Relaxing Celestia (By Any Means Necessary)

by Wintermist

First published

Lotus Blossom and Aloe have a Princess problem: no matter what they do, Celestia won't relax. Massage isn't working, the Princess is getting tetchy, and they're running out of options. But it's not like they can relax her by force... is it?

Lotus Blossom and Aloe have a Princess problem: no matter what they do, Celestia won't relax. Massage isn't working, the Princess is getting tetchy, and they're running out of options. But even if Celestia commands them to use any means necessary, it's not like they can relax her by force... is it?

Fic commissioned by DbzOrDie.

This fic features: bondage, spitroasting, strap-ons, humiliation, incest and prostitution themes.
Art cropped from Spa Twins background by BrianBlackberry (Derpibooru 1223430)

We were discussing a treatment regime for you. It is a little... unusual.

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It was another beautiful day in Canterlot. Sunlight shone down warmly on the white and pink stone of the capital city, and a gentle breeze stirred the manes of the passing ponies. The scents of baking flavoured the air. It was, in every way, a perfect afternoon.

Lotus Blossom walked briskly down the street, a smile on her lips. The bright blue pony wore a simple white spa uniform with a high collar, her long arms bare, over white stockings. The soles of her pristine white boots were a colourful pink that matched her mane and tail. The gentle swell of her breasts was neither highlighted nor hidden by the tight cotton. A small paper bag swung from one hand, leaking the enticing aroma of fresh pastries.

The doorbell tinkled musically as she let herself back into the spa, calling out in her gentle accent, "Aloe! I have lunch for you! It is very good today, I most enjoyed it."

The door behind the plain white desk opened, and Aloe emerged, dressed in the twin to Lotus Blossom's outfit. Her teeth caught at her lower lip, and a distinct look of concern shaped her familiar, usually tranquil, features. "Oh, Lotus! Thank goodness you're back!"

"...oh. She is here again?" Lotus moved quickly behind the desk, pulling out the small white cloth she'd left there and binding it around her forehead, pulling back her vibrant pink mane.

"She is! Even more wound up than the last time! Lotus, I am of course grateful for her patronage, but it makes me so nervous to be treating her. I do not wish to keep her waiting."

Lotus nodded quickly. "Will you have time to eat?"

"I could not enjoy it. Come; come. Meadow Bloom will cover the front desk."

Abandoning the small bag under the front desk with a trace of reluctance, Lotus followed her sister through the immaculate corridors of their small spa. Double doors opened and closed, then another pair, admitting the two into a softly lit, scented room. Curls of delicate steam rolled through the air, emphasising the gentle scent of flowers.

Princess Celestia, avatar of the Sun, immortal deity of all Ponykind, lay considerably more than half-naked on the massage table. She was taller than any normal pony, though she carried her height with grace, neither stocky nor gangly. Her bare feet were pointed towards them, already washed perfectly clean, flowing upwards into shapely calves and firm, toned thighs. A folded towel covered the immaculate mound of her perfect ass, her colourful tail billowing to one side of it, though if Lotus angled her head just right, there was a lusciously tantalising hint of the bare sex nestling between those thighs.

Her back was broad, bearing the great folded shapes of her snow-white wings, and the heavy curves of her breasts, though nestling in the specially shaped indentations in the table, were just visible squashed beneath her. Her head was turned to the side, her eyes closed, mane billowing over her shoulders and the edge of the table like a colourful waterfall.

"Are you ready to begin now?" she asked, her voice sending tingles through Lotus's body from head to toe.

"We are always ready to serve, Princess," Aloe replied at once. Moving to Celestia's right, she placed her hand on the Princess's shoulder, and Lotus mirrored the action on the other side.

It didn't take long for Lotus to begin to frown. Celestia's skin was as smooth as silk, warm and soft under her hands, but the muscle beneath was stiff and knotted. She increased the firmness of her massage, feeling her sister doing the same, but with every small, displeased grunt from Celestia's lips, she felt herself becoming just as tensed up as the pony in their care.

"I will fetch another hot towel," Aloe announced softly, flicking a worried glance over Celestia's back at her sister.

"If you think it would help," replied Celestia, her eyes still closed.

Lotus felt her shoulders hunch at the trace of impatience in the divine pony's tone. Aloe's return a moment later did nothing to assuage the hint of tension in the room, and though between them they worked Celestia's back and legs with all the skill and experience they could muster, little seemed to help. After another quiet, faintly exasperated sigh from the Princess, Lotus asked softly, "Princess Celestia, is there something troubling you?"

Celestia flicked the question away with a gesture of her dangling hand. "I would rather not speak of the troubles at the castle while I am relaxing."

Lotus felt her smile become frozen on her pink-painted lips. "Princess, would you excuse us for just one moment?"

Aloe looked up quickly from Celestia's back, hands freezing in place amongst her flight feathers. Her lips formed a silent question, but Lotus shook her head and jerked her chin towards the doors.

"If you must," murmured Celestia.

Aloe nodded, and replied softly, "We shall return to continue your care within moments, my Princess." The double doors thudded softly closed behind them, isolating Celestia in her own little bubble of dim light, warmth and clean, fresh scents.

Outside, Lotus released a soft breath and supported herself on the corridor wall. "Aloe, she is impossible today! It is like trying to massage a tree trunk! ...I truly think that if we are to please her, we need to take extreme measures."

Aloe frowned imperceptibly, then her eyes widened. "You cannot mean a 'happy' massage. She is our Princess! We cannot possibly take such liberties with such a pony." Looking aside, the pink pony added more softly, "Besides, it has been a long time since we went so far."

"What other pony could deserve our full attentions more? Is it not our duty to help her feel ready to rule?" Lotus felt her heart beating faster at the idea. Professional detachment from the soft, smooth bodies of her clients was second nature to her, but in this case, professional detachment was fighting the fact of Princess Celestia, and losing.

"Lotus, if we displease her by overstepping our boundaries, she may never come to us again! Or she may officially chastise us. We could be ruined if such a word was spread among the ponies of Canterlot, and just when we are making this second spa work!"

Acknowledging the truth of the other pony's words, Lotus nonetheless didn't let herself hesitate. "If we don't try, she is going to leave unsatisfied anyway, Aloe. Then she will not come back. Nothing else is working, you can tell that."

Aloe rubbed the back of her fingers over her lips in a nervous gesture, then finally nodded. "...that much is true, we are not making progress. Very well. Let us try - very carefully - to see whether it would be welcomed."

One after the other, they filed back into the room. With a guilty thrill, Lotus saw that Celestia's towel had slid down a little to bare the top of her ass, and chose to leave it alone. Reaching out, she smoothed her hand up the divine pony's back, and up over her wing.

The invisible wall separating her from the true realisation of her client's beauty was broken, and it was Lotus that had chosen to break it. Each movement of her hand felt like touching the Princess for the first time; the mingled awe and joy and terror was back in full force, as fresh and sharp as it had been the day Celestia had first come to them. Lotus delicately fanned out the end of Celestia's wing and began caressing between the feathers, her agile fingers teasing and tantalising, watching the Princess intently. Working her way back down the curve of her wing, Lotus slid her hands over the firm curve of Celestia's lower back, then bought a moment of time by dabbing extra lotion onto her fingertips.

She'd made a decision. They'd made a decision, Lotus reminded herself. No more hesitation. Lotus's hands grazed the upper curves of Celestia's perfect ass, nudging the towel a little lower still.

Oh, spirits, it felt so good to touch the Princess intimately. Lotus released a quivering sigh, then caught herself as her sister gave her a sideways look. She had to be careful, yes. Nothing too overt, not yet. Shifting her grip, Lotus moved down to place her oil-slick hands on Celestia's thigh, letting her fingers curl around to stroke the sensitive inner surface, and began stroking slowly up and down. Opposite her, Aloe did the same, mirroring her moments with the smoothness of long practice.


For a moment, Lotus thought she'd accidentally given air to the tingling feelings that made her chest feel tight, then, with a thrill, she realised that the low moan had come from the lips of the Princess. Celestia shifted position under their hands, resting face down on the oval-shaped pillow, her wings spreading a little more. Cautiously, Lotus worked her hands back up the curve of Celestia's back, and couldn't help the small frown that touched her face as she felt the knotted tension in the powerful flight muscles. It hadn't eased at all.

Catching Aloe's eyes, Lotus shook her head slightly, and saw the flicker of worry that passed over her sister's face. Still, they'd prompted a small reaction... maybe there was a path through intimate touches, if they kept at it. Delicate and gentle as humming birds, their hands moved over Celestia's body, stroking and caressing, and under their touch, the Princess began to stir more often, shifting position slightly on the massage table. Finally, her right arm slid off entirely, and Aloe caught the Princess's wrist with a little frown of frustration.

Placing Celestia's arm back by her side, Aloe said with a firmness driven by anxiety, "Please do not move, Princess. It is important you lie still."

"...very well, Aloe. I will stay still," murmured Celestia quietly.

Lotus froze. It could have been her imagination, but when Aloe had spoken firmly to the Princess, had not that divine ass risen slightly, those perfect thighs squeezed together?

No way. There was no way.

Lotus's hands moved back to Celestia's legs, working her way down to the calf and kneading firmly to give herself time to think. She could feel a different kind of tension rising in the Princess, a simmering, unrequited energy that seethed softly in her every little movement, every little change in her breathing. If she wasn't completely wrong, the Princess was languishing in a pool of growing sexual frustration, in addition to whatever stress had brought her there in the first place. That wouldn't do. She needed to release that frustration, one way or another. But...

But if they got much more overt in their touching, the Princess was going to notice something was strange.

Imagine she, Lotus, was going to ask Celestia to move. She'd speak carefully, tentatively - like everyone addressed the Princess - and fence in her request with as much politeness as possible. Something like, 'Princess Celestia, could you please move your leg a little towards me? Thank you very much, your Highness.' What if she got rid of all the politeness? How might the Princess react?

Lotus felt a little perspiration dampen her forehead beneath the neat white cloth as she formulated the words. She couldn't really address the Princess that way. Not really. Heart hammering in her chest, she released Celestia's leg, then swallowed, and spoke as clearly and matter of factly as she could manage.

"Celestia, part your legs."

She had to wrestle herself not to add 'please' to the sentence, and she felt the flicker of silent horror from her sister at the blunt demand. But far, far more important was the little flick of Celestia's tail as she pushed her hips against the table briefly, and slid her legs apart a little wider.

Aloe's eyes met Lotus's, and understanding flickered between them. After a moment's pause, Aloe said with gentle firmness, "Spread your wings a little."

Celestia immediately complied, with a little squirm that ran down the length of her body. "As you wish," she murmured.

Catching her lower lip between her teeth for a moment, Lotus breathed in deeply, then let it go. She was learning helpful information that could lead to a better treatment for a client. That was all. She definitely, definitely wasn't feeling her nipples stiffen, jutting against the crisp white of her salon uniform. There was no way that she was feeling a heat growing between her legs. But just to be sure, surely there was something else she could say, some other way of testing the truth...

Her sister beat her to it. Unnecessarily repositioning Celestia's arm again, though the Princess had barely moved this time, Aloe said in a light tone, "My goodness, Princess, if you keep moving around, we shall have to restrain you."

Princess Celestia's sharp little gasp hung in the air. Goosebumps rippled down her bare thighs.

It was true. Celestia wanted... wanted to be restrained. Ordered. What a wonderful feeling of peace and lack of responsibility that would be, for the pony that had to look after everypony in Equestria. And they could give it to her. She, Lotus, could give it to Celestia. Really give it to her.

"A-Aloe, I really would like to speak to you privately for a moment," Lotus breathed, quivering with excitement.

Her sister hesitated. "If you are certain it is needed... my deepest apologies for interrupting your massage, Princess Celestia. We will not be a moment."

Princess Celestia murmured an impatient sound of assent, and turned her head face down once more, letting the ring-shaped pillow support her.

Moving with carefully constrained haste, Aloe hustled Lotus out of the room, and into the small antechamber. Speaking quickly, she asked, "What is it you wish to do?"

"Aloe - is it not obvious what the Princess truly desires? She wishes to be treated roughly."

"I am not unaware of this, but... do you truly think we should use restraints on her? She would never agree to such a thing."

Lotus's heart gave a lurch as she pictured trying to explain to the Princess what she had in mind for her therapeutic treatment. It was difficult to pick apart the surge of desire and dread, and despite herself, she hesitated. "But it is what she needs, don't you think? She is filled with desire for it. You know how nice it feels after a session. Surely she would appreciate that."

"No pony is supposed to even know about those restraints! They are for... private entertainment. Not in business hours." Aloe's pink cheeks darkened towards red.

"If she appreciated what we offer, she would not tell anypony of this."

"If she did not-"

The double doors parted, cutting Aloe off in mid-sentence. Celestia stood in the doorway, a towel wrapped around the great curves of her chest, and only barely reaching low enough to cover her sex. "Is there a problem?" she asked with a trace of frustration.

"I - you see, Princess," Lotus began awkwardly, "we were discussing a treatment regime for you. It is a little... unusual, and it would involve taking liberties we would not wish to take without your full consent."

"Do it. Whatever it is, you have my full consent. Go ahead."

Her face darkening to a deeper shade of embarrassed red, Aloe tried, "Princess, it involves-"

"I can make it a royal decree, if you like," Celestia effortlessly interrupted her, with a hint of playfulness.

"Princess, this - this involves fixing you in position, while we-" Lotus tried again, desperately trying to get the words out before she could lose her nerve.

Celestia lifted a hand, cutting her off. An unmistakable thrum of authority in her voice, underscored by her obvious frustration, she said firmly, "I command you to do whatever you think necessary to ensure I leave your spa fully relaxed. I have complete faith in you both, and I expect there to be no further interruptions."

Lotus opened her mouth, swallowed, then said meekly, "As you wish, Princess. We'll join you in a moment. Please lie down and ready yourself."

"In a moment," Celestia repeated in a faintly warning tone. The doors closed silently as she released them, turning back to the massage table.

Aloe gaped at Lotus. "You cannot be serious."

"I am most serious. This is the only way she will leave here satisfied, Aloe. " Lotus inhaled deeply, her modest breasts swelling against the tight white top, then breathed, "Settle her down on her back, please. I'm going to get my bag."

"...okay. I hope you know what you're doing."

Lotus hurried away, up the stairs and into her own room, above the spa. It wouldn't be fair to say that she'd never used the tools within her neat canvas bag on a client, but usually out of hours, not as part of a massage session. Still, a royal command had been issued, and whether Celestia meant it or not, it was the last excuse Lotus had needed.

By the time she got back, Celestia was resting on her back, twin towels covering her sex and the rise of her chest, with a third little hand towel resting over her eyes. Perfect. Nodding at Aloe, Lotus unzipped her bag, and began very carefully removing chains from the individual pockets within, trying not to let them clink louder than the soft music playing in the background.

"Please breathe deeply, Princess. The herbal steam infusion in the air is very relaxing," Aloe said aloud, her soft, accented voice drowning any suggestion of metal on metal. As she spoke, her sister wrapped chains around the legs of the massage table where they were bolted to the ground, spreading out short lengths and clipping stout cuffs of gleaming white to the ends.

Every little clink and suspicious sound made Lotus's heart beat faster and faster. Celestia might have ordered them to do what was necessary, but if she decided their treatment was an affront to her dignity and left before they drew her to a climax, she'd be resentful and even more frustrated. They had to make sure she saw this through, and melted into a puddle of submissive pleasure. Then they could let her go.

It was for her own good, Lotus reassured herself.

Picking up the ankle cuff, and nodding at Aloe to do the same, Lotus said, "Princess, we are going to arrange your legs now. Please do not try to move." Her fingers trembling, she took hold of Celestia's ankle and slid the softly padded cuff under it, curling it around. Pulling smoothly, she parted Celestia's legs wide, then fastened the buckle firmly.

They were committed, now. Stepping hurriedly to her left, Lotus eased Celestia's arm off the side of the massage table, letting it dangle loosely. Wrapping a cuff firmly around the Princess's slim wrist, Lotus shortened the chain and locked it to the hooks beneath the table. On the other side of the table, Aloe mirrored her, restraining the pure white mare in a position where it was all but impossible to get any leverage. The chains clinked with the movement, and a frown touched the Princess's face where it was visible under the towel.

"Lotus? What are you doing?" Celestia tried to move her hand to her face, her pale arm lifting slightly, and found herself unable to move any further as the chain brought her up short. A sharp yank got her no further.

Hurry, hurry... Lotus pulled a clean silver ring from her bag, and moved to beside the Princess's head. As she approached, the hand towel levitated off Celestia's face in a faint golden glow, and the Princess's eyes widened as she raised her head and looked down at her shackles.

"Release me at once!" she commanded sharply. "Lotus Blossom, what is the meaning of this?"

Ring concealed in Lotus's hand, Celestia didn't see it until too late. The slim piece of jewellery slid over the tip of her horn and down until it nestled into place near the base, and the golden shimmer working at the cuffs fizzled out as though it had never been.

"A nullifier ring? What are you two doing?" Celestia demanded. She struggled against the chains, twisting her body back and forth. Inch by inch, the towel over her chest slid down and to one side, until one pink nipple slid into view.

Lotus leaned down, grabbing something from her bag, and held it out of sight beneath the table. Leaning over Celestia, she said with tender firmness, "Celestia, shut up." The Princess's eyes snapped wide, and her lips parted to demand answers once again. She didn't get the chance. With hasty, near-panicked speed, Lotus brought up the ball gag and rammed the rubbery sphere into Celestia's mouth, pulling the straps taut.

Her hands shaking with nervousness, Aloe took the buckle from her sister's hand and threaded the end of the other strap under Celestia's head, fastening it as tightly as she dared. Her breath short and quick, she flashed a pleading look at Lotus that didn't require a sisterly bond to interpret: was she really sure this was a good idea?

Reaching out and squeezing Aloe's hand, Lotus nodded once, then looked down at Celestia. The Princess glared upwards with a look that could have made statues flinch, and Lotus quivered as it struck home. "O-okay, Princess. Please let me explain."

The glare intensified, but the muffled, thick sounds from around the gag ceased. There was somehow the distinct impression that if she'd had control of her limbs, Celestia would have folded her arms.

Doing her best to hold her nerve, and speak in her calm, professional voice, Lotus rested one hand on Celestia's bare stomach and began stroking gently. "Princess, we are your loyal subjects, and do not wish you to worry. This is not a trap by one of your enemies. When we are done with your session today, we will release you." And hope really hard that you don't punish us for this. "You commanded us to do whatever it took to relax you, and we believe this is what you require, Princess."

Even though the words were too muffled and indistinct to make out through the gag, the tone of Celestia's response was very clear. She was not relaxing at this particular moment.

Trying to ignore the weakness of her knees, and tamping down the rising urge to simply undo the restraints and beg on her knees for forgiveness, Lotus deliberately looked away from Celestia's face. "All your squirming has dislodged your towel, Celestia. That was very bad of you. If that's how you're going to act, I don't think you deserve it."

Taking hold of the soft, warm fabric, Lotus pulled firmly, whipping the towel off the Princess's body and neatly settling it over her arm. Celestia's proud, soft breasts were revealed, exposed in all their weighty glory, and for a moment, Lotus simply couldn't look away from them. She'd seen the Princess naked before, of course, but there was something about stripping the Princess that made the sight of them so much more intense. The hunger to touch and squeeze them was almost unbearable.

"Mmrrrff!" protested Celestia again, jerking at the chains. Her chest jiggled, swaying back and forth with slow heaviness.

Before she knew what she was doing, Lotus brought the flat of her palm down hard across one pink nipple, a flat crack of skin on skin echoing around the enclosed room. "Celestia! I told you to stay still!"

Everything went very quiet. Over the echo of the smack ringing in her ears, Lotus heard Aloe give a terrified whimper, frozen at the edge of the massage table, but she couldn't look away from Celestia's face. It was hard to read the Princess's expression; she lay unmoving, seemingly shocked into immobility, breathing through her nose.

Celestia's wide eyes slowly focused on Lotus again. Her nostrils flared, taking a deep breath, then she began to struggle against her chains again, tugging on them firmly.

Oh Celestia, it wasn't going to work. Lotus winced at the reflexive use of the Princess's name, when the very pony was lying before her, bound, gagged, and seemingly determined to free herself. What was she going to do? If she'd read Celestia wrong, she couldn't imagine what the Princess would do to them for the indignity they'd put her through. It almost made her want to pull off the nullifier ring and run for the train station, hoping she could get there before Celestia finished freeing and dressing herself. What had she been thinking?

The rustling clink of shifting chain snapped Lotus out of her thoughts. Celestia wasn't struggling as much now, her tugs at the chains less powerful, and there was something odd about her expression. Behind the fixed glare, behind the air of determination she was projecting, there was a hint of... of embarrassment. Her cheeks were coloured pink, and her bared nipples were stiff.

She wasn't seriously trying to escape. She could probably snap the chains if she really tried. Whatever Celestia was telling herself, the truth was that she was trying to get slapped again. The realisation broke over Lotus, releasing a catch in her chest, and she took a deep, shuddering breath before she managed to rebuild her composure.

Addressing her words to Aloe as much as to Celestia, she said with deliberate calm, "Bad pony. Acting up just to get punished?" Drawing back her hand, she smacked Celestia hard across the chest a second time. This time, she had the nerve to watch the way the divine pony's tits jiggled, a darker pink mark rising on the side of one pure white breast.

Despite herself, unable to properly contain the sound thanks to the gag forcing her lips apart, Celestia groaned throatily. Visibly catching the vindicated, triumphant look on Lotus's face, she looked aside, her blush deepening.

"Aloe, would you please spank this naughty pony's breasts every time she moves? From her moan, it is clear that it's an appropriate treatment."

Aloe's mouth, which was partly opened in shock, slowly closed. Her eyes flicked to Lotus, then down to the bound Princess, and she replied after a moment's pause, "Of course. Will you be a good pony, Princess?"

Celestia's gaze flicked up towards Aloe. For a moment, she remained perfectly still.

At which point, Lotus slid her hand under the towel covering the divine pony's sex, and dragged her nails softly down the other mare's tender inner thigh. Celestia gasped into her gag, jerking slightly, which was all the excuse that Aloe needed.

Trembling slightly in mingled terror and awe at her own nerve, Aloe firmly spanked the captive pony's breasts, once, twice, thrice. Celestia arched under the impacts, inadvertently pushing her chest up into the impacts, her head tilting back against the padded bed. A sharp whimper escaped her, and despite herself, her hips stirred in a lustful little wriggle, trying to rub her parted thighs together.

Even if it did get them in enormous trouble, the sight of their Goddess-like ruler squirming in lust as Aloe struck her bare tits was probably the hottest thing Lotus had ever witnessed. Tracing her fingers slowly up and down Celestia's inner thighs, delighting in each quiver that she drew out of their captive, she murmured, "She is so soft and smooth under my fingers, Aloe. She has impeccable skin."

"Yes, I agree. I'm quite envious." Aloe gently stroked the back of her fingers down the side of Celestia's breast, tracing the shape of the pink handprint she'd left there. "She has beautiful nipples."

"Would you like to taste them?" Lotus asked, with feigned casualness. Her hands slid over the demigoddess's thighs, moving out to caress those glorious sunbursts that marked her as the ruler of the Sun. Goosebumps rippled up Lotus's arms, a subtle shiver of awe that she was touching Celestia's body, the way she'd always wanted to, and there was nothing the Princess could do about it. Tracing each line of the pattern, she nudged the edge of the towel higher, the soft fabric now barely covering the Princess's divine sex.

"Ah - that depends whether Princess Celestia is intending on being a good pony. Will you behave for us, Madame?" Aloe had recovered her composure, and looking at her, it was hard to believe that she'd been wide-eyed with terror a few moments ago. If anything was reassuring her, it was the small movements of Celestia's body under their hands. Arousal couldn't be hidden, not naked, not from ponies as experienced as they were in the ways of the body.

Celestia's eyes flicked up to Aloe, then over to Lotus. Her arms and legs tensed subtly, then slowly relaxed. Her head didn't move, either to nod or shake her head, but there was some hint of surrender in her stillness.

It was enough for Aloe. "Very good, Madame," she murmured, and bent slowly forward. Eyes half-closed, she leant down and placed a single soft kiss on the pristine white slope of Celestia's breast, letting her warm lips linger. When she finally lifted her head, her lips parted with a soft smack, and a little damp patch glistened on Celestia's skin in the soft lights.

"Her skin is lovely to the taste. Perhaps you'd like to try her?" Aloe invited her sister.

"I'd love to. Remember, Celestia, if you want to protest your treatment, you only have to say so." Lotus giggled as Celestia's eyes turned towards her with a flash of indignation, her lips tensing around the gag. Leaning down, drinking in everything in the sure and certain knowledge she'd want to remember this moment forever, Lotus wrapped her lips around Celestia's stiff nipple.

Her skin was lovely. It was smooth under Lotus's soft lips, tasting faintly of milk and herbs, and the simple, profound scent of a mare's warm skin. The spa pony's tongue slid over the pink nub, flicking back and forth slowly, and to her thrilling delight, she felt a low moan thrum through Celestia's body. A moment later, Aloe leant down to begin lapping at the divine pony's other breast, and a fresh shudder wracked Celestia under the doubled stimulation.

Lotus licked and bit until she was dizzy, her head spinning with the heady glory of making the royal pony moan under her. Finally lifting her head, she breathed, "I believe you're enjoying our attentions, Celestia." Pulling out a small cloth from under the table, Lotus dabbed at the corner of Celestia's mouth, and added, "You're drooling on yourself, Princess. For shame."

The flash of embarrassment was unmistakable on the gagged pony's face, and Lotus felt a little song of delight glowing in her heart. With a touch of playful cruelty, Lotus asked, "Shall we see how wet you are, Celestia?"

She knew the little barb had hit home when Celestia began struggling against her bonds again. Placing her hand on the Princess's thigh, Lotus chided, "Bad pony, Celestia. You can't hide how much you are enjoying our attention, and you're only squirming your towel off. Aloe, a punishment?"

"Yes, that would be appropriate," Aloe agreed. Celestia tensed, knowing what was coming, her head tilting back, but even though her teeth dug into the white ball forcing her lips open, she still couldn't suppress a sharp moan with every stinging blow to her tender breasts.

Lotus stood poised as her sister's hand swept down and impacted the yielding softness of their ruler's tits over and over, her smile growing as Aloe kept going, seemingly carried away with the sheer intoxicating delight of spanking their Princess. Finally, Aloe drew back, breathing deeply, and it was impossible not to notice the way her rigid nipples thrust against her plain spa uniform. "I believe that will be sufficient," she managed with a semblance of calmness.

"I agree," replied Lotus with a giddy smile, and in a single sharp movement, she yanked the towel off Celestia's waist. Celestia's bared sex was glistening with wetness, the pink lips puffy and darkened with arousal. A small thread of her wetness connected her pussy to a damp patch on the bed cover. The Princess gave a wail of protest, cut off sharply as Lotus added archly, "My, Celestia, you are going to stain our bed. We may have to charge an additional fee."

Burning humiliation painted Celestia's cheeks crimson, the flush creeping down to redden the upper slopes of her immaculate chest. "Nnnnh!" she whined, shifting her hips side to side as if she could avoid Lotus's hand, slowly sliding up her inner thigh.

Both of them gasped softly as the spa pony's fingers brushed Celestia's hot, slick sex.

Oh, sweet Celestia... Lotus felt a shudder run through her as she began stroking the divine pony's pussy, smearing the wetness over her fingers. Exploring the pink folds with tender gentleness, she worked her fingers up to capture Celestia's clit, and began rubbing more firmly. A shivery breath escaped her lips.

The truth was, Lotus had dominated ponies before. Mares, stallions... both had taken their turns on her table, in the dimly lit afterhours when she could forget her professional discretion, and really enjoy herself. Even so, it wasn't a good idea to mix business and pleasure like this. But... but the chance to dominate Princess Celestia. How could any pony refuse?

Though she was doing this for proper therapeutic reasons, Lotus added to herself. This was going to help Celestia. And to help Celestia most efficiently, the divine pony needed to be verbally abused now.

"We're doing this for your own good, Celestia. You must be so tired of ruling all the ponies in the land. It's time that you had all those responsibilities taken away, yes? You can be a hot, fuckable sex toy chained to a table, and I - we - can make whatever use of you we wish." Lotus slid two fingers into the Princess's sex, urging a harsh whinny from the gagged mare. Celestia's eyes were glazed with lust, and the only movement of her captive body was the urgent jerking of her hips, grinding her pussy against Lotus's fingers. Oh, stars above, she wanted to lick and bite that divine body from head to toe, she wanted Celestia so badly she could barely stand it.

"A-Aloe." Lotus licked her lips, breathing quickly. "Would you please tend to our captive's pussy?"

Nodding a little too quickly and urgently, Aloe circled the table, and climbed onto the end of it. Crawling forward on all fours, she lowered her head, nuzzling Celestia's smooth thighs with her cheeks, before nudging Lotus's fingers out of the way and taking her first taste of the heavenly nectar between their enslaved Goddess's legs. Small whimpers escaped her, and she began lapping as if starving.

For a moment, Lotus almost gave in to the temptation to try to push Aloe aside and take her place. But if there was something she wanted more than licking out their Princess, it was gazing into Celestia's eyes and seeing the look on her face as the humiliation of being captured, used and fucked overwhelmed her. Moving to stand beside the pillow, Lotus reached out and gripped Celestia's chin, turning her head towards her without resistance.

"Isn't it nice to be a helpless sex toy? I can see that you're very, very turned on. Such a naughty Princess, bottling up all these desires," Lotus cooed. Leaning down, she whispered, "Do you like my body, Celestia? Let me show you."

Stepping back to let Celestia take her in, Lotus half-closed her eyes and slowly ran her hands up and down her body. The neat, formal uniform clung to her modest curves, and she shivered gently as her fingers slid over the bumps that gave away her stiff nipples beneath. She wanted to be touched so badly. Her fingers moved to the side of her uniform, where the hidden zip awaited.

Celestia was watching her strip. The Princess's eyes were locked on her body, on her slim hands, a yearning look of need on her face even as she ground her sex against Aloe's mouth. An almost unbearable thrill flashed through Lotus as she slowly tugged the zip down, and drew back the front of her uniform. Small, firm breasts jutted proudly from her body, cradled in a white lace bra that stood out starkly against her vibrant blue skin. A matching garter belt held up her stockings, over a pair of immaculate white panties that were visibly marked with wetness.

Easing her slim arms out of one sleeve after the other, Lotus worked her way out of the uniform and folded it neatly over her arm, laying it aside. Her accented voice teasing, she said lightly, "I am lovely, am I not?" Assuming that Celestia didn't have a secret harem of the most beautiful ponies in Equestria, that she wasn't plain and dull next to the exotic beauty the Princess was used to...

With a flash of determination, Lotus forced the intruding doubts aside, speaking a little louder. "Of course I do not have such lavish breasts as you, my naughty Princess. Such an enticing body for me to play with." Hesitation meant losing control of the experience, and if she lost that, she lost Celestia. Stepping up to the table, she lithely swung herself up onto it.

With Aloe's head still busily bobbing between Celestia's legs, Lotus moved over the captive pony and straddled her stomach. The shock the contact made Lotus quiver, feeling her cunt grind against her divine ruler through a tiny layer of wet lace. It was impossible not to begin grinding her hips back and forth, rubbing herself against Celestia, and she didn't even try to stop herself. Slim blue hands seized handfuls of the Princess's bared breasts, squeezing and kneading with possessive forcefulness.

"Look at me, Celestia," Lotus breathed intensely, staring into her eyes. "I'm using your body as my personal sex toy. I'm smearing my wetness across your stomach, and playing with your pink nipples, and squeezing these - these wonderful tits, and there's nothing you can do about it. You're my fuckdoll, Celestia, and you're going to cum all over my sister's face because I say so."

Celestia's face was flushed, her cheeks burning crimson with humiliation and arousal. Her soft lips moved around the ball gag, groaning wordless sounds of pleasure, her glazed eyes filled with a helpless, desperate need. A shudder ran through her, as if some internal barrier had at long last been overwhelmed, and she jerkily nodded.

Lotus's hand seized Celestia's chin, the other smacking her heavy white breasts with a whistling crack. "Are you my fuckdoll, Celestia? Are you going to be a good, obedient sex toy?"

"Nnngh!" Celestia yelped, trembling under Lotus's thighs. Her head began to arch backwards, her desperate breaths short and fast, giving in to the sensations coursing through her body rather than answer the degrading question.

"You don't get to cum until you answer, Celestia," Lotus told her firmly. Seizing a handful of the Princess's flowing mane - she was pulling Celestia's mane! - she jerked Celestia's head back down, forcing her to meet her eyes.

Helpless surrender flooded Celestia's eyes, another guttural moan of pleasure forcing its way out of her mouth at the roughness of Lotus's grip. She nodded urgently, squirming desperately against the bed, her hands balled into fists.

A wave of triumph broke over Lotus, better than an orgasm, better than anything. Roughly shoving Celestia's head back down against the bed, she panted raggedly, "Then cum, Princess!"

Celestia wailed loudly into her gag, wrenching at her chains as she spasmed violently. Lotus rode her jerking body, letting the movement of the Princess grind against her barely-clad sex, gasping her own arousal. Her nipples ached with stiffness against the lace of her delicate bra, and her panties were hopelessly soaked.

After a seeming eternity, and still far too quickly for Lotus's taste, the Princess relaxed and slumped loosely against the bed, breathing harshly through her nose. The sound of her muffled cries rang in Lotus's ears, and she clutched at the memory, engraving every aspect of what the scene into her mind. The way Celestia's hair billowed more slowly and softly when she was barely conscious, the slow rise and fall of her bare chest. The scent of her body. The sound of her breathing. All the things that Lotus would probably never witness again. Everything. Completely wrapped up in gazing at Celestia's face, she jumped slightly as Aloe's warm fingers touched her shoulder.

Aloe's lips and chin were shiny with the Princess's wetness, and her tongue flicked over her lips as she spoke. A giddy light in her eyes that came from the glow of burning bridges, she said delightedly, "You were right, Lotus. She is a very dirty pony, making all this mess. She shouldn't be allowed to get away with it."

With a deep breath, Lotus lifted herself up and slid off Celestia, her needy sex immediately crying out for more attention as she lifted off the other mare. "I agree," she said in a tone that trembled with arousal, "she should be punished for being such a slutty, naughty pony."

Leaning in close, Lotus delicately licked some of the wetness from the corner of Aloe's lips, shivering as she tasted Celestia's cunt for the first time. Celestia's mane, she was so turned on! "Would you like my help dressing for the occasion?" she added softly, moving to rest her hands on her sister's hips.

Aloe nodded shakily. "I would like that very much."

Twisting around her sister, Lotus moved behind her and positioned Aloe facing Celestia. "Watch closely, dirty pony," she breathed hotly. Her hand slid down Aloe's side, easing down the zip, and she lovingly parted the uniform, peeling it off her sister. Aloe wore an identical set of bra, panties and garters, though her breasts were a little larger, her barely-covered nipples a little wider, than Lotus's own.

Lotus's blue fingers slid over Aloe's pink flesh, exploring the damp heat between her sister's legs. The lace was just as soaked as her own panties. "You're very wet," she said huskily.

"Mmh... it's all her fault," murmured Aloe, leaning back against Lotus. "She's a - a slutty disgrace."

"Yes, she is," breathed Lotus. It was already too late to hold anything back. No matter what they did now, they'd already done too much, so they may as well do everything. Easing the bra straps off her sister's shoulders one after the other, she unfastened the bra catch, and pulled down. The bra fell, exposing Aloe's firm pink tits and rigid, almost red nipples.

Celestia's eyelids fluttered, her eyes opening wider as she caught sight of them, and she gazed at the two with wordless yearning. Lotus caught her eye, looking over Aloe's shoulder, and said almost lovingly, "Do you want to see her pretty pink cunt, Princess?"

An incoherent moan was her only reply. Giggling, Lotus bent to unclip the garter straps from the tops of Aloe's stockings, then slid her fingers into the tops of her sister's elegant white panties. Slowly, slowly, she peeled them down, revealing a neatly trimmed triangle of blue fur, and Aloe's perfect, flushed sex.

"So beautiful," murmured Lotus, mostly to herself. Digging into her bag, she unsnapped the fastening of a side compartment, and drew out a mesh of black straps around a hefty white cylinder. The strap-on gleamed in the light, thick and sculpted into a flaring cylinder, the hard, rubbery material kept lubricated with a long-lasting gel. Aloe stepped neatly into the straps, leaning forward to flaunt her breasts as Lotus buckled the glistening strap-on tightly around her waist.

Aloe's hand slid down the smooth length of the toy, her slim fingers unable to close around the shaft's girth. Too buoyed by excitement for her fears to touch her any longer, she declared piously, "This is for you, Princess. We agree that being fucked roughly will help you resolve your inner tension, and so, we are here to serve." Catching Lotus's wrist as she straightened, Aloe added to her sister with a smile, "You must be appropriately dressed for our client too." Drawing Lotus around in front of her and holding her there with one hand, she neatly undid the blue pony's bra catch with the other.

Lotus's breath caught, surprised by her sister's sudden assertiveness and squirming slightly as she felt the slick shaft of Aloe's strap-on brush against her ass. Almost before she knew it, her bra was pulled away, revealing her small, firm breasts and conical nipples to the Princess, and she posed for Celestia's gaze as Aloe worked her panties down her legs. The cool air on her hot, glistening skin felt so good.

I'm going to fuck Princess Celestia.

She didn't need to look down to feel the heft of an identical strap-on being buckled to her hips, a tingle running up her spine. Aloe smiled and kissed the tip of the sculpted shaft, then stood up beside Lotus, letting the bound Princess take them both in.

I'm going to fuck Princess Celestia!

"Aloe, I believe it's time to remove Celestia's gag," Lotus said brightly.

"..if you believe that is a good idea?"

Lotus heard the notes of uncertainty in Aloe's reply - a Celestia that could only make muffled grunting noises was a very different one from the Princess commanding them to release her - and she squeezed her sister's shoulder reassuringly. "You'll like the noises she makes."

Moving over to the table, Lotus giggled as she noticed Celestia's eyes following the shaft bobbing at her waist, and cradled it in one hand. "Celestia, for your own good, you won't say anything. Not a word once I remove your gag."

"Mmhf." Celestia nodded quickly, her muffled noise affirmative.

Moving behind Celestia's head, Lotus carefully unbuckled the strap, and eased the saliva-slick gag from Celestia's mouth. The Princess immediately sucked in a great gasp of air, flexing her jaw and licking her lips. For a moment, it seemed as though she was about to say something, and Lotus felt herself tense... before the Princess simply settled back, her lips slightly parted, eyes darting between Lotus and Aloe.

Lotus stroked her hand through Celestia's mane approvingly. "That's very good. That's being a good pony. You want to be a good pony, don't you?"

Licking her lips again, Celestia shivered, her wide eyes full of unexpressed emotion. Then, slowly, she nodded once more.

"How good are you at sucking cock, Celestia?" Lotus spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, though she couldn't keep the dark glee that she felt from showing in her face. As the Princess's cheeks coloured red, Lotus reached under the table, gripped the back of the headrest and released a catch. The headrest sank down slowly to a new position, tilting Celestia's head back at a steep angle.

With a flick of Lotus's hips, the white shaft struck Celestia's cheek. Leaning over Celestia, she went on smoothly, "We should work on that. I am going to fuck your face."

Before Celestia had time to more than gasp in wordless protest, Lotus lined up the toy with her captive's mouth, and shoved forward. The Princess found her head between Lotus's smooth thighs, a thick shaft parting her soft pink lips and stretching them into a whorish 'O'. Giving her no time to adjust, Lotus leant forward and roughly twisted Celestia's nipples, forcing an urgent squeal out of her.

"Get on with sucking, fuckdoll. You're not a real pony. You're our sex toy, and we're going to use you. Show me your skills!"

Princess Celestia, the divine embodiment of light and the Sun, whimpered desperately and began sucking the thick shaft in her mouth. Her cheeks hollowed, and small wet noises escaped her mouth as she helplessly drooled over the rigid cock.

Dominating any other pony could never live up to this. Not ever. For a moment, Lotus wished with all her being that she could feel what the toy was feeling as it penetrated the Princess's velvety mouth, but just the sight of it, the rush of power and utter dominance, was more than enough. She looked up, her eyes meeting Aloe's, and wordless understanding flashed between them.

"She is very enthusiastic, I think. She must have done this many times before," said Aloe teasingly, her voice breathy with arousal. "The Princess must always be getting on her knees and presenting her mouth to be fucked and used, yes? Sucking her guards' cocks and eating out their pussies. Such a dirty pony."

Climbing onto the bed with careful, gentle movements, knowing Celestia couldn't see her coming, Aloe crawled on all fours over the Princess's naked body. Lowering herself with care, Aloe let the tip of her rubbery shaft lightly brush over Celestia's pussy, teasing her for just a moment, before with no further warning, she forcefully thrust the toy into Celestia's soaked cunt. "Then I will fuck her like one."

Celestia arched off the bed as though electrocuted, her soaked pussy was spread wide, and her mouth popped off the end of Lotus's shaft. "Hahhh!" she gasped aloud, her slim hands clawing at the air reflexively, slender arms tensing as she yanked at her chains.

Lotus slapped her across the face with her saliva-slick shaft. "Were you told to stop sucking? You need much training to be a proper fuckdoll. Right now, you are just an easily fucked slut."

Shaking her head quickly, with a billow of her ethereal mane, Celestia leaned up to capture the tip of the shaft in her mouth and began sucking again, her eyes glazed and desperate. Shudders ran through her with every slow thrust of Aloe's thick shaft within her, muffled, incoherent moans leaking out around the toy filling her mouth. Her breasts jiggled with every movement of Aloe's hips, before the pink spa pony's hands captured them and began roughly kneading their heavy curves.

"Listen to her whine, Aloe. I believe she's disappointed that she isn't serving a real stallion, one that can fill her mouth and pussy with hot, sticky cum," Lotus teased, winding Celestia's mane around her fingers and yanking firmly. "We could do something about that, couldn't we Aloe?"

With a firm thrust into Celestia's exposed, vulnerable sex, Aloe agreed breathily, "Yes, of course. We could blindfold a customer and offer them a wonderful offer on fucking an anonymous mare. She would have to be priced cheaply, of course."

Addressing the bound pony, Lotus teased, "Wouldn't it be interesting for you to see that stallion in the street... or in court, or in the castle... and remember what his cum tasted like?" She shifted her hips back and forth slowly, easing the shaft in and out of Celestia's mouth shallowly.

"Or to blindfold her as well?" offered Aloe, quickening her thrusts. Soft, wet sounds came from Celestia's sex as her pearly juices dripped down her body in slow trickles. "Then she would never know whose cocks had been buried in her pretty pussy, or up her royal ass."

"Of course, they don't really need to have access to her whole body just to fuck her like the unworthy slut she is. We could just have a hole. Tie her up with her ass against it, and let anyone fuck her anonymous holes for as long as they like."

"We could push her tits through instead and let ponies fuck and cum all over them, too."

"We could," agreed Lotus with feigned casualness, "but we'd need a bigger hole."

Celestia twisted and jerked, her hips bucking upwards desperately against Aloe's thick shaft. The humiliating, degrading words poured over her with no way to stop them, driving her to suck Lotus's cock with desperate, slavish eagerness. Deep, throaty moans filled the room, drowning out the soft music, the scent of urgently aroused mare overpowering the delicate floral scents.

Lotus wrapped a hand around the Princess's exposed throat and squeezed, feeling the pony jerk in her grip. "Of course, no pony could be allowed to know whose body they were abusing. This slutty pony can't risk anypony else finding out what a desperate whore she is, not if she wants to keep her throne, and that puts her on our leash. As long as we're the only ones who know, she'll be our eager bitch, and never dare defy us." Drunk with her own daring, Lotus smacked Celestia's soft cheek with the flat of her hand, demanding, "You're ours, aren't you Celestia?"

Lotus's body throbbed as Celestia groaned fervent sounds of agreement, the spa pony unable to stop herself sliding a hand under the straps of her dildo and rubbing her own clit urgently. Her voice shivery with lust, Lotus gasped, "That was the right answer," and thrust the strap-on deeply into Celestia's mouth.

The Princess gulped, her eyes widening as it filled her throat, cutting off her air, and Lotus groaned deeply as she saw the subtle bulge of the shaft moving beneath the delicate white skin of Celestia's throat. Holding it there, she waited until Celestia's arms and legs began to tug against her chains with uncontrollable urgency as her body's need to breathe overruled her conscious mind. A thrill of power flashed through her as she finally pulled the shaft back a little, letting Celestia inhale raggedly, before she choked her with the shaft once more. "That's right, Celestia," Lotus whispered. "You're all mine. I can do whatever I want to you."

Doubly penetrated, her body being fucked roughly from both ends by the sisters, Celestia's eyes grew glazed and rolled back, her body jerking with every thrust, sucking in gasps of air every time Lotus's shaft drew back. Her pussy clenched around the toy spreading her open again and again, rivulets of feminine arousal trickling down to soak into the cloth beneath her, hammered and abused into a rising peak of pleasure and surrender that all but broke her. When she finally twisted and shook in the throes of orgasm, her grunts of pleasure were almost animal, mindless and hungry.

On all fours over Celestia, the shaft buried within the Princess beneath her, Aloe panted quickly, her stockings rumpled and the straps of her garters dangling loosely. Her thrusts didn't slow for a moment, giving the enslaved mare no respite as the two sisters fucked her body from both ends with wild abandon. Finally Aloe could take the intense, urgent pleasure no longer and came explosively, grinding her sex against the base of the sex toy with every thrust. Her hands mauled Celestia's soft breasts, reddening the tender nipples with her rough treatment, and she gasped out her pleasure in thin, high cries of delight.

For Lotus, witnessing the twin orgasms nearly drove her over the edge, teetering there with a molten fire burning with her. Slowly, each little movement threatening to set off her own orgasm, Lotus withdrew her shaft from Celestia's mouth, exulting in the sight of the bulge withdrawing from the Princess's smooth throat. She held there for just an instant longer, watching Celestia's hands jerk uselessly, before pulling all the way out, letting the mare beneath her suck in a shuddering breath. There were no words for the sensation of knowing the Princess could only breathe with her permission, the sharpness of her arousal almost unbearable in its intensity. Her thighs were slick with wetness, yet she refused to let herself cum yet.

Celestia was going to bring her to orgasm, willingly. That was what Lotus wanted, and nothing less would do.

Putting her hand under the headrest, she slowly lifted it, the ratchet clicking softly as she raised it up level with the bed once more. Celestia coughed once, her arm tugging at her chains briefly in an instinctive attempt to rub her throat, and Lotus gently rubbed her fingers up and down the slim column of Celestia's neck instead. The chained Princess coughed once more, her eyes slowly focusing on Lotus. It was a look Lotus had seen before, when a good session had pushed a pony so far into submission that she was almost entranced, a look of total and utter surrender.

It made her shudder to see it on Celestia's face. Carefully pouring a glass of water from the jug on the side stand, Lotus guided it to Celestia's lips, supporting her head and letting her take it in small sips.

Celestia swallowed, her head sinking back to the bed. "Thank you," she murmured. Her voice hung in the air, soft and distant, and for a terrible moment, Lotus feared it was all over. That everything they'd experienced was under some secret spell that couldn't withstand the weight of the Princess's voice. And yet, Aloe remained all-but naked, laid out atop Celestia's nude body, and the chains clinked softly with each small movement of the divine pony.

Celestia was still hers. Lotus laid a finger across the chained mare's soft lips, pre-emptively silencing any further words.

"Do as you're told. When I remove your chains, you should stay exactly where you are."

Nodding quickly, Celestia gave a wordless sound of assent, and Lotus removed her finger. Cradling the cuff in her hands, she bent down to kiss Celestia's wrist. This was probably the last time she would ever see this beautiful, powerful mare so helpless, bound and unable to resist, and Lotus lingered over the strap, undoing the buckle with delicate care. Celestia's arm had to be stiff from lying so long in the same position, but she made no sign, and as instructed, didn't try to move.

"Good pony," Lotus praised her. Moving around the massage table, she unfastened the cuffs around Celestia's ankles, trailing her hand over Aloe's back as she went past to finally undo the other wrist cuff. The Princess was free; free to do as she would. All that held her now was Lotus's voice.

With a deep sigh, Aloe arched gently under Lotus's hand, and pushed herself up into a sitting position. Her eyes widened as she took in Celestia's unbound body, but she recovered magnificently, teasing, "Ah, Princess, you were a wonderful fuck. You took my shaft so easily and well. You would make us a lot of money." Slowly, she eased the slippery sex toy out of Celestia's drooling pussy, wetness dripping from it as the fragrant royal fluids pattered into the padded table.

As Aloe crawled off the table and stood on wobbly legs, Lotus squeezed her sister's hand and told her warmly, "It was beautiful to watch you take her. I was envious."

"Ah, but you fucked her throat wonderfully. I could feel her spasm every time you choked her." Aloe glanced over at Celestia as she spoke, and a little flash of arousal danced over her face as the Princess reddened.

"Oh, Aloe, those lips. I could fuck them every day and never grow tired of it," Lotus breathed, her eyes on their captive. Celestia really did react beautifully to humiliation. It was so hot watching her getting wetter and more compliant with every indignity heaped on her. And, now that she thought about it... "Aloe," Lotus said slowly, "would you mind fetching the bag I left at the front desk? There is a thought I have."

Aloe met her sister's gaze, her blue eyes bright with inspiration. "I have an idea as well! Please get her up; I will be back in a moment."

Stepped back, Aloe reached for a delicate robe hanging on the wall, taking it down and wrapping it around herself. The strap-on shaft bulged with embarrassing obviousness through the thin material, and Aloe giggled to herself, wriggling out of the straps around her hips. Hanging the sex toy on the wall hook she had just emptied, Aloe pattered out of the room, leaving Lotus and Celestia alone.

Lotus pushed down the nervousness of that realisation, distracting herself by drinking in the glorious sight of Celestia's perfect nude body. As a professional masseuse, she'd seen a lot of naked ponies, and none of them could hold a candle to Celestia. Who lay silent, obedient, freshly fucked. Waiting.

"Get up, slutty pony," Lotus said in a firm, no-nonsense tone. "You have made enough of a mess on our table."

Her eyes full of strange light, Celestia looked up into Lotus's face and nodded meekly. Moving little by little, she pushed herself slowly into a sitting position, rubbing her hands over her arms and rolling her shoulders to work the stiffness of her restrained posture out of them. Swinging her legs over the side of the table, Celestia drew her knees up to her chest one after the other, stretching.

Lotus watched the display, unable to take her eyes off the way Celestia's breasts shifted and her pussy was spread open by her movements, while feeling a pang of professional embarrassment that her 'massage' had made Celestia more stiff than she had been to start with. Stepping closer, Lotus wordlessly took Celestia's left hand in hers, and worked both hands down the regal pony's arm, rubbing firmly with her thumbs and fingertips.

It was the closest thing to a regular massage she'd done since the moment she'd realised, or deluded herself, that Celestia needed to be forced to relax by dominating her. But it was different. It was different because Celestia was naked - not undressed, which was a simple absence of clothes, but naked, exposed for all to see. It was different because of the wide-eyed strangeness on the Princess's face, a look of surrender and trust and yearning. It was different because she, Lotus, was all but naked too, her small breasts almost in Celestia's face, the thick shaft of the strap-on bobbing obscenely between her legs, not completely hiding the neatly trimmed pussy beneath. There was a connection between them, tangible and powerful, that hung in the air.

The doors opened, breaking Lotus from her near-trancelike contemplation with a small jerk of surprise. Aloe stepped into the room with a long box that Lotus recognised as her makeup kit, shrugging out of her robe to bare her scarcely clad pink body and leaving her naked but for her rumpled stockings, boots and lace garter belt. Going to hang up the robe where it had hung before, she found her strap-on dangling from the hook, and so hung the robe over the shaft with a giggle. "I have everything," she declared, setting down her kit and removing a small paper bag from it.

Pushing away a momentary selfish wish that Aloe had taken a little longer, Lotus eyed the kit questioningly. "Why have you brought that?"

Aloe smiled, a secretive smile full of playful delight. "I will show you after you show me why you wanted this," she replied warmly, waggling the brown paper bag.

Smiling in return, Lotus took the bag from Aloe's fingers. Turning to Celestia, still sat on the bedside, she told her playfully, "I bought some pastries earlier, for Aloe. But now they've all gone cold. Of course, she could eat them anyway, but that isn't good enough for my beloved sister. I will get her some fresh ones later. But now these will go to waste."

Turning the bag upside down, a couple of flaky pastries fell to the floor at Lotus's feet, scattering small pieces across the tiles. "Celestia, get on your knees and clean up this mess."

A low gasp escaped Celestia's lips, and she nodded jerkily. Sliding off the side of the massage table, she dropped smoothly to her knees, and crawled over to Lotus, her eyes on the floor. Slowly, she reached out to pick up one of the scattered pastry flakes and raised it to her mouth.

The crack of skin on skin rang out, and Celestia jumped, the fragment of pastry falling from her fingers. Lotus rubbed her fingers over the fresh, reddening handprint on Celestia's upturned ass. "Bad pony. You don't get to use hands. You use your mouth."

"I will help her remember," offered Aloe, a certain glee on her face. Stepping over Celestia, she straddled her, stocking-clad legs stroking the naked pony's flanks, and said firmly, "Give me your arms, Princess."

"Mmh," Celestia murmured, a soft sound of assent, and lowered herself to the floor, her breasts crushed beneath her against the smooth tiles. Awkwardly, she lifted her arms behind her, balanced precariously on her knees.

Aloe seized Celestia's wrists and pulled them up higher behind her back, giggling with delight. "Okay, Princess, now you can carry on."

Trembling, trying not to overbalance, Celestia lowered her head once more. Her pink tongue slid out, brushing the white ceramic, and she managed to lick up a few stray crumbs.

Lotus watched her struggle with a wicked delight, seeing the way the Princess's tail lifted higher and higher, in desperate invitation to use the puffy pink cunt revealed between her legs. Reaching down, she ran her fingers over the slick folds, feeling Celestia jerk under her. Then, abruptly, she firmly smacked the exposed mare's tender pussy with the flat of her hand.

Celestia yelped loudly, her body quivering, and leant forward further. Inching forward on her knees, she managed to get her mouth around the end of one of the two pastries. Little by little, she carefully worked her lips down the discarded treat, biting off small pieces. She seemed to have almost forgotten the position she was trapped in, forgotten the humiliation of the commands she was obeying, in her complete concentration on what she was doing.

Lotus couldn't have that.

Curling her fingers, she gently dragged her perfectly shaped nails down Celestia's bared pussy, one finger slipping easily into her heavily-lubricated entrance, and giggled as the Princess jerked once more, the last quarter of the pastry tumbling from her mouth as her lips involuntarily parted. "Oh dear. She's dropped it," cooed the blue mare playfully.

Aloe shook her head with mock disappointment, and hitched Celestia's arms a little higher, forcing the Princess's head down to press against the cool tiles. "She isn't very good at this, is she?"

"She's terrible," Lotus agreed. "A dumb animal like her should be better at this." She watched, fascinated, as her slim blue fingers caressed the Princess's sex, parting her and penetrating her, making the most powerful pony in all Equestria whimper like an animal in heat. Licking her lips, her mouth dry, she added huskily, "This is how you deserve to be used, Celestia; a dirty, slutty sex toy only fit for cleaning the floor with her tongue."

Groaning, gasping wordlessly, Celestia inched forward again, and began licking up the mess with desperate devotion. Her hips jerked and bounced as Lotus slid a second finger into her and began roughly thrusting them in and out, the blue mare gazing down with lustful fascination. It was so beautiful. Aloe stood over Celestia, straddling her, using her grip on the Princess's wrists to steer the regal pony's mouth towards stray fragments of pastry. Her tail spilled down over Celestia's back, mingling with the billowing pastel cloud that was raised high to expose the divine pony's ass and puffy pink cunt, parted around Lotus's fingers.

Celestia really did have a beautiful ass, too. Soft, round, and pure white. Clearly there'd been some kind of mix up - this was the pony that should have been the embodiment of the moon. Lotus giggled to herself at the thought, stroking her free hand over the full, enticing curves even as her fingers relentlessly slid back and forth in the Princess's offered-up pussy. "You're so dirty," Lotus breathed, barely aware that she'd spoken. "You need to be punished."

Lotus's hand cracked firmly against the regal pony's raised ass, the tender flesh jiggling under the blow. Groaning deep in her throat, she spanked the Princess again, and again, matching the rhythm of each sharp impact with a thrust of her fingers. Celestia's throaty moans grew louder, her hips pushing back into the rough attention of Lotus's hands, pleasure mingling with humiliation and the sting of her reddening skin.

The floor glistened, licked clean, but Lotus was far too lost in what she was doing to stop now. Ignoring the sting of her own palm, she worked her way over Celestia's ass, carpeting the silken skin in sharp, cracking blows. Each blow of her hand, each movement of her fingers, made Celestia moan desperately, driving the spa pony to ever-dizzier heights of abuse. Striking again and again to ensure that every last patch of Celestia's white skin was reddened, Lotus gasped, "I should make you clean my boots every time I come home, wiping them on your tits and sticking them in your mouth to lick the dirt off-"

Her words were drowned out by a high-pitched shriek of release from the Princess, white wings flaring outwards. Her pussy clenched down on Lotus's fingers, squeezing them as if reluctant to ever let her go, and the Princess collapsed forward, slumping against the floor as Aloe finally released her arms. Lotus gifted her with one last whistling crack on the heavy curves of Celestia's upturned ass, then slowly stepped back.

Lotus was hardly less stunned than the semi-conscious Princess, rubbing her slickly wet fingers together. She'd finger-fucked Celestia. That was... unbelievable. The warmth, the silken softness... only one thing could make it better.

"Celestia," said Lotus in a firm, imperative tone. "Get over here and lick my fingers clean of your mess. At once, you disgrace to ponykind."

A dazed, thick moan escaped the regal pony's soft lips in response, but she shakily pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, and crawled around to face Lotus. Letting her abused ass sink down to rest on the slickly cleaned tiles, she arched her head up like a dog begging for a treat, and opened her mouth compliantly.

There was a terrible urge to thrust the strap-on still bobbing at her hips into the Princess's mouth once more. Instead, Lotus let Celestia slavishly suck and lick her fingers clean of every trace of her own juices. "Do you like the taste of your own pussy, Princess?" Lotus taunted her. "You will become used to it, now that you are my sex toy."

"Mine too," added Aloe, her eyes sparkling. Her pink hand came to rest lightly on Lotus's hip. "I have the most lovely idea for her. May I?"

"O-of course, sister!" Lotus replied hastily, feeling a flash of embarrassment over having implicitly claimed the Princess for her own in front of Aloe. Withdrawing her fingers from Celestia's mouth, she added, "I would love to see what you wish to do to her."

"If you would give me a moment, I will show you!" Animated with visible lustful delight, Aloe turned to Celestia, her eyes dancing with excitement, and told her, "Crawl over here, Princess. We must give you your new look!"

Lotus stepped back again as Celestia sank down to all fours and crawled to Aloe's feet, and tried not to feel a little possessive of the regal pony as Aloe opened her makeup box and began dusting Celestia's cheeks with blusher. Circling around her sister, Lotus stood to one side, watching her work.

"There," cooed Aloe in a playful tone, guiding the makeup brush with fluid skill. "No makeup, Princess? That was no good at all. Let me see - this red really brings out your lips, so everypony can see how soft and inviting they are. Close your eyes. Good pony. Some thickening mascara... lovely. Keep them closed, you silly, horny sex toy. You don't want me to put my brush in your lovely eyes."

Aloe worked with surprising speed, giggling to herself with delight, while Lotus took the chance to strip off her own strap-on and lay it aside. Pausing, Lotus ran her fingers down the long shaft, feeling the lingering dampness. She'd fucked Celestia's face, her throat, with this. It couldn't be true, and yet, it was.

When she turned back, Aloe had stepped to one side, smiling proudly. Her nipples stiff, her breath a little too fast, Aloe asked, "Do you like our pretty prostitute Princess?"

Lotus swallowed. Celestia gazed back at her, her lips parted, her need for Lotus's approval impossible to miss. Aloe had shaded Celestia's eyes with bright, aqua-blue eye shadow, sparkling with little points of light. Her cheeks were heavily rouged, her eyelashes dark with mascara and seemingly longer, but it was her deep crimson lips that instantly drew the eye. The lipstick exaggerated the fullness of Celestia's lips, soft and shiny, in an urgent invitation to be kissed. To be penetrated, fucked, as Lotus had. Her perfect, snow white wings had been banded with black restraints, pinning them in place, and even Celestia's jutting nipples had been brushed softly with powder, deepening their flushed pinkness.

Celestia had always been beautiful. An aloof, remote, untouchable beauty, that equally made her the object of longing and placed her on the far side of a great gulf from the rest of ponykind. Even when she'd first come to the spa in Ponyville during a state visit, and they'd had to cope with the idea of massaging the Princess's half-naked body, neither Lotus nor Aloe could have imagined touching her with anything other than careful reverence.

But now...

She was still undeniably beautiful, with her perfect skin, her flawless breasts and billowing mane and tail, but the elegance of her face had been corrupted. She was whorish. Her thick makeup hinted at desperation, at eagerness to please. Lotus slowly became aware that her body was rigid with electrified sexual tension, her pussy so wet she could feel droplets rolling down her tender inner thighs and soaking into her stockings. She tried to speak, but nothing came out.

Aloe, her face flushed, bent down to speak softly into Celestia's ear. The Princess's ear flicked, and for a moment she seemed to hesitate, before she leaned forward, planting her hands on her knees and capturing her breasts between her arms, squeezing them together. Her voice was soft, nearly but not quite disguising a little tremble.

"W-would you like me lick you out? Only - only two bits," Celestia all-but whispered, her eyelids flickering as her eyes rolled up slightly, then refocused on Lotus.

There was a roaring in Lotus's ears. Dimly, she heard herself breathe, "Yes. Yes, yes, yes." She wasn't even conscious of taking a step forward before she was brought up short by Aloe's voice.

"You must pay her first, before you use her," Aloe chided gently, "or what kind of whore is she?"

Bits. She needed bits. Lotus looked around frantically, with lust-hazed eyes, and her gaze settled on her neatly set-aside uniform. Darting over to it, she feverishly pulled out her small purse, dug two bits out of it, and left her clothes sprawled messily as she stepped back in front of Celestia. Her own voice quivered now, as she held out the coins. "I'll pay you. For your mouth. I will pay you to lick my pussy."

Another moment of stillness, filled with racing heartbeats and heavy musk. Then, as if she couldn't fully believe she was doing it, Celestia reached out and took the coins, one by one, from Lotus's palm. Without anywhere to put them, she kept her hand curled tightly around the solitary pair of bits.

"Now you really are a whore," breathed Lotus, her tongue flickering over her dry lips. If her arousal had cooled while she let Aloe tend to the Princess, it was roaring within her now, a furnace-like lust that demanded release with unstoppable urgency. Sinking down to the floor, she spread her legs to reveal her flushed, eager pussy, and leaned back, propped up on her hands. Her small breasts glistened with a sheen of perspiration. "You've been paid. Do not keep me waiting."

One hand flat against the floor, the other squeezing her pair of tarnished coins, Celestia crawled across the floor towards Lotus on all fours. Her tail waved with each smooth movement of her hips, raised high into the air with urgent arousal, and her breasts swayed beneath her, nipples rigid. Her tongue slid out of her mouth as she approached, almost panting as she crawled into place and lowered her head.

"Haaah!" Lotus gasped, the shock of Celestia's warm pink tongue touching her overheated pussy for the first time sending an electric shiver through the blue pony. Grabbing a fistful of Celestia's mane, she jerked the divine pony's mouth harder against her sex, moaning, "Oh, oh goodness, oh Celestia, you're so dirty, you're my slutty sex toy, and your mouth is full of my pussy and you're so nice, it feels so nice, I could... I could keep you there always, just chained to my bed and always ready to pleasure me, oh..."

Aloe giggled, catching Lotus's eye as she squirmed against the floor under Celestia's tender assault, and holding up a thick dildo from Lotus's bag. "I found the naughty pony pacifier. It would be fitting for the Princess to take it, don't you think?"

"Mmh! You're right," gasped Lotus, the rocking of her hips entirely out of her control now as she reacted to each little flick and caress of Celestia's tongue. "We must teach this cheap whore her place beneath us."

Leaning down beside Celestia, Aloe placed one hand on the Princess's ass, giggling at the wet sounds of the regal pony sloppily licking out her sister. "Princess? I'd like to put this big, firm toy in your vacant pussy. Is that what you'd like?" Pausing for a moment, her smile widening playfully as Celestia hesitated but didn't lift her head to reply, Aloe held up a coin between her fingers, and added, "Oh, how silly of me. Princess, I will pay you one bit to let me ram a dildo into your cunt."

A fresh shudder ran through Celestia's body, and she paused in her desperate worshipping of Lotus's sex. Her hand uncurled, and she reached up to take the new coin, letting it fall against the others in her palm. Her voice shivery, muffled by Lotus's thighs, she answered softly, "I will - let you fill my, my vacant pussy, for one bit." Lifting her ass higher into the air, she parted her legs more widely, and noisily busied herself pleasuring the blue mare once more.

"Oh, fuck..." breathed Lotus as Celestia's tongue slid up and down her aching pussy, grabbing the back of the Princess's head and roughly pushing her face more firmly against her. "Yes. Fill her up. You bought her sloppy cunt, so you must use it." From her position on the floor, it was impossible to see the moment the thick shaft touched Celestia's sex, but the sharp jerk of her alabaster body was unmistakable. A ragged, husky moan escaped the submissive mare, her hips swaying beckoningly in a reflex completely out of her control as the flared cock was pushed into her, inch by inch. Cunt spread wide, Celestia moaned again as she felt the flat base of the toy come to rest against her heated, hotly-leaking pussy, visibly unable to stop herself bucking at the air with unrestrained lust.

Aloe's fingers worked urgently between her own legs, two fingers entirely buried within her sex as she desperately fingered herself. Releasing the base of the toy to reach up and grab at one of her smooth pink breasts, she panted, "Oh, Lotus, I wish you could see her as I do right now. You can say the word."

Aloe really was the best sister in the whole of Equestria. With shivery delight, propped up on her elbows to look down the length of Celestia's body, Lotus said clearly, "Pacify."

At once, the enchanted sex toy began to hum, tingling and vibrating in rising and falling waves. Celestia all but howled into Lotus's pussy, her wings tugging against their restraining bands as they tried to flare outwards. The movement of her tongue lost all artistry, her face simply being humped against Lotus's slick cunt by the jerky movements of her body.

The sheer depravity of it was almost enough to push Lotus over the edge. Even so, she yanked on Celestia's frantically billowing mane and gasped, "Do you think that is - acceptable licking out - you pathetic whore?"

Her head yanked back, Celestia looked up for a moment. Her pretty makeup was ruined, her crimson lipstick smeared everywhere around her mouth, darker trails of mascara and smudged eye shadow forming dirty nimbuses around her huge, wide eyes. The look of animal desperation and need in those glorious eyes almost stopped Lotus's heart. "Pathetic whore, I'm a dirty whore," the Princess muttered thickly, straining to reach the flushed, dripping pussy before her lips.

The words she spoke, the sight of her degradation, were too much to stand. Lotus rammed Celestia's head back down, a high wail forcing itself into the open as she felt the other mare's nimble tongue flick and dance against her swollen clit. Collapsing to the floor, unable to support herself any longer, her eyes sank closed. So good. So good. It was too much for her; the sheer delight of grinding her cunt against Celestia's face, all the hungry arousal that had built and built until she would have done almost anything to satisfy it finally crested, and she abandoned herself to it. Sweat broke out across her body, her head swaying dizzily, the world spinning.

After the long, torturous build up of her lust, the pulsing fire between her legs, Lotus had expected to finally cum like a flash of summer lightning, all sharp, overwhelming light exploding in an instant. Instead, her orgasm broke over her like a long ocean wave, a tide that never seemed to stop rising until she was entirely consumed by it. She lost herself completely, transformed and destroyed.

Finally, at long last, the wash of her pleasure dwindled, despite Celestia's continuous efforts to tease Lotus's body into prolonging it for just a little longer. Licking dry lips, Lotus opened her eyes slowly and breathed dazedly, "...that was... I've never felt anything like it."

"I'm envious," said Aloe with gentle humour, sat beside her sister on the floor and softly stroking Celestia's back, between her wings. "I've never seen you react like that either."

With Aloe's support, soft hands helping lift her, Lotus slowly, carefully, sat up. Celestia lay sprawled across the floor, her ass raised high, small whimpers escaping her as the enchanted dildo continued to stimulate her. With a quivery giggle, Lotus called out, "Cease!" and watched the Princess's body go limp as the last of the tension melted out of it.

"I would say that she is properly relaxed now," Aloe said demurely, her eyes sparkling.

"Mmm," Lotus murmured in agreement, her gaze lingering on Celestia. The Princess's face was covered in the smeared wetness of Lotus's juices, her makeup smudged and ruined, but she wore a look of complete, sublime satisfaction, and it struck Lotus all over again that the Princess really was heart-stoppingly beautiful. You're incredible. The words rose in her throat, and no further.

So many things she wanted to say.

She wanted to tell Celestia that it had been the most powerful experience of her life to be intimate with her. That she was so honoured, so full of awe and joy that she'd been allowed to touch her, that her heart felt like it could burst. That she would never, could never, forget the highs and lows of the emotions they'd felt together.

It would be so easy to fall in love with the Princess. Madly, passionately, right here, now that all of her power and beauty and wisdom had been tempered with submission and crude humiliation. It felt like standing on a precipice, looking down the long cliff to waters far below, and not knowing if she could survive the fall.

Those were the things she wanted to say. But she couldn't. Celestia was worshiped and adored by thousands of ponies every day; that wasn't what she needed. She needed to be treated as though she wasn't special. That she was cheap, and commonplace, that there were no expectations on her at all.

That was the freedom Celestia needed from them.

A rapid trio of knocks rang out from the door, and a male voice called through, "Princess! I am sorry to interrupt your treatment, but the Gryphon delegation demands that the talks reconvene! They say if they are not met soon, they will leave the city!"

Lotus jerked in shock. That had come from the inner door. Somepony was going to walk in! Somepony was going to walk in, and see - see everything! What was she going to do?

"I understand." Celestia's voice rang out, firm and commanding, with an effortless authority honed by countless centuries of rule. "I will return to the castle shortly. Wait outside."

"Yes, my Princess!" replied the voice at once. The outer set of doors thudded once as the stallion exited into the corridor and moved off towards the waiting room, his footsteps cut off as the doors closed behind him.

Lotus found she didn't dare look back at Celestia. The force of all that power and majesty was suddenly a presence once more. No matter that the Princess was naked; it was Lotus that felt exposed.

Celestia's slender horn slid in front of her eyes. Voice soft once more, the Princess asked, "Would you remove the ring?"

"Yes! Yes, of course-" Lotus cut herself off as she heard her voice come out too high, and carefully reached up. Celestia could have removed the nullifier ring herself, but she was choosing to let Lotus remove it, just as she'd placed it there in the first place. Curling her fingers around the pure white horn, Lotus carefully eased the ring down the length of it, and off. A renewed golden glow shimmered over the surface. Behind Celestia, Aloe unfastened her binders, letting her magnificent wings spread outwards once more.

Celestia stood up. Lotus eye was irresistibly drawn to her as she rose, standing over the two of them, a full head taller than either even if they'd been standing up. A glow shimmered across her face, smoothly cleaning away the smeared makeup and revealing the classical beauty beneath, as perfect and untouchable as a statue. ...except that she still had a big, flat-ended dildo buried in her pussy, the black stark against her white skin. Lotus frowned. That didn't fit the rest of the image.

Aloe seemed frozen, unable to speak, and so it was left to Lotus to ask meekly, "Would you like me to remove that?"

Celestia smiled, and shook her head, billowing mane cascading over her bare shoulders. Her voice was soft. "I was paid to keep it there." She opened her hand, revealing the trio of bits. "I will wear it back to the Castle. It will keep negotiations interesting. And then I will come back, so you may retrieve your property." There was just a hint of stress on the final word, and pink touched Celestia's cheeks. "I am very grateful for your treatment. I'd like to come back often."

Taking Aloe's hand, Lotus rose to her feet, drawing her sister up with her. Her gaze searched the Princess's face, trying to find some hint that this wasn't really happening, driven by the sense of disbelief that overwhelmed her. Then, like a door opening in a darkened room and letting in the light, renewed hope spilled into her.

"We would be happy to make you service us, Celestia. Any time your body is available," Lotus said with a smile, feeling a little spark of joy at her own daring.

"Day or night," added Aloe, squeezing Lotus's hand.

Celestia looked down at herself, her smile matching theirs. "I should probably dress, if I'm not to create a stir," she said lightly.

"Let us!" Aloe replied at once, and darted over to the bench where Celestia had undressed before they entered. Lotus followed, scooping up Celestia's bra and panties with a little surge of triumph, and hurrying back to where the magnificently nude Princess stood. Bending down, Lotus eased Celestia's delicate white panties over one foot, then the other, looking up at the towering mare as she tenderly smoothed the tiny scrap of silk up her long thighs. A little quiver of lust ran through Lotus as she covered Celestia's bare pussy, leaving the outline of the dildo's base jutting rigidly against the delicate fabric.

"So pretty," Lotus breathed, placing a quick little kiss on Celestia's mons through her panties, then stood. Moving behind the Princess, suppressing a giggle at the red-pink handprints that marked Celestia's generous ass, she made room for Aloe to strap Celestia's feet into her low-heeled sandals, and reached up to slide the bra straps up the tall mare's arms. Easing Celestia's breasts into the cups, and playfully letting her own small breasts stroke against her back, Lotus fixed the clasp and stepped back.

Aloe drew the silken fall of Celestia's gown up her body, leaving it to the Princess herself to don her crown. The transformation was complete; Celestia, ruler of Equestria, Princess of the Sun, stood before them. With three coins clasped in one hand.

"Goodbye, Princess!" called Aloe. Fully dressed now, the two sisters stood outside the spa, waving as Celestia drew away in her carriage. "We look forward to seeing you again!"

Celestia looked back, and raised a slim hand in acknowledgement, a secretive smile on her lips for a moment.

"Thank you for coming, Princess!" Lotus added in a clear, carrying voice, trying not to giggle. She really shouldn't; she knew she shouldn't. But she couldn't stop herself. "I hope you pacify the talks!"