Jackie and Velvet's Adventure: Rookies on Stage

by CuTiE_PoNY-JacKie

First published

A fun adventure story of two stud friends on Comic-Con, where they, to meet their heroine, have to dress up as mares from the anime.

Two friends from Manehattan decided to go to Comic-Con in Canterlot to have fun and get an autograph from the legendary anime voice actress, Miyuki Hirai. However, it isn't easy to get to her, so they decide to sneak into the closed section of the Comic-Con, dressed as anime heroines.

Hi, everyone! Today I'd like to present you a little commission that I made for my good friend from Belgium – David (Spiroudada), who drew me this wonderful cover, with a little adventure in the vein of classic teen comedies, featuring my and his OCs Jackie Pie and Velvet.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped me during the writing of this story. Thank you so much for your support and help.

Also, if anyone knows Russian, you can read this story in it by following this link: https://ficbook.net/readfic/12675886

For those who would like to see Spiroudada's other drawings, you can follow this link.

Chapter 1: Desperate plan

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"Hey, friend, wake up!"

"Huh… what?" muttered a purple unicorn with blond hair, whose name was Velvet, slightly opening one eye and threw back the blond strand that fell on his face. Smoothing his mane with his hooves, he turned to a companion and yawned. As it turned out, despite the speed of the train and the clacking of wheels, the ride was relaxing enough to lull him into sleep.

"Get up, I said. We’ve almost arrived," answered his best friend, Jackie Pie – a crimson unicorn with a long burgundy mane.

"Really?" Velvet said cheerfully, quickly sitting up straight and pulling back the curtains that covered the window. Looking out, he saw how their locomotive was rapidly approaching the high snow-white wall, The capital of Equestria, Canterlot, laying just beyond. The long ride he and Jackie had taken from Manehattan had finally come to an end.

"Wow, it's beautiful here!" The stallion said admiringly, looking at the tall towers and ornate houses beyond the city wall, which clashed with the boring high-rise buildings of their native metropolis, until he noticed the outline of the castle on the horizon.

"Here comes the princess palace! Wow, how huge and majestic it is, as if it came to us from a foal fairy tale. Our rulers have impeccable taste," he thought, recalling his childhood fantasy, in which he had more than once dreamed of settling in such a place.

"True, not as a king or prince," he noted with a slight blush on his cheeks, closing his eyes for a second and seeing himself surrounded by cute dresses and elegant shoes. However, he immediately threw these thoughts aside and, sitting back on the sofa, began to fiddle with his hooves impatiently.

"What? Unbearable too? I get it," Jack winked at him. "But it's alright, it won't be long before we get to the station and then we'll have a day of unforgettable fun. Think of all the things we'll be able to see and do when we get to Comic-Con."

"Yeah, like meeting your favorite characters," said Velvet dreamily.

"And buy ourselves a bunch of souvenirs," added Jack.

"We’ll also go to the decorative baking exhibition," Velvet continued.

"And at the end, let's get an autograph from Miyuki Hirai herself, a talented kirin who has invented many anime series and has personally voiced some of them," his friend finished. "I can't even believe that she agreed to come to our capital and take part in this event."

"Apparently, she couldn't resist the opportunity to see her fans," Velvet suggested.

"Or maybe she just decided to go to the local boutiques and buy some new clothes when the convention came to an end," Jack remarked.

"Who knows," the purple stallion chuckled. "In any case, the arrival of Miyuki Hirai is the brightest thing that's happened in Equestria, well, since the appearance of the Crystal Castle in Ponyville, and we have to meet her."

"Of course, but first, we'll have a little fun. After all, she won't arrive until the afternoon. So you and I will have time for a walk through the exhibition."

"Of course, mate," nodded Velvet, watching through the window as the train creaked on its brakes as it pulled slowly toward the palace-like railroad station at Canterlot.

When the train came to a complete stop, both stallions immediately grabbed their saddlebags and headed for the exit with quick strides. Deftly leaping onto the platform, they galloped like little foals, bouncing and laughing, towards the city and past the crowds.

Once on a busy street, the first thing they did was to go to the nearest vendor and buy themselves a couple of cherry pies, and then, while eating, they jumped into a cab and headed for the cultural center, where the Comic-Con was to be held.

"Wow, look at this!" Jack said enthusiastically as they drove through the main gate and into the parking lot in front of the center.

The whole place was occupied by numerous tents and stands, near which ponies, kirins, and griffins, dressed as different heroes and heroines from comic books, cartoons, and TV shows, stood surrounded by crowds of fans. Every imaginable character from the good to the evil, from Mane-iac to Captain Goodyear, appeared before the two delighted friends as they climbed out of the cab and, after paying the driver a few bits, plunged into the crowd of merry ponies. Most of them were stallions, but there were mares, too, some of whom also wore costumes (especially the type that drew the eyes of stallions), and who, to the cheers and whistles of their admirers, showed off their lovely forms.

"Whoa!" Gasped Velvet, looking at three graceful pegasi dressed in costumes based on characters from the fillies’ animated series Fairies; tight-fitting multi-colored dresses and shiny striped socks. "It would take us a week to see everything here!"

"Then let's hurry up and go buy souvenirs and take pictures!" Jack said decisively, taking his camera out of his saddlebag.

And both young stallions went for a walk in the parking lot, periodically stopping at various stands and shops to buy something or just gawk at the actors. First, they visited a couple of large pavilions dedicated to the Power Ponies, then went to the catwalk, along which beautiful griffons dressed in costumes of medieval warriors (with incredibly short leather skirts) walked, and then went to the big stage, where charming young kirins were photographed with visitors dressed as heroines from anime.

"Oh, their dresses are so pretty. I wish I could try on one of them," Velvet thought dreamily as he was hugged with a giggle by two mares dressed like princesses and Jack snapped a couple of pictures.

Yes, Velvet hadn't told anyone about it, but deep down he'd always wanted to dress like a mare and walk around like one among the common ponies. He liked princess dresses the best, with their ruffles and embellishments and charming puffy skirts. He spent many nights in bed, dreaming that one day he could dress up in one of Princess Celestia's ceremonial outfits and pretend that he was her and walk around town in it, listening to flattering comments and compliments from the passersby around him.

But dreams remained dreams. In reality, however, Velvet was very afraid that someone would find out about it and everyone would make fun of him. This fear had always held him back and prevented him from going completely into character. The risk was too great. So he preferred to continue to hide his secret from everyone, only occasionally dressing in dresses that hung in the dressing room theater, where he worked part-time.

After walking around the parking lot a couple of times and buying a bunch of souvenirs (like badges and action figures), the friends finally entered the main building, where, just as outside, there were many different stands with heroes, along with contests and quizzes, in which everyone could take part, ready to shine their knowledge of comics and cartoons.

"Hey, do you see that?" Velvet asked, pointing at the railed area where the fans of the Rainbow Mares cartoon series, in which the main character was voiced by Miyuki Hirai herself.

"What? Do you want to take part in it?" The crimson unicorn asked.

"Well, of course! After all, I know all the seasons and I will easily answer any question that may be asked to me," Velvet answered with confidence.

"Then let's go and show them who's the cool pony here," said Jack, hugging his shoulder.

"Cool pony? Are you serious?" someone said behind them. "Do you think being nerds is cool?"

"This is probably how they want to impress Miyuki. Dear Celestia, how stupid is that?!"

The friends turned and saw two sturdy stallions approaching them, dressed in expensive jackets with monograms.

"Oh no, not them!" Velvet thought sadly, stepping back a couple of steps.

They were Bucky Ingwood and Cody Markston, two rich bullies with whom Jack and Velvet had gone to the same university.

"Although, what else can you expect from losers like you?" said one of them mockingly, a dark orange earth pony with a chestnut mane – Buck, stepping forward. "After all, you can only play board games while holed up in the library."

"That’s not what the mares like," added his beige friend, the unicorn Cody. "They are impressed by courage, strength, position in society, and also… a stylish manestyle," he finished, taking a comb out of his pocket and straightening his perfectly laid blue forelock.

He chuckled and cast a disdainful glance at Velvet's slightly disheveled mane.

"Yeah, yeah, we hear you, Cody," Jack said as he came out to meet them. "Is that why you came here? To show us your greasy hair?"

Velvet chuckled softly and Cody tensed slightly and took a step forward, but Buck held him back and just smiled creepily.

"Not at all, Jackie. We just wanted to see how outsiders like you spend your time before going back to the party in the private section."

He brushed a non-existent speck of dust off his shoulder.

"You know that when Miyuki arrives at the Comic-Con, she will put on a little show for her fans?"

"And after, go to a private party, with some of her closest friends?" Cody added.

"Yes, we know it," said Jack. "But I don’t believe that Miyuki will be with boors like you."

"Exactly. She's a sensitive and sweet mare and has always despised arrogant snobs," Velvet added.

Buck frowned at him, which caused the purple stallion to shrink in fear, but he did not do anything, and proudly raised his chin.

"Yes, you are probably right about something. She is a very kind and compassionate kirin who always donates her income to various charitable causes. Therefore, it is not surprising that while vacationing in Horseshoe Bay, she became friends with my father, who offered her an impressive amount of money to build a new Manehattan hospital for the poor ponies."

"What?" Jack opened his mouth in surprise.

"Thanks to this, we're now some of her closest friends. We'll be having a special party later, where we'll get to hang out with her. My dad's paid for the whole Comic-Con, so we're in charge."

And they, laughing, pulled out from their jackets two plastic badges with three large letters: VIP.

"Wow! They have a VIP passes!" Velvet said in disbelief.

"Of course we do. And thanks to these cards, tonight we will meet with Miyuki herself, who invited us to her place for dinner." Buck stroked his pass gently. "We will chat with her about this and that, taste delicious delicacies from her homeland, and then, who knows, maybe even I can invite her to my villa this weekend."

"Hey! We agreed that this time I would get to invite the star!" Cody exclaimed.

"Not now!" Buck said. "The main thing is that you and I will be having an unforgettable evening in the company of the most famous kirin in the world. And you two will hang around the railing all day and wait to see her out of the corner of your eye," he added, glancing contemptuously at Jack and Velvet, who blushed slightly at these words.

"But, hey, we are kind today and so, if you ask us politely, perhaps we can convince her to sign something for you," the earth pony smiled.

"Yes, maybe a napkin or your handkerchiefs soaked with tears," Cody laughed.

"Screw you!" Jack flared up. "We don't need your help! We will get her autograph ourselves!"

"And not only that! We will be the first to meet her and become her best friends!" Velvet suddenly said in challenge, surprising not only their rivals, but Jack as well.

"Really? How are you going to do it?" Buck asked mockingly. "You are not, as far as I remember, among the chosen ones."

"And you don’t have VIP passes," Cody added.

"You will see," supported his friend Jack.

"Is that so? How would you like to bet on that?" Buck said, squinting unkindly.

"What you mean?" Velvet asked.

"I'm talking about a small bet," Buck explained. "Between you and us. You think you can get ahead of us and be the first to become Miyuki's friends, and Cody and I are confident that it will be us."

"You mean we've already won," his buddy remarked.

"Shut up! Anyway, I'll make you a deal: Those of us who make friends with her first will be the winners and receive the proud title of the coolest ponies on our campus."

"And what happens to the losers?" Jack asked.

"Hmm..." said Buck thoughtfully.

"I have an idea," Cody interjected." The losers will serve the winners for a month."

"Okay," Velvet said, about to kick his hoof with him.

"In maid dresses," the unicorn finished ominously.

"In maids' dresses?" The purple stallion repeated in confusion.

"Yes. The ones with white aprons and short skirts," Cody said sneeringly.

"Great idea, buddy. So, do you agree? Or have you already chickened out?" Buck laughed.

"Well…" Jack began hesitantly.

"We agree!" Velvet said loudly. "And we’ll show you who’s cool here when you walk in front of us in dresses."

In fact, he was not averse to doing it himself (though not as a personal servant for Buck and Cody). So for Velvet, this argument wasn't all that scary.

"Oh, what about Jackie?" He thought belatedly, remembering that there would be more than one arguing.

"Ha, we'll see," Buck said smugly. "Although our victory is already obvious, you won't even be able to get to it, because you don't have VIP passes."

And laughing, they left the friends alone, heading towards the closed section of the exhibition.

"Arrogant Donkeys!" said Velvet.

"Oh no, donkeys aren't as ugly as those two," said Jack. "And smell much better."

"Ha-ha, that's true," Velvet chuckled.

"And yet, they're right about something," the crimson unicorn said sadly. "We won't be able to meet Miyuki, not without a VIP pass. And if we don't, then we'll be embarrassed in front of everyone at the university for a month, serving those snobs."

"No way! I'm not just going to give up!" Velvet said stubbornly. "I won't let you, too!"

"Yeah? How are we going to meet to her?" his friend asked. "They won't just let us in that section. There are too many guards."

He waved his hoof towards the Royal Guards standing at each entrance, who had been invited to guard the guest of honor. They were on the alert and closely watched all the guests who came.

"I don't know yet, but I don't intend to give in to these knuckleheads!" said Velvet. "We'll think of something, I promise."


"Look! There she is!" exclaimed one of the fans, when a couple of hours later, a richly decorated carriage pulled by handsome unicorns drove up to the main entrance. The door opened and she came out to meet the shouting admirers – Miyuki Hirai, a charming young cream-colored kirin. She was dressed in the costume of the heroine from her new anime – a futuristic armor with a dress and cybernetic visor that harmonized perfectly with her soft green mane, coiled in a whimsical hairstyle.

When she went downstairs, onto the specially laid out red carpet, she was immediately surrounded by loud noisy ponies, among whom were Jack and Velvet. Many of them tried to get her autograph, others congratulated her on the successful end of the fifth season, someone asked her where she ordered her amazing glowing shoes, and some tried to sneak up on her from behind to discreetly cut off a piece of her lush tail with small scissors, for which they instantly received jabs from the guards.

Jack and Velvet also wanted to talk to her and by hook or by crook tried to get closer to grab a piece of her attention, but they did not succeed. Finally, when they did manage to get to the kirin, the guards pushed them roughly away, and they again found themselves in the midst of the crowd.

Miyuki, meanwhile, finished her chat with fans and headed to the VIP section to get ready for her performance.

"Damn it! We missed her!" Velvet said sadly.

"And didn't even get an autograph," Jack added.

"And most importantly..." Velvet looked toward the entrance, where Buck and Cody were following her, waving plastic cards and laughing, "…we couldn't talk to her, and I guess we lost the bet."

"This is awful," Jack said as he climbed out of the crowd of fans, sitting down on a nearby bench. "Well, it looks like we're going to have to serve these dummies."

He lowered his head, resigned.

"In the maid suits," he finished grimly.

"Apparently, yes, but…" Velvet nodded, intending to sit next to him, but then he snorted resolutely and hit the asphalt with his hoof. "No! I won't give up so easily! We'll infiltrate the VIP section and talk to Miyuki first!"

"But how? You saw they wouldn't let us anywhere near it, let alone into a private party," the crimson stallion said doubtfully. "We don't have a pass or any other way to get in. We're not agents in a cheap action movie who would sneak in dressed as someone else."

"Hmm, dressed, you say?" Velvet repeated in a whisper as she saw a few of the dancing mares (all of whom were ponies) heading toward the VIP area. They got out of the big trailer that was parked near the back entrance to the center, along with the decorations for the stage. "I’ve got idea!"

"Idea? What are you talking about?" said Jack.

"We'll change and slip inside!"

"And who are we going to change into? Guards?"

"Better," the stallion smiled, shaking his head towards one of the hangers on the wall where the dresses hung.

Jack looked in that direction and his surprise quickly turned into shock.

"No," he said with his ears down.

"Yes!" said Velvet. "We'll pretend to be members of her group and go in undercover."

"But these are dresses! What do you want us to do, pretend to be mares?"

"I dream about it all my life!" Velvet mentally said. "Well, yes. This, of course, is madness, but at least this way we will be unrecognizable," he said aloud.

"Why don't we pretend to be guards?" Jack asked.

"Because the guards probably know each other by sight, and these mares are all in makeup, and they probably don't know each other. You know that Miyuki often takes on new artists, so it would be easier for you and me to change into them."

"But… but this is…" Jack stammered.

"Yes, I understand what you want to tell me. But, Jackie, for Miyuki's sake and our argument with those boobies, we must take a risk."

"Eh, okay, looks like you're right," his friend said with a sigh.

"Well, fine. Then follow me, we need to hurry," Velvet said, holding out his hoof.

Jack took hold of it and both stallions quickly galloped to the place, fenced off by a low fence, where preparations were underway for the future concert. She was guarded by Miyuki's personal guards.

"Well? And how do we get there?" The crimson unicorn asked.

"Wait, let me think," Velvet whispered, examining the fence and the vans behind it.

"Hey Karl, can I leaving for a while? I need to... um, take my «little friend» for a walk," one of the guards said at that moment, nodding towards the toilet.

"Okay, go. It's quiet here anyway," a partner standing in the distance told him.

The stallion left, leaving the passage unprotected.

"See? This is how we get there. Come on," Velvet said cheerfully, and they cautiously approached the fence, and then quickly ran inside, hiding behind the nearest trailer.

"Ha, we did it!" Velvet thought excitedly, rejoicing like a little foal.

Crouching down, he and Jack crept carefully past several workers who were collecting the scenery and came to the door of a large trailer.

"And now, we need to find where they have a dressing room, before..." Velvet began, but then the door of the trailer opened and two young mares in theatrical costumes came out.

"And where have these newcomers gone? The show is about to start, but they still aren't there!" One of them said.

"Yes, miss Miyuki was wrong to rely on those spoiled bimbos from the Canterlot acting school," added the other.

"It's worse for them. If these lazy mares are late for the show, they won't get anything."

"We, too. Without Magic Willow and Princess Cloudy, we won't be able to perform well."

"You're right. I really hope that they will appear soon."

"As do I. By the way, have you seen what a beautiful job Miyuki stylist did? I would give anything to get my mane done like that."

They walked past friends hiding behind boxes.

"Well, that was easier than I thought," Velvet said quietly, leaning carefully out of his hiding place.

After waiting for the actresses to pass by, he and Jack quickly jumped inside the trailer and closed the door behind him.

"Phew, that was close," Jack said.

"Oh, mommy!" Velvet gave a muffled gasp when he saw where they were.

This place was a real paradise for the lover of elegant outfits. All the space inside was occupied by numerous hangers and wardrobes, filled to the brim with various dresses and dance costumes. Next to it were shelves of shoes and chests of underwear, and against the wall were makeup tables with illuminated round mirrors, beside which were cosmetics and several multi-colored wigs.

"I'm home," Velvet thought excitedly, remembering the few times he'd snuck into the dressing rooms of the actress mares and tried on their dresses in secret. It had been so exciting, but now he could not just try something on, but get completely dressed in the image and then go out looking like that to the other ponies.

His legs buckled slightly at the thought, but he quickly picked himself up and said with a smile:

"Well, I told you, Jackie, we can do it."

"Okay, you were right, and..." he tucked his tail in embarrassment and looked at the see-through stockings hanging on the back of the chair, "...what should we do now?"

"Can't you guess? We will bring ourselves into a beautiful look, of course" Velvet said, rubbing his hooves in anticipation. "You heard what those mares said, didn't you? They're short two dancers, which means we'll have to change into their dresses."

"Yes, but we don't even know what the ponies that are supposed to play them look like," the unicorn remarked.

"But we do know what their characters should look like," said Velvet, looking at the cosmetics on the table. "And I can easily give us an approximate look."

"Are you sure?" Jack asked.

"Of course," Velvet confirmed. "Don't forget, I'm an artist."

"Oh, friend," Jack said, blushing, as he followed him to the nearest rack of frilly dresses.

"Do we really have to do this?" He touched one of them and asked.

"We have to. It was either that or we'd be in dresses tomorrow anyway, except everyone would see it, including Buck and Cody" Velvet reminded him.

"Heh, like it wouldn't be the same now."

"Well, here at least no one will recognize us."

"Eh, okay, let's get this over with," Jack said, putting on one of the dresses.

"Wait," Velvet stopped him. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"What?" The unicorn didn't understand.

"Before putting on the dress, we have to do something else first," said the purple pony.

"And what?"

Velvet, opened one of the chests and pulled out beautiful green panties.

"Who puts on a dress before underwear?" he said with a chuckle.

"Dear Celestia," Jack gasped. "Are you serious?"

"Completely. You remember what the «Rainbow Mares» dance looks like, don't you? They always raise their skirts at the end. Which means we'd better make sure no one sees... you know."

"Yeah," Jack could only say when his friend handed him the panties.

He was embarrassed, but he made up his mind and, with a deep sigh, put them on. Then Velvet helped him put on the corset and fishnet stockings, and then he changed himself. He put on white pantyhose and the same color shirt, and finished with a large white diaper, which was decorated with geometric figures in gold.

"Well, we put on underwear. It's time to move on to makeup," he said after looking at himself and his friend. "Come on, Jackie, you will be the first."

Sitting down his friend at one of the tables, he opened the box of powder.

"Do you know exactly what to do?" Jack said incredulously.

"Of course I do. When it comes to makeup, I'm very good at it," Velvet told him with a smile, and immediately began to fix his friend's face.

The first thing he did was to dye his fur, giving it a delightful emerald color, then apply blush to his cheeks.

"That's it, now let's give you some eyeliner," said the purple stallion, who had gotten a taste for it, taking a small brush and painting his friend's lashes, and then taking a small sponge to apply his eyeshadow.

When he finished, he picked up the tube of lipstick from the table.

"And finally, the last touch," he breathed, exposing the tip.

Carefully brushing Jack's lips over her, he stepped back to assess the work done.

"Well? What do you say?" A friend asked him.

"Wow!" said Velvet, coming in sincere delight. "Not bad. If I didn’t know that you are you, then I would surely fall in love now. An amazing sexy mare has come out of you."

"Come on," Jack said, blushing with embarrassment.

"No, I'm serious. You're such a sweetheart now," Velvet assured him.

"Um, okay, thanks, I guess," Jack said quietly.

"Not at all, beauty. So, I finished with your face, now I'll take care of mine, and after..." he looked with a smile at the hanger with clothes, "...we will change into these wonderful dresses."

"Yes, dresses," Jack nodded, looking in the mirror and hardly believing that he sees himself in it.


"Ta-da! Here we are!" Velvet said cheerfully, coming out of the carriage with a golden staff in his hoof, which suited his new image perfectly. He had a delicate blue wig on his head, and white makeup covered his face. He wore a snow-white dress adorned with gold patterns, with elements of knight's armor on top. They were in perfect harmony with his big soft diaper. He became Princess Cloudy, the heroine who appeared in the world of ponies from foals’ dreams, who fought terrible nightmares sent by the villainess, Gloomyface.

"Come on, my faithful companion, let's go! Great things await you and me!" he said, giving his voice the carefree note of a cartoon princess.

"Yes, whatever you say," said Jack gloomily, walking after him, dressed in a beautiful green dress, decorated with leaves and flowers. On his head was a red wig with little curls. He became the mistress of nature and protector of the forests – Magic Willow, who was half a plant and saved Equestria from complete pollution.

"Well, well, hold your nose higher, Magic Willow! We must not give into despair!" said Velvet, pushing his friend in the side. "Do you remember how the mistress of the Everfree Forest should behave?"

"Well, yes, bravely and decisively," Jack smiled.

"That's right! So get it together and show everyone your natural passion!" He leaned over slightly and whispered in his ear: "And above all, try to speak more feminine, so that no one can tell we're stallions."

"All right, Princess Cloudy! I won't let you down!" Jack said loudly, diligently imitating the voice of his heroine and, straightening his shoulders, went with a friend towards the exhibition.

The guards on the set paid no attention to them, except for one who glimpsed Jack's translucent skirt and smiled slightly.

"Oh, I think he suspected something," the unicorn said in a whisper.

"I don’t think. I think he liked you," Velvet winked.

"Seriously?" Jack asked, blushing.

"Well, of course. How could anyone resist a beauty like you?" Velvet remarked playfully as he entered the hall and moved toward the VIP section of the exhibit.

As they walked, little foals ran up to them every now and then, who asking to be photographed with them or asked about something from the animated series, and Velvet, not at all upset by this, cheerfully answered all their questions, from time to time taking various beautiful poses or putting the kids to on his back so moms can take pictures of them.

As for Jack, at first he was embarrassed by such attention, but after a couple of minutes he grew a little bolder and also began to pose for photos, and not only foals approached him, but also quite adult stallions who periodically hugged him or pressed his cheeks.

"Ouch! I just got pinched on the croup!" he said embarrassedly.

"It's not bad," Velvet chuckled. "But it proves once again that our disguise works."

Finally, when everyone who wanted to take a photo with them left, the friends moved on. Having passed the guards without any problems, they found themselves in the VIP section of the exhibition, where wealthy ponies from wealthy families were having fun.

"Great, they didn't even ask us for an invitation," Velvet said in a whisper. "I told you those dresses were a good idea."

"And most importantly, we can now go to Miyuki and talk to her," added Jack. "But how do we explain our outfits to her?"

"Well, if she asks us why we are dressed like mares, we..."

"Hey, ladies, there you are!" suddenly said a light-burgundy unicorn with a neatly arranged mane and glasses, who had a small tablet in its front hoof, who came up to them. "The rest of the dancers have been on the stage for a while now!"

"Um, what are you talking about? Mister, um..." Jack asked.

"Emilio. Oh, you're new girls. I'm talking about your show. Come on, come on, it's time for you to get ready for the performance," he said and began to quickly urge them on, returning them back to the common hall.

"But we wanted to meet Miyuki," Velvet tried to argue.

"And you’ll meet when you dance with her," Emilio said.

"Dance? Uh-oh," Jack whispered frightened as he and Velvet moved toward the stage where Miyuki was about to begin. "I think we're in trouble."

He looked at his friend, who seemed scared too.

"Real trouble," Velvet confirmed, looking at the brightly lit area, near which the guests of the exhibition had already begun to gather.

Chapter 2: Fake Actresses

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"So, what are we going to do now?" Jack whispered, trying not to step on the edge of his dress and struggling to keep up with Emilio. He led the two of them towards the stage, looking out as the audience slowly began to enter little by little.

"And what do you think? Dance, of course," Velvet answered, feeling a little more confident in his new outfit.

"Yeah, I know. But I've never done anything like this before," Jack said, swallowing a lump in his throat. "Especially with professionals."

"Don't worry. Just watch what other pony is doing and try not to stand out," Velvet advised him, though deep in his heart he was also a little nervous. He had always dreamed that one day he would change into a dress and take to the stage to perform for a rapt audience. Though now that it was actually happening, he was not sure of his own abilities.

Meanwhile, the stallions had already been led to the stage, or rather to one of the positions marked with a cross, where other dancers were waiting for them. They quickly looked at the newcomers before turning back to the curtain in front of them. However, one of them looked at them carefully and even lowered her gaze and studied Jack's neck.

"I wonder what she was so interested in. I hope she didn't guess that we're really stallions," Jack wondered mentally; ready to fall to the ground with the embarrassment that gripped him.

"Come on, darling, don't be so nervous," said Velvet in a slightly higher voice. "If you keep sweating, all your makeup will run off."

"Yes. That would be a big tragedy," his friend said sarcastically, also trying to sound more feminine. Jack stood straighter, trying to appear confident, though couldn't help but worry as the mare gave them another look.

Before she could say anything, however, Miyuki Hirai finally came out, holding a microphone in her telekinesis.

"Wow, there she is. Wow, what a beauty," Jack mentally marveled as he saw the mare dressed in a beautiful futuristic outfit, highlighting her croup and slender waist.

"Well, girls, everypony is ready?" She smiled loudly to the dancers, who nodded silently in agreement.

"Not really," thought Velvet.

"I don't think so," Jack added mentally.

"Very well, then. Let's begin!" With a beautiful wave of her mane, the little kirin said. "I know some of you are new here and we haven't had much time to rehearse, but you've all proven to be exceptionally talented and improvisational mares, so I have faith in you. Let's give these ponies a real show! The Star Power!"

"The Star Power!" The mares and the two stallions that mimicked them all repeated.

"Well, let's go then! And one! And two! And..."

And with a loud "Three," she came out from behind the curtain and began to sing her show's intro Song, her voice lyrical and beautiful. The curtain immediately rose, and the audience below could see the stage, the sets, and the dancers who followed the kirin and danced with her in synchrony while she sang, mimicking her every step and movement flawlessly. All except Jack and Velvet; lacking the practice of the others, they had a hard time keeping up. At first they managed to stay in sync with the others, but then they began to stumble and take extra steps (and even stepped on their own dresses a couple of times). All of their mistakes came to a head at the second minute, when Jack stumbled, collapsing onto his stomach.

Miyuki stopped immediately. The other backup dancers stopped moving, and all eyes turned to the camouflaged stallion.

There was a short pause, during which the music from the show continued to play.

"That's it, we're screwed," Jack thought, preparing for the security guards to reveal them (or at least him) and lead them away from the stage and then make a mockery of them.

But before he could picture Buck and Cody laughing, Velvet suddenly landed on his diaper and struck an epic pose beside him.

"Yes, our legs may be tired, but we will not stop defending the power of light," he made his voice as high as possible, before turning to Jack and whispering: "Let's do that dance we rehearsed during the «Ogres and Oubliettes»".

"You mean the Dance of the Dragon? But that's..." Jack said uncertainly.

"Yes, the only one dance we can do without stuttering," Velvet winked at him. Jack gave a short nod, before rolling onto his side. He performed a few moves, trying to keep himself from shaking, while Velvet mirrored them on the other side.

Miyuki stared in surprise at their strange dance, but the crowd suddenly burst into loud applause and she, quickly figuring out what was going on. With a carefree smile, she joined them, adding her own twist to their moves.

After her, other mares joined in the dance. Being talented dancers they quickly understood how to move and, in a second, like Jack and Velvet began to stand on hind hooves and to imitate movements of a dragon with front legs, before jumping and flipping in the air. The music stopped abruptly. The DJ, apparently deciding that something more daring and rhythmic was needed for such a dance, put on an energetic club mix.

"Wow! Do they really like it?" Jack couldn't believe his eyes, though, seeing how sincerely the audience shouted and stomped watching him (and some even tried to look under his skirt). Velvet, meanwhile, was literally basking in their attention, now and then turning to the audience to wave to the most active participants.

"My dream has finally came true! I've become a filly princess! A real diaper-wearing filly princess!" he thought excitedly, beginning to dance faster and more vigorously.

Soon the music began to come to an end. Velvet came up to Jack mid-dance and whispered:

"Now, let's do our signature cheer."

"Are you sure?" The unicorn asked, blushing slightly.

"Yes! I bet they'd like that," Velvet nodded, and they both bumped their sides playfully and dropped to the floor, rolling over themselves in epic poses as they turned their croups toward the audience. Normally, at this point they would have had knight's shields and swords, which would have given them an air of masculinity and grandeur. But without them, their pose was very nice and feminine. When they stopped, the hall exploded with rapturous applause and the clicks of the cameras began to sound from all sides.

"Wow, we did it," Jack whispered, seeing the audience cheering.

"And did it good!" Velvet encouraged him, smiling merrily and sending air kisses into the audience.

"Yes, it’s a brilliant! That was a wonderful performance! Let's thank my backup dancers for this wonderful and unusual dance. And especially Princess Cloudy and Magic Willow for adding so much mischief and fun to it," said Miyuki loudly into the microphone and the ponies below began stomping and chanting the names of the two cartoon characters (making Velvet blush embarrassingly) until the curtain fell and hid them from the audience.

"Wonderful! That was great! One of the best performances of my career!" handing the microphone to Emilio, said the kirin. "I haven't heard such great applause in a long time! Thank you everyone, especially you girls," she said, turning to Jack and Velvet. "You all showed yourselves to be top-notch! There's a reason your teachers spoke so warmly of you!"

She took a bottle of water and a towel from the assistant, wiped her temples and forehead with them, took a few sips, and then added:

"Now, let's go to the VIP section and get some rest. I'm sure you're as excited as I am about this performance, and you won't mind freshening up a bit."

"Yes, of course, Miss Miyuki," Velvet nodded.

"Come on, you can just call me Mimi. That's what all my friends call me," she giggled, before turning to Jack. "That goes for you, too, honey."

"Of course... um... Mimi," the unicorn immediately nodded as his friend looked at the mare in amazement.

"Wow, she thinks we're her friends?" thought Velvet.

"Okay, girls. Let's go get some rest. We have a few more performances coming up where I hope you will continue to improvise so dashingly," the kirin said and, along with the other mares, headed for the stairs from the stage.

"Wow, we're going to the VIP section with Miyuki," Jack whispered excitedly as he followed the charming mare like a bodyguard.

Entering the enclosed section of the Comic-Con, they found themselves in a spacious, high-walled enclosure that contained an extra stage, a guest area, and a separate railing area for the artists. Everything was ready for the party: soft couches, long tables with refreshments, and a drinks bar along the far wall, filled with drinks served by a muscular stallion. Each of the bottles in front of them cost as much as a year's wages of most ordinary ponies.

"Wow. This place is much better than I thought it would be," Velvet whispered softly as he stared at the expensive dishes and the beautiful designer gold and crystal ware. "It's obvious that Buck's family didn't skimp on Miyuki's visit."

"Yeah. But we still have a shot to get her autograph," Jack chuckled.

"Right. And once that happens, we'll show those rich snobs who's number one," Velvet said, sitting down with the rest of the mares on the couch. The two proceeded to engage in small talk and starting to eat some of the appetizers that they never would have had in their lives if not for their incredible luck.

But they had barely tasted the local delicacies when suddenly the two stallions they least expected to see approached their group.

"Hey, ladies. How are you doing? Glad to see you decided to come to our party," the well-dressed Buck said in a snappy voice as he and Cody sat down unceremoniously between their friends and the mares in the backdrop. "I hope you like it here."

"Oh yes, it's wonderful. And the food and drink are so good," said one of the actresses who played the part of Princess Quickstep.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. My father and I didn't skimp on treats, and we ordered the best for your sake," he grinned. "After all, what's a couple of million bits when it comes to beauties like you?"

"Arrogant jerk," Jack mentally snorted.

"By the way, I enjoyed your performance," said Buck, taking a glass of champagne and taking a few sips. "I'm not a fan of all these children's shows, but I couldn't take my eyes off your dancing. Your technique, Miss Miyuki, is wonderful."

And he had the audacity to put his leg around her neck.

"Yes, thank you. But I owe it all to my new members, who diversified our dance with their improvisation," she answered, a little tense. Velvet could tell she didn't like that kind of liberty.

"Is that so? That's amazing! I have to say, my friend and I have never seen anypony move like that before," his buddy Cody said in agreement. Then he turned to Jack and Velvet. "Especially you girls. You were on fire in there!"

And with that, he gave Velvet a sly wink and sent him an air kiss.

"Tell me, what was that newfangled dance?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing much," said Velvet, trying to sound as feminine as possible. "The most usual dance we used to practice with my friend."

"I see. When you two finished dancing, Cody and I thought you were really good at it," Buck added, lightly touching Jack's knee, which made him blush. "It's a pity, of course, if you're only going to continue to make appearances at Comic-Cons. I could talk to my father about you and find a much better use for your graceful croup," he told him in a slightly quieter voice.

"Oh no," Jack said to himself, guessing what he meant.

Luckily at that moment, some stallion with glasses came up to Buck, and whispered something in his ear.

"Discord be damned! What, now? Agh, okay," Buck said with a disgruntled frown, then turned to the cloaked stallions sitting on the couch and said, "Excuse me, ladies, but I've got an urgent matter to discuss with the owner of this place. But when I return, we will continue our conversation."

He gave Jack an air kiss and followed his assistant down the hall.

Cody sat on the couch for a while, and after kissing Velvet's hoof goodbye and promising that he would meet him soon, got up too, and followed his friend.

"Phew, that seems to have blown over," Velvet mentally sighed, shaking off his hoof. "Was this snob really trying to flirt with me? Oh, that's all I need."

He glanced at Jack. Judging by his embarrassed look, he felt about the same.

"Wow, did you see that? Buck almost got under my skirt," Jack whispered.

"Yeah. You're lucky we weren't alone in here, or those two would have let loose their hooves."

"What are you sweethearts whispering about?" One of the mares asked. "I see you've got the eyes of those rich, handsome fellows."

"Yeah, I'd like to be in your shoes. Those two have enough bits to buy all of Canterlot. You’d be lucky if they take you out for the weekend," said another actress.

"Or rather, our worst nightmares would come true," Jack mentally remarked, before added aloud: "Yes, you're right. They are quite nice." And he whispered to Velvet:

"I suggest we get out of here before Buck or Cody take us to separate rooms."

"You right, that's not much of a pleasant prospect. But first we have to get Miyuki's autograph."

"Well, that won't be hard. Let's just tell her that we've always been her fans."

"Yeah, and that you and I need... need..." Velvet mumbled uncertainly and then immediately groaned: "Jack, there's something we haven't considered."

"What?" The unicorn asked.

"How are we going to ask Miyuki for an autograph in Jack and Velvet's name if you and I are mares?"

"That's right, I hadn't thought of that. Maybe we should tell her our real names. And add that these are normal names for mares in Equestria."

"Yes that’s sound good. But what if she already knows the real names of the actresses we replaced? What do we do then?"

"I have no idea. Either way, we need to get her autograph right away before the real actresses show up."

"You're right. Then let's tell her that we..." Velvet began, taking out her anime club notebook (the one with the kitties and the cartoonish mares) and turning to where Miyuki was sitting. But she wasn't there anymore!

"No way! Where is she?" The stallion groaned, quickly examining the VIP section, which was full of other important guests who were standing at the refreshment tables in the hall.

"She was just here and disappeared. I suggest we split up and look for her," Jack said.

"Yes, and as soon as we find her and get her autograph, we'll run right away," agreed Velvet.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go," nodded the crimson unicorn.

And getting off the couch, they said goodbye to the dancers mares and went to walk around the closed section of the Comic-Con, looking everywhere for the kirin mare.

Velvet decided to check a few small rooms against the far wall while Jackie began wandering among the guests.

"She couldn't have gone far. I'm sure she just decided to get some privacy somewhere away from Buck and Cody," Velvet reasoned mentally, tentatively knocking and peering into a couple of rooms. But each one was empty everywhere, so he continued his search.

"Hey, beautiful mare, are you looking for somepony? Maybe it’s me?" Suddenly he heard Cody's smug voice behind him.

Velvet turned around and saw the unicorn coming toward him.

"Oh, hi. I'm actually here to..."

"I know, I know, you don't have to say it anymore. You and I were sitting next to each other, making eyes at each other, and you couldn't get me out of your mind, could you?" He smirked, stepping closer and literally pushing the stallion into one of the rooms.

"Well, not exactly. I wanted..." He tried again to explain himself, feeling the warmth of his breath on the back of his neck.

"To see if I was as rich as that snooty Buck? Ha, I can assure you that my family is as influential as his. And even though he's in charge of tonight's banquet, I can do just as well. Especially to please someone I'm interested in. You, for instance."

They had already gone completely into the room and Cody, as if by design, closed the door behind him.

"Well, now that no one else is bothering us, we can have a chat in private," he said as he pressed Velvet against the table near the wall.

"Look, mister, I know what you're up to, but I can't stay here much longer, because I have some business to..." Velvet whispered, blushing, realizing where this was going.

"Oh, come on. What business is so important as the chance to meet the wealthy heir to a big textile company?" Cody grinned, playfully lifting the hem of his dress. "You know I've always had a passion for big beauties like you. Especially if they wear diapers."

"Actually, it's a stage image and I..."

"Never mind. And since you're wearing that cute diaper, why don't we do something special?"

"Oh, no! I’m not..." Velvet was about to say, but then Cody leaned abruptly into him and kissed him passionately right on the lips.

"Mmm!" The embarrassed stallion mumbled, blushing so hard he was the same color as a tomato.

"Wow, that was great, wasn't it?" Cody said after a few minutes, pulling away from him and slapping his lips carelessly. "And that's not all I'm good for, baby, believe me. There's something else I can do that I'm sure you'll like."

Then he abruptly wrapped his telekinesis around Velvet’s body and sat him on the table.

"No, please. I'm not that kind of mare," the disguised stallion moaned.

"I know you're modest, and you don't want to rush into this, but on the other hand, why drag it out? Let's do it... now!" And with that he unceremoniously stuck his foot in Velvet's diaper. Immediately his eyes widened in surprise as he felt something strange there.

"What is that?" He groaned.

But Velvet wasn't going to take it anymore and immediately kicked him between the legs. Cody slumped to the floor, and the unicorn brought both front legs down on his head, sending him into unconsciousness.

"Chump!" Velvet said indignantly, blushing at the fact that he was slightly aroused by it. "Who gets in a mare's diaper the first time?"

He adjusted his dress and shuffled his hind legs a couple of times toward his stunned foe, as if burying something dirty in the ground.

"I need to go find Jack. As soon as that lusty snob wakes up, we're going to be in big trouble."

He quickly left the room and went in search of his friend. Luckily Jack was walking around and Velvet could see him immediately among the guests.

"Well? How are you? Did you find her?" Jack asked him.

"Not quite. But I had a run in with Cody."

"Cody? What's he got to do with it?" The crimson unicorn wondered. "Don't tell me he exposed you."

"No, I mean, not in the way you think. But we've got a bigger problem, and we've got to get out of here before we..."

But before he could finish, a new problem struck the stallions.

"How do you not know who we are? Every dog in this town knows us! We are famous artists!" said the two mares that stood at the entrance, arguing with the guard.

"Maybe, but I don't see you on the guest list," said the pegasus, preventing them from entering.

"Because we're supposed to be here with Miyuki's troupe, you fool! We play Princess Cloudy and Magic Willow. But we were a little late because..."

Then one of them turned and saw Jack and Velvet.

"Hey, those are our dresses! Who the hell are you?! And why are you wearing our costumes?"

"Uh-oh!" gasped Jack.

"We're goners," added Velvet.

"Hold on. Let me work this out," the pegasus guard said as he headed toward the two. "Excuse me, ladies; may I see you for a moment?"

But the stallions decided not to wait for him to approach them and began to back away slowly.

"Let's get out of here," Jack whispered.

"Wait, I just want to talk with you," the guard repeated once more, but when he saw that the fake actresses were retreating, he said loudly: "Stop!"

"Run!" said Velvet, and the friends shot through the crowd, shouldering their guests aside.

The guard rushed after them.

"Stop right there!" he shouted.

"They are impostors! They have stole our roles!" Shouted the mares, following him.

But the stallions were not going to give up so easily, and although some of the guests tried to get in their way, they easily dispersed them (Velvet knocking some aside with the puffy diaper) and rushed in the direction of another exit.

"We're in trouble! What could be worse?" Jack was saying as he followed his friend.

"Yeah, we've never been in so much trouble before... bloody hell!" he added as four of the tough pegasi blocked their escape route.

"Crap, what now?" Velvet whispered fearfully.

"This way!" Jack whirled his head quickly, pointing to the ropes to their right which held sandbags, and the colts charged toward them.

"Grab on!" Jack ordered, nodding at one of them.

"Ok. What now?" Velvet asked, doing as he said, while their pursuers were only a couple of steps away from them.

"Hold on!" The crimson unicorn smiled and yanked the knots with his telekinesis and unhooked the bundle of bags, after which the friends flew up to the ceiling screaming.

"Whoa! That was awesome!" Velvet said, climbing carefully over the walkway by the set.

"Ha, you bet it was," Jackie said as he jumped in after him.

"Except there's one thing you haven't counted on," said Velvet with a twist of his head.

"And what is that?"

"Pegasi can fly," the unicorn replied, nodding to the side where the guards had risen after them.

"Yes, an unforgivable oversight on my part… ha-ha… run!" Jack shouted, and they were off down the path to the steps on the other side.

"Stop right there!" A guard suddenly appeared on their path.

"Oh no, we're done!" Velvet said in fright, stopping.

"No way! We're going down!" Jack grasped the rope around them, but even there the guards were waiting for them.

"All right, that's enough running!" said the pegasus sternly. "So put the rope down!"

"Ok, if you say so," the unicorn nodded with an unexpected smile as he grinned at the guard's feet.

He looked there too and saw that the rope stretched across the walkway and ended in a knot on one of the hooks, where a cloud of telekinesis was now flickering.

"Uh-oh," the pegasus opened his mouth.

"Exactly," Jack snorted and immediately loosened the knot, causing the sacks hanging from the ceiling to fall off. The rope began to slip quickly over the walkway, wrapping around the leg of the guard and pulling the pegasi down.

"Aaah!" he shouted frightened, waving to his colleagues who flew to his rescue, though the stallion was in no danger. He simply flew up to the ceiling and bumped into the nearest beam, at most giving himself a small bump.

"What a trick," Jack said.

"Yeah. So you've got it all planned beforehand?" Velvet asked.

"Not exactly, but something was bound to happen, and I'm glad it did," Jack said. They kept running until the guards remembered to come after them.

They jumped over the railing and started down the stairs.

"It's a shame we didn't get Miyuki's autograph and got ourselves into such a mess," Velvet said, jumping over the stairs.

"And now we'll have to serve those chumps Buck and Cody for a month," Jack remarked.

"Well, at least I got my hoof between Cody's legs."

"Oh, really? How'd you do that?" Jack asked with a smile.

They had gone down to the first floor and into the little corridor behind the stage.

"Well, I was going round the hall while you were talking, I was looking round the walled rooms and..." But then they heard loud hoofsteps and the guards' voices.

"Get back! Get back!" Jack whispered. They turned in the opposite direction, but even there they could hear the shouts and rustling of wings.

"We are trapped. There's nowhere else to go!" said Velvet.

"It looks like it. It was all in vain. Now they'll get us, take the wigs off, and then..." Jack said in despair, imagining how they would die of embarrassment when they were revealed, when suddenly someone grabbed them both by the shoulders and quickly dragged them into one of the dressing rooms.

The door closed, and the friends heard security run past them.

"Wow, that was close," Velvet whispered.

"Yeah, they almost caught us. But who helped us?" Jack asked.

They turned around and saw behind them the same unicorn, Emilio, who had led them to the stage earlier that day.

"Oh, it's you, hi," Jack said as if nothing had happened. "Thanks for saving our croups."

"Yes, we owe you," added Velvet.

"You're welcome," he nodded with a cheerful grin. "Though I'm not usually in the business of rescuing two stallions who act like they're mares."

"What? How did you know?" Velvet asked, surprised.

"Oh, come on. I've been in this business long enough to know whether someponies a stallion or a mare."

He snorted merrily.

"Especially when I see an Adam's apple on their neck," he added.

"Yes, I forgot about that," Velvet said awkwardly as he swiped at his bump.

"Besides, you're not the only one who's into that," the stallion winked.

"You too?" said Velvet with a mare's chin. "So it's a kind of mare solidarity?"

"Not exactly. If be honest, I would not have helped you to hide from the guards if I had not been asked," said Emilio.

"Someone ask you to do that? Who?" Jack asked.

"That’d be me," the mare who had come into the light answered, and the friends recognized her at once.

"Mimi... uh, I mean, Miss Miyuki," Jack said in shock.

"Yeah, the one and only," she grinned. "Well, boys, what a show you've put on here."

She came over to them and sauntered around them like a jungle cat stalking its prey.

"Dressed up as mares, got into the forbidden section, pretended to be my actresses and ran away from the guards," she went on slowly.

The stallions looked at each other tensely, expecting to hear some kind of condemnation or reproach from her, before kirin suddenly laughed merrily.

"I have never seen anything funnier in my life! You really amused me! I confess, my assistant and I thought it was all part of the show. You know, some show put on specially to amuse me. And imagine my surprise when I found out it wasn't. Oh," she wiped away the tears in her eyes. "You made me laugh so much. I'll be sure to tell my writers to include this hilarious hullabaloo in a future episode of our anime."

"Seriously? You're not kidding?" Jack was surprised.

"So you're not mad at us?" Velvet asked.

"Am I? No, of course not. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. All these Comic-Con and festivals tend to be so boring. They're always patronizing me, feeding me expensive food, giving me compliments, but I don't see the fun in it. Well, until now."

She winked at them slyly.

"So you don't care that we pretended to be mares and wear your actresses' dresses?" Velvet clarified.

"Well, as I say, everyone has his own quirks. Besides, I've been in the entertainment business for years and I'm not surprised anymore. And I really liked your dance. It was very original. And that's why I would like you to continue to perform with me."

Then both stallions opened their mouths in surprise.

"P-perform? W-with you," Velvet mumbled, stammering. "B-but we're not mares."

"Nonsense, I can make you up in such a way that no one would be able to tell," said Emilio.

"I can tell you two want to do this, and so you could continue to do so," Miyuki added.

She walked around them in a circle, eyeing them meticulously from every angle, and then asked:

"Well? So what do you say, boys? Would you like to work with me?"

"Yes," Velvet said, grinning like Discord with emotion. He was over the moon that his long-held dream had come true. He wouldn't just walk around in a dress, he would become a real actor and work with a celebrity like Miyuki.

"But, can we ask you something first?" Jack interjected.

"Of course," mare nodded.

"Can we get your autograph, and when you meet Buck, the organizer of the party, can you tell him that we're your friends?"

Miyuki looked at him surprised.

"It's just, we made a little bet with him and his buddy, and I..."

"I see. You don't have to continue. It's a classic of the genre – some stallions want to outdo the others and prove they know a celebrity," smiled the mare. "No problem, as soon as I see them, I'll be sure to do so."

"Oh, I think you'll see them, and very soon," Velvet said with a sly smile as he put his arm around Jack and they bumped hooves together.

"Yes, to find out they'll be wearing maids' dresses," he chuckled.


A few days later.

"I can't believe we'll be touring all over Equestria soon," Velvet said as he lay on the couch, studying the contract he'd recently signed. "Fancy gigs, concerts, vacations in expensive hotels."

"Yeah, but I'm still a little iffy at the thought of us dressing up as mares," remarked Jack, sitting down beside him. He examined his new outfit for the stage, a lovely sequined dress that was slightly narrow around the croup.

"Well, a little. Though some ponies are worse off than we are," his friend grinned, picking up and ringing a tiny bell.

"Hey, maids. Where are you? Is our tea ready yet?" He said loudly.

"And the fruits?" Jack added.

Immediately Buck and Cody, dressed up as maids, came out of the next room, both red with embarrassment and resentment.

"Here you are, sir," said Buck through gritted teeth as he placed the tray of tea and fruit on the table, trying not to look into the faces of his enemies.

"Well, well, cheer up Buck. Work must be enjoyable," Jack smiled.

"Get lost," he grumbled.

"Hey, don't be rude. You'd better be thankful we don't make you walk around like this all day long," Jack laughed.

"Or in a public," added Velvet. "Though I'm sure if we'd lost that argument, you would have. But hey, we're not beasts and we're not going to humiliate you."

"You got what you wanted, didn't you, girls?" Jack asked.

"Yes," Cody and Buck said in a whisper.

"What's that?" Jack asked again, putting his hoof to his ear.

"Yes, sir," they corrected themselves.

"All right, now get back to cleaning the hall. You don't want to do that when our co-students get back here, do you?"

Buck and Cody gave him a startled look before quickly nodding and running out the door.

"Ah, life is beautiful," Jack said, stretching out on the couch and biting into a fresh apple.

"Exactly," smiled Velvet, blissfully closing his eyes and imagining how his life would change now that he was a professional actor. Or rather an actress.