I Want to Make Them Real

by sejox

First published

Isn't that the wish of every author?

This is something I have been craving to do for some time. but the more I write , the more I read... the more I feel like its impossible to do. I can touch and be touched by mere words, I can create interesting and passionate characters, I can create entire worlds if it's needed.

But does it really matter? at the end, they are just fiction...

it's there a way to make them real? I'll be more than happy to try to answer that question.

And to answer that, all I'll need is this manuscript

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Alright, let's do this. First thing first, environment, a candy shop, settled in a land far greater and peaceful than my own. Citizens off all sizes and ages eating, buying and talking. At the middle of it all, there are two creatures, creatures that I know far too well, and probably you too if I tell you their names.

But I will not. I want them to be the ones giving their own names. But how? Maybe with more context first? Colors? Physical features? Bonds?

Well, they’re bonded like brother and sister, yet they are not blood related. they are both friends and coworkers… and~ I'm overextending… this won’t work. I need them to interact by themselves, to live without the need of this words. Whatsoever, I'm picky and I want those two to be organic, to do actions that only they could and would do… if i aim to achieve that, then giving you their names or full biography will be useful, though, this will mean that I’ll create them, and that is not what I want, the only real important thing here is that these two are the protagonists of this story.

"What if you make them"- No. Stop. That won't work Pinks, you aren't really speaking here. Is just me giving the illusion that you are making something, breaking walls will serve no purpose here. For this to work I need them to speak for themselves, for you to know what they are doing, and for something to happen. But writing that will cut the line between fiction and reality.

So instead, I'll do this:

They are in SugarCube Corner, doing what they usually do every morning. Time moves on as other characters go in, and out, of the scene.

Do you feel something? we both know that as the Schrodinger’s cat, our protagonist could be either living the morning of their lives or dying in agony… is up to us to you to imagine the possible outcomes.


This won't work either… yet, it has some sense, think about this: You and I are two creatures living among others in the universe or even beyond it. You are alive and I'm alive, we both have traits and personalities. The things we do in our daily routine are unknown for any other creature.

But we are alive whatsoever. Just like those two at the other side of our imagination, the protagonists of this fictional story. They are alive too, but we are too far away to really experience the joy of living alongside them.

I want to narrow that distance, to the point only a small line could separate us from them. But the expected outcome just makes this whole ordeal the more impossible to achieve.

Let me explain it to you with this example:

Imagine yourself watching at them from a couple of meters, there is nothing more but those two, a thin transparent wall, and you. If I decide to break or erase that wall, what will it mean for you? That there would be nothing to stop you from going to them? Talk to them? Hug them and live a happy life with them till the very end?

The problem is that right now you are reading a piece of paper, and they are living their story. If that wall breaks, you will be a part of that fiction. Your true self will remain where you stand while another you goes and fulfills your wish.

So how will you feel? this new you is nothing but a character that shares all that makes you a living, rational being, yet all its actions will be attached to is what it’s known of your personality, going beyond it will only mean that another creature is being developed.

With time, basic traits will be the only thing shared between you two as the difference between your experiences on life turn this you into another character inside this story.

A character that sooner or later, you'll want to know more about…just like you did at the beginning with the protagonists.


This is what happens when I wrote them. When I try to make them do or witness new things. In the end, I'm just guessing their reaction. I'm calculating their behavior and emulating their thoughts…

… What hurts the most is that this makes it feel less like a story…

Things are lost while creating a fictional telltale. The drama, the obliviousness, the moments of hesitations, fear and doubts; all those little things that make you feel close to the character or adventure as a whole. All those things are at the end just a representation of those feelings made by the author… every heartbreaking, inspiring, or dreadful moment are product of the same character… the author.

A non-fictional tale, like the ones that narrate the history of past memorable characters of our world, have more or less of the same problem. It’s more probable that the story stays true to real feelings, characters and events that happened at the time. Unfortunately this doesn’t solve the main issue, we may be stepping on the same earth they once did, yet we are unable to be in their tale.

That is what breaking the fourth wall tries to achieve, to make the heroes interact with their fans, to make each witness see a different perspective of the same tale.

That is something impossible to achieve right now… for to make this possible you will need the power of gods: to move time, space and lives with the flick of a finger, to create entire dimensions with the sole purpose of making your character and the reader live in the same era until the day they die.

All I can do is offer you a little manuscript, where you could witness her and him, but they aren't themselves but just my imagination fooling around with what I already know of them. And no matter the number of times you read it, it will be the same story, the same dialogues, and the less of feelings.

Even reality is affected by this, recreating something that already happened and playing it over and over again makes the act shallow and empty with enough time.

All this talk hasn't made my wish to fade in the slightest... True, I can't make them interact with you… I can't make them real living things. Yet I can make sure that their lives are still meaningful, and so can you.

Making of this a memory, a conscious moment that means something for humankind. We humans, created them, they may be different in their own reality, and they may become a shallow representation of rational creatures every time we speak or write about them.

But at least they are alive… and that is as close as we can get to them.

So, for the sake of Twilight and Spike...

Make of this a memory to remember and hold it tight against your heart. They may not know us… but at least they exist.