twilight's smile, Spike says, "Hey Platinum, you can keep this ticket!"

"I don't want it Spike, thanks," I said turning to go up the stairs, only to stop at the sight of the ticket rubbing in front of me, "Twilight," I said looking at my smiling friend.

"I remember you said you wouldn't go if I didn't go, neither would you," Twilight started saying as she walked up to me, ignoring the roar of her gut, "now that if I'm going, you have to go too Platinum" Twilight finished, standing practically in front of me.

I just gave her a annoyed look as I turned to her, refusing to take the ticket offered. "Yes, but that was before I decided not to go. Now you can use the ticket to invite someone else to go."

"Then I invite you."

"I decline."

"Then I decline your decline."

"You can't force me to go, Twilight. I've made up my mind."

"Well, I'm not leaving my best friend here alone."

"Why not? You have other best friends," I said, then covered my mouth with my hoof, but the damage was done.

Upon hearing what I said, Twilight blinked in surprise before giving me a mischievous grin. "Wow, I didn't know you were jealous, Platinum." I could feel my cheeks burning as the mares around us chorused with "awws."

"I'm not jealous."

"You don't have to be jealous; you'll always be my first best friend."

"I'm not jealous."

"It doesn't matter if—" I placed my hoof over the unicorn's mouth, who kept blabbering nonsense in front of me.

"If I say I'm going, you'll drop this matter," she simply nodded with a playful look in her eyes, to which I sighed and grabbed the ticket. "Fine, if I go."

I ignored the laughter that erupted all around, only to be interrupted by the rumble of Twilight's stomach, to which she let out a shy giggle.

Before I could tease her, Rarity said, "Allow us to treat you to dinner."

The ponies began to leave, and the tickets went with them, charmed to follow their respective guests. When Spike left, the ticket he was holding flew towards him, and the one he had flew towards me.

As I turned off the lights and closed the library door, I glanced at the ticket and said, "Twilight won't let me forget this, will she?" Silence was my answer, but I already knew the response. "I hate you," I said, looking at the ticket as if it were somehow responsible.

In the end, I simply sighed as I went to eat a few cupcakes.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Until next time.

Chapter 5: Applebuck Season

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Hello, how are you all?

I hope you are well.

Enjoy the new chapter.

This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans for the purpose of improving in the art of writing.

This story can and most likely will have spelling mistakes.

Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated.

This story is not going to be a HIE or G5, it will be tinged to the G4 story, MLP: FIM.

I've done it...

I've done it!

I couldn't help but shout in celebration as I watched the book floating on the ceiling.

It hasn't been not so long since the ticket incident, it was just yesterday actually.

Since that incident, I've been redoing the coded language of the runes and doing some deep research on how the levitation spell works, again.

It took me many attempts, besides the time off I took or when some of my new friends asked me for help with something or attending to people who came looking for a book, after all, this place is still a library.

But I had succeeded, the rune for levitation, if we consider the book floating without using my own magic.

Sure, it's not perfect yet, if the fact that it's floating against the ceiling is any indication.

The rune allows the object in question to be affected by the spell inscribed on it, absorbing the magic around us in order to activate it.

However, as I mentioned, it's not fully complete yet. Nonetheless, I've also come to understand why the rune didn't work previously.

You see, the spell normally works by physically, or magically rather, attracting an object or pony and having it do what the pony wants it to do, such as draw it to them, move something to another location, or hold something.

Normally, the levitation spell holds as far as a pony can concentrate, for example, with books it only requires minimal concentration, the same with apples or cupcakes, but if you want to levitate a bookshelf, it would require a lot of concentration to do so, more than a single pony can normally do.

But with the rune, since it doesn't have an implicit command on it or no one to command the spell, it didn't work, it just drew magic from around us but couldn't be activated, since the command is required.

When I realized it, I wanted to hit my head. Then, I was redoing the coded language a few times until I got it right, but it's still not perfect.

I just gave it a simple command, float. I expected the book to just float in front of me in a show of success, but instead, it floated up to the ceiling and if the ceiling wasn't there, it would most likely be floating towards the sun.

But a success is a success, and I have achieved one of my greatest accomplishments.

Now, I just have to do the same with the Glyphs.

"But what in the hay is going on here?" exclaimed a voice from the kitchen door. I spun around to see Twilight and Spike standing there, mouths agape, staring at the book floating on the ceiling. Then, they turned to look at me, noticing that my horn wasn't glowing.

I guess I forgot to mention, it's around 7am, and Spike and Twilight were in the kitchen, Spike preparing breakfast and Twilight reading a book. I had gotten up early in the morning to do my work, which made Spike and Twilight ignore me since they knew how I got during my research time.

Twilight closed her snout and looked up at me with a smile, "Well, color me surprised, Platinum. You've done it." She said as she approached me.

At that, I laughed proudly as I activated my magic, drawing the book towards me and deactivating the rune, "It's not perfect yet, it's still missing a few details, but I'm closer than I've ever been." I said with a huge smile and a twinkle in my eye, I always felt great when it came to doing things like this.

Seeing my smile, Twilight's smile softened and she said to me, "congratulations Platinum, you have accomplished what no pony has ever accomplished, years of research have paid off after all." She proceeded to give me a hug, to which I gladly returned, glad that a special friend had witnessed my accomplishment.

Besides, now I have witnesses for when I present it to the ministry of magic, which those ponies have always been very skeptical when a pony presented a new spell he created, and more so when it's a young pony like me.

Spike, watching the whole moment, made a sign as if he was going to throw up and turned back to the kitchen to finish making his food, but he didn't take a step when suddenly there was a rumbling sound.

Hearing it, or rather feeling it, I broke away from my embrace with Twilight, seeing how she too was startled by the sudden jolt.

Suddenly, my body began to shake uncontrollably.

"Guys! T-The ground is shaking!" Spike stuttered his words as he himself was shaking as well.

"Ow!" I couldn't help but hiss in pain as one of the many books fell on my head. The shaking on the ground only got worse and I had to dig my hooves into where I was to prevent something worse from happening, "What the hell is going on!" I couldn't help but scream as I felt my body shake.

"I-I don't know!" the bewildered unicorn replied, looking around in shock before looking at the door, "Stay here, Platinum!" she said to then run out the door.

"Like hell I will!" said I, since Twilight should know that orders and I didn't get along, "Stay here!" I said to Spike, though I knew well that he wouldn't listen to me either.

I didn't bother waiting for an answer and walked out the same door, hearing Rainbow's voice yell as soon as I left the building.


As soon as I yelled that the unicorn, all the ponies around went crazy, running and scrambling into their homes, at the same time making sure their homes were secured.

All the ponies were in a panic...except Pinkie Pie.

"Heeeeeey...! Thiiiiis maaaaakes myyyyy voooooice soooooound siiiilly!" she said as she shook like crazy in a unique way.

"Oh, for the love of.../Pinkie Pie, are you crazy?! Run!" I screamed at the same time as Twilight as I levitated the pink mare with my magic above me, making her ride me as I ran to safety, for her at least, I wanted to try to solve the problem.

Although I had no idea how, a pony doesn't go through these things in a row, let alone a pony that came from a city like Canterlot.

As I was leading Pinkie to a building, I heard the mayor trying to calm everyone down but to no avail.

"Look over there!" I heard Rainbow Dash yell, causing me to turn to look where she was looking to see what it was.

And it turned out to be Applejack, who along with her pet Winona, started leading the cows wildly.

Meanwhile, Pinkie who was still on my back, pulled some popcorn out of who knows where, and said, "This is the best rodeo show I've ever seen!" to which I nodded and with my magic grabbed one of the popcorns to eat, since I hadn't had breakfast yet, ignoring the look Twilight was giving us.

And after Applejack drove the cows away in a frenzy, all the girls who had stayed to watch the show celebrated, although I had to give a dirty look to Pinkie who was celebrating on my back.

As Applejack talked to the now calm cows, I couldn't help but say, "well, that settled quickly." As I pulled a wild Pinkie Pie off my back.

"Yeah, it's a good thing Miss Applejack stepped in when she did." She said as they watched to see Applejack appear on the hill, the ponies celebrate her and I just turn around.

"Excuse me, I'll pass." I say to a pony behind me as I headed towards the library.

"Hold on, Platinum." Said a voice and I turned to see Twilight, "aren't you going to stay? We were planning on throwing you a party to show our appreciation for Applejack."

"Sorry Twi, but I still have research to do," I said as I shook my head. While I am happy that this town was saved and yes, I think Applejack should be commemorated for what she managed to do, but my job is more important to me right now.

"You're still going through with that? I thought you were done with it" Twilight said as I could tell she was looking away, probably remembering what happened in the library not too long ago.

At that, I shook my head again, "No, it's not perfect yet. There are some things I need to improve and besides-" I was going to continue but my stomach at that moment roared in protest, "-I'm hungry." I finished with a slightly shy smile.

Twilight just smiled amused, "You haven't changed a bit since we left Canterlot. It's okay, you can go back to the library if you want to but-" before Twilight could finish, I ran off towards the house, I wasn't going to make her make me promise to head to the celebration party.

Besides, I'm pretty hungry.

I was currently in the main room of the library, humming to myself as I focused on modifying the encrypted language of my runes, again.

It had been a week since the cow stampede and today was supposed to be the celebration party for Applejack.

I wasn't planning on going, as although I was in awe of what Applejack did, I had work to do.

I couldn't help but ponder what Twilight said, realizing deep down that she was right in a way.

Ever since I was young, ever since my interest in magic was born, I had devoted myself almost entirely to it, many times denying party invitations for the sake of my research, pushing away several ponies who were trying to befriend me for the sake of my research.

The ponies of Canterlot are not at all different from the ponies that live here, in Ponyville, with the only difference that there are more snobbish ponies or that they think they are a big deal because they are nobles than here, or that making friends in Canterlot usually depends on your social class or your intelligence.

Several ponies that wanted to befriend me were due to my contributions to the magical society, as I had managed to create several spells in my spare time that were of great help, spells that are actually quite simple, like a small protective cloak against rain or a spell to make the bloom grow.

I also created a selective memory spell, to make me forget something, although I don't remember what.

Anyway, back to the point, several ponies approached me to befriend me because of the accomplishments I made for the magical community or because their parents told them to, although they never accomplished anything because I wanted nothing to do with them or because they just couldn't stand to be around me.

The only one who stayed by my side and was a sort of friend was Twilight, despite how reserved we both were, she stayed by my side, even when I teased her or played some pranks on her, which is why I value her so much.

But, as she was saying, I hadn't changed much since I arrived in Ponyville.

Unlike Twilight, who had become very close to those five mares (and I wasn't saying that this time out of jealousy) and had found a way to balance her studies in magic with spending time with her friends, I had continued to lock myself in the library.

Sure, sometimes I would go out to hang out with some of the girls, but usually I stayed cooped up in the library doing my research or just reading a book or exercising. Yes, exercise, even a unicorn has to maintain a certain physical attitude to stay healthy.

Not that I planned to change the way I was anytime soon, but it did make me reflect a bit on how much of a shut-in I was, practicing and dedicating myself a lot in magic.

My thoughts stopped as I heard the sound of a plate being placed on a table, I looked to see it was Spike placing a plate of foraged hamburger and a tea, which made my tummy growl.

I hadn't eaten yet, but Spike was kind enough to make me something to eat since he knew that if I made myself something to eat it was going to be something simple and I taught him the importance of healthy eating and above all healthy, so much so that I feel like a hypocrite because I myself don't follow that advice I gave him so many years ago.

With a sigh, I put down my notes and sat down to eat, "thanks Spike," I said as I grabbed the burger with my hoofs and started eating.

You know, sometimes I can't believe how much my diet has changed and how I've been adopting to it, I used to find eating fodder disgusting, the very idea made me want to throw up, but over time I've gotten used to it and now I even enjoy it a lot.

Sure, some of it is due to the body I'm in and some of it is due to the fact that I've been in this world for years, and I've changed because of it.

One of the examples of them is my attitude, I used to be quite bitter and antisocial because of all the experiences that had happened to me, but as they say, time heals wounds.

I can still remember the nights when I was a baby that I would wake up screaming because of all the deaths I saw or just remembering my past, my parents helped me in those cases, waking me up to lull me to sleep so I could go back to sleep, I only healed thanks to them.

If my parents had been different, I probably wouldn't be what I am now.

My thoughts are interrupted by a fake cough, I turn to see Spike still here and he says, "So, Platinum, how's your research going? I thought you were done with that because of your accomplishment this morning."

Stopping momentarily from eating, I smiled and said, "I'd love to, Spike, but unfortunately it's a long and tedious process that takes quite a bit of time."

"I know," Spike interrupted me, "I've seen you focus on it for years, but why do you need to get better at it?" asked the little purple dragon as he sat down next to me.

"Do you want me to explain all the reasons and scientific stuff as to why I need to do these rune upgrades? Spike, I thought you didn't like these things," I said as I continued eating, looking somewhat incredulously at the little dragon. I knew he wasn't at all interested in the scientifically magical aspects of my work, since he's still a kid and doesn't understand all this stuff.

"Well... no," Spike finally admitted with a sheepish grin at my amused look, "but, Platinum, you can tell me! It's been a while since we've spent time together," he added sheepishly, with a hopeful look in his eyes.

At that, I couldn't help but feel a little bad, usually Spike doesn't see how long it takes me to work on these projects, since he always stays with Twilight and every time we see each other it was to hang out, away from my work.

"I'm sorry, Spike, I didn't realize how little we were hanging out, I promise as soon as I'm done with this, we'll hang out again," I said after I finished my meal, looking at the dragon hoping he would accept my answer.

At that, Spike's look soured a bit but he perked up at the promise to hang out later, "Okay, Platinum." He said as he stood up and walked out of the house.

I felt bad but I couldn't help it, my work right now is more important, I'm so close to finishing the runes! I just need time.

"You know, I wasn't lying when I said you haven't changed a bit since Canterlot." Said a voice I already knew all too well, I turned to see Twilight coming down the stairs watching.

"Oh, hey Twilight... um, you saw all that didn't you?" I said as I shrunk back in my seat a bit, as her look reminded me a bit of my mother's when she scolded me for spending too much time doing nothing.

Instead of answering my question, Twilight continued. "In Canterlot, you were always so focused on your research that it wasn't healthy. I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't the same, because I was, but I've changed. I've learned that friendship is just as important as work, and I've tried to balance both in my life. I think you could benefit from finding that balance, too." Her tone was soft but firm, with a look of concern in her eyes.

I sighed as I looked down at the notebook containing my research. "I know, Twilight, but I can't help it, I'm so close to making it! I just need more time..." I said, looking up to meet Twilight's worried eyes.

Upon hearing my response, Twilight simply sighed and said, "You'll have to make up your mind Platinum, one of these days you may not be so focused to spend time with us anymore, but maybe when that day comes, we won't have time for you anymore," Twilight said as she walked to the door, opening it and once she was outside, she took one last look at me before closing the door.

Once I was all alone in the quiet room, I sighed and grabbed my notebook to continue working but I couldn't concentrate, thinking about what had just happened.

I know Twilight was right, although I'm a little surprised because I didn't expect Twilight to be like that, but I didn't know what to do.

I never believed in friendship if I was sincere, of course I knew I was in a world where friendship literally was magic, but that did not change the fact that I did not believe in friendship.

That was mainly because since I was young, I had never made a friend that I could say was a friend that would last forever, as we always ended up drifting apart and never communicating again, that increased even more after the war.

And sometimes I even feared that my friendship with Twilight and Spike is not true, that in the end they will end up leaving me behind and forgetting me like everyone else.

It's one of the reasons why I decided to focus fully on my research, the ponies of Equestria might not be as cruel as humans were, but they could also be cruel and I couldn't trust people, or ponies in this case, so easily again.

Twilight and Spike were special cases, also to a lesser extent the mane 6, but I kept thinking that one of these days we were just going to lose touch and never speak again.

I looked at my notebook as if it held the answers and suddenly remembered something, a saying, that went, "Friendship is a two-way thing." I muttered as I looked down at my notebook, "uh, I guess you do have the answers." I smiled as I levitated the stuff with my magic and carried it to my room.

Twilight was right, as usual, and I was simply too focused and stubborn in wanting to do my research to do anything about it.

Twilight and the others might end up leaving me behind and avoiding me if I don't do something about it. They put so much effort into friendship; it's about time I also compromised a little more and didn't focus so much on my work.

"I guess friendship it is magic," I chuckled a little to myself as I walked out of the library.

Of course, plans don't always survive the first impact.

The ponies did a great job decorating the area where I would give Applejack her award.

The place looked pretty nice, with the balloons and various other decorations decorating the place and I could see that Twilight was already going to start giving her speech.

I could see it... from a distance.

You see, I was really planning to get closer and at least see the celebration with Spike but when I saw them from afar... I just couldn't get closer.

I don't know if it was out of embarrassment of my attitude or something else, but I couldn't just walk up to them.

So I decided to stay here, away from the crowd to watch the celebration.

I couldn't help but give Twilight a sympathetic look for the constant interruptions to her speech.

Ah, here comes the guest of honor... extremely tired.

Why is she so tired, and what's with all those apples on her back? Did she just come from work too?

As Applejack made some sort of show of receiving her award despite being so tired, I couldn't help but wonder.

Why didn't they give awards to all 6 of them for saving everyone from Nightmare Moon? I find it odd that despite stopping Nightmare Moon, no one gave them a gift or anything.

The harmony elements don't count, since they were used to stop Nightmare Moon.

Eh, whatever.

As I watched the pony walk away dead tired, I couldn't help but worry, I may not be a very close friend of these mares, but seeing someone with that degree of exhaustion is not a good sign.

Besides, I've been through similar things during my own research time, going days without sleep while researching, so I know how it feels.

Watching as she wandered off a bit, clearly struggling to carry her trophy, I decided to approach her.

It wasn't hard to catch up with her, even being far away, she wasn't moving very fast to say the least.

"Do you need help?" I asked once I got close enough.

"Mmm?" The pony in question spit his prize out of his mouth and blinked tiredly, before smiling in a state that told me he hadn't slept in a long time, I could tell, "Ahh, hello Platinum! It's nice to see you after a whole week holed up in the library you call home." Actually, it was longer but I wasn't going to correct her, "No, I appreciate the offer, but I've already handled it very well."

"Hmm, of course you have," I said sarcastically, as it was quite obvious that the pony could barely stand. I shook my head in disapproval as she just blinked at my words. "You're obviously not well, you look like you haven't slept in a while, believe me, I would know."

For a moment, the pony's eyelids slowly closed followed by a light snore that I thought was kind of cute, then she snapped out of it, shaking her head frantically. "I don't know what you're talking about, Sugarcube; I've got everything under control. Big Mac is hurt, so it's up to me to harvest Applebuck Season on my own."

"I see." Yep, just like me when I spent several nights researching. I also knew Big Mac wouldn't want her to do it alone. "Applebuck Season, by yourself."

"Eeyup." If her features hadn't convinced me, her goofy grin definitely did, "So you don't have to worry. So, if you'll excuse me..."

"Applejack, you definitely can't do all that by yourself." I said, stopping her, putting a hoof on her shoulder preventing her from continuing on her way. "If you keep doing all that work by yourself, what happened to all those relatives I met the day I arrived in Ponyville with Twilight, can't they help you?"

"They were just here for an Apple family reunion. They actually live all around Equestria and are busy harvesting their own orchards," she said as she looked at me with those tired eyes of hers, 'so... I'm on my own.'

"No wonder you're so tired right now." I shook my head in disbelief, if my thoughts are correct, that means the only ones on the farm are Applejack, Big Mac, the little filly I can't remember her name and Granny Smith. Leaving aside Big Mac who can't work right now because he is hurt, the little filly who is not yet strong enough to do this kind of work and Granny Smith who is not old enough to do these jobs again, then Applejack has to do all this work alone.

Well, she would have rather, since she has friends to help her in the end.

"Applejack, you can't do it all by yourself." I started saying, ignoring the grumpy look in her eyes, "ask Twilight and the others for help, I'm sure they'd be happy to help you."

"What? No way." Yes, I expected that but I simply gave him a serious look in response to his stubborn look. "I don't need any help! I've got everything under... under..." I couldn't help but shake my head again at this mare's stubbornness, she's obviously too tired to function normally. She woke up with a start when I lightly tapped her shoulder, "Huh...? Where was I...?"

"You were going to ask Twilight and the others for help."

If trying to reason with her isn't possible, it's time to try plan B; trick her tired brain that that's what she had to do, hopefully.

"...help me with what?"

I'm sure my facehoof echoed at this silence. "With the harvest."

The mare just blinked at me uncomprehendingly, "Why would I have to do that?"

[Beep], she's not tired enough to trick her brain. Time to get back to plan A. "By Celestia, Applejack, you can't handle the whole harvest by yourself. You have friends who are willing to help you without asking for anything in return. Besides, with the help of your friends, the harvest will be twice as effective and much easier knowing you have your friends by your side."

Applejack frowned, clearly tired but not yet convinced. "I appreciate the offer, Platinum, but this is my responsibility. I don't want to burden anyone else with the Apple job."

I sighed, knowing how stubborn she could be. "Applejack, being strong doesn't mean you have to do it all by yourself. Remember that you have friends who would be happy to help you no matter what. We, including me, want to help you because we care, not because we think you can't do it."

It seems that finally Applejack's tired brain mulled over what I just told her, until, finally, she gives a tired sigh but her look now seems less tired. "I know you're doing this out of affection, but I'm used to handling things on my own. I don't want to be a burden."

I put a hoof on his shoulder. "You're not a burden. I'm sure you did all you could with your hooves, but even the most capable need help from time to time. It's not wrong to ask for help and we're your friends, we're always happy to help."

I feel a bit hypocritical telling her that, as I too recently didn't want to part with my work, but I also learned not to doubt the friendship I have with Twilight and the others, and that I should strive to keep them from walking away from me.

Finally, Applejack sighed and nodded, her resistance finally ending. "All right, Platinum. I'll accept your help. But don't be surprised if I end up working harder than all of you put together," she added with a tired smile.

"Deal," I replied with a smile. "Now, let's get this trophy to a safe place and then let's find the others. Together, we'll make this the best Applebuck Season ever."

Applejack nodded and looked over to see the trophy lying on the ground, probably debating how to carry it.

I sighed a little, using my magic to carry the trophy, she looked at me for a moment, before nodding with a soft smile and then heading to Sweet Apple Acres.

Good thing I didn't have to use plan C.

After I managed to convince Applejack to accept my ... well, our help. We all went to Sweet Apple Acres.

Although at first Applejack wanted to continue picking, it was obvious that she was too tired to do so, so I put her to sleep with a spell while we all took care of harvesting the apples from the large number of trees that the Apple family has. It's really too much for one pony to do.

Besides, after I told Twilight how I convinced Applejack, she decided to write a letter with what she learned to Princess Celestia, even though I didn't stick around to hear it.

After a while of apple picking, I could hear Applejack say, "How about y'all take a little break? I got some fine apple juice waiting for ya!

After hearing what he said, we all headed over to grab the drinks offered by Applejack.

"Girls, and boy," he said, directing that last part to me, "I can't thank you enough for this help. I admit I was acting a little stubborn-"

"That's an understatement," I interrupted Applejack, since if I hadn't convinced her, I would have caused a lot of messes.

At my interruption, she just gave me an annoyed look, probably a little annoyed at the interruption and a little annoyed why I put her to sleep, but continued anyway, "Okay, very stubborn! And I'm so sorry, if it hadn't been for Platinum, I would have kept collecting and doing things by myself," she said while having a look of regret, probably for having thought of doing everything by herself.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, we can postpone my stunt for another day if you're still feeling tired!"

"Oh, oh, we can postpone making the cakes for another day! Although I'll have to make sure to let all the ponies know about the schedule change so they don't miss it!"

"I can take care of collecting my bunnies alone if you're still tired and need to rest..."

"Don't worry girls, thanks to someone-" he said looking daggers at me, to which I just smiled, "put me to sleep, I'll be able to help you with those no problem." He finished his sentence then looked at all of us with a soft look. "You know, I know the city gave me an award for most appreciated pony, but my real award is having friends like you guys" he said to which then we all proceeded to drink some of the juice Applejack brought us.

After that, we all got hungry from all the hard work, we headed to Sugarcube Corner for some of the local pastries.

We then split up and headed to our respective homes.

Once inside the library, I saw Spike heading to his room or rather the room he shares with Twilight, probably to read comics, so I stopped him.

He looked at me in confusion, to which I smiled, "hey Spike, do you want to go and read some comics? I have some new ones I want to show you." I'm not entirely lying, as those comics I had saved for his birthday, but I guess I just have to get another gift.

At my words, the dragon got excited, "Really? Are you serious?" my heart melted a little at that and I nodded towards him, "Great! I'll see you upstairs Platinum!" he said as he ran up the stairs.

As I followed him, I heard a voice stop me, "Looks like you listened to my advice" you know Twilight, it seems in this episode you are willing to stop me for anything.

I turned to see her, watching as she approached me, "You know, if I got a bit for every time, you called me that, I'd be a millionaire." I said looking at her with an amused smile.

At that, she just smiled back, "I'm glad you listened to me Platinum, it wasn't healthy for you to spend so much time focused on your research." she said as she gave me a worried look.

I just smiled and said, "You don't have to worry Twilight, I learned my lesson and you are right, there will always be a time to do my work, but I should appreciate and spend more time with the friends I have," so as not to push them away, I finished in my head.

She smiled happily and then, Twilight looked away as if a thought had crossed her mind, "Oh! Why don't you write a friendship message to Princess Celestia? To tell her what you learned about friendship."

At that, I just looked at her with a blank stare before laughing and lightly touching her nose with my hoof in a poop, "That's your job Twilight, not mine." I said to then climb the ladder, ignoring the look Twilight was giving me.

Hi, I hope you enjoyed it.

Have a nice day everyone.

Chapter 6: Griffon and platinum have a talk.

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Hello, we are here again to enjoy a new chapter.

I hope you enjoy it

This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans for the purpose of improving in the art of writing.

This story may and most likely will have spelling mistakes.

Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated.

This story is not going to be a HIE or G5, it will be tinged to the G4 story, MLP: FIM.

Today was a beautiful day, the sun was in its splendor, the birds were singing and there was nice air all around.

Perfect day to be outside, reading a book.


"Hoof-biting action overload"


"She was like a superstar, flying high and higher."

...this pony couldn't shut up for a moment?

And why was I doing this again?

Well, that was because Twilight was here.

You see, after the previous episode, I decided to put my research aside for the time being and spend some time with my friends.

While I still don't fully believe in friendship, but I learned that I should put effort into it, not let myself become bitter about the things I experienced in the past and focus on the present.

So, I decided to spend the day with Twilight today, since Spike had to tidy up some scrolls at city hall.

We decided to hang out reading some books in ponyville park, why, I don't know, it's pretty much the same as doing it inside the library, I don't know what's so special about doing it outside besides enjoying some fresh air.

Anyway, we were both sitting under a tree reading some books, we weren't going to sit here but, on a bench, but since there wasn't enough room on it, we decided to sit under a tree, plus we took advantage of its shadow.

Then, all of a sudden Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere to tell us some kind of super awesome story she went through.

Normally I wouldn't mind, as I find her hyperactivity enjoyable and besides, it reminds me a bit of why she's the laughing element, but when you're busy reading a book, the least one wants is noise.

So here we were, in the park, sitting while reading a book and at the same time half listening to this crazy pink pony.

"-and then she looped around and around like WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO, WHOO!"

I sighed as the mare next to me just said "aha," sometimes it's really hard to stand the hyperactivity and understand what she's saying but it's still better than the alternative, which would be a sad Pinkie.

I don't know why, but every time I imagine a sad Pinkie, it makes me want to cheer her up.

I'd rather have her happy than sad, no doubt.

And I don't know where this random thought came from in my head either, sometimes they pop up just because.

I hear Twilight sigh in relief and I return to the "real world" to realize that Pinkie had left, most likely to annoy someone else.

I let out a smile and return to my book momentarily to read it only to put it down and look at the unicorn beside me.

"So, Twilight, can you remind me again why we're doing this?" I said as I closed my book, which was a simple science fiction book. It was called "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone" which is one of my favorites. Twilight doesn't like them because according to her they are "too fanciful" but sometimes she reads them with me, today is not one of them.

Twilight sighs and puts her book momentarily aside to look at me, "because it's a beautiful day out here and it's a good opportunity to get out and enjoy it," then went back to her book, "Had I known you were going to complain, I wouldn't have made you come with me."

Ouch, the feeling is mutual, if I'm going to read a book, then I'd rather read it at home, so I look curiously at the book that Twilight is reading.

"What are you supposed to be reading?" I said, looking at the book, since its cover is just blue, with no indication of the contents inside.

"Oh, it's nothing, you've probably already read it." She said as she shrugged indifferently as she continued reading.

Oh-ho, what's that I see? A challenge. "Probably, but indulge my curiosity, Princess." I said with a teasing twist that served immediately, as she looked up at me with a frown.

"I thought I told you long ago to stop calling me that," she said annoyed then held out the book to me, so I could see its contents, "here."

Looking at the book, I can tell that it is written in an ancient language, so ancient that I no longer know how to use it, "are you... studying ancient language?"

The mare is question nodded, "It's one of the things I didn't tell you about, a while ago I decided to start researching and learning ancient languages. You never know when you're going to need it."

"Eh... preparing beforehand, not bad Princess," I said after I finished reading the book a bit and not understanding anything it said, as I had never been interested in history in general.

Oh, and I was also greeted with a scowl and a smack on my side, courtesy of Twilight.

Then, the mare in question looked at the book lying abandoned next to me and with poorly disguised curiosity said, "and what are you supposed to be reading?"

I simply decided to grab the book with my hooves and show it to her, causing the mare to get a blank stare after seeing the cover of the book.

"Seriously, Daring do? Haven't you already read that book a few dozen times?" she said looking at me dryly as I just smiled and stuck out my tongue childishly.

"A hundred times, besides it never hurts to reread a good book once in a while, you know?" I said looking teasingly at the pony in question, as I knew she liked to reread her books several times.

And by the look in her eyes, she knew what I meant.

Then suddenly I heard a voice with a gasping tone, "Ah, Twilight! Platinum! There you two are!"

Both Twilight and I turned to see the source of the sound, to see an exhausted wild Rarity suddenly appear, who for some reason ran over here. As she looked up after recovering from running who knows how far, there was a look on her face that I couldn't recognize at all, plus she had a sly tone to her voice. "Ah... taking a break together under the tree, right?"

Yes? What's so special about that?

"Well, I apologize for interrupting your lovely afternoon together!"


Both Twilight and I exchanged confused looks - what was Rarity talking about? We're literally just hanging out together.

Wait, could it be... nah, I must be imagining it.

"Is there anything you need, Rarity?" asked Twilight with a puzzled tone as I just put my book away inside a bundle I brought, I'd finish it later.

"Ah, it's nothing sweetie, but I've been looking all over for them. I just need to borrow Platinum for a while, that's all. you don't mind, do you?" eh, now what? 'No need to be so surprised dear; you should have known this day would come; I'll finally solve the problem you no doubt keep intentionally avoiding!' said Rarity passionately while I just looked at her in utter confusion.

"...I'm sorry, what?"

"Your cape, dear!" replied Rarity dramatically as my hooves unconsciously went to my cape, the same cape I've had with me since my school days.

"What's wrong with my cape?" I asked with an offended tone.

It was then that I was suddenly lifted slightly off the ground, courtesy of Rarity's magic, and pulled towards her.

"A good gentleman should dress properly, and you dear, you have the potential to look amazing on any occasion, and I can't stand for such potential to be wasted like this! Besides, it would serve you well to wash that mane of yours you have and give it a proper cleaning."

Wait, you meant what you told me a few episodes ago? If that's the case. "I'm fine as I am, thanks but no thanks." I said firmly as I tried to pull away, but the unicorn had a strong grip on me, making it impossible for me to escape, "Twilight, help me please."

"Good idea!" wait what? "Twilight dear, why don't you come with us to watch Platinum get a new cut and coat? You could even give me some tips if you like" oh no, I couldn't help but put both of my front hooves over my face knowing Twilight would agree.

The unicorn just stared at us, then smiled and said, "You know, that's a good idea, Celestia knows how long he's had that cape with him, so it would be a nice makeover." She said looking me up and down, "besides, when was the last time I cut your hair?" oh no, you didn't go in there.

"Are you seriously doing this to me, Twilight? I said looking at her with a blank stare, to which she just shrugged indifferently as she stuck her tongue out at me childishly.

Oh, you'll deal with me later, Princess.

"Splendid! Oh, and Platinum," at the sound of my name, I looked up at the mare smiling innocently, "I wouldn't recommend trying to escape if I were you; we're going to give you a new style whether you like it or not." Where do my rights lie in all of this? Although in the end I decided to accept my fate as I groaned reluctantly, the mare eventually put me down, "and then you two can get on with this lovely little date."

Uh... ah! So that's what she meant, I couldn't help but groan in annoyance. Again with that.

As I know you can imagine, Rarity isn't the first time she's mistaken our interactions for romantic interactions and it definitely won't be the last.

Meanwhile, Twilight was mulling over Rarity's words when she suddenly blushed slightly and let out an exasperated groan.

"Oh, not you too, Rarity!"

Soon after, I found myself in Rarity's boutique with a look of eternal annoyance etched on my face as I looked at my freshly washed mane while the smiling unicorn behind me with a mirror in front of me as she went about combing my hair.

I could see through the mirror my cape laid aside, probably to be discarded, which caused my right eye to get a twitch.

Look, I don't exactly mind the cleanliness of my mane or the new cut she's giving me, I'd appreciate it a lot more if it was with my consent, besides why did she have to mess with my cape? What did my cape do to her? Did my cape do any damage to her?

My thoughts were interrupted by a "ta-dah" from Rarity, causing me to look at my reflection in disbelief. Who is this gentleman supposed to be? In front of me I can only see an upper class snobby noble stud who thinks he's above everyone and deserves all the things in the world.

And I don't like it at all, this... thing isn't me.

"Well, you look better now," my ramblings are interrupted by Twilight's comment, who looks at me holding back the urge to laugh after Rarity dragged me back before her to show me off for some reason.

At that, I gave her a dry look showing how much fun I'm having with all this.

"'Better'? Why, dear Twilight? I think you underestimate the effort I put into this; this style is very popular with young, handsome stallions, as it seeks to make all the mares who see it swoon." At that, I couldn't help but look at her with a raised eyebrow. I don't know if you know me Rarity, but I don't want to attract that kind of attention, "Oh, of course that's not your intention Platinum. But with that beautiful fur you have, along with the combination of your eyes and mane, dear, you needed to look clean and shiny with some style to make you look good, and certainly not something that makes you look like a street wizard."

And what's wrong with that? Sure, I'm a court magician, technically talking, but that doesn't mean I should always worry about looking presentable.

And besides, what does my mane have to do with anything? My mane is simply silver, it's nothing special and I doubt I'm the only one with this kind of mane, I'm sure there was at least one pony with this color of mane among the people of Ponyville.

With a sigh of annoyance, I look at myself in the mirror and I can't help but feel uncomfortable.

I've had my cape for so many years that now that I'm without it, I feel naked. And we always walk around naked.

"And for the final touch" I was again interrupted in my thoughts by the fashionist mare, this time putting something on my body, and as I'm looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but see it.

It's a cape just like the one I had, only it's longer, long enough to cover my flank and my cutie mark and the fact that it's emerald, green with silver edges, it had a simplistic design, with nothing to really make it stand out to the eye, plus it has a hood that can hide my face, probably for the rain. I lift the new cape slightly to see that inside it has several pockets and that the inside design is simple and dark purple in color

She also just put a necklace around my neck, which is silver in color with a turquoise pendant.

"I'm glad I prepared ahead of time, I made this cape taking into account the color of your mane and fur, as well as the color of your eyes, although I didn't put any design on it yet, I wanted to see if you liked it and how it would look on you," Rarity said as she watched me inspect my cape.

I honestly like it, despite the fact that it had to be at the expense of my other cape, it doesn't look bad on me.

"Uh, not bad Rarity, I must admit you really showed off with this whole thing," I said looking at the mare in question, who smiled delighted seeing that I liked my new look, "Wait, how did you get my measurements?"

At the question, the mare in question blushed a little, "W-Well dear, actually I didn't, I based it solely on what I could observe from the cape you had on, although I think I went a little overboard," she said looking at how the cape fit me bigger than my previous one. "If you want, I can take your measurements so I can make you a new one."

I pondered his words a bit, then shook my head, "No, it's perfect just the way it is." While it was bigger than my previous cloak, that didn't mean it was bad, now that it completely covered my body, and with my research in runes, I could engrave them on the cloak for added protection, the same with my new necklace. "How much do I owe you?"

The mare seemed delighted to hear my words, only to blink in confusion upon hearing my question. "Oh, dear, you don't need to pay me for this. Consider it a as a gift, from one friend to another. Besides, hearing you say how much you appreciated my work is enough for me."

I stared at her for a few moments, before shrugging. "If you say so," normally I'd keep harping on the subject, but I didn't feel like it.

Although I'm also a little surprised that she's basically gifting me a new outfit without charging me anything but I guess I should have expected it, after all, Rarity is the bearer of the element of generosity.

"I never thought I'd say this, but you look pretty fancy Platinum," Twilight said playfully. In response, I just gave her a light tap on her shoulder, she giggled a little at that. "Well, with everything settled. I'm going to go visit the bookstore which isn't too far from here, then I'll go back to the library to study some things I have to do. Do you want me to wait for you at the store?" hearing Twilight's question, I could have sworn I heard the unicorn's stifled sigh next to me.

I immediately shook my head, ignoring the protesting cry from the dramatic mare beside me. "No thanks, I have some things to do on my own. I'll see you in the library."

Hearing my reply, Twilight nodded with a smile and waved goodbye from her hoof and then left through a velvet composite door with gold outlined curtains.

Seeing Twilight leave the tent, the white unicorn gave a dramatic sigh and then went back to doing some things, including taking my old cape, to which I dismissed her with a military salute.

While the unicorn was gone, I couldn't help but admire Rarity's boutique. This place was very well ordered, if there is something that can be said in Rarity's favor, it is that so far, her business seems to be quite well ordered.

That reminds me, I need to sort out my research notes, considering I have some free time at the moment, it might be a good idea to pick up my research and maybe learn some glass carving and clothing while I'm at it.

"So dear..." and here comes the gossipy mare, looking me straight in the eye, "what's up with you and Twilight?" she said looking at me with obvious interest in the possible romance.

I just sighed in exasperation, "Nothing is going on between me and Twilight, Rarity. Please don't ask again."

"Oh, I'm sorry dear, really, I just thought..."

"Exactly, you thought, that's the problem." I interrupted abruptly before regretting it when I saw the surprised but hurt look on Rarity's face. "I'm sorry, Rarity. It's just that I'm tired of people asking us what's going on between us, it's like they can't see a stallion and a mare together and not think that we're just friends."

"I'm sorry for bothering you with that, dear, it's just that you guys are so close and I can't help but wonder." Rarity said as she put a hoof on my shoulder.

"That's the problem, everyone assumes and assumes, regardless of how we feel. I love Twilight very much and maybe in the future I could see her as more than just a friend, but I won't if everyone just thinks deciding for me." I said as I looked at Rarity with sincerity.

Twilight is one of my best friends, no, rather, she's my BEST friend and I didn't want to ruin what we have, but everyone seems to have the wrong ideas about our interactions, my parents, her parents, Shining Armor, and now Rarity and maybe the other girls too.

I might end up falling in love with Twilight or I might not, there is nothing certain in this world, but if things happen, they are going to happen in a natural way, not because other people want them to.

Hearing my words, Rarity nodded at me, "Don't worry dear, I understand. I won't bring it up in front of you again." Hearing her response, I nodded gratefully.

Sometimes it's good to have friends.

Wait? In front of me? That mean that she's thinking of talking about it with the girls

…eh, then that's not my problem.

I was currently at the market, quite happy with how today had turned out.

While I had to bitterly say goodbye to my old cape, I got a new and rather better one plus it gives me new opportunities to do something new with this stuff I was given.

As I said, I'm at the market buying some things for dinner, this time I decided to cook for Twilight and Spike (something that rarely happened), so I wanted to make it special. I don't know how to cook a lot of things, so I decided to make some simple hay burgers, now I'm just looking for what seasonings to put on it.

I may not be an expert in the area of cooking, considering that I very rarely go near the kitchen other than to eat, but even I know that with certain good seasonings it makes a difference to any meal.

As I was browsing, I couldn't help but feel something fall into my mane and a slight breeze, but I ignored it in favor of continuing to do my shopping.

As I approached another store window, which had just what I was looking for, hot sauce. The shopkeeper looked at me and began to chuckle slightly, I looked at him confused but continued with my shopping,

As I was walking back to the library, I noticed several ponies looking at me and laughing at me, which I found confusing.

I was quite confused, then Pinkie and Rainbow Dash came up to me and saw me and also laughed lightly, much to my confusion. Apparently taking pity on me, they gave me a mirror, and looking at my reflection I could see that my hair was now rainbow colored and my fur was white, plus my face looked like a clown.

Looking with surprise at Pinkie and Rainbow, only to see them laughing out loud with a dye in their hands and makeup. I just looked at them confused, I understood the fact that they applied the dye on me, since I felt the drop, but how come they did my makeup? Rainbow shouldn't be so quick.

In the end, I just shrugged my shoulders and turned on my horn, seeing my action the mares just ran away, even though I wasn't going to do anything to them.

I just teleported directly to the bathtub to remove the paint and dye, which luckily was easy to remove. Once I got the paint and dye off, I looked in the mirror only to see that the hairstyle Rarity had done for me was undone.

"Hey," I said looking at myself in the mirror then shrugged, "if anything, I can always blame this to Rainbow and Pinkie."

As I was washing up the food to prepare dinner, I could hear some commotion in the main room.

I ignored it of course, but I could hear Pinkie's voice and Twilight's voice talking about some things.

All of that came to a boiling point when I suddenly heard Pinkie yell something and then leave with a slam of the door.

After I finished preparing the food, I decided to leave the kitchen to look at Twilight and Spike looking worriedly at each other.

"What in Celestia's name just happened here?" I exclaimed, looking at Twilight and Spike for answers.

At the sound of my voice, both Twilight and Spike looked at me. After a moment, Spike decided to answer my question, or maybe not. "Nice new cape, Platinum," Spike complimented me as I watched him. "With that cloak and hat you have in your room, you really look like a real wizard now," Spike added, joking a little.

I just looked at them, seeing that they wanted to hide it from me for some reason.

Finally, Twilight sighed and said, "Well, Pinkie Pie came in to complain about a griffin named Gilda. According to Pinkie, Gilda was being quite rude and mean to her. However, I actually think Pinkie is just jealous because this new girl is hogging Rainbow Dash's attention."

Eh, that was just it. I don't see why they would want to hide it from me.

Except for one little detail that I don't know I missed.

"Pinkie Pie... jealous?" I said, looking at them both in disbelief. At their nod, I just sighed and shook my head. "That sounds wrong on so many levels I don't know where to start." After finishing my sentence, I looked them in the eye. "Guys, I know we don't know Pinkie Pie very well, after all, we've only known her for a month. But Pinkie is not somepony who gets jealous and calls some pony 'meanie' just because she's hogging the attention of one of our friends." I said as I watched them reconsider.

"I understand what you mean Platinum, but I don't think this Gilda girl is as Pinkie describes, it could be that she is simply being blinded by her jealousy." Twilight said looking me in the eyes.

At that I simply shook my head but decided not to continue the discussion, as Twilight can be quite stubborn when she wants to be and I wasn't in the mood to argue either.

Instead, I simply turned and headed for the kitchen. "Come on, the burgers are almost ready. We can't think straight on an empty stomach." After that, I went into the kitchen to finish the food.

I don't know why I feel like something is wrong with the whole Pinkie thing, it could very well be true what Twilight says, but Pinkie Pie doesn't strike me as a pony who would get carried away with her jealousy and talk bad about someone behind their back, she just doesn't strike me as that kind of pony.

There's something more to this whole thing.

After lunch I decided to go for a run, or well that's the excuse I had told Twilight.

Truth be told, I am looking for Pinkie Pie to search for answers, as she is the pony that was at the center of all things.

It wasn't an easy search though, as I had already been looking all over town but still hadn't been able to find her.

Seriously, when that mare didn't want to be found, you don't find her.

Oh, "There you are" doesn't matter, I finally found her, or did she find me? For I saw her heading towards me with her head down.

The sight couldn't help but make my heart ache a little.

"Oh, hello Platinum, nice cape."

"Thanks, it was a gift from Rarity- no, let's not get off topic, you how are you, Pinkie?" I said once I got close enough to her.

Pinkie just continued walking as she said, "Maybe Twilight is right" at that, I just raised my eyebrow as I followed her, "Maybe she isn't a big mean panty pants, maybe I'm just a jealous judgmental jealously pants." uff, she said the word jealous three times, that's not right.

As the pink Earth Pony let out a sad sigh and went on her way, I just followed her, after all, what could I say in this kind of situation?

And even though it pains me to see her like this, I decided to follow her to keep her company.

Now we were sitting at a table while we had some milkshakes, hers was strawberry and mine was chocolate, after Pinkie gave those sad but thoughtful sentences, she refused to say anything else and I didn't know what to do besides keeping her company, in the end, what can I say to a friend who is going through a depression?

I really don't know, so I simply decided to keep him company until I went home or until she said something, whichever came first.

"Get down!" Pinkie suddenly ordered after we both heard a surreal sound behind me. I immediately obeyed, crouching half my body down right with her under the round table and looking up at the sky listening to the laughter.

What the [Bleep] was that?!

And... wait, is that a gryphon? Is that supposed to be a gryphon?

"That was sweet!" said Rainbow Dash contentedly out loud, following the creature she'd only heard from time to time, and also read a bit about in the books I read. "Whew. I've got some weather work to take care of around here; shouldn't take long." I squinted at Rainbow who was talking to the... thing (that sounds so wrong to say) next to her.

"Pinkie, is that..." I said slowly as I kept my eyes fixed on the new creature.

"That's her: Gilda." She replied grimly. So, that thing is Rainbow Dash's old friend? "Half eagle, half lion. The one that's been taking up Rainbow's time more than me." she finished somberly while looking at the gryphon, I was looking at her too, after all she's a creature I've never seen in my life and I know that she looked pretty cool.

But despite her cool looks, there was something about her that just... wasn't right. I don't mean to sound judgmental or anything, but there was something about her that just left me with my guard up.

I think I have my answers as to why my gut is telling me this. If the fact that she made a joke in very bad taste on poor Granny Smith, which caused me to frown.

"Oh, poor Granny Smith! She didn't know it was a joke! How mean!"

"And also dangerous, Granny Smith is not in the age to get played with that kind of 'prank' anymore" I said in agreement, frowning as I continued to stare at the gryphon.

"No, no, I can't misjudge her. It was kind of a funny joke, I guess" at that, I gave her a look of disbelief and pity, as what Twilight had said to her no doubt affected her ability to judge people.

Oh, now she just stole an apple and ate it, that's not right.

A gasp sounded from beside me, "I misjudged her! She's not only a meanie mean pants, but she's also a thief!" I nodded at his remark about the gryphon. "No, no, no, no, no, she could take it back."


At that, I gave him a look of disbelief again. "From her stomach?" No, it was obvious that the gryphon could not be trusted. "Now is not the time for you to try to look on the bright side of this, Pinkie Pie. She's obviously someone we can't trust." With the way she acts around ponies, even Rainbow Dash could be in danger, despite being her "friend."

"You don't know Platinum; it could just be a simple prank."

I was about to retort when my eyes fell on a certain yellow Pegasus leading a pair of ducks and their offspring past us. "Alright little ones, this way." Fluttershy said kindly to the animals, no doubt escorting them to a river. That's probably the nicest way I've ever seen someone treat animals without looking up videos of that guy on the internet.


"Oh, excuse me."

"I'm walking here!"

"Oh. U-um sorry." Fluttershy stammered in her feeble attempts to apologize to the rough combination of proud creatures. "I was just trying to-"

But the gryphon would have none of it, sneering in a tone that made my gaze harden. "Sorry, sorry, sorry! Why don't you look where you're getting silly?" The ducks and their young scattered as the taller creatures advanced toward the retreating Pegasus.

At that moment I felt my anger bubbling up inside me, which caused me to have to take a few deep breaths.

No, Platinum, you are better than this, don't let your anger get the better of you, you are better than that.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but I-I..."

Any attempt at an apology was cut off by the scream taking a deep breath and... I had to cover my ears at the loud shriek that was no doubt meant to intimidate the poor pony... and it worked. My eyes widened and my jaw tensed as I saw Fluttershy running away, crying. And I could feel my heart ache at the devastated sight of her running away.

It was enough to make anyone who saw it want to cry.

...all brought on by her…

Please, somepony hold me, or i…

"Ugh, please; all these silly ponies are taking me-ARGH!"

Whatever she was about to say, most likely a rude thing, was interrupted when suddenly a bolt of energy struck her, sending her crashing into a fruit stand.

The crowd gasped as they saw this and gasped more as they saw me come out from where I stood, horn glowing and an angry look on my face.

"Platinum!" I heard Pinkie exclaim in surprise behind me, but I wasn't listening to her anymore, I was just slowly making my way closer until I was in the center of the crowd, my eyes fixed on the fallen gryphon.

Look, I normally didn't like to fight, let alone start fights, but if there's one thing, I can't stand it's watching someone hurt my friends, people I hold precious to me and I don't care if it's male or female, what she just did just crossed the line.

My eyes focused as the thing recovered from its stupor and leapt out of the destroyed stall, standing at a height meant to intimidate and looking at the fountain that dared to hit it in disgust. I just scoffed, maybe I would be intimidating if I didn't have a burned face, and that's just a maybe. "You... you hit me... How dare you...!"

Hearing her words made me snort out loud, my horn still glowing and drawing the attention of the audience around us. "How dare I? Considering all the damage you've done, I should be asking, how dare you?" I said, as the gryphon glared at me. "Let me tell you something, Miss Gilda. I don't know how things work from where yoy come from, but what you did is unforgivable. So, you better apologize or do us all a favor and get the hell out of here."

"Or what?" she asked dangerously, her features as hardened as mine as we both crouched in ready stances, my horn roaring at my fury.

"Or I'll break every bone in your body." I replied grimly, ignoring the loud gasps of surprise and horror around me at my bold words, though I smiled as the gryphon's eyes widened before glaring hatefully at me.

Think you know about hate, girl?

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow in amusement once she took a deep breath and let out the same roar, she used to intimidate Fluttershy, but the roar that earlier made me cover my ears all it did was shake my mane, all thanks to my modified anti-sound spell. Well, at least now I have another culprit to blame for ruining my mane.

But if you want to play the intimidation game little gryphon, let me answer you.

The gryphon's eyes widened in surprise and fear as I answered her with my own roar, as loud or even louder than hers, while my body briefly glowed from the use of my magic. Once I finished my scream, I looked at the gryphon in bewilderment and said, "I can do this all day, little gryphon."

"You're crazy." The horrified gryphon finally announced momentarily then turned and took flight, determined to get away from her assailant as quickly as possible. "But you'll pay for hitting me anyway, you silly stallion!"

"Try if you can, little gryphon!" I said as I watched his figure disappear into thin air. Taking a few deep breaths to calm my anger, I couldn't help but notice that everyone was looking at me in amazement, looking at my feet, I notice that I made a small crater I made in the ground. "huh, I didn't know I could do this." Nor the scream thing, we ponies don't have the lungs to make such a scream.

Could it have been because of me magic? Though I've never heard of unicorn magic responding like this before.

Huh, something to think about later.

Looking at the destroyed fruit stand, I use a spell to repair it, since technically speaking it was my fault, "Sorry." I said looking at the Pegasus who was still looking at me in shock.

Seeing that everyone was looking at me, I simply looked at Pinkie, gave her a nod and decided to leave back to the library.

Fifty bits to this gets me in trouble with Twilight.

"You threw a magic shot in her face?" I knew it!

I sighed tiredly, since for some reason my body felt pretty tired after here incident and besides, I had come to my senses after I calmed down, "I know what I did was wrong and I'm not proud of it-" lie "-but in this case it was justified." True.

Of course I had informed Twilight what I had done today, better she hear it from me than to hear it from another pony, as there might be a lack of information or something about the events.

Once I washed my face to dispel any anger, I still had inside me, I headed off to tell Twilight and Spike what happened today.

"I'm still trying to understand the reckless thing you just did today, Platinum Breeze!" oops, full name, this doesn't look good. "You punched her, an innocent gryphon, Rainbow Dash's friend?"

At that, I snorted, "Innocent? That gryphon was far from innocent." I said as I looked at Twilight's disapproving look. "The situation was far from ideal, but I did what I had to do."

But, of course, Twilight doesn't see things my way in this case. She pointed at me like I was some kind of criminal, which made me annoyed. "The reason behind hitting her is irrelevant-"

"Even for annoying Fluttershy?"

"Especially for annoying Fluttershy!" she continued heatedly, causing me to frown. "You should never use violence against anyone, no matter the case. We were both taught that, as long as we are not provoked, we shouldn't do anything. What you did was foolish and you could have gotten into serious trouble. But no; you chose to pick a fight, and against a gryphon, of all things!" Are you really bringing up things from the past, Twilight?

Although in this case you're not right, while your parents tried to instill that in me as well, my father taught me that at any sign of danger, attack or flee depending on what you think is right.

It's obvious who I took the advice from.

Meanwhile. Spike who is looking off to the side spoke with a tone that suggested he was impressed. "I, for one, am impressed. I didn't know you had it in you, Platinum." Despite his words, both my gaze and Twilight's was still fixed between us.

The frown on my face was starting to hurt, "I just let her know that her attitude is not welcome here in Ponyville."

"Or you could have given her the idea that Ponyville is full of violent ponies! Besides, you should know by now that it's wrong to hit a lady."

"That's sexist. Why should I care that she's a lady? If what she did is wrong, I'm going to judge her just as harshly I should."

The unicorn shook her head in disappointment. "I can't believe you..."

Okay, this is already bothering me and a lot, schooling my features to a neutral look, "Look, I understand I got out of control." I said with irritation but somehow keeping my cool, I wasn't going to let this situation get worse. "You, of all ponies, should know that I'm not normally like this. But her actions today really got on my nerves. Granny Smith didn't deserve that treatment she suffered, that merchant didn't do anything to justify stealing her product. And Fluttershy definitely did nothing to deserve the treatment she received. I just returned the favor."

"That wasn't all, Platinum!" I just looked on impassively as Twilight pushed her hoof to my chest. "Maybe Gilda was acting like a bully, but your actions today didn't solve anything, they just made you stoop to her level-"

"I'm going to stop you right there before you can continue with your words, Twilight Sparkle," I said seriously, my impassive gaze holding steady even though it's harder to maintain it at the moment. "I don't intimidate innocent ponies just because I feel like it and find it amusing. You, of all ponies, know that." Twilight's gaze faltered slightly at my words before she continued to look at me. "Twilight, do you remember how it was in school, right?"

Hearing my question, the mare simply frowned in confusion, "Yes, but what does that have to do with-"

"Then you know that I never picked on anyone, no matter how much I know they deserved it." I said as I remembered the days at school, with snobby ponies who thought they were better than any other pony. They even tried to bully me once, but let's just say it didn't go well for them, mentally speaking. "I didn't attack, even though they annoyed me, I knew at the end of the day they weren't worth it. But the school ponies never went beyond saying cruel words, they didn't steal, they didn't fight and most of all, they didn't hurt innocent ponies simply because they wanted to."

As I said that, I was advancing towards her, causing her to step back slightly. "I also know you know because they also tried to intimidate you many years ago, but they never did more than call you names and tease you because I stopped them." At that, her eyes widened; yes, that was something I never told her because I didn't see the point. "I never tolerated bullies, but I never harmed them unless they crossed the line. So, tell me, why should I have made an exception for a gryphon who were hurting one of my friends?"

Without waiting for an answer, I turned and walked up the stairs, ignoring his voice calling out to me.

What I did may not have been the right thing to do for some, but I had no regrets.

Whether Twilight understands that or not, that's her problem.

Okay, maybe I went a little overboard today.

And I'm not referring to the incident with the gryphon, but to my argument with Twilight.

But if we're being honest, I wasn't going to let them just put me in the same category as Gilda, since we weren't even a little bit alike.

I think it's funny though, I've been stopping bullies for years to keep them from getting out of line and the one time I tell Twilight about it, she gets mad.

Well, she was going to find out eventually anyway.

I was currently in my room, sitting on the balcony of my room enjoying the evening light. Spike had knocked on the door a while ago saying they were going to a party organized by Pinkie and left me in silence when he asked me if I was going. That left me alone in my room to contemplate the day's events.

As I said, I don't regret what I did, since what that gryphon did was way out of line, by far, but I'm a little worried that this has damaged my friendship with Twilight.

It's already dark and Twilight and Spike haven't returned from Pinkie's party, so if I wanted to, I could just move out.

But should I?

Moving out wouldn't solve anything in the long run, but it might be a good thing in the short term.

Decisions, decisions.

My head turns to a polite knock on my door.

Hmm, now who could that be? Twilight? It could be to apologize or continue our first discussion in years. Spike? He might try to cheer me up, though I feel I don't deserve it. Rainbow? It could be to talk about the situation you were told about.

Well, let's not keep he or her waiting.

"Oh! Hello Platinum."

More like them.

Uh, this visit I wasn't expecting. Glancing at the shy yellow Pegasus in front of me, I see that she's accompanied by both Twilight and Rainbow Dash, uh 2/3.

"uh, hi Fluttershy. is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Oh...well, we were wondering...if we could come in...just for a minute?" the shy pony asked lightly, averting her eyes after asking the question.

"...Sure, come on in" I said stepping aside to let the trio pass, looking around curiously. Will this be because of the incident? I hope I didn't piss Fluttershy off, since you know what they say about shy people. "So, what can I help you with?" I asked looking around at the little group.

"Well... um..." the shy Pegasus started rather hesitantly, looking at the mares behind them who gave her a sign of encouragement, then looked at my face before taking a deep breath to continue. "Twilight told us what you did to Gilda..." eh, why am I not surprised? "And tell you that, um, what you did, it was a bit of an overreaction-"

"I know I went too far."

The three ponies blinked at my blunt agreement. "Y-You do?"

"Of course," while I don't regret my actions, I regret letting my anger get the better of me, there were better ways to act in that situation. "What I did was childish, impulsive and careless of me to physically assault her." Better it would have given her nightmares. "And I'm sorry I lost control."

Like I said, what I did wasn't right. I know it felt right at the time, but the gryphon in question didn't make any physical attack that needed me to physically assault her, what I should have done was give her nightmares or something else with a spell or something, to make her come to her senses of what she has done.

What I did, in the end, might just make her more violent.

Fluttershy simply stared at me for a moment. "Um... well, I'm glad you know you went too far... but that's not all."

Oh? An unforeseen breakthrough, I hope she doesn't want to scold me like Twilight did, I don't want to damage another friendship.

Before I could say anything, my brain short-circuited a little when she hugged me out of nowhere.

"Thank you..." she suddenly said in a whisper. "For standing up for me like you did."

In response, I simply gave her a small hug while gently stroking her mane. That's how I know how to give a hug and at the same time give someone comfort, right? Plus, she has a soft mane.

Finally, the pony broke away with a pink blush on her face for some reason. She had never hugged a man outside of her family before? And why did Twilight and Rainbow look so puzzled? It was just a hug, for the love of the moon.

"Well, I'd better step aside, someone else wants to talk to you." She said as she stepped to the side.

Who...? Ah, hello Rainbow Dash.

"Thank you."

And this is the second time my brain short circuited, this time at the pony's words that was clearly conflicted.

Then, she looks me in the eye. "Thank you for standing up for Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash said with a sincere look in her eyes. "While I don't like the fact that you beat up Gilda, what she did was way out of line, for which I thank you." He said to then give me a confident smile. "But next time, leave it to me! You made the pranks I played on her seem like small potatoes compared to what you did to her." She finished then slapped me on the shoulder.

I just rolled my eyes but smiled too, "No problem, Rainbow." At that, she nodded with a smile then stepped aside and headed for the door followed by Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy!" at the sound of her voice, the aforementioned mare turned at the sight of me. "If anyone ever treats you like the gryphon did... or worse, report to me immediately." What Gilda did to Fluttershy was horrible and definitely something she doesn't deserve, so I'll help her however I can.

After all, that's what friends do, right?

And I purposely ignored the looks both Rainbow and Twilight are giving me.

"Oh, I don't know; I don't want to be a problem-"

"It will only be a problem if you allow yourself to be treated like that."

At his happy nod, the kind mare joined the other mare and they left the room. I could hear their footsteps and voices walking away. Well, two down, one to go.

"That 'gryphon' has a name; you know?"

Now comes the hard part, smiling, I turned to the annoying unicorn. "From what I can hear, you're still upset about the argument."

"...I'm not going to deny that I'm not still enraged by your actions today." The mare admitted with a sigh. "But I'm glad you at least learned something from all of this. I learned a few things I'd like to talk with you, too."

"As long as it's not another argument, I'm all ears." I said looking at the unicorn in question.

And... again my brain short circuits for another hug, 3 hugs in a row, that's more hugs than I've ever received in my life. Before I could return it, the unicorn broke away.

"Sorry." Another surprise. "Your actions today, while they upset me, also made me worry about the consequences it could have, consequences that could affect you negatively and I reacted accordingly." Said the mare looking into my eyes with sincerity. "I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted" I smiled lightly, glad she wasn't still upset, now as long as I didn't mention- "why didn't you tell me about the bullies." [Beep].

I sighed as I scratched my head, "I didn't see the point, I never physically attacked them, I just gave them some illusions my father taught me to give them nightmares, I didn't see the point in telling you."

"...I always wondered why they never did more than call me names or hurl insults," Twilight admitted, looking down at the ground. "Sure, their words hurt and I didn't like being called names, but it wasn't so bad with the support of my family, yours and Spike's." Then she looked up and looked me in the eye. "Thank you, Platinum, for taking care of me."

I smiled softly, "Always, Twilight." Then we gave each other a hug, which lasted for a while, and then we parted.

After that, she said goodbye and left my room.

Hey, maybe I won't need to move after all.

Hi, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Any spelling mistakes or details, please say so in the comments.

Serious question, I should try to create a musical intro for the story, like the intro that every mlp chapter had?

Chapter 7: Platinum vs baby bear

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Hello, how are you? I hope you are well.

I feel like writing lately, so here's the new chapter.

I don't know how long it will last, so I'm going to make the most of it.

Anyway, enjoy!

This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans for the purpose of improving in the art of writing.

This story can and most likely will have spelling errors.

Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated.

This story is not going to be a HIE or G5, it will be tinged to the G4 story, MLP: FIM.

"Come on Twilight, you can do it!" said Spike's excited voice, giving encouragement to the mare in front of us.

I just nodded encouragingly in a way to show my support.

"Okay, here goes." Twilight said as she pointed at Spike, causing her horn to light up from the obvious use of her magic and after a second, a glow appeared on Spike's face, growing a mustache, showing that the spell worked.

"Ha-ha, you did it!"

I just smiled and nodded, ticking off the chalkboard next to me.

What were we doing? It should be obvious but we were practicing magic. Or well, actually it was more me helping and encouraging Twilight to learn a few tricks that don't really do any good but she still wants to learn because she does.

Why wasn't I doing that too? Simple, I didn't want to.

The tricks Twilight was practicing I either already knew or I just didn't want to learn them, I have my own repertoire of magic spells anyway, so I don't need to learn some useless spells.

Not that I was going to say it out loud.

"Growing magic. That's number 25. Twenty-five different kinds of tricks and counting." Hearing what Spike said, Twilight averted her gaze modestly and embarrassed.

"Not surprising, when you have such good teachers." I said, putting a little emphasis on me. Oh, and also on Princess Celestia. Seeing Twilight's unimpressed look, I stopped my false boasting and smiled. "Honestly, Twilight, you've done very well. Keep it up and you can master every spell known and yet to be known."

Twilight gave me a grateful and doubtful look. "Thank you but I don't think that will happen. Even Princess Celestia can't master every spell in existence. Besides, you know more spells than I do." She said to then look at me with a look that said I forgot something. "besides sir, you still have to teach me those spells you created and have not yet made known."

Ah yes, that. Well. "I'm sure you will be the first to master all the spells, surpassing me and even Princess Celestia." I said averting my gaze so as not to look her in the eye, though I know my obvious attempt to deflect the subject again was to no avail.

"And I think this is the best trick yet!" said Spike interrupting our conversation, happily looking at his appearance in the mirror we brought along in case of unforeseen side effects. "Hey, Rarity, what's this? Aw, it's nothing; just my awesome mustache!" said Spike fantasizing about meeting Rarity with his new "awesome" appearance.

At that I just shook my head to look at the book next to me that contained the spells Twilight was practicing. While it's true that some of the spells Twilight practiced today are of no interest to me, it's nice to have a more experienced supporting hand in case things go wrong.

It has always been that way, because I am more practical when it comes to using spells, I have been able to learn more spells, but I have also suffered from the consequences of misusing a spell.

Twilight, on the other hand, likes to focus on learning and perfecting the theory before casting a spell, so even though she has fewer spells than I do, she is less prone to making mistakes when using them.

But just because she's less prone doesn't mean she can't make mistakes, and that's why I'm here. Wanting my experience with the negative parts of using a spell so I can fix it.

Plus, it gives me a break from my failed side in the Glyphs.

Let me explain, it's not that the Glyphs don't really work, they serve their purpose... but not in the way they should.

I know I'm not being clear but here's the explanation. As you may recall, unlike runes, Glyphs should be able to create any spell by using the magic around us to create it. But so far, all they have done is create something, not the spell as such.

If you remember, several episodes ago, my first success with my Glyphs was with elemental magic, since then I have tried to redo the experiment very carefully, just not with fire, as I don't want to accidentally set the library on fire.

And I have succeeded, to a very small extent.

Say for example, water elemental magic. The spell I put in should create a small bubble of water but instead all it did was wet the floor. The same with the wind.

So far, I've only managed to make baby steps with the Glyphs, not managing to advance the way I would like to.

On the flip side, with the runes things have been going great. I have recently managed to perfect the levitation rune and am even in the process of creating a rune to create a shield, but it is still in progress.

I have also ordered a sewing machine as well as a crystal carving machine so I can put the runes on my clothes and give them a nice embroidery in the process.

But even though it's days away, I haven't wasted any time and have been reading and learning how to knit and how to crystal carve things, so that when the time comes, I don't fail and ruin the things Rarity gave me in good faith.

I also need to get some fabric and some jewelry to practice beforehand.

While I could certainly ask Rarity for some help in learning about weaving to do the embroidery, I don't want to do that for three simple reasons.

One, I'm better at learning on my own. I'm pretty self-taught and have managed to learn a lot of things on my own. School helped but I made a lot of progress on my own, and a little help from Twilight.

Two, I want it to be a surprise. What's the point of me going to do something I don't even know is going to work if I can't impress my audience. Where's the fun in that?

Three, it's a matter of pride. Yeah, I'm not the kind of pony who likes to ask others for help, I'd rather make it on my own.

Ah~, sometimes pride is such a cruel and merciless enemy.

Anyway, back to the story.

"Sorry Romeo. As attractive and seductive as you look, it's just for practice and it has to go." Twilight said with an amused smile then used her magic to get rid of Spike's mustache, despite his protests. She then looked at me to tell me that she wasn't going to forget the subject we had talked about.

I just smiled, knowing that it would be very difficult for Twilight to get the information out of me.

At that moment, my stomach growled in protest to remind me that I hadn't had breakfast. Twilight and Spike laughed at the sound and I could only groan, no, I didn't pout, men don't pout anyway.

Or do they...? Hmm.

"What do you say we wrap up practice for today and go to Sugarcube Corner for breakfast?" asked Twilight with an amused smile on her face, to which I agreed with a sheepish grin as I levitated the book back to its place of origin.

Anyway, it's always nice to go out and eat some good breakfast treats.

If my mother saw what I was going to eat for breakfast, she'd definitely kill me.

Today was a rather beautiful day if I may say, walking on the right side of our trio with Spike in the middle and Twilight on the left. After a successful morning of magic practice, we deserved a rest and a nice snack full of sweets.

Anyway, even though I initially didn't want to come and stay in Ponyville, I have grown quite fond of this little town. While it's not a large town, it falls more in the category of a large town than a town if you ask me, that makes the ponies in this town very friendly and quite welcoming. While I don't see myself being friends with several of them in the short or long term, they are still better than the noble snobs that are in Canterlot.

Besides, this town hasn't harmed my scientific/magical advancement at all, despite what some ponies might think- in fact, I can think of the chief advisor to the ministry of magic having a fit watching me decide to spend more time with other ponies than focusing on developing my magic- but it's quite the opposite.

I've been more relaxed than I've been in years! Going all out to learn and create magic may have caused me to create a few spells but I had always felt stressed out.

For what purpose I did it, I really don't know anymore. I guess, subconsciously, I wanted to prove myself to show that I can be useful.

It's the same kind of thinking I had during the communities, and I didn't realize it because I enjoyed doing this kind of work.

But now? Spending time with Twilight and the other girls has opened my eyes to realize that I shouldn't stress too much about my work and to enjoy the little things more, and in a way my friendship with Twilight has deepened.

Our little fight a week ago over the gryphon altercation was the first fight we've had in years and although some would think that you shouldn't argue with your friends, it's quite the opposite, as arguing can bring good things.

Although I won't do it often, Twilight is scary when she's angry.

"Twenty-five Twilight! Twenty-five different kinds of tricks and counting!" said Spike reminding us of what just happened not too long ago, still sounding impressed by the unicorn's abilities. "I thought I knew unicorns were supposed to have a little magic to match their special talents."

Seeing Spike stand in front of us, I decide to answer him, "While that is true Spike, that only goes for ponies whose talent is singing, or cooking or even teaching. But what if said pony's talent is magic?" I said throwing a rhetorical question to the dragon for him to think about.

Now this is something that didn't make sense to me. Why in a magical world wouldn't magic be the most relevant thing? We literally live in a world where magic can make things a whole lot easier for us!

The answer? The cutie marks. As you may know, cutie marks basically tell you what the unicorn is going to do with its life, or at least that's how most ponies interpret it.

Some do well with that, as their cutie marks are literally the things they like to do, but there are some cutie marks that should not be taken literally and could mean something else.

Like Rarity's cutie mark, that even though they look like diamonds and could imply that she would work well with crystals, the truth is that her talent is clothes, knowing how to decorate them and how to make them look good.

Now, what does that have to do with development in magic? Simple, once they have found their calling, they focus on it and there are an incredibly small amount of unicorns that focus on magic throughout history.

The only famous ones are Twilight's idol, Starswirl the Bearded, or Ancient Wisdom. They are the only famous unicorns known to have focused on magic.

Sure, there have been several spells created throughout history, but the spells in general don't number much more than 250, at most. And those are the spells that everyone can learn, I don't count the forbidden spells, or spells that only work with a certain special talent.

In retrospect, even though this world is magical, magic hasn't advanced much because of cutie marks.

"Like Twilight! Or like you, Platinum! How many tricks do you know?" asked Spike, now focusing his attention on me.

At the question, I couldn't help but stop and think. "Counting the spells I created, about 35 or so." Even though I've focused the last few years on creating me runes and Glyphs, it doesn't mean I haven't found time to study and learn magic that already exists, part of that I know I owe to Twilight and my parents.

Seeing the surprised looks from both Twilight and Spike, I couldn't help but blush with embarrassment, "It's no big deal, if I didn't count the spells I create, I'd have just a little more than Twilight, it would only be 26." And that's including among the ones I create my Glyphs and my runes.

I know this seems very convenient, but as I said before, Twilight and I have different ways of learning and my reckless style has certain advantages.

"That's awesome Platinum, you and Twilight have a lot of magic!" said Spike and I could have sworn I saw stars in his eyes when he said that.

"Oh, Spike, stop it. I'm sure there are plenty of ponies here in Ponyville who know as much magic as me or Platinum." Modesty aside Twilight, what didn't you just hear what I said in my internal monologue?

"Are you kidding?" asked Spike in agreement with my inner monologue. "I don't think there's another unicorn in Equestria with the kind of skills you two have."

At that, I nodded. "That's true. Don't underestimate yourself Twilight, while you may not know as much magic as I do, it doesn't mean you're falling behind. You're a talented unicorn and you shouldn't be ashamed of that fact." Ah, look how nervous she looks at the praise she received, I couldn't help but laugh at that, which earned me a small tap on the shoulder.

"Coming through!" An incoming voice yelled which quickly caused me to step aside for two little ponies to run past, one of which I know accidentally took Spike with them, leaving me and Twilight behind.

"And those were...?" I asked looking up at the two little unicorn foals who for some reason were in a hurry.

Twilight sighed in disbelief. "Snips and Snails." ...Hmm, nope, those names don't ring any bells in my head.

I simply shrugged as I approached the foals who, thankfully, weren't too far away.

"Didn't you hear, Ponyville has a new unicorn in town!" said the tallest and skinniest one, which I think is Snails.

"Yeah! They say it has more magical power than any other unicorn ever seen!" said the short but chubby one, who I guess must be Snips.

Huh, you know, these guys look familiar and not in a good way, I think I can remember them in a movie I didn't like at all but they were the henchmen of the villain in that movie.

This whole thing doesn't give me confidence, these foals seem very gullible.

"Really?" asked the now dejected unicorn next to me, which made me look at her with concern.

"Uh, no way. That honor goes to Twilight and Platinum." Spike said pointing at the two of us, which made us both blush with embarrassment.

To which Twilight then looked at the duo, "Where is this unicorn?"

"Oh, she's in the town square. Come!"

"Yeah! Come!"

They said to then run off, quite presumably to the meeting point where this unicorn is.

To which Twilight and Spike hurried after them.

I lag behind "but, breakfast..." at which point my belly roars in agreement with me, but I decide to ignore it and follow them.

There was something about Twilight's reaction that worried me.

Besides, there might be food.

Hey, there's already a crowd, looks like the word spread fast. And besides, there's no food, disappointing.

Making our way to the front of the crowd along with the girls, I look over to see a carriage in the middle of town painted yellow with a crescent sign with stars, it looks like that carriage does his show but he also lives there.

Let's see what our visitor has in store.

"Come on, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" said the voice inside the carriage and then appeared in a puff of smoke, revealing the mare in question.

The mare herself was a star of the show, she has a light blue coat, her mane and tail are pale blue and her eyes are violet. Her clothing is a purple cloak decorated with stars, the same as her hat.

Overall, the mare herself was nothing special, besides having a nice color in her coat and mane, but she doesn't seem to be the most talented unicorn in the world.

Let's see what she does.

Although I don't understand why everyone gasped in amazement, if all she did was use smoke and teleportation to appear.

Hmm, teleportation… I think I have an idea for the next rune.

"Behold in awe–" the unicorn began dramatically with visible signs, "–as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by a pony!" She finished loudly, causing fireworks to suddenly appear, making me blink.

Yep, she's just a showmare. There's nothing wrong with that, but given how gullible ponies can be, I don't doubt some might be offended by this.

"My, my, my, what boastfulness." Look, someone's already offended, and none other than the most dramatic mare I know.

"Oh, come on." Spike groaned in agreement with Rarity. "No pony has more magic than Platinum and Twi-Twi-Twi…" he started to say only to stop halfway, realizing he was next to Rarity. "Uh, hey Rarity, uh- I gotta run!" I couldn't help but laugh at the dragon's hasty retreat.

"There's nothing wrong with having talent, right?" Twilight asked rather uncertainty, making me shift my gaze from the show to her in concern.

"Not at all." I heard Applejack's voice respond a few meters away, "Except when someone goes around showing it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons."

"The fact that one has the ability to perform lots of magic doesn't make one better than the rest of us!" Rarity added kindly, making me look at them in bewilderment. She's just a showmare, for Celestia's sake, they're acting as if it's wrong to entertain an audience with her magical talent.

Besides, it's not even as bad as the arrogance Rainbow Dash can have.

"Especially when you have me around being better than the rest of us." See, the humble Pegasus proves my point once again.

Seriously, her arrogance annoys me sometimes.

"Er-I mean, yeah!" It seems someone managed to make the arrogant mare reconsider to turn against a common target. "Magic, Shmagic! Boo!"

"Come on girls, you're overreacting." I said, looking at the three mares who were bothered by the show. "It's just street performance, ponies who do this tend to exaggerate their skills to attract an audience."

"I get it, Sugarcube, but one thing is exaggerating your skills, another is calling yourself the most magical unicorn of all." Applejack said, making me raise an eyebrow at her.

Unfortunately, it seems that Miss Trixie heard us. "Well, well, well, it seems we have some NEIGH-sayers in the audience!" I couldn't help but laugh at the way she said that, interrupting whatever she was going to say. "Who is so IGNORANT as to laugh AND challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Eh, it seems I was wrong, she still said it.

It seems I couldn't prevent the conflict from starting, and although I would normally side with Trixie since she doesn't deserve to be interrupted in the middle of her show, in this case, she is asking for it.

"Who does she think she is?" Rarity asked nearby, making me facehoof because she's basically inciting something to happen.

And of course, Spike had to join in. "Yeah! Everyone knows that Plat-" before he could finish his sentence, I put a hoof in his mouth, silencing him. No Spike, I'm not going to remove it just because you're licking my hoof. Ouch! And even less because you're biting me.

And why are you giving me a grateful look, Twilight? I only did it to prevent the conflict from escalating further.

And why are there so many fireworks? That wasn't necessary to make your point. And where did she get so many fireworks?

"So 'Great and Powerful' Trixie–" Rainbow Dash began, interrupting the show to be face to face with the other mare. "What makes you think you're so amazing anyway?"

The blue mare laughed in response, as if the other blue mare was inferior to her. "Why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to defeat the dreaded Ursamajor!" Her voice rose as the trumpets lit up with magic, forming the shape of a bear that definitely isn't an Ursamajor.

What? When you study the different creatures that live in Equestria, you know what some of the most dangerous creatures in Equestria look like, and the image she's showing doesn't look like a major, it looks more like an Ursaminor.

"When all hope was lost–" the mare began dramatically as gasps of disbelief sounded from the audience "–The ponies of Puffington had no one to turn to! But the Great and Powerful Trixie–" oh, I get it now, it's a kind of backstory to give credibility to her skills "–And with her amazing magic, she defeated the Ursamajor back to its cave; deep within the Everfree Forest!"

That... has a lot of inconsistencies. I'm not sure exactly where that place is, I'd have to look it up on the map when I get back to the library but even if it's somehow near Ponyville, then the Ursamajor would have come here in blind rage, tearing this town apart.

Besides, Ursamajor don't attack unless provoked or if their offspring are in danger, so unless some pony provoked it, the ursa would have no reason to attack that town.

But it seems I am the only one, for the foals were praising her as if her words were enough to prove such an act.

The tallest one approached the stage and gestured to the cocky mare. "Trixie really is the most talented, magical and amazing unicorn in all of Ponyville!" he said so that then his friend would be closer, "No, in all of Equestria!"

"How do they know? You didn't see it! Besides, Platinum and Twi..." he was interrupted this time by Twilight who used her magic to create a leash, closing Spike's mouth.

The pony let out an arrogant giggle, "That's right, my enthusiastic little fans. Trixie is without a doubt the best in Ponyville." At that, the audience fell silent, with no one to agree with her in the face of such boasting.

Ugh, and I hoped that for once this could be resolved peacefully.

"You don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie? Very well, I challenge you, ponyvillains. Anything you can do; I can do better." Said the mare arrogantly, as I simply closed my eyes and put my hoofs between my eyes in disbelief. "Any takers, anyone, or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine that ever lived?" oh great, more fireworks, this is getting annoying.

Spike suddenly threw himself at our hoofs. "Please! She's unbearable!" He said as he looked at us pleadingly, "you have to show her, you just have to!"

Twilight looked at Spike with insecurity shining in her eyes, "There's no way I'm using my magic now, Spike. Especially since-"

She was interrupted by the pony on stage. "Hmm, how about...you!" she said pointing towards us, making Twilight swallow saliva.

Though as it turned out, it wasn't toward her, but toward Applejack, who had no problem showing off some tricks.

Upon being called upon, Applejack took the stage and proceeded to show off an incredible trick with the use of her rope, only for Trixie using simple magic to do the cheap version of what Applejack did, humiliating her in the process, causing my right eye to twitch.

Look, I wouldn't have a problem if I had done something similar to what Applejack did, since with magic it's possible, but I don't even try to do it, I just use simple, effortless magic to do what Applejack did but worse.

Two things bother me about it, one that they mess with my friend and another, the poor use she's making of magic.

And everyone is buying it for some reason! What she did wasn't even impressive.

Deep breaths Platinum, you're better than this, you already learned it with Gilda.

Then Rainbow proceeded to show off her speed and what did the "Great and Powerful" Trixie do? Use a whirlwind spell to spin Rainbow around and make her dizzy, making my eye twitch again.

But it's okay, I'm not going to let my anger get the better of me.

Next was Rarity, who summoned a beautiful dress for some reason. Then the "Great and Powerful" used a spell to change her hair color to green, which wasn't too bad but still made Rarity cry, which made my eye twitch again.

Phew, and also my tummy reminds me that I'm hungry at the worst possible time.

"Well, Twilight, Platinum. It's all up to you two now. Come on, show that pony what you're made of." At Spike's words, all the ponies around us looked at us to see.

Ah great, social pressure.

"What do you mean Spike? We're not special." Twilight said trying to dispel the attention from us and I nodded, since I had nothing to show for it.

Sure, the mare has annoyed the hell out of me for the humiliation she's put my friends through but if I do anything it could be another Gilda event, causing me to argue with Twilight again over another stupid thing and I don't want to fight.

Besides, I have nothing to show anyone.

I don't know what happened while I was distracted, but suddenly I could see Twilight running away.

And suddenly, I could hear inside me the sound of glass shattering.

"What about you, little stallion?" said Trixie now fixing on me, "do you have anything that can outdo the Great and Powerful Trixie." She said arrogantly.

I, with my patience frazzled but managing to keep my cool, decided to simply show the mare in front of me a little trick.

Using a simple spell, I start walking towards her, but I know create some sort of stairs in front of me, helping me to climb up to the stage.

This simple spell made her look at me in surprise, which made me frown. This was just a simple spell it was one of the first spells I created and it is published in Equestria's magical journal, how is she surprised by a simple spell.

Before the arrogant mare could say anything, I activated my magic and concentrated my mind on the clouds. Obeying my command, the clouds moved and began to gather, forming an image. When finished, they had created a sculpture of Princess Celestia.

As they finished, I could hear the audience and the girls applaud at the amazing sculpture I had just created, but I just stared at the mare in front of me, raising my eyebrow.

Trixie had been left speechless by the spell I had just performed, but seeing how the audience was impressed, she tried to regain their attention. "Hmph, what is a simple cloud sculpture compared to the Great and Powerful Trixie? Watch and learn, foolish stallion," she said as she used her magic to light the trumpets to create another illusion, this time of herself but brighter and with more fireworks.

The audience applauded politely, but many were still in awe of the sculpture in the clouds. I just smiled, I didn't need to say a single word, I'll let my sculpture speak for me.

Trixie, noticing that the audience was not left in stunned amazement at her magic, scowls angrily and looks at me. "And who are you supposed to be to try to upstage the Great and Powerful Trixie?"

In response, I laughed dryly and said, "Try? I don't need to try. But if you must know, my name is Platinum Breeze." With that, I finished by giving a bow as I activated my magic, causing Trixie's fireworks to go off at that moment.

Sheesh, how many fireworks does this mare have?

The audience, seeing what I had done, cheered even louder, with Rainbow, Applejack and Spike being the loudest.

Trixie seeing this, angrily declares, "I will remember your name, Platinum Breeze." She said and then walked into her dressing room, but not before telling the audience, "Remember, ponies of Ponyville! Only the Great and Powerful Trixie is the most magical of all the unicorns!"

Noticing that she was already gone, I walked off the stage using the same spell as before. Seeing that the show was over, the ponies began to retreat and go back to what they were doing before.

Back on the ground, the girls and Spike approached, with Spike hugging my front hooves. "You did it, Platinum! You showed that arrogant pony what you're made of!"

At that I smiled, my anger calming down. "It was nothing Spike, it was a simple trick." I said as I stroked Spike's head.

Upon hearing my words, Rainbow Dash gave me a perplexed look, as if I had sprouted a second head. "Nothing? That was the coolest thing I've ever seen anyone do! Well, except for me, obviously!"

Hearing Rainbow's words, Applejack shakes her head but still smiles. "Well, I'll be darned, Sugarcube. That was mighty fine work. You sure do have a knack for magic," she said, admiring the cloud sculpture for a moment.

At her words, I smiled but shook my head, "thanks but like I said, what I did was nothing, it was just a spell I created a few years ago for a talent show." Then at that precise moment, my stomach growled in protest, reminding me that I still have to eat breakfast. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to eat."

Finishing my sentence, I break away from Spike and clack hooves with the two mares and the dragon and then head to Sugarcube Corner for a well-deserved snack.

After well-deserved snack, I returned to the library and entered it, immediately spotting the lavender unicorn who was reading a book.

"Hey Twilight, do you know where Spike is, I brought you both something from Sugarcube Corner!" I said once I approached her, levitating a bag of cupcakes Pinkie prepared, only to notice Twilight ignoring me in favor of reading her book.

Acquiring a worried look, I set the bag of food on the ground as I approached the unicorn mare. "Twilight?"

"...Platinum, do you think I'm a little show off?" said Twilight stopping reading the book to give me a sidelong glance.

Huh? "No, why?" I couldn't help but frown at that. Twilight and show off don't go in the same sentence. If anything, I'd be the show off one between the two of us.

"I just thought that, with the way our friends were reacting to Trixie's talents-"

"Now, wait a minute." I interrupted her pessimistic speech by putting a hoof in her mouth, causing her to look at me annoyed at what I just did. "Just because you're pretty adept at magic, do you think girls will react around you like they did to her?"

She shrugged helplessly, averting her head nervously and away from my hoof in her mouth to answer. "You've seen how much they hate Trixie's bragging, the idea of going out and showing off my magic would risk losing the friendship between me and them!" She confessed, looking at me for comfort.

Which I was willing to give, giving her shoulder a squeeze, "Twilight, if anything, the smug one would be me." I said making her look at me confused. "After you left, I ended up accepting Trixie's challenge, making use of my number 1 spell to create a sculpture of Princess Celestia out of clouds."

Upon hearing that, the mare gave me a confused look before starting to ponder what the number 1 spell was, as I had told her everything about my spells. She then gazed at the ceiling, likely having a flashback.

And since you can't look at her flashback, let me tell you what she's probably remembering.

At Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, every year they have a talent show so that the young unicorns can highlight their talents and what they learned in their class semesters.

One day, I decided to participate just because I felt like it, if I'm honest, Twilight obviously knew about it and was incredulous that I was participating, but she decided to support me, since she didn't want to participate that year.

For the talent show I wanted to do something special, something unique to show in front of the public and I set out to create my first spell.

It took me several sleepless nights, since creating a spell the first time was not easy, but in the end I succeeded. The spell itself was a simple manipulation of clouds to move and make a sculpture of Princess Celestia.

I would be surprised how few spells manipulate the clouds on behalf of the Pegasus, as if they didn't want to stand in the way of the Pegasus' dominance.

Anyway, I didn't win that contest because I was too tired and made an ugly sculpture of the Princess, but they were still pretty impressed and gave me third place.

I lost to an illusionary spell showing the eruption of a volcano.

Yes, I was a little (a lot) bit upset to find out what I lost to.

As she finished her flashback, Twilight looked at me with disbelief in her eyes.

Seeing her look at me in disbelief, I smiled and decided to continue giving the pep talks. "Twilight, you are many things but a dhow off is not one of them. Sometimes you can be a little selfish, but that's not a crime. It's something you acquired through your serious studies and your experience. It's not for nothing that you're Princess Celestia's student."

"But that's not all, Platinum; what if they think badly of me because I'm Princess Celestia's student? What if, with Trixie around, they might start to think I'm like her?" said Twilight with a hint of despair in her voice, as she looked at her book sadly.

"...In any case, they should hate me for what I did, don't you think?" I said, making her look at me with surprise, so I decided to continue, "At the end of the day, it was me who had a magical duel with this artist because she got on my nerves, and yet none of the girls was bothered with me or said anything bad. It's no different with you." Invoking my magic, I brought the bag containing the cupcake I had brought and handed it to her. "Just because this unicorn brags more about the skills she thinks she has doesn't mean that someone else would think the same of another magically adept unicorn. So no, Twilight, you're not conceited. You're a pretty modest, powerful, and skilled pony, and I know the rest of the girls are proud to be around you."

I let her process what I just said and stepped away for a bit to tidy up the library, which for some reason had several books down that I don't remember being here when I left.

"...Thanks Platinum, I needed that." After a long pause, Twilight looked at me with gratitude in her eyes then frowned. "although it doesn't help me with what I have to do in case I show off in front of everyone. so, what-?"

"Twilight, you don't have to brag in front of anyone." I interrupted her with a soft but amused smile. "That's Rainbow Dash's department. The best thing you can do is let things happen, this Trixie girl will eventually be out of this town sooner or later, it's only a matter of time."

"You say that like you know her." Twilight pointed out with a curious look.

At that, I shrugged, "I don't know her personally, if you think about it, but I know her kind. I don't know stay in one town for too long, looking for a better audience to show their 'talents' to, and also more gullible ponies to believe their words."

After a moment's consideration, Twilight nodded at my words. "Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Platinum." She said to then give me a hug, I'm getting a lot of those lately.

I just smiled and hugged her back happy that I was able to help her feel better, I know it feels good to be able to help your friends.

Now, I can't help but wonder, where is Spike?

In the end I couldn't answer my own question and ended up worrying, which brings me to now, with me searching the streets at night for him to try to find out where he was.

Apparently, Spike had arrived before me at the library to try to convince Twilight to challenge Trixie because she didn't seem to be humiliated by our little "duel" but Twilight turned him down.

No problems with that, as it's up to everyone to decide how to act in these cases, but Spike stormed out of the library and hasn't been back since.

Dragon or not, he's still underage and since he still hasn't returned even though it was already dark, I decided to go out looking for him.

"Spike?" I shouted as I walked down the dark street, with only my horn lighting my way as I searched for my little friend.

"Where are you Spike?" I said looking everywhere in hopes of finding the young dragon.


A loud startled cry interrupted me from my walk, blinking in surprise as I saw the young dragon running in my direction. "Spike? What's wrong-? Argh!" The startled lizard didn't stop in his tracks, landing right on my legs, causing me to fall over from the sudden impact and land on the ground as the dragon quickly gave me an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry! But you have to do something fast-!" he couldn't finish his sentence as three other figures crashed into him and landed fortunately around me.

Getting up and shaking the dirt and dust off my body and clothes, I look over to see that the figures were the terrified ponies Snips, Snails and Trixie, all facing the same direction. I blinked when suddenly Spike hid behind me like some sort of shield, "Okay, what's going on with all of you-?" I said looking at them and then shutting up as I felt the ground vibrations, looking to where they were looking.

An earthquake? Another stampede by any chance...?

Oh, [Beep] me.

I felt my eyes widen and my body freeze in fear as I looked up from the ground at the nearby giant furry transparent beast with a giant star on its forehead, sharp dangerous teeth clenched and yellow predator eyes glaring furiously at its prey.

Which in this case is us.

An Ursa Minor. Why in Equestria is there an Ursa Minor here in Ponyville?

"Why the hell is that thing here?" I said looking cautiously at the giant bear in front of me, knowing that it is more likely to be scared than anything else and that it must be furious for some reason.

Now if I only knew why.

"Platinum, you have to do something!" I felt a strong tug on my limbs, causing me to take my gaze off the large bear in front of me to look at the terrified Spike. "Please do something!"

I look at the creature approaching us at a slow pace, taking its time hunting its helpless prey in front of it.

"Trixie save us!" shouted one of the children from behind, which made me realize that the three other ponies in question had backed up to slowly move away from the big little bear.

"What do you take me for, a miracle worker!" I couldn't help but smile with a certain smirk that had lost its arrogance at the situation we faced, now looking fearfully at the baby in front of us.

Looking at the bear slowly approaching us, I looked at the mare behind me and quickly formed a plan of action.

Summoning my magic, I pulled from inside Trixie's cloak a bag full of magic powder, causing the mare in question to look at me in surprise.

"How did you know about the disappearing technique of the Great and Powerful Trixie-!" whatever she was saying was silenced by a spell of mine that put a shutter in her mouth.

Averting my gaze from the bear in front of me, I look at Spike who also looks at me to see.

"Spike, you want to listen to me carefully, as soon as I use this magic dust, I need you to get these three out of here and go find Twilight" I said looking him in the eyes with total seriousness, to make him understand how serious I was about this, even though I know he already knew.

Spike nodded before asking hurriedly, "What about you?"

Before he could answer, I noticed the bear was in front of us with his leg raised.

"We don't have time for unnecessary worry, leave now!" I shouted throwing the magic dust on the ground, creating a small cloud that disoriented the bear.

Taking a quick glance back, I notice Trixie seizing the moment to flee and Spike rushing the two foals out.

Before the cloud of smoke cleared, I jumped towards the bear's face using the same ladder spell I used to get on Trixie's stage, once I got close enough to his face, I used a flash spell, causing the bear to roar in pain from the resulting blindness.

It smiled only to notice that its paw was coming dangerously close to me, so I used my teleportation to transport myself to a nearby rooftop.

The bear shook his head, somehow denying the temporary blindness to look at me and roar.

"Oh, of course you can do that" I said sarcastically to then jump out of the way of his teleporting bite.

Landing on his head, I jumped off of it and deposited myself behind him, causing him to look back at me.

"Come on boy, follow your daddy" I said sticking my tongue out at him and then running off, with him following close behind.

To accomplish what I wanted, I needed Twilight's help, as to put this little fella to sleep, I don't have enough magic for that.

You know, if you told me that I would be running for my life being chased by a baby bear with my only advantage being the unavailable magic to deal with it, I probably would have believed it.

I had never run so hard in my life, and I could feel the effect of it, my hooves trembling and protesting from the constant exertion. My breathing was panting but I was still going.

I achieved my goal of getting him away from the town, managing to lead him to a large lake with several hills near us, now I just need to distract him.

And then I felt the hairs on my coat when I heard a roar right behind me, unconsciously using teleportation to get out of the way.

Looking at the claw that was in the place where I was before, I sighed in relief then looked at the angry bear in front of me.

Now I just need to distract it as Twilight is coming.

Jesus, facing Nightmare Moon seems more like a walk in the park than the crazy thing I'm doing right now.

Unlike the bear in front of me, Nightmare Moon had an interest in me which was the reason he kept me alive for so long, this bear has no interest in me other than making me his food and unfortunately, I don't have enough magic to put him back with his mama.

But I do have enough to calm him down.

Taking a deep breath, I concentrate for what I am about to do. I summoned my magic so I could increase the sound of my voice and made a melodious whistle of a lullaby.

The spell worked, as the melody swirled around the little baby and slowly lulled him to sleep.

It was working, now I just needed Twilight to come over here to...

"Wow, you're doing it!"

"You're in charge Platinum!"

Distracted by the voices of two familiar foals, my concentration is broken and I look up in surprise to see the source of where the voices are coming from, to see the reckless foals Snips and Snails cheering along with a surprised Trixie, standing atop a nearby hill, watching the battle from a dangerous proximity. And instead of feeling gratified by the support, I'm filled with indignation. "What are you doing here, you must leave-!"

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will obey orders from no one, least of all a reckless stallion like you!" I should have guessed. Glaring in annoyance at the three figures, only to hear the pony scream, this time in horror. "Watch out, you fool!"

Hearing her scream, I instinctively teleported out of the way, where a claw stabbed the spot where I had previously stood.

It seems that, no longer hearing the soothing melody and the sound of screaming, was enough to awaken and enrage the little bear even more and it decided to attack the small enemy in front of it, namely me.

[Beep] me, that was too close for my liking.

And I could feel the tiredness in my body from the constant use of magic, so I could only pray for Twilight to arrive quickly.

Using my magic again, I summoned vines from the ground that immediately wrapped around his body.

He, without much effort, was destroying the vines that were wrapping around him but I kept summoning more in hopes of distracting him for a while.

"Platinum!" a series of familiar voices distracted me and I was glad to see it was the girls and Spike.

"Good to see you guys!" I said happy that they were here before me glaring at Twilight. I gave her a nod as I turned my focus back to distracting the Ursaminor for a little longer.

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long, as Twilight was right next to me. We looked at each other, nodded to each other and concentrated.

I used my magic to be able to use again the same melody that I used a while ago to lull the bear to sleep, the bear when he saw that there were no more vines began to approach us and just in time too, since the melody managed to enter through his ears and began to lull him to sleep.

Meanwhile, Twilight also invoked her magic to levitate a nearby water tank, removing the water and milking some cows to fill it with milk. And together, we levitated the bear while Twilight brought the makeshift bottle close enough for him to drink the milk. And finally, we levitated him back to the cave where he belonged, right into his mother's arms.

After we finish the spell, I collapse to the ground, extremely exhausted from the heavy use of magic I used today.

Ugh, I need to get more exercise.

Seeing me, Twilight looked at me worriedly only to smile in relief that I was simply tired.

Just then, the crowd that had formed to see what was going on erupted in cheers as they saw that we had expelled the Ursaminor.

"Unbelievable!" I heard Rarity say.

"That was amazing!"

"Heavens to Betsy! We knew you two had great talent but I didn't know how much!" I heard Applejack say to which I gave a tired smile, if I had fingers I'd make a peace sign.

"I'm sorry. Please, please don't hate me," Twilight said causing me to look at her in disbelief.

Are you really still insecure? What happened to our talk?

Bah, whatever.

I'm too sleepy.

And the floor feels too comfortable, so I'm going to sleep.

Good night, then.

Ugh, on days like this I hate sunlight. My eyes squeezed shut in protest at the foul sun beating down on my face, telling me to wake up already. In the end, I accepted that I could no longer sleep and opened my eyes slowly, staring at the wooden ceiling of my new bedroom.

I don't remember lying in my bed last night...

That compression made me get up with a jolt, before I lay back down with a groan from the pain in my head at my sudden rising.

Looking around, I realize that I am in my room. Same books, same balcony, same cloak and even my hat that I haven't worn in a long time are here.

Yep, I'm back in my room, but who brought me here?

Eh, I guess it's time to find out.

With a yawn, I get out of bed. I try to summon my magic but I'm still too exhausted to do it properly, so I process to put on my cloak and tidy up my bed manually.

Afterwards, I leave my room and then head to the stairs and go straight to the kitchen, where I am greeted by the smell of food and my gaze meets two pairs of surprised eyes.

I raise my right hoof in greeting and approach to take a seat.

Ouch! Good to see you too Twilight.

"What were you thinking sir, taking on an Ursaminor all by yourself! You could have died!" he said with a frown looking at me with anger and concern evident in his eyes, only to have them soften and give me a small hug. "I'm glad you're okay."

"ah, thank you Twilight" I said as I patted her back. I would hug her back if I wasn't so tired.

I swear, I get too many hugs lately.

Once Twilight separated from me and I was able to sit at the table, Spike served me a plate of food, which was a salad. I gave him a grateful look and began to eat, or rather, devour my food.

Ignoring Twilight's disapproving look and Spike's chuckle, I quickly devour my food and wipe my snout with a napkin.

Looking at the two of them, I ask. "So, do you know why that Ursaminor attacked last night?" I said looking at the duo in front of me.

It's a question I've been asking myself since that bear arrived. The ursa family doesn't attack unless provoked or disturbed, so what was it that brought him here?

"It was Snails and Snips fault" Twilight answered me, as she gave a sigh of resignation seeing that I had already finished my food as she took a bite of her sandwich. After swallowing the food she had, she continued. "Apparently they lured him away so Trixie could prove she's the best unicorn in all of Equestria."

At that, I facehoof in annoyance and disbelief, "I swear, those two foals wanted to kill me."

Before Twilight could say anything, we heard the sound of someone knocking on the door.

Looking toward the door, I motioned to Spike and Twilight not to get up and headed toward the door to see our visitor for today.

Who could it be at this time of day?

Seeing who was at the door, my tired frown returned.

"Hello sir! It's great that you are well."

"We came to see you so you could show us some of your amazing magic!"

I just blinked, glancing at the excited duo before slamming the door in their faces, too tired to deal with those two.

Hi, I hope you enjoyed today's chapter.

See you in the next chapter.

Chapter 8: Runes and a dragon too.

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Hi, I hope you are liking the story so far.

Here's a new chapter.

I hope you enjoy it.

This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans for the purpose of improving in the art of writing.

This story can and most likely will have spelling mistakes.

Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated.

This story is not going to be a HIE or G5, it will be tinged to the G4 story, MLP: FIM.


"Auch! Buck me." I said as I watched a ruby gem have a small explosion in front of me, shattering and shattering into pieces, causing me to pass it to Spike, who proceeded to look painfully at the remains before tossing it into a bag.

With a frown I proceeded to pull out another gem, again being a ruby, and move it closer to the carving machine to proceed with the carving, ignoring Spike's groan of protest in the process.

It had been about two days since the Ursaminor incident and things had returned to normal, with the exception of one thing.

I couldn't use magic.

Now, some may ask, how is that possible?

The answer is simple: I overused my magic.

Remember how I physically fell to the ground after the whole incident was over and eventually fell asleep.

Well, not only was I physically worn out, but I was also magically worn out, and a pretty severe one at that.

As you may know, or perhaps you don't, there are three types of wear and tear one can experience in this world: physical, mental, and magical.

As in my old world, a physical and a mental wear and tear are usually caused by overexertion of a human being from his or her body or from the monotony of life.

In this world it is similar, earth ponies or Pegasus have to have certain difficulties during their jobs that cause a sprain or other physical discomfort in their bodies.

The treatment is usually the same as in the other world, with scheduled breaks as well as massages that can be done by ponies going home or going to the Beauty Salon, which here in Ponyville there is only one and it is run by the twins Aloe and Lotus.

But in the case of magical wear and tear that unicorns suffer; it varies according to the wear and tear.

There is minor wear and tear, which occurs when a unicorn pony uses multiple spells simultaneously. This causes slight magical wear, which, if continued for several consecutive days, could lead to a more serious problem.

There is horn burnout, which happens when a unicorn uses a single spell consecutively until their horn almost explodes and turns black. This issue often occurs in ponies who have more magic than common sense and can spam magic as much as they want. For instance, Twilight, who has a lot of magic and can cast consecutive spells, might face this problem. The solution is usually simple: either let the horn recover on its own or visit a doctor for healing. It's not typically a serious issue, but you won't be able to use magic until your horn is fully healed.

Last but not least is extreme wear. This happens when a unicorn pony uses spells for too long, depleting their magic until their tank is essentially empty. Unfortunately, this is what happened to me. The brief encounter I had with the Ursaminor caused extreme fatigue and severe wear, leaving my magic tank completely drained.

I still don't understand why everypony here call it magic and not mana when in other magic worlds that's what they are called but honestly, I don't care much either, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

Anyway, for my case there is no solution but to rest and stop using magic until I'm well. Unlike burning my horn, I can still use magic if I try hard enough but that would cause me to never recover properly and lose the use of magic, a horror for any unicorn pony.

The rest period from using magic varies. In my case, I must refrain from using magic for a week to fully recover.

Luckily, yesterday I had received my gem cutting tools as well as a good amount of gems. Which meant that I was able to distract myself a bit from using magic for my experiments.

Of course, due to the fact that my best weapon was at rest, Spike offered to help me with my experiments in a way. I offered him as a reward the gems I wasn't going to use and he accepted the reward with joy, but he too can't help but complain every time he sees a gem being destroyed or wasted.

What am I doing? Quite simply, I am carving into the gems the only rune I have managed to create so far, telekinesis.

In theory it should work and I should be able to fly, not as easily as the Pegasus but at least I would fly.

However, things that seem simple in theory are not always so in practice. Gems are excellent magic conductors, but it also depends on the type of gem. Sapphires and diamonds, for example, can hold a significant amount of magic, while emeralds and rubies are better conductors and receivers than anything else.

Luckily, the necklace I have is made of ruby, so it can hold a good amount of magic, but the problem itself is not the spell but the commands.

As you may recall, runes need commands to do what they are supposed to do but creating multiple runes for specific commands is too time consuming and not worth it in the end, so I ended up creating a rune that can communicate mental commands to the rune.

Telepathy, an uncommon but useful magic for this case. Telepathy is not a common magic not only because of how complicated it is to use, but also because of how useless it usually is. The spell requires opening a mental communication between the user and his target, allowing him to communicate his thoughts to him. But there are several problems with that.

First is the fact that not everyone likes to hear a voice in your head suddenly talking to you. Second is that you must have the person's trust for them to believe you. Third, it is a mind-to-mind communication, if the person has a strong mind it could backfire.

So normal ponies don't usually learn to use that magic.

But in this case, it is almost perfect, since in this case there is no mental resistance that would harm the work and I know how to give the order. But there is a problem that makes this not perfect. There is no mind to begin with to receive the order.

Giving a command telepathically to the rune is like talking to the void; it yields no results, and you can't expect a response. Fortunately, the problem was not difficult to solve, as creating a space that could receive commands was not an issue.

The other real problem comes from the gem, as rubies are quite receptive to magic, it makes them quite sensitive to magic, so you have to be careful when using on them is usually easy and even makes them good for storing magic.

But upon contact with ambient magic, they break before they can serve their purpose, rendering all progress useless.

I've had to configure the runes and gems so that they can receive the exact magic they need to receive from ambient magic in order to function properly.

So far it has been an uphill effort, either the rune causes it to receive too little magic, making it not work, or causes it to receive too much magic and explode as a result.

But I'm getting closer, the previous attempt at the one that exploded managed to get it to glow a little before going out, and the one that exploded was a small explosion that only burned my hoof a little, so there is progress.

As I started working on the ruby with the modified coded language, Spike interrupted my thoughts. "Platinum, can you remind me why we're doing this?" he asked.

At that, I momentarily stop my work and look at Spike, "Spike, I explained it to you before, I'm carving the runes into these rubies so I can do the same with my necklace."

"Do they have to be rubies?" Spike's whiny voice made me smile. Rubies were one of his favorite gems, or at least he seemed to have a soft spot for them. Maybe because they were the first gems he ever ate.

"I'm sorry Spike, but the necklace Rarity gave me is ruby, so this whole process is necessary so I don't accidentally damage it." I said giving him a small smile as his face darkened a little at hearing who gave it to me.

Spike frowned, his tail wagging restlessly behind him. "Rarity gave you a ruby necklace?" he murmured, trying to hide the tinge of jealousy in his voice. "Wow, that's... cool."

I smiled at the obvious sign of jealousy and patted his head, "Don't think too much of it Spike, you know Rarity is a very generous pony and besides, she gave it to me to match the cape she gave me. I said, giving him an encouraging smile.

At that, Spike nodded slowly and his face softened. "Yeah, Rarity's the best..." he said as he earned a dreamy look before shaking his head and looking at me as he points to the worktable. "So that's why you need all these rubies?"

I nodded as I smiled as I saw Spike put aside his jealousy. "Yes Spike, this way I can do the necessary testing so I don't damage the necklace Rarity gave me." I said as I went back to work on the carving.

Although I couldn't see him, I'm sure Spike nodded understanding what I had said, "So, why are we here in him park?"

Hearing his question, I finished the carving and looked at Spike, "So that in case something goes wrong, we don't damage the library or the books." Otherwise, Twilight would kill me. I couldn't help but think as I got a little shiver at the thought of Twilight's wrath when a book gets damaged.

I only remember that I needed to get a book wet once to know the consequences...

Spike interrupted my thoughts before I could have a flashback, "So, what are these two doing here?" hearing his question and seeing that he was pointing to the side of me, I couldn't help but frown as I looked at the two little foals next to me, Snips and Snails.

After the Ursaminor fiasco, these two brats wanted me to teach them magic after they made such a mess bringing in an Ursaminor just so their "idol" wouldn't look bad.

Obviously, I got mad and slammed the door in their faces, but they didn't give up and decided to follow me today so I could teach them magic.

Which I obviously wasn't going to do, aside from the fact that I can't do magic, I wasn't going to show or teach any kind of spell to the two brats who are responsible for my current situation.

Shaking my head, I just look at Spike as I say, "ignore them, they'll go away eventually."

But unfortunately, they can't seem to take the hint, "Don't worry, sir, we'll just quietly watch the amazing work you're doing." Said the chubby guy as he smiled.

"Yeah, we're here to witness the amazing magic you're gonna do with it," the lanky guy chimed in with a hopeful smile.

I resisted the urge to groan as I gently pressed the gem in front of me.

The gem began to glow brightly, causing my eyes to widen slightly and a glint to appear in them.

This could be it... I've finally done it.

I've done it!


I couldn't help but get discouraged as I watched the gem lose its sparkle with a few cracks in its figure.

"Buck me" I growled as I passed the gem to Spike and jotted down the results in a notebook beside me.

It's still too much magic, but I'm getting really closer to the result that I want.

Oh yeah, there's a funny thing about this world too.

Every time I try to swear, you know things like [Beep] or [Beep] out loud, as opposed to the beep that comes out every time I do it in my mind, the word is changed to something more family friendly.

I don't know why that happens but it must be one of the weird things that happens in this world.

Okay, with the following test-

"*Cough, Cough*" I couldn't help but bring a hoof to my muzzle to cover the sudden cough that suddenly came to me.

"Are you okay?" asked Spike concerned about my sudden cough.

I nodded as I stopped coughing. "Yes, I am, don't worry." Although if was a little strange of me to suddenly cough. Maybe I choked on something and didn't realize it.

...oh, maybe that's not the case.

"What are you looking at - Oh." The baby dragon let out a gasp of surprise at the sight above.

A storm? Was someone's house on fire? No, for now, it seemed to be covering only Ponyville, and my eyes quickly followed the cloud of smoke to the source, an icy looking mountain away from the town.

This is the first time something like this has happened... at least the first time it's happened since I arrived in Ponyville.

"Why is there smoke coming out of that mountain?"

"A good question, Spike." I replied looking off into the distance.

"C-could it be a volcano?"

"Let's not start making assumptions -" I stopped talking when suddenly Spike burped with his green fire giving to reveal a letter.

Before the dragon could open it, I removed it with my hoofs as I began to stow my things inside my backpack.

Of all the times to have this happen, it had to be right now?

Shaking my head, I quickly put the backpacks on my side and looked at Spike, "Come on Spike, let's go see Twilight to show her the letter."

He nods and climbs on my back as I start running towards the library.

Leaving behind the two foals who had been startled by the sight of the smoke.

"Twilight!" I yelled once I entered the library with a slam of the door, looking up to see Twilight jump in surprise from where she was sitting studying, with the book falling on her head.

She removed the book with a grunt, then glanced up at me. "You don't have to shout, Platinum, I'm right here. Now, what do you need?" she asked, turning her attention to me, only to blink in surprise when she saw me extending a letter with my hoof.

"A letter from Princess Celestia." I said simply, at which her eyes widen and she quickly takes the letter from me with magic and opens it.

At that, I decided to put my things on the floor while I turned to look at Twilight, who was reading the letter and then gasped in shock and ran to look out the window.

It seems that the letter talked about the problem we are currently facing.

She looks at me, nods solemnly, and quickly dashes out of the library.

Knowing what her nod was about, I simply sighed as I also left the library.

I guess I'll finish my experiments later.

"Listen up! The smoke is spreading all over Equestria!" All over Equestria? I raised a puzzled eyebrow from behind her and looked up at the large cloud covering us with a raised eyebrow. Was the smoke really covering "all of Equestria," or was that just a figure of speech and/or exaggerating things? "But don't worry!" Twilight continued after the ponies' gasps and exchanged concerns. "I just got a letter from Princess Celestia informing me that it didn't come from a fire!"

And how does Princess Celestia know about this? I refrained from wondering as the villagers ahead of us sighed with relief.

"It's coming from a dragon!" more gasps of surprise as a fit of shock and intrigue hit me. "But I urge you all not to panic; this problem will be taken care of as soon as possible!"

So, we'll take care of this, while I still can't use magic?

Seems like there's no rest for poor magic-less ponies like me.

"What in the name of all things cinnamon swirled is an adult dragon doing here in Equestria?"

"Sleeping. According to Princess Celestia he's taking a nap. Her snoring is what's causing all this smoke."

I listened to the girls discuss the beast as I looked out the window at the black smoke spreading across the sky, getting worse as time went on.

So, a sleeping dragon is responsible for all this commotion? It made sense in a way, for though dragons were rarely seen in these parts of Equestria, if their age was advanced, then how much they could affect the environment increased.

"I'll tell you what we're supposed to do: give him a boot" I sighed in exasperation upon hearing the less-than-ideal suggestion from the blue Pegasus.

I scoffed aloud. "Yes, because violence is the ultimate solution to everything. Let me know how that works out for you, Rainbow Dash...as long as you don't become a roasted Pegasus first." I let out a chuckle as I heard the pony's grunt of displeasure.

"Platinum is right, we should encourage him to nap somewhere else. Princess Celestia has given us this mission and we must not fail, if we do, Equestria will be covered in smoke for the next hundred years!"

"Well, that's easier to do than 'give him a boot' as Rainbow says, but it still won't be an easy thing to do." I said as I turned from looking outside to look at the mane 6, seeing that Twilight was organizing her backpack to get ready to leave.

"That's true Platinum, but we should at least try. Besides, who knows, it might be a reasonable lizard." At that I couldn't help but give an amused snort, since the only reasonable lizard I know is Spike. "Anyway, girls, go back to your homes and gather some supplies. We've got a long ride ahead of us, meet back here in an hour."

And so, off the mares went to their homes as Twilight continued to pack.

Although I can't help but wonder, why doesn't Princess Celestia solve this problem? I mean, if it's as big a problem as she's making it out to be, then it would be better if Princess Celestia took care of it instead of Twilight, since it's a problem not only for Ponyville but for all of Equestria, according to her letter.

Will it be a test of some sort? A challenge of some sort? Or will it be for some other reason?

Well, that doesn't matter now, I must go pack.

Before I could head to my room, a voice stopped me. "Platinum." I turned to see the lavender unicorn look at me with a serious look once she stopped packing. "I don't think you should come on this mission."

Hearing what she said, I blinked and tilted my head. "I don't think I heard you right Twilight, but did you just say I shouldn't go on the mission?"

With determination, the mare nodded, meeting my gaze squarely. "You're still not fully recovered from the Ursaminor incident. Your magic hasn't returned, and if things take a turn for the worse, you won't be able to defend yourself or assist us. I can't take the risk of anything happening to you."

I shook my head, not believing what I was hearing. "Twilight, I may not be able to use magic but I'm not useless without it. You can still offer support by giving ideas and strategies. I can't just stand here while you and the girls go off to face that overdeveloped lizard."

Twilight looked down, her voice trembling slightly. "It's not just about your safety. If anything were to happen to you... I'd never forgive myself. You're important to me, Platinum, so please, stay home."

Her words echoed in my head and after deliberating for a few seconds, I sighed and nodded, "Alright Twilight, I'll stay here but if I feel things go wrong, I'll come help you." I said sighing as I looked Twilight in the eyes. "Be careful, you are important to me too and I would die if I knew something happened to you while I was gone."

Upon hearing my response, she sighed with relief and offered me a smile. "Thank you, Platinum. I know it's difficult for you to remain here while we embark on this mission, but it truly means a lot to me knowing that you're staying behind," she said with a gentle smile.

I sighed as I nodded at his words. "You better be careful and take this seriously. This isn't just any problem; it's a dragon and dragons are very grumpy if you interrupt them during their naps." Or so said the book I read about dragons quite some time ago.

Hearing my words, Twilight nodded with a comforting smile. "Don't worry, Platinum. We'll take care of each other. We'll be back before you know it," she said, then enveloped me in a warm hug.

I hugged her back squeezing her a little as it was the first time we were facing an unknown danger like this and I couldn't help. It fills me with uncertainty but I will have to trust them.

After we separated from the hug. Twilight continued packing while I sat on the couch with a sense of regret.

I didn't like this.

After the girls returned, I watched from the window to see the military procedure that was taking place to go to the mission.

Even though I couldn't go, I couldn't be blamed if I watched before they left, could I?

As I watched the mares talk, I couldn't help but notice that Fluttershy was nervous.

Which isn't surprising, I know they are facing a dragon and knowing how fearful Fluttershy can be, then it's not surprising.

Then, as Twilight plans the quickest and safest route to head to the mountain, I see Fluttershy approach Twilight to talk, then I see Fluttershy start to walk away.

That can't be good.

I'm going to cheer her up, it's the least I can do.

Oh well, at least I'm going to try.

Once I open the door and walk out of the library, I can hear Twilight talking. "Oh, and don't worry about your little friends in the meadow, Spike has that covered." I turn to see Spike running after the animals after they know escaped for some reason.

"I don't think he's up to the task. Maybe..." Fluttershy tried to reason with Twilight but Twilight pulled away, making Fluttershy unable to finish her sentence and let out a panicked scream.

Hearing that, I couldn't help but grimace as I approached the panicked mare.

"Hey Fluttershy," I said once I got close enough but that was the wrong thing to say as the mare got spooked and quickly hid inside a bush.

Grimacing and internally scolding myself at what I just did, I crouch down until I was at the same height as the frightened mare.

"Hey Fluttershy." I said quietly as I looked at her through the bush, once she saw who it was that scared her, she came out of the bush with a shy but terrified smile.

"Oh, um, hello there, Platinum," Fluttershy said softly as she emerged from her hiding spot.

Seeing that she was no longer scared, I stood up but kept my voice low, "Is everything okay? You're really scared."

At that, the mare gave me a trembling look, shaking her head. "No, the truth is... I... I... I... I can't face the dragon. I..."

Before she could finish, I spoke "You don't have to explain Fluttershy, I understand." I said as I refrained from putting a hoof on her shoulder, as I didn't want to scare her again.

Fluttershy turned to me, her expression once again filled with surprise. "You do?"

I smiled humorously. "What do you think I felt when I faced Ursaminor the other night? Or when I faced Nightmare Moon the first day I got here?"

"But... you still faced them," Fluttershy pointed out softly, a hint of confusion in her gentle tone. At least she doesn't seem as frightened anymore.

Now, how do I explain it... ah, I know. "Fluttershy, what do you think he courage is?" I said with a soft but loving tone in my voice.

"Erm... well, it's uh... facing something... bravely?" replied the yellow Pegasus, clearly unsure with her own response.

"Close" I said as I put a hoof on her shoulder, causing her to look at me surprised but not scared, which is a good sign. "True courage isn't just about facing something and overcoming it. It's facing something even if you're afraid of it. Fighting to protect the ones you love even if fear runs through your body. That's the true meaning of courage."

I left her side and looked with a smile at the Pegasus, who was clearly taking in my words.

"All right, girls!" I heard a voice behind me say, "Move out!"

Before I could comprehend what's going on, the girls started running, taking Fluttershy with them, causing her to scream as she was forcibly carried up the mountain.

"Good luck!" I shouted as I waved goodbye waving my right hoof.

Now back to the library... and wait for them to return.

This is going to be torture.

"This is torture." I said for the fifth time today as I pounded my head against the table I was working at.

It had been a few hours since the girls had gone to confront the dragon but it felt like more time had passed as I watched the cloud of black smoke billowing across the sky.

I was currently in the library room while I went back to doing my experiments with the rubies, but I couldn't concentrate while Twilight and the others were confronting a dragon.

I knew Twilight was right and that I shouldn't risk it while I didn't have my magic, but I couldn't stop worrying. I'm not useless without my magic! I received training from my father after all, although I admit that most of that training was offensive magic training, but I was still in shape.

I couldn't help but feel a tingling in my horn which was my unconscious way of trying to use magic to teleport to the mountain to help but with a grunt and banging my head against the table helped.

I couldn't let it ruin my recovery process, otherwise the next crisis that occurred might not help why I encouraged my recovery. Besides, I knew that my "fight or flight" process included magic, so if something happened during the confrontation against the dragon or any other danger and I couldn't use my magic, then I could consider myself dead.

I shook my head as I tried to concentrate on my work but it was difficult, although it was also the only thing I could more or less distract myself with.

I tried to help Spike with the animals, but after I fed the birds and hares, they were quiet, with the exception of that rabbit named Angel, but he's another story. In the end I couldn't concentrate on chasing that rabbit and left him to Spike.

Then I tried to read a book to distract my mind, but I couldn't read a single page because my gaze always wandered to the window, towards the mountain.

Then, seeing that it didn't work, I decided to go back to my research while I was in the park and it half helped, since I could half concentrate on what I was doing but I also couldn't concentrate completely since my gaze kept straying to the window, making me make mistakes.

I sighed as I finished carving the gem and pressed it gently, only for my gaze to stray back to the mountain.

Why couldn't I help but feel useless? What happened was not my fault, I ended up solving the problem that two brats caused but I still ended up paying the price with my body.

I'm not proud to have to fight a baby, but when that baby is bigger and quite dangerous for ponies, sometimes there is no choice. At least I refrained from hurting him more than his mild blindness.

Even knowing that, I feel like I was paying for what those kids did. I'm practically useless in combat without my magic and the alternative forms of magic I'm creating are still not useful.

What else should I do? Maybe I should train my body more...

Uh? What's that sound?

My head turned towards the window to see the ruby I was working with, glowing and crashing against the window, in an attempt to break it.

I blinked once, then again, rubbed my eyes and the image in front of me didn't change.

I had done it...

I had done it!

I couldn't help but smile in excitement as I walked over to the window and grabbed the gem with my right hoof.

Only to blink back in surprise as I felt the magic invade my body.

What the...


I couldn't help but let out a scream when I suddenly found myself pushed against the lead, piercing through it and unintentionally breaking it.

When I took a closer look, I was slowly floating above the ground and heading towards the mountain.

Despite the situation, I couldn't help but be happy that my experiment had paid off.

I am taking giant steps, beyond what I could have imagined and much more than I had done in the last 5 years of my research.

Moving and adjusting myself, I managed to move my free hoof towards the gem and pressed it gently, deactivating the rune.

I fell to the ground with a poof, luckily, I wasn't too far from the ground so I didn't hurt myself.

I looked at the gem in my hooves with happiness and some bewilderment.

It worked like a charm!

As I imagined, the great affinity that this gem has with magic made the spell work wonderfully, managing to activate the spell correctly and with the mental order I gave it.

And although the original order I had in my mind was to float on the table, the order must have changed while I was distracted by the situation in question.

Although I didn't expect the gem's magic to act that way with my body, I expected to have to create a separate rune that would cause it to affect my body.

But I can imagine why, and that is due to the fact that the gem is also a great conduit of magic, affecting not only its interior but also its exterior.

While that didn't happen with the book the first time, I know it must be because it was paper in general and paper is not the greatest conduit in the world.

"Platinum?" I hear a voice and as I look back, I can see Spike clutching the rabbit by its ears, looking puzzled at the broken window and then looking at me with confusion clear on his face. "What just happened here?"

I laughed at the clear confusion on his face. "I'll explain in a moment Spike, I just had a breakthrough."

Before Spike could say anything else, he rabbit, taking advantage of Spike being distracted, moved and repeatedly slammed his paws into Spike's face, causing Spike to wince in pain and releasing the rabbit, causing him to run.

Seeing that, I laughed some more as I looked at the window.

Now, how do I fix that?

Instinctively I tried to use magic but before I could get a hit, the spell I was thinking took effect and the window was repaired.

I couldn't help but stare in bewilderment at what I had just done.

I know my magic is supposed to be broken, and I can't use it properly.

Then why...

Then I looked at the gem on my hoof in bewilderment.

Could it have been the ambient magic?

Another question mark to add to the list.

Well, time to get back to work.

"And... done!"

I said as I happily looked at the carved inscriptions on the necklace Rarity gave me.

Once I put the necklace on, I gently touched it and the familiar glow shone on the gem before transferring to me, causing it to float above ground level.

Laughing gleefully, I began to propel myself through the air as if I were swimming.

It definitely wasn't the same as flying but it was something, it felt like I was swimming through the air.

This will help a lot.

Deactivating the rune, I fall gently to the ground. Just in time to hear the front door of the library open.

I turn to look and smile again to see Twilight in the doorway.

"Hey, welcome home." I said as I walked over and gave her a hug.

Twilight's expression shifted slightly to one of surprise before she smiled warmly and returned the hug. "I'm back," she said softly.

After a few seconds, we separated and I looked outside to see the Pegasus cleaning up the black smoke.

"So... I guess it's all settled then?" I ask looking at Twilight, to which she nods and starts heading towards the room, to which I follow her with my eyes.

"Yes, Fluttershy found the courage to confront the dragon and persuaded him to leave the mountain," she explained, pausing halfway down the stairs to glance at me, or rather, at the front door. "Actually, there's someone here who wants to speak with you."

Instantly I turned to see in the doorway the yellow Pegasus standing timidly there.

I gently walked towards her, "Hey Fluttershy." I said with a soft smile.

She smiled back, "Good afternoon, Platinum," she said as she gave me a quick hug, much to my surprise.

After separating from the hug, the mare looked a little flushed from what she just did but was still smiling, "I just wanted to thank you..."

"Thank me? I should thank you Fluttershy, you managed to stand up to the dragon and convince him to leave the mountain." I said with a smile as I saw the sunlight shining brightly, a sign that the black smoke was gone and the problem had been solved.

I turned to look at the Pegasus in front of me to see her shaking her head, "It was nothing, I couldn't just sit by and watch my friends get hurt." She said which made me worry a little, I'll have to ask Twilight for the details later. "But the reason I wanted to thank you Platinum is for him advice you gave me before I went to the mountain."

Aw, I couldn't help but shrug trying to look nonchalant, "I didn't do anything."

"That's not true." The shy yellow Pegasus who disagreed shook her head and pointed at me. "You told me that true bravery is standing up to someone even when you're still afraid. Well, I was afraid, but you made me realize that it was okay to be afraid and still stand up to anyone who wants to hurt your friends. So... thank you Platinum, I mean it."

Wow... hearing her words I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and pride run through my being, knowing that I managed to somehow influence one of my friends so that she could solve her problems fills me with joy, I'm glad I could be of help.

"You're welcome Fluttershy." I gave her a small smile, which she returned.

Then Angel the rabbit came ran down running and climbed on his owner, and after a goodbye they both left.

Looking at the necklace around my neck and then gazing up at the clear sky, I couldn't help but feel that today, despite everything, I had accomplished something.

I'm useful despite everything.

Hi, I hope you liked today's chapter.

I'll be seeing you.

Chapter 10: Sleepover

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Hello, how are you, I hope you are well.

Here I bring you the new chapter.

I hope you enjoy it.

This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans with the purpose of improving in the art of writing.

This story can and most likely will have spelling errors.

Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated.

This story is not going to be an HIE or G5, it will be tinged to the story of G4, MLP: FIM.

"Thanks for the muffins, Pinkie."

"You're welcome, Platinum, come back soon~!"

I wave goodbye to Pinkie Pie as I trot out of Sugarcube Corner, tuck the muffins snugly into my backpack, and head off towards home.

It has been several weeks since the dragon incident and since I achieved my greatest success with the runes.

Since then, I have spent some time improving my runes and creating more of them in order to have more to show.

I have managed to create three new runes: an illumination rune, a rune that creates a barrier and a heat rune.

I haven't created many runes in this time but that's because it's not an easy task to do.

As I said before, the gems I use require absorbing certain magic to make the spell work.

While it would be simple to just use ruby gems, there are a few problems with that. First, the limited stock of gems I have in my repertoire. Secondly, each spell requires a certain amount of magic to work. For example, the barrier spell requires more magic depending on how strong I want the barrier to be, too little and the barrier will break like glass, too much and it won't work.

And thirdly, to give variety and see how well it works on diamonds, Emeralds and sapphires. Each crystal has a different ability to absorb magic, which makes it unique but interesting at the same time.

Anyway, today I took the day off. I know there is supposed to be a storm today because last week the weather ponies forgot to drop rain and to make up for it, they are dropping a lot of rain today.

I don't see much sense in that, but what do I know, I'm not an expert on the weather.

It also makes me wonder why ponies have such a need to control the environment.

I mean, from what the history texts say, magic has always been present but ponies were not always united as they are now.

Before the reign of Princess Celestia, the ponies were divided into tribes, the Pegasus, unicorn and earth pony tribes.

Magic was always "weird" in the ponies' end and made nature control itself. For today's ponies to hear that sounded very strange but it seemed normal to me, after all nature has always controlled itself.

That was until the different tribes realized that they could manipulate nature as they pleased. The Pegasus could control the clouds, the earth ponies could control the crops and the unicorns managed the cycle of night and day. This created conflict and kept the tribes apart.

That was until an incident occurred with the wendigos, beings made of magic that brought the eternal winter to the lands where the three tribes used to live. That all ended one day, when the three tribes united because they realized they had similarities and yada, yada, yada.

A lot of nonsense if you ask me, but what do I know. Humans were just the same, no in fact, I'd say we were worse.

Anyway... wait, what was I getting at with all this? Ah, [Beep] I got distracted and now I don't remember what I was talking about.

Come to think of it, where am I?

"Look out down there!"

The sudden warning caused me to step aside while at the same time my horn glowed in preparation for any impending danger.

A blur flew past me where I was standing and crashed into some nearby bushes. Whew, that had to hurt. With some concern for the fallen pony, I approached to see if she was okay only to recoil in surprise when a head pops out of the bushes, revealing a pony with light gray fur, yellow eyes and a yellow mane. Also, her eyes for some reason point to different sides.

Can she even see with those eyes?

"Are you okay?" I asked in a kind but slightly worried way after the pony shakes off some leaves she had on her head and climbed out of the bush, then looked up at me with a big smile.

Uh, now that I realize, it's a Pegasus. Makes sense, considering it went into a nosedive.

Although a part of me thought it was Rainbow Dash. My body resents the times that Pegasus has crashed into me.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking! This happens all the time, sometimes I'm not as careful as I should be."

I can see that, "Are you sure? I know some healing spells if necessary." While not my area of expertise, my father instilled in me that it is always necessary to have all kinds of spells in case of emergency. Better safe than sorry, I know more lives are saved that way.

"I'm sure! The bush broke my fall. Thanks for your concern!" she said with a bright smile and then brought her face close to mine to look at me with a glare? I honestly couldn't tell from her eyes. "hey, wait, I know you!"

She does? "...really?"

She gave me enthusiastic nods that remind me a bit of Pinkie. "Sure, you're the guy who took that shot at that evil griffin in the market!"

Ah, that's where she know me from. It doesn't surprise me much that they keep talking about it. This is a small town where not much happens and everyone knows each other, so I'm not surprised she knows me from there. "That was a long time ago. Now, who do I have the pleasure of talking to?" I said as I held out my hoof for her to shake.

And so, she did, with a ferocity that reminded me of my first encounter with Applejack. This pony is certainly something. "I'm Derpy Hooves! It's nice to meet you, what's your name?"

"Platinum. Platinum Breeze. Nice to meet you, Miss Hooves." I said as I gave a small bow. My parents taught me these types of manners a long time ago and although I don't do it often, since I don't meet people every day, I still did it from time to time.

I don't do it that often here in Ponyville, but in Canterlot I had to do it every time I met someone new, I had to be quite formal and polite. The Canterlot ponies, not all of them, seemed to have a stick buried up their ass when it came to their titles and how they were to be addressed. If you didn't, they would raise hell until the royal guard arrived.

Now, this was the funny thing. Many times, the ponies thought they were on to someone simply because of their social status and because they didn't recognize you at first glance. This got them in trouble and landed them in jail for a short period of time.

Of course, it depended on the type of guards and the type of pony, but usually if it was the Princess's royal guard, they ended up arresting the one who made the scandal.

That didn't stop them from doing it again, though.

"Oh, you don't have to be so formal, just Derpy is fine." And I think it's perfect, and you've earned a few points in my book, Derpy Hooves. Suddenly, the Pegasus' eyes widen in shock and she gasps noisily. "Wait, did you say Platinum?" at that, I gave a cautious nod, which caused the pony to remove her hoof and tuck said hoof into her backpack next to her, which made me realize it was there in the first place.

"Here, a letter addressed to Mr. Platinum Breeze!" she said as she extended her hoof in my direction again, this time with a letter in said hoof. I grab the letter and see that he envelope had gold embroidery and an M for insignia in the middle.

"(A letter from the magic council)" I thought to myself as I had an inward frown. Outwardly, I gave Derpy a nod. "Thank you for handing me the letter." I said then slipped a hoof into my own backpack and pulled a muffin out of it, a chocolate one. "Here's to your excellent service." 8/10 her service if I'm honest, but I liked Derpy, so that elevated it to 10/10.

Derpy lets out a half-exaggerated gasp at the sight of the muffin, "a chocolate muffin? They're my favorite!" what are the chances? Still, I can't help but squeeze out a smile as she snatches the muffin from me and takes a bite and her face lights up with pleasure. "Thank you so much!" she gives me a smile and I return it.

"You're welcome."

Suddenly, Derpy gasps noisily and takes flight. "Oh, I'm late to deliver the other letters. See you later, Platinum!" and off goes the Pegasus wonder.

I shake my head as I open the letter he sent me.

Canterlot Magic Council

Canterlot, Equestria

Dear Platinum Breeze,

We are writing to you as members of the Canterlot Magic Council to express our growing concern over your recent lack of significant progress in the development of new spells. As you know, membership in this Council is not only an honor, but also a responsibility that demands dedication, innovation and continued progress in the art of magic.

Over the past few months, we have seen a marked decrease in your magical contributions. The Council has been sympathetic to your personal circumstances and has allowed more time for you to concentrate on your research. Unfortunately, however, we have not seen the expected results.

Accordingly, and after thorough deliberation, we inform you that you must submit a new spellcasting breakthrough before the next Council meeting, which will take place in one month's time. This breakthrough should demonstrate not only your magical ability, but also your commitment to the high standards expected of Magic Council members.

If you fail to comply with this requirement, we will be forced to consider your removal from the Council. We trust that you will understand the gravity of this situation and will strive to meet expectations.

We sincerely hope to see significant progress on your part. We are convinced that, with your talent and dedication, you will be able to overcome this challenge.

Sincerely yours,

Mystic Dawn

Chairpony of the Canterlot Magic Council

...these son of [Beep].

My magical aura fills the paper between my hooves and tears it apart in a fit of rage, as I feel my right eye twitching in annoyance.

What do these sons of [Beep] think they are to try to order me around like this?

No... calm down Platinum. Getting angry won't solve anything.

I focus on my breathing as I try to calm down a bit.

Why do I bother, you may ask? Because of how hypocritical the council is being.

As mentioned above. Or not, I do not remember exactly. Anyway, as I said before. In this world magic although it is important, it does not take the due importance as I know it should, or at least from my point of view, and there are not hundreds of spells, if about 250 maximum.

The council learned that I created a spell, a small form of cloud manipulation to create a sculpture, at such a young age and made me a member of the council at the tender age of 12.

I was ecstatic, my parents were proud and Twilight was incredulous and somewhat jealous.

But not everything was rainbow colored, the council wanted me to create more spells because they saw I could do it and I did more to please them, like the magic stairs I used in my little demonstration of Trixie or my bubble of silence, which I created not long ago.

Because of my talent, the council members are always after me to create more spells for them, sometimes giving me quite a bit of cash or some artifacts that I can ask them for.

I know they are grateful for my contributions to magical development, as that is what the council was created for, magical advancement. Although now I know it has been reduced more to safeguarding all the magic spells that are known.

That same desperation for my talent, made them "order" me to focus on creating spells and leave everything else behind, including my personal project that I didn't tell them about at all, for fear that they would want to take over my work.

Obviously, I ignored them, I wasn't going to focus on creating spells if I didn't want to, instead I focused on what I wanted to do, create the Glyphs and runes and spend time with my family and friends.

That did not please the council and made several empty threats to expel me from the council but they never did anything, even a whole year passed without me casting any spell and they had to put up with it because I am a friend of the Princess's student, so I had immediate contact with the Princess.

But now, they seems to think that because I'm in Ponyville they could order me around and take me off the council if they wanted to.

Honestly, being removed from the council doesn't matter to me, it's just a title that isn't worth much to me.

I know there are ponies that would kill to be inside the council, Twilight was one of them until she realized the type of ponies that commanded the council and that it was better to be a student of the Princess than to be "trapped" like me.

Anyway, as I was saying, being taken off the council doesn't matter to me, what matters to me is that if they take me off the council, they can use their authority to take over all my research and considering the progress I've made and how revolutionary the runes are, they might want to take credit for exposing it to the title, never mind the fact that they couldn't create more without my knowledge.

That is something I will NOT let happen.

I must get back to the library as soon as possible and have Spike send a letter...

Ugh I know I forget; I can't help but slap myself in the face when I remember something important.

Spike is currently in Canterlot on some "special assignment" and will not return until tomorrow.

I could wait for her to return, but I'd rather send the letter to Princess Celestia at once.

Uwah, now how do I send it- ah I got it!

Long ago, Princess Celestia taught Twilight the ability to send messages with her magic when Spike was still very young and Twilight taught it to me.

I don't remember the exact spell, but I have it written down in my notebook in my room.

I just have to read the spell and send the letter to Princess Celestia.

A piece of cake.

"Well, now I have more reason to go home" I said to myself with a small smile and then looked with a frown at the shredded letter on the floor.

I could leave it there but I need evidence so...

With a sigh, I reconstruct the letter and put it in my backpack and then start my way back home.

Those [Beep] people on the council won't know who they're messing with.

...Oh, for the love of God.

I looked with some anger at the rain that began to fall on me.

"Worst timing in the world, Darn Pegasos," I grumbled to myself as I covered my backpack with my cloak and started walking back home.

I could run but it would dirty my hooves and I don't want to come home dirty.

[Beep] my life.

Ah there's the library, which has the door open for some reason.

I hope Twilight has a towel ready.

"Honey, I'm home~" I said once I entered the house, waited a few moments and... there it is, a towel crashed against my head. Stifling a laugh, I close the door while drying myself with the towel. "Have you seen the weather today, the Pegasus didn't spare any resources- What in Equestria?"

My amusement turned to bewilderment at the sight before me; a certain white unicorn was applying some green material to Twilight's face with an amused smile. And a certain orange earth pony was watching in obvious disbelief. "Now wait a goll-darn minute!" Applejack said in an annoyed voice. "You made me wash the mud off my hooves, but is it okay for y'all to have mud all over your face?"

"Silly," Rarity chided with a smile, "this is a mud mask. It's meant to refresh and rejuvenate the complexion." Then she glanced up at me warmly. "Welcome back, Platinum. I was beginning to wonder where you had disappeared to."

...I'm not going to lie; it feels weird to have someone else come over to the house. Usually, it's Twilight or my parents or Spike. It's not bad but definitely different. Anyway, "Nice to see you, Rarity, Applejack." I said as I gave them a smile as I finished drying off and took the muffins out of my backpack, which luckily hadn't gotten wet. "I brought the muffins Twilight, where do you want some?"

Yes, I think it was obvious, but the muffins aren't just for me, I brought one for Twilight considering we won't have our star chef at home. "Leave it on the table Platinum." Twilight said then looked at Applejack with a smile. "We're giving each other makeovers!" she said to then let out an adorable squeal, to which I couldn't help but snort in amusement, "We have to, it says so in the book."

"Sleepover 101: everything you need to-" Applejack began to read aloud then stopped herself after reading what the book said. "Well shoot, would you look at the time? Gotta mosey on home now, running late. Goodnight!" then the earth pony tried to leave but the sound of lightning made her come back, much to my amusement. "Or maybe I'll stay here for a while..."

So, you're having a sleepover, uh I don't remember Twilight and I ever having one. I'd like to stay but I have more important and pressing things to do right now. "Well," I said, getting the attention of everyone in the room, "Sounds lovely whatever... whatever you guys are going to do but I have some things to do in my room, so I hope you don't involve my room in all of this." I said as I started to make my way to my room.

"Wait, Platinum," Twilight's voice called out, causing me to pause and turn toward her. "Aren't you going to join us? I was hoping... I thought we could share this together," she said, her expression turning shy as she glanced away.

I almost blushed at that but managed to avoid it as I shook my head in denial. "I'm sorry Twilight, but I have some important things to do right now. I hope you understand." I said with a forced smile, as a part of me would also like to share this experience but I have to take care of those old guys from the council first. "I'll tell you about it later, I promise."

Normally I would tell her the reason right away, since Twilight knows what the council members are like, she's seen me interact with them and she herself has interacted with them thanks to her being the Princess's student. But with Rarity and Applejack here, I can't tell. Unfortunately, they don't have the same connections as the two of us and they don't know the council members like the two of us do, so they might misinterpret things.

Besides, no one knows that I am a council member. I managed to make my participation anonymous.

...You know, come to think of it, maybe that's the reason the ponies on the council think they can send me.

Uh, I hadn't thought of that.

"It's okay," interrupts Twilight's voice in my thoughts. I look at her and see a gentle smile on her face. "I understand, Platinum. Even though we'll miss you at the sleepover, I know you have other important plans. There will always be more opportunities for us to share moments together."

...Ugh, now I feel bad. But I must stand firm, I really have things to do right now.

I give her a small smile and turn around to go to my room.

"Now, wait a second, Platinum dear." Darn it, Rarity. "You don't have to feel left out, you know, even though you're a boy, why don't you join our extravagant sleepover?"

I looked at her to see, "A tempting offer, dear Rarity." I said as I watched with amusement as Applejack paled in disgust while Rarity applied a mud mask. "But I'm afraid I really have something to do, maybe I'll join you later for this lovely sleepover but I make no promises." And by that, I mean I'm very likely to end up joining.

"Oh, I understand perfectly, Platinum dear." Rarity said with a slight twinkle in her eye. "I understand that responsibilities always have their place. But remember, anytime you want you can join us." She said as she continued to put the mud mask on Applejack.

I nod with a small smile, "thank you for your understanding." I said to this time finally head to my room.

Now, where did I leave my notebook?

And... done!

I couldn't help but smile as I watched the letter disappear in a trail through my open window, then proceeded to close the window as I grabbed the mop and cloth I had brought and began to dry what I had gotten wet.

Things had been going pretty smoothly since I went up to my room. Finding my spell notebook and finding Princess Celestia's spell was not complicated. The spell was literally among the first pages I wrote in that notebook. Writing the letter wasn't difficult either, since I already knew what I wanted to tell Princess Celestia.

The only thing that was complicated was sending the letter, as it required the window to be open so that it could go to its destination. Between opening the window, keeping the letter from getting wet and sending the letter was the most complicated part of the whole process. And that was not as complicated as you might think.

As I was drying, I couldn't help but look up at the sky once I heard a clap of thunder.

It is good that we have a magic lightning rod for this kind of situation, otherwise we would have a very big problem with these thunderstorms.

Although I have to admit that this time the Pegasus really did a good job with this storm. Sure, it's strong but it's also quite beautiful to look at.

Once I finished cleaning, I left the cleaning supplies behind as I lay down on the bed in my room.

Phew, it's all over now. Now, should I go to the sleepover?

...you know, come to think of it, I didn't hear any loud screams or laughter coming from downstairs and I don't know if it was because of the storm. It was good because it helped me concentrate on my work but I still can't help but wonder why.

Uh, lo and behold, a flash of lightning made the lights go out.

Good thing we have that lightning rod.

Oh, what do you know, screams.

I sighed as I immediately stood up, stretched a little and ran out of my room, heading straight for where the three mares were. It might be a false alarm, but it doesn't hurt to check.

"What happened?" I said seriously and with a touch of concern once I entered the room. No sign of a struggle or anything dangerous, the only weird thing was that Rarity and Applejack were hugging each other tightly until they realized what they were doing and separated. "I heard screaming, it's all right."

"Ghost story: check."

...oh. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed at the real reason I was hearing screams, so I turned around to go back to my room, before a voice stopped me. "Wait Platinum, that was sweet of you to check on us; come and join us, maybe you have a ghost story or two to tell us."

I shot a glance at the unicorn. I mean, I could join, but I'm feeling a little embarrassed right now. I was about to respond but Applejack beat me to it and added. "Yeah, maybe I know some good stories that would really scare someone."

Okay, that's very tempting. "I know some stories." I replied slowly. "But I'm afraid all the ones I know will keep you awake at night." While time has made me forget a number of things, I haven't forgotten a few things from my old world, horror stories that gave me nightmares as a child.

I also remember some movies that I was very excited about as a child. Maybe I should write them down.

"Oooh, so you're saying you know some scarier stories than Twilight's Headless Horseman story?" Rarity asked.

Hearing the story Twilight told, I couldn't help but laugh. I told that story to myself several years ago. "That old children's story? I have scarier horror stories than that. Stories that will blow your minds."

"Oh, how come I've never heard of them," Twilight said as she put the book down and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Because there's never been a need for me to tell them to you, Princess." I said as I dodged a pillow Twilight sent me after I said Princess. I stood up and gave her a smile. "Trust me, you'd be surprised."

"Then surprise me."

...Oh-ho. All right, my dear Twilight. You asked for it. Besides, I don't have anything better to do anyway. "Very well." I responded softly to the obvious challenge. "But don't come crying to me if this story is too scary for you." Then the other two ponies settled in, with Twilight joining in, I walked over to them and took a seat, clearing my throat to tell the story... of Slenderman, or in this case, Tallmane.

Yes, there is no creepypasta-like story in this world, so I'm being original.

"Then you place a marshmallow on top of the chocolate, make sure it's centered; that's critical, and then carefully place another perfectly square cookie on top. done, ta-da!" Rarity concluded her instructions on how to create a "perfect" smoke a few feet away, as I and Twilight watched Rarity work her "magic."

"Oh!" Honestly, I'm not surprised Twilight is blown away by all this. We're both shut-ins in our youth and never did any of this. I'm amazed too, since I never did any of this when I was human. These... s'mores I think they were called. It was fascinating.

Also, I must admit I was impressed with these three, they managed to handle the ponified version of Slenderman quite well. I even told them when they weren't hiding under the table or behind the chairs. Also, I got some satisfaction when all three admitted that my story was scarier than Twilight's headless horseman story, even Twilight was impressed because she didn't know I knew these kinds of stories.

In the end I decided to stay for some s'mores, although I couldn't help but notice the certain hostility between Rarity and Applejack. What was going on with these two? I didn't know and honestly, I didn't care. Whatever was going on between the two of them I'm sure they could work it out.

"Nah, just eat them." Ah, what a fancy way to eat s'mores Applejack. I smiled as I watched and listened to Applejack devour the treat like any pony would, much to Rarity's chagrin. And to top it off, a loud burp. 10 out of 10, I call for a repeat.

"Phew, you could at least say 'excuse me.'"

"Oh, I was about to do that but then you interrupted me! ...Pardon."

Okay... the animosity of these two really makes me wish I was in my room right now. It's kind of uncomfortable to be in a room with two ponies who certainly don't want to be here and get along badly.

"S'mores: check." Twilight said as she bookmarked the activity. Uh, I hadn't noticed but Twilight is using a book for all this. I shouldn't be surprised but she still did. "Now the next fun activity we have to do...truth or dare!" my ears perked up as I heard the next activity, truth or dare? With two ponies that I know dislike each other? This is definitely not going to go badly.

"I challenge Applejack to do something carefully and neatly for a change."

"Oh yeah?" And... here we go. "Well, I dare Rarity to relax and stop obsessing over every little minuscule detail for a change."

"Uh-huh. I think the truth of the matter is that someone could pay a little more attention to detail." Where's my popcorn?

"And I think the truth is that someone should stop worrying so that some of us can get things done!"

I stared at the growing chaos in front of me. God, I wish I had some popcorn right now.

"Erm, I don't think that's how the game is supposed to work-" I heard Twilight say as she looked at the book and recited what was in it. "'You have to give an honest answer to any question or do whatever someone challenges you to do.'"

Uh oh, this doesn't look good.

"Girls, please calm down for a second." I said before they could throw challenges at each other, I could see it coming a mile away. "I don't understand why the two of you are arguing right now. And frankly, this whole sleepover thing is getting out of hand. Can you stop for a moment and talk like the adults we are." I was really hoping that we could act mature about this situation. This pointless discussion is getting out of hand.

"Sorry Platinum dear, if only someone would learn to act more gracefully on their hooves for a change."

"Well, someone could learn that getting a little dirty isn't bad at all - sometimes the best things in life come with a little dirt!"

Great, we're back to square one. Again, these two are looking at daggers and it's bothering me too.

"Alright, you know what, I don't have to put up with your childish attitudes." I said as I stood up, to the surprise of the other three ponies in the room. "I came here to enjoy my first sleepover, my first in my entire life, I didn't come here to watch you two bicker like a cranky old married couple. Now if you'll excuse me."

Before they could respond, I teleported directly to my room and locked the door.

I let out a sigh as I turned on one of my lighting gems and grabbed a book.

So much for enjoying my first sleepover, huh?

Great, I couldn't concentrate at all.

I let out a sigh as I set the book down next to me while watching the storm.

I admit to being angry about the arguments that were going on during the sleepover but they weren't enough to "make me run away." I did it for a purpose, to make them come to their senses and make them realize that what they were doing was wrong, basically ruining both mine and Twilight's first sleepover with their constant bickering.

I don't know if it worked but I hope it did and that Twilight is enjoying the sleepover thanks to my "noble" sacrifice.

At least I hope so.

And while I was a little excited about the anticipation of the sleepover, since I've never had one in my entire life, past and present, it's no big deal. I can always have another sleepover another day, it doesn't have to be today.

Although it would be my first with Twilight.

Pff, I can't help but laugh at the way I said it.

Man, if someone heard or read my thoughts out of context, I'd be heard wrong.

Spectators, let's keep this between us, shall we?

I looked at the small illumination rune that was still lit and levitated it with my magic.

I can't help but wonder, how on earth did I get cured of my severe case of exhaustion? This is the first time something like this has happened in my life and I have no information regarding this dilemma.

As far as I know, there is no "cure" as such for mana depletion, simple rest is what usually suffices for extreme cases like mine. It is annoying, yes, but it is what it is.

But thanks to the rune, my mana was restored and in fact, I felt stronger as I was floating through the air thanks to the rune on my necklace.

Could it be ambient magic? There is no information about it but there is also no information about unicorns that have managed to take advantage of ambient magic, at least not in a positive way.

So many questions and so few answers.

"Wow nelly!" I couldn't help but scream as my body jumped off the bed when the ground around me shook, then a loud rumble sounded from a nearby source.

"Oh ponyfeathers!" I said as I immediately teleported to the room where the three mares were.

Which was unsuccessful, as they were not even there, so I went to my second choice, Twilight's room. I teleported again, this time to Twilight's room.

"Twilight?" I said unconsciously as I looked around, only to stop at the sight before me. There was a giant tree that had somehow gotten in through the window of the room, covering part of the room, several leaves and branches being blown by it strong wind. Rarity and Applejack looked fine; one was trying to find some warmth while the other looked a little embarrassed. Now my concern is the fact that the tree fell right on Twilight's bed and... Twilight is nowhere in sight.

Oh [Bleep]!

"Twilight!" I immediately screamed as a sense of dread and panic filled me. She's okay, she's okay. No one dies in a children's program, now I just have to lift this [Beep] tree and make sure she's okay.

"Platinum? I'm here." My head snapped toward the purple unicorn whose head was sticking out of the leaves, looking at me in surprise.

Phew, thank goodness.

I couldn't help but sigh in relief as I looked at her, "Thanks Celestia, don't worry me like that!" then proceeded to give her a hug.

She just smiled as she hugged me back, even if I was squeezing her a little tight. God, I was worried for nothing.

"I hate to interrupt your little ro- ahem, friendly moment, we have a real crisis we need to address first!" That snapped me out of my stupor as I broke away from the embrace to give the unicorn an annoyed look. At least she keeps her word about not insisting we're having an affair.

"I'm so sorry, Twilight." Applejack then said, as if it was her fault that the tree had fallen in the library in the first place... wait a minute... no, no, I shouldn't be surprised. I sighed in exasperation as I shook my head; this was probably due to the little fight I was having with Rarity earlier.

"Well... Mm no, it's not okay!" That rather feeble outburst prompted me and the orange earth pony to look at Twilight in question. "There's a giant tree branch in the middle of my room! And the book doesn't say anything about having a tree branch at your sleepover." And we're back to the guide.

Wait... I know this is supposed to be just a branch of a tree?

"Well, if it's just a tree branch, then we won't have any problem getting rid of it." I said as I looked at the tree.

"Just let me see, I haven't found the entry in the book yet." Twilight said as she continued to search through her book, making me roll my eyes in amused exasperation.

"Platinum, help me out here!" I heard Applejack yell which made me turn to look at her, to see that she was trying to pull the branch out on her own, with no progress at all. "use your magic or something to get the branch out."

Now I could do that but... I looked over to see Rarity who could do the same as me but wasn't, probably because of whatever conflict she had with Applejack. "No," I finally said, causing her to look at me in disbelief. "I can see that this originated because of your fight with Rarity, work it out with her, I'll stay out of it." I said as I sat down next to Twilight.

If this really came about because Rarity and Applejack wouldn't stop arguing, then me, a third party, fixing this whole problem won't solve anything. They should fix this little spat they have with each other.

"Oh, for the love of- Rarity, help me out here please!" said Applejack as she continued to try to remove the tree without any progress while the unicorn in question continued to ignore Applejack and continued on her own.

"Platinum, quit messin' around and give me a hoof!" Applejack said angrily. But I didn't answer her, preferring to sit back and watch them work through their problems.

"Look, Rarity...I'm sorry, okay?"

"...What was that?"

There it is.

"I said I'm sorry!" with a smile, I could see the two ponies talking, like civilized ponies that they are. "I should have listened when you noticed that this branch would end up here!" So, if it was Applejack's fault that this branch was here. I'm honestly not surprised.

"Your annoying attention to detail would have saved us from all this mess! But right now, you need to stop being so nitpicky, picking up all those little things and help us pick up the most important thing that really matters... Please!"

"B-but I'll get really gross!"

Oh, for the love of all that's holy, "Oh my stars, Rarity!" I shouted, causing the two ponies who were arguing to startle and look at me. "Getting dirty is part of life, hard work, but everyone needs to get over it!" I said as my frustration at the whole situation took over me, which made me feel a little embarrassed.

"I can't do it alone; I need your help." Applejack added as she looked at the mare in question.

After some thought, Rarity finally agreed to help Applejack and using her magic, she made little pony statues out of the tree branch and Applejack ended up pulling the rest of the tree out.

Then they hugged, and yada, yada, yada. A bunch of cheesy stuff, but it worked out in the end.

"Oh, cute. where did these come from?" said Twilight finally looking up from her book. "They're not in the book either" oh for crying out loud.

Twilight blinked in confusion as she watched the book disappear from her hooves and then looked at me and threw the book away. "You might want to save the book for later, Twilight." She just gave me an embarrassed smile as I shook my head but smiled.

"That was a great sleepover!" Announced Applejack cheerfully at the front door, as Twilight and I escorted her and Rarity so they could head home. The storm already cleared and after continuing the sleepover for a while longer, with them forcing me to put those round hair things on for some reason, we all went to sleep and here we were.

"I must agree." Rarity added in her elegant tone of voice. "I hope we have another one soon. You two were such gracious hosts."

"Oh, I don't know about that." I said modestly but also truthfully, since I really didn't deal much with them so much today.

"We look forward to having you again." Twilight said, before an obviously enthusiastic idea came up. "Oh, next time we can ask Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to join us!"

"It would be fun, I guess. Just don't expect me to join." It's kind of awkward being the only guy with 6 girls around me. And judging by Twilight's amused smile, she knows it too. I shrugged my shoulders then said goodbye to the two mares who left shortly after.

I headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, but Twilight's voice stopped me, "Wait Platinum, there's something I need to tell you."

Oh, this is new. I turn my gaze to Twilight and she gives me a smile. "I just wanted to thank you for what you did. I got too excited about the sleepover idea that I didn't realize, or rather didn't want to accept, what was happening in front of me." He said and then frowned a little. "Although I'd still like to know why you couldn't join us at the beginning of the sleepover, did something happen?"

Oh that, I already knew I was going to tell Twilight anyway, so it's no bother. "It was from the council." At my words, Twilight's look went through three stages; surprised, incredulous, and then annoyed. In that order. "They asked me to create a spell for them again, even though it hasn't been long since I created my last spell."

"Which in the end you didn't teach me, I had to learn it from the official book where it came out." I just gave her an amused smile at her annoyed look which then changed to a worried look. "That wouldn't be reason enough to piss you off, what happened?"

...why am I not surprised that Twilight managed to detect my anger? "They threatened to remove me from the council again, this time giving me a time limit until the next meeting." That made Twilight frown, obviously annoyed by the council's attitude as I was.

"Do you want me to send a message to Princess Celestia? I'm sure she could help us sort this out." Aw, I'm glad your first instinct is to ask the Princess for help with this problem. I've taught you to use your connections well.

I shook my head. "That's what I went to take care of. I already wrote a letter to the Princess and sent it to her. Now I just have to wait for her reply." Which I hope will be soon.

She nodded, her expression changing to an annoyed one then changing to a determined one. "Whatever I can do, I'm here to help. No matter how complicated it is, we'll find a solution together."

I couldn't help but be moved and gave her a hug, which she gladly returned.

"Hey guys, I'm home- whoa there!"

And the little hug we were sharing was interrupted by the sudden arrival of our resident dragon. We broke apart and looked down at the stunned Spike, eyes wide. Then he shook his head, coming back to himself. "Sorry to interrupt your moment." He said with a smirk.

I just gave her an annoyed look as Twilight looked at the dragon in confusion.

"'Moment?" ah Twilight, sometimes I'm glad you have your dense moments like this.

"Nothing was going on." I quickly interjected before he could continue to tease us. Spike has always been a very recurring supporter of our little "relationship," hoping that someday we would get together.

It's one of the awkward things that have happened with him, although it wasn't as awkward as that time he said "dad" to me one day when I went to see him.

It was very uncomfortable.

Luckily, he never told Twilight Mom or it would have been worse.

"Right..." he said as he made the mocking motion with his eyebrows, which made me frown. "Anyway, guys, it's great to see you again! What's for breakfast?"

Ah that reminds me, I haven't had breakfast. My stomach roars at that moment to remind me of that too. "Give me a few minutes to fix something." I said as I headed for the kitchen but Spike beat me to it.

"Leave it to me, Platinum. Oh, by the way, this is for you, Platinum." Spike said as he stood in front of me offering me an object.

Gifts? Ah no, it's a letter. It must be from Princess Celestia.

"It must be from Princess Celestia." Twilight said aloud.

"Don't tell me Twilight, I thought it was from the mayor." I said sarcastically while ignoring the little punch the mare in question gave me, I opened the letter to read the inside of it.

...oh my.

"What is it?" Twilight asked curiously, obviously noticing the expression on my face as I reread the paragraphs on the scroll.

I sighed without looking at her. "Looks like I've been summoned...for a cup of tea." I said in disbelief.

Hi, I hope you liked it.

Next week I will not publish anything, I have exams.

See you next time!