Trixie is... not interested

by AlphaRidley

First published

Twilight Sparkle has approached The Great and Powerful Trixie asking her if she is willing to be Princess Luna's student. Trixie of course, is not interested.

Twilight Sparkle has approached The Great and Powerful Trixie asking her if she is willing to be Princess Luna's student. Trixie of course, is not interested. She has everything she's ever wanted in life in her show known Equestria round, and she certainly does not need all the drama that comes with being a Princess' student. Nor does she want to be anywhere near Celestia.

Chapter 1

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"Mmm." Trixie moaned as she finished off the tea she had just finished making. "Perrrfect. Now if only Trixie could make it this well every time." She lifted the teapot off of the small table that sat in the middle of her cart and placed it on her kitchen counter.

The sound of somepony knocking on her front door resonated through the cart as she was finishing folding up and putting away her table. "Hmm... Maybe they will go away if Trixie does not open the door for them." She mumbled to herself.

"Trixie open up! I know you're in there!" The pony at her door shouted.

Trixie sighed. "Dammit." Knowing that the pony wasn't likely to stop bothering her until she allowed them to be in her presence, Trixie walked over and yanked open the door.

Trixie glared at the pony who had the audacity to annoy her. "Sparkle, what a pleasant surprise."

"I know you dislike me, but is it really asking too much to have you call me Twilight?"

Trixie continued to glare.

"Ugh. Fine, whatever, that's not the reason I came here." Twilight brought a scroll out from underneath her right wing and unfurled it. She then muttered something under her breath before rolling it up and tucking it back under her wing. "Princess Luna has asked me to find a pony she can take on as a student."

"And this has to do with Trixie how exactly?"

Twilight let out a sigh of exasperation. "I would like you to be that pony."

"Let Trixie think about that." Trixie me a face as if she was thinking really hard for about a second. "Hmm... No."

"WHAT?" Twilight was absolutely shocked. She couldn't believe that anypony, let alone Trixie, would ever say no to being one of the Princess' personal students.

"You heard Trixie." Trixie replied with an amused look upon her face.


"Now if that is all you came here to say, go away and please don't come back." Trixie backed up and began to close the door, but it seemed her doing so had gotten Twilight to actually do something besides stand there and stare.

"Wait!" Twilight took a hold of the door with her magic and prevented it from closing.

Trixe breathed harshly through her nose and gritted her teeth. "What is it that you want now?"

Twilight balked at how angry Trixie was. "Well... Why not?" She spoke hesitantly, afraid to get Trixe any madder than she already was.

Trixie let herself relax, the sudden burst of anger disappating. "Of course that's what you'd want to know. Well, since you certainly won't leave Trixie alone until she tells you, Trixie supposes she'll have to indulge you." Trixie waited until Twilight released the door before pushing it back open. "One, Trixie doesn't want to have to deal with any of the drama being a Princess' student will bring Trixie, and second, Trixie only just got her magic show back to the popularity it had before she arrived in Ponyville, no thanks to you, and Trixie won't give it up just because one of the Princesses wants a student."

Twilight thought about what she had said for a good two to three minutes before replying. "What do you mean by 'no thanks to you'?"

"Trixie forgets how much of a dunce you can be sometimes Sparkle." Trixie paused as Twilight glowered at her. "Since you clearly don't know, your friends spread the word that Trixie was not only a rotten liar, buy also that it was she who brought the Ursa into Ponyville. As Celestia's student, you should be intelligent enough to know how laughably false all of that is, and you should have done your best to correct your idiotic misconceptions you friends spread. That incident caused Trixie to lose the majority of her fanbase, which she has only just now regained, hence why Trixie said 'no thanks to you'."

"They really did that?" Twilight couldn't believe her ears.

"Yes." Trixie firmly replied. "And Trixie is not going to let all of her hard work go to waste to go prancing around learning 'friendship' or whatever it is you do all day."

"Oooh." Twilight smiled as she momentarily forgot about what Trixie said her friends had done. "I understand now."

Trixie looked at her in surprise. "You do?" She asked.

"Yup!" Twilight smile changed into a full out grin. "And I'm happy to tell you that won't be a problem!"

"Explain." Trixie demanded.

"Gladly!" Twilight chirped. "Being Princess Luna's student in no means you'll have to move to Canterlot or give up your magicshow. I'm sure she'll be happy to have you transported to and from Canterlot in her chariot for your lessons."

"While that does make it a doable thing for Trixie to do, her answer is still no."


Trixie laughed at Twilight's flabbergasted face. "Because even though I wouldn't have to give my show up, the position will still come with a bunch of drama that Trixie does not need. She could deal with it as drama isn't something that's at all new to her, but Trixie is still mad at you and your friends for ruining her show, so she won't just to spite you."

"Isn't there anything I can do to change your mind?" Twilight asked, her desperation showing through.

"Well..." Trixie paused to flip a lock of her mane out of her face. "Trixie supposes that since you are so desperate that she can give you a chance to change her mind. Trixie will go be Princess Luna's student if you make your friends give a formal apology for the slander they spoke about Trixie and get it printed in every newspaper in Equestria. Until then however, Trixie is... not interesed."

Twilight's face fell.

Trixie grinned.

Chapter 2

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"Come on Trixie!"

"No, Trixie gave you one job. It is not her fault you failed to complete it."

"She could teach you how to make your illusions better! Princess Luna is the best when it comes to that type of magic."

"Trixie assures you Sparkle that her illusion magic is just fine as it is, or did you really think Trixie owned a pet scorpion?"

Twilight jerked back as the scorpion she'd glanced at once or twice since Trixie had allowed her inside her home stopped moving and dropped to the floor from the wall it had been clinging to.

"I uh..." Trixie burst out laughing when Twilight's cheeks began to redden.

"You really did didn't you? Oh that's priceless." Trixie levitated the now toy scorpion into a nearby shelf, which promptly vanished into thin air, taking the toy with it and revealing an empty wall where it had sat.

"What about teleportation then?" It was obvious that Twilight was desperate to change the subject, and while Trixie was polite enough to let her, she'd definitely mock her for it later.

Trixie brought a hoof to her chin and paused at that. "Trixie would not be adverse to learning that."

"Really?" Trixie snorted.

"Trixie still says no."

Twilight let out a sigh, but before she could respond a knocking sound spread throughout the cart.

"Hmm?" Trixie leaned over to peer around Twilight. "Did you invite somepony?"

"I... no... I didn't."

"Well open the door then, lets get a good look at them." Twilight rolled her eyes at Trixie's bossy tone but did as she requested anyway.

Trixie nearly had a heartattack. Standing there in all of her glory, was Princess Luna.

If you asked Trixie later what she had done in this moment she would tell you that she politely requested Princess Luna give her and her companion a minute to themselves. That's absolutely not what she did. She slammed the door in Luna's face as hard as she could.

"I thought you said you didn't invite anypony!" Trixie hissed, the panic evident in her eyes and in her lack of her usual third-pony speech.

"I didn't!" Twilight whispered back.

"Well then why is she here!"

Twilight paused to think. "I... might have sent a letter to Luna detailing my progress last week. She probably decided to come here to visit you when she had some free time."

Placing her head in her hooves, Trixie took a deep breath. "Faust dammit Sparkle." It was so easy to rebuff Twilight, having known the mare from before she became a princess and already disliking her for what her friends had done, but Trixie knew she would have a significantly harder time doing the same to Princess Luna.

She was doomed.

"I'm sorry." Twilight winced, knowing this would only set her back if Luna couldn't convince the showmare.

It took another moment for Trixie to collect herself, but she eventually motioned for Twilight to open the door.

When Trixie saw Princess Luna patiently waiting with the corner of her mouth upturned just enough to be noticeable, a little spark of hope blossomed inside her. Maybe the Princess wasn't mad she'd slammed a door in her face.

"Trixie Lulamoon!" Luna boomed.

And that hope was gone. Murdered, never to be seen again. Slaughtered and ripped to pieces. Trixie flinched back slightly at the sheer volume of Luna's voice but the Princess didn't seem to notice.

"It is so nice to meet you!" Luna continued, stepping into the cart and shutting the door behind her. "We have been looking forward to this meeting for quite a while."

"You... have?"

"Yes we have indeed! When we heard that a descendant of the most faithful clan of Lulamoon was alive in this day and age we were overjoyed!"

"Faithful... clan?"

Luna's smile, which had been getting larger with every word, was now almost impossibly large. "The Lulamoon clan served us most faithfully a thousand years ago..." Luna trailed off, her smile wiped off her face momentarily, presumably by a memory or several, before returning full force. "When we heard that one of you still lived we knew we had to take you under our wing."

"I'm sorry Princess, but Trixie must decline your generous offer."

Luna's ear to ear grin faded immediately. "Why?" Oh no, Luna looked like she was about to cry. Trixie was so going to Tartarus for this.

The showmare turned her head to the side so she didn't have to continue seeing the devastated look on Luna's face. "Trixie has everything she could want, and she does not need the drama that comes with being a princess' student."

"Oh is that all?" Trixie jerked her head back in Luna's direction and watched the Princess raise her head high and puff her chest out. "You have nothing to fear then! There is no need for anypony to know you are my student, We won't tell anypony if you don't want us to, and we will even come to wherever you are for your lessons so you won't have to worry about any of your plans being disrupted."

Trixie glanced at Twilight, but the purple unicorn's face was surprisingly blank. Twilight would evidently not be helping her out here.

"Please Trixie!" Trixie looked back at Luna, the alicorn had crouched down to Trixie's level and was looking rather pathetic if Trixie was too be totally honest.

What was she supposed to say to that? Luna had come here, reassured her that both of her major reasons for declining were not going to be any problems whatsoever, and now was practically begging Trixie to accept. She also really wanted to learn to teleport.

She was so going to regret this later.


Before she could react Trixie was swept up into a hug, crushed against Luna's chest and was now being spun around in circles. Thank Faust her cart was bigger on the inside than it first appeared to be. "Oh thank you so much! We will have so much fun teaching you all sorts of things!"

She managed to catch Twilight's eyes and desperately tried to convey that she was in need of rescue.

Twilight grinned.