What Is An Alicorn?

by Goldfur

First published

Very soon after becoming an alicorn, Twilight Sparkle discovers that there is a lot more to them than she had ever learned. Celestia is more than eager to teach her.

Very soon after becoming an alicorn, Twilight Sparkle discovers that there is a lot more to them than she had ever learned. The shocking truth will change the course of her and Celestia's lives forever. Her former mentor is more than eager to show why this isn't a bad thing.

You Get More Than Wings

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The night sky lit up drawing five ponies out of the Ponyville library. They looked up to see a variation of Twilight’s cutie mark, only with six small white stars instead of five. It drifted down to the ground in front of them, dazzling their eyes until it faded to reveal a familiar unicorn.

Blinking the bright spots from before her eyes, Applejack said, “Twilight? Is that you?”

The mare looked like their purple friend, only taller. Then, she straightened up and a large pair of wings unfolded from her back. Everypony gasped in shock at the sight.

“Ah… Ah’ve never seen anything like it,” the apple farmer said in stunned surprise.

Rainbow Dash was the first to recover. She grinned and took flight to examine Twilight’s new appendages more closely to check for herself that they were real. “Ha! Twilight’s got wings! Awesome! A new flying buddy!”

Rarity stepped closer, her eyes riveted on the wings too. “Why, you’ve become an alicorn. I didn’t even know that was possible.

Pinkie Pie started prancing around. “Alicorn party!” She blew a kazoo and the sounds of cheering came from nowhere.

Fluttershy approached Twilight, smiling happily that her friend was okay after the fright they’d had. “Wow – you look just like a princess.”

A regal voice came from above. “That’s because she is a princess.” Celestia floated down to a landing next to Twilight.

The mares were stunned once more. Pinkie Pie said, “Hold on a second!” She grabbed a glass of water from wherever she normally fetched an unending array of objects, took a swig, and did a spit-take.

Twilight stuttered, “A… a princess?”

Celestia smiled benignly. “Since you've come to Ponyville, you've displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and of course, the leadership of a true princess.”

The new alicorn said, “But... does this mean I won't be your student anymore?”

Her mentor replied, “Not in the same way as before. I'll still be here to help and guide you, but we're all your students now, too. You are an inspiration to us all, Twilight.”

Twilight looked a little lost. “But... what do I do now? Is there a book about being a princess I should read?”

Celestia giggled. “There will be time for all of that later. Right now, though, I need to teach you some important things that you will need to know about being an alicorn.”

The purple mare’s eyes widened, still trying to take in the changes. “Yes. We… I…” She looked around frantically. “I need to go to the bathroom!” She dashed off into the library.

The remaining Elements of Harmony looked between each other with furrowed brows… all except for Rainbow Dash. “Hey, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go!”

Celestia interposed her much larger form between the friends and the library. “My dear little ponies, I understand that you want to be with Twilight to help her deal with this sudden change. However, I assure you that she will be fine. Right now, what she needs most is to comprehend what it means to be an alicorn, and only another alicorn can teach her that. Trust me that I will help her tonight. Please go home for now. Come back in the morning when Twilight has had a chance to rest and recover from her experience. I intend to take her back to Canterlot with me then. You may all come with us, if you wish. She will want your support as she is prepared for her coronation.”

Rarity gasped and held a hoof to her chest. “So, when you said that Twilight was a princess, it wasn’t just a metaphor?”

“No, indeed. Twilight Sparkle will join Luna and me as a true Princess of Equestria.”

Just then, a scream came from inside the library. As one, the mares began to move toward the cry when Celestia spread out her wings to stop them.

“That was anticipated. Twilight Sparkle is reacting to her changes and I must now attend to her. Go home, my little ponies. Trust your friend to me.”

The five friends reluctantly nodded and turned away to head home. Celestia waited a moment to be sure that no one would turn back before heading inside, closing and locking the door behind her. She then sought out Twilight, eventually finding her in the bathroom, staring at herself in the full-length mirror, her eyes wide open in shock.

“My dear Twilight – I am here for you.”

Twilight’s head jerked around to stare at the white alicorn. “Why?

“Why what, dear?”

Why do I have a penis?!” she wailed, moving her leg to show the sheath on her belly and the flaccid male member that had extruded from it, not to mention the large scrotum behind it.

Celestia moved over to hug the distraught alicorn with her wing. “Twilight, I have one more lesson to teach before you become a princess. It is time for you to learn some things that few other ponies know. Tell me – what is an alicorn?”

“What has that got to do with me having a penis?”

“Everything. Please answer the question.”

“An alicorn is… an ascended pony that has all the attributes of all three tribes.”

“Four, if you count the bat ponies,” Celestia amended.

Twilight blinked, her thoughts momentarily derailed before she continued. “Alicorns possess the flight powers of pegasi, magic-wielding of unicorns, and the strength of earth ponies.”

“You omitted the night vision and wing claws that we inherit from the bat ponies. Although the latter are normally hidden by the feathers, I admit. However, that is still an incomplete answer. Twilight – an alicorn is an avatar of the pony race as a whole. This is why we have the abilities of all the tribes and a magical power level that is far above even the most powerful individual. We are the sum of that whole. We are all pegasi, all unicorns, all earth ponies, all bat ponies, all mares, and… all stallions. My dear student – alicorns are hermaphrodites by our very nature.”

Twilight gaped at her, incredulity in her eyes. “But… But you—”

Celestia interrupted, “But I’m a mare, you were about to say?” She stepped back and her horn glowed. An illusion spell shimmered out of existence, revealing that she too had an impressively large sheath and balls. “I have maintained that illusion for centuries. Very few ponies know the truth about us.”

Twilight was gobsmacked. “So… Luna is a hermaphrodite too?”

“Yes, and she has an even stranger tale. You see, Luna used to be my brother. He gained a vagina, uterus, and ovaries.”

“But… she’s been a mare as far as records go back!”

“Luna discovered that he liked being female, so when we started hiding our dual sexual nature, my brother became my sister.”

“Why did you start hiding it? Why wasn’t I taught this?”

“Because, although the ponies of that time period respected our power, they were very uncomfortable with our being neither fully a mare nor fully a stallion. It raised tensions in a period when peace between the tribes was still in a state of armed neutrality. Luna and I discussed the problem and decided that, for the good of all, we needed to be seen as mares only. We were loath to tamper with ponies’ memories though, so we instead formulated a spell that caused them to lose interest in the subject. That, combined with the illusion spells that hid our male genitalia, allowed them to gradually forget that we were hermaphrodites. We also did our best to ensure there were no records of that fact. We were successful enough that all that remains of that is the reference to our being an amalgam of all kinds of ponies. Nopony realizes nowadays that that includes both sexes.”

Twilight stared off into the distance. “So – that means I’m now just as much a male as a female. Wait! That means Cadance… and Shiny…”

“Your brother knows what Cadance is and he has accepted it because he loves her with all his heart.”

Twilight shot Celestia an incredulous look. “He’s fine with this?” She swept a hoof in the direction of her new appendage.

“As a matter of fact, Cadance has told me that one of their favorite bedroom games is to give each other simultaneous fellatio. The goal is to make the other cum first—”

“ACK! Too much information, Princess!”

The white alicorn giggled. “Sorry, Twilight. I only wanted to lighten the mood by showing you that there’s nothing wrong with your change in nature. Just because you’re a herm now doesn’t mean that you are a fundamentally different pony.”

“Are you trying to tell me that I have always been part male in some way?”

“Twilight – everypony has some of the opposite gender in them. It’s what gives balance to their personalities. One mitigates the other’s extremes. Those ponies whose other halves are absent or weak tend to be gross caricatures of their genders. On the other hoof, a very strong other half can result in behaviors such as masculine traits in a mare.”

“Like Rainbow Dash’s tomboy attitude?”

“Yes, or in the extreme, gender dysphoria.”

“That was Luna’s problem, I’m guessing?”

“Near enough that she chose to present as a mare for the rest of her life.”

“And what of me then?”

Celestia sighed. “This is when I have to make a confession. Twilight – I have been grooming you to be a leader. I recognized your potential since the day you gained your cutie mark. I was sure that you had what it took to become an alicorn and I took you as my student in the hopes I could guide you along that path.”

“You made me into an alicorn?” Twilight accused.

Celestia shook her head. “No. Nopony can do that. Luna, Cadance, and I discovered in ourselves that extra something that caused us to ascend. I merely gave you every opportunity to discover that within yourself too.”

“Why, Celestia? Why did you so desperately want me to become an alicorn?” Twilight asked angrily. “Equestria doesn’t need another princess!”

The alabaster mare was silent for a long moment, then she turned her head away from her accuser. Quietly she replied, “Because I wanted to find my mate.”

Twilight’s thoughts came to a screeching halt. “You… what?”

“My dearly beloved student, I have been lonely for centuries. Unlike Cadance, I have never found somepony to love me unconditionally. Our ruse worked too well and anypony who grew close to me was repelled by the truth. Eventually, I gave up trying. After I had to banish Luna to the moon, I didn’t even have her to commiserate with. I decided that to find happiness, it would have to be with another alicorn. Over the millennia, I have nurtured many students, but they all failed to overcome the final hurdle. Some came close and they were my dearest friends until they passed on, but they were never my special somepony. I need a mate who not only feels the desires that I do, but also enjoys the same things. And I need a mate who will not grow old and die, leaving me alone once more.” Celestia turned to face Twilight, tears welling in her eyes. “I am hoping that you will be that mate.”

Twilight had never seen Celestia in such a vulnerable state. Although the newest alicorn was still struggling with her own feelings over her transformation, it was agonizing to see such sadness in one who had been near and dear to her heart since she had been a young filly. “Princess… no, Celestia – you’ve been my teacher for years, and for much more than just magic studies. You were almost a second mother to me—”

No!” the white alicorn interrupted. “While I wanted to nurture our relationship, I did not want you to think of me as an alternative to your mother. In fact, when I realized how your feelings were leaning, I made sure that you spent more time with your real parents. And when you were reluctant to do so, I asked Cadance to foalsit you at home. She and you had already developed a good, healthy relationship, so that worked out best for both of us. You respected me still, loved me even, but you stopped viewing me as a mother figure.”

Twilight thought about that for a while, nodding as she put the pieces together. “You said you asked Cadance, but I’m betting she came up with the idea and let you run with it.”

Celestia cocked her head and frowned. “I… suppose she did at that.”

Twilight snorted a half-laugh. “Don’t you see? Her special talent is love – she already knew your feelings. She’s been facilitating your desires all this time, which leads me to wonder about mine. I was too young back then, but Cadance has an uncanny sixth sense. On several occasions, I saw her introduce two young students that had never met before at her school, who later married after they graduated years later.”

The white alicorn looked hopeful. “Then isn’t it possible that she saw the same in you?”

Twilight sighed in frustration. “Yes! But did I need to become a hermaphrodite to fulfill that pairing?”

Celestia allowed herself a small smile. “But you still said yes. My love, I may have done a lot to challenge you to be your best to hasten your ascent to an alicorn but, as I said before, I can’t actually make it happen. You did this to yourself, Twilight, and while the exact moment was up for conjecture, the result was inevitable. You were destined to become what you are now. I only allowed myself this one selfish wish to have my mate sooner rather than later. I have been waiting for centuries for you, Twilight, even if I did not know it until a young filly hatched an unhatchable egg and my instincts told me that she was something very special.”

The newest alicorn looked down at her new equipment. “So, you’re telling me that this is what I would inevitably have become irrespective of whatever you did you did or did not do?”

“Yes. There are too few of our kind to know much about our purpose in this world except that we serve the will of Harmony. Each of has ascended when we were needed the most. You will discover that purpose soon but, in the meantime, I intend to woo you, Twilight. I have waited millennia; I can wait a few weeks more if I must. However, now that I am sure that there is hope for a relationship, I will not give up on trying to win you as my mate.”

“This is a lot to take in all at once, Celestia. Just an hour ago, I was a mare, but now I am half stallion. I still don’t know how I should feel about that.”

“Then let me ask you this – when you look at your penis and testicles, do you think, ‘these belong to a stallion’ or ‘these are mine’? Do they feel like foreign objects stuck on your body, or do they feel like they are part of you?”

Twilight threw her forelegs up, hooves apart, as if pleading for her suitor to see the obvious. “Of course they’re… That is, I…” She looked down at herself again, then she closed her eyes for a long moment before they snapped wide open again. “Oh, sweet heavens! They feel so natural!”

Celestia nodded. “It was the same for Luna and me. Cadance too. Once we got over the shock of gaining new genitalia, we realized that it felt right. This was not us gaining something – it was us being completed! We were always meant to be hermaphrodites.”

“Does this mean that I was born just to be your mate?”

The white alicorn shook her head. “No, Twilight. That is and always will be your choice, although I will do my utmost to make you my stallion. Your destiny is far greater than the desires of two ponies. However, there is no reason that I can see why they cannot go hoof in hoof. I love you, Twilight Sparkle. I want you to share the throne with me during the day, and my bed at night. I want to share your joys and your sorrows, your triumphs and your losses. And if I may be so bold to add, I want you to take that magnificent cock of yours and buck me silly with it.”

Twilight felt her face grow hot as she blushed at Celestia’s words. She didn’t know which affected her the more – her emotional desires or her carnal ones. A new sensation offered its opinion and she looked down to her belly to see her penis rapidly engorging.

Celestia giggled. “I see I have an ally.”

“They really do have a mind of their own,” Twilight murmured, trying to take in the novel sensations and the yearning that came with them.

“It does seem like that sometimes, but it’s all really in your head. The brain is a powerful sex organ and it doesn’t hesitate to react to pleasurable stimulus. It doesn’t even have to be sexual in nature to result in a response. Welcome to a lifetime of unwanted erections. At least, you will be able to hide them as I’ve done for centuries.”

“I’m going to need to learn that illusion spell of yours.”

Celestia came close to the younger alicorn and stroked her cheek. I will be happy to teach my former student one more spell, and many other things.”

“Well… you can tell me one thing.”

“Oh? What would that be?”

“Is my penis supposed to ache like it is right now?”

Celestia chuckled. “They get that way when they strain to fulfill their purpose and are frustrated.”

Twilight snorted. “Of course. Here I am trying to logically sort through my feelings and my new sexual organ is telling me shut up and buck you.”

“And will you?”

Twilight looked Celestia in the eyes. “You didn’t ask me to be your lover a moment ago; you asked me to be your stallion.”

Slip of the tongue.”

Twilight shook her head. “No – I think you know exactly what you want. And I am beginning to believe I know what I desire too. I’m still miffed over what you’ve done, but I can’t deny what I am experiencing now. As every minute goes by, I am feeling more and more like I have come out of my cocoon and grown into the pony that I am meant to be.”

“And what is that?” Celestia asked with joyful hope.

“To be your lover, for starters. You wanted a stallion, Celestia? I’ll give you one! Kneel down and lift your tail!”

Celestia knew that Twilight was reacting to the surge in testosterone her new genitals were stimulating her with but the white alicorn didn’t care. She was about to achieve her fondest unrequited desire. She hastened to position herself for the convenience of her much smaller lover. Time would even things out but, for now, she had no intention of letting Twilight feel the lesser in any way.

Twilight reared up to put her forehooves on Celestia’s back and brought herself into position. Then she hesitated. “Am I doing this right?”

Celestia groaned in frustration. “Dearest – you’ve had a penis for less than an hour! No pony, least of all me, cares if you’re amateurish. Now, please! Mount me! I ache for you as much as your cock does for me!” Twilight saw her vulva wink and lubricant rushed out, mute testament to her desire.

Twilight moved forward until she felt the novel sensation of the head of her penis meet the soft leathery nether lips. She pushed a little more, feeling their supple resistance before they spread to allow her shaft inside. Celestia gasped and that stirred a thrill in the younger alicorn. She gently thrusted, feeling her penis sliding into her lover’s warm depths, eliciting waves of pleasure in both. Eventually, she hilted against the solar diarch’s firm round plot and she drew back until she almost slipped free. Having gained the larger mare’s measure and encouraged by the moans of pleasure, Twilight began rutting in earnest.

Every thrust was more delightful than the last. As the ecstasy built, Twilight found herself wondering why she had been so reluctant. This was good! This was right! This was meant to be! With a scream of joy, she orgasmed, filling Celestia with her newly acquired semen. Throb after throb pumped more into her lover, causing it to overflow. At last, it came to a stop and Twilight groaned and laid herself down on Celestia’s back. She noticed the shudders wracking the white alicorn’s body, indicating that her lover had climaxed also.

The two panted in silence for a couple of minutes before Celestia spoke up.



“Full marks.”

Twilight giggled. “I’m glad I got an A+ on the exam, professor.”

“Want to go for extra credit?”

“You know me, teacher.”

“I do indeed, and getting to know you better all the time.”

Their second love-making lasted a lot longer now that the edge had been taken off their desperate desires. Then they reversed their roles and Celestia mounted Twilight. They switched back and forth several times for an hour or so before Celestia suggested they try Cadance and Shining Armor’s favorite sex game. Neither conceded that they had lost.

Twilight woke to find herself blanketed by Celestia’s wing. She had been nudged out of slumber by the solar alicorn performing her job raising the sun. The regal mare looked down at Twilight and said, “Go back to sleep, dear. Your friends will be here soon enough to accompany us to Canterlot for your coronation.”

“That’s good, but there’s still some unfinished business from last night that requires our attention.”

Celestia smiled mischievously. “I thought that we had gotten busy enough.”

“Oh, ha-ha. No, I meant that there’s one thing left for you to do; one question unasked.”

The white alicorn looked almost shy. “Are you sure, Twilight?”

The purple alicorn nodded. “We have much to talk about yet, Celestia, but my heart is clear on this.”

Celestia drew in a deep breath, firmed her resolved, and then asked, “Twilight Sparkle, will you do me the honor and joy of being my mate?”

“Celestia Sol Invictus – I accept your proposal and would be overjoyed to be your mate.”

The two drew their heads together and they kissed passionately.

When they finally parted, they both panted for breath. Then Twilight declared, “If I’m going to have a penis, then I insist on being the stallion of this relationship.”

“Hey! I have one too!” Celestia objected.

“Yes, and it’s delicious. However, you missed your chance and now I’ve claimed it.”

The larger alicorn smirked. “I admit that I never envisaged you being so male-dominant after your ascension. But I like it. A lot.”

Twilight’s expression matched her lover’s. “Oh, I learned a lot more than friendship since you sent me here to Ponyville.”

“Oh, really? Perhaps I should have required broader details in your reports. They would have made interesting reading.”

“I’ll catch you up on them tonight.”

“I’m looking forward to it already!”

It had taken all day to hastily arrange the coronation ceremony for the next afternoon, but that had given the general population a chance to learn the news. A large crowd was gathered outside the castle to witness the crowning of the newest alicorn. Inside the throne room, three princesses stood side by side on the dais in front of the gathered nobles and honored guests. To their right, Twilight’s best friends stood proudly, awaiting her arrival. When the three alicorns spread their wings in regal display, it signaled the start of the ceremony.

Celestia stepped a pace forward and began her speech. “We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion. My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, has done many extraordinary things since she's moved to Ponyville. She even helped reunite me with my sister, Princess Luna.” She gave her sibling a fond glance. “But, two days ago, Twilight Sparkle did something miraculous. She created new magic, catalyzing her ascension to alicorn status and proving without a doubt that she is ready to be crowned Equestria's newest princess. Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present for the very first time, Princess Twilight Sparkle!”

The great double doors to the throne room opened to reveal the pony of the hour dressed in royal finery that had been put together by Rarity in record time. Twilight began a stately march to the dais, accompanied by singing banner-mares proclaiming the arrival of the new princess. She stopped at the base of the dais and Spike stepped up carrying a crown on a velvet cushion. Celestia lifted it in her magic and placed it on Twilight’s head, saying, “We hereby bestow upon Twilight Sparkle the title of Princess of Equestria. Henceforth, she will reign as our equal in all our lands and territories.”

The purple alicorn then ascended the dais and spread her wings to face her subjects. There were many cheers and much applause from the ponies gathered there, but none were as enthusiastic as those of her close friends and family. Then, Celestia urged her towards the balcony to greet the throng waiting to see their new princess. The crowd roared as Twilight came into view and she nervously waved to them.

As the noise died down, Celestia tapped Twilight on the shoulder and said with a proud smile, “Say something, Princess.”

“Oh! Um...” Twilight cleared her throat. “A little while ago, my teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville. She sent me to study friendship, which is something I didn't really care much about back then. But now, on a day like today, I can honestly say I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the friendships I've made with all of you. Each one of you taught me something about friendship, and for that, I will always be grateful. Today, I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you, friends. Thank you, everypony!”

The crowd burst into cheers once more.

Twilight waited for them to quiet down before continuing. “And today, I have double the reason to celebrate. Princess Celestia and I are proud to announce our engagement. We will be holding the formal wedding in one month.”

Twilight’s final words were almost drowned out by the ecstatic cheers and screams of happiness from hundreds of mares. They certainly didn’t hear Celestia quietly giggle in delight. “I think I’ll remember the official nuptials we held in private last night for much longer.”

The young alicorn’s smile grew wider at the memory. She waved once more before turning to re-enter the throne room. Her brother was the first to meet her with Cadance close behind.

“Twilight! I'm so proud of you!” Shining Armor exclaimed. He nuzzled his sister briefly.

Twilight’s eyebrows rose. “Are you crying?”

“Of course not. It's... it's liquid pride. Totally different thing.”

Twilight chuckled and Shining joined her before he asked, “Why didn’t you tell us that you’d gotten engaged?”

“I had to repay you for when you gave me almost no notice that you were getting married.” She looked over to Cadance who was smirking knowingly. “But I think somepony already knew.”

The pink alicorn laughed delightedly and stepped forward to hug her sister-in-law. She took the moment to whisper, “So, which one of you is going to get the other pregnant first?”

Twilight blushed but answered without hesitation. “Celestia has been kept waiting long enough to have a child, don’t you think?”

Cadance smiled and nodded, backing away to let Twilight’s parents have their turn. Then her friends joined them.

“Way to go, Princess!” Applejack said.

“You were awesome!” Rainbow Dash decreed.

“Yes, you were magnificent, darling!” Rarity agreed.

Pinkie Pie screamed, “Best coronation day ever!

Fluttershy quietly said, “We love you, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled fondly. “I love you too, girls!” she said as Celestia rejoined her at her side. She turned to gaze adoringly at the alicorn that had been part of her life for so long. “And I love you most of all, my beautiful mare.”

“And I, you, my gorgeous stallion.”

The two kissed, oblivious to the confused looks of those who had heard Celestia’s description of her lover. A certain pink earth pony smiled knowingly though, already planning the birthday party for their future foal.

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