Dragon Lord Decree

by Shakespearicles

First published

It's mating season, and Smolder is thrilled to get summoned back to the dragon lands by Dragon Lord Ember... until she gets there.

It's mating season, and Smolder is thrilled to get summoned back to the dragon lands by Dragon Lord Ember... until she gets there.

Extremely O.O.C. Ember abuses the power of the Bloodstone scepter to remind Smolder of the cruelty of dragon nature.

And in case it's not abundantly obvious from the characters, tags, and author: Incest.

(All characters are adults)

By Your Order

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Smolder flew down from her tree perch in the courtyard of Princess Twilight's School of Friendship.

"Hey Spike," she greeted the other dragon. "What brings you to Ponyville? I thought you were doing a friendship ambassador mission to Abyssinthia."

"I actually just got back," Spike said. "Helping them make peace with the Diamond Dogs was not easy."

Smolder checked her mental calendar. "Isn't today when Princess Twilight schedules her Friendship council?"

Spike nodded. "Normally, yes. But we had to come to Ponyville to show one of her students where the magic happens."

"I thought most of the unicorns were in Canterlot," Smolder said.

"The magic of friendship," Spike explained. "We did a whole song and everything. It was very moving."

"Ah. Well, since you're in town, and it is mating season..." she trailed off. "And I take it that Rarity still hasn't accepted your propositioning."


"Since we're both still single, we could still keep our old deal," Smolder offered.


Smolder shrugged. "Yeah, sure. Besides, I mean it's not like there are any other molted dragons in town."

Spike rolled his eyes. "Right... It's not a choice, it's a lack of options."

"Is that a no?"

"Obviously not."

"Cool. Let's head back to my place. Oh, but if you put another egg in me, I'm gonna smash it on a rock again."

"That's fair."

Smolder's body started to glow. "Oh, no way! I'm getting summoned by Lord Ember for mating season!" Smolder practically did a backflip. "Aww yes! I've been waiting years for this! I'm gonna tongue her lizzer hole so deep it tickles her ovaries!"

"What about me!?" Spike asked.

Smolder took off into the air. "Ha! Better luck next year!"

"I'm gonna get some booty, I'm gonna get some booty..." Smolder sang to herself as she flew straight back to the dragon lands as fast as her wings could carry her. "I'm gonna get some dragon lord booty!"

The familiar terrain of the volcanic landscape flew under her as she made a bee line straight to Lord Ember's cave, highest on the mountainside. She landed at the entrance and marched inside quickly, but calmly, lest she appear too excited. Her own glowing body lit her way through the dark entryway towards the well-lit room inside.

"Smolder!?" the other source of light asked.

"Garble? What are you doing here?" Smolder asked.

"I was summoned," Garble answered plainly. "Why are you here?"

Smolder motioned to her own, glowing body. "I was obviously summoned, in case your eyes don't work anymore."

"I have summoned you both, for the mating season," Ember's voice boomed from within the spacious cavern. "Approach!" The Bloodstone Scepter glowed with the power of her words, commanding them to comply. Smolder and Garble did as they were told, kneeling at the base of Ember's throne. The summons answered, they stopped glowing.

Smolder bowed her head. "My lord, might I request that I go first? I don't want to have to deal with my brother's sloppy seconds."

"Granted!" Ember said. "You shall go first, and deal with his sloppy firsts!"

"Wait, what!?"

"For this year's mating season, you shall be mating with Garble!"

"But why!? He's my brother!"

Ember's thin smile parted, revealing her teeth glinting in the ambient light. "Because, it will amuse me." She looked at Garble. "What were you going to do when you got here?"

"Whatever you tell me to do, Lord Ember!" Garble answered.

Ember rephrased her question. "Tell me what you want to do to me. But look at her while you tell me. And do not lie!"

Smolder and Garble obediently looked each other in the eyes. "I want you to suck my dick, and sit on my face until I forget what the sun looks like. I want to cum inside you until your clutch of eggs fills an entire hatching basin."

Ember's smile widened. "You will do those things... to her." Smolder cringed but could not look away from her brother's eyes. "And you, Smolder?"

"I want you to eat out my cloaca like a gem-starved drake that just woke up from a one hundred year nap until I cum so hard you almost drown," she answered. The scales of Garble's cheeks got just a little redder.

Ember stepped down from her throne and walked around behind Garble. "It shall be done... by him." She looked over his shoulder at Smolder. "Would you like to sit on the throne, Smolder?"


"Of course you do. Every dragon wants to be the top drake. Well, go on then. Sit." Smolder did as she was told and sat on the throne. "Kneel before her," she commanded Garble. He assumed the position. "Scoot closer." Smolder sat forward, on the edge of the throne. "Spread your legs." She did. Garble tried to look at the floor. "Look at her." Garble looked up at Smolder's face. "Spread your cloaca for him."

Smolder reached between her legs and parted the lips of her cloaca. Garble very pointedly tried to look up and away at the very top of Smolder's head.

"Look at her cloaca," Ember commanded. Garble complied. "Does your brother looking at your cloaca turn you on?"

"No," Smolder answered.

"It could," Ember said, rubbing the Bloodstone Scepter against Smolder's cheek. "You could enjoy it. I could make you enjoy it."

Smolder winced.

"And what about you, Garble?" Ember asked. "Oh, I see you've already answered. Stand, Garble." Garble stood with his hands clasped in front of himself. "Show her. Hands at your sides." He complied. "Look at it, Smolder. Look at the erection he has for you." Smolder looked at her brother's stiff hemi-penis. "Don't blame him too hard. I don't imagine any dragoness has ever touched it. A virgin, isn't that true, Garble?"


"Do you want to fuck her?"

"No," Garble answered.

"Ah, because you think she would not enjoy it?"


"But you would enjoy it." Ember said. Garble's lips trembled. "Do you think me cruel?"


"Is draconic cruelty not in our nature?" she asked.

"We're better than that!" Smolder said with her cloaca still spread open on display.

Ember looked at her. "Perhaps ponykind has made you soft. But I am not without a capacity for kindness. I will spare your suffering... if he wishes it." She looked at Garble. "Ask it of me, and I can let her enjoy this."

"You mean make her," he said. Ember smiled and shrugged.

"Don't!" Smolder said. Garble looked like he was considering it for a moment but shook his head.

"Suit yourselves. I prefer my toys to be unwilling anyway..." Ember said as her smile grew. "At first." She stepped aside. "Back on your knees." Garble knelt in front of Smolder again. "Look closer at her cloaca." He leaned forward. "Do you think your sister has a pretty cloaca?"

"... Yes." Garble could not stop himself from answering honestly.

"Breathe on it. Smell it. Does it smell good?"


"Do you like smelling your sister's cloaca?"


"Say the words!"

"I like smelling my sister's cloaca."

"Get out of his head!" Smolder shouted.

Ember cackled. "I have simply led a drake to water! I may be controlling his actions, but his words, his feelings are his own."

"I'm sorry, Smolder!" Garble apologized. Smolder could feel the hot breath of his words on her crotch.

"Would you like to know how he feels?" Ember asked.

"Don't!" Garble protested.

"Just a little taste," Ember said. The scepter glowed. "Your brother turns you on. You want him to eat you out. Just the thought of it gets you wet!"

Smolder's eyes glazed over briefly and her heart fluttered. She looked down at her brother between her legs, barely an inch away from her lewd display. Her whole body trembled with intense desire and she could feel her fingers getting wet where she was spreading herself. "Oh, Gar-gar! Yes, please! Please lick me! I want it so badly!"

"As you were," Ember commanded.

Smolder's eyes blinked with sudden clarity. Her mind remained unchanged, but the confusing feelings of arousal in her body remained. She panted and could still feel her bounding heartrate.

"It could be so nice," Ember said. "I'll leave the offer standing for now." She paused for a moment, contemplating her next move. "Hands at your sides, Smolder." Smolder released her cloaca and did as told. "Garble, pleasure your sister with your fingers."

"Sorry." Garble complied, sliding one finger inside Smolder's cloaca as gently as he could, making little strokes. She was already slick from before, letting him add a second finger.

"How does she feel?" Ember asked.


"Look her in the eyes and tell her specifically how good it feels."

"You feel really good. Wet and warm and tight."

"Imagine how it would feel around your dick!"

Garble groaned, imagining it.

"How does it feel to have your brother's fingers inside you, Smolder?"

Smolder cringed. "It feels... weird."

"Is your brother going to make you cum with his fingers?"

"I- I don't think so."

"Coach him. Look him in the eyes and tell him exactly what to do to make you cum."

"Ah- another finger!" Smolder stammered. Garble did as he was told. "A little faster! Touch my clit with your thumb! Gently! Uh- Ah- C-curl your fingers up! Yes! Right there! Keep going! Nghh- Rggh- Fuck you, Ember! Lick me Garble! Lick my clit!"

Garble dove forward and started licking his sister's clitoris while he kept fingering her.

"Is your brother about to make you cum?"


"Say the words."

"My brother is gonna make me CUM!"

Smolder's body rocked and rolled on the throne as she came. Her hips bucked against Garble's face as he kept licking her through the entire ride until she came down from her high.

"How did that feel, Smolder?" Ember asked.


"Good!" Ember said cheerfully. She looked at Garble. "You. Fingers out. Tongue in. Deep as you can!" Smolder gasped as Garble cupped her cloaca with his mouth and snaked his long, dragon tongue as deep as it could go while still being attached to him. "How good does your sister taste?"

"Hoe hood!" Garble garbled.

Ember chuckled. "You may stop to tell her exactly how good."

"I'm sorry Smolder. It's so good! It's the best thing I've ever tasted. Better than any gem!"

"As you were."

Garble dove back in, greedily licking deep inside her.

"Don't you wish you could do this every day?"


Ember leaned over and looked at Smolder, panting on the throne. "It could be so nice..." Smolder glared at her defiantly. "Garble, stop and lay on the floor." He complied immediately. "Smolder, sit on his face... oh, how did he put it? Ah! Until he forgets what the sun looks like!" Smolder straddled his face. "As you were, Garble." Smolder gasped again as she felt her brother's tongue snake back up inside her.

Ember stood at Garble's feet, looking at Smolder. Between them was Garble's very stiff erection. "I didn't make him get hard," Ember said. "That's all you." Smolder snorted a puff of smoke. "Hold his dick. I'm sure he's been wanting that for a long time." Smolder leaned over and grasped one of Garble's hemi-penis. His moan vibrated into her. "Stroke it." Smolder did as told and stroked her hand over the barbs of his dick. "Lick it." She leaned closer and ran her tongue over his sensitive spines. "Suck it. Suck it and stroke the other one." Smolder sucked one of his dicks and stroked the other one. Garble had to prop himself up a bit to keep his tongue inside her, but it didn't keep him from moaning into her, muffled as it was.

"Garble, take a breath to tell her how good she's making you feel."

Garble flopped back onto the floor. "So good!"

"Here, Smolder." Ember pointed between his legs. She moved but kept sucking. "Look into her eyes and tell her how good it feels."

"I'm sorry Smolder! It's amazing. Your mouth feels incredible! You... you look beautiful. I love you."

"Ah, the magic words," Ember tittered. "That means it's time for the main event! Stand over him." Smolder stood up and straddled his midsection with her feet. "And squat." Smolder lowered her hips until her cloaca hovered just above his hemi-penis. "Reach down and hold his dick to guide him in." Smolder grabbed one of his dicks. "Both of them." Smolder reluctantly grabbed both parts of his hemi-penis and held them firmly together. She gulped. It was going to be a tight fit. "Now put it in. Look at him while you do it."

Smolder looked into Garble's eyes as she lowered her hips. She winced for a moment, but just a moment. It was a bit of a stretch to be sure, but to his credit, he had done very well in getting her wet and ready.

"All the way now," Ember said, watching closely at where the siblings were coupling together. Each inch of him slid inside her until at last her hips met his. "How does that feel Garble?"

"S-so good! I'm sorry Smolder! It feels so good!"

Ember leaned over Smolder's shoulder. "Fine. I won't make you enjoy this. But I could keep him from enjoying it. I could make him forget his attraction to you, and make him feel simply awful about this whole experience." Garble braced himself. But Smolder answered quickly.

"No." She looked at Garble. "You don't have to be sorry. This isn't your fault. I know you would never willfully do this. I love you."

Ember smiled. "How sweet. Now put your hands on his chest." Smolder did. "Now you, hold her hips." Garble obeyed.

Ember licked her lips.

"Now fuck!"

Compelled by order of the Dragon Lord, they didn't make love. They didn't have sex. They fucked. Garble gripped Smolder's hips and enthusiastically thrusted up into her. Smolder balanced herself with her hands on his chest and bounced her hips back down onto him with just as much gusto. The room was filled with the echoing slaps of wet scales against scales.

"Garble! You're fucking your sister! Look!" Ember commanded. Garble looked at where he was sliding in and out of Smolder. "Look how much he's enjoying it, Smolder! Look in his eyes! Both of you speak your thoughts!"

"I'm sorry Smolder! It feels so good! You feel so amazing! So warm and wet! You're so sexy! I'm sorry!"

"Fuck, your dick is so good! I hate you Ember! Fuck, it feels so good! Oh my gosh your barbs! Fuck me! I hate how much you're making me enjoy this Ember!"

Ember leaned closer to Smolder who could not look away from Garble's eyes. "I'm not making you feel anything," Ember said. "That's all him. Just let yourself enjoy it."

"Ga- Gar-gar! I'm gonna cum! You're gonna make me cum again!" Smolder howled.

"F-fuck sis! I'm gonna cum too!" Garble moaned. "Ember, come on! Let me pull out!"

Ember grinned. "No."

Garble was at the brink. "Sh-shit! Smolder!"


Smolder flopped forward on top of him and they locked lips, swirling their tongues over each other's.


Their kiss muffled Garble's moan. His hemi-penis throbbed and swelled, both barrels pumping load after load as deep inside his sister as he could while they kissed. Smolder could feel her brother's dick pulsing and twitching inside her, his massive load flooding her insides, assuredly fertilizing her waiting clutch of eggs.

"You may stop kissing, but stay seated," Ember said. Smolder whipped her head up to glare at Ember.

"Garble, hold her and stand." Garble stood up with some difficulty, but held Smolder, still firmly straddled on his dick with her legs wrapped around his waist. "Did you enjoy that?"

Smolder glared at her but could not lie. "Yes."

"Go on then. Fly home."

"What!? Like this!?" Garble asked, standing there, still hilted inside his sister. "But everyone will see us!"

"Then I suggest that you fly quickly. Once you're home, you will be free. But keep the eggs." The scepter glowed. "Am I not a gracious Lord?"

Smolder narrowed her eyes at her at Garble carried her away. "Someday, I'm going to steal that scepter, and order your father to fuck you in half!"

Ember smiled. "Now there's a proper dragon!"