Storm's New Equestria

by Holocron

First published

Dragon Lord Storm has reached a new Trade Arrangement with the Alicorn Princesses, and is now invited to the Grand Galloping Gala.

Since becoming Dragon Lord, Storm has ruled with strict fairness. With former Dragon Lord Ember as his faithful broodwhore, he eagerly meets with the Alicorn Princesses. Their visit begins as a procedure to renegotiate a trade arrangement they made with Ember, but Storm is more than happy to agree to the terms; even adding in some extra benefits for both sides. Thankful for this, they invite him to the Grand Galloping Gala, and none more excited about this than Princess Luna, who has met the Dragon Lord many times already in his dreams.

Commission made for Stormdrake
FA: 8310952

The Meeting

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The day had come. Dragon Lord Storm has now ruled over the Dragon Lands for several months now, and he was set to meet with representatives of the rest of Equestria. According to former Dragon Lord, Ember, the Dragon Lands were sitting on massive amounts of minerals, metals, and other resources. Because they desired these resources, Equestria, as well as the Crystal Empire, and the small region of Ponyville, have brokered a trade deal with Ember. The dragons would allow ponykind to dig and mine up these resources, and in exchange, an equal amount of crystals and gems will be gifted to the Dragon Lands.

It was a fair deal, and while there were no doubts that Storm would continue to honor the arrangement, the Princesses of Equestria, Ponyville, and the Crystal Empire still required him to sign. The Dragon Lord didn’t exactly care, because this allowed him to meet them face to face. He had heard about them from Ember, when he wasn’t throatfucking her into a sloppy mess. From what he heard, Celestia and Luna were mares to be respected, with the elder sister being a formidable negotiator, and the younger having great foresight and vision. As for the others, Ember had a few less words about them.

Cadance was a strong mare, commanding an empire, according to Ember, made entirely of beautiful, massive, and delicious crystals. Aside from that, she was apparently considered a captivating beauty by pony standards, and repelled an entire changeling invasion. As for Twilight, Ember had some words of respect, but not much in terms of how the mare was as a princess. Being the youngest of the ruling alicorns, Twilight seemed to be the most openly welcoming of the royal mares. Even opening a school in her territory where even dragons were welcome.

While Storm prepared for the arrival of the Princesses, the same mares were coming close to the Dragon Lands. As land travel was difficult, and simply flying on their own wings was too taxing and too informal, the four mares were arriving via air ship. It was big enough to be seen from miles away, but small enough where only a token force of guards were required to keep it safe. Sitting in a conference room, the four were discussing what they were going to do when they arrived. On the table, a number of documents that they were all going over.

“So this is everything?” Celestia asked, looking back and forth between the papers and Twilight. “This doesn’t feel like everything.”

“It is, it is.” Twilight nodded, quadruple checking everything she had presented. “Smolder’s description of Dragon Lord Storm, as well as how he replaced Ember as leader of the Dragons.”

“I’ve heard that Dragon Lord succession was brutal, but some of this seems a little…excessive…” Cadance commented, almost blushing as the details Twilight had learned were laid out. “Are you sure this is a Dragon Lord we can trust?”

“According to Smolder, the right to challenge was legitimate, and according to dragon custom…at least what she had told me…” Twilight explained, pausing as she was trying to put the words together. “I’ll admit, I was surprised with how casually she explained these details. But this is apparently traditional in dragon culture when it comes to Dragon Lord succession. The previous Dragon Lord chooses the means in which a successor is named, but on rare occasions, a challenger may present themselves.”

“And since Ember agreed to the challenge, and lost, she is no longer Dragon Lord.” Celestia confirmed, calmly looking through more of the documents. “Though what he seemed to have done to her afterwards. Was this confirmed by Smolder?”

“Yes, Smolder attests to being a witness to Storm’s…treatment…of Ember, during and after defeating her.” Twilight commented, clearing her throat. “She said this was also an attribute of dragon culture. The defeated must serve the victor in an agreed upon challenge, and the nature of what the victor can do to the defeated one has no limits and is at their discretion.”

“Well, we will have to respect their traditions.” Celestia sighed, rubbing her temple for a moment. “Luna, you’ve been awfully quiet. What do you have to say about all this?” Luna wasn’t looking at the documents, letting them lay flat on the table.

She wasn’t exactly staring at anything. Luna was looking off in no direction in particular. Since she had heard of this visit, she couldn’t stop thinking about Storm. The way he captivated her in her dreams, and how she would visit him in this astral state. Her body still remembered his touch, even if the magic of her dreams prevented the dragon from remembering these nighttime visits. Her womb acted for the real thing, not some illusionary sensation of heat from his hot seed. The desire to be fucked, to be taken, and to be dominated was becoming too much to bear. Part of her worried what she would do as soon as she saw him.

“Luna!” Celestia snapped, raising her voice a little, which was enough to get her sister out of her daydreaming. The mare gasped a little, blushing in embarrassment as she saw that she was staring off into space a little too much. “Are you okay? You’ve been distracted a lot for weeks.”

“Sorry, sorry, I’ve just been thinking about something in the Night Court.” Luna replied, putting together the best lies she could form. “Some lunar nobles were discussing issues regarding conditions during the night. It’s nothing serious, I promise. I’m just thinking of ways to solve this without too much intervention.”

“Luna, if you need help, you can always ask.” Celestia commented, believing the lies. “Please, you don’t have to do everything on your own.”

“No, no, I appreciate the offer, but I want to still try to resolve this on my own.” Luna replied, smiling warmly at her sister. “I promise, if it proves too challenging, I will request help.” Celestia nodded, satisfied with the response.

“Okay, that’s good to hear, but what are we going to do with Dragon Lord Storm?” Cadance asked, tapping her finger back to the document. “Are we sure he will accept the previous terms? We only managed this because of our previous relations with Ember. Storm has no such past with us.”

“I believe we should at least try.” Twilight added, sorting up her documents. “We should be arriving within an hour, so maybe we should take a few minutes and return to this discussion.” The other three nodded, with Cadance especially quick to leave the room for refreshments.

As soon as the princesses’ air ship arrived, they were guided to land by some partoling guard dragons. Since taking over, Storm had improved the discipline of his fellow dragons, equipping them with weaponry, as well as teaching them means of patrolling their lands. It was quite the sight to the alicorns, who had only seen a gaggle of barbaric, albeit playful, dragons engaging in excessive wrestling, lava bathing, and gem gorging. Being guided by the guards to the top part of the Dragon Lord’s mountain, they were brought before Dragon Lord Storm.

Whatever they were expecting, it all but shattered as soon as they saw him. Storm was dressed in a regalia that could only be described as finely crafted armor, as well as relaxing on his throne with large hoards of gems, coins, and other expensive looking treasures surrounding him. But it was what was at the base of the throne that made their eyes widened. Former Dragon Lord Ember, visibly pregnant with who knows how many eggs this time, was on her knees, eagerly sucking off her master’s huge cock.

“Ah, Princesses of Equestria, Ponyville, and the Crystal Empire, welcome to the Dragon Lands.” Storm greeted them, speaking with such a hearty voice that seemed to boom a little. “I, Dragon Lord Storm, offer you all the privileges an honored guest and dragon ally is to have.”

“T-thank you…for the warm welcome.” Celestia began, bowing her head respectfully. “We have heard of your succession to the title of Dragon Lord, and are here to speak about terms your predecessor held.”

“Of course, I’ve had Ember tell me all about it.” Storm explained, reaching down to pet the dragoness’ head, making her moan a muffled sound. “I apologize, but she is a little preoccupied at this time. Please, don’t let her distract you. And you may speak freely and plainly.”

“Thank you, Dragon Lord.” Celestia commented, bowing respectfully at Storm. “Plainly speaking, we want to ensure the previously agreed upon trade arrangements we have made with Ember will continue as usual. And as such, we would like for you to sign the agreement.”

“Oh, is that all? Sure.” Storm commented, no hesitation in his voice. The mares were practically speechless by his confident response. “I’ve spoken to the dragons who handled the in person trade with your miners, and the ones who get the gems and crystals from the far north. And they were so happy with this, I see no reason to stop. And, with my new discipline policies, I also see no reason why I can’t spare a retinue of dragons to guard the miners from the many tunneling horrors native to the Dragon Lands.” He smirked at them confidently. “That way, it saves even more costs for you.”

“We…humbly accept these adjustments to the terms.” Celestia commented, magically altering the contract to match what Storm had mentioned. Floating it over, she showed the dragon the treaty, as well as a pen to sign with. He barely had to glance it over before signing it. Taking it back she smiles. “Thank you, Dragon Lord Storm. Your kindness will never be taken for granted.”

“I’m glad we could reach such a…a…” Storm commented, only to suddenly reach down, grabbing the back of Ember’s head, ramming his cock deep in her throat. The mare watched with wide and shocked eyes as the dragon not only deepthroated Ember, but the way she was taking his massive orgasm deep in her gulping maw and bulging throat was intense. “Sorry about that…Ember had been putting me close since before you arrived.”

“It’s…it’s no problem…” Celestia replied, composing herself as to try to banish the blush on her face. “A-a-a-anyway, since you’ve been so kind and understanding, I see no reason not to invite you to our next Grand Galloping Gala in three months' time. You would of course be the guest of honor for this treaty.”

“Hmm, a chance to meet more of the Equestrian elites…” Storm pondered aloud, tapping a claw against his chin. His eyes then glanced the mares over. “As well as seeing such beautiful, powerful mares such as yourselves in the finest regalia. I accept these terms, Princess Celestia.”

“Thank you, and I will be sure to update you on the latest trends and topics, should you wish to discuss them among the noble ponies of Canterlot.” Celestia bowed, looking to see if the others had anything to say. “Ladies, is there anything you’d like to add?”

“Dragon Lord, if I may, I would love to offer any tailor in the Crystal Empire to ensure your attire shines and sparkles for all to see.” Cadance, being the only one to speak up, offered. “I’m sure you would look stunning in such attire.”

“Something to consider, yes. I will reach out to you.” Storm commented, nodding at the mares. “But, unfortunately…” He gestured a claw to a collapsed and twitching Ember. “My mate requires her rest, and I’ve been fatigued as of late. So I will be retiring early.” Getting up, he lifted the dragoness in his arms. “But please, you are guests of the Dragon Lord, and so may stay in the Dragon Lands for as long as you’d like.”

As the mares bowed, Storm took his leave, bringing Ember to a curtained off section of the cave, no doubt the refurbished bed chambers. But before he walked out of sight, he made sure to look at Luna, the mare nearly trembled as she caught his eyes. The way she was looking at him, and the way he looked at her back. The other mares waited for him to fully leave before they too left the cave. Shivers still ran down their spines, the heat of the cave and the subtle sounds of no doubt Storm getting ready to fuck Ember filled their ears.

Rest came soon for Storm, and within his dreams, he was met with the blushing smile of Princess Luna. A strange feeling washed over him. Though he had only just met her today, he could almost swear he had met her many times over. The mare raised a hand, and then it struck him. He could remember it, everything. Every dream that he had with her, and every passionate moment that he shared with this slutty mare was returning to him all at once. Smirking, he crossed his arms, staring at the somewhat trembling mare.

“Well, it seems we’ve done this before.” Storm laughed, leaning back. As he did, the empty void of his dream slowly manifested into a throne. Sitting comfortably, he smirked. “So, what does my royal whore want tonight?”

Luna stripped from her clothes, revealing her naked body to the dragon. Storm watched with eagerness as the mare lowered herself and started crawling on her hands and knees to her draconic master. As she did so, the rest of the dream shifted and formed around them until it looked like a blur between the royal palace of Canterlot, and the Dragon Lord’s cavern. Storm laughed, seeing how the surroundings were becoming greater and bigger. Treasures from places he would’ve never imagined. Coins minted from empires from all around, gems of all sizes, perfectly cut, and other shining treasures and wonders.

“Looks like you know what your Dragon Lord deserves.” Storm laughed, leaning back a little more. His cock slowly grew as he watched the mare crawled closer and closer. “Now, show me what you want, and show me why you deserve my cock.”

Luna moaned, as well as purring like a heat stricken animal, as she crawled over. As she did so, she made sure to sway her sexy tits, and wiggle her round ass in the most seductive way she could. Storm was pleased by this, his cock swelling in size. The mare’s eyes were fixed on his length, licking her lips eagerly as she drew closer. It wouldn’t be long before she would reach him. She wanted it, she wanted to suck the Dragon Lord’s cock. She wanted to have it all in her mouth. And she especially wanted to feel her throat bulge with his throbbing mass.

“Tell me.” Storm asked, stopping Luna as soon as she reached him. His dick hung only a few inches from her face, which had grown red in a whorish blush. “How many times have we done this?”

“Enough times to turn this Princess into your whore.” Luna cheerfully responded, reaching up a little with her face to press against this cock. “So warm, I can’t wait to feel the real thing.”

“So we have only engaged in dreams?” Storm asked, pondering for a moment. “Since becoming Dragon Lord, my dreams have been a haze, blurs that are so easily forgotten. But then I saw you today, and something felt familiar.”

“I know, since that first night, that first dream, I couldn’t stop myself.” Luna moaned, reaching up to slowly stroke at Storm’s cock. “When I heard Ember was defeated, I had to know who the new Dragon Lord was. But then…” She jerked him a little faster. “When I met you here, in your dreams, your beautiful cock showed me I was just a whore mare in need of a strong mate, a powerful dragon who could break me.”

“I reiterate, how many times?” Storm asked, raising an even more curious eye to the mare. “I want to know how many times I have dominated you.”

“Every night.” Luna moaned, opening her mouth to run her tongue along Storm’s length. Her hot breath kissed at his shaft as she slowly worked her way upwards to his dripping tip. “Every night since you became Dragon Lord, when I first entered your dreams, I was taken by you, and you did everything to me in this ethereal space.”

“Did I? And you took those lovely memories away from me?” Storm smirked, seeing the blush on Luna’s face. “I knew there had to be something. When I saw you, it felt familiar, and when I smirked at you, I could almost smell your arousal.” He chuckled, reaching down towards her head with one claw. “Well, if I can’t get them back, I’ll have to make more.” With that, he pushed down, while plunging his cock forward.

Storm’s initial thrust bottomed out his cock in Luna’s mouth, making her moan a muffled sound while her body trembled eagerly. Her eyes rolled back a little, looking up at him with a half opened expression of lust. Smirking, he loosened his hold, letting her head lift, only to pull it back down. Slow and steady at first, Storm was moving faster and faster as he was slamming Luna’s face over his cock, marveling at the sight of her throat swelling from his size, and savoring the growing smell of her sweet arousal.

“Fuck, now that’s a good throat. You could even rival Ember with this fuck maw.” Storm laughed, pushing himself harder and harder, but not getting himself too close to orgasm. He didn’t want to cum just yet. “Come on you whore, moan more for me, show your Dragon Lord how devoted you are to his cock.”

Luna did as she was told. Even as Storm was steadily facefucking her, she adjusted herself until she was more kneeling at the base of this dragon’s dick. Reaching down, she groped and fondled her tits, teasing and tugging at her nipples as she moaned over Storm’s length. Rolling and slathering her tongue as she was sucking him off, she was slobbering his cock to get it nice and wet. After a moment or so of this, she positioned her huge boobs against this dick, now titfucking the Dragon Lord while he continued to throatfuck her mouth like a used pussy. Storm laughed, marveling and wondering at how this mare was so calm and collected in person, but was a sloppy slut in these dreams.

Luna moaned over this cock, savoring the strong, masculine flavor, and feeling as her boobs were getting hotter from the throbbing mass of Storm’s raging dick. She loved this, she wanted more or this. Her mind screamed with regret that she didn’t just throw herself at Storm when she saw him in person. She could only imagine how good his real cock was, and how it would feel. As well as this, she wanted to feel more of him, she wanted to have every inch of this dragon’s mighty girth filly and defile her. Luna wanted to be ruined.

“Come on, whore. I’m almost there.” Strom grunted, huffing a little as he smacked Luna’s face over and over his cock, not caring if she was choking on his length or not. “Here…fuck…this fucking mouth…” Panting out his hot breath, small flames sparked out as he was about to cum. “Take your Dragon Lord’s cock like a good broodwhore!” Pulling her down, he shoved himself fully down her throat.

Luna moaned softly, instinctively drinking down as much hot, dragon spunk that she could. Gulping it down, her throat swelled from the heavy amount pouring into her belly. Her eyes rolled back and fluttered, she was cumming. Her sweet nectar soaked the dreamscape below her. Shivering, she pushed her tits against the throbbing cock, milking it for every last drop she could. Suckling on it, she made sure to run her tongue along it, slowly and somewhat reluctantly moving her face off this dick, ensuring it was nice and clean. She had done this countless times now, across a plane where time was optional; she knew what her Dragon Lord liked.

“Very good, such a devoted slut.” Storm commented, smirking down at Luna. “You must've had more experience than I thought.”

“I have.” Luna proudly commented, giggling up at her master. “You’ve spent so many long nights showing me what I’m good for.” Leaning in, she rubbed and nuzzled her face against Storm’s cock. “Where I belong.”

“Well, let’s keep going.” Storm chuckled. “Surprise me. Show me something that I have savored. Something that will make me breed you with my superior seed.” Luna nodded, knowing exactly what he wanted, even if he didn’t.

Standing up slowly, she swayed her alluring curves subtly from side to side. She wanted to put on a small, captivating, hypnotic display for her Dragon Lord. Storm maintained his smirk, enjoying the small show of his mare’s body. His cock not only remained hard, he could feel as if his balls were refueling with his hot, potent spunk. An aspect of this dream perhaps? A way to keep him going for hours into infinity? Regardless, he could feel like he could flood hundreds of wombs with his cum, and was planning to give it all to this alicorn. But this wasn’t all Luna was doing. Igniting her horn, she let out a flash of magic.

When the light faded, she was no longer naked before him, or rather not fully naked. Instead, she was dressed in a series of thin, golden chains that ran along her curves, tightly squeezing at her tits and ass. While not dressed, and yet not naked, this revealing display was quite an interesting turn on to the dragon. Luna could see this, her eyes fixed on Storm’s cock, and she licked her lips with an eager hunger. Swaying subtly back to the dragon, she climbed on him, straddling herself against his throbbing dick as she lined it up to her sobbing wet pussy. Storm only nodded, giving her a silent permission to fuck herself on his cock.

“So big…I love it…” Luna cooed, lowering herself on the dragon’s dick, feeling it slowly stretch out her royal, precious pussy. “Oh, Storm…” She hummed and moaned as she started slowly riding on Storm’s cock. “I want it…I want it…I want the real thing…”

“And you will, soon enough.” Storm said, gently placing a claw under Luna’s chin. “But I think we need to remind you…” HIs eyes glanced subtly behind Luna. “...who holds your chains.” The mare had only a moment to realize as a tightness wrapped around her neck.

It was a collar, a black, leather collar attached to a thicker, golden chain formed tightly around Luna’s neck. But it wasn’t Storm who tugged at it, or rather, not the Storm in front of her. Behind her, another Dragon Lord held the chain to her collar in his claw. Tugging at it, he pulled her back a little, backing her head back to look at him. It was Storm, a second storm, and Luna couldn’t help but tightly squeeze around the cock already in her pussy. The dragon on the throne reached down to grope and fondle at the mare’s ass as he began to thrust upwards.

The other Storm tugged at the chain again with one claw, while reaching down with his other claw to grip at his sizable cock. Luna’s body shivered as she felt this other dragon’s dick kiss at her winking tailhole. She shuddered with eager anticipation. She wanted to feel both deep inside her, and the way this other Storm pulled at her chain, treating her more like some pet than a royal princess, it made her body almost melt in pleasure. The second storm wasn’t as gentle as the original. As soon as the head of his dick poked into her tailhole, he put all his strength into ramming himself in there.

Luna gasped out as she came all over the first Storm’s cock, who was fucking faster and faster into her. Once the second one was content and buried in her ass, he reached up with his free claw to grope and fondle roughly on one of Luna’s bouncing tits. Pinching and tugging at her nipples between his clawed fingers, he drew out more and more of her whorish moans as the two of them hammered their cocks harder and faster into her. Both Luna’s pussy and ass were being defiled, ruined, and claimed by the Dragon Lord. Part of her wished this could happen in real life, maybe a cloning spell. But then her mind wandered about how many Storms she could handle.

“Is that what you want?” The Storm in front of her asked, seemingly knowing what she’s fantasizing about. “Because I believe I can make it so.” Luna had barely a moment to respond as the Storm behind her pulled her up and off the sitting one.

Using one hand, and his cock’s strength to hold her up, the standing Storm turned Luna around, revealing dozens and dozens of other Dragon Lords. Luna’s eyes widened in a mix of shock and burning lust. Storm had become so powerful in his dreams, and now she was going to be broken, used, fucked, filled, and destroyed by all these Storms. Her pussy squirted out in anticipation, making her all the more eager to begin. The other dragons wasted no time and seemed to knock each other over for the chance to fuck this mare. The only one who didn’t bother moving, was the one still sitting on the throne. His mind was still processing everything the two of them had done in this ethereal space, and he wanted to enjoy the show.

“Don’t worry, Princess Luna. I’ll be sure to give you endless pleasures when you receive the real thing.” Storm smirked, watching as the mare was being brutally gangbanged by his dozens of duplicates. “I can’t wait for the Gala.”

In her chambers back in Canterlot, Princess Luna’s body tossed and turned. She gasped and moaned out as her ethereal self was being subjected to all the pleasures of Storm and his duplicates. So many cocks, her mouth and throat were being stuffed. Her pussy being filled and rubbed, and her ass tugged and nearly torn from all the cocks inside her. Her face and insides were almost being rearranged with each series of brutal thrusts that were ruining everything precious and sacred about her. Even if such actions held no effect on her physical form, the pleasure carried over. Her bed was soaked in her juices, and she was possibly laying in a massive stain of sticky, drying nectar when she awakened.

As Luna slept, having wanted to do that as soon as she returned to Canterlot, Celestia, Cadance, and Twilight were in the Throne Room. Since the visit to Dragon Lord Storm had gone so well, they were actually uncertain about it. The negotiations were good, and there were so many ways he could’ve demanded more out of Equestria. Anyone could see this arrangement was more in favor of the dragons than the ponies, and yet this Dragon Lord has shown to be beyond understanding, and accommodating compared to any other, even Ember, who established the first Equestrian Draconian Alliance.

“Well, we should begin plans on the Gala.” Cadance commented, pacing a little. “No doubt when word spreads that the Dragon Lord is attending will cause a riot throughout the nobility.”

“Agreed, given how crowded it got when Ember attended, we should plan for all possibilities.” Twilight added, thinking back to the intense overcrowding that happened when she managed to convince Ember to come when she was Dragon Lord. “Princess Celestia, do you think we can expand the Gala Hall, even magically?”

“I was thinking the same thing.” Celestia nodded, looking out towards the stained glass windows, the visual history of her kingdom. “This may be a grand event, one that could go down in both our kingdom’s histories. So we must be sure to pull out all the stops.”

“Magically enhancing the Gala Hall might be a little intense.” Cadance wondered aloud. “But perhaps with the four of us, as well as some of our skilled unicorns to help us. I can enlist Sunburst, he’s been making great strides since studying the Crystal Empire’s archives.”

“I know Starlight would be more than happy to help out.” Twilight chimed in, nodding along with Cadance. “I can even make an announcement for any other unicorns who would be interested in this arcane project.”

“I agree, this undertaking will be grand, and the possible attendance for all the nobility, as well as the common ponies all around who wish to see the Dragon Lord cannot be underestimated again.” Celestia nodded. “I’ll send a word to Starswirl. I’m confident he can help with formulating such a magical ritual.”

“Then I believe we’re in agreement.” Cadance nodded, smiling as the plans were coming together. “I’ll return to the Crystal Empire, and gather as many mana crystals as I can to act as supports and anchors for the spell. From there, we can plan out how this Gala will look. After Luna has woken up, that is.”

“I’m sorry, but I was going to ask that.” Twilight said, looking a little concerned. “Is she doing alright? When we told her about meeting Dragon Lord Storm, she seemed flushed and quiet. She said practically nothing while we were there. And then when we returned, she all but ran back to her chambers. Princess Celestia, is she alright?”

“I was about to ask the same thing.” Cadance added to the discussion. “She’s usually very calm and collective with her emotions. But when I saw her today, it was like a raging inferno of emotions being forcibly held in. I hope this isn’t anything too serious.”

“Oh, there’s nothing to worry about.” Celestia replied, smiling warmly at the others. “Luna has been simply stressed as of late, with many ponies in their dreams relying on her guidance, and the Night Court has been piling on with more and more requests.” She wasn’t lying, as this was the explanation Luna told her when she asked when she started fucking Storm in his dreams. “So I’m sure everything will be fine.”