
by Runic Script

First published

Spitfire gets a surprisingly convincing invitation to join the Washouts in the mail.

The Washouts sent a letter inviting Captain Spitfire, leader of the Wonderbolts, to join their new stunt team as a cadet. Obviously there's no way she's going to even consider that offer for a second.

Written for the Ponysuits discord server, heavily inspired by SDB's newest picture (as seen in the cover art).

Contains: Hypnosis, Living Latex, Long Goopy Tongues, Ear Penetration With Long Goopy Tongues and Pony Dronies With Various Fun Features.

Washed Out

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Spitfire groaned as she saw the stack of mail waiting in her In tray, slamming the door shut behind her and tossing her jacket onto the nearby hook on her way to her desk.

“Alright, let’s see who all wants us to show up at their nephew’s birthday party for free…” She sighed and slumped into her chair, grabbing the first letter off the stack and frowning at the fancy green logo holding it closed. “Really? Even the princesses don’t use wax seals anymore…”

She carefully wedged the tip of her hoof under the edge of the seal and wiggled until it came off with a soft pop, putting the envelope to the side as she unfolded the letter. “Congratulations, yada yada, invited to… the Washouts? Training camp? Recruit?!” She grabbed the envelope again to check that it was really addressed to her before crumpling it and the letter both up with a growl. “Is that supposed to be some kind of prank? I swear, if I find whoever…” She tossed the ball into her wastebasket and grabbed the next letter off the tray, grumbling as she saw that this one was actually important, forcing her to start taking notes on the side.

As she began to work her way through the tray, the little wax seal peeled off the rest of the way from the envelope in her wastebasket, wiggling out of the crumpled ball of paper and starting to squeeze and wiggle through the other layers of envelopes and spam that were gradually dropped into the bin.

“Ugh, where do some of these even get their ideas?” Spitfire tossed another letter in the trash before leaning down to scratch at her pastern with a hoof, then moving up to her cannon. She frowned and paused as she felt something move against her fur, leaning a bit to the side to look at her hindleg but finding nothing. “Don’t tell me we got cloudmites. Didn’t we just have this place cumuligated?” She got off her chair just to be sure before shaking her head and sitting back down. “Let’s hope I was just imagining things. Clouds, I hate paperwork daaaaa-yipe!” She yelped and jumped off her chair as she felt something suddenly pushing between her flanks, squirming and prancing around and flicking her tail wildly as it seemed to push somewhere that she definitely didn’t want anything to push. “Gah! Whagh! Nnngh! W-what the bucking tartarus is going on?!” She gasped and faceplanted onto the cloud floor as whatever it was seemed to push and squeeze one last time before the sensation slowly faded away, leaving her groaning on the floor.

“That was… singularly unpleasant. I hope nopony heard any of that.” She blushed and pushed herself back to her hooves, before groaning again as she saw the mess of scattered papers she’d caused during that little incident. With a sigh and a glare around the room against whoever or whatever had been responsible for that, she shuffled around the desk to pick up anything that had fallen off, then checking every part of her chair over before sitting down again and grudgingly sorting through everything she’d already worked through before.

It took her another half hour to put everything back into order, leaving her with a clean desk with just a few papers left to the side that she’d have to work through in more detail later. “There, that’s better. Ugh, I bet The Washouts don’t have to deal with paperwork like this…” She paused, blinking in confusion. “Wait, what? Why am I thinking about The Washouts? I don’t even know who they are.”

She huffed, closing her eyes to try to clear her head imagine what a team with such a ridiculous cool and radical name would even look like. Going by their letter they probably wore green outfits, likely with some other complimenting color like black. Green and black skintight rubber bodysuits, maybe with something to distinguish them from the Wonderbolts like big shiny helmets that made it impossible to tell who was underneath.

She moaned softly at the thought, blushing as she felt her marehood not just dripping but practically gushing as she pictured herself wearing one of those outfits like a good recruit, the thick and sticky and black and green arousal spreading down her legs and up her barrel. She moaned again and opened her eyes, pupils glowing toxic green as she pushed off her chair and stood with her forehooves on her desk, humping the air. Her mouth opened to pant in arousal, her long, glowing green tongue stretching out several inches from her muzzle, curling in the air and dripping green goo onto her forelegs to join with the rest of her uniform that had spread up to her shoulders.

“Ahhhh fuck… s-so hotlove the Washouts… want to be… Washout… good recruit…” She gasped and moaned, squirming and bucking her hips as the rubber spread down her legs and over her wings, crawling up her neck to-


A loud knock on the door made her freeze in place, eyes glowing brighter for a second before the rubber suddenly started to retreat, her mouth slamming shut and gritting her teeth to bite back a moan as all the rubber pulled back to her flanks and crotch and squeezed back in, her eyes rolling up…

Spitfire blinked in confusion as her rear hit her office chair, looking down at the few scattered papers on her desk as she tried to remember what she’d been working on. Something about…

Oh right! Another knock reminded her what had distracted her. “Come in!” She shuffled her wings a little to smooth out her ruffled feathers, quickly pushing the scattered papers back together in an orderly stack.

The door opened and Rainbow Dash stepped in, kicking it shut behind her. “Hey Captain. You wanted to see me?”

“I did?”

“Uhh… yeah? You called me in, like, two minutes ago.”

Spitfire frowned and looked down at her papers, her pupils shimmering green for a second as she remembered why she’d called their newest member into her office. “Oh! Oh, right, sorry. Paperwork day, I swear it makes my brain turn into goo. You’ll see what I mean when you’re the captain.”

“Heh, it’s alright. So why did you- wait, when I’m what?” Rainbow yelped, wings flaring out a bit in surprise.

“Don’t get so excited, I’m not giving up the position that quickly.” Spitfire snorted.

Rainbow shuffled her hooves. “B-but… you think I’ll make captain someday?”

“Don’t play humble, Crash, it doesn’t suit you.” Spitfire rolled her eyes and stood up to walk around the desk and put a wing over the other mare’s back. “You’re already the fastest pegasus on the team and rapidly pulling ahead on technical skill, too. And you’re not half stupid when you can actually focus on something for long enough. If we thought that we could leave you alone at a desk for a full hour without you destroying part of the building, Soarin would’ve lobbed his vice-captain position at you faster than a live thunderhead.”

“T-that’s… I… w-wow.” Rainbow blushed and rubbed her neck. “I mean, it was always my goal but I didn’t think… wow.”

“Anyway! That brings us rather nicely to why I called you here.” Spitfire pulled Rainbow a bit closer. “I have a mission for you, something to help ease you into your future position. But it has to stay a secret. Think you’re up for it, Crash?”

“A secret mission?” Rainbow’s eyes went wide and she nodded, straightening up a bit and fluffing her chest out. “Of course! You can count on me, Captain! I won’t let you down!”

“That’s what I like to hear. Now remember, this has to stay top secret. Now come a little closer…” Spitfire hummed and leaned in, bringing her muzzle close to Rainbow’s ear.

“Heh, really? I get that it’s secret, but isn’t this a bit- gyeeerk?!” Rainbow tensed up, wings flaring and pupils shrinking as something long and goopy pushed into her ear. “What are you- gnuuuhhhh…” She twitched and squirmed as it pushed deeper, jumbling her thoughts as it coiled around her brain. “Wha… guh… nyeerg…”

Spitfire moaned and shuddered, pupils glowing bright green as she pushed her tongue deeper and deeper, her marehood gushing as thick black and green rubber rapidly spread from her crotch to the rest of her body.

“Nnnh… uhhhh…” Rainbow was swaying in place, slumped slightly against Spitfire’s muzzle and blinking slowly over two differently sized pupils that were slowly turning green. Her mouth was hanging open, a bit of drool running down her chin as a glowing green tendril of goo pushed out around her tongue, curling teasingly in the air.


Rainbow gasped and stumbled a little, blinking and shaking her head. “I-I, uhh… w-whu… what? What were we talking about?”

“We were talking about training you for your important secret mission. After all you want to be a good recruit, don’t you?”

Rainbow blinked slowly, a soft shudder running through her body as her eyes glazed over. “Y-yeah… wanna be a good recruit…” She nodded, staring at her captain without noticing the skin-tight black and green bodysuit covering Spitfire’s body all the way up to her neck.

“That’s right. But you’ll need your special outfit if you want to complete your secret mission.” Spitfire chuckled and leaned in. “At attention, recruit! Nothing is happening.”

Rainbow jumped and straightened up, saluting as she stood stiffly at attention, her pupils shimmering green for a moment. “Yes, Ma’am!”

“Very good. Tell me, what do you know about the Washouts?” Spitfire licked her lips with her long green tongue, moaning softly as her suit shifted, a glowing green rubber cock forming between her legs.

“The Washouts, Ma’am?” Rainbow gasped softly as the other mare mounted her flanks. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard that name before.” She tensed and braced herself as Spitfire’s green cock pushed against her marehood, her eyes staring blankly ahead.

“Are you sure, recruit? Why don’t you think a little harder?” Spitfire grunted as she pushed forward.

I love the Washouts! I’m sorry, Ma’am, but The Washouts are the best! the name really doesn’t Good recruits obey! ring a bell. Are they another I want to be a Washout drone! flight team?” She panted softly, legs trembling as she continued standing at attention.

“Something like that.” Spitfire chuckled, green tongue stretching out and coiling around Rainbow’s ear as she leaned over her teammate, pushing in all the way. “They’re not just another team. They’re your new team.”

“M-my new-?” Rainbow gasped, eyes rolling up as the tongue pushed into her ear again just as Spitfire bottomed out and a load of glowing green liquid latex gushed into her belly. “M-my… my new team. I-I wanna be a Washoutgood recruits obeymindless Washout drone… Washoutneed to… want to… obedient dronegood recruit… good Washout…” She shuddered and moaned, a green tendril pushing out of her other ear and another stretching out of her mouth as black and green rubber spread across her body, covering her hooves and wings before wrapping around her head to form a sleek black motorcycle helmet, a bright green visor making it impossible to see what was behind it and obscuring the glowing green spiral projected across the inside.

Spitfire pulled away, panting and drooling from her long green tongue as she proudly looked at her newest recruit. “There we go. Now you’re ready to…” She trailed off, eyes glazing over as an identical helmet wrapped around her own head.

The room was quiet, both ponies standing perfectly still for several minutes before one of them suddenly moved, walking over to the door and opening it to reveal Lightning Dust standing on the other side. The pegasus smirked, swaggering inside and closing the door behind her before looking the two over. “At attention, drones! Alright, which one of you is Rainbow Dash and which one is Spitfire?”

The drones jumped to stand shoulder to shoulder in front of her, saluting in synch and staring at her silently. Lightning waited a few moments before smirking a bit wider. “Yeah, that was a trick question. You don’t need to remember those old names, do you?” She walked over to the desk and took off her saddlebags, taking them off to look through one of the pockets and pulling out a small black rubber ball. “Drones, Conditioning Mode zero-three.”

She moved over to Spitfire’s chair, looking around it for a moment before leaning in with a small noise of triumph and picking off an orange tail hair. She carefully pushed it against the black ball, watching as the hair sunk in and the ball slowly turned from pure black to a swirling yellow and orange pattern. Once it had stopped changing color she pressed it against her chest, turning back to the two drones and smirking at the large round rubber bulge between their hindlegs with a bright green glowing Washouts symbol printed across each. “Drones, move over there and then begin Conditioning Module zero-three-point-one.”

She watched the two drones walk around the desk and crouch down, one of them lying on its back underneath the desk and the other lying down on top of it the other way around, leaving them hidden from anyone coming into the room. Their visors started to swirl faster, hidden speakers playing a prerecorded mantra on loop right into their ears as they started to push their helmeted muzzles against each other’s nulges, their helmets muffling their squeaks and moans and mumbled repetitions of their mantra.

Lightning smirked, stretching out her wings as yellow rubber spread over them, more of it spreading up her neck while orange crept up her mane. “Very good. Don’t worry, I’ll probably come back for” the rubber crept over her lips and into her mouth, her voice shifting mid-sentence. “you before I leave.” She paused and smacked her lips, picking up Spitfire’s nameplate and inspecting herself in the polished mirror. “Testing, testing, one two.” She smirked at Spitfire’s voice coming out of Spitfire’s face, putting the nameplate down again and heading for the door. “Well then, time to take a tour of the building. Leave some surprises in some lockers, maybe stop for a quick lunch. By the time I’m done I can escort the two of you out of here without anyone so much as batting an eye. Toodles~!”

The door slammed shut behind her, the click of the lock the last sound in the room before all that could be heard was the soft squeaking of two shiny rubber drones grinding against each other as they sunk deeper and deeper into their brainwashing.