Chances Of Fire

by yodajax10

First published

Twilight has been saved by Fluttershy from a cockatrice, but the story isn't over yet.

Takes place during Stare Master.

Twilight Sparkle has just been rescued by Fluttershy from a deadly cockatrice and brought back from solid stone to flesh and blood. But after returning home, Spike is worried more than ever for Twilight. How will this crisis resolve by the next day?

Chances Of Fire

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Fear. Worry. Anxiety. That's all that was running through Spike the dragon, lying in his little basket. The morning rays illuminating a shadow on the floor.

Just yesterday, Twilight Sparkle went to the Everfree Forest to get some of her favorite tea from Zecora. Spike was cautious about Twilight's plans, but she let him know that she'll be fine and she can take care of herself.

A couple of hours later, Celestia's sun began to set. Spike was starting to get worried. He went into Ponyville, asking some citizens if Twilight was around. No sign of her since the afternoon was sadly the best response he was given. Spike went back home, trying not to think. He decided to take a nap, feeling Twilight would be back then.

Getting to sleep was the most difficult part. Hours. Lying in his basket. Panic of where Twilight was wouldn't leave his mind. Especially in the terrifying Everfree Forest. Not just where she was, but if she was still alive. He was tugging on his blanket, his heart racing, scales shaking, sweat drenching his whole body. When suddenly, he heard the door open. He immediately jumped out of his basket and ran to the stairs. He nervously peeked, and there was Twilight alive and well. He looked and saw she was talking with Fluttershy. Twilight thanked Fluttershy for saving her from the cockatrice.


The word sent a terrible shiver up Spike's back. His blood began running cold. This explained everything in the worst way possible. That's why Twilight was gone for such a long time. Stuck as a solid statue in the middle of the forest. She could've been stuck there for longer. Forever.

He suddenly heard Fluttershy make her exit, realizing Twilight would be upstairs. He quickly dashed back to his basket and jumped inside, covering himself before Twilight entered. He felt Twilight's soft touch rub his back shortly before climbing into her own bed. It felt soothing, but it lasted. Spike however, was still wide awake and stayed like that for the remaining night.

Now, it was morning. Not a wink of sleep. His attention was taken by the sound of Twilight talking downstairs. He got out of his basket, and began walking to the stairs.

"No kidding? The shop now has my favorite tea back?" Twilight asked a unicorn customer happily.

"Oh yes, dearie! I just saw it on my way returning my book!" The unicorn nodded, levitating her book to Twilight. "Have a good sip now!" She chuckled as she made her leave.

"Come back anytime!" Twilight called as she waved. Twilight then heard the sounds of footsteps on the stairs.

The lavender unicorn turned around "Oh! Good morning, Spi-WHOA!" Twilight jumped back in shock on what she saw. It was Spike alright, but his eyes were bloodshot red, his pupils as small as pinpricks and large black bags under them.

"Spike?" Twilight asked.

"Oh..." Spike spoke in a shaky tone. "Morning, Twilight...Glad you're back."

"You don't know the half of it, Spike. You would not believe the day I had!" Twilight nodded. "I was in the Everfree Forest and-"

"You were turned to stone by a cockatrice...snake chicken thing..." Spike spoke up, wobbling from exhaustion. "I heard you...talking to Fluttershy."

"Oh..." Twilight spoke. "Heard that last night, huh?"

Spike nodded, his wide-eyed expression not changing in the slightest though.

Twilight knelt down to the dragon. "Well, you don't need to worry anymore. I'm back to normal and it's all good. Okay?"

Upon looking up at Twilight's friendly smile, he slowly nodded. "Okay."

"That's better," Twilight patted his head. "Now you wait here. I'm going to the tea shop and then to Fluttershy's."

"Huh?" Spike shook his head as his senses finally started returning. "Wh-what for?"

"For starters, I'm long overdue on my tea." Twilight answered, opening the door. "And I need to write my latest friendship report to the Princess. I learned a great lesson from Fluttershy."

"Um, why don't I go with you?" Spike asked.

Twilight looked back at Spike. "Spike, I honestly think you should stay here. You're not in good shape."

"Yeah I am!" Spike tried to say. "I'm fine!"

Pinkie Pie then walked by the library. "Good morning, Twilight!" She then took notice of Spike's horrific state. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!"


In a burst of pink smoke, Twilight and Spike saw she suddenly looked sketchy, black and white. And her movement wasn't flowing naturally. She looked animatic. Twilight and Spike looked unsettled by this.

Pinkie looked back to the dragon. "Oh, it's just you, Spike! Oh well, I'm off!" She hopped off on her way, still looking like an animatic.

Twilight turned back to Spike, raising an eyebrow. He sheepishly looked down, but had an idea. "How about I wash up and just go to the tea shop?"

Twilight smiled. "Deal. But just the tea shop. After that, I'm on my own. You need to relax."

"No problem!" Spike called, rushing to the bathroom.

After Spike washed his face, he and Twilight were now off to the tea shop. Spike still looked a little tired, but he looked better than earlier.

The two of them now reached the tea shop and walked inside. An orange earth stallion with grey, black and white hair greeted the two of them, grinning. "Good morning, Twilight!"

"Good morning, Quibble Pants!" Twilight greeted back, walking to the register. "Still working that summer job?"

"Eh, still gives me extra bits." Quibble Pants shrugged. "Let me guess, your favorite? We just brought in a lifetime's worth!"

"You bet!" Twilight nodded. "I tried and failed to get it from the Everfree Forest yesterday!"

Upon hearing those words, Spike looked uneasy.

"The Everfree Forest? Hoo, boy!" Quibble shook his head, laughing. "You really need it today! I'll get some ready on the double."

As Quibble started getting the ingredients, Twilight took notice of something around his hoof. " that a Daring Do hoof-band?"

"Oh, what? This?" Quibble asked, sheepishly. "'s a collectable. Got a whole bunch of them."

"Quibble Pants!" A another male voice spoke up, making Quibble Pants jump. Out came another orange stallion with hair similar to his. "Are you talking about Daring Do again?"

"Mr. Squabble Pants?" Twilight recognized the tea shop owner.

"Dad, wait! I was only-!" Quibble Pants tried to say.

Squabble looked Quibble in the eye. "What did I tell ya, son? No mention of Daring Do...Without your safari hat!" He then happily placed one on Quibble's head before placing one on his own. He threw his head in the air while Quibble looked awkward. "You want to mess with us, Ahuizotl?! Give us your best shot!" He spoke, gritting his teeth.

This caused Twilight to giggle.

"Well, we have a wonderful audience." Squabble Pants bowed before heading back. "Keep up the good work, boy!"

Quibble Pants cleared his throat upon that. "Thanks, Dad." He turned back to Twilight with a tea-bag. "Here's your tea."

"Thanks, Quibble!" Twilight spoke before leaving with Spike.

As the two exited the tea shop, Twilight began to head towards Fluttershy's cottage. Spike began to walk next to her.

Twilight stopped in her tracks, looking at Spike. "What did we agree on, Spike?"

"I know, Twilight." Spike scratched his neck. "But I'm fine! And what if you get hurt or attacked again and I-"

"Spike, Fluttershy's cottage is the most cozy place in Ponyville. I'm going, and I don't need help." Twilight turned to leave.

"But the Everfree Forest is right next to it!" Spike jumped in her way. "Another dangerous creature could-"

"Spike, please!" Twilight tried her hardest not to lose her patience. "Yes, I ran into a cockatrice and got turned to stone. But Fluttershy got it to turn me back. And I'm going to be twice as careful if I go in there again. Okay? In fact, I may bring somepony along to be safe next time. Okay? The chances of this happening again are incredibly slim."

"But I...what if..." Spike tried to say, but sighed. "Okay."

"Good." Twilight then turned to leave. "Now please try to get your mind off this. I promise I'll be back shortly."

As Spike watched Twilight leave, he let out another sigh.

Not too long after his talk with Twilight, Spike was still walking around Ponyville. He didn't really feel like going home yet. Being alone in the library would make him feel worse.

"Come on, Spike. You can do this." Spike smacked himself. "Get your mind off it! I'll just stop thinking about it!"

"Heyyyyy, little mister!" A stallion suddenly jumped in front of Spike. "Could I have a little moment of your time to tell you about this AMAZING statue!" Under a blanket, he revealed a female pony statue in a terrified looking pose.

Spike started to get anxious again. " thanks! I gotta go!"

The dragon turned to run, but the stallion appeared again. "But leeeeeeeeeeeet me tell you, sir! This statue can add character to your living space! She's got quite the character already." He looked seductively at the statue.

Spike looked grossed out by this. "I said no thanks, bye!"

The stallion with the statue appeared next to Spike out of a trash can. "But you can really see it in her eyes! They may be hard...but...they sparkle..."

Spike grew annoyed and frustrated by this stallion. "If you love it so much, just KISS it! Ugh!" Spike then ran away, leaving the stallion speechless. Upon looking at the statue, he began to blush.

"Oh, barf!" Spike stomped away. "That was disgusting! I gotta really clear my head of that stupid cockatrice!"


Spike jumped, hearing another voice. He turned and saw two other stallions with two large crates. One had chickens and the other had snakes.

"CHICKENS AND SNAKES! CHICKENS AND SNAKES!" The first stallion shouted.

"So, my good dragon. Name's Jim and this here's my brother, Miller! How are we doing this fine morning?" The second one greeted. "Can I interest you in a chicken or snake or both?"

"CHICKENS AND SNAKES!" Miller shouted again.

"Huh?" Spike asked, covering his ears. "Wh-what is this?!"

"We're making a living, kid!" Jim said. "Selling our chickens and snakes across Equestria!"

"CHICKENS AND SNAKES!" Miller shouted again.

"Aren't you afraid of the snakes like, EATING the chickens?" Spike asked, annoyed.

"Hey, business ain't easy, kiddo." Jim shrugged.

"Chickens and snakes!" Miller piped up.

"And will you STOP saying that?!" Spike snapped.

"Oh, he can't." Jim spoke.

"What do you mean he can't?" Spike grunted.

"I mean he literally can't." Jim answered. "He grew to love saying it so much that it's all he can say now."

"Chickens and snakes?" Miller asked.

"No, Miller!" Jim spoke, angrily. "We just had breakfast! Lunch break isn't until later!"

"Chickens and SNAKES!" Miller cried out.

"Uh-uh. No." Jim shook his head.

"Chickens and snakes?" Miller asked, batting his eyelids.

"No." Jim spoke.

"Chickens and snaaaakes?" Miller asked again, not changing his expression.

".......NO." Jim held his head in the air.

"Chiiiiiiiickeeeens and snaaaaaakes?" Miller asked climbing on top of Jim.

The whole time the two were talking, Spike clutched his head. He was shaking violently, and frustratingly. He kept thinking of the horrible combination of those very two animals which left Twilight in a state like death in The Everfree Forest. Still hearing the two stallions bicker, he finally lost control.

"ENOUGH!!!!!!" He screamed, silencing Jim and Miller. "What am I, CRAZY?! It's literally next to the Everfree Forest! I gotta do something!" Spike began pacing as Jim and Miller stared at each other. "But Twilight said that...Oh, how can I go up there after..." He gasped, finally looking happy. "I got it! I know what I need!"

"Chickens and snakes!" Miller jumped in the air.

"Put a LID ON IT!" Spike yelled. He then ran past the two as Jim glanced at Miller. "This is why I can never get a date."

Miller shrugged. "Eh. Chickens and snakes."

Twilight was now looking over her friendship report with Fluttershy. "Mmm-hmm...Mmm-hmm...Yes! It looks perfect."

"Are you sure it's fine?" Fluttershy asked. "I don't want to take all the credit."

Twilight chuckled. "Fluttershy, you saved my life! I think it's good to se-"

"Hey, girls!"

Twilight and Fluttershy turned and saw Spike climbing on Fluttershy's fence before he fell.

"Spike?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight started to look annoyed. "Spike, I told you to-"

"Get something to thank Fluttershy! Sure!" Spike got back on his feet. He rushed up to Fluttershy with a bouquet of flowers. "We can't thank you enough for saving Twilight!"

Fluttershy took the bouquet, though looking concerned for Spike. "Oh, how sweet! Um, thank you?"

"Yes, Spike." Twilight stood in front. "But you should-"

"Yep! No monsters around here! All secure!" Spike saluted.

"Spike, you need to-" Twilight tried to say.

"Ah! Your friendship report!" Spike took the letter. "Let me just send that for you post-"

"SPIKE, THAT'S ENOUGH!" Twilight stomped her front hooves down, finally stopping Spike.

"T-Twilight," Spike stammered, afraid by Twilight's outburst. "I'm just-"

"I have just about had it with your constant worrying!" Twilight continued. "I keep telling you it's over! Everything is back to normal and the cockatrice is gone! Now for the last time, just drop it! I don't even want to think about this anymore! Now, please go home!"

Twilight stubbornly turned around letting out a frustrated groan. Spike on the other hand, had his eyes welled with tears. "Okay, Twilight. I'll go." He turned to slowly walk away, only to soon run as fast as he could out of the cottage.

Fluttershy was shocked at what just happened. "Twilight...I-"

Twilight let out a sigh. "I'm sorry about that, Fluttershy. I don't know what Spike's problem is."

"Well, I think it's-" Fluttershy started.

"I mean, I keep telling him I'm gonna be more careful! There's very little chance this could happen again!" Twilight interrupted without realizing.

"True, but he's just-" Fluttershy tried to say.

"I just don't understand!" Twilight once again interrupted. "Why is he still acting so paranoid?"

"It's because you're all he has!" Fluttershy finally spoke up, startling Twilight. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to shout...But he's acting so worried because he loves you."

"But I love him too, Fluttershy!" Twilight said. "You know I do!"

"Of course I know, Twilight." Fluttershy nodded. "But this was a scary moment. You both are still getting adjusted to Ponyville. This isn't Canterlot. This is new for Spike. Right now, he almost lost the only one he has left...You."

Twilight was starting to let what Fluttershy said sink in. "Oh my're right! We had it easy in Canterlot! But things are different! We ARE closer than ever to The Everfree Forest! I could've been stuck there who knows how long! I mean you found me by accident for pony's sake! I can't even imagine how Spike acted last...last night." Twilight looked horrified, remembering how she just acted towards Spike. "Sweet Celestia...what have I done?!" She whispered, heartbroken and full of regret.

"Twilight, it's going to be okay." Fluttershy put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder.

"But it's not okay!" Twilight turned to the pegasus. "How could I do that to him? Spike was stressed and scared more than he's ever been! And I just pushed him away!" Twilight glanced over at her newest friendship report and picked it up. "I don't deserve these kinds of lessons." She crumbled the letter up and tossed it aside. Twilight then put her hooves to her face. "I'm a terrible friend."

"Twilight, don't talk about yourself like that." Fluttershy picked up the letter and fixed it. "Remember what I said. You're both getting adjusted to Ponyville. This is new for you too. But right now, Spike doesn't need logic that things will be okay. He needs love, comfort and most importantly, his friend."

Twilight pulled her face up upon Fluttershy's words. She then smiled at the pegasus. "You're right, Fluttershy. I need to find Spike!"

"I'll help you find him." Fluttershy nuzzled against Twilight to comfort.

Twilight and Fluttershy were now searching for Spike through Ponyville.

"Spike?" Twilight called out.

"Spike, where are you?" Fluttershy joined in.

The two suddenly spotted Mr. and Mrs. Cake by Sugarcube Corner's door. They were also carrying two saddle-bags full of paintbrushes.

"Have you two seen Spike anywhere?" Twilight asked.

"No. Sorry, dear." Mrs. Cake shook her head.

Twilight let out a groan and continued running with Fluttershy.

Mr. Cake looked at his saddle-bag. "So, how many paintbrushes do you need again, Pinkie?"

Pinkie popped her head from the door, still looking like an animatic. "Oh at least more than twenty!"

Twilight and Fluttershy then took notice of Quibble and Squabble Pants by their tea shop. "Quibble Pants, wait!" Twilight shouted.

"Hey, girls!" Quibble Pants spoke. "Where's the fire?"

"We're looking for one that breathes it!" Fluttershy said.

"Have you seen Spike?" Twilight asked. "It's urgent!"

"The little guy?" Squabble Pants sadly pointed towards the library. "More like a fiery comet, he went into your library."

Twilight and Fluttershy immediately ran to the Golden Oaks Library with Quibble and Squabble along in concern. Twilight opened the door and saw Spike lying on the ground with his back turned.

"Spike! Spike!" Twilight raced to Spike, now seeing him in his miserable state. His eyes were flowing with tears and he was clutching his knees. "Spike..." Twilight put a hoof on Spike's head.

"It's okay, Twilight." Spike spoke in a weak voice. "I'll go upstairs." He slowly tried to stand up. "I won't bother you anymore with-"

"Don't go, Spike!" He suddenly felt Twilight's hooves around him. He was gently pulled into a warm embrace from the unicorn. She began to stroke Spike's scales. He looked up and saw Twilight's sad and regretful eyes. "It's okay."

Realizing what Twilight meant, Spike's tears started flowing more as he buried himself in Twilight's fur and began sobbing. Twilight only held him closer, letting him get all his emotions out. "Shhhhh...I'm here, Spike...I'm here." She whispered while continuing to stroke his back. Fluttershy, Quibble and Squabble all watched what was going on.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this..." Spike sniffed in Twilight's embrace.

"Oh, Spike." Twilight pulled Spike's head up and wiped his tears. "I'm the one who's sorry. I didn't mean to make you think you didn't matter." She looked up in the air. "Hmm. In times like this, I think back to my entrance exam."

"Back in Canterlot?" Spike asked, looking up.

"Yes." Twilight nodded. "On that day, the greatest thing in my life happened."

"Uh, yeah." Spike laid his head on Twilight's chest, feeling confused. "When you became Princess Celestia's student."

"Not exactly." Twilight said.

"When you got your cutie mark?" Spike asked, not thinking straight.

"Close, but no." Twilight shook her head.

"Both in the same day? Lucky girl!" Squabble whispered.

"I'll say!" Quibble agreed.

"Shh!" Fluttershy shushed both of them.

"Look in the mirror." Twilight told Spike.

The dragon looked in the mirror and saw himself in Twilight's hug. A realization hit him. "Wait! Yeah! I...I hatched that day!"

"I hatched you that day." Twilight cupped Spike's face in her hooves. "I had to hatch you as part of my exam. And bringing you into this world is my proudest achievement."

" really mean it?" Spike tearfully asked.

"Of course." Twilight put her hoof on Spike's cheek. "You are important to me. Don't ever think otherwise. And I will always be there for you, Spike...I love you."

Spike threw himself back in Twilight's hug. "I love you too, much."

Fluttershy walked inside the library, smiling at the sight. She was also wiping her tear-filled eyes with her tail. Suddenly, she found herself caught in a magical aura. She was pulled into the embrace with Twilight and Spike. Once realizing she was a part of it, she wrapped her hooves around both of them.

Quibble himself started getting emotional as well as Squabble. Quibble then turned to his father. "'re the best Daring Do fanboy of a dad that I could ever have. Bring it in!"

"Ah, son!" Squabble and Quibble happily embraced each other and spun around. But suddenly, they saw something strange.

They had another look and it was the stallion before with the statue and was making kissy faces at it. "Oh...don't be scared my love. Shush, shush, shush. I'm about to get as silent as you...but not too much..."

Squabble and Quibble both looked disturbed. "Um...I think we should go." Quibble spoke.

"Yes, son. Let's do that." Squabble agreed as they both started slowly backing away.