On The Fly

by bakersong

First published

You are moving in with your cousin Gilda and her roommate Gabby to finish out at the same school you've been in your whole life. Though living with Gilda makes it hard to concentrate.

Your parents are moving away for their job, and with a bit of convincing, they agree to let you move in with your older cousin to finish and graduate. Granted, you've always had a bit of a crush on her, and living with her in her house will push you to your limits.

Moving In

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You really couldn't believe it, your parents who had been working hard on a huge project that both Griffonstone and Equestria were funding were moving. For all of your life, you have lived in Equestria since that is where a bulk of their project was being held since Griffonstone was still trying to recover from years of economic decline. But in the last few years, Griffonstone had recovered enough to host the last part of the project and your parents had of course been assigned to help make sure everything goes smoothly, but this, of course, brought up the fact that they would have to move.

While you weren't opposed to moving, you just really at the very least wanted to graduate from the same school you've been in since kindergarten so that way you could graduate with all of your friends, after all this was going to be your senior year. Though by luck your cousin Gilda had moved to town due to her Roller Derby team being transferred here since Equestria had started an international league due to its popularity in Griffonstone. Gilda and her team was a fairly new team but they had risen in rank pretty quickly becoming professional in the few years that it had formed.

So you set on working on your parents and Gilda to let you move in with her for at least the school year and after months of working on them, they all agreed. Gilda had supported this since nearly the beginning, though you did have to convince her a bit and that was due to her already moving in with a roommate. But after talking with both her and her roommate, who you now know as Gabby, agreed to let you move in with parent permission of course. Though it was mostly Gabby who had talked both Gilda and your parents into the whole deal, she said it was because she liked helping others.

You still couldn't help but feel thankful for all of her help even if she did admit that Gilda would have agreed eventually, but Gabby just accelerated the process. This is why you had no issue with agreeing to look for a part-time job and pitch in with bills. Though you knew you should worry about that after moving in since you still had to pack the last box up and take it to the wagon.

"You know you still have two months of summer vacation left to change your mind and come with us," Your mom said in a hopeful tone.

"As much as I want to, I also really want to graduate with my friends," You said making her give a sad sigh.

"I know, you made that very clear and I do understand but you are my baby and I'm just gonna miss you!" All of a sudden your mom had you in a tight squeeze strong enough where you couldn't breathe, and to top it off you could hear her give a little sob.

"Gonna kill the poor boy if you keep that up honey," Your dad said as he walked into the room, and a second later your mom let you go letting you draw in air.

"S-sorry..." Your mom said wiping away tears from her eyes.

"I-it's fine mom, I'll miss you guys as well," You say returning the hug, though not at tight.

"Hate to end our time together but it's time for us to leave," Your dad said and though he was acting strong and tough it was mostly for your mom's benefit. "You ready?"

"Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be," You say as you pick up your last box and followed your parents out to two wagons, one full of your parent's stuff and the other as yours.

"D-do you remember how to get to Gilda's? Do you need me to come with you?" Your mom started asking before your dad placed a hand on her shoulder making her sigh.

"Just do what you've been doing and try not to give your cousin and her roommate too much trouble alright?" Your dad said giving you a wink.

"No promises," You reply giving your mom another hug, and with a bit of surprise to your dad, you gave him a quick hug. "I'll make sure to send a letter once I'm settled in kay?"

"Can't wait to read it, now you better get going. I'm sure they're wondering where you're at," Your dad said.

You nodded and went over to your wagon and hooked yourself into the harness spreading your wings giving a big flap to lift both you and the wagon off the ground. As you started to fly off you turn in time to see your mom breaking down in full-blown tears as your dad embraced her. Though you were sure you could see him tear up as well which in turn made you start to cry a bit as well.

As you flew and managed to stop crying you started to think about Gilda, which it has been a few years since you've seen her in person. You two had always had a good relationship with each other and thinking about how she used to look made you blush a bit since she had always been attractive. That was your deep secret though, that almost no one knew about your crush on your cousin, and thinking about her did make you shift your legs a bit.

Shaking your head to get those kind of thoughts out of your head since you very well knew that it wouldn't happen and you didn't want to ruin the relationship you two had. But you did have to wonder how she looked now, since you haven't even seen a picture of her even if you two did talk on the phone often. Which reminded you of how funny it was to you of your parents wanting you to write letters. They did have cellphones but the reception in Griffonstone was just setting up towers so they wouldn't get good service.

Your mind went back to Gilda though, and you knew she was a professional Roller Derbist but you weren't quite sure what her roommate Gabby did. You knew she was one of the main ones to set up the mail trade system between the two countries but you don't know what her position was. Though you knew the rumors that she was the leader behind it but she was the same age as Gilda who was only two years older than you.

Yet once again you knew you shouldn't judge on that since again Gilda, despite her young age, has a successful career so you could believe Gabby could pull off something like that. Though it was hard to believe and all that, but you did want to confirm that with her in person because you did have doubts. Thinking of which, you could see their house coming up so you started to lower in altitude and with a smooth landing on the street you walked the rest of the way.

You stopped in front of the house and began to unstrap yourself from the wagon and popped your back since it seemed to be tense since this morning. Once you felt it pop you grabbed a bag you had near the front of the wagon and went to the door to knock. As you knocked you couldn't shake this nervous feeling from your body, but you shook your head just as the door opened.

"Oh, you must be Gilda's cousin!" A kind of dull blueish colored griffin said after opening the door.

You were caught off guard by how pretty she was, sure she was slightly chunky but it only added to her curves in all the right places. She looked like she had c-cup breast, which with the rest of curves, were only excinuated by the snug fitting cocktail dress. The dress ended a little above the knee with an intricate lace pattern and looking her over and over your face turned completely red and you couldn't seem to be able to speak.

"And that is the reaction I was hoping for!" Gabby said giving you a sweet smile.

"Um, uh, y-yeah, y-you look great," You managed to spit out making her giggle.

"Thanks, I'm going to an office party later hence me getting ready. Now are you just going to stand out here and stare at me or are you gonna come in?" Gabby asked stepping aside to let you pass.

"Uh, y-yeah..." You answered trying not to look at or touch her as you walked past.

"Wow, you must really like this outfit and again that makes me feel great about it, thought I wasn't pulling it off," Gabby said as she shut the door.

"You definitely pull it off," You say as you place your bag on the floor in a corner.

"Again, thanks and hey before you ask Gilda is running a bit late because her practice ran a bit long today. She'll be here in another fifteen-twenty minutes, now would you like me to show you your room and help unload that wagon?" Gabby asked.

"Uh, for the room I wouldn't mind but you don't have to help wearing an outfit like that," You say without looking at her.

"You sure I can't give you a hand?" It could have been your imagination but the way she said that sounded a bit suggestive. But you put off to your imagination since you were already dealing with a hard on.

"I'm sure, you've already helped out a lot with both Gilda and my parents," You reply managing a slight glance at her with a smile.

"Oh you only have to thank me for helping with your parents, Gilda would have welcomed you no matter what she tries to say. I mean when you first called and asked she was actually excited about it, even if she did say no at first," Gabby explained which did make you give a little smile.

"Figured as much, and thanks for the offer but I think I can manage a lot of my stuff. I would still like to see my room if you wouldn't mind?" You ask politely.

"Right this way," Gabby said and although you weren't trying to stare it was hard not to since she was leading the way, especially how the dress fit around her round plump ass.

You knew the house was a four bed and four and half baths, which in the area you were in was pretty rare and costly in terms of buying but from the sound of it you knew money wasn't a problem for them. As you looked around though the walls were still a bit barren which really considering they themselves had only moved in about two or three weeks before hand you couldn't blame them. Though there was plenty of nice looking furniture around, which you could look at later as you followed Gabby the stairs.

"Alright, here's your room and made sure you had your own bathroom in here," Gabby said as she opened the door to a room just past the top of the stairs to the right.

"Well, from what you guys described three of the four bedrooms have bathrooms but thanks," You say though you knew almost immediately that sounded ungrateful.

"Oh, don't worry about it I'm sure you're nervous and scared about your first time," Gabby said making you go completely red as thoughts of what she meant by that went through your mind. "I mean, this is the first time you haven't lived with your parents right?"

"Y-yeah," You replied giving a sigh of relief though as you glanced out of the corner of your eye you could see Gabby giving a little smirk. "Of course you've been messing with me."

"Sorry, I know you've been trying not to look at me. Couldn't help it," Gabby said as she started laughing and as she bent over a little you caught a full glance at her full cleavage.

"Uh, a-anyway if you're done poking fun of me I think I'll start unpacking," You say as you placed the bag you carried in just inside the bedroom door.

"A-alright, and I am sorry if I hurt your feelings in anyway. If you want I can make it up to you," Gabby said making you stop.

"You didn't hurt my feelings, just embarrassed is all. I mean you are a complete knockout," You say and if it was possible you were sure you were turning even redder.

"Well, that's so sweet of you! But still, I would still like to make it up to you so what would you like?" Gabby asked giving you a beautiful smile that made you feel a little tongue tied.

"Y-you've already did enough for me really, but I-I wouldn't mind something to drink?" You ask as you give her your best smile.

"Well, what would you like? Got some tea, juice, or Gepsi?" Gabby replies as you two maker your way back down the stairs.

"Gepsi, at least for now," You say as you head towards the front door.

"Alright, and I should've figured you were thirsty since you didn't have anything with you," Gabby said with a smile as she walked in what you assume was the kitchen. "Are you coming in here?"

"Uh, I was going to start unloading..." You started though Gabby cut you off.

"That can wait until Gilda gets here to help you, come on and take a break!" Gabby called out.

"Fine, guess I could do with a bit of a break," You said as you went into the kitchen.

"That's the spirit! Nothing wrong with taking a break every now and again especially considering you pulled that wagon of your's," Gabby said as she handed you your pop. "Even if it wasn't that far."

"Thanks," You say as you open it and take a big chug of it. "Aahh, haven't had one of these in a minute! So, you said Gilda was excited about me moving in since I first called huh?"

"Yup, only reason she was saying no in the beginning was because she wanted to make sure you were serious. In truth I really didn't talk her into it, she did it on her own and I only agreed with it. I know how important staying in the same school you've been in all your life can sometimes be, and Gilda as you know, knows it as well. Especially graduating from it," Gabby said as she sat down at a table.

"Yeah, have lots of friends here and I love my parent to death but still starting a new school in my senior year would suck," You say making Gabby give you a sweet smile.

"Glad we be of help, and I see you're starting to get past your shyness around me," Gabby said making you shrug a bit. "Still, I very much appreciate you calling me a knockout! A friend from work has set up a bit of a blind date for me for the party. Granted, not really a fan of blind dating but I don't mind giving it a shot every now and again."

"Cool, which by the way is it true what they say about you? I mean about starting the mail..." Before you finished Gabby shook her head.

"No, the system was already made long before I ever came along. I just improved upon the old system and modernizing it, also making it cheaper to ship things between the two counties," Gabby explained making you whistle.

"Still very impressive with someone as young as you were," You said making her give an even bigger smile.

"Thanks, I just kind of lucked into though. So, do you have a girlfriend?" Gabby asked suddenly changing the subject as she placed an elbow on the table and rested her chin in her hand. As she did this she leaned over giving you another nice view of her cleavage.

"Not right now, I have dated a few times but nothing ever got serious though," You answer avoiding trying to look at her boobs which looked barely contained in the dress.

"Shame, you're not bad looking at all and from what I can tell you are a really nice guy. So, it's their loss if you ask me," Gabby said which did make you feel incredibly good hearing it from someone like her.

"Uh, t-thanks really. My last relationship kind of ended kind of badly, kind of had a few confident issues since," You admitted though you had no idea why.

"I wouldn't worry about it, I'm sure you'll find someone soon enough. One who will appreciate you for you," Gabby said placing a hand on yours giving a gentle reassuring squeeze.

"Y-you are more friendly than other Griffons," You said avoiding looking at her.

"Same to you, guess we are two feathers from the same wing in that field," Gabby said before taking her hand away and as you looked she was checking the time. "Hmm, running later than I thought."

"You talking about Gilda?" You ask making her nod.

"Said it was only gonna take another thirty minutes of practice and it usually only takes her ten minutes to get from the rink to here," Gabby said and it wasn't even a second later they heard the front door opening.

"Hey dweeb, where ya at?" Gilda called out making both you and Gabby roll your eyes before both of you got up to go meet her.

You were very nervous about seeing her again after all these years, you even avoided looking at her pictures in sport magizenes so you could try to move past your crush on her. But you were also very excited to see her in person because it had been years and though you two talked over the phone a bit it still felt nice to be able to see her again. Granted you weren't quite prepared for how she looked now as you entered the living room with her standing there with a confident smile and still in her team uniform.

Party Plans

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As you walked into the living room and saw Gilda standing there with a confident smile in her team uniform you couldn't help but be shocked. She was a bit leaner than what you remember, but with her uniform on it only made her look that much more sexier. Her uniform consisted of what you and your friends call athletic booty shorts that showed off her round ass, to the tight shirt that formed to her body that showed off her physique quite well. It didn't help that her team's logo and the name went across her chest drawing your attention to her breast.

"Uh... wow..." That was all you managed making Gilda's smile widen and Gabby give a little snicker.

"I know, I look great! But look at you, what's it been? Five years right?" Gilda asked as she looked you over. "Man, you've grown and even put some muscle on you as well!"

"Y-yeah, I-I've been working out a bit," You managed to reply recovering from your initial shock, which as you looked at her team's name you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. But before you could ask Gilda wrapped you in a big bear hug almost squeezing all the air out of you.

"It's really good to see you again!" Gilda said as she put you down, though let out a little surprise gasp as you wrapped her in your own bear hug.

"Yeah, I missed you too," You said giving her a big smile as you put her down. "So, The Griffets huh?"

"Wasn't my first pick, I wanted to name us The Slicers but it was voted against by the others on my team. I would rather go with Greminy's choice of The Gryphondors than this," Gilda said pointing to the team name. "By the way Gabs, you look good in that dress."

"Thanks, he already told me I look like a knockout," Gabby said making you go red as Gilda gave you a smirk.

"I don't blame him, you are a knockout," Gilda said giving you a teasing smile.

"Yeah, yeah, a nice change of subject by the way," You mutter making both of the girls bust out laughing. "Anyway, I think I'm gonna go and start unloading my stuff."

"H-hang on and I'll help," Gilda said managing to calm down. "Just give me a minute to get something to drink, and also sorry for teasing ya. But you've always been easy to tease a bit."

"I don't mind the teasing Gilda, just..." You started.

"A bit embarrassed? Yeah, we can tell. But seriously, I'll be out to help in a minute okay?" Gilda said and you gave her a smile before nodding, granted you were in a rush to get some fresh air.

As you got outside you let out a breath shaking your head as you gave a smile as Gilda was still her, and you guess some part of you thought she might have changed more than you knew. Even though you two really did talk over the phone it was still difficult to say if someone was the same over the phone but seeing her in person only reinforced that she was still the same old Gilda. Though she had definitely changed physically, seeing her in person for the first time in years was very awkward.

"So, we gonna stand around, or are we gonna unload?" Gilda asked as she came out.

"Just waiting on you," You say giving her a smile, though her tight uniform was still distracting. Though you looked away and started towards your wagon and Gilda followed.

"Hey, uh, just know I am sorry for the teasing and everything," Gilda said as she grabbed a couple of your boxes.

"Gilda, I'm used to your teasing. I mean there was a time when you went through a bit of a shy phase but once you came out of it you became more like you are now. Which you'll do some teasing for a day or two, maybe a little longer, and believe it or not it would be weird if you didn't tease me or embarrass me when I first come," You admitted making Gilda give a chuckle.

"Then I'll make sure to tease you a lot more," Gilda said making you roll your eyes as you two went back inside with your current load.

"Not exactly what I meant, but hey you did let me move in with you guys. Which I gotta know, why is it that women's uniforms in sports are so revealing in some areas?" You ask making Gilda laugh a bit as you two went up the stairs. Once at the top you could hear Gabby down below talking on the phone but couldn't hear what she was saying.

"Because for our uniforms it to cut the wind resistance or something along those lines so we can move faster. Other than stuff like that, well you know the old saying sex sells right?" Gilda answered making you shake your head.

"Yeah, I can understand all of that. But still, if I was a woman I wouldn't want to wear something so tight," You said as you put the boxes in a corner.

"Eh, that would be your opinion then. For me, I worked hard to get this ass and I don't mind showing it off! The real question is it distracting for you?" Gilda asked making you shake your head.

"Kind of if I'm being honest," You replied as you rub the back of your head.

"I'll get changed when we're done, so don't worry about it. Just didn't have time back at the rink and besides that, I also wanna get a shower before because today was brutal even for me," Gilda said as she started to make her way down the stairs and you weren't too far behind. Though you could hear Gabby's conversation more clearly now.

"So, how long is it going to take?" Gabby asked making both you and Gilda stop for a moment to listen. "Alright, see you guys then and be safe!"

"Hey, what was that about?" Gilda asked as Gabby hung up making her give a little jump.

"Oh, uh, my assistant," Gabby replied taking a moment. "Um, so turns out there won't be an office party tonight because a road crew seemed to have busted a gas line. City shut down like five blocks because of it, including our office building for the next three days to get it fixed."

"Shit, hope no one got hurt because of it," You say making Gabby nod.

"So far, there haven't been any reports on any injury. Think they found it before anyone got sick or anything," Gabby said giving a little sigh. "But anyway, looks like I can help unload your wagon."

"Um, don't you wanna change first?" You ask making Gabby look down at her dress.

"What, do you not like it after all?" Gabby asked giving a little pout as Gilda snickered a bit.

"Actually Gabs, I don't think you should change. Since your party got canceled why don't ya go out and get us something to drink and have our own little party?" Gilda suggested.

"W-what, b-but like this?" Gabby asked making you raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm betting looking like that you'll get a nice discount. Come on, you should at least show off," Gilda said.

"I-I mean he seems to like it and I'm fine with just that," Gabby said this made both you and Gilda give her a raised eyebrow.

"So, no offense but you were gonna go to an office party in that dress and you were teasing me a bit about it, and now your gonna act all shy about it?" You couldn't help but ask making Gabby give a blush.

"Y-yeah, well that is because it would mostly be around people I already know," Gabby said and you nodded your head in understanding.

"Oh come on, if ya want we can come with ya after we get everything unloaded. Shouldn't take us much longer, but I will say I do agree with him. You shouldn't unload in that outfit, but we'll be fast. Also, you should think about what you want to drink tonight as well," Gilda said as she shifted her attention to you.

"You serious?" You asked making Gilda nod.

"Of course, the drinking age is eighteen after all, at least at home. Gotta be twenty-one to get into bars though," Gilda said which made you shake your head. Sure, you knew about that law but you still couldn't believe you could still legally drink now. Although you have had a few drinks before at some parties, you already knew what you wanted.

"You're right, still can't believe I'm eighteen though," You said.

"Which reminds me, after we're done and after we pick something up I got a present for you," Gilda said.

"Wait, if I had known it was your birthday this month I would have gotten you something as well!" Gabby said making you smile.

"You let me move in with you two so really I'm okay," You said as you headed out the front door to get another load.

"Don't worry bout it Gabs, you can grab something when we go to the store. Who knows, with the both of us we might be able to get a huge discount," Gilda said as she followed you out. "Just, don't change alright?"

"But I did'n..." Though Gabby a sigh of defeat. "At least they're going with me."

With you and Gilda working it only took about forty minutes to completely unload the wagon, and another twenty to set up your bed and to arrange your bigger furniture. Though you left all of your boxes and bags in a corner to unpack later on and you two made your way to the living room to rest for a moment. You were glad to of had all that work to distract you from looking at either Gilda or Gabby.

"Oh, uh, before we go to the store I wanna ask if I can invite my friend Tide over tomorrow?" You ask as Gilda looked up from her phone, and Gabby looked from her book before exchanging a look.

"I don't think we mind you having a few friends over without asking, just if you wanna turn it into a party then you ask. That sounds good to you?" Gilda asked making Gabby nod.

"Fine by me," Gabby replied.

"Wait, seriously?" You ask.

"What? We ain't your parents, so you can have some freedom. Like I said if ya want a party and all..." Gilda said giving you a smile which you returned to both of them.

"Thanks," Was all you could really think to say.

"Hmm, reminds me a bit about your present," Gilda said walking over to what you thought was a closet. She opened the door and bent over making you look away with a slight blush.

"Pst," You heard Gabby say making you turn your head to her. As you met her eyes she put a finger up to her mouth in a shushing way as she quietly got up and made her way over to where Gilda was. "GILDA!" Gabby screamed as she pinched Gildas ass making her pop up and scream.

"W-why did yo... I mean you didn't scare me," Gilda said trying to act cool about it which only added to how funny it was as both you and Gabby started to laugh, which Gilda herself started to laugh as well. "Anyway, here I got you this."

Gilda reached back down keeping an eye on Gabby and you as you two were trying to calm down from laughing so much, in fact, Gabby even had to wipe a few tears away because of how hard she laughed. A second later Gilda pulled out a wrapped present and gave you a big smile as she walked over to you. Sitting it in your lap you couldn't help but check it out and you could definitely tell Gildas wrapping hadn't improved.

"Hope you like it," Gilda said making you give her an appreciative smile.

"I'm sure I'll like it, just hope you didn't get a gag gift though," You say as you begin unwrapping it. As you unwrapped it, the first thing you noticed was a key tapped to the top of the box.

"That's only part one of the gift if you couldn't tell," Gilda said.

"Well, thanks," You said as you took the key off and put it in your pocket for now. Placing the box on the table you began working at the tape that sealed the box, and once you managed that and looked inside you gave a huge smile and without warning, you rushed Gilda giving her a huge bear hug.

"I-I'm g-glad y-your happy, b-but can't breathe!" Gilda said making you put her down.

"Uh, sorry about that," You said with a huge smile which made Gilda return the smile.

"What is it?" Gabby asked making you walk over to the box bringing out a signed copy of your favorite comic. "Woah, is that a first issue?"

"Yup sure is. Just the comic cost a bit and as for the signature, let's just say one of my teammates went to a convention and rumor had it that the dude was going as well. So I asked them if they happen to see them if they could get it signed," Gilda explained making Gabby whistle.

"Man, it's hard to get that writer's signature because he rarely goes to any conventions. So you're teammate got lucky running into him there," Gabby said.

"Seriously though, thank you so much, Gilda! This means a lot," You said as you gently placed the comic back into the box. It was one of the most expensive comic books ever published due to its popularity, let alone getting a copy signed.

"Well, you are very welcome," Gilda said proudly. "So, who's ready to get wasted?"

"Just a minute, gonna go put this in my room first!" You said grabbing the box and quickly going up the stairs to your room.

Once you put it out of the way of your other stuff you made your way back down which both of the girls were waiting for you by the front door. The three of you went out and agreed with that with Gabby wearing her dress to call a cab, which was already waiting outside of the house which did impress you a bit. Though Gabby explained that the taxi service had a building not too far away which was part of the reason they agreed to move to the area.

"So, you know you don't have to wait until tomorrow to invite your friend over. If she wants to, she can join us for our little party tonight," Gilda suggested which made the taxi driver glance back giving you an approving nod. Which made you give a little laugh since the driver had kept looking back at both girls, not that you couldn't blame the dude, but this was really the first time he really acknowledge you.

"If you're sure," You said making Gilda laugh a bit.

"Wouldn't have said it if I wasn't sure," Gilda said.

"Which by the way, who is Tide?" Gabby asked making you give a smile.

"Uh, well you know Riptide?" You ask making Gabby nod.

"Yeah, she's the new upcoming model. But are you telling me that your friend is the same person?" Gabby asked making Gilda and you laugh a bit.

"Yeah, my best friend actually," You answer this once again got the driver gives you a skeptical glance. "Here, let me pull up a pic for ya."

"I remember when they first met. She was just really getting into modeling, which from what I heard she's doing a swimsuit photoshoot for a magazine," Gilda said making you laugh a bit as you pull up a pic of her on your phone.

"Actually, that shoot is already done with. She uh, gave me an early copy of it actually," You say though Gilda narrowed her eyes at that, which you ignored as you showed Gabby.

"Wow, you weren't kidding. Didn't know she was going to school around here," Gabby said giving a whistle. "So, she likes to stay in her Hippogriff form then?"

"Yup, we've been friends since like the first grade," You reply as you went to message her to ask if she wanted to come over tonight.

"So, she gave you an early print of the mag huh?" Gilda asked making you nod trying to look at Gilda. "Did she also give you some photos that didn't make it?"

"No, just the magazine," You answered making Gilda laugh.

"Whatever you say," Gilda said.

"Hmm, so from the sounds of it you two are closer than just best friends?" Gabby asked making you shake your head.

"Just best friends, though there have been rumors that we're seeing each other because of how close we are. But we've just been friends for a long time, and I'm not saying I don't think she's not beautiful. She is, but again just friends," You explain though both of them and the driver gave you a skeptical look, none of them pressed the issue. After a few seconds, your phone dinged.

"What did she say?" Gabby asked.

"She said she'll be there in about thirty minutes," You said sending a quick reply to her.

"Alright, not a big party, but at least we can have a good one with the four of us!" Gilda said.

"Alright, we're here. I'll wait out here for you guys, but keep in mind the meter is gonna keep going so don't take too long," The driver said making Gabby nod before getting out on one side, and Gilda getting out on the other. As you were getting out the driver caught your attention. "Listen, kid, that model friend of yours? You ain't fooling no one, from the sound of it at the very least she likes you more than a friend."

"What makes you say that?" You ask making the older stallion laugh.

"She gave you early access to a mag where she is revealing a lot of skin, and you can deny this all you want, but I bet this entire ride she did slip in a few extra pics that didn't make it in as your friend suggested," The stallion said.

"First, the one you're talking about is actually my cousin and if you don't mind I gotta get going in," You say as you got out of the car.

"Just saying, from the sounds of it you have a good opportunity so just don't waste your chance because of a what-if," The stallion called out as you went to catch up to the girls.

"So, what did he want?" Gilda asked as you caught up.

"Trying to give me some unwarranted advice is all," You answer. "So, where's the liquor here?"


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You and Gilda went to the liquor aisle to pick up the drinks for that night while Gabby seemed to of slipped away to look for a gift for you. Gilda grabbed two bottles of Cherry Moonshine while you grabbed a case of Hard Lemonade which was yours and Tide's favorite. While some may make fun of you for liking it, it had more alcohol and tasted better than beer.

"Hope you know, I'm paying for yours as well," Gilda said as you two started towards the checkout aisle.

"Thanks, but wonder where Gabby is?" You ask as you looked at the checkouts to see if you could spot her in one.

"What, you curious about what she's getting you?" Gilda replied making you shrug.

"Maybe?" You answer making Gilda give a small chuckle.

"Don't worry about it, she probably already picked something out and is already in the taxi. If not, she won't be too much longer," Gilda said as you both got into line. You could feel eyes staring at you, or more particular, staring at Gilda as you could hear a few mutterings.

"It's really her!" A random person muttered. "Man, who does she think she is dressing like that?" A female voice said making you give a chuckle knowing that girl was probably just jealous. "Who is that with her? Looks like a punk to me!"

"I knew you were popular Gilda, but from the sounds of it, you're really popular. Perks of being on a new and upcoming sport huh?" You ask with a teasing tone.

"Well, duh! I mean keep in mind Tide isn't the only model you know," Gilda said proudly. Which was true, you knew she was in a few sports mags though you avoided looking at them.

"Glad I'm used to all the jealous stares and ramblings with hanging out with Tide," You said making Gilda chuckle.

"Yup, good thing," Gilda said putting her bottles on the conveyor belt along with your case. After about ten seconds the cashier rang them up.

"Do you have a reward card with us?" The cashier asked as Gilda reached into her bag.

"Yup, and I also have a coupon for the moonshine as well," Gilda said bringing out the card and coupon, which from the look of it was for a buy one get one sixty percent off.

"Alright, let's see here..." The cashier said as she took the coupon scanning it, which she then had Gilda swipe her card. "Your total is going to be thirty-five bits, and four silverings. Would that be cash or card?"

"Card," Gilda replied as she got a credit card out and quickly swiped it. While Gilda puts the pin in, you grab the bag with her drinks in it and your case.

"Thank you for shopping with us and have a nice day!" The cashier said as she handed the receipt to Gilda.

"You have a good one too," Gilda said as the two of you started to make your way out. "By the way, are you sure you don't want me to carry my stuff?"

"Nah, this is the very least I could do," You answer as you walked to the taxi.

"Took ya long enough!" Gabby said as she rolled down the window.

"Told ya she was waiting for us already," Gilda said making you roll your eyes. You both loaded up and were on your way.

"You got the cherry kind!" Gabby said as she looked in the bag. "Last time we couldn't find any because of the Summer Sun Celebration."

"Yeah, not a fan of shine myself. But I have heard that it's pretty good," You say as you show her what you picked out.

"I love those! But you sure that'll be enough for two of you?" Gabby asked.

"Yup, this'll be plenty, trust me," You answer giving a little smile.

"She's still a lightweight huh?" Gilda asked making you nod.

"You mean Tide?" Gabby asked.

"Yeah, she's is very much a lightweight when it comes down to it. I mean three of these will most likely do it," You reply, which as you say that your phone dinged making you check it. "Speaking of which, she's at the house waiting on us. Before we get there, try not to draw too much attention to her eye."

"What do you mean?" Gabby asked.

"Well, you'll see what I mean when you see her. Just keep in mind, she wears contacts for her photoshoots," You said making Gabby tilt her head in confusion.

"Don't worry Gabs, like he said you'll see it in person," Gilda said. "I mean we're only like two minutes away, I'm sure you can wait. Which by the way, I'm sure he's curious about it as well, but what did ya pick out for him?"

"That will have to wait as well, so we can call it even!" Gabby said making you laugh.

"Fine by me," You say as you lean back. Soon the taxi pulls in front of the house, and Gabby paid for the ride. When you all got out you gave a huge smile as Tide was sitting on the front step.

Today she was wearing a loose-fitting blue shirt that had green flowers on it, with a skirt that came down to her mid-thigh that showed off her long legs. Her mane, which was tied in a ponytail at the moment, was a deep blue with her bangs being more white in color and her coat was a nice coral pink. Though what most people don't know because she wore contacts during her shoots was she had Sectoral Heterochromia, where her left eye was all a dark purple, her right eye was half of the same purple and half bright red.

"Woah, she looks incredible," Gabby said as they walked up.

"Well, thank you and you look incredible yourself!" Tide said before turning to Gilda. "Long time no see! Also, look at you now rocking that uniform!"

"Thanks, I take pride in looking this good. It's good to see you as well and speaking of looking at you since the last time I saw you in person. I mean I've seen you in some mags or commercials but they do you justest," Gilda said making her blush a little.

"So, we going in? Cause that taxi driver is really starting to give me the creeps," Gabby said making you all look at the taxi still parked out front, though the driver quickly looked away and started to drive off.

"I wouldn't worry about it, if he comes back here I know his taxi number so at the very least we can call the company. At most, well it's been a minute since I got to break a pervs nose," Gilda said as the four of you walked up to the door, Gilda unlocked it. "Well, before we really get this thing started I'm gonna go take a shower and get in some new clothes."

"I think I'm at least gonna get changed myself, can you take our stuff and put it in the fridge?" Gabby asked as Gilda walked upstairs.

"Yeah, no problem," You reply as you take the bag back from her.

"Thanks, and hey I will make sure you give your present to you soon okay?" Gabby said as she went up the stairs leaving you and Tide with the liquor.

"Wow, and I thought this house was nice on the outside! So, we gonna put that stuff up?" Tide asked making you nod as you lead her to the kitchen. "I'm so glad you got the lemonade kind!"

"Yup, which by the way, like I keep saying you really need to start showing off that eye of yours. I mean you know how many jobs you could get? Don't get me wrong, I know you're a bit self-conscious of it but it just makes you look gorgeous," You say as you put the drinks into the fridge.

"U-um, well i-it's not like anyone would believe it n-now anyways, and besides I'm not self-conscious of it like I used to be! I just like the idea of having a secret that only the people that I know, know about it," Tide explained making you nod.

"Granted, by that you mean a fair bit the school and now Gabby?" You teased, though you tried to hide it you had a little smile.

"At least it's not the general public, and what's with that smile?" Tide asked making you laugh.

"W-well, I saw you blushing when I said your eye made you look gorgeous and I meant it by the way," You said making her blush again as you gave her another smile.

"Okay, are you two sure you're not more than just friends?" Gabby asked as she came into the kitchen with a little knowing smile. She had changed into a t-shirt that had a picture of a Bigfoot on it, and pajama bottoms.

"He just likes to tease me," Tide said giving a little pout making you laugh a bit.

"It ain't teasing if I'm just telling the truth," You said making Tide roll her eyes.

"Um, I know I'm kind of new to meeting with you, which by the way, I'm Gabby! Sorry, I didn't introduce myself properly outside," Gabby said reaching out for a handshake.

"Tide, but I suppose you already knew that," Tide said giving Gabby a handshake with a sweet smile.

"Yeah, and as I was saying I may be a newcomer to your situation but I do have to admit I do agree with him over there. In truth I'm a little jealous," Gabby said which made Tide look down at the floor and start tapping on the counter. "Oh, uh, s-sorry I don't mean to make you uncomfortable!"

"It's alright, I appreciate the compliment and all, it's just weird for me not to have colored contacts in when I meet someone new," Tide explained.

"You know she meant it, from what I can tell about Gabby here is she's quite genuine," As you said that you could see Gabby give a little smile. "Also, if you were so worried about it then why didn't you wear your contacts?"

"Because I need to get more," Tide answered making you raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Alright, any way you want a drink?" You ask to change the topic as you reopened the fridge and opened your case grabbing two of the drinks.

"Yup," Tide said giving you a little smile.

"Well, as I said I am sorry about making you uncomfortable," Gabby said making Tide shake her head.

"It really is fine, I mean you would have found out about my eye later on anyways even if I did wear the contacts. Besides, I'm sure he gave you some kind of warning for it. It's not that I'm uncomfortable with my eye, it's just having someone new look or say something about my eye just makes me shy," Tide said as she opened her bottle and took a good drink out of it.

"And that is why I say you can be confusing at times, but it makes it more fun to mess with people," You said giving her a teasing smile as she glared at you, but it did what you wanted.

"Ugh, men sometimes," Tide said making Gabby giggle a bit.

"I know, but not all men are bad or as dimwitted as they seem," Gabby said giving you a little wink as Tide nodded in agreement.

"Wait a minute..." Tide started making both you and Gabby bust out laughing which she joined in after a second. "Alright, guess you did get me out of my little mood there. Which by the way Gabby, you look gorgeous yourself."

"Aww, thanks! Which by the way, what did you call me earlier when you saw me in that dress?" Gabby asked you making you go red which made Tide chuckle.

"I-I um, s-said you were a knockout..." You managed to answer.

"I think that is more than fair, you are a knockout even without that dress otherwise he wouldn't be acting like this," Tide said making you go even redder than before as the two girls bust out laughing. You chugged your drink a bit because you knew it might be a long night otherwise, though it was good to see Tide hadn't completely shut herself off when Gabby brought up her eye.

It really had been like that ever since you met her all the way back in first grade, you had to get close to her and gain her trust before you could talk openly about her eye in front of her. She has been working on it but it's something you understood that takes time to really get used to, but seeing her smile and laugh with Gabby made you feel good. It really isn't common that she hits it off with someone like this especially after they brought up her eye.

"You guys started without me?" Gilda asked as she came into the kitchen. She was still a bit wet from her shower, but she had changed into a tight-fitting t-shirt and a pair of short jean shorts.

"We only just started our first bottle," You answer as you took another drink trying to avoid looking directly at her.

"Man Gilda, you really do like showing off, not that I can blame you. I mean she was wearing the nice dress that I just love!" Tide said making Gilda smile and Gabby blushed a bit. "Which by the way, who is the designer that made it? Cause it looked familiar to me."

"Oh, that's because it's a Rarity design," Gabby answered making Tide gasp.

"I love her designs! But it's nearly impossible to get an appointment otherwise I would love to model in one of her dresses!" Tide said, which made you picture her in a similar dress that would show off all of her curves. The mere thought made you go completely red yet again and shift your legs.

"Well, it should be simple to get you in now. I mean Gilda knows her from being friends with Rainbow Dash, and I'm friends with Spike who works part-time at her boutique in Ponyville," Gabby explained making Tide go wide-eyed before giving an ear-piercing scream.

"Alright, alright, ain't nothing set in stone yet! Haven't even talked to her about it," Gilda said placing a hand on Tide's shoulder.

"Well, I think Rarity will be more than happy to add you to her appointments. I mean she is busy but normally she tries to fit everyone in and considering you're in the modeling business she would just love to have you as an official client," Gabby said.

"Still, the idea of finally getting an appointment with Rarity herself is so exciting!" Tide exclaimed practically jumping up and down.

"Yeah, well we can see what we can do but for right now, what do you wanna have for dinner tonight? I was thinking of ordering pizza for our party," Gilda suggested.

"Sounds good to me," You agree along with Gabby and Tide.

"Great, now what do we want? I mean I'm planning on getting three pizzas for us and all..." Gilda said which made Tide raise an eyebrow.

"Don't question it Tide, Gilda can eat a whole pizza by herself," You say making Gilda roll her eyes. "What? You know it's the truth."

"Yeah, yeah, anyway like I was saying, what do you guys want?" Gilda asked, and after discussing you all decided on what three pizzas you should order.

Once decided of what all of you wanted and what time you should order, Gilda and Gabby both grabbed glasses and filled them with the moonshine while Tide turned on the stereo that they had in the living room. You couldn't help the smile as you watched her start to dance, which she had managed to get Gabby in on while you sat back. Dancing wasn't really your strong suit, something to do with having two left feet.

"Alright, got the pizza ordered," Gilda said as she sat on the couch next to you watching the other two dance. "So, which one are you staring at with that smile?"

"Both of them," You admitted, at least partly admitted anyway. You were really trying not to focus on looking at Gilda, though she had this smirk that caught your attention. "Don't even think about saying what I know you want to say."

"Hey, it's your mind in the gutter," Gilda said giving a chuckle. "Which by the way, has Gabby given you the gift she got you yet?"

"No, not yet," You answer. "By the way, why aren't you dancing?"

"I could ask you the same, but I'm sure you're a bit stiff with your moves," This made you choke a bit on your drink as Gilda busted out laughing.

"Shut up," You say shaking your head.

"I don't know what you mean, I wasn't implying a thing. Now, come on, and let's dance!" Gilda said grabbing you by the arm and making you go and dance with the rest of them. Which you hoped you didn't embarrass yourself.

As you danced with the girls for a bit you started to relax a bit more, that was until Tide tried a new move that almost ended up with her on her ass if you hadn't caught her. Though as a result, you ended up pulling her close to you with one hand while the other hand found its place just above her ass. You pulled away going a bit red giving her an embarrassed smile, which she returned.

"Uh, s-sorry guess I need to practice that move more," Tide said as her smile grew.

'Y-yeah, don't worry bout it. You okay though?" You ask making her nod.

"Aww, those two are so cute in their denial," You barely heard Gabby say.

"I know, if it was me I would have definitely had moved my hand down," Gilda said making you give them both a death stare. "Looks like we've been caught!"

Before you could say anything the doorbell rang giving Gilda the excuse to go answer to get the pizza and Gabby excused herself to get the plates. You really didn't know what they were talking about since you already explained that you and Tide were just close friends. Sure, you and her getting that close and almost grabbing her ass was a bit embarrassing, but who wouldn't be when they were best friends? Besides, they wouldn't be saying those things if they knew the truth.

"Alright, who's ready to eat?" Gilda asked as she came back with the pizzas.

Truth or Dare

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They decided to turn off the music for now and turned on a movie while they ate even if they did take a minute to decide what to watch. Ultimately they decided to watch the new hero movie that came out around a month ago and settled down with their plates and drinks. You weren't really interested in that particular hero but you were at least able to get into the story of it.

"So, why can't he just kill him?" Gilda asked making Tide roll her eyes a bit.

"You're thinking about an anti-hero, a normal superhero has a moral compass that doesn't normally let them kill," Tide explained making Gilda shake her head.

"It would just be simpler, and it would make sure the villain just won't be back," Gilda said as she took a drink.

"It's superhero stuff, Gilda, even if they did kill this version of the villain with the introduction of the multiverse there might just be a worse version that pops up in their stead," Gabby explained.

"Still doesn't make sense, of course, I've never really been into all the nerd stuff before the movies," Gilda said making you raise an eyebrow.

"What about when you..." You laughed as Gilda gave you a death glare.

"Wow, normally if somebody tries to bring that up she usually instantly attacks them," Gabby said making Gilda switch her glare to her, but like you, she pretty much ignored it making Tide give a little laugh.

"Still haven't changed that much Gilda, always looking out for him over here even from yourself," Tide said making Gilda roll her eyes.

"You know, she always mentioned that you two were close but I was wondering why? I don't mean to pry or anything, just curious about it," Gabby said making you look at Gilda who shrugged in response.

"Not my story to tell exactly, but if ya want to share then I'll pitch in when I want," Gilda said making you give a sigh and taking a big sip out of your lemonade.

"It's a bit of a long story, but since we'll be living together for almost a year I guess I could tell you if you give me my present," You say giving her a smile.

"Nah, not right now, promise it will be worth it though," Gabby said making you sigh.

"Fine, well it was when I was eight, well you know the cliche where the kid hears their parents talking about stuff they shouldn't hear?" You ask making Gabby nod. "As you now know, I was one of those kids."

"I see, so I do have an idea what you might have heard but I would like to hold off until the end of your story," Gabby said making you give her a little smile.

"Yeah, thanks but I might also want to mention that I didn't just overhear my parents, but one of my aunts as well. Before ya ask, this aunt turns out wasn't actually related to the family by blood," You explain making Gabby nod. "A-anyway, what I heard is what you might have guessed, that I was adopted and this aunt was my biological mom."

"I understand, but if you don't mind me asking..." Gabby started but you interjected.

"I don't mind as much as I used to, the reason for the adoption was because my aunt had a bad run-in when she was only fifteen. They did catch the guy and through the trial, she found out she was pregnant by the man but she didn't want to abort me. But she also became scared that she might take her anger towards the guy out on me in some shape or form, so she talked to her parents about it.

They were working with my parents at the time on a different project at the time but they knew they were trying for a kid. Though they had very slim chances due to some medical conditions on both my parent's sides. So when my aunt's parents approached my parents about adopting me they quickly agreed, with the terms that she would be an aunt to me at the very least," You explained though Gabby raised an eyebrow at that.

"No offense, but if she was scared about raising you because she was scared of hurting because of what happened, then why make a term like that?" Gabby asked making you give a little shrug.

"The way it was explained to me is that it was because she did want some involvement in my life just not be my primary caretaker. She figured she could at the very least be there as an aunt more than she could be a mom to me. Obviously, being eight at the time I freaked out when they were talking about it, wondering when they should tell me.

I didn't get the full story until like two days later, because I panicked and ran away, to a place me a Gilda had built. A little clubhouse out in the woods that we had managed to save for the materials and managed to build by ourselves in total secrecy over the summer. Not a single adult knew about it, so when they found me missing they quickly pieced together what happened and came looking," You said taking another drink.

"That's where I come in, they knew I might have an idea where he was. Which I did, but didn't want to take them to our secret spot so I managed to lose them. Granted they didn't tell me why he was missing, didn't find out until I found him curled up on the floor of our clubhouse," Gilda explained making Gabby give you a little sad smile.

"She stayed and listened to me the whole day and night, and managed to convince me to go back the next day. Ever since then, we've been very close," You finish, and you turned when you heard sniffling.

"S-sorry, I get a little mushy when I hear the story," Tide said making you roll your eyes a bit.

"So, he told you then?" Gabby asked.

"Y-yeah, I was the only one he told in our entire class, not even the teachers knew about it," Tide said as she pinched you.

"Ow! What was that for?" You ask.

"For rolling your eyes at me," Tide replied making Gild nod in agreement.

"So, what happened to your aunt though?" Gabby asked.

"She moved down to Windy Veils with her husband, in which I have two younger cousins there now," You answer making Gabby nod.

"Um, hey I wanted to quickly say I'm sorry for bringing up a hard topic when we're supposed to be having fun, and on your first night here as well," Gabby said and as you looked you could see she had some evidence that she had been quietly crying.

"Don't worry bout it Gabs, if he didn't want to share he wouldn't have. But, to change the topic before we all get mushy, how about a game of truth or dare?" Gilda suggested with a big fake grin.

"While we're drinking? That doesn't sound like a good idea," Gabby said.

"Especially with Gilda," Tide said with a little snicker.

"Oh, it won't get that bad, and if not how about some poker? Maybe even a round or two of strip-poker?" Gilda suggested making Gabby give her a light punch.

"I'm good with truth or dare, but if things get out of hand we call it off. No name-calling for wanting to stop, ok?" You ask looking right at Gilda.

"Alright, I get it! So, are you two sure ya don't want to join?" Gilda asked making Tide sigh.

"If he's playing, then sure," Tide said with a not-so-trusting tone.

"Guess I'm outvoted on this, so how are we deciding this?" Gabby asked as you finished the bottle you were drinking and placed it on the table.

"This will decide who goes first, then we pick someone who hasn't gone that round after. That's how we usually do it anyway," You explain making Gabby nod, and you spin the bottle. After it spun for a good ten seconds it started to slow down.

"You've gotten better at that," Gilda said making you smile.

"Eh, been to a party or two, can make it go longer but with just the four of us I wanted it to be quick," You said with a little proud smile. Just then, the bottle stops on Gabby.

"So, just to clarify the round ends when everyone has done a truth or dare?" Gabby asked.

"Yup and the last one to do their turn will start the next round," You answer making Gabby nod.

"Alright, I'll start off with you Tide, now truth or dare?" Gabby asked making Tide smile.

"I'll start with truth," Tide replied.

"Alright, with something simple, is it true that you don't like being a model?" Gabby asked.

"Actually, I love being a model. Those are just rumors that a competing model came up with," Tide replied. "Now, your turn, truth or dare?"

"How bout a dare?" You say with a confident smile.

"I dare you to go get us all more drinks!" Tide said making you give a little laugh.

"Can do," You say as you take yours and her bottles, and take Gilda's and Gabby's cups. It only took about five minutes to do. "Alright, Gabby truth or dare?"

"Wait, didn't I already go?" Gabby asked.

"First one doesn't count as part of the round. Just gotta ask me next," Gilda explained.

"Right, right, should've figured that out. So anyway, I'll go with truth," Gabby said.

"Were you looking forward to that blind date?" You ask making her bit her lower beak.

"What's the penalty for now answering or doing something?" Gabby asked.

"You have to take a nice long drink," Tide replied.

"Fine, I was a bit but I was relieved when it was canceled," Gabby finally answered. "Now, Gilda..."

"Dare me," Gilda instantly replied.

"I dare you to do thirty push-ups!" Gabby said making Gilda roll her eyes.

"That's easy," Gilda said getting up and then going to the floor and started counting, which Gabby was also keeping track of as well. "Done, now your turn again, truth or dare?"

"I'll take truth," You replied as Gilda got up and stretched her arms.

"Alright, is it true you haven't gone all the way yet?" Gilda asked making you go a bit red.

"That is very much true," You answer making Gilda raise an eyebrow. "Alright Gilda, since it's a new round, truth or dare?"

"I'll take truth this time," Gilda said as she sat down and took a nice drink.

"Is it true you and Rainbow dated?" You asked giving her a knowing smile.

"You already know the answer to that," Gilda muttered making you shrug. "Alright, no, unlike me Rainbow is only interested in stallions despite popular belief. Now, Tide, truth or dare?"

"I'll take truth," Tide said making Gilda get a little evil smile that you knew very well.

"So, is it true that when you gave him an early copy of the mag you're in this summer you gave him a few shots that didn't make it in?" As Gilda asked this Tide turned completely red.

"Um, uh..." At this Tide started her long drink, making Gilda give a little smirk. "S-so, it's Gabby's turn right?"

"Yeah, I'll take dare," Gabby said.

"Alright, I dare you to..." Tide took a moment to look around for a second thinking. "I dare you to grab Gildas ass!"

"I don't have an issue with that," Gabby said giving Gilda a little wink as she over-under Gilda and giving a quick squeeze.

"Did you really have to use your nails for that?" Gilda asked as Gabby withdrew her hand.

"You wouldn't move otherwise," Gabby said giving a little giggle. "Now, your turn again..."

"I'll take dare," You answer. "Though, things seem to be escalating quickly if you ask me."

"Be that as it may, I don't think things have gotten out of hand just yet. But I dare you to take off your shirt," Gabby said with a little smile, making you raise an eyebrow but shrugged.

"Easy enough," You say as you took your shirt off, which as you looked you could see Gabby's eyes studying your now exposed torso. "Alright, now Tide truth or dare?"

"I'll take a dare," Tide replied.

"I dare you to give Gabby a kiss," You instantly said, though once you realized it you turned red yourself. This made Gilda nearly choke on her drink as she was holding back laughter.

"Sure, no issue here," Tide said getting up and walking over to Gabby with a sly smile making a big show. She bent over and started to lean in pushing Gabby back, and before their lips met Tide went to the side and kissed her cheek.

"Nice," Gabby said though she looked like she was trying to calm herself down a bit as Tide gave a smile and winked at you.

"Still counts, after all, now I've lost track of who went, so... Gilda, truth or dare?" Tide asked with a smirk.

"I'll take truth," Gilda replied.

"What exactly is your relationship with Gabby here?" Tide asked making Gilda smile.

"Well, we're friends... with a few benefits, if both of us are having a bit of a dry spell if you catch my drift," Gilda answered making Gabby turn red. "Speaking of Gabby, truth or dare?"

"I'll take a dare," Gabby said though she sounded a bit hesitant.

"I dare you to take off your own shirt," Gilda said with a wide smile as Gabby turned even redder looking at you. "You could just drink..."

"You..." Gabby started but took a deep breath, before promptly pulling up her shirt revealing her pink lace bra. Which she quickly covered with her arms. "There, you happy?"

Gilda was too surprised to reply as all three of you stared at her which only made her a bit more self-conscious, but at least to your credit you did look away. Granted the image was still fresh in your mind and making your imagination go wild. After about an awkward few seconds Gabby spoke up.

"Can I put my shirt back on?" Gabby asked, and with a little evil smile, Gilda took the shirt.

"Nah, just think of it as a bikini top," Gilda said making Gabby huff a bit. "Hey, if you don't like it we can always stop."

"I want to keep going, so Tide, truth or dare?" Gabby asked.

"I-I think I'll take dare," Tide said with a bit of fear, but she didn't say she didn't want to stop.

"I dare you to go sit in his lap and make sure you get nice and comfy," Gabby said making Tide stop for a second and look down at her drink before looking at you. Taking a moment, Tide walked over to you turning around, and pretty much forced her way onto your lap, and make herself nice and comfy she did.

"See, wasn't that hard to do," Tide said with a little smile, though you very well know as she was making herself comfy she felt your hardened member. "Now, it's your turn, truth or dare?"

"I-I'll take truth..." You managed as you try to calm yourself down.

"Are you enjoying how things are turning out?" Tide asked giving a little shift of her hips.

"I think I'm gonna need my drink please," This made all three of the girls laugh a bit after you took your big drink you looked over at Gilda. "Alright, Gilda..."

"Do your worst dare," Gilda said in a taunting tone.

"I dare you to stop this game," You say with a little smile.

"Nah, having too much fun seeing you struggle," Gilda said lifting her cup taking a big chug. "Alright, now since we don't know the order anymore I'm gonna ask you, truth or dare?"

"Fine, dare me," You say, though you regretted saying those words as soon as you said them.

"I dare you to feel up Tide," Gilda said with a smile making Tide turn her head to look at you with a raised eyebrow, but you quickly finished off the last of your drink.

"Um, hey Tide, would you mind getting me another drink since I can't move right now?" You ask.

"Sure," Tide said giving you a smile of appreciation, though her tone sounded a bit disappointed.

"Alright, Gabby truth or dare?" You ask.

"I'll do dare," Gabby said.

"I dare you to fell Gilda up," You say making her go red yet again, but she reached over with both hands grabbing Gilda's boobs, giving them a good squeeze.

"R-really G-gabby..." Gidla started but let out a little moan which she quickly covered her mouth, and made Gabby stop with a smirk.

"She's a bit sensitive, now Gilda truth or dare?" Gabby asked as she pulled back.

"Dare me," Gilda replied.

"I dare you to take off your shorts, and if you feel embarrassed about it just think about it as wearing bikini bottoms," Gabby said with a little smile.

"What, you think that just because they're here I won't do it?" Gilda asked as she stood up, and as Tide was walking back in, pulled down her jean shorts revealing her pink panties.

"Alright, I think that this game is over," You say as you grab Gabby's shirt to give back to her.

"Oh no, I got one more. Gabby, I dare you to let him feel you up," Gilda said making Gabby stop.

"No, he's right this has gotten out of hand. Let's just watch another movie or play a different game," Gabby said.

"Yeah, sorry Gilda but I'm definitely with them," Tide agreed.

"Fine, but I'm not putting my shorts back on, bet you won't keep your shirts off either," Gilda said looking between you and Gabby.

"I don't have a problem with my shirt off, but could you please put your shorts back on please?" You ask though Gilda just shook her head in response.

"Hmm, I'm fine like this, I was getting a little hot anyway. But you are wearing your panties in front of your cousin you know," Gabby said, Gilda turned to talk to her allowing you to see her ass, which had what looked like a cute little monkey on her panties.

"Well, ain't that a cute monkey," Tide said making Gilda sigh.

"Fine, but none of you better tell anyone about these alright?" Gilda said as she put her shorts back on. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom right now, y'all can decide what to do."

"Oh, that reminds me I need to go pee too!" Tide said.

"Come on, I'll show ya where the one you can use is," Gilda said as Tide got up to follow. Once they both left, both you and Gabby gave a sigh of relief.

"So, are you really not gonna put your shirt back on?" You ask making Gabby shrug.

"Doesn't bother me at the moment, why?" Gabby asked with a coy smile as she stretched her arms making you blush a bit.

"N-no, just wondering," You answer.

"Mmm-hmm, anyway mind following me upstairs for a moment?" Gabby asked making you raise your eyebrow.

"Does this have to do with my gift?" You ask.

"Yup, now you coming?" Gabby asked walking past, you felt a bit nervous but you liked her well enough already so you got up and followed her. She lead you into what you assume was her bedroom.

"So, what are we doing in here exactly?" You ask as you walked in.

"Oh nothing much, have a seat on my bed," Gabby said waving you towards the said bed, you decided to go along and sit. "So, I decided to give you a couple of things, the first is this!"

Gabby handed you a bag from the store you visited earlier making you relax a bit as you took the item from the bag. You gave a big smile as you looked at the next book in the series you were reading. Though you haven't had the time to pick it up just yet.

"Gilda told me you liked that series, but with the move and everything you hadn't gotten the latest one yet. Judging by your smile, you're happy with it?" Gabby asked.

"Yeah, I am! This is great, thank you," You say and as you look up your eyes widen as you looked Gabby over as you realized she no longer was wearing a bra.

"Well, don't thank me just yet, there is another part of your gift I haven't given you yet," Gabby said as she dropped her crossed arms exposing her breast making your eyes go wide, making Gabby giggle. "So, would you like to feel them?"

"U-um..." You started but you couldn't form any words, only making her give another giggle as she came closer.

She grabbed your free hand and guided it up to her boob, and as if on instinct or impulse as soon as your hand met the round. soft object you gave it a squeeze. This granted you with a soft little moan from Gabby making you put the book completely down and reached up with the other hand to grab the other boob. They were as soft and plump as you imagined as you gently massaged them.

"Now, I know you have a thing for Tide so I'm gonna try to make this quick okay?" Gabby said though you weren't quite paying attention to what she was doing until you felt her hands on your chest and started trailing down.

"W-what...nnggh..." You groaned out as she ran one of her hands on your very stiff dick, making her practically pur.

"I figured this would make not just a good b-day gift, but a welcome gift as well. Though it wasn't cemented until I saw the way you stared at me when I took my shirt off earlier," Gabby whispered as she started working to pull your pants down. "Now, don't get too excited, not gonna go all the way cause I think that belongs to someone else, but I will at least go this far."

As she said that, she managed to get your pants down far enough, with your help, to reveal your proud member. She licked her lips and once again practically purred at the sight. Taking it in one hand making you groan a bit, she leaned over to spit on it a bit and began rubbing.

"I would love to have this inside of me down there, but this will have to do," Gabby said as you moaned out at her soft hand going up and down in a nice and easy rhythm.

Before you could comprehend what she had just said she leaned in giving your tip a little kiss before taking it into her warm wet mouth making you moan out more. She looked up at you with a little smile as she locked eyes with you before she moved her head down engulfing more of your member. You leaned back groaning, still meeting her eyes, this encouraged her to continue.

You couldn't believe this was happening so soon, but you weren't gonna argue with the woman who at this point had half your dick in her mouth. She bobbed up and down on the upper half for a second letting you get familiar with it, as she played with your member with her tongue a bit. Though you let out a gasp as she fully engulfed your member and if felt like you had hit the back of her throat.

"Ssshhhiiitt! N-not g-gonna lasts much l-longer..." You groan out as she looked very pleased, but then quickly went into a rhythm that made you throw your head back. Quickly grabbing the back of her head you push her head down and hold her there as you felt the sweet relief of release.

"Sheesh.." Gabby said coughing a bit as you let her go and she popped back up.

"S-sorry... i-it's been a minute..." You say in between breaths as you looked at her half-naked form.

"It's fine, just didn't expect it, now come downstairs when you're ready, okay?" Gabby suggested.

"U-um, can I-I..." You started making Gabby giggle a bit as she got her bra.

"Sure, you can have a feel again," Gabby said as she walked over to you, letting you feel her bare breast again. Though to her surprise, you moved your hand around her back and grabbed her ass.

"T-thanks for helping me relieve some stress, now are you sure I can't help you do the same?" You ask as you give both her boob and ass a squeeze.

"Oh believe me, as much as I want to but I'll get relieved later," Gabby said with a wink as she moved your hand away from her boob and put on her bra. "Now, let's go back to the party shall we?"

A Sleepover

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Before Gabby could remove your hand from her ass you quickly stood up and wrapped your other hand around to grab it with both hands. She rolled her eyes but let you continue a bit before getting you to let go. Though she did give you a little sweet smile as she quickly popped her head out of the room to see if either Gilda or Tide were around.

"As I said, as much I want to go further we don't want to make them suspicious now do we?" Gabby asked giving you a little wink as she walked out before letting you answer.

You stood there for a moment, still stunned at what happened and the fact that you were still pretty hard, though you managed to shake off your shock. Picking up the book Gabby had given you, you walked to your room where images of her bobbing her head up and down kept appearing in your mind. Though your mind decided to switch it to someone else now and again as you imagined that it would feel just as amazing.

"There you are!" Tide said as you put the book on your side table. "Is that what Gabby gave you?"

"Y-yeah, apparently Gilda told her about it beforehand and she got the newest book," You reply though as you met Tide's gorgeous eyes, you knew she could tell you weren't telling her everything.

"You sure there wasn't more to it? I mean she is a knockout, remember?" Tide asked with a knowing smile.

"T-there may have been some, uh, well touching involved..." You replied making Tide give a little giggle.

"Well, I'm sure you enjoyed it by the way you're acting about it. But come on, I still wanna drink a bit!" Tide said as she grabbed your hand and lead you back down the stairs.

"There's the dweeb of the hour! Took ya long enough," Gilda said as you sat down and took a big drink of your hard lemonade.

"Yeah, yeah just glad to see you have shorts back on," You mentioned as you looked her over which only got her to roll her eyes a bit.

"Gab's told me she already gave you her present for you, didn't think she'd remember bout that book series though. Speaking bout my shorts though, would you rather me not have them on and that's why you brought it up?" Gilda asked with a teasing smile.

"Oh no you don't, he already has enough to see with just me," Gabby said as she came out of the kitchen with another drink for herself. Your eyes scanned over her mostly exposed torso, but you quickly shifted them to look at the board games on a shelf nearby as what happened immediately pop back into your head.

"Hey, who wants to play some Monopoly?" You ask as you get up to get the game.

"Sounds good to me!" Tide said which made you give her a little smile, which as you looked at her you could tell that she had a nice little buzz going.

"I call the dog," Gilda said as she took a sip.

"I call the hat then," As Gabby said that she shot Gilda a little look of annoyance.

"Take it you like to play as the dog?" You asked as you sat down and opened the box.

"Yup, especially the big ones..." Gabby replied making Gilda spit out a bit of her drink with a laugh. You turned a little red as you chuckled, while Tide just rolled her eyes a bit but still had a smile spread.

"Y-yeah, well I think I'll play as the wagon. What about you Tida?" You asked, and as you turned to look at her you turned very red as she was in the middle of stretching. As she stretched her shirt took her shape for a moment and you realized she didn't have a bra outline. Realizing what it meant you turned a bit red for staring.

"Hmm, I think I'll play as the thimble," Tide said completely oblivious to you staring at her or why, but as she shifted in her seat her shirt went back to normal.

"Alright, now that we all have our pieces let's roll to see you go first!" Gabby spoke up as she grabbed one of the two dice while Tide grabbed the other.

Once the order had been decided the four of them began to play, and you all agreed to go round the board once before you buy any properties. But once Gilda passed go she did not hesitate to buy the first one she landed on, which was the first railroad. After that, it all started getting harder to play since it seemed Gabby had a bit of a knack for negotiations which really should not have surprised you as much as it did.

But with you and Tide teaming up for a bit Gilda quickly went bankrupt and Gabby was struggling but she did manage to knock you out by putting three houses on the dreaded dark blues. Though to your surprise, Gilda seemed to side with Tide as the two of you rooting for her, which didn't help in the end but at least none one decided to flip the table in the end. Gabby looked thrilled to of been on the verge of losing.

"Close's I've seen her lose at this game, it's no wonder why you look so happy over there," Gilda said making Gabby laugh a bit.

"Yeah, I usually don't come anywhere near that close. I mean it took all three of you to do that, but even so, it was the best round I've played in years!" Gabby said as she stretched, which made you shift your attention to helping clean up.

"Man, she has a nice pair. Wish I could get my chance to grab them," Tide whispered to you making you turn entirely red, which made her giggle. "Why so red all of a sudden?"

"Why don't ya go tease someone else for a bit?" You suggested making Tide roll her eyes.

"Because you take in stride," Tide replied as she pressed her chest into your side making you tense as you felt her breast through her shirt. "You sure are tense all of a sudden."

"Um, yeah, I-I think I need another drink. Does anyone else want a refill?" You ask getting up.

"I could do with another," Gilda said handing you her cup.

"I'm pretty good," Tide replied which was a bit of a relief for you since she was all ready pretty drunk from what you could tell.

"I think I'm good too, but would you mind getting me some water?" Gabby asked making you nod while trying to avoid looking at her. Though as she gave you her cup she gave you a sweet smile just before giving you a little wink.

Once you returned with drinks, including tea for Tide the four of you talked for a bit more before Gilda finished her drink and went to the bathroom. Gabby said her goodnight before going upstairs to her room leaving you and Tide alone for a moment. But you didn't mind, even if Tide became a bit more flirty and a tease when she was drunk you were just comfortable with her.

"Gab's already gone upstairs?" Gilda asked as she walked up to the couch.

"Yup, said something about getting things ready," Tide answered making Gilda raise an eyebrow, and you could see a faint blush. With what Gabby told you earlier you knew why.

"Alright, you two can stay out here as long as ya want. Just make sure you clean up and shut the lights off, night!" Gilda said as she started towards the stairs.

"Night Gilda!" You and Tide said at the same time, which made you two look at each other and laugh.

"Man, today has been a good day," You say as you calmed down from your laughing.

"Since you got to feel up Gabby, I bet," Tide said with a knowing smile as you turned a little red.

"Um... uh... H-how much did you..." You started to ask.

"Hmm, enough to know something else had gone on since you still had your shorts around your thighs. But not enough to be a hundred percent sure until you confirmed it," Tide explained making you go completely red. "If it makes you feel better, it's not like I saw your uh... well you know 'cause Gabby was in the way."

"It doesn't help, but thanks anyways," You muttered making her laugh.

"Well anyway, where am I sleeping tonight?" Tide asked changing the subject.

"Um, I guess you can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch..." You started before Tide started making a tsking sound.

"I am not gonna take your bed from you on your first night here. So, here's what we're gonna do 'cause I know you'll use the 'You aren't comfortable sleeping on the couch', thing and you would be right. Why not sleep together, I mean we've done it before?"

"I was gonna say I can sleep on an air mattress, should have one in one of my top boxes," You reply making Tide give a look of defeat. Though after another second she lit up as you could tell was another idea.

"I'll sleep on the air mattress and no more arguments from you since you want to be stubborn about it. I mean like I said, this is your first night in a new house and you should sleep in your own room in your own bed!" Tide said making you roll your eyes.

"Fine, so you about ready to head up and get changed?" Once you asked you could see her go a little red. "You didn't bring pajamas did you?"

"W-well, not my physical pajamas no, because I don't usually sleep in them..." Tide said making you realize what she meant, and you turned a bit red at the thought. "I mean I have a change of normal clothes but just not anything I would sleep in."

"And you wanted us to sleep in the same bed?" You muttered which got Tide to raise an eyebrow since she couldn't make out what you said. "I'm gonna go ahead and get the air mattress ready in a minute. Then you can have the room to yourself until you're ready."

"Fair enough, but are you sure we can't sleep in the same bed?" Tide asked with a little pout, which you weren't gonna lie did make her look very cute. But the thought of her barely wearing everything and sleeping next to her. "I mean I do have my own blanket so it's not like we won't be separated in some way."

"You are really persistent in this," You say making her roll her eyes.

"Yeah, 'cause I'm tired and don't want to wait for you to air up the mattress!" Tide replied making you bust out laughing. "What?"

"I-I could have been done by now if you weren't so adamant about us sleeping in the same bed. But you know what? Since I'm tired too, I'll just go with your idea," You said which did take Tide back a bit since she was expecting you to continue to argue.

"I-I wasn't... I m-mean we don't have to..." Tide said as she turned red.

"I know we don't have to but now I don't feel like getting anything out, besides it won't be the first time we've been in the same bed," You said with a smile as Tide grumbled a bit more but she didn't put up any more of a fight. "So, if you're ready you can go ahead first since you'll you know..."

"Yeah, yeah but even though you turn this around on me I am glad we are doing this. Cause I do like the comfort of having something next to me," Tide said which made you smile and blush a bit more.

Tide went up to your room to get ready, which you watched as she went up and you couldn't help but let your eyes look her over. You did look away as your imagination started to picture her slowly taking off her clothes, first starting with her shirt revealing her flat-toned stomach before revealing her breast. But that is where you tried to think of something else, which only made you think of her taking off her skirt.

"Stop it you stupid brain!" You said to yourself, sure you did have fantasies about Tide before but now wasn't the time for them.

Once you managed to get your thoughts cleared up without picturing any of the girls revealing themselves or depicting them doing other things. But you managed to stop all those thoughts you got up and quickly went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of tea before heading up to your room. As you entered you saw Tide in bed under her blanket giving you a little smile, as you looked you saw the clothes she wore folded neatly on top of one of the boxes.

"Comfy?" You ask making Tide roll her eyes.

"You have such a nice soft bed, so yeah I'm comfy! So, why don't you join me?" Tide asked before giving you a little wink making you shake your head.

"I was still planning to bring out the air mattress, just said that about us sleeping in the bed together just to get you to stop arguing about it," You answer. But that made Tide give a look between relief and disappointment.

"Oh come on, please? I think I'll sleep better!" Tide said making you raise an eyebrow.

"Are you having those nightmares again?" You ask. since Tide did suffer from severe nightmares that appear once in a while in the more recent years, it was worse when she was younger. Doctors said it was most likely stress related since she was having a rough time with her modeling, both with her manager at the time being an ass and just the stress of the job in general mixed with her age.

"No, at least not recently but you know they can pop through when I've drunk a bit," You sigh as she said that since she was right. It was the reason why you had shared a bed before since it did seem to help her prevent them, or if she has one it made it easier to calm her down.

"Well, guess you got me there," You said as you put your glass of tea on a little table that Tide must have put up before crawling into your bed.

"Isn't this nice?" Tide asked as you lay down and pulled your own blanket over you. As you laid your head down you were facing towards Tide locking eyes as she asked.

"Y-yeah, just like old times," You say as you realize just how small your bed was. You were glad about having different blankets since you very well knew she was most likely only in her panties.

"You know I am glad though," Tide said as she closed her eyes. "I like having you next to me..."

It wasn't long before you realized she had fallen asleep after that and as you look at her sleeping form you couldn't help the blush. She had this cute little snore and had this gentle peaceful look on her face. What had gotten you to blush was when you looked over her body and realized that her blanket did somewhat reveal her hourglass figure.

You shifted a bit to get more comfortable before closing your eyes and letting yourself go into dreamland which of course was filled with a few choice dreams. Though you ended up waking up for some reason as you looked at your clock it had only been a little over four hours. That was when it registered that something soft was pressed against you.

Sure enough, managing to slowly turn over without waking Tide you realized just how close she was, but not just that. She had managed to move out from her blanket and under yours and was now pressing against you, which you wouldn't have minded if she was wearing more clothes. But you didn't quite know that, so you hesitantly moved your hand over to her.

Once your hand had made contact with her you knew instantly she wasn't wearing much as you brushed against her soft fur, which you were without realizing it, began stroking her. Slowly you move your hand up getting closer to her chest and once your talons brushed against the side of one of her boobs. This made you stop what you were doing as you realized just how bad it was so you quickly brought your hand back.

While it was difficult for you before but now that you knew how little she was wearing made you lay there for a good while. It wouldn't have bothered you as much if not for the fact that she was now sharing your blanket and was very close to you, and every now and again pressing against you. Not to mention you were trying to avoid her from feeling your hardened member, but you couldn't exactly scoot back since you were already on the edge of your bed.

You finally managed to go back to sleep after about an hour and managed to stay asleep for a good long while, though you were woken by hearing Tide make a little gasp. Knowing she had just woken up to find herself in the same situation as you did, you didn't want to freak her out even more so you kept your eyes shut. Not to mention you didn't want to peek at her if she got out of bed.

She shifted a bit making you think she had just repositioned herself, that was until you felt her hand press against your chest for a second. That's when she started to slide her hand downwards, past your chest to your stomach. But as she got even lower she hesitated just above your waistline but after a good minute, she moved her hand down to the outside of your shorts where you could feel her hand press on your hardened member.

"What am I doing?" You heard her ask herself in a quiet hushed tone as she removed her hand. After another couple of what felt like minutes, you could feel the bed shifting a bit where you knew she was getting out of bed.

Once the shifting stopped you couldn't help but crack your eyes open a bit and you could see sunlight streaming through the cracks of the curtains in the window. This gave enough light in the room where you could see Tide in all of her almost completely naked glory, including seeing she was wearing dark purple panties. Which you definitely could see clearly as she bent over to look in what you assumed was her bag with her change of clothes.

She quickly stood up with her clothes in hand but before she went to go put them on she quickly turned around almost scaring you to where you opened your eyes completely. But you did manage to keep them just cracked enough where you didn't think she could tell you were awake, but now you could see her lovely perky b-cup breast. After another moment of her looking you over and biting her lower beak as she stared at what you assumed was your groin area, she made her way into the bathroom.

As the door shut behind her you let out a sigh of relief as you sat up in bed with a mighty yawn and stretch, and with a quick glance at the clock, you realized it was almost noon. You got up and quickly changed your shorts and put on a new shirt and socks, before looking at the bathroom door since you did need to use it. As you approached the door, it suddenly popped open revealing a fully dressed Tide who stared at you in a bit of shock before shaking it off.

"Um, did I wake you up?" Tide asked looking away a little sheepishly.

"I would be lying if I said no," You reply making her go red. "I heard the door shut."

"Oh, y-yeah sorry about that then," Tide said as she seemed to relax and get a relieved look about her.

"No problems, but if you excuse me I gotta go!" You say as you squeeze past her.

"Alright, I'm gonna head downstairs," Tide said making you give a thumbs up before closing the door.

Once inside the bathroom it took you a moment to not think about seeing her almost completely naked, or bent over with nothing but her underwear on. As you managed to clear your thoughts a bit you managed to do your business, although it was a bit awkward with your boner, you managed though. Once you flushed the toilet and washed your hands, you made your way downstairs.

"Well, 'bout time dweeb!" Gilda practically yelled as you walked down the stairs. "Come on, we're just about to have some breakfast!"

Gilda: Helping Family

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She was making her way to the locker room since she was in a hurry since practice had gone on longer than expected. It wasn't anyone's fault, it was just the coach for the team wanted to run a few extra drills since it was close to the start of the season. Once she got to her locker she quickly entered her combo and changed out of her skates.

"Hey Gilda, you headed out to help your cousin move in?" Greminy asked as she entered the locker room.

"Yup, he's probably already there, and though I texted Gabby I still wanna get there as soon as possible to help him out," Gilda said with a smile spreading across her face.

"You know, ever since you started talking about your cousin moving in with you we've all noticed how happy you've been. Must be nice to be that close with one of your family members," Germiny said making Gilda chuckle a bit.

"Yeah, he's a bit of a dweeb but I love him and really if I had the opportunity to stay in one school I would have taken it," Gilda said as she got up and put her skates in her locker. "But hey, let the others know the next time we go out as a team I'll buy everyone a drink."

"Can do, but are you sure you don't want to jump in a shower real fast?" Germiny asked making Gilda roll her eyes.

"Nah, gotta help my cousin unload his stuff so I'll hold off on the shower for right now. Besides, I'm already late as it is, but seriously see y'all later, and maybe next time I'll bring him by to meet you guys!" Gilda said as she rushed out without waiting for a response.

As she made her way out of the exit she instantly spread her wings and took to the sky and as she flew she got a big smile. It had been around five years since they had seen each other which was a shame cause of how close they are since he had found out he was adopted. She would always treasure that night for how much they bonded and remembering it only made her want to get home sooner.

Picking up speed a bit she zoomed as fast as she could even though she knew he wouldn't care since she knew he would understand. But even still it was mostly her own excitement that was carrying her at this point, and not long her house started popping into view. She could see his cart parked out front and as she approached she slowed down landing on the sidewalk in front of her house and going inside the house.

"Hey dweeb, where you at?" She called out as she entered the living room where she could hear him and Gabby in the kitchen. As they came out she couldn't help the smile as he entered she could see he was shocked at how different she looked. Though as she looked him over she couldn't help but be impressed by how he looked as well.

"Oh... wow..." Was all he managed to pop out which got Gabby to snicker a bit but it only made her feel good.

After some teasing and helping him unload and arrange his bigger furniture, they took a break which even though she knew she had said she would give him his present after going to the store but decided to give it to him sooner. As she was digging through the closet that was filled with some stuff they still needed to sort out she let out a surprised scream as she heard someone yelling her name while pinching her ass. She of course tried to play it off cool but she knew she had been caught so she made sure to keep an eye on them while they were still laughing and went back to looking which she quickly managed to find the present.

Seeing the smile come across his face as he looked at the comic she had a hard time finding made all the effort worth it. Though seeing him like this made her heart flutter a bit just as it did all those years ago which was something she had not told a single person about. She has a bit of a crush on him and in all reality she hadn't realized when she had developed those feelings towards him but they were still very much there.

As he thanked her and went to put his present into his room she saw Gabby on the phone calling a cab. Though they could fly she supposed Gabby didn't want to due to being in a dress. It only took about a minute for a cab to show up since the main building wasn't far away which was partially why they chose here. They knew most would find it odd but they just wanted to have their options available.

Once he came down and they went to the cab while she gave him a little bit of teasing again she also told him to go ahead and invite Tide over. She remembered Tide which she was hard to forget since she became a model, granted Gilda herself had managed to land a few modeling gigs herself. One of which she hoped he never see since she did a shoot for Playcolt, though maybe he enjoyed it?

She cleared her head since she didn't want to really think about him touching himself to her image but it just kept popping into her head. As they got to the store Gabby went to find a present for him since she felt guilty for not knowing it was his birthday month. Once they got their alcohol and got checked out they found Gabby waiting in the cab for them.

During the ride, he had gotten a reply from Tide saying she was waiting outside of the house, though as they talked she kept getting creeper vibes from the driver who seemed to take more of an interest in them since picking them up. As he pulled up and they got out to go meet Tide at the door and talked for a moment she gave the driver who was still sitting by the curb the meanest look she could making him drive off. She then went to take a much-needed shower and get a change of clothes, though she was more than likely going to go take a cold shower.

Once she was finished though she went to the kitchen where they were talking and having a drink which she of course had to give them a little shit for starting the drinking without her. They decided to have some pizza for tonight since they figured no one wanted to cook tonight and as she called to order Tide started up the stereo and started dancing to the music which got Gabby to join. She managed to tell the pizza place what they wanted and their address finishing the call before going over to give him a hard time for just staring at the two dancing girls.

He joined them as she grabbed his arm to force him to join the dancing which as she looked he did look to be having fun. Though Tide seemed to trip over her own feet where he had managed to catch her before she fell though she noticed he had almost grabbed her ass and as she looked it looked like he was thinking about lowering his hand. This didn't surprise her but she did feel a little jealous and as she thought that she shook her head knowing that it wasn't rational.

She and Gabby teased them a bit and as he was about to say something about it the doorbell rang letting her get out of the conversation. As she brought back the pizza they ultimately decided to watch a movie while they ate though she couldn't really get into it since her thinking of it was why let the villain live? But she knew they made a good point but still, it didn't change her mind on the matter.

He had tried to bring up when she was into wearing a little bit of cosplay which she gave him a death glare to shut him up. That of course only made them all tease her a bit about it making her roll her eyes a bit but she still had a slight smile. After that, Gabby asked about why she and him were as close as they were making her go a little quiet since it wasn't her story to tell.

It did surprise her a bit that he did decide to tell Gabby but she supposed if he was really fine with it then so was she. At a certain point, she jumped in to help finish the story though they did leave out exactly what happened that day between the two of them. Once they wrapped up the story she not so subtly changed the subject to playing truth or dare, though she really didn't know why she suggested it since she knew what tends to happen.

Though she defended it and managed to get them to agree and after some light stuff she decided to up it a bit by asking him if he had gone all the way. She did have to wonder if the reason why that question had popped into her head was because of her feelings or because of the alcohol? It may have been a mix of both but once again she knew she had to shove those feelings down and somewhat to her surprise he answered that he hadn't yet.

This started them going deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of why it wasn't a good idea to play this game while somewhat drunk as there were a few more personal questions and the dares started to get more perverted. From Gabby grabbing her ass to them daring each other to take clothes off and by the end of it only Tide had managed to come out with everything still on. He had his shirt off along with Gabby who was just in her pajama bottoms and bra while she herself had her jean shorts off.

She once again caught herself defending the fact that she didn't want to put her shorts back on even though she was wearing her bear panties. But once he had made a teasing comment about them that made it sink in what she was doing and went to put on her shorts again. Tide had to also use the bathroom so she showed her the extra bathroom before heading to her own bathroom.

It didn't take her long to put her shorts back on and as she was walking down the hall she heard Gabby and him talking. She stopped as the door was slightly opened and as she looked in her eyes widened a bit as she saw Gabby letting him feel her up. Biting her lower lip she shook her head and moved on as she didn't want to see more, even though she did but it just wasn't her business. Besides, he admitted to not going all the way before so why would that be any different.

Once again she shook her head and let out a sigh as she knew she would be her own worst enemy on this. She really had hoped she had moved on from her feelings but they were very much there and it's not like she didn't notice how much he had started at her, especially in her uniform and when she took off her shorts. But did he really like her like that as well?

After a few minutes of her clearing her mind everyone started coming down with Gabby coming first and not long after he and Tide came down. Once after a game of Monopoly, they started to wind down as she went to the bathroom. When she came back Gabby had already gone up to her room where she had started to get things ready according to what Tide and him were telling her which made her raise an eyebrow as she knew what it meant.

Telling them night and making sure they knew they could stay up as late as they wanted just as long as they cleaned up she started her way upstairs. She made her way back to Gabby's room where she stood outside for a moment as she pictured him feeling Gabby up but then switching her and Gabby. Taking a breath to clear her mind again she wasn't going to ask since it wasn't her business.

"Hmm, I was wondering when you come up," Gabby said as she opened the door. As she looked at the fully naked Gabby she saw that she had one of the new strap-ons that actually magically connected to the nervous system to let the woman feel the experience like a guy would.

"Well, it looked like you were busy earlier," She said instantly covering her mouth making Gabby raise an eyebrow but giving a little smile.

"So, how much did you see?" Gabby asked as she stood up and started walking closer to her. "Did you see him fondling me? How about when I pulled down his shorts to let his big thick dick out?"

"Gabby, he's my cousin I don't need to know about this!" She said as her face turned red as Gabby shut the door behind her.

"Please Gilda, I know how much you want him but you're afraid of him rejecting you even if he did have the same feelings because you two grew up as cousins. Before you ask how I know, did you know you talk in your sleep especially after getting fucked?" Gabby said as she stepped behind her and reached around grabbing her breasts making her moan a little as Gabby slid strap-on between her legs.

"B-but..." She suddenly realized that Gabby had left her door open earlier on purpose to allow her to peek inside. "Y-you... Nngh!"

"Yup, and don't worry I only gave him a blowjob but what I'm very pent up Gilda. I mean you should have seen it though, It was bigger than this toy by a large margin and I did want to ride him just to get it inside, but let's face it he wants both you and Tide a lot more than he wants me right now," Gabby said as she slid one of her hands into her shorts and panties sliding her talons across her already wet slit.

"J-just shut up and fuck me already!" She said as she turned around pulling Gabby's hand out and locking lips with her.

She pushed Gabby up against the wall grabbing and stroking the toy making Gabby moan out a bit loudly which was muffled by them kissing. Gilda knew exactly what she was doing and it had worked because now she couldn't get the images out of her head. Sure she was pissed that Gabby had apparently known about her feelings for an unknown time to her but right now she just needed something inside of her to quell some of the fire going on inside of her.

After a few more moments of torturing her fellow griffon by stroking her toy but never letting her fully build up she broke the kiss and forced Gabby onto the bed. She then took the moment to fully undress revealing her athletic build which she was a bit leaner with some muscle showing and as she unclipped her breasts they jiggled as they came free. They were d cups after all and as she looked Gabby was staring with hungry eyes.

Though she wasn't going to let Gabby have any control tonight she dropped her shorts and panties as she hopped onto Gabby. As she looked down at the griffon below her she got a smile across her making Gabby gulp a bit which turned into a moan as Gilda started grinding against the toy which she was making sure she wasn't letting out her own moans. She eventually went in for another kiss before stopping her grinding and lining it up to her entrance.

"Just know, we are so going to have an actual talk tomorrow," She said into Gabby's ear as they both let out moans as she enveloped the toy and began to ride her letting her anger and sexual frustration out onto her roommate.

Vacation Planning

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"Breakfast? It's past noon," You say as you sit down with an already-made plate with some sausage links, eggs, and bacon.

"Hmm, then let's call it Brunch then. So, how was your first night here?" Gilda asked as she took a huge bite of one of her sausage links.

"Um, well I was pretty comfortable," You say as you gave all the girls a smile, and as you looked at Tide she had a slight blush before you took a bite of your bacon. "Hmm, this tastes great!"

"Thanks, been working on my cooking for the past few years," Gilda said making you raise an eyebrow.

"You are expecting me to expect you cooked this?" You asked with a teasing tone and smile making her roll her eyes.

"I know, she surprised me with this too," Gabby said though you could feel some tension between them.

"Hmm, well I just wanted to show off my skills," Gilda said as she finished her plate before taking it to the sink.

"Well it is very good Gilda, last time I remember you trying to cook anything you turned it into a hunk of charcoal," Tide said making Gilda give her a hard stare making them all laugh.

"Yeah, well last time I was only thirteen and just beginning to learn. By the way, do you need any help unpacking anything else?" Gilda asked as she came back to the table and sat down.

"Nah, everything else is just the little stuff though might need help later with some of the wall stuff," You answer as you were pretty much wolfing down your plate which did make Gilda give a pleased smile. Though as you looked at her today she was wearing a tank top with another pair of her jean shorts.

You did catch a glimpse at what Gabby was wearing as well, wearing a v-cut purple shirt with a skirt that went to her mid-thighs. This did make you glance at Tide, you saw her coming out of the bathroom but you hadn't paid attention to what she was wearing. As you looked as she got up to take her plate over to the sink she was wearing a tight-fitting green shirt with skinny jeans.

"Alright, which by the way I know this is a bit sudden since you only just moved in but how about going with us on our annual vacation!" Gabby suggested making you cough a bit.

"Wait, I thought you guys already went on your vacation this year?" You asked making both Gilda and Gabby shake their heads and laugh a bit.

"No, we haven't and it shows how busy you've been getting ready to move in with us and all. We always take our vacation during my downtime since before the actual practices really start we get two weeks off. By the way Tide, you're also invited if you want to come," Gilda explained.

"But wait, weren't you at a practice yesterday?" Tide asked.

"Yeah, that was the last one for the next two weeks though, and if you're wondering we booked a cabin at Lake Crystal," Gilda answered.

"Isn't that the lake that they filmed those old slasher movies?" You ask making Gilda and Gabby nod. "So, when are we going and for how long?"

"Well, we'll go in about three days because I still got to get things in order with the office, especially with the gas leak thing which is why we aren't going sooner," Gabby replied making you nod but you did look at Tide.

"So, are you going too?" You asked looking at Tide who shrugged.

"I'm sure I can, just got to ask my parents but I'm sure it'll be fine, and since it's not until three days it'll give me the time to pack," Tide replied with a little smile.

"Just make sure you bring a swimsuit," Gabby suggested.

"Well yeah, it is at a lake and one that got its name because of how clear the water is!" Tide said excitedly.

As you all talked about what you all could do while at the lake you finished your breakfast and started doing the dishes. This got Gabby to come help as you washed she dried and put away since she knew where everything went. It really didn't take much time since there weren't that many.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go talk to my parents and I will see you guys later!" Tide said as she grabbed her stuff and as she started to walk out she turned around and gave you a hug and whispered in your ear. "Thanks for inviting me and letting me sleep with you."

"U-uh, no problem, and let me know what your parents say 'cause I am looking forward to going with you," You whisper back returning the hug.

"Yup, sure will, and like I said I'll see you guys later!" She once again said as turned around and walked out the door where she spread her wings and took off.

"What were you two whispering about?" Gilda asked right behind you making you jump a bit.

"Oh, just saying bye and asking her to let me know what her parents say," You answer and as you turn to look at her she has her arms crossed making her cleavage very visible.

"Uh-huh, well I'm going to go for a jog for a bit. See ya later dweeb," Gilda said as she moved past him giving him a little shoulder bump with a little smile.

"Alright, I'm gonna go start getting my stuff fully unpacked," You said as you returned her smile as she shut the front door behind her. After she left you went back to the kitchen. "Do you need any help with anything?"

"Hmm, nah just probably going to do some light cleaning for right now. Besides, like you said you still need to unpack your stuff and I'm sure there's stuff you wouldn't want anyone else to see anyway," Gabby replied giving you a smile though what happened last night started to replay in your head. "You know, I'm very much looking forward to having you here, gonna make things a lot more interesting."

You turned a little red as she gave you a wink before going over to a closet and grabbed a duster which you took a breath to clear your head. Going up to your room you started to unpack box after box, with some bags full of clothes. As you continued you heard Gilda come back which you were almost done and even had ideas about where to hang some of your posters and pictures.

However, as you got to the last box you knew this did have a few things in that like Gabby said you didn't want anyone to see. Once you open the box you place your movies into a compartment in your dresser and looking at what's left you smile as the magazine Tide had given you. Picking it up you flipped it open where her pictures were and you had to wonder if she would be wearing the same bikini.

As you went from page to page you came across the extra pictures she had given you which she had to pay the photographer extra for. Looking through them there were several with her in more provocative positions in her bikini and a few of her seemingly barely having anything on at all but still had everything covered. You bit your lower lip as you looked at them along with what you saw when you woke up you started to become hard once again.

You quickly went to your bathroom after putting the mag and pics in the compartment and closed it. Hopping into the shower you finally let your imagination go wild you imagined Tide and you went at it switching her out with Gabby and Gilda every now and again as you let moans out you stroked yourself. After a few minutes, you could feel yourself about to release letting out a louder moan than you meant to.

Taking a few more moments to collect yourself after you start to wash yourself and quickly finishing your shower you begin to dry yourself off. Getting dressed and looking around your new room as you had placed everything where you wanted everything. You then made your way downstairs where Gabby and Gilda were watching a show.

"What you guys watching?" You ask as you sit down in a chair next to them.

"Just some reruns of an old show. You get everything unpacked?" Gilda asked.

"Yup, just need some help with the wall stuff now. By the way, do you guys use nails or those one-wall strip things?" You asked since you wanted to know.

"Either is fine, but are you asking 'cause you need some?" Gabby was the one who asked.

"Yeah, and I don't know where you guys keep stuff like that," You reply making both of them give you a smile.

"Here, I'll go help him while you start dinner alright?" Gilda said to Gabby as she went to go get some nails.

"Wait, we only ate about two hours ago... Unless you're planning on slow-cooking something," You say making Gabby give you a smile.

"Yup, gonna have some nice slow-cooked Chili," Gabby said as she stood up. "My recipe usually takes about three and a half hours."

"Well, if we get done fast enough we'll come help," You say giving her a warm smile which she returned as Gilda came back.

"Alright, let's get to it!" Gilda said as you both went to your room.

You held up everything while she nailed a place for everything, though as she got to the one you wanted to hang you showed her about the placement. Though she was having a tough time standing on your bed to get a good foothold you grabbed her around her waist to help stabilize her. Your face turned a bit red as you did and feeling her muscles made you wonder what it would be like to fully explore it.

"Alright, the nails in," Gilda said snapping you out of your thoughts letting go of her.

Though as she started to turn her foot got snagged in your blanket making her eyes go wide as she started falling backward. Lucky for her you were already behind her to cushion her fall but you both still ended up on the floor with her on top. She sat up looking down at you with an appreciative smile until she started shifting her hips a bit realizing she could feel you start to harden.

"O-oh, um, s-sorry let me get up..." Gilda said as she got off of you standing up. Though she did offer you a hand to help you up. "Thanks for being my cushion by the way."

"It's no problem and let's not worry about the picture right now, I'll put it up later now that the nail is in. Let's uh, go see if Gabby still needs help," You suggest making her nod. "Which by the way, how many times have you guys gone to Lake Crystal?"

"Oh, just once but it was during the winter so couldn't do much other than some Ice skating and fishing," Gilda said as you both went downstairs. "Wanted to go during the summer to actually do everything they have to offer."

"You telling him about the last time we went to the lake?" Gabby asked as they entered the kitchen.

"Yup, and I can't wait since there is supposed to be a huge live concert on the beach when we're down there!" Gilda said excitedly.

"Right, The Condours are playing right?" Gabby asked which did remind you that was one of her favorite bands.

"Oh yeah, it'll be great especially if we all went as a group!" Gilda said.

"Uh, so do you guys have like a pamphlet or something I could look at and send over to Tide?" You asked making Gabby reach into a drawer.

"Here, the manager of the cabin we'll be staying at gave us this one with all the information for the month," Gabby said as she passed it to you.

Looking it over real fast you saw the concert Gilda was excited about and as you continued you saw a few things you wanted to try. Like the fireworks show later on during a smaller concert which did excite you since it had been a minute since you got to see fireworks. You made sure to take pictures of it as you looked and once done you sent them to Tide.

"So, what are you looking forward to?" You asked as you closed the pamphlet.

"Honestly, the talent show which I'm gonna blow everyone away with my singing!" Gabby answered.

"You can sing?" You couldn't help but be a bit surprised.

"Yeah, and she's pretty dam good too," Gilda said making Gabby's smile grow.

"And no, I'm not gonna give you a sneak peek 'cause I want it to be a surprise. So, what made you pause so long that got your attention?" Gabby asked.

"Oh, the fireworks show on the same night as the concert you guys were talking about. It's later on after the main concert," You answered making them both nod.

"Should've figured, you were always obsessed with fireworks. By the way, heard anything out of Tide?" Gilda asked making you look down at your phone to see you missed a text.

"Hold on," You reply as you look at the text. "Yeah, she said she could come and she's looking forward to the hotdog eating contest."

"Wait, she's wanting to do an eating contest?" Gabby asked.

"Yeah, believe it or not, she had a good metabolism and can be a bottomless pit when she wants to be. Plus she does have her workout routine," You reply.

"Well, other than those things I'm of course just looking forward to lounging on the beach and swimming," Gabby said.

"Me too, can't wait to show off my stuff!" Gilda said making you blush a bit at the thought of her in a bikini. However that only made you imagine all three of them together in their swimsuits.

"Can't wait to go jet skiing myself," You said making Gilda's eyes light up.

"Oh shit, I nearly forgot they had rentals there!" Gilda said making Gabby laugh.

"Because you got distracted by the concert," Gabby said getting you to join in making Gilda roll her eyes. "Alright, well guys thanks for helping out while we talked now all we got to do is wait and stir every now and again. Now let's go sit down for a bit."

"Yeah, and hey do you still play that one video game?" Gilda asked as you all walked into the living room.

"Oh yeah, and I got the latest version," You reply making Gabby raise an eyebrow.

"What game are you guys talking about?" Gabby asked.

"It's called Ball Monsters," You answer making Gabby give a nod of recognition.

"Should have figured, I'm not into video games myself but I do know about it. If you two are gonna start playing that mind if one of you let me try?" Gabby asked.

"You can use mine, and if you want I can give you a few tips especially for battling against her," You say as you point to Gilda who gives a snort.

"Not like you could beat me anyway," Gilda said making you roll your eyes.

"Well, let's see then," You said as you went to go get your handheld and brought it down.

The three of you played a few battles against each other with you and Gabby switching as you both lost. Though both of you did manage to beat Gilda a few times she ultimately won the majority of the matches. Eventually Gabby wanted to play the actual game so you transferred your best monsters to the in-system storage app and restarted the game to a new save file.

"Now if you have some questions just ask either one of us," Gilda said as she put her handheld down stretching her arms above her head.

"Can do, but man never knew this game was this fun though!" Gabby said as she started her first time playing through the actual story.

"Yeah, just wish there was a full-blown RPG of it though," You said as you sat down.

"Oh man, that would be awesome! I do think with the newer games they are somewhat testing the waters a bit though," Gilda said making you nod.

"Well, I like it either way!" Gabby said making both you and Gilda laugh.

"Yeah, I mean there is a reason why it's one of the more successful game series there is!" You said as you took a drink out of your glass.

"I can see why, by the way, why does this little guy look like the big guy you had?" Gabby asked which got you to explain the evolution mechanic and how some would evolve differently.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you which ones can or can't evolve and how you can," You said with a smile.

"So, you guys want me to put something on?" Gilda asked.

"Do you still have a copy of that funny movie we used to always watch?" You asked making Gilda's eyes light up again.

"Oh yeah," She replied as she got up and went to the entertainment center.

As she bent over to look for the movie she gave you a good view of her butt as her shorts conformed around her. You ignored it as best as you could and tried to pay more attention to helping Gabby. After a moment of digging Gilda came up with the movie and popped it into the DVD player.

It was great hanging out with Gilda and Gabby watching your favorite movie while playing your favorite game. It just brought on a wave of nostalgia that all three of you seemed to enjoy, even if this was the first time Gabby was playing the game. As it turned out she also loved the movie you guys were watching as well, you actually started to feel more at ease as you all continued until it was time to eat.

A Bit Of Swimming

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As you got up and went into the bathroom you smiled as you thought about how tomorrow you all would be going to the lake. You all talked about what all of you wanted to do, which Tide had to do over the phone since she and her manager were starting negotiations for a photoshoot. She did promise that she be on time since her manager could handle the negotiations for a little while, but you did wonder why she wouldn't tell you what the shoot was for.

"So, you going over to Tide's today?" Gilda asked as you sat down next to her.

"Yeah, figured I hang there for a bit and see if she's coming over tonight or tomorrow before we leave," You answer making Gilda nod.

"By the way, isn't her dad the head of the infrastructure for the city?" Gilda asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Yup, he's been working late due to the gas main leak from that road crew since. Also, the road crew that did it were let go because as it turns out they had a tough time following proper procedures," You reply as you look at Gilda closer. For the moment she was still wearing her pajamas which were a nice pale blue color, though as you looked at her top she had several top buttons undone revealing a lot of cleavage.

"Huh, well I feel sorry for them but I can understand since they would be putting a lot of people in danger," Gabby said as she came out of the kitchen wearing her purple robe that was loosely tied that allowed you to see her black bra underneath.

"Yeah, I feel sorry for her dad who has to put in a lot more hours because of that crew. I mean he now has to go look over every job that crew did to make sure they did it right. So even after he does everything for the gas main he'll still be working a shit ton of overtime to fix everything else," Gilda argued making Gabby shrug.

"I agree with both of yeah, more so with Gilda if I'm being honest since he does have three families one of which he has a newborn," You said making Gilda nod.

"Right, forgot that Hippogriffs and Seaponies are majorly polyamorous," Gabby said making you raise an eyebrow making her blush. "Hey, just because I'm a major player in the mail trade doesn't mean I can keep track of things like that!"

"Hey, wasn't going say anything about that but yeah, about eighty-five to ninety percent of them are polyamorous. Though it may not be as common here in Equestria as it once was it's still about forty-five to fifty percent of the population are into it as well," You say making Gabby give a little whistle.

"Well, he does pay attention in school," Gilda said making you roll your eyes.

"Yeah, I had a project last year that involved looking at all that stuff which I did find interesting," You said.

"I bet, so do they all live in the same place? I mean Tide's father's other families," Gabby asked.

"No, they have a total of four different houses. One for each family and a main house for the holidays and weekly family dinners so that way they wouldn't be all bunched together and ultimately not get along. Not saying they don't get along, they do and all have a fun time together..." You started making Gabby laugh a bit.

"I understand what you mean but I would at least try living together if I was in a relationship together. A lot more fun opportunity that way," Gabby said making Gilda roll her eyes.

"Um, yeah, but hey I think I'm gonna head out. Tide just message saying her manager will be taking care of the negotiations starting today so she'll be free for the rest of today," You said as you got up.

"So, does that mean she'll be staying the night then?" Gilda asked.

"Don't know yet, but more than likely yeah," You answer giving Gilda a smile.

"I'm looking forward to it! Especially since it'll let us talk about room arrangements," Gabby said making you raise an eyebrow. "The cabin we rented only has three bedrooms to it, did we not mention that?"

"Nope, I think we all got kind of distracted and we really weren't thinking about that until this morning," Gilda said making you sigh.

"So, that's part of the reason why you guys woke up a little earlier today it seemed," You said.

"To be fair, I always wake up early I just usually stay in my room for a bit before coming down," Gilda explained making you shake your head.

"I'm just excited about the trip!" Gabby said in a cheerful tone.

"Alright, well I'll let her know so she can get an idea of where she wants to sleep. See y'all later!" You said as you went out of the door and flew off, though as you were doing so you could hear them saying their bye's as well.

Once in the air, you let your thoughts roam for a moment leading you to think that you were pretty comfortable with everything so far. Granted there were a few moments on that first day that left you embarrassed or confused you a bit. But all and all it wasn't that bad if only you could sort out your feelings a bit, although you had an idea of what you wanted in the end.

You sighed as Tide's house came into view which did make you wonder again what kind of shoot she was gonna do that she didn't want to tell you what for. It wasn't the first time but it was very rare for her to do so, it was usually out of her being a bit embarrassed but you knew she would tell you eventually. Once you landed on the sidewalk you saw Tide giving you a smile as she stood in the front door.

"Hey, about time you got here!" Tide said as you walked up to her. As you looked her over she was wearing a cute summer dress with a serpent pattern.

"Yeah, Gabby and Gilda are excited, and also turns out we need to think about sleeping arrangements," You say making her raise an eyebrow.

"Let me guess, there aren't enough bedrooms in the cabin?" Tide asked making you nod.

"Yeah, two of us will be sharing a room," You said making her give a little laugh.

"Well, I'm sure we can figure it out but come on my mom wants to say hi!" Tide said making you smile. Her mom looked almost exactly like Tide, granted they had their differences of course.

"There you are! Have you had breakfast yet?" Crecenda asked as you followed Tide into their kitchen.

"No, I uh, forgot before I came over," You answer as you give her an appreciative smile as she gives you a knowing smile as she puts a plate down in front of you.

"You always seem to forget when you come over for some reason!" Crecenda said with a smile.

That was true since she did make some delicious food despite being a busy woman herself though what most don't know is she had gone to a culinary school before she switched her career. Today she prepared some of her famous scrambled eggs with homemade blueberry pancakes. You took your time to enjoy every bite which got her smile to grow.

"So, Tide why don't you go start packing while he finishes his food?" Crecenda suggested making Tide give a little pout but she didn't put up a fight.

"Fine, I'll be done in no time at all," Tide said as she made her way out of the kitchen. Once she was gone and you could hear her going up the stairs you turned to look at her mom whose demeanor seemed to have changed a bit.

"So, you excited to have Tide come along?" Crecenda asked with a smile but her tone had more of a suggestive tune to it that you couldn't help but notice.

"Um, well yeah we are friends," You said as you looked at her seeing that she was also wearing a summer dress but hers was a plain white dress that allowed you to see her silhouette a bit through it.

"Uh-huh, but anyway I'm glad because she needs one. Granted wish we all could go but as you know her father is a bit busy at the moment and so am I. I will be off the next few days but that wouldn't be enough to have a proper vacation, at least you are someone we can trust her with," Crecenda said with that same suggestive tone.

"Yeah, she will be in good hands," You said as you finished your plate.

"We know, by the way, to change the topic a bit didn't you get your beginners certificate?" Crecenda asked making you start to relax.

"Yup, I am going to put an application everywhere I can including for Gilda's team," You said making her nod.

"I'm sure they love a private masseuse and I heard that the ones that work for professional teams pay pretty well. But how does one get a more advanced certification?" Crecenda asked making you smile. While you could get hired with the certificate you have, it was more for you to be an apprentice type.

"I'll have to work under another one to put what I've learned to practice and to learn some of the more advanced techniques that require more hands-on experience to be able to learn. Once the person I'm working under is confident in my ability they'll write a letter of recommendation, which I'll also need one from a customer as well to get my final certification," You explain making her nod.

"Makes sense, I'm sure you'll do just fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go have a swim 'cause I need to stretch my flippers!" Crecenda said as she started making her way to the back door. She preferred to be in her Seapony form but due to her job, she has to spend a decent chunk in her Hippogriff form.

That did remind you of the controversy surrounding them and their Seapony form since they didn't wear anything to cover themselves down there. While they did have clothes now made with Changeling magic for transforming creatures most Hippogriffs and Seaponies didn't wear them for cultural reasons while in Seapony form. Which was why it was determined to be fine, along with the fact that like with Dragons their scales tend to hide their privates unless you knew what you were looking for.

You had to shake your head as you cleared your head to stop yourself from picturing Crecenda taking off her dress and then taking off her bottoms. While you definitely agreed with some of your friends that she was a milf you already had eyes on Tide. Once you were completely done with your food you rinsed your plate and cup, while doing that you heard a large splash indicating that Crecenda was now fully transformed.

"You didn't peak when she was changing did you?" You smiled at Tide's attempt to scare you but you had actually heard her before she had asked that.

"Nah, tempting if I'm being honest but I am not a peeper," You replied and as you looked you could see a little disappointment from not being able to get you to jump.

"Are you sure you're not one or does it have to be the right person?" Tide said with a little smile.

"Hmm, well I think there's a difference if a woman wants to get undressed in front of me and me just looking through a door to get a peep. But yeah, I do have my eyes on someone that I wouldn't mind seeing naked," As you said that you could feel your face start to burn.

"Any clue to who? I mean you got to see Gabby half-naked, but I don't think she's necessarily the one you're quite thinking about," Tide said with a teasing tone.

"Ah, can it! You got everything packed?" You asked making her roll her eyes.

"Yup, even made sure to my pajamas this time. But hey, do you want to go for a dip?" Tide asked making you raise an eyebrow.

"We are going to a lake tomorrow you know?" You reply making her laugh.

"Yeah, and we won't actually be going to the beach until after tomorrow cause we all already agreed to get settled in and do some sightseeing around the town! Besides, we'll be there by mid-afternoon anyway since it'll still take us a bit to get there even at full speed," Tide said and you really couldn't argue with that.

"Well, I didn't bring my trunks so I'll probably just put my legs in," You said making her shrug as she made her way to the backdoor.

"That's fine, wasn't expecting you to swim! Besides this is more to test out my new bikini anyway," Tide said as she opened the door. You shook your head as you followed her out as she took off her summer dress revealing the bikini underneath.

It was the same design as the one she wore in the magazine just different colors but it still made you scan her over. The bikini looked like an average bikini except the bottoms weren't as big or covered as much as full bottoms, but not necessarily small enough to be a thong. The one she was wearing was a simple purple color rather than the blue one she wore.

"So, what you staring at?" Tide asked with a smirk as you rolled your eyes.

"Just some weirdo," You reply as you both go out to the backyard to their swimming pool.

Crecenda was below the surface doing a few laps until she saw the two of you making her pop up. Tide immediately ran and dived into the pool making a pretty good splash as you roll your eyes. You took off your shoes and socks and hung your legs off the side of the pool.

"You know, you could borrow one of Cliff's trunks if you wanted to join," Crecenda suggested.

"Nah, we'll be doing a good bit of swimming at the lake so I'm good. By the way, are you guys still having the big family dinner today?" You asked since they always try to have one with all three families at the main house at least three times a month.

"Yup, and are you coming with us? You know the rest of the family loves to have ya," Crecenda said making you smile.

"Yeah, I'm sure I'll be able to come along. Just gotta text Gilda about it, what time is it though?" You ask making her think for a moment.

"I believe we're supposed to meet up at around three, and the food to be done by five," Crecenda replied making you nod. "Though I am surprised Tide hadn't already invited you yet."

"That's because I was gonna ask later!" Tide shouted a bit from the other side of the pool.

"Gee, she has good hearing," Crecenda said with a little laugh.

"Well, we aren't exactly whispering either though. So, what's on the menu though?" You asked as Tide swam over to where the two of you were.

"I think we're having some BBQ this time round," Tide as she got to the side of the pool.

"Yup, we sure are, and don't worry about bringing anything," Crecenda said as she pushed off from the edge a little.

They talked for a few more minutes before they both eventually went to swim a bit more while you watched. You carefully look over how good Tide looked in real life with the bikini she had on while occasionally looking at her mom. It was so weird how much they looked alike which did get you to laugh a bit since they were always asked if they were sisters.

"You checking out my mom are ya?" Tide teased making you roll your eyes.

"Please, I'm just enjoying the whole view," You said making her giggle.

"Yeah, that totally doesn't sound like you weren't checking her out," She laughed making you splash at her and she gave you a little splashback before going back to swimming.

You eventually took your shirt off to let it dry and do a little sunbathing which felt good as you stretched out your wings. After a little while Tide got out and joined you for a bit reminding you to text Gilda which you made sure to do. It wasn't long before Tide decided to go take a shower.

"You know, seeing you two really does make me smile because you are someone she can trust," You jumped a bit as Crecenda spoke up making her laugh a bit.

"Thanks?" You say a little confused.

"Oh don't worry about it, but I do hope she eventually gets with someone that she can trust as much as you," Crecenda said giving you a warm smile as she got out of the pool. "Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go change!"

You watched as she went into the changing stall that they had installed when they moved in which most Hippogriffs had. or at least have a big tub. Though as you watched her you really could envision that she was what Tide would look like when she grew older. The thought of an older Tide in her Seapony form made you turn a bit red as you realized you were envisioning her more naked than she was in her full bikini.

Shaking your head you stood up and went inside making sure to grab your shirt on the way and put it on. You sat down on the couch and after turning on the TV you began to search for something to watch while you waited. Not a few minutes later Crecenda came in wearing her full bikini with her summer dress in hand.

"I'm going to take a shower myself, you enjoy yourself!" Crecenda said making you nod as you gave her an appreciative smile.

As you sat there you did eventually find a comedy to watch and after about thirty minutes Tide finally came down to join you. She had put her summer dress back on but as you looked you could see a cute little clip she had in her hair. It took you a moment to realize it was the one you had given to her for her birthday.

"That looks really good on you," You said making her give you a little smile.

"Thanks, I really do like it," She said as her smile grew and she placed a hand on it. The way she looked made a shiver go through you a bit. "So, um, are you hungry?"

"Y-yeah, can't wait for dinner," You reply feeling a little embarrassed. But you were comfortable in the moment despite being embarrassed, the two of you sat there watching the movie until Crecenda finally came down wearing a pair of yoga pants and a green shirt with a shark on it.

"You two about ready?" Crecenda asked.

NC: Crecending Feelings

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You eventually took your shirt off to sunbathe and eventually Tide joined you where the two of you relaxed for a moment. She eventually said she would take a shower making you imagine her in the shower and shaking your head. Though if you were being completely honest you were having those kinds of thoughts since you came over.

You turned your attention to Crecenda as she was doing a few laps making you really appreciate just how beautiful she was and you knew Tide would most likely would look just as great. Though as you watched her you bit your lower lip as you really took her in. From her green eyes to her breast, she even seemed to have a little bit of a bigger ass than Tide, though you quickly looked away when you noticed that she was watching you checking her out.

"Say, are you sure I couldn't convince you to join me in here?" Crecenda asked as she swam closer to where you were, which wouldn't be an issue but her tone seemed more seductive.

"I-I'm sure..." You said as you dipped your legs back into the water though your slight stutter made her smile.

"You know, there is no shame in checking me out since me and Tide look a lot alike," Crecenda said as she moved next to you making you look at her. The way she was positioned, crossed-armed leaning on the edge of the pool allowed you to get a perfect view of her cleavage making you swallow a bit.

"I, uh, don't know what you're talking about..." You muttered making her give a chuckle.

"Seriously, there is no reason to be shy..." She said as she placed a hand on your thigh making you go very red. "Now, how about you show me some of your massage skills and I'll show you some of mine..."

You gulped as she moved her hand up to where your stiff dick was and began to rub the outside of your shorts making you give a little groan. Grabbing her hand and moving it away you stood up making her look a bit disappointed until she saw you start taking off your shorts. Taking a breath you eased yourself into the water before looking at her taking in your length.

"Hmm, that's one mighty fine worm, wonder how... mmmpphh!" She let out as you locked lips with her which she was quick to reply.

She broke the kiss giving you a pleased smile as she felt your hardened member press into her tail a bit. You returned her smile as her face contorted into one of pleasure as you slid one of your hands down to where you knew her more sensitive lips were. It was one of the things that you studied while training, and since she had asked you planned on giving her a very happy ending.

"Your voice is so beautiful," You say as she lets out moan after moan as you press your fingers into her. She managed to grab your other hand and guide it to one of her breasts which you quickly gave a squeeze.

You plunged your fingers into her using a good bit of the techniques you had been taught driving her crazy. As you also put some effort into massaging her round plump boob you couldn't believe this was happening. Her moans were driving you crazy though making it a bit difficult to concentrate on pleasing her.

"J-just a-a little m-more..." She moaned out which didn't fall on deaf ears making you pick up your pace as you plunged your fingers into her. You eventually let go of her boob so you could focus on pleasing her, as a result, she locked lips that didn't last long as she couldn't keep her moans stifled.

Once she stopped trying to lock lips with you she closed her eyes and leaned her head back not even trying to quiet her moans one bit. It wasn't long before you felt her tunnel tighten around your fingers as her eyes shot open letting out a long moan. You could feel her convulsing around your fingers and even feel her squirt underwater.

"Hmmm, that felt amazing..." She said while breathing a little heavy as she looked right into your eyes. "Now, how about a deep tissue massage?"

"I am more than happy to oblige," You replied though you let out a moan as you felt her hand wrap around your shaft.

"Definitely can believe that," She said as she gave you a few strokes, but you were already growing impatient.

She let out a surprised gasp as you pushed her into the wall of the pool edge kissing her as you pressed into her. You tried to press into her entrance but couldn't seem to line it up properly making her break the kiss. Giving you a knowing smile she grabbed your shaft lining it up with her entrance.

Once lined up you started pressing into her making both of you moan out as your tip managed to pop into her tight entrance. She eventually let go of your shaft as you started pushing it in deeper making you relish the complete tightness of her being your first time. You had known that while in Seapony form the females were much tighter due to the different muscle structure.

"E-easy...nnggah!... My husband hasn't touched... o-oh... in over a year..." She let out after you tried to go a little faster due to the slowness making you crazy. "B-besides, d-don't want you t-to finish e-early..."

You rolled your eyes but knew she was right since you could already feel yourself building up a bit throughout pushing deeper into her. Taking a deep breath to prepare yourself to push in a bit more slowly you realized you already had about half of your length in her. However, you did have to wonder if she would be able to take your full member while in this form but at the same time you didn't care as her warm and soft tunnel was inviting you further inside.

It didn't take long before you started to slowly push further inside, but eventually, you withdrew a bit so you could get a bit more momentum. This new pace was in between the slow pace you were initially using and the faster pace you used making her ask you to slow down. She seemed to enjoy it as she let out moan after moan encouraging you to continue with it.

You reached around her grabbing her ass as you started to increase your pace a little faster with every withdrawal. Crecenda did not offer any objections as you did so as she was starting to lose herself in the pleasure. At a certain point, you realized you were going as deep as you could leaving at least little more than an inch of you out.

"I-i'm g-gonna..." She let out a loud moan as she tightly wrapped her arms around you as you felt her tunnel tighten up and convulse around you. It took all of your concentration not to blow your load right then.

"C-crencda, I-I..." You moaned out as you started pumping back into her again as she started to calm down from her orgasm making her give out her loudest moan yet as it seemed to through her into a second orgasm.

"N-not i-in..." She tried to moan out but it fell on deaf ears as you continued to thrust into her.

That was until you felt her push you off of her making your member pop out of her tight tunnel as you were so close. But she didn't hesitate as she went under and took your dick into her mouth making you moan out as she bobbed her head. It didn't take too long before you entangled your fingers into her hair as you moaned out as you unloaded in her mouth.

"F-fuck, that was amazing..." You said breathing heavily as she popped back up from under the water.

"Hmm, tell me about it, and sorry about pushing you out, but I didn't want inside," She said as moved back to the edge lifting herself out of the pool while transforming. "Now, why don't you come lay down over here?"

You watched her glow as her tail turned to her legs and her wings sprouted out of her back and as the light went away you had full view of her lower lips. It took you longer than it should have to realize what she had just said and once it processed you moved forward. Laying down where she was pointing you gulped a bit as she stood above you before stepping over you with one leg before coming down on you in a kneeling position.

"Like what you see?" She asked making you nod making her give you a smile. "Good, but the view can get a little better."

At that, she reached behind her as she undid her bikini top letting her breasts be fully exposed and without hesitation, you reached up grabbing both of them. She let out a soft moan as you started to squeeze and massage them and as you did so she started grinding against your already stiff member. You couldn't help but groan out as well feeling her soft tender and wet lips against your shaft.

"I-it's fine if you w-want to c-call her n.... Nnnggha!" She let out as your tip pressed against her clit but her meaning was loud and clear to you. But you knew you wouldn't do that, or at least not intentionally but you lost your train of thought as she raised her hips lining up your tip with her once again and in one swift motion she had enveloped half of your dick.

"C-crecenda....!" Your head was swimming with pleasure as she felt completely different, which you did expect but not to this extent. The way she squeezed you. to the very texture of her inside felt completely new to you compared to when she was in her Seapony form.

"F-fuck you're s-so big... T-thought i-it was j-just m-me b-being in my S-seapony form..." She let out and was giving both of you a moment to adjust.

You realized you had tightened your grip on her breasts when she had initially impaled herself a bit making you let go of them. Before you could try to apologize she leaned over locking lips with you once again this time you felt her tongue enter your mouth. Not wanting to disappoint you reprecipitated and after a little wrestling it seemed you had won.

"So, you ready for me to take the rest of you?" She asked as she broke the kiss after a good minute. You nodded as you placed your hands on her hips making her gasp as you thrust into her a bit. "Hmm, feels so good!"

She placed her hands on either of your shoulders holding you down as she lifted her hips back up leaving the tip in before slamming them back down. This made both of your heads snap back in pleasure as she practically screeched while you groaned as spots formed in your eyes from how good she felt. You knew you wouldn't be able to last long and the way she was handling you made you think she knew that as well.

"I-it's all in..." She moaned out making you look to see that sure enough she had fully gotten your length in. You had already figured since she was tighter in her Seapony form but you were still somewhat impressed on some level.

"I-I d-don't know..." You started before she put a talon to your lips.

"I know, but just tell me before okay?" She asked as she locked eyes with you as you nodded. "Good, now let's get to the real fun..."

She started with a very slow pace that she would start to increase as she felt more confident that you weren't about to blow. Both of you let out moan after moan until you felt her clench down again as her body stiffened and she gave a silent moan. You could feel her juices squirting into your groin and with how she felt to you your head was swimming once again.

"C-crecenda!" You managed to say and on some level, she heard you as she started lifting her hips until she froze and with what she said made you freeze for a moment as well.

"Tide..." Was all she got out before letting out a moan as you unloaded into her.
-------------------------------Months later---------------------------

You walked into the living room to see Crecenda sitting on the couch with her hand resting on her swollen stomach making you smile. Her divorce was finalized and Tide had moved into the main house due to the prenup that both Crecenda and her husband signed she got to fully keep the house since she had bought it and it was in her name. Taking your seat she placed a hand on your thigh.

Sure your relationship ruined your friendship with Tide, made your parents mad at you, and got Crecenda divorced but the both of you were still happy. You knew your parents would eventually come around and Crecenda has told you she was unhappy and unsatisfied for years. The only regret the both of you had was hurting Tide, but that was something you both could live with.

You let out a moan as she snaked her hand into your shorts and stroked your shaft making you look at her. Looking at her she was as beautiful as always and even more so with her baby bump. Leaning over you locked lips with her giving a few more moans into her mouth as she continued to stroke you. She let out her own moan as she broke the kiss you grabbed one of her more sensitive breasts while you slid your other hand in between her own legs.

Not hesitating you started kissing her once again pushing her down until she was fully lying down on the couch. Breaking the kiss you leaned up looking down at her more vulnerable form as all she had on was a robe that was now fully splayed open. You lined yourself up to her entrance before shoving it inside of her making both of you moan.

"I-I love you..." She moaned out as you plunged in and out of her.

"I love you too..." You let out as you picked up your pace.

You looked her right in the eye making her nod as you stopped and pulled out and getting off from on top of her. She then did a pregnant downward dog yoga position looking back at you with her ass face towards you. Moving forward you placed either hand on her sides letting them go over her baby bump making her giggle.

As your hands got to her hips you gave a smile as you grabbed her ass cheeks spreading one side and revealing her puckered hole as you line up your tip with it. She tensed up a bit as you started pushing inside but once the tip popped in she moaned out. It wasn't long before she started cumming making her ass feel like a vice grip and once she started relaxing a bit you started unloading into her which instantly sent her into another orgasm.

"S-shit, you really g-get off o-on very l-little when i-it comes to a-anal..." You said as you pulled out after you calmed down from your own bliss causing your sperm to leak out of her tight hole.

"Y-you're one to talk..." She said giving you a smile and wink as she wiggled her ass before lying fully on the couch. Joining her you both lay there with each other perfectly content.