Ticking Love

by Silk Rose

First published

Pinkie and Twilight love each other, they just have different ways of revealing it to each other.

Pinkie and Twilight love each other, they just have different ways of revealing it to each other.

Thanks to PseudoBob Delightus for proofreading.

Thanks to 6-D Pegasus for pre-reading.

Thanks to Jymbroni for pre-reading.

Thanks to Visharo for pre-reading.

Ticking Love

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I materialize in Twilight's house, and sit down beside her.

Thirty. She's so pretty!

I ask, "Hey, Twilight, what are you up to?"

Twilight pushes her parchment to the side. "Not much, just writing a letter. What are you doing, Pinkie?"

Twenty-nine. Plotting our relationship, hopefully.

I smile. "Oh, I'm just checking in on my bestest friend."

Twilight continues writing her letter out of my view. "That's very nice of you. Was there anything you needed?"

Twenty-eight. Your heart, if you wouldn't mind.

I say, sheepishly, "Maybe a hug or two."

Twilight gets up and hugs me, squeezing three times. "Are you doing alright?"

I nuzzle her gently on the last hug.

Twenty-seven. It would be better if I could just tell you how I feel.

"Yes, I just love getting hugs from my friends, especially you." My voice softens at the end.

"Oh! Why me, specifically? Am I special?" Twilight's voice rose in pitch at the last part.

Twenty-six. More than you know.

I feel my face start to heat up. "You might mean a little more to me than the others…"

"What does that mean, Pinkie Pie?"

Twenty-five. It means I love you.

"Oh, I don't know."

"You know. What is it?"

Twenty-four. I do, but it's hard to say.

"It means I care about you a lot."

"More than the others, though?"

Twenty-three. Yes.

I blush. "Maybe…"

Twilight giggles. "Pinkie Pie, you are being very coy."

Twenty-two. It's not time yet.

"I'm just being me."

"You're good at that."

Twenty-one. You're good at being cute.

"What are you writing a letter about?"

Twilight blushes and moves her letter farther from my view. "Stuff and things."

Twenty. Where'd that blush come from?

I say excitedly, "Oh, is it a secret? I can keep a secret!"

Twilight sighs. "I'm writing down how I feel about a certain pony."

Nineteen. I hope it's me!

"What kind of feelings?"

Twilight's blush intensifies. "Romantic feelings."

Eighteen. I hope it's me!

"Who is it? Do I know them?"

Twilight's voice becomes melancholic, "I can't say yet, and yes, very well."

Seventeen. I need to know.

"Is it one of our friends?"

"It is one of the ponies within our group of six friends, yes."

Sixteen. It could be me!

"Do you want to kiss them?"

"Yes," Twilight says, blushing harder.

Fifteen. She looks so pretty when she blushes.

"Do you think they like you back?"

"I don't know, but I might have an idea."

Fourteen. I have a few ideas… that involve kissing you.

"What's your idea?"

"I can't say yet. Just don't read the letter until I'm finished writing it," Twilight says before she starts writing again.

Thirteen. She's going to share with me.

I nod. "Okay!"

"Thank you."

Twelve. So polite.

"Can I ask more questions while you write?"


Eleven. I have many questions, dear Twilight.

"Do you know if they like mares?"

"I think they do."

Ten. I do… specifically you.

"What if they don't like you?"

"I think they do, but if they don't we'll have to talk about it."

Nine. I like you.

"What if somepony else likes you?"

"That would be a shame, since I'm only really interested in this one pony."

Eight. It's me. Right?

"Are you going to tell them?"

"I'm in the middle of writing my confession down…"

Seven. Should I have written a confession, too?

"Can I read it, pretty please?"

"When I'm done."

Six. I hope it's soon…

"Can I ask who it is?"

"Sure, you can guess."

Five. Let's see who it is!

"Is it Fluttershy?"


Four. Yay!

"Is it Applejack?"


Three. Yeehaw!

"Is it Rainbow Dash?"


Two. Awesome!

"Is it Rarity?"


One. It has to be me, darling!

"Is it me?"

Twilight finishes writing her letter and gives it to me.

I read it aloud.

Dear Pinkie,

I've thought of many ways to tell you this, and still settled on a love letter. I like you, a lot. I've never felt this way about another pony. When you're around I feel different. Like I can't get enough of you. You make me feel all fuzzy inside in a way I can't explain (believe me, I've tried). I want to hold our hugs forev–

Oh, you just showed up, and now I'm pretending to write something inconspicuous. You ask a lot of questions, it's one of the things I love about you. So curious, always wondering. Oh, did I just say I love you? Well, I do. I love you.

You have been acting strange around me. Are you hiding something? I guess I've been acting strange too, because I'm hiding something as well. I apologize for that, I just don't know what these feelings mean. Maybe you could help me figure it out?

I know you really want to read this letter, so I'll try to hurry. I didn't expect to fall in love with you, I just hope you've fallen for me too. And from the way you're acting, it seems like you have. Anyway, I hope you say yes.

And Pinkie, if the last four paragraphs didn't make it clear enough, it's you. Will you go out with me?

Twilight Sparkle.

My eyes are full of joyous tears as I set the note down.

Zero. Yay! I love you too, Twilight!

I spring forward and wrap Twilight in the biggest, most lovingest tackle-hug.

She recovers and hugs back, giggling.

I say, "I love you."

Twilight says, "I love you too."

Negative one. Yes, it continues.

"Twilight, you're the most prettiest mare ever."

"Thank you, and I think you're the most beautiful-est mare ever."

We share a giggle and hug, again.

Negative two. Okay, now it can end.

Twilight nuzzles me as the hug ends.

I feel silly, asking, "Twilight, can I hold your hoof?"

Twilight smiles at me and holds her hoof out. "Absolutely, Pinkie."

I take it and smile.

Negative three. Hey, did you know me and Twilight are dating now?