
by twience

First published

Sunset Shimmer and Moondancer were friends way back when. However what happens when they learn that friendship, just isn't for them? Will they get into Celestia's school?

Sunset Shimmer's bestest friend in all of Equestria; Moondancer, is struggling real hard with her magic skills. She has all the book work down, but simple conjuring? That's a different story. Luckily Sunset is there to lend some assistance. Now they can both help each other. If they want to get into Celestia's school, it means no slacking off! However... can their friendship remain?

Note: I never wrote something like this! Hope you enjoy!

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By, serenityx

"Come on Moony! Put that book away and come have some fun!" Little Sunset spoke as she held a shiny orange ball with her levitation spell.

Moondancer rolled her eyes. "I can't Sunset. This is important."

"You say that all the time! Wouldn't you rather play with your best friend?" Sunset pleaded.

Her friend shook her head and continued to flip through her book. "I'm this close to a break through. There's no time for games right now."

Sunset groaned. "Ugh, fine! Have it your way."

Sunset bounced the ball against a tree back and forth to herself. It was quite fun realising and grasping the ball with her magic every time it came back to her. Oh well, she'd have to make her own fun.

"Woo!" Sunset cheered.

Moondancer sighed annoyed. How could Sunset fool around at a time like this? While Moon was deep in thought and interested in her book, the ball slipped from Sunset's grasp and landed itself on the page her friend was reading. Moondancer jumped off the ground quickly.

"Oops! Sorry Moony!" Sunset apologized sadly.

She looked down at her book that was now upside down on the grass. "Sunset, please be more careful!" she looked back up at her.

"I was but I accidently missed it that time. Sorry about your book." She explained.

"It's okay." Moondancer attempted to lift her book of the ground. It wouldn't budge. Her magic aurora wouldn't cover it. The only magic she could do perfectly was lift up a pen. Or anything close to that size for that matter. She squeezed her eyes shut; something most unicorns do when they're concentrating. As soon as she felt like she was getting somewhere, sparks flew from her horn and her aurora disappeared.

Sunset tilted her head and looked at her friend oddly. Then she grasped the book with her magic, turnt it over, and put it exactly where it was last. "There you go."

"Oh... thank you."

"So uh, what are you reading anyway?" Sunset asked questionably.

Moondancer glanced over at the cover. "Basic hexes, enchantments, and divination for beginners."

Sunset blinked "Why beginners? Aren't we like... average or at least intermediate?"

"You may be. Me however... I'm dumb when it comes to this." She explained.

"Pfft, dumb? More like a genius! Moony, you've read almost all the books in the Canterlot library twice! You are from from dumb." Sunset gloated her.

"Yeah! I'm an expert when it comes to studying books! If you want to know about Starswirl's greatest achievements, Equestria's most feared objects, or Clover the Clever's trails, then I'm your pony. If you want to know how to do levitation, growth spells, healing enchantments, stitching augury, construction divination, cooking sorcery, potion conjuring, or any magic whatsoever, then go find a princess or something!" Moondancer ranted then fell to the ground covering her head with her hooves.

Sunset stared blankly at her friend watching her tantrum on the ground. She felt bad for Moondancer. She barely never noticed how she rarely used magic around her. Usually never at all! Half of the time it looked like she was some type of Earth Pony.

"I'm... sorry Moondancer. I never knew you felt that way. Why didn't you tell me about this before? I could of helped. Well, I mean I could of tried. I'm not that better." Sunset exclaimed.

Moon huffed. "Speak for yourself Sunset. You're awesome at magic! I'm just a stupid unicorn who can lift up a pen."

"...You can only lift a pen? Geez Moony, no wonder you're so shallow."

"I am not shallow!" Moondancer got off the ground. "I'm just- a no good unicorn." She stomped one hoof.

Sunset went over to her friend and offered her comfort. "You are an incredible unicorn Moondancer. You're smart, generous, and really hilarious at times. Even when you make me mad." She smirked.

Moondancer chuckled. "Well thanks I guess."

She patted her on the shoulder. "Don't mention it. Who says a unicorn has to do magic anyways? You are your own pony. You can do whatever you want."

"But that's the thing. I want to be super at magic! Believe me when I say I love my books and just being with you Sunset. Yet, it's pathetic if somepony my age can't even lift a book off the ground." Moondancer complained.

"It just takes practice. You'll get it sooner or later."

"Sunset Shimmer, I thought we were both trying to get into Celestia's magic school. Have you forgotten the pledge we made when we were four?" Moondancer asked hoping she would remember.

Sunset scratched her head. "I uh, yes?"

Moondancer gave her an annoyed stare. WOW...

"Wait! I do recall it. Sort of. Would you blow some of the fog away for me?" Sunset exaggerated.

Her friend rolled her eyes. "We both planned to study and get really good at magic so we would both get accepted into Celestia's school. Were still of age to apply you know. Although how am I suppose to pass some entrance exam if I can't conjugate a simple surge?"

"I-I don't know Moony." Sunset admitted. "Okay, I guess that pledge did swarm from my mind."

"I get it. We're still kids who want to fool around. I just didn't want to let you down. You're so much better at magic then I am, I didn't want to get left in the dust. So, I began to study hundreds of books to could make up for my useless horn." Moondancer sighed and pointed to it.

Sunset shook her head. "I wouldn't have ever left you alone! You're my best friend. We stick together."

"You say that now. Things can change Sunny."


There was awkward silence now when Moondancer finished her claim. She laid back down and returned back to her book.

"Listen, If it makes you feel any better, I'm just as bad as you are." Sunset said making Moondancer weirdly confused.

"What are you talking about? Did you not hear what I've been saying?" She looked up.

"I did, and you're right. I'm good at magic, and you're good at books. However unlike you, I suck at the facts. Ugh history is just so... boring! I'd rather be out doing stuff." Sunset finally got out.

"Wait really? You don't know our skill level maths, historys, sciences, and stuff?" Moondancer asked.

"Nope." She looked down.

Unexpectedly and out of nowhere, there was a laugh. When Shimmer heard a thud she looked to see her friend who was now on her back curled up laughing. Then she swore she could hear a snort every now and then too.

Sunset blushed. "Hey- Hey it's not funny!" she claimed disturbed.

Moondancer finished up laughing and slowly picked herself off the ground. "Yes it is. It's complete deja vu Sunset."

"It's not deja vu!" She yelled at her.

Moondancer smirked at her friend. Sunset couldn't take anymore and started to laugh herself. Soon both ponies were on the grass again laughing their tails off. It lasted about a full minute until they started to calm down. When they were fully done, they both laid on their backs on the ground.

"Well, that explains why you never want to study." Moondancer said.

"It also explains why you never use magic." Sunset said.

"So I guess this means there's only one solution."

Sunset's head tilted. "Huh?"

"We help each other! With your talented magic skills and my obvious intelligence we are certain to get into Celestia's school!" Moondancer said excitedly jumping up.

Sunset got up after her. "We could be the smartest unicorns in the whole school!"

"Maybe in all Equestria!" Moon added.

"We could become the princess's own proteges!"

"We could be royal!"

"Everypony will adore us!"

"We'll overrule Celestia herself!"


Moondancer raised her brow. "What'd I say?"

Sunset shook her head. "Nothing. Come on, we have work to do." She started trotting away.

Her friend shrugged and followed suit.

Sunset Shimmer and Moondancer made their ways to the Canterlot library. If they wanted to master spell casting, books is where they start. When they entered, they went to the magic section.

"You like books right? Well if you read books on magic, maybe it'll help you." Sunset said.

Moondancer scanned the isle. "This is a lot of books Sunny."

Sunset frowned. "I suppose..."

"I wasn't complaining."

Sunset giggled at her joke. "So where do you want to start?"

"I can't decide! They're so many!" Moondancer beamed.

"SHH!" The librarian pony spoke.

"Sorry!" both girls said in usion.

"What about levitation? Simple, practical, and much needed." Sunset touched her friends horn. "Woah Moony! You're horn is technically on fire!"

Moondancer freaked out and started running back and forth. "Eek! Make it stop!"

"I said technically! Cool your jets!" Sunset exclaimed.

Moondancer blinked. "Oh. Sorry. Heh..."

"When was the last time you actually used your horn? It has so much mana I bet you could smash a boulder if you wanted to!" Sunset told her.

"For freaking real? That would be so cool!"

"I uh, wouldn't try it though." Sunset said before she could get anymore ideas.

Moondancer thought for a second then nodded.

Few... let that one down with ease. Sunset turned to the shelf and started searching. Until one spotted her eye.

"This one looks promising. Levi for beginners volume one." Sunset wrapped the book in her magic and set it on the table. "Read this."

Moondancer opened the book with her mussel. "Great! I found another book over here I think you should check out." She pointed to the book she carried on her back. Sunset took the book and looked it over.

"Botany?" Sunset took in.

"Mhm. Sciences!" She yelped. Sunset sighed. "You might want to get use to taking notes."

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Fan flipping tastic..."

"Come on, it can be fun! Especially if you do it in pretty colors." Moondancer said.

Sunset took a seat at the table. "Pretty colors?"

"If you mark certain things with certain colors, it can help your mind remember them easier. Like red for something important and yellow for something funny, oh or green for a fact. I personally like purple for vocabulary and blue for irony." Moondancer rambled on. Sunset just stared at her with a unreadable look on her face. She continued: "Besides... it makes your paper vibrant."

Sunset huffed then squinted her eyes looking at the tiny words on the large page. Where are the pictures?... Meanwhile Moondancer was already on page eight on her book. Wh-A-aT?





"Moondancer, how do you expect me to read if you keep making noises?" Sunset asked.

"What? Oh, sorry. I'm use to reacting out loud." She replied.

"Well get use to reacting to yourself."


It was about two hours later when the two friends spoke again. Time flies when you're having... a study session?

"Hey Sunset."

Sunset looked up. "Yes?"

"If we had our own castle, where would it be?" Moondancer wondered.

Umm "Maybe by Neighagrah Falls? That would be a splashing good time." She joked.

Moon rolled her eyes. "For real-zies."

"I don't know. Manehatten? Hooftroplis? Las Pegasus?"

"... What about... Ponyville?" She brought up.

Sunset snorted. "P-ponyville? That junk of a town? Please, who in Celestia's name would put a castle there."

Her friend stayed quiet for awhile before answering. "Heh... yeah."

"That's like putting a castle in the Everfree Forest." Sunset remarked.

Moondancer looked at Sunset. "There is a castle in the Everfree Forest."


After two more minutes of reading Moondancer closed her book smiling. "Done."

Sunset yawned. "I've got a few pages left but it's whatever. Talk about a snoozefest."

"Come on let's go outside!" Moondancer sprinted out the library.

Sunset bookmarked her page and follow her outside.

"Let's try lifting that cart over there." Sunset pointed to the ice cream cart that was far on the other side of the street.

"But, Isn't that somepony's workstation?" Moon said concerned.

"It's not like we're stealing it. Do you see anything else around?"

"It looks heavy Sunset."

"You can handle it!" She expressed.

"Can we start with something easier?"

Sunset was annoyed. "Do you want to get into Celestia's school or not?"

Moondancer didn't have to think twice. "...Yes."

"Then lift the bucking cart."

Moondancer sighed and closed her eyes. She cleared her mind like it said in her book. She imagined herself lifting the cart like a feather. Visualization also helps. She also recalled from chapter three. Soon her magic aurora appeared around her horn. Sunset started to smile. The magic also surrounded the cart. It started to shake.

"Come on!" Sunset cheered.

Moondancer was sweating and her eyes were clamped. Soon the cart slowly started to lift off the ground and float a few inches in air.

"Ahh! You did it!" Sunset jumped.

Her friends eyes shot open as she stared at the cart. "I-I did it! I actually did it!"

Sunset came close and wrapped her hooves around Moondancer showing her support. She smiled in return. However being distracted, the cart started to move away. Sunset released her friend and paid her attention back to the spell.

"Uh... Moony where did you put the cart?"

"Huh?" Moondancer looked over where it was last.

A few seconds later there was a splash. Moondancers magic aurora faded away.

"Uh oh..." They both said.

The ponies ran to the nearby river on the over side of the street. The cart was soaked and floated half way above the water. The ice cream spilled into the water where some fishes came and ate.

"Aw pony feathers." Moondancer cursed.

"Well... I guess you can cross levitation off your list?"

Ha Ha...

"Hey!" Somepony called out. It was a blue colt who had a sundae cutie mark wearing a white hat. I think they found the worker.

"Double pony feathers." Sunset cursed back.

"Run!" Moondancer started racing back to the library. Sunset followed quickly behind. This is not how she wanted to spend her afternoon. They avoided other ponies and had to do a couple twists and turns to lose the colt.

They reached the library and ran inside. They found the table they sat at before and took a seat. The librarian again whispered 'SHH!' but they ignored her.

"That was too close." Moondancer stated.

"Yup." Sunset said panting.

"Who knows what would've happened if we got caught."

"I don't even want to think about it." Sunset shivered.

Community service? A meeting with Princess Celestia herself? Jail!? She thought about it...

Moondancer glanced down at their two books they left on the table.


"So... if you don't mind me asking, how was your book? The part you did read."

"Er... carbon dioxide, water, and light work together to contribute photosynthesis which makes plants grow? It also helps make chlorophyll which is basically plant food." Sunset said trying to remember.

"Yay that's a good start! What else?" Moondancer asked.

"Roots are the main part of the plant and without them it can't properly grow. Oh and fun fact; if you add coloring to the water you give a flower, it can turn the petals that color."

"Excellent!" She said even though she already knew this stuff. "For our age, this is just the basics. Next you should read about weather. There's a whole book on the history of the Cloudsdale factory."

Sunset cringed. "Maybe later."

"Okay... what about Starswirl's Step's To Magical Success?"


"Equestrian Artifacts 101?"


"Early Starters Math For-"


"Geography and Relics Vo-"

"No. More. Books!" Sunset yelled.

"SHH!" The librarian said.

"Shh your face!" Sunset snapped at her.

"Seriously Sunny?" Moondancer shook her head.

"She keeps being annoying. What's the point of coming to a library if you can't talk." Sunset commented.

"To read in peace." She answered. "You should apologize."

Sunset blinked. "No way!"

"Yes way!"

"Okay now you're being annoying."

Moondancer grumbled then turned away.

Sunset sighed. "I'm sorry, okay?"

"No you're not. You just don't want me to be mad at you." She said.

"Well I'm not going to lie." Sunset replied.

Moondancer turned back around. "I thought you wanted this?"

Sunset looked confused. "Wanted what?"

Moon gestured while she talked. "You know, study together to get into school."

"I do! Mostly..." Sunset said.

"I just suggested a bunch of books for you and you're not even going to read them."

Sunset looked around. "I will... eventually."

"Eventually?" She raised an eyebrow.

Sunset stayed silent.

Moon groaned. "See what I mean?"

"I do want this!"

"Then why aren't you trying?" She asked.

"I'm trying to try. It's just, I don't want... to?" Sunset answered. Which wasn't a particularly good argument. It technically was true. She did want it. Just not to work for it.

"Ugh!" Moondancer stormed outside leaving the library.

No no no.

Sunset followed her and went to catch up. "Moony, wait!"

"For what Sunset!?" She yelled.

"You can't just leave me!" Sunset argued.

Moondancer rolled her eyes. "Once again, Sunset Shimmer only thinks about herself."

Sunset flinched at her full name.

"You read one book! You forced me to lift that stupid ice cream cart that we almost got in trouble for! We're suppose to be working together and now you're just giving up!" She ranted.

"I read the one book I didn't want to read for you!"

"You don't want to ready any book Sunny."

Sunset scoffed. "I did help you learn levitation right? Did I receive a thank you for that? No!" Sunset yelled back.

"If you don't remember, we were too busy getting chased." Moondancer stated the obvious.

"I didn't hear you complaining earlier. In fact, you were quite pleased!"

"...Whatever Sunset." She fell to the ground.

Her friend eyed her up and down. "Don't go all pouty face on me Moondancer."

Moon ignored her and continued to stare at the ground agraviated.

"Argh! This is why we can't have friends!"

This made her friend look back up. "What do you mean 'can't have friends'?" she asked in tone.

"Friendship flipping sucks!" Sunset stomped one hoof on the ground. "It just holds you back. You can never do anything you want to do because friends get in the way."

Moondancer sprung back up. "Well if that's how you feel maybe we shouldn't be friends!"

"Pfft fine!" Sunset yelled back.

"I can't believe you weren't actually sincere. You just wanted me around for your own benefit." Moondancer said quietly.

"I never say that!"

"You implied it!"

The ex friends were angry, confused, and heartbroken at the same time. They can't be fighting! Why are they fighting!?

"I'll just get into Celestia's school myself!" Moondancer scorched.

"Oh really!?" Sunset said holding back a laugh. "I bet you'll flunk the first test!"

Moondancer glared at her. "Speak for yourself."

"Heck, I'll even get into her school before you." Sunset said confidently.

"You don't know for sure. You can't even look at a book." She told her back. I rhymed...

"I'll read on my own. I'll study to my heart's content and before you know it, I'll be the next alicorn!" Sunset boasted.

Moondancer chuckled. "Ha! Like that would ever happen."

"It could!"

"Could a, would a, should a!"

"Talk to the hoof." She held up her right. "You'll probably give up on magic and continue to make more 'friends.' Then you'll get heartbroken again and realize I was right all along!"

Moondancer huffed.

"Oh hello! I'm Moondancer! Want to be friends? Let's go get donuts and celebrate each other birthdays!" Sunset imitated her voice raised in high pitch.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh look! I'm Sunset Shimmer! I'm so cold and distant my attitude will make you scarce. I can take you on in a magic duel anyday, don't mess with me cause I'm big and bad!"

Sunset growled.

"You'll regret your choices!" Moon yelled.

"You'll be sorry!" Sunset yelped back.

"Don't come running back to me Sunset."

"I won't be your shoulder to cry on Moondancer."

The enemies had fire in their eyes. It was over...

"This is it."

"I guess so."

"Goodbye Moony."

"Goodbye Sunny."

The two ponies left in anger.

Sunset keep to her word and studied every single day back at home. She would read and read until she became just as fond of pony knowledge just as her. Soon, she applied for Celestia's School For Young Gifted Unicorns. Guess what? She passed with flying colors. Princess Celestia even took her in as her own protege! She worked beside her new guardian learning everything there was to know about magic. She did it, keeping to her word she made long ago. She would not be a lair.

Moondancer went and studied magic until she was just as good as her back when they... associated. She went and made some new friends. She didn't need the red-headed mare anymore. She went and made a new life and it was perfect. Until... she was betrayed. Again by her own new friend. She didn't care about the others, she was just devastated by her herself. She hated the color purple since then. Moondancer went and locked herself up at home. She continued to read and learn more magic by the day. She quit on trying to get into Celestia's school; It was in the past. She would become talented in her own way.


One day when the moon was setting and the sun was rising, both Sunset Shimmer and Moondancer were at the windows. One in Celestia's castle, one in their own room. They were alone. Did they regret being alone?


It was their own fault. Books, magic, studying; that's all they cared about. Moondancer was going to be the most talented unicorn in Equestria and Sunset was aiming to become princess. They stride in what they wanted. They would not stand down!

But the question is: Did they get what they wanted?

"You'll regret your decisions!"

"You'll be sorry!"

Those words ached. They ached because they were true...

The two older mares looked up at the sky. Watching the moon and the sun come up and down over the horizon. It was sight not worth missing. It was Celestia and Luna working together in perfect harmony. It was odd, but the memory of each other flew by one last time as they both spoke together in one perfect sync.

"Who needs friendship?"

A few years later...

"Behold! Behold! Princess Twilight Sparkle!"


*Knock Knock Knock*

She opened the door.

"Moondancer!" the princess gleamed.

She never slammed it more fast in her life.

A little more...

She was running. A corner, a teleport spell, a mirror...

Sunset saluted. "Sorry it had to be this way. Princess."

The ponies gasped.

You must be thinking this by now.

What if?