
by AndwhatIseeisme

First published

Lil Cheese is determined to make this Mother's Day a special on for Pinkie Pie. He'll try to give his mom the best gift a mare can ask for: satisfaction.

Pinkie Pie's appetite for sex is legendary across the lands of Equestria and beyond. No pony has ever been able to conquer the burning heat inside of her. Well, none except for Cheese Sandwich. Now though, Lil Cheese is determined to follow in his father's hoofsteps and give his mom the same satisfaction. But can the young colt possibly keep up with his mother? Read and find out.

Warnings: Incest, foalcon, sex between mother and son, mentions of colts having sex with other stallions, mentions of mares having sex with other mares, and considerably more needless references to Scifi movies and anime than one would expect to see in a clop fic.

My contest entry for the Mother's Day '21 Contest. Didn't place, but got an Honorable Mention.

I Can't Get No

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Cheerilee sat alone in her classroom, diligently grading papers as time dragged on. Class had let out over an hour ago, and she was as eager to leave and go home as her students had been, but there was still work to be done. It wasn't that she minded grading papers, per se. It was just, after so many years spent teaching all the fillies and colts of Ponyville, she was pretty sure she'd read every possible interpretation of The Catcher in the Hay. At this point, she doubted J.D. Hoofinger had put as much time into writing the darn thing as she had spent reading about it.

She was so zoned out in her work, she hadn't even heard the small hoofsteps approaching her. And so, she was startled out of her seat and fell back onto the floor when she suddenly heard a young colt's voice shout:


Cheerilee groaned as she rubbed her rump and stood back up to her hooves. Good thing she was plump enough back there to provide some padding. Regaining her composure, she turned to look where the surprise voice had come from, and saw the concerned face of Pinkie Pie's son, Lil Cheese, staring back at her.

"Gosh, Miss Cheerilee, are you okay?" the young colt asked. "That looked like it hurt."

"Oh, don't worry, Cheese. I'm fine," Cheerilee reassured him. "You just surprised me, is all. Why in Equestria are you still hanging around the school, anyway?" she asked. "Class was over an hour ago."

"I know, Miss Cheerilee, but I need help with something and figured I'd ask you," Cheese said. "You know a lot of stuff about a whole bunch of things."

"Well, that's nice of you to say, Cheese. Now, what is it that I can help you with?" Cheerilee asked.

"Well... it's about my mom," Lil' Cheese began, "I want to do something special for Mother's Day, but I'm not sure what exactly I should do for her."

"Oh, Cheese. Don't worry. I'm sure Pinkie will love whatever gift you get her," Cheerilee stated.

That's the problem, though! Mom loves every gift anypony gets her, no matter what it is. But I want to get her something extra, super special. Something that will really mean something to her," Cheese explained. "She's done so much for me all my life, I want to show her how much it's all meant to me. I want to do something for her that no other pony could, and I was hoping you'd help me figure out what that might be."

Cheerilee thought on this for a moment, looking into the determined eyes of the colt staring back at her. This obviously meant a lot to her student, which made it mean a lot to her as well. Cheerilee prided herself on being a mare who had answers for her students. But what to do for Pinkie Pie that would stand out. What do you get the ultimate party mare, the pinnacle of pony celebrations, the peak of Equestrian revelry? She reflected back on all the years she'd known Pinkie. What had given her more joy, more cheer, more exuberance than anything else? Then it hit her.

Cheese Sandwich.

Pinkie's special somepony. Lil Cheese's father and namesake. The one pony in all of Equestria who could match Pinkie party for party, goof for goof, song for song. No pony had ever made Pinkie happier than Cheese. Until he'd died, of course.

Yes, Pinkie had never really been quite the same since the tragic trombone accident that had claimed Cheese's life. The first few weeks had been the worst, seeing the once cheerful pony trudging around town with her puffy hair falling straight across her withers and the look of grief etched across her face. Who can say how bad things might have gone for the party mare if she hadn't received word that she was pregnant shortly after Cheese's demise. The knowledge that she was carrying her love's foal had re-energized Pinkie, and she had given her colt his father's name in the hopes that he'd carry on his legacy.

"Well Cheese, the truth is that your father was able to give Pinkie something that no other pony could give her. Something that two ponies who love each other very much do with one another to make each other happy." Cheerilee explained.

"You mean sex?" Cheese asked, confused. "Mom gets plenty of sex. She slept with Mr. and Mrs. Cake last night, then did it with Pumpkin, Pound, and me when we woke up. Heck, you and her had sex just last week."

"Well, yes... I do enjoy our parent teacher conferences," Cheerilee reminisced. "But I'm not just talking about sex, Cheese. Pinkie has always had a, let's say, voracious appetite for sex. But let me ask you, have you ever seen your mother actually get worn out from sex? Has she ever seemed like that appetite was actually met by her partners? Have you ever seen her actually satisfied by a sexual partner?"

Cheese thought back to the many, many, many creatures he'd seen his mom with over the years, trying to bring to mind a time she'd actually been worn out by them. That time with Princess Twilight and the other Elements? No, mom had fucked the Cakes as soon as they'd gotten home from that. What about Princess Flurry Heart's cute-ceañera, where mom and Flurry had raced to see who could have sex with more crystal ponies? Nuh-uh. Cheese was pretty sure they'd gone through the whole empire before Flurry had eventually collapsed as his mom fucked her.

"Huh. Now that you mention it, Miss Cheerilee, I guess I haven't," Cheese replied.

"Yes, I'm not surprised. I don't know if there's another pony in Equestria who could keep up with Pinkie, other than your dad. There's an unquenchable heat in Pinkie that's beyond any mare in all of Equestria and beyond. I don't know if that heat can ever be truly satisfied. But, if you really want to get her a special gift, then perhaps you can find a pony or ponies who can," Cheerilee recommended.

"No!" Cheese stated, grim determination coming to his eyes as he realized what he had to do. "Thank you Miss Cheerilee for the advice, but I know now what needs to be done."

"And what's that, dear?"

"I've got to go fuck my mom!" Lil's Cheese proclaimed, before galloping out the door. Cheerilee watched in silence as the colt disappeared out of sight.

"I'm getting too old for this shit," Cheerilee sighed, before returning to her work.


A few days later, Lil Cheese was ready to give his mom her Mother's Day present. He checked himself over in the mirror as the morning sun illuminated the room. He was wearing his favorite white and red candy-cane stockings on his hind legs, and a pair of fishnets on his forehooves. His tail and mane were strung through with streamers, that highlighted the bright pinkness of his mane. Twisting around so he could see his rump, he hiked up his tail to admire the bejeweled butt-plug featuring his mother's cutiemark. She had gotten it for him as a birthday gift last year, and he was sure she'd be happy to see him wearing it again. He gave his rump a little shake, enjoying the feel of the plug inside of him. All in all, he was looking pretty darn fuckable.

He exited his room and began to make his way upstairs to Pinkie's. He could smell the delicious scent of the Cake's baked goods wafting through the building. The best part of living over a bakery was the wonderful smells that wafted upstairs each morning. But he didn't let the scent of those treats distract him from his mission. His hunger was for something else right now. In preparation for today, he hadn't had sex since his talk with Miss Cheerilee. Five whole days without sex. He was pretty sure that had to be some kind of record for abstinence. But it would all be worth it if he could manage to go the distance with his mom. It was what she deserved, after all. He would show her that he was every bit the stallion that his dad had been, and he would give her what no other pony could. He would conquer her heat. This would be the greatest Mother's Day that she'd ever had.

He took a deep breath and calmed himself as he stood outside her door. This was it. Time to make the donuts.

"Mother!" he shouted as he slammed open her door. Pinkie was polishing her party cannon when he burst in, and looked up in surprise when she heard him. She offered a warm smile when she saw it was her son at the door, eyes dancing over his body.

"Hi there, Lil Cheese," she greeted him happily. There was something about the look in her son's eyes that seemed different, a determined glare that sent a shiver down her spine. "You look sextastic in that outfit! Here to give mommy a Mommy's Day lay?"

"Oh, I'm here for more then just a simple lay, mom," Cheese proclaimed, shutting and locking the door behind him as he trotted into her bedroom. "I'm here to give you something that no pony has given you in a very long time."

Pinkie Pie quirked an eyebrow as she took in her son's words. "Oh? And what is that, Cheese?"

"Satisfaction," he declared. "I'm here to fuck you until you can't take it anymore. To rut you until you beg me to stop. To quench that unyielding heat between your legs and pump you full of my cum until you're ready to burst like an overinflated balloon."

Pinkie's eyes narrowed. The temperature in the room seemed to drop, and the lights appeared to Cheese to dim slightly. He gulped loudly, but stood resolute. His eyes never left his mom's.

"Those are some big words, my son," Pinkie stated, her tail swishing behind her as she approached him. "But many ponies have tried before, and they've all fallen before me. Do you really think you can do any better than the Princesses? Than Discord? Than entire populations of towns and cities, who in their hubris thought they could tame the Premier Party Pony, Pinkie? That you can stand where they've all fallen?"

"I do," Cheese matter of factly answered. "I do and I will. I'll do the impossible and lay the unlayable. I'll show you mom. My dick is the dick that will provide you pleasure. Pleasure beyond your wildest dreams."

"Ohh, such arrogance," Pinkie purred as she slinked toward her son. "But words can only do so much, my dear little Cheese. Actions are what it will take to claim this party pussy. Do you really think you have the stamina to cash the bits that your mouth's minting?"

Cheese nodded. "Yes. I'll show you that I'm a stud, like my father before me."

"What is a stud?" Pinkie asked, tossing aside a wine glass that had suddenly appeared in her hoof. "An arrogant little repository of semen. But, enough talk. Have at you!"

Pinkie tackled Cheese to the ground, smothering him with her body. She pressed her lips to his mouth, her long tongue invading him and laying claim to all it could find. He intercepted it with his own, their tongues twisting and writhing against each other as he struggled to push her back. Slowly, he began to gain ground, pushing the intruding appendage back towards Pinkie. His cock was rubbing against the pink fluff of her tummy as he fought to gain the advantage and lay siege to his mother's mouth. He was almost there, the pink tip of his tongue brushing against her lips, then her teeth, and then he was -

His eyes met his mom's. Pinkie's were aglow with mischief, a smile slowly spreading across her face. And then she pressed forward, smashing their mouths together with even more force. Her tongue fought Cheese's back. Suddenly he was feeling overwhelmed by the kiss. Her tongue was back inside his mouth now, pushing deeper and deeper inside him. It kept going past his tongue, tracing his molars, tickling the back of his throat, gagging him, forcing him to fight for air. His vision began to dim, his limbs began to flail, his mind was desperately trying to counter the overwhelming force of his mom's kiss. Understanding began to creep in.

This was the real Pinkie Pie. Not the loving mother planting mommy kisses on his booboos when he scraped his knees. Not the gentle lover brushing tender lips against his own before trailing down his body and taking his colthood between them. Not even the rambunctious party pony happily giving her mouth over for any pony's use during one of her orgies. This mare before him had accepted his challenge, and was now showing her son who she truly was. A mare who previously had only been conquered by his own dad. A raw force of sexual energy and lust who would leave any pony a quivering mess without so much as breaking a sweat. Lil Cheese had met the enemy, and he was already losing before the main skirmish had even begun. His head began to spin.

Suddenly, Pinkie's tongue pulled out and her mouth left his. Cheese gasped for air as Pinkie looked down on her son. She offered a sad smile as she watched him desperately struggle to recover from her kiss.

"All too easy," she murmured, turning her back on the boy and returning to her party cannon. "Perhaps you're not as strong as Cheerilee thought."

Cheese recovered his breath as his mom was turning away from him. As she spoke, he began to creep up behind her, before making a lunge at the mare. Despite still having her back to the colt, she easily sidestepped his tackle, sending him careening past her and onto the rug before her bed.

"Impressive," Pinkie complimented, watching as he stood back to his feet. She began to walk toward him, lust reigniting in her eyes. "Most impressive."

Cheese wasn't listening to his mother's words, instead watching the fall of her hoofsteps as she approached. He carefully began to step backwards as she moved forward, pacing himself to get the timing just right.

"You'll find I'm full of surprises," he cockily stated when he saw both forehooves land on the rug that he'd just stepped off of. He kicked it out from under her, sending her face-planting to the floor with a surprised oomph.

The moment Pinkie's guard fell, Cheese took the offensive. He lunged forward and claimed his mom's mouth. Now it was his tongue with the initiative, and he took the opportunity to push forward as far into her as he could go. Not intending to give her a moment of respite to recover herself, he pressed his advantage by pressing one of his hooves against her sex as the other wrapped around her head and held her tightly against him.

Pinkie moaned into his mouth as he teased her pussy with a hoof. He had to press forward before she could regain herself and retake control of the situation. As his hoof continued to play with her, parting the folds of her cunt and pushing inside it, he planned his next move. He could feel her getting wet, but she wasn't ready for him to take her yet. Besides, if he started fucking her already, he'd never be able to outlast her stamina later on. He knew what he had to do. Time to take this up a level.

Cheese broke off the kiss. He allowed himself a smile when he noticed his mom panting slightly, but he couldn't waste time reveling in every small victory he won. Cheese had to keep moving if he wanted to come out on top of this battle between mother and son. Using the hoof around his mom's head and the the one on her increasingly wet pussy, he flipped her over and sent her crashing to the floor, now lying on her back looking up at him. He immediately dove his head toward his target, before she could roll away.

Success! His mouth latched onto the lower lips of his mother, tasting the proof of her arousal as he went to work on her. He threw her hind legs over his withers and grabbed her flanks in his hooves, burying his tongue deeper and deeper into her marehood. He could feel her walls clenching around him, taste the sweet, bubblegum flavor of her arousal, hear her moans as she accepted the pleasure her son was providing her. Of course, this wouldn't be enough. He could bring her to climax a hundred times and not even begin to sate her desires. But every journey had to start somewhere, and for Cheese, right now it was starting with him feasting on his mom's snatch until she came.

"Mmm, that's it Cheesy," Pinkie moaned as she watched his pink mane bouncing between her thighs. "I see Pumpkin and Pound have taught you well."

Cheese smiled as he continued his efforts to please his mother. He brought a hoof off her flank and began to tease her clit with it. Drawing small circles around her button with the frog of his hoof as his tongue continued to lap away at her honeypot. She was getting close to orgasm, he could tell by the way her thighs were squeezing his head between them. He redoubled his efforts, licking and prodding her as he teased her clit. Then he switched up on her, swapping his mouth and hoof so he could suckle at her clit as he hoofed her. Just as planned, this did the trick and she was soon squirting onto his face.

He stepped back to wipe off her cum, before he realized the error he'd just made. It was far too early to be patting himself on the back. A pink blur tackled him to floor, the looming mare standing over him. This battle had only just begun.


"How do you think he's doing up there?" Pumpkin asked her brother as the two siblings cuddled in bed together. The work day was long over, and Pound had already shot two loads of cum into her. Now they lay together, spooning and listening to the thumping noises from upstairs.

"Well, he's certainly lasting a while, that's for sure," Pound replied before yawning and nestling his face into his sister's mane.

"Maybe you could take a few pointers from the kid," Pumpkin teased, wiggling her rump against the flaccid cock resting between her cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah," Pound replied wearily. "Don't go acting like you're some endurance queen either, Pump. Or did you forget that time you passed out during our fifteenth birthday and left me to take care of everypony by myself?"

"Hmmph. As if you didn't enjoy taking care of all those cocks by yourself," Pumpkin teased, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, how much longer do you think those two will be going at it? Sleep's gonna be kind of a challenge with all the racket they're making."

"Ah, I can't imagine they'll be too much longer. Cheese may be determined, but he is still just a colt, after all," Pound answered. "He'll probably give in soon. Maybe he's trying to make it to midnight, so he can at least say that he spent all of Mother's Day fucking Pinks."

"So, you don't think he'll outlast her, huh?" Pumpkin asked.

"Nah. The kid's a good lay, but he'd probably have to go a few more days at least if he wants to out fuck Pinkie Pie. No way he's got that kind of energy."

Pumpkin didn't respond, simply turning her head to look up at the ceiling and imagining what was going on up there between the two ponies. Quite a bit, judging from all the noise. Pound began to snore into her ear. This was going to be a long night.


Cheese stood resolutely on the floor of Pinkie's room, staring up at his mom. She was standing atop her bed, grinning menacingly at the boy below. As the dawn's light creeped in from the window behind her, it seemed to outline his mother with an other-worldly glow. Both ponies were covered in semen and sweat, manes and tails tussled and fur matted down with fluid. But they both stood firm, unwavering in their determination. Pinkie's mane blew lightly in the wind, which was super impressive to Cheese, due to them being in an enclosed room with no breeze to speak of.

"You've done well to make it this far, boy," Pinkie stated, "but how much longer can you last? It's been about twenty four hours already, you know? Think you can still keep up with your mom?"

"Heh, I'm not throwing in the towel yet, old mare," Cheese answered defiantly. "But... um, how much longer are we just gonna stand here posing at each other? I want to get back to the sex."

"I know, but we've got to let the camera pan around us in the dawn sun, silly. That's like, rule one for epic showdowns, you know?" Pinkie explained.

"But mom, this is just a fanfic, remember? There aren't any cameras. It's just writing, and not even particularly good writing at that," Cheese reminded her.

"Oh, right. Sorry Cheese, my bad," Pinkie apologized. "Back to the sex, then."

Pinkie pounced off her bed and onto Lil Cheese. Taking them both to the ground, she flipped him onto his back and straddled him. She let the lips of her pussy drag across his rigid colthood, smearing cum across both sexes.

"Which hole do you want this time, Cheese?" She asked. "Pussy or butt?"

Cheese thought it over for a second. "Let's do your butt again, mom. Your pussy's getting a bit stretched out at this point, probably a good idea to give it a little more time to recover."

Pinkie glared at her son as she lined her ass up with his cock. "When we're done here, Cheese, you're spending some time with Rarity going over sex etiquette," she said, before pausing a moment as the head of Cheese's shaft slipped inside her. Pinkie hissed with pleasure as she slid herself down her son's rod, letting it fill her rump up. "A gentlecolt never tells a lady that her pussy is getting loose," she recited in her best Rarity voice.

Cheese could only grunt in understanding as his mother rode his cock. He watched as Pinkie bounced up and down his shaft, leaning over him, her face right above his. She was supporting her weight with one hoof, the other playing with her pussy as he fucked her ass. The pleasure she was feeling was plain across her face as she fucked him. Cheese was happy that he was able to make his mom feel this good, but part of him wondered how much longer he was going to last if she kept going at the pace she was.

The last day had been a whirlwind of sexual activity. There wasn't any part of his mom that Cheese hadn't fucked at this point. Ass, pussy, and mouth obviously, but also her mane, her hooves, her tail, the joints of her limbs, her teats, her chest floof. Even her ears!

Cheese had no idea how he'd managed to last this long, or how much longer he could go. He'd never came this many times before without pause or break, but he barely felt any fatigue doing it right now. Even as he felt himself preparing to fire a load into Pinkie's butt for the seventh (or was it eighth?) time this morning, he was already planning where he was going to take her next. Probably her pussy, he decided as he fired another blast of seed up her colon. Best to try and make up for that comment about looseness earlier.

As Pinkie pulled up off his dick, dripping a stream of cum onto his balls as he popped out of her, Cheese grasped her flanks in his hooves and pulled her back down, this time entering her other hole. Both ponies gasped in pleasure as he penetrated her pussy, and Cheese had to admit that his mom definitely tightened back up pretty quickly.


"Rainbow Dash!" a voice called up to the cyan pegasus soaring through the skies. Rainbow glanced down and smiled when she saw Scootaloo waving up at her.

"Heya Scoots, what's up?" Rainbow asked after landing in front of her surrogate little sister. The two mares kissed in a show of sisterly affection, tongues dancing together as other ponies in the market passed them by.

"Not much, Dash," Scootaloo answered once their kiss ended. "Just wondering if you'd seen Pinkie Pie recently?"

"Not in the last few days, now that you mention it," Rainbow replied. "I think the last time I saw her was about five days ago, actually. The day before Mother's Day. We were discussing what we thought Lil Cheese might do for her this year," she elaborated. "Anyway, why do you ask? You need her for something?"

"Needed, more like," Scootaloo grumbled. "Rumble's out of town this week visiting his brother, and Pinkie promised to fill in for him at our weekly Crusaders' meeting last night."

"You mean, she promised to let you bind her up, blindfold her, plug her ears, and for every other pony there to fuck her up the ass with toys and cocks?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, like I said, Rumble's usual role," Scootaloo stated. "Except, she never showed up! How are Sweets, Bloom and I supposed to hold the attention of fifteen other ponies if there isn't a cute, tied-up butt for them to take turns rutting while we talk?"

"Huh. That's not like Pinkie Pie at all. I'd be less surprised about Twilight missing an appointment than Pinkie. Have you been to Sugar Cube Corner to look for her yet?" Rainbow asked.

"Nah, I was just heading over there when I saw you flying by," Scootaloo replied.

"Well, let's head over there together, then. I'm as curious about her as you now," Rainbow said, a slight hint of worry in her voice. "I hope she's okay."

"Me too," Scootaloo stated, clearly distressed.

"Hey, so anyway, what did you guys end up doing for your meeting?" Rainbow asked as they walked together toward the bakery, partly out of curiosity and partly to change the subject away from their shared worries.

"Oh, the three of us drew straws to figure out who was gonna be taking Rumble's spot instead of Pinkie. Let's just say that Sweetie Belle is going to have some strong words for that mare once she's able to walk again." Scootaloo answered.

"Ha!" Rainbow laughed as the two pegasi continued onward.


Seven days, Lil Cheese reflected. It had been a full week since Mother's Day, and he was beginning to wonder if perhaps he'd underestimated his mother. Currently he was biting down on one of her pillows as his mom was mounted above him, wearing a strap-on and pounding his little colt ass harder than Pound had ever rutted him. Where in Equestria was she getting all this energy from? Didn't she share even a hint of the fatigue that was quickly overwhelming his own body? Was there truly no end to the well of sexual energy his mother possessed?

He'd really thought he'd had her three days ago, when Rainbow and Scootaloo had visited them. His mom had been so sorry when she realized she'd missed her appointment at the Crusaders' clubhouse, she'd let the two pegasi double team her as an apology. As Cheese rested while watching Rainbow and Scootaloo spit-roasting his mom, he'd foolishly hoped that this was exactly the advantage he'd needed to overcome her. He knew first hoof that Rainbow Dash was seldom a gentle lover when she was wearing a strap, and Scootaloo was upset enough at Pinkie that she was perfectly eager to fuck his mom with a similar ferocity. They'd viciously rutted Pinkie for three hours, before having to tap out. Cheese had certainly appreciated the show, but more importantly, he figured that after enduring that rough pounding, his mom was sure to be close to wearing out. Especially compared to Cheese, who'd been able to sit back and relax while the three mares went at it. He'd even caught about an hour of sleep during it. Surely, the advantage was his.

After they were gone, though, she was right back on him. Only now, she was eager to use the same toys she'd just lent to Rainbow and Scoots. In the time since, he'd been rutted up the ass more times than a guard pony on initiation day. And he'd continued to fuck her too, of course. There was just no way he could keep this pace up for much longer. He wanted nothing more than to outlast his mom, and he'd pushed his body far further than he'd ever thought possible.

Cheese moaned as his asshole clenched around Pinkie's toy. He was about to cum again, he knew. Damn it! Probably the last cum shot he could manage, and it wasn't even going to be inside his mom! How could he have failed her as a son so badly? Was he really so inferior to his dad? Pinkie Pie slammed herself against his prostate, and Cheese let loose a scream of pleasure and frustration. His balls clenched, his ass tightened around his mom, and his cock shot its last, thin ropes of cum all over the floor. Cheese collapsed in the puddle of cum as his mother pulled out of him.

"Nice one, Cheese!" Pinkie cheerfully said. "What do you want to do next? Wanna fuck mommy's pussy again, or should I lick all that ooey, gooey cum off your colthood first? Maybe we could-" her voice trailed off as she saw the tears welling in her son's eyes. She understood immediately. The boy was tapped out.

"I'm sorry mom," Cheese sobbed. "I - I can't."

To her credit, Pinkie did her best to keep the disappointment out of her eyes. She wrapped her son in a tight hug and stroked his mane, trying to comfort the crying colt.

"Shh, none of that now, Cheesie," she cooed. "There's nothing to be sorry or ashamed of. You lasted longer than anypony else has since... well, since a long time ago."

"Since dad, right?" Cheese asked accusingly. "Dad could keep up with you to the end, couldn't he?"

"Well... yes," Pinkie admitted, before hastily adding, "but he was a lot older than you, Cheese. Maybe you will too, one day."

"One day isn't good enough, though!" Cheese shouted, tears of frustration still streaming from his eyes. "I wanted to give you the bestest Mother's Day present ever by giving you the same pleasure that he could. But all I did was disappoint you, just like every other pony."

"Oh, my sweet little Cheese," Pinkie said as she continued to stroke his mane. His eyelids were feeling heavy now, and his breathing becoming more relaxed. He knew he'd be falling asleep soon. Pinkie Pie continued to speak as he drifted off, her voice full of a resigned melancholy that he'd never heard from her before.

"I've fucked things other ponies wouldn't believe. Princesses on the crystal spires. Dragons upon their shining hordes. I've bathed in Cerberus cum glittering in the dark near the Tartarus gate. All those creatures collapsed before me, like tiered cakes in rain. Now, my son, time to sleep."

The world around Cheese grew dark as sleep overcame him. His mother's words became softer as he drifted away. He'd failed. He knew that when he woke up, his mom would be there beside him with the same chipper joy that always seemed to possess her. But, he'd know. They'd both know, forever more, that even her own son couldn't quench the ravenous heat between her legs. No living pony could. He'd failed.


As he fell deeper and deeper into the world of dreams, images of him and his mom appeared before his eyes. There was Pinkie kissing a scrape on his knee when he'd stumbled and fell. Here she was cuddling close to him as a particularly violent storm ravaged Ponyville in his youth, assuring him that he was safe and sound in her hooves. There was when she watched the first time Mr. Cake had taken him up the butt, making sure that the older stallion took it slow and made it feel good for the young colt. And then, the scenes changed. He began to see more memories, but these ones didn't seem to include him.

He saw his mom, tired bags under her eyes, asking the Cakes for more double shifts at the bakery so she could save money for a perfect Hearth's Warming gift. He saw the pain on Pinkie's face when she turned down an invite from Applejack to a barn raising party, explaining to her friend that her son had a school play that evening. And he saw his mom, alone in her bedroom, clutching a picture of his father to her chest. She was sobbing, muffling her cries with her pillow, lamenting the loss of her lover. He'd never seen his mother looking like this. It was too much for him to watch, and yet he was unable to turn away.

Again and again, memories of his mother making sacrifices for him flashed before his mind's eye. All the times she'd turned down a party to take care of him. The exhaustion and sadness that she kept hidden away from other ponies, laid plain in front of him. It was terrible. Why was he being forced to watch this all? Was this his punishment for failing her?

And then, he saw something else. He had returned to the memory of his mom sobbing in bed, except this time he watched as a young foal, perhaps only a year or two old, wandered into her bedroom.

"Mommy? Is everything okay?" the yellow colt with the bubblegum pink mane asked her. This was him, Cheese realized. "Are you crying, mommy?"

The dreaming Cheese watched in amazement as the younger him was quickly pulled into a tight hug by Pinkie Pie. The picture of his father forgotten as she picked up her son.

"Shh, don't worry my little Cheesie Pie. Mommy's okay," Pinkie reassured the young colt. She was stroking the younger him's mane, just as she'd been when he'd drifted off to sleep.

"Really? Then why were you crying, mommy?" the young Cheese asked, voice full of concern.

"Mommy was just being a silly Pinkie," she said, a smile now upon her face as she held her son closer. "Sometimes mommies get sad thinking about things in the past that are gone, that's all. But, when your mommy starts thinking about all that silly sad stuff, do you know what the bestest cure in the whole wide world is for her?"

"What?" the confused colt asked.

"You!" Pinkie stated, booping him softly on the nose. She was smiling again now. A real smile, full of warmth and love. Love for her son. For Cheese.

Everything went black again as Cheese reflected on what he'd just watched. Tears were filling his eyes again, but not like earlier. These weren't tears of frustration, or regret, or fatigue. No, these were tears of love. Love for a bouncy pink mare who meant more to him than anypony else in Equestria. Love for a mother who had done everything she could to take care of him and raise him into a fine young stallion. Love for the super duper bestiest party parent who ever lived. Love for Pinkie Pie.

She had given him so much. She had cared for him, comforted him, and sacrificed her own happiness to make his life full of joy. And now, it was his turn to take care of her. That was his purpose. His destiny.

He opened his eyes.


Pinkie Pie jumped back in surprise when Cheese suddenly woke up and shot to his hooves.

"Cheese? I thought you were falling asleep," she stated, sounding a bit confused at her son's sudden burst of energy. "You really should get some rest, honey. Don't worry, mommy can go downstairs and fuck one of the Cakes. You just rest-"

"No!" Cheese shouted, surprising even himself. "You don't need to fuck the Cakes, or the Princesses, or all the dragons and gryphons and ponies in Equestria. You don't need to endlessly search for a partner who can wear you out. You have me, mom. And I will leave you satisfied."

"Cheesie, are you feeling o..." Pinkie's question was abruptly cut off when one of her son's hooves pressed against her mouth.

"Get on the bed and turn around, mom," he ordered her. "Present yourself to me."

Pinkie was surprised to feel a shiver of anticipation down her spine as she got into position. Something about the way her son was ordering her around. It reminded her of somepony else who had once managed to sate her desire for more.

Cheese was on top of her in an instant. A second later, and he was sliding himself into her winking pussy, just as he had countless times this past week. And yet, this time was different. Pinkie gasped as she came around his cock, pleasure coursing through her body from the simple act of his penetration. She didn't have time to wonder at it though, as he began to pound into her, each thrust bringing her to new heights as he mercilessly rutted his mother.

"How? How can this be?" she asked between labored breaths. "Where are you getting all this energy from, Cheese?"

"I'm not the same colt that I was a minute before!" Cheese shouted. "Little by little, I advance a bit further with each thrust. That's how sex works!"

He punctuated his words by plunging even deeper and harder into Pinkie Pie's depths. The mare was going crazy at the rutting she was receiving. Her walls clenched tight around her son, desperate to keep him inside her. But still... she knew how this all played out. She'd been here countless times in the past.

"That is the path that leads to exhaustion, Cheese. You're trying your best, but it's just the undeniable limitation of the pony race," she said morosely, even as he continued to feverishly rut away at her.

"No!" Cheese denied her. "That's your limitation. You go from pony to pony, fucking them all and then moving on once they're done. You lock yourself away from forming bonds, from building relationships and love with them. That's nopony's limitation but your own!"

Pinkie was silent, barely able to comprehend her son's words as she wantonly thrust her hips back to meet his cock. She came again around him as he seemed to swell inside her. His full weight was on top of her back, pushing her into the bed as he fucked her. She didn't even notice that her tongue had lolled out of her mouth, or how roughly she was panting.

"Mark my words,” Lil Cheese proclaimed, “my cock will plug that hole in your womb. And into that hole I’ll shoot all my love and care into you. The dreams that you’ve forgotten… my hopes of the future to come! Our two sets of dreams melding together into a perfect climax, thrusting a path towards tomorrow! My dick is the dick… THAT CREATES YOUR PLEASURE!!!”

Pinkie let out a scream that could be heard by all the ponies in Ponyville as Cheese drove her to the most intense orgasm of her life. She was only dimly aware of a light that was filling the room, enveloping the two lovers as Cheese continued to hammer away at her. She’d never felt this good before, not even with his father. The world began to fade away as her consciousness focused solely on the feeling of her son’s cock inside of her, rubbing against her walls and breaking her mind with ecstasy.

"Take this, mom!" Cheese shouted as he plunged himself as deeply into Pinkie as he was able. "My love, my hunger, and all of my lust!" he yelled as his cock erupted his seed into her womb. Pinkie could only manage to make garbled sounds of needy appreciation for her son's gift as cum continued to pour into her. It overflowed her womb, dripping out of her lips around Cheese's cock, covering the bed in a puddle of colt jizz.

A searing light engulfed the room, shining out of the windows and the cracks in the wall as the mother and son came together in a flood of pure satisfaction. When they were finished, they both collapsed in each other’s hooves, Cheese nestled comfortably in the fluff of his mother’s chest. Neither pony was awake to notice the new mark that had appeared upon his flank.


The next morning, four ponies anxiously waited in the bakery, curious to see whether Pinkie or Cheese would be coming downstairs. Mister and Mrs. Cake, along with Pumpkin and Pound, had all heard the racket the evening before. Even compared to what they'd been listening to for the past week, it had sounded intense. Then there had been a flash of light, and then silence. No pony had dared to venture upstairs into Pinkie's room, lest they risk getting dragged into whatever sex fueled madness had occurred up there. However, when they'd all gathered this morning and realized that Pinkie hadn't slept with any of them later that night, they began to wonder if the impossible had happened. Had Lil Cheese done it? Had he conquered his mother's heat?

It was a good thing the Sugar Cube Corner was slow this morning, given how distracted they all were. In fact, the only current customer was a mysterious stallion sitting at a corner table, a large sombrero pulled down over his face and a loose fitting poncho covering his fur. He hadn't ordered anything yet, and the Cakes were all so distracted waiting for Pinkie and Cheese that they hadn't paid him much mind.

They realized that they'd soon be getting their answers, as the sound of hooves descending downstairs could be heard. Cheese was the first to bound into the kitchen, beaming with a smile as he caught sight of his extended family.

"I got my cutie mark!" he shouted proudly, showing off his flank to the four ponies. The Cakes had a difficult time getting a good look at it, as the young colt excitedly bounced around the kitchen.

"Oh, well, that's wonderful dearie," Mrs. Cake said. "But perhaps you could hold still for just a moment so we could all take a look at it?"

"Oh, sure," Cheese said, stopping dead in his tracks and holding stock still. He seemed to still be vibrating slightly, but at least everypony could admire his new mark.

"Whoa, cool," Pound complimented his surrogate younger brother. "Is that a pie?"

"It's a cheese pie," came a mare's voice, and everypony turned to see Pinkie ambling down the stairs. Was... was she yawning? "Good morning, everypony. Sorry if I seem a little out of it, I'm a bit tired this morning."

The Cakes all shared a look of horrified wonder. Lil Cheese was bouncing around the room and Pinkie Pie was tired? What in Tartarus had that little colt managed to do?

"Isn't it awesome?" Lil Cheese drew their attention back to him and his new cutie mark. "I guess my destiny is to follow in mom and dad's hoofsteps, and be the best Cheese and Pie that I can be."

"Well, it certainly is a mighty fine mark, young colt," the mysterious stranger said from the darkened corner of the bakery. "And from the looks of your mom over there, I'd say you certainly managed to earn it."

Lil Cheese was about to thank the strange stallion for the compliment, but stopped when he saw the look on his mother's face. Looking around the room, he saw that Mr. and Mrs. Cake seemed to recognize the pony's voice as well.

"It can't be..." Mr. Cake muttered.

"Oh my stars," Mrs. Cake murmured.

"Cheese!? Cheese Sandwich, is that you?" he heard his mother ask, all hints of exhaustion gone from her voice.

Lil Cheese managed to turn around and face the new stallion just as he tossed aside his hat and poncho, revealing the spitting image of the stallion in the picture beside his mom's bed, albeit older than he had once been. He couldn't believe it. This was his dad! Except...

"Wait, didn't you die?" Lil Cheese asked, with all the graceful tact of a young colt.

"Nope!" Cheese Sandwich proclaimed, a wide smile across his face. "Surprise!"

"Wait, wait, wait," Pinkie demanded. "But the trombone accident, the funeral, the graphic and intense description of your mangled body that the coroner made me listen to multiple times as I sobbed over your closed coffin?"

"Just a prank, Pinks," Cheese explained.

"A prank?" Pinkie asked in disbelief.

"Yeah! Wasn't it great?" Cheese Sandwich asked.

"But, how? Why?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"Well, when I found out that Pinkie was pregnant, I figured it was the perfect chance to pull the most epic prank ever on her. So, I faked my death and I've been hiding just off screen ever since, watching her raise our son and watching Lil Cheese grow up," the stallion answered. "I got you all good, didn't I?"

Mister Cake was about to speak his mind to Cheese about all the horrible strife he'd put his family through, but Pinkie Pie was there in Cheese's face before Mr. Cake even took a step forward.

"So, let me get this straight," she said, voice stern, not betraying any emotion. "All these years of sacrifice, raising a colt alone as a single mother, scrapping together bits to provide for him, missing out on parties and fun all over Equestria..."

"Not to mention all the times she cried herself to sleep," Lil Cheese had come to his mother's side, now facing his father together with her, "all those nights she went to bed longing for you to hold her in your hooves again, all that pain and heartache..."

"That was all just a prank!?" Pinkie and Lil Cheese shouted in unison.

"Yep," Cheese Sandwich stated nonchalantly, "pretty neat, huh?"

"Cheese Sandwich!" Pinkie yelled. "That... that was..."

"The best prank ever!" Lil Cheese excitedly exclaimed, leaping into his father's hooves and wrapping him up in a tight hug.

"Huh?" one of the Cakes uttered.

"Ohmigosh, Cheese. I can't believe you managed to pull that off for this long," Pinkie added happily, joining in the hug. "I had no idea at all. This was like, a million, billion times better than even the best Rainbow Dash prank."

"Right? You have no idea how tough it was to stay hidden all those years, but it was worth it," Cheese stated. "And just look at what a fine young colt you've raised while I was away."

Cheese Sandwich planted a kiss on his son's mouth, then lowered him to the floor and ruffled his mane. He and Pinkie shared a kiss, full of passion and longing.

"Hey, Lil Cheese?" the elder Cheese asked. "Want to go upstairs and spitroast your mom with your old man?"

"Do I!" the younger Cheese replied eagerly, racing up the stairs as his parents followed. "Will you fuck me in the butt afterward?"

"'Course I will!" Cheese Sandwich stated with equal exuberance.

"Best family threesome ever!" Pinkie happily proclaimed.

As the three ponies rushed upstairs, the four Cakes stared after them in stunned disbelief. It was only when the familiar, rhythmic thumping of Pinkie's bed resumed that Pumpkin was finally able to break the silence.

"You guys really might want to look into installing some soundproofing," she suggested.

Mister and Mrs. Cake could only nod in silent agreement as the sounds of sex overtook their quiet little bakery once again.