Wonderbolt Downtime

by Ebonyglow

First published

Spending her first stint at the Wonderbolt Headquarters' barracks, Rainbow is surprised to learn just what her teammates do in their freetime.

Rainbow had been a Wonderbolt for some time now, but she had yet to stay at the Wonderbolt's barracks. She'd only been around for practice and the like, but now, having been asked to stay at the HQ for a month, she was finally going to experience just what Wonderbolts get to when they aren't practicing.

She had assumed she'd simply get to hang out, maybe play some games, and hopefully, if she was lucky, drink some cider with her friends, but upon stumbling across a particular scene within the bed chamber of the barracks, she finds out something much more tempting is going on.And she's all for indulging in the full Wonderbolt experience.

A collab with CanaryPrimaryOP on Twitter! Go check out the animation this story is for on his Twitter!

Banging the Bolts

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“Now make sure you’ve got everything you need.”

Shifting her wings, Rainbow Dash examined the contents of her bag. She was staying in the Wonderbolt barracks for the first time, and being it was for roughly a month, having the necessary tools was, well, necessary.

Grumbling to herself, she went over the contents within her saddlebag and let out a sigh. “Twilight, we’ve been over this like a million times! I’ve got all I need, I’m fine!”

Pouting her lip, Twilight replied. “Well I’m just making sure! There’s a reason I made a whole checklist -“

“Gosh, you’re such an egghead,” Rainbow chuckled, playfully nudging the alicorn’s shoulder. “Seriously Twilight, I know you’re concerned but I’m a grown mare, I can check over what I need!”

“Is that why you forgot your toothbrush the last time you went on that trip with us?”

“That was different!”

Rolling her eyes, Twilight shook her head. “Fine. It’s just you were the one telling me you were so nervous about staying at the barracks for the month.”

“Well duh! I’ve never done it before! It’s not that I’m worried about being there, but more me not being here with you and the girls!” Rainbow countered, scrunching her muzzle. “I’m worried I’ll miss out on stuff…y’know?”

“C’mon, Rainbow,” Twilight cooed, wrapping a wing around her friend. “If anything of interest happens, you know Pinkie would find some crazy way to make sure you know, or are there for it.” She shrugged. “Besides, it’s not like you can’t go from Cloudsdale to Ponyville in a few minutes.”

Rainbow sighed, smiling. “Well, yeah, I guess you’ve got a point.”

“Exactly, so…” Twilight held back a chuckle. “How about we go over that checklist oooooone more time?”

Throwing the alicorn a deadpan look, Rainbow shook her head. “Twilight, I’ve got everything I need. C’mon, I’m gonna be late!”

“Fine, fine. You said bye to the rest of the girls, right?”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah, ‘bout an hour or so ago. You were the last one cause…”

“You wanted me to go over the checklist to make sure you weren’t forgetting anything?~”

Groaning, Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Yes, okay? I was worried I’d forget something. Happy?”


Strapping her saddlebag securely around her waist, Rainbow began to make her way towards her front door. “Alright, I think I’m set then.” She eyed the small pet bed near the corner of the room. “You’re sure you can take care of Tank while I’m going?”

“I’ve got the weekdays, Fluttershy said she can do the weekends. He’ll be fine, Rainbow.”

Rainbow chuckled. “Gotcha! Okay, well, guess I’ll head out then!”

“Oh, I had a question before you left actually,” Twilight called out, halting Rainbow as she had nearly taken off.

“About what?”

“What exactly do the Wonderbolts do when they’re, y’know, not training and stuff? You’re gonna be there all the time, and isn’t this week just a bunch of new reserves being shown the ropes?”

Scrunching her muzzle, Rainbow tapped her chin. Truth be told, she wasn’t sure what the Wonderbolts did whenever there was a hefty amount of freetime. Weekends were off days for practice, and past five on weekdays was also leisure time–outside of performances at the least. She had only spent time at HQ for practice and the like, so she was wholly blind to what was done in the off hours. She just knew she was personally requested to stay for the month by Thunderlane, for what she assumed was to assist in teaching the new recruits. She was sure to have plenty of freetime, but she wasn’t entirely certain of what would happen in said freetime.

“I honestly dunno! I’m gonna be training and teaching in shifts last I checked, so I’m sure I’ll have some spare time with some other Bolts when our turn is done. They probably play card games or something? Maybe some buckball for fun?” Rainbow answered, shrugging. “I doubt it’s anything interesting.”

Twilight pursed her lip, eyeing the pegasus. “Really? You have no idea? Darn, I was hoping to learn more about it.” She perked up, beaming. “Oh! Oh! You should tell me and the girls all about it when you get back or when you visit! It’ll be interesting to see what you all get up to when you’re not working!”

Spreading her wings, stooping down to prepare to lift-off, Rainbow looked back over her shoulder. “Sure thing, Twilight. But I’m telling you it’s probably super boring.”

Soaring through the morning sky, the wind gracefully flowing over her mane, Rainbow hummed to herself. The day was absolutely serene, with both the Cloudsdale and Ponyville weather teams agreeing to have a rather pleasant month of weather. Scanning the horizon, she could make out the unmistakable sight of Cloudsdale ahead. That floating city, with its alluring decor and social psychology, was many measures different from Ponyville and the change of pace was always a touch surprising, even to her, whenever she visited. It was fast paced, bustling with work and flying ponies, and had sports even running nearly 24/7. Still, it’d be her primary home for the next month, and though she grew up in the city, it was a bit daunting to be away from her current home for so long.

Tilting her body to the right, she glided towards the far edge of the city, passing other pegasi as she went. She knew the way to Wonderbolts HQ like the back of her hoof, and the few turns and twists she had to make to arrive were easy to accomplish. Her speed made it all the faster, as before she knew it, she was eyeing the landing strip outside the headquarter’s main building. Scanning the ground, she could make out a line of ponies, all wearing cadet uniforms, and an unforgettable orange and yellow mare standing before them.

And she definitely couldn’t mistake that intimidating roaring.

Alright, cadets! I want to see you all get two-hundred laps around the training grounds! And no slacking off or slowing down!

Wincing, remembering the many many times she had been on the receiving end of Spitfire’s drill-sergeant voice, she slowly fluttered her wings and began to descend. Landing beside the Wonderbolt captain, she stood at attention and saluted.

“Pleasure to see you, Captain.”

Turning to face Rainbow, Spitfire scoffed. “You don’t have to salute me always, Crash. You’re a full-on Bolt now.”

A blush spread across Rainbow’s muzzle. “I - erm - well, I’m just so used to it and…”

“I get it, rookie, but I’m not more special than you, Miss ‘Saves All Of Equestria On A Monthly Basis’,” the older Bolt teased.

Rainbow’s blush only deepened. “R-right…so, um, what do you want me to do?”

To Rainbow’s surprise, Spitfire's expression morphed from casual and nonchalant to lustful and devious. The pegasus ruffled her wings at her side, swayed her hips subtly, and allowed the faintest bits of a blush to creep into her own cheeks.

Oooooh, right ~ Thunderlane requested you to ‘assist’ us this month,” she cooed.

Utterly confused, Rainbow could only deduce that something was obviously off. It seemed like Spitfire was trying to give her a sexual proposition, but that was surely impossible. It was hard to deny, as Spitfire’s tone reeked of lustful intent, and the way her tail was twitching and hips swayed only furthered the message. Though it looked that way, Rainbow was rather certain she had to be misreading her.

Spitfire was her captain, and there was no way she was hinting at any amorous undertones. The Wonderbolts were a formal, professional, and highly important team at the top of Equestria’s ranks. Whatever Rainbow thought she was picking up on had to be wrong—it must’ve just been what she wanted to hear.

Though, she had to admit that she’d totally be down to get it on with her captain.

Shaking her head, shooing away the dirty thoughts welling in her mind, Rainbow nodded her head. “U-uh…yeah! I assume he asked me to come here to help train all the new reserves? Though it seems like you’re kinda doing that as is.”

Hmmm? Oh…yeah,” Spitfire hummed, pulling her eyes away from Rainbow and towards the sky.

Rainbow was almost positive she had been staring at her ass.

“Soarin, Blaze, and High Winds are helping me out here with them.” She glanced over her shoulder, eyeing Rainbow up and down and smirking. “Which means you are with the second session.”

Scanning the area above, she could make out the aforementioned three pegasi, keeping an eye on them as they pointed and directed the recruits through their lap routine.

“Gotta say, he worked us real hard earlier,” Spitfire steadily nodded as she spoke. “I was surprised we managed to get ourselves together in time.”

Snapped from her observations by Spitfire’s sudden comment, Rainbow glanced down at her. To her surprise, she could see the mare’s flanks swaying from side to side, though this time she had a full view of Spitfire’s rear. Her tail was partially flagged, she bucked her hips back subtly, and the outline of her bits was clear as day through the tight Wonderbolts uniform she adorned.

So tight that Rainbow was able to see Spitfire’s pussy wink beneath her uniform.

Rainbow’s face nearly went entirely red, her wings stiffened at her sides, and she felt her own marehood wink excitedly in response to the sight she had witnessed. She wasn’t in heat, and knew full well that reaction was truthfully from her getting downright aroused at the sight her captain was providing. It was only all the more tantalizing as she noticed the area around Spitfire’s cunt looked partially damp—and she could easily piece together that it was from the mare’s own arousal.

Finding herself obligated to say something, lest she gawk at Spitefire’s fat ass and juicy bits outlined by their uniform all day, she stammered a response. “P-pardon?”

Spitfire perked up, a blush spreading across her own muzzle as she quickly cleared her throat and whirled around. “Ahem ~ Nevermind…that.” She raised a wing, gesturing towards the barracks on the other end of the runaway. “Your group is Thunderlane, Misty Fly, and Fleetfoot. You’ll be handling the next session of reserves.”

“H-how long are you and the others handling these recruits?” Rainbow replied, still trying to compose herself now that she was stripped of her view.

Spitfire rubbed her chin with a wing, eyeing the sun. “It’s still pretty early. I’d say you’ve got five or so hours till your turn is up.” The same, lustful look from before crept across her countenance. “It’ll give you enough time to learn how things work around here and get your energy back~”

Wuhh…?” Rainbow blurted in response, thrown off by her captain’s attitude once more.

Chuckling, Spitfire rolled her eyes. “Can’t say I’m not jealous of them, I’d love to have gotten first picks on you.” She shrugged, shooting Rainbow a wink. “No worries, I’m sure you’ll be down for more tonight!”

“Down for what?!” Rainbow exclaimed.

This entire meeting thus far had just been her fumbling around, and she still wasn’t catching on to anything.

Spitfire failed to hold in a laugh, covering her mouth with a hoof. “Gosh I’ve missed this. It’s always fun to see rookies be so naive to it all.” She licked her lips, eyeing Rainbow up and down. “I know myself and the rest of the Bolts have been waiting for this.” She nudged Rainbow in the direction of the barracks. “Just go on and head to the barracks. Enjoy your free time with the others ~ Thunderlane might’ve already started our favorite game without you. I know he, Misty Fly and Fleetfoot were very excited knowing you were coming today.” She gnawed her lip, glancing up at the sky at her teaching partners for the day. “Heck, so were we~”

“Captain, I’m really confused right now…” Rainbow mumbled. She genuinely had no idea what was going on, and her mixed emotions of confusion, lust, and anxiety weren’t making it any easier. “Everything you’re saying sounds like-“

“I’m just talkin’ about what we do in our downtime, rookie,” Spitfire interrupted, spreading her wings. “Get to the barracks and see for yourself!.” She reared up to take off, shooting Rainbow a parting wink. “And have fun—but make sure you shower after.”

With a cloud of smoke, she took off into the sky. Rainbow could hear her already beginning to yell at a few reserves who were slacking behind the pack, as she herself coughed away the dust that had got kicked up. Frowning, she looked up at the sky.

“Everything you’re saying sounds like it’s…sexual…” she grumbled to herself, finishing what she had intended to say to nopony in particular.

Adjusting her saddlebag, Rainbow glanced back at herself. She couldn’t deny the sight of her dubiously twitching tail, and the slight warmth that had built up in her groin. Like it or not, she was definitely horny from what she had seen and what she thought was going on.

Taking a deep breath, she composed her thoughts and gathered her bearings. As much as it seemed like Spitfire was making an abundance of sexual innuendos and allusions, it just seemed impossible to believe. Perhaps this was all just some form of hazing they were doing to her since she was the newbie in regards to staying at the HQ, or some kind of embarrassing prank. Either way, she was working to convince herself that nothing sexual was going on—it simply didn’t make sense if it were.

Spreading her wings, wincing as they felt a portion stiff from her own lust, she lifted herself a few feet off the ground and took the brief flight towards the HQ. She, for once, didn’t opt to go fast, taking her sweet time as she went to mull over her thoughts. There were many times the Wonderbolts surprised her, but this one might just take the cake. Seeing her captain acting so sexy…tempting…lustful…

She clenched her eyes shut and shook her head, cursing under her breath as her marehood winked again. She was not going to embarrass herself by being all hot and bothered on her first day staying at the barracks. If somepony saw her drooling lower lips, or smelt the fruity aroma of her arousal, she’d never hear the end of it surely. Clenching her tail down against her rump, valiantly working to remove the sight of Spitfire’s plump ass from her mind, she trotted up to the barracks’ front door and pushed it open.

A creak echoed in her eardrums as she slowly moved forward and pushed the door. The interior lights of the barracks dotted her vision for a moment, as she adjusted from the light sun to the blinding brightness inside. Stepping into the building, she kicked the door closed behind her, pursing her lip and looking around. She had been in the barracks a few times, especially on her very first day as a Wonderbolt, but each and every time she was always somewhat starstruck by what was within.

Trophies lined cabinets on all sides, medals were strewn up on the walls, signed posters and pictures dotted the hallway, and all were related to current Wonderbolts or former ones–all ponies she personally looked up to. Trotting down the hall, she beamed, looking at each and every trophy or picture she could. She was one of them now, and the pride she felt quickly replaced her confusion and lust from before.

Nnnngh ~ Yesh! F-fill me up!

Aaaand now it was back.

Her ears twitched, her eyes went wide, and she whirled her attention down the hall. She knew that voice as Fleetfoot’s and from the sounds of it, the mare was having a very good time. Her blush returned as her tail twitched, the sound unmistakable and impossible to confuse. The way her voice sounded tired, the moans now echoing through the halls, and the routine plap plap plap that echoed behind them.

Finding her tail beginning to flag itself once more, Rainbow failed to resist the urge to investigate. She took careful steps, inching closer and closer to the bedroom chamber of the barracks. Creeping ever closer, the sound of what she knew was rutting grew ever clearer. She could hear a stallion moaning, more whimpers from Fleetfoot, and somepony else letting out a sigh of blissful relief mixed into the brew of noise. Gulping, gnawing her lip, she placed a hoof on the doorframe and crept her eyes over the edge.

The sigh that met her made her marehood immediately seize upon itself.

Bent over on a bed, being railed absolutely senseless, was indeed Fleetfoot. Behind her, gushing his cum into her pussy in torrents of fertile bliss, was Thunderlane. His routine thrusts into her filled the room with wet slaps, and Rainbow watched how Fleetfoot’s ass rippled every single time Thunderlane’s hips crashed into them. Fleetfoot’s eyes were rolling back, her tongue hung out loosely, and her entire body seemed to be spasming, as she released a deep guttural moan that was a measure more intense than any prior ones Rainbow had heard.

Aaahn ~ Buck yes! P-pump my womb f-full!

Rainbow had to bite down on her lip hard to hold in the surprised gasp she nearly released. She could see cum gushing out of Fleetfoot’s pussy, Thunderlane dumping such a large load into her that her depths simply couldn’t contain it all. Rainbow’s shock only furthered, as she heard the happy cooing from before, glancing to the side to see Misty Fly basking in what looked to be her own afterglow. Cum painted the other mare’s ass, and she had an adorable, satisfied expression across her countenance as her tongue cutely peeked out past her lips.

Everything was starting to come full circle for Rainbow. Here she was, witnessing Fleetfoot being pumped full of cum by Thunderlane, with Misty Fly already filled and fucked beside those two–and suddenly everything Spitfire was saying made sense. She wasn’t pretending to be lewd, she was being lewd. Everything she was teasing was intended exactly how Rainbow thought she meant it. They all fucked in their freetime, that was the main act they did, and it was clear they were very good at it.

Haaa,” Thunderlane sighed, holding onto Fleetfoot’s hips and pulling her ass closer to him. “You feel just as good as always~”

Mmmmm ~ heheh,” Fleetfoot dumbly giggled back, her body twitching still as she met the end of her own climax.

Giving the mare a firm smack on the ass, making her plump flesh jiggle, Thunderlane slowly began to pull out of Fleetfoot. Shifting his hips backwards, he released her hips and let her flop down onto the bed right beside Misty Fly. His cock had escaped her with a wet schlick, as cum gushed out of her cunt and drooled to the ground below.

“So you want your turn now, Rainbow?”

Rainbow’s heart nearly jumped into her throat, her blush exploded tenfold, and her eyes whipped up to Thunderlane’s seeing that he was staring right at her. His domineering gaze, his glazed cock, and the smug smile he adored made her already dripping pussy gush with even more of her lust. She hadn’t even been aware she had been so worked up already, but as she felt a trail of her essence run down her thigh she could only gulp in response.

“Y-you saw me?” Rainbow choked, struggling to take her eyes off him and the two stuffed mares beside him.

He shrugged, licking his lips. “Heh, just barely. Blame that rainbow mane of yours. Kinda hard to miss, even from the corner of my eye.”

Rainbow was unsure of what to do. She had already been worked up something fierce, and clearly this was the norm for the Wonderbolts, but she was still overwhelmed. She had had a few ruts with stallions, and even a few raunchy group sessions with her friends, but this was one of her own teammates!

“M-my turn for what?” she croaked, gnawing her lip.

Thunderland chuckled, giving both Misty Fly and Fleetfoot a soft pat on the rump. “You know ~ To take part in the Wonderbolt’s favorite game.” He let out a hearty laugh, winking at her. “That’s what Spitfire called it, didn’t she?”

Scrunching her muzzle, Rainbow nodded sheepishly. Stepping out from behind the doorway, she found herself almost subconsciously trotting into the room. She had no idea why she walked in, but she couldn’t resist the urge. She now knew what all her teammates did, knew Spitfire of all ponies was hitting on her, and that the entire team had been all eagerly awaiting to get a piece of her ass and more–which made her hornier than she’d ever like to admit.
“H-heh…yeah she…she did call it that.”

Thunderlane pumped a hoof into the air, looking rather smug. “Ha! Soarin’ owes me twenty bits then! Told him she’d use that line again!”

With her tail now very clearly flagged, Rainbow glanced over at Fleetfoot and Misty Fly again. Sure the knowledge she had just gained was awfully flustering, but now she was really starting to feel her own lust, and herself for that matter. All the Wonderbolts were wanting a piece of her, and a piece of her ass to be more specific, and she was damn proud to hear it. She sometimes was a bit shy that she still had a juicy rump on her, and all the attention she got back in Ponyville was definitely not only because of her skills, but knowing the Wonderbolts, her own teammates, had been wanting to get a go at her for so long?

It was an ego boost she welcomed with open hooves.

Sooo~” she cooed, her tone much more confident than before. “I guess I can piece together why you wanted me to stay for the month~”

Thunderlane slipped off the bed Fleetfoot and Misty were on, trotting over and leaning against another one nearby. “Heh, I mean, we do need some extra help with the reserves, but really, I and the others just wanna sample that sexy body of yours~”

Rainbow could only feel her confidence rising, as well as her own pride, as she swayed her hips and stepped closer to him. “Oh? Really now?”

“Heck yeah, Rainbow!” he exclaimed, licking his lips and looking her up and down. “Ever since you finally became a full-on Wonderbolt we’ve been talking about it. Your fiery attitude, that fat ass, and everything else! Every mare on the team is damn fine, of course, but none of us have gotten to try out anything with you yet~”

Her ego should have been a touch bothered by him implying she was just as hot as the rest, but truthfully she was in agreement. She did know she was rather hot, as rarely as she was to admit it, especially thanks to her friends always telling her such, but she also acknowledged that the other Wonderbolts were insanely good catches too. Fat asses, sleek forms, and an abundance of great personalities, it wouldn’t be surprising to her if all the other mares on the Bolts could pick up careers as models too. Actually, the higher ups did make them take photoshoots in their uniforms often, and for those sessions she did recall their suits being notably tighter. Not only that, but those editions of the magazine would always sell out instantly…

Shaking away her trailing thought on how she had unintentionally been acting as a makeshift Playpony model this entire time, she eyed Thunderlane up and down. He had muscles all around, his cock was massive, and he was honestly one of the hottest studs she knew. She had a fair share of ruts with a few stallions in Ponyville; Big Mac most of all, but she still hadn’t checked Thunderlane off her list.

But she was going to make sure to change that here and now.

“You ain’t so bad yourself, Thunderlane~” she whispered, sauntering over to him further, now placing her hooves onto the bed’s mattress. “And that cock of yours has been on my mind for a bit~”

Her remark earned a blush from the stallion, making his confident act falter. “W-wait, really?”

Ha! Of course, dude!” Rainbow chidded, turning to her side. “You’ve been on my list for ages.” She lowered her torso, raising her rump and flagging her tail, showing off her drenched pussy and perky ponut. “I mean, just look how wet you’ve got me already~”

She glanced over her shoulder, watching as Thunderlane’s cock twitched excitedly as he eyed up her perfectly presented rump. Opting to tease the stud further, she threw her ass back a singular time, making her cheeks give a singular, satisfactory clap as they smacked together. Holding back a giggle as she heard him gulp, she rose back up, turning to face him and raising a brow.

“Y-your list?” Thunderlane stammered, gnawing his lip. “I didn’t take you for somepony so…”

“Slutty?” Rainbow finished, chuckling. “I’m not that slutty, but the girls and I do have our fun, and plans~”

He blinked wildly. “Wait y-you and the girls?! You’re saying even Twilight does - hmmph?

His question was cut off as Rainbow suddenly lunged forward, pressing her lips against his own, before she pulled back and snickered. “Heh, let's focus on right now alright? I can let you know about the girls, and let them know all about you after this~” She licked her lips and eyed his cock. “How about that ‘turn’ of mine, hmm?~”

“G-get to it…nngh…already,” Misty Fly murmured, cracking an eye open at the two.

Rainbow blushed briefly, having wholly forgotten that she and Thunderlane did have an audience, albeit an audience filled to the brim with cum and basking in their own post-sex bliss.

Thunderlane seemingly regained his confidence after gazing over his own work, a grin splitting his muzzle as he nodded. “She’s got a point, Rainbow. How about you be a good mare and get up on the bed?~”

Finding herself far too horny to hesitate, Rainbow hastily scrambled up onto the bed. Turning her rump towards Thunderlane, she flagged her tail and shook her ass to tease him. “Good mare?~ You’re gonna have to earn the right to call me that!”

She shook her ass again, letting her flanks bounce for him to see, before her smug grin suddenly shifted to surprise. She felt something warm, hard, and massive slap itself between her buns, and the feeling of it sliding along her holes made her shiver with excitement. Thunderlane’s cock felt immense, and she already found her mind racing at how she’d handle being railed by him. Glancing to her side, seeing the sheer cocklusted state Misty Fly and Fleetfoot were in, she couldn’t help but feel ecstatic to hopefully end up in a similar state.

“As much as I’d hoped you’d be, Rainbow~” Thunderlane growled. Raising a hoof, he slammed it down against Rainbow’s flank, earning a pleasurable yelp from the pegasus as her asscheek rippled. “So why not give it to you a bit harder? Fitting for your first time here with the Bolts too~”

“What do you - eep!”

Rainbow flinched, feeling the thick head of his cock press against her backdoor. A rush of lustful adrenaline ran through her body as she felt him prodding her ponut, and her arousal skyrocketed at the same time. It wasn’t that she was unfamiliar with anal, heck, she’d done it many times before, both with stallions and her friends wielding a trusty dildo or two, but spending her first rut with another Wonderbolt by having her backdoor besieged was certainly not what she expected. Still, she saw his offering of a challenge and took it, licking her lips.

Heh, I see ~ Alright, stud, why don’t ya try and show me what ya got!” she retorted, pressing her ass back and teasing his tip.

To her surprise, Thunderlane didn’t reply, offering to simply act in response. In a quick motion, he thrusted his hips forward, plunging his cock into her backdoor with force. Taken aback by the sudden surge of pleasure that accompanied his thrust, Rainbow threw her head back and let out a deep, marish moan. Shuddering from head to hoof, feeling his massive length throbbing with her depths, her eyes fluttered.

Mmmph ~ Nice and tight,” Thunderlane groaned, holding himself in her. “Not so smug now, are ya?”

Rainbow scrunched her muzzle, pushing past the immense pleasure running through her. “Tch ~ G-gotta do more than that!”


“Wait wha - hnnng!

With immediate, constant fury, Thunderlane began to routinely thrust into her. Each time he pulled back, he stopped right at his tip, before plunging into her with as much force as his first drive. Her ass rippled with each motion he made, his hooves gripped her hips and ensured he kept a constant volume of force, and the air was quickly filled with her moans and the sound of wet smacks.

Even still, Rainbow wasn’t going to yield that easily. Looking ahead with lust-filled eyes, she began to routinely throw her ass back in tempo with him. Her mouth hung open, occasionally closing to suppress one of her many lust-filled moans, as she found herself immediately indulging into the depths of bliss he was affording her.

“F-fuck ~ You’re so tight, Rainbow~” Thunderlane moaned, wincing with pleasure as he continued to pound into her.

She didn’t reply, her vocal chords too preoccupied with letting loose a flurry of light moans. Sweat began to run down her form, glistening along her ass as Thunderlane’s already drenched groin slammed against it over and over again. She could faintly make out distant chanting outside from the training reserves, as well as the boom of other Wonderbolts practicing their routines. But, unlike them, she was participating in the other activity Bolts got up to.

“Y-yeah…” she croaked, closing her eyes soon after as Thunderlane’s cock stretched her walls further.

Each time he plunged into her, his nuts slapped against her wantonly winking pussy, her lust connecting them to her lower lips. She could feel the size of his orbs each time they pleasurably pressed against her cunt, calling to her instincts as a mare to yearn for the essence they held within them. She knew the state he had left Misty and Fleetfoot in, and she yearned to end up just like them.

Being left on that bed as a blissful, twitching, cum-filled mess sounded horribly amazing to Rainbow, and, as her ass continued to bounce from Thunderlane’s tremendous thrusts, she was certain she’d end up like so. His cock only felt better and better, each plunge he made sending a rush of ecstasy through her entire body.

She glanced back at him, seeing his own pleasurable expression. “Yeah…right there…ahn!” she stammered, scrunching her muzzle and letting loose another adorable moan.

Her asshole clenched down on his shaft every time he pulled back, intent on caressing him to a climax, whilst it relaxed each time he drove back into her, eager to take every last inch he had to offer. She pleasured his cock with whorish expertise, yearning to show she was just as good, if not better, as the other Wonderbolts when it came to pleasuring the team’s studs.

On and on they went, the two of them slamming into each other and basking in the bliss of their pleasure. More sweat formed on their bodies, as the combined aromatic musk of their individual lust concocted into a blend unlike any other. Blueberries from Fleetfoot, vanilla from Misty Fly, an assortment of fruits and candies from Rainbow, and the natural, earth musk Thunderlane offered. It was intoxicating.

The creaking of the bed was a clear sign of the force of Thunderlane’s thrusts. Not the fastest, but chalk full of force, each plunge he made lurched Rainbow forward while his balls pleasurably teased her clit. It was a pleasure unlike any other to Rainbow, and she could already feel herself approaching a climax.

But Thunderlane was much closer to his.

She felt his cock flare inside her asshole, the telltale sign of her reward being seconds away. She instinctively clenched down on his length with renewed vigor, and, feeling him slam her back into him, she found herself achieving her goal.


Letting out a joyous yelp, she was held in place as Thunderlane hilted inside her. The first ropes of his rich seed painted her ponut’s walls, filling her to the brim with cum as she could literally hear him pumping into her.


A quick thrust between gushes of cum from Thunderlane earned another adorable moan from her, as she felt him unload even more seed into her. Her asshole milked him dry for everything he had, squeezing every last drop out of him as it clenched down on him like a vice. He didn’t utter a word, letting his essence do the talking for him.

Rainbow thought he was done, and that she had bested him in their amorous duel, but to her immense joy, as Thunderlane finished cumming inside her, he immediately began to thrust again. His cock was as hard as ever, his thrusts were as powerful as before, and now she had the warmth of his cum within her alongside the pleasure of his cock.

She already knew he had many more loads to spare, and that he wouldn’t stop until she was a quivering mess before him on the bed. The prospect of the inevitable pushed her closer and closer to a climax, but she’d fend it off. She wanted to enjoy every single second of her bliss, and she truly only had one way to word the experience she was enduring.


Trotting through the halls of the barracks, finding herself sweaty, tired, and painfully horny, Spitfire weaved through the building with haste. She had Soarin’ and company tailing behind her, fully knowledgeable that they were absolutely eyeing up her fat flanks in her tight suit, and it only made her lust all the more agonizing.

She needed to be rut, but first she had to send the next squad out to train the recruits. Plus, she was eager to see how well Rainbow had composed herself after inevitably getting it on with Thunderlane and the others. Approaching the bed chamber, she rounded the corner and froze in the doorway.

Rainbow Dash, Misty Fly, and Fleetfoot were all stooped down on the ground, shaking their asses and flinging fresh cum out of their holes. Each one of them was hungrily lapping at Thunderlane’s package, with Fleetfoot and Misty suckling on his nuts while Rainbow was busying herself deepthroating his cock.

The sight of her teammates clapping rumps, the sound of their slurping and moans, and the feeling in her own groin made Spitfire’s pussy seize upon itself. Without a second thought, she peeled off her Wonderbolts suit, letting her sweaty form be freed from its confines. Her body glistened, sweat running down her amorous flanks as she hastily dove towards the foursome before her.

Pressing her muzzle to Rainbow’s backdoor, earning a surprised moan from the mare, she began to eagerly lap at it. Licking along and inside Rainbow's ponut, she lapped up the excess volumes of Thunderlane’s cum. Her ear twitched as she heard Blaze and High Winds join her in her efforts, eating out Misty Fly and Fleetfoot respectively.

Reluctantly pulling away from Rainbow’s backdoor, she glanced back over her shoulder at Soarin’. “Soarin’, do me a favor.”

The gobsmacked stallion, with a raging boner contained inside his suit blinked wildly. “H-huh?!”

“Tell the reserves practice is canceled today. We’ve got better priorities.”

He nodded. “R-right!”

“Oh, and Soarin’?”

He paused in the doorway, glancing back at her. “Yeah?”

She braced her hind legs, throwing her ass back and clapping her cheeks right before his eyes.

“You’re going to fuck me senseless when you’re back~”