Rainbow Dash Gets Pierced

by apple short

First published

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash try to pierce Raibow Dash. But Zecora is on vacation.

Pinkie Pie will pierce Raibow Dash. But Zecora is on vacation.

Chapter 1

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Rainbow Dash was outside getting herself some air to be flied on like majestic praise among clouds laced with intangible freedom.
“Rainbow Dash you should get some piercings because you are fing into it. Tehe tehe.” It was pinkie pie and she was bouncing while being pleased with her view on how the situation had been idealed by her opinion of her flying pony friend.
“Only like what the f is an fing piercing for?” Rainbow Dash alighted to the ground with the feeling of unquenchable justive and slid beside her pink friend and they kissed. (They are in love but that is for a different story to be decided in at.)
“It is for you to look bad ass because you are the most amazing super fantastic rainbow pony. Tehe.” She smacked Rainbows but and they tongue kissed and became to misdreal. “Only it is horrible teheh!” She lifted a pink pony hoof to the sun with rage rivaling spike and her eyes burnt red and she crushed the earth with the intense magnificating power of a flame made from the burning fragrance of violent bath tears. “Because only zecora does piercings and she is not in ponyville.”
Rainbow dash blew her boobs around and sighed while kissing Pinkie Pie placidly and full tongued with deep hugging that excited them both. Requiring them to be empty with the full power of each others real forgotten love trueness. “Only that’s cool because I am awesome anyway like duh.” She flew around the world and landed in under ten seconds and squeeled with exceptional realization of the truth of being the greatest flyer to ever touch the soiled dirt of equestria world.
Suddenly Pinkie Pie got an idea! “Only wait teheh!” She bounced up to the sun and fist punched the sky like that one time fluttershy did when she learned to fly fearless. And her eyes cried tears that released in sad but jubile most pleasement and she laughed to horrendous huzzah. “Because i have needles and i will peirce you because zecora taught me before she left because i asked because she is an awesome teacher and i learned to use lemons to stop the blood from growing out. Tehe.” She buthugged the other pony and they breaked for love before continueing the thougths that bugged them immensely.
“Ok cool.” Rainbow Dash flipped her hair and did a happy flying dance and pinkie ground partied and they both were pleased with the found results.
Only suddenly there was a loathe. “MOTHER FER WE HAVE NO FING NEEDLES!” (caps for the thoughts being exploded in the mind of her) thought Pinkie Pie. “Only wait here rainbow and be awesome for awhile because i must go collect a deep debt to achieve the needle to pierce the boobs and nose of you. Rainbow Dash gave a sigh that stated she understood with the horribleness that had acquired the lovely feelings that they were sharing. And Pinkie Pie jumped across the cloud and down to the pony earth.
She knocked on the door of the tree library that was the house of Twilight and the owl and Spike.
“What the f Twilight!” Spike opened the door with a despise for the sun and he hid his grog face behind the shade of his black clawed hand. “If you and Prince Martin Willis forgot to bring food again i will fing breathe fire across your face! I was sleeping!”
“Lol Spike you look like the worst kind of crappy situation that is covering your unwanted wakies. Tehe.” She gave him a greeting kiss to cheer him up and he allowed his spikes to be rubbed by her especially nice like. Letting her into the house. “I need a needle and because you know how to own one of everything good i came to you.”
Spike nodded with the recollection that caused his eyes to collapse in consentration brought to the lowliest of cause and he breathed the smoke of his people deep between his nostrils. “There is one I think in the drawer in Twilights note to celest drawer.” He gave her the thumbs up.
She rushed up the stairs. Her hooves crashing onto the wood with a skip jump and she giggled with the pleased moment that noticing the happiness of her upon the world gives to her cute mark balloons. “Tehe. This is it!” She threw the drawer across the room and held up the mini needle she had crushed from its grasp with tyrannical passion. To the sky and laughed with both arms uplifted and her tongue lold outward in rolling hahas. While she bounced to the immense wow of achieving her goal.
Spike came in and they made achievement love then she hurried back to her best friend so that they can pierce her. “I got the needle Rainbow Dash. Tehe.” She jumped to rest in the sky at her friends home.
“Sweet.” Rainbow Dash nodded with power. “Lets like do this then.” She raised her head proud and bore the excrushiating cruel pain of the demented needle violating her figure and seducing the skin away from her flesh. “Ugh.” She sniffled back an egghead tear and toughed it out.
“There you go. Tehe.” Pinkie then stuck a rainbow flavored cloud looking piercing in her nose. And two horseshoes lifting spikes in wrath upon the boobs of her friend. “You are so hardcore. Tehe.” Then she commenced to kiss her friend with power of being hot that silked through her veins. And would overpower even the least unloving pony from being not kissed by her.
“Whatever.” Said Rainbow Dash accepting the love. And they made out and became together but filmed it so that Prince Martin Willis could watch it later when they had all group love later that week. So her piercings were evident and she was even the more coolest pony in all of coolness that was available and even Celest when she visited nodded that it was pretty good looking and she was somewhat jealous. So everything worked out and Zecora came home.