A Nightmarish Relationship

by RainbowBob

First published

Nightmare Moon gets in on with some tentacles and queen of the changelings herself, Chrysalis, for the promise of Equestrian domination. Too bad she has to be dominated first.

Nightmare Moon teams up with Chrysalis to stage a coup against Equestria and take it over, but she's in for an unexpected surprise. The changeling queen has to see Nightmare Moon's worth, so rationally the thought of tentacles and penetrating a few orifices entered her mind. Hopefully the fallen princess can handle a few slimy tentacles for Equestrian domination. Or be dominated herself.

A request from my good friend Breath of Plagues who you should totally check out and stuff. Because he's awesome.

Thanks to my awesome editors Selbi, Fourpony and MrPockets for all their help!

Chapter 1: Slimy, Slick, And Kind Of Sour

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“Luna, are you still awake?” Celestia called from down the hall, trotting to the chambers of her sister. Peeking past her open doorway, Celestia frowned. “Looks like you are.”

Luna looked up from the book she was reading, resting on a lavish loveseat next to a roaring fireplace and a cup of hot cocoa at her side. “What? I’m the princess of the night. Don’t I deserve to stay up later?” she asked, shrugging her shoulders and taking a sip of her rather lukewarm drink.

“It’s near five in the morning. You still have to get up at sunset for your duties,” Celestia reminded her, disgruntled she had to have this same conversation with her sister night after night.

Rolling her eyes, Luna set her book down at the side. “You know, I’m not a little filly anymore. I’m over 1000 years old. I don’t need a bedtime.”

“You do if each time you get up you raid the castle’s coffee supplies just to stay up,” Celestia reminded her. “The guards are a bit ticked off their coffee rations are cut shorter and shorter each month because the princess doesn’t have a proper sleeping schedule.”

Sighing and slightly agreeing with Celestia, Luna clapped her hooves together twice, the fire went out in an instant. Removing herself from the loveseat and stretching widely–much like a cat would do–Luna said, “Very well, dear sister. I shall turn in for the night.”

“Thank you very much,” Celestia said, relieved she wasn’t going to have to force Luna to bed like so many times before. That always led to bitter resentment and incest gossip among the nobles. Kinky bastards, the lot of them.

“Do you wish me to read you a bedtime story?”

Luna facehoofed. “Tia, once again I shall mention I am not a little filly anymore. I am perfectly fine going to sleep without any stories.”

“Ugh, fine,” Celestia said in a sarcastic tone, coming closer to plant a quick kiss on her sister’s cheek. “You grow up way too fast.”

Turning around, the majestic white alicorn departed from Luna’s company, calling over her shoulder, “Goodnight, Lulu! Sleep tight, and make sure the bed bugs don’t bite!”

Blushing slightly at the embarrassment of it all–especially the pet name Celestia used for her (which Luna made sure was to never be known to anyone other than her sister, or else)–Luna kicked off her elegant hoof slippers and removed her necklace and crown. While she wasn’t exactly tired, the bed’s warm blankets did look pretty appealing at the moment.

Yawning wide, Luna’s eyelids fluttered as she dived under the covers of her princess sized bed, drawing the warm blankets closer. Snuggling up in a bundle of warmness, the princess slowly took a meander off to dreamland, a world she knew like the back of her hoof.

All was quiet in the princess’s bedchambers, the only noise being the gentle breathing of Luna as her chest rose up and down beneath the sheets. The moon dipped closer to the horizon, yet the rays of sunlight still did not touch the surface at the moment. A lightening of the night sky could be seen, transforming its inky blackness into a purplish hue several shades brighter.

Suddenly, Luna’s eyes opened wide. Her normally light cyan eyes changed to catlike irises. Kicking off the sheets from her previous sleeping body, the princess hopped out of bed with a wicked grin on her face.

Slowly, the shadows of the room began to melt and swirl into a black tornado, soon encompassing Luna in darkness. The entire process was silent, and when the shadows returned to their previous positions, a much different figure stood in their place.

It was none other than Nightmare Moon, fallen princess of the night that was once banished to the moon for a 1000 years. Her coat was a black as dark as the night sky, her mane brilliant blue outlined in violet as it seemed to sway in some nonexistent breeze. She was taller than her other incarnation, Luna, with a longer horn as well. Another noticeable difference was the fact she was decked out in battle armor with a helmet with a hole in the front for her horn laying atop her head, along with a necklace that showed off her cutie mark of a quarter moon.

Giggling to herself in a twisted maniacal voice of her former self, Nightmare looked around at her chambers. “Oh, how I utterly despise having to be trapped in this prison of a castle any longer than required.” She grimaced, loathing having to stare at the same walls day in and day out.

“Well, at least Celestia’s impotence lets me be more active a few hours longer.” Nightmare was rather resentful at her counterpart insisting to stay awake as long as possible. She herself could only take control of Luna’s body when the princess was asleep, along with the fact that it must be night out. That only left her with a few precious hours to do what she must.

What she must do, in fact, is take over all of Equestria and plunge it into eternal night. When that plan failed–thanks to those meddling Element bearers–she instead went with plan B; pretend to be expunged from Luna’s body, when in actuality she hid herself deep enough to hold out from the Element’s power. While she barely managed to survive the power of Harmony and only has control over Luna when the princess was asleep, at least she still had some hope.

That hope would turn to fruition if she could garner support from a new ally. They both had mutual contempt for Celestia and her kingdom, and helping one another would be a great boon to their success of staging a coup against Equestria. Nightmare was currently at one tenth her power level, and if Celestia knew about her nefarious activities while using Luna’s body as her puppet, she was sure she wouldn’t last long against her might.

Her horn glowed with a brilliant cobalt blue, her magic focusing on the floor before her. The magic seemed to swirl as if it was a whirlpool, light shining out as it began to spin faster and faster. Finally, in a quick flash of white light a figure stood where the magical whirlpool once was.

The figure’s eyes opened, revealing bright green pupils that seemed to shine in the darkness. Taking a dainty step forward, the figure spoke, its voice a resonating tone of malicious intent, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the princess herself. Didn’t think you’d manage to pull tonight’s meeting off.”

“And I didn’t think you’d be so loud in a castle full of sleeping ponies,” Nightmare hissed, glancing back at the door to make sure no guards were passing by her quarters. Glad that no sounds of approaching guards drawing weapons were heard, Nightmare’s horn glowed once more.

“I’m setting up a soundproof spell on the walls and door, then we can speak in peace.” In only a few seconds, a quick magic veil covered the walls and disappeared in an instant. Smiling now that she was sure no eavesdropper would be able to listen in, she said, “Okay, it is safe to speak.”

“Oh goody. It would be a shame if your precious sister Celestia knew about us. You might get grounded for an entire week,” the figure giggled, a smile filled with fangs momentarily seen as a brilliant green glow came from its horn.

The newfound light revealed a chitin skin that reflected the bright glow of the user’s horn. The figure was tall, with long slender limbs that had numerous holes, much like swiss cheese. Chuckling as it took another step, the figure’s slender figure and feminine voice clearly labeled it as a female. Along with the crown-like appendage on the top of her head, it was clear who this creature was.

“I’d be appreciative if you didn’t besmirch my name in such an uncouth manner, Chrysalis,” Nightmare warned, giving the changeling queen a hard glare.

Rolling her eyes, Chrysalis merely trotted around Nightmare Moon, sizing her up as well–and to get a glance at her luscious ass. Chrysalis licked her lips, gazing at that plump rump with a hungry stare.

Noticing where her eyes traveled to, Nightmare blushed deeply–the red hue visible past her dark coat–and coughed awkwardly. “A-anyways, you know why you are here?”

“Oh yes. Something about taking over Equestria?” Chrysalis said in a bored tone, stopping in front of Nightmare’s point of view to give her a sideways glance. “Typical plan, I presume?”

“Corre–wait, no, it won’t be typical!” Nightmare replied, her eyes flashing briefly as anger rose in her chest. “I have a brilliant plan that won’t fail!”

“Oh really now?” Chrysalis asked, a bemused look on her face. Turning her head and flicking a lock of her mane out of her face, she tapped at her chin with a hole ridden hoof. “Let’s remember how your last brilliant plan that won’t fail went. You got your ass handed by six little ponies.”

Chrysalis laughed, Nightmare’s blush increasing with each of the changeling’s chuckles. “And then you cower in the body of a princess with motivation problems during most of the day,” Chrysalis added on, her smile widening as Nightmare became more and more flustered. “Not to mention being Celestia’s bitch. What, too afraid to reveal yourself?”

“If I remember correctly, you were defeated as well,” Nightmare spat out, Chrysalis still with an unimpressed expression on her face. “And I’m still not at full power yet. It’d be suicide to go against her now without proper planning.”

“And that planning just happens to involve me?” Chrysalis asked, still curious as to why the princess summoned her. She already knew it was for some demands, but what those demands actually are she’d love to know.

“Yes, I need your help.” While the thought of asking for help from someone she thought of as her lesser sickened Nightmare, she knew she was at a wall here. Without her full power, she would never stand a chance against Celestia or the Elements of Harmony. The only thing she had going for herself was the element of surprise, and even that wouldn’t get her far. Which is where Chrysalis came into play.

“Let me guess? You want my army of changelings to invade Canterlot, then for me to distract Celestia while you snatch away the Elements and use them to return to full power?” Chrysalis said, holding back a sigh when she noticed the shocked look on Nightmare Moon’s face.

“Is it really that predictable?” Nightmare questioned herself more than Chrysalis.

“As predictable as the moon setting and the sun rising,” Chrysalis said. “Which you apparently don’t want to happen.”

Nightmare Moon fidgeted under Chrysalis’s scrutinizing eyes. Sure, the plan was a tad clichéd, but was there really any chance that the ponies would catch onto it? She had taken care to make sure her cover was never blown. Other than Luna being more tired when she wakes up because of the loss of sleep she gets whenever Nightmare took over her body, there shouldn’t be any reason for Celestia to suspect any trickery.

“I know that the plan may not be to your liking...” Nightmare gulped, suppressing her contempt for what she was about to do next; ask for assistance. “But I really need an ally here. One who can definitely benefit from an alliance like this. One who wants a bit of payback on Celestia for her earlier defeat?”

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow.

“Which is why I think that if we combine our power, there’s no way we could possibly fail. Then all of Equestria could be mi–I mean, ours. To share.” Nightmare was laying it rather thick with the convincing speech, and her faux smile would rather give someone a heart attack than comfort them.

Chrysalis tapped her chin in thought, humming under her breath. All the while Nightmare silently worried, a cold sweat running down her neck. Finally, after several tense minutes putting Nightmare Moon on edge just for the heck of it, Chrysalis said, “I’m not sure.”

“What?” Nightmare blurted. “How can you not be sure?”

“I’m not sure whether you’ll betray me at the last second to seize Equestria all for yourself.” Chrysalis had a small smile on her lips as she tilted her head. “What do you take me for? A fool? I know how the political game works. I help you along, then you stab me in the back at the most convenient time when I’m no longer useful.”

Well, Nightmare couldn’t lie that that idea had come to mind. But as for now, she really had to assure Chrysalis that there would be no betrayal. Before she could speak, Chrysalis held up her hoof in silence.

“Now, I know you’ll probably try to convince me otherwise about that, but words don’t really have much meaning to me unless you have action backing them up.”

“What type of action are you talking about?” Nightmare asked, still confused what Chrysalis meant. Was teleporting her here not enough prove she was serious about her offer?

“An action that will assure me that you’re really as desperate as you say,” Chrysalis replied, her grin widening when she noticed the angry glare Nightmare was directing towards her. “And to make sure that you won’t betray me at a future time.”

Shivering in barely contained rage, Nightmare nodded her head slowly. “So be it. What... is this action you wish me to take?”

“Oh, it isn’t any action you’ll be doing.” Chrysalis sauntered forward, each step slow as to further show off the swinging of her attractively wide hips. Nightmare’s eyes were instantly glued to each sway of the changeling’s ass, a small blush forming on her cheeks. “Rather, think of it as an action being performed on you.”

Before Nightmare could react, Chrysalis was leaning her neck forward and was lip-locked with the wide eyed alicorn. At first their lips met awkwardly, one unprepared for the forceful confrontation. But soon they melded together in an embrace of tongues, Nightmare’s eyes slowly closing.

Truthfully, neither Luna nor Nightmare Moon had ever been in a relationship of any romantic kind before. Luna was a princess, and was pretty awkward or oblivious to anything related to romance. Plus, being trapped 1000 years on the moon pretty much killed your social life. Nightmare Moon’s only goal and ambition was world domination through eternal night, so not much of a love life for her either.

So when Chrysalis’s snake-like tongue invaded her mouth and trailed across her cheeks and gums, Nightmare could only envelop herself more into the kiss. She wasn’t thinking, just reacting without rational thought. A couple of seconds passed by, the only noise the wet smack of lips as Nightmare was lost in the embrace of the kiss while Chrysalis smiled and continued to swirl and twirl her tongue in Nightmare’s mouth.

Finally, after several long, slow seconds of passionate lip-smacking, Chrysalis pulled away. She licked her lips, the hot taste of Nightmare’s mouth still on her tongue. Nightmare was still reaching out and pursing her lips, thinking Chrysalis was still there. Quickly opening her eyes, she backed up and coughed nervously.

“W-well, um... that was... interesting.” Nightmare’s face was positively flushed now, the red noticeable past her black as night coat. Slurping up a trail of drool that was hanging off her mouth, she said, “Is that all you want?”

“No, I was just admiring how cute you look,” Chrysalis giggled, Nightmare’s blush only increasing. “But we still have much to do.”

Finally, things clicked in Nightmare Moon’s head. “Wait... you’ll agree to my plans... if I have sex with you?” Nightmare nearly burst out laughing. While degrading herself to sexual acts wasn’t exactly what she had in mind to gain an ally, it was an easy enough process.

“Well, not exactly with me, mind you,” Chrysalis began, her horn glowing a much darker green than before. Green hued fires surrounded the pair, Chrysalis chuckling in devious delight all the while.

“What are you doing?” Nightmare Moon asked, her horn glowing as well as she prepared for whatever trickery Chrysalis had in mind. Before she could make good on a spell to attack the changeling with, she felt a foreign object wrap around her leg.

It was wet. Not quite like water, more of a solid consistency. Kind of like jello that was left in a microwave. It had a warm feel to it without being too hot, leaving a trail of slick slime as it slid up her leg.

“Wh-what is that?” Nightmare asked, her entire body shivering at the alien touch to her back leg. It was so strange that she couldn’t turn around. She could only remain still as it continued to wrap around her limb like a snake.

“Just my little friend,” Chrysalis answered, a shadow slinking across the ground from the magical fire behind her to crawl forward to her own leg. She too shivered when it touched her, though not because of unfamiliarity like Nightmare. More like in anticipation and anxiousness for what was to come.

“F-friend?” Nightmare glanced behind her, staring down at her leg currently being invaded. What greeted her eyes was a bright green tentacle with a tinge of blue, slime leaking from the surface and mucking up her coat as it crawled up her leg. Nearing her thigh, Nightmare let out a moan as its slick yet sticky touch rubbed against the sensitivity of her upper thigh.

“Yes. A friend with some really... specific benefits,” Chrysalis chuckled, which quickly turned into a moan when the tentacle fitted itself through the holes of her legs. It crawled and squirmed through her limb holes, just a taste for things to come, Chrysalis was sure.

“What’s g-going to h-happen?” Nightmare asked, noticing another tentacle appearing from the slowly dying magical fires, with a third on the way as well.

Chrysalis’s tentacle was of a redder variety, and much more eager too. It had already wrapped around her leg multiple times before beginning its travels to her belly. “Why, we’re going to have a bit of fun,” Chrysalis said, her arousal increasing with the warm wetness of the tentacle wrapping itself around her body, with another quickly joining in. “It isn’t everyday I have a partner in this type of experience.”

Before Nightmare could retort, she was suddenly whisked in the air. Well, more of her legs raised upwards while her upper body was hanging downwards. A duo of tentacles had grabbed her legs and were supporting her in the air, making all the blood in her body rush downward to her head.

“T-tell them to let me g-go! P-please!” Nightmare demanded, sweat trickling down her forehead to drip on the floor as she felt one of the tentacles poke and prod at her flank with its tip. “They’re slimy!”

“Ah, ah, ah,” Chrysalis chided, also being lifted up in the air. But at least she got the decency of not having her ass in the air like Nightmare. “If you want my help, you’ll do as my friends say. Well, they can’t really talk, but their actions speak louder than words.”

Nightmare Moon was hyperventilating, the slow inch by inch crawl of the tentacles nearing her nethers causing her to squirm in their sludgy grasp. Her face was so red it was hard to tell what her original coat color was. Whether the redness was due to her sexual stimulation or the blood rushing to her cheeks was still unknown.

The alicorn practically squealed when she felt the first slick, icky contact of tentacles against her more sensitive regions. She wasn’t wet before, but the tentacle’s tricky, tickling touch soon sent her pussy enflamed with want for more than just the careless teasing. The other tentacle soon circled around her rump, squeezing her ass while making for her other hole.

“Oh... oh sh-shit!” Nightmare muttered, feeling the first tentacle return to its position over her opening, slowly letting its tip just barely enter inside her while it moved up and down her pussy, teasing her love button.

Nightmare wasn’t an idiot, and even being pleasured slightly by magical tentacles didn’t keep her from thinking about her current situation with some level of rationality. Get fucked by tentacles and gain an ally for her domination plans later? Or refuse, and probably spend the rest of her available time masturbating, since she had already gotten aroused enough.

“F-fine. Just tell them to hurry up already!” Nightmare said, her commanding tone lost by facing downward with tentacles wrapped around her like a Heart’s Warming Eve gift.

“Oh, don’t worry. They go at their own pace. Which is really fast, at the moment.” Chrysalis moaned when she felt her own pair of tentacles get to work on her cooch. One was already lapping at her lower lips like a dog, covering it in mucus-like slime to prepare entry.

As if they thought as one, both tentacles entered their respective hosts at the same time. One yelled like a little schoolfilly, while the other moaned like the act of starting lovemaking with a lover.

Nightmare Moon was unconsciously kicking her legs, her earlier confirmation with Chrysalis’s kinky request for tentacle fun flying out of her mind once the slimy appendage entered into her. The warmness seemed to increase, the wet coating on its skin making it penetrate all the more easier.

At first it seemed to be hesistant inside her, but that was a ruse. It was just teasing her before, widening her lips by spreading them apart as it swayed left to right. Nightmare could only flail her forelegs around as she held back barely contained squeals and shouts.

Soon it dived abruptly back into her depths, swirling around the edge of her vagina as if it wanted to test out every inch before trying out the main event. It didn’t thrust inward like she so desperately wanted at this point. No, it was as if it was licking at the edge of her arousal, throwing drops of water into the fire of her burning passion.

“Ah... oh fuck me! Tell it to fuck me!” Nightmare begged, her earlier inhibitions broken from the tentacles constant softplay and refusal to do into her deeper. “Shit... I need it! P-please!” Nightmare was drooling at the mouth, her hips bucking in the air to get more of her tentacle lover inside her.

Chrysalis merely chuckled, knowing the tentacles were just playing with her to get her more off. Her own slimy playmates were already used to her wants and needs, and made no point to lead her on as they dived head first into her cunt, followed close behind by a slightly larger version entering her tight asshole.

The changeling hissed from the dual entry, but only wiggled her hips to show she wanted more. The tentacles complied, starting out their thrusts without a word. One would enter, the other would pull out, both working like pistons in a machine at their rapid back and forth movement.

On Nightmare’s end, her pair of tentacles were still going at their agonizing slow pace. The first one was still barely inside her pussy, basically prodding down deeper every couple of seconds to make her moan, then pull out before she could fully enjoy the sensation. The one currently fondling her ass was finally making an attempt to work her asshole, first giving her a rimjob with its tip while it poked her buggerhole every now and then to get her used to the feel.

Finally, in an almost welcome relief, the tentacle reassumed its entry into her vaginal depths with eagerness, along with its friend squeezing into the tightness of her asshole. Nightmare felt a mix of pleasure and pain as she felt what seemed to be an entire hoof forcing itself into her ass.

“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck me!” was the only words that entered Nightmare’s mind as she felt both tentacles squirm more forcibly inside her. They weren’t going straight in, no. They made it a process of touching every available inch of her insides with their tip. The process was both oddly arousing and ticklish in feeling. It was practically coating the tentacle’s outsides with her wetness, the slime and her juices mixing together.

“Well, if you insist,” Chrysalis said, prompting her own set of tentacles to move herself forward. They complied, still pleasuring her in dual penetration without missing a beat.

Arriving closer to Nightmare, Chrysalis couldn’t help but smirk at the sight of the once intimidating alicorn. Now she was face down, being fucked in both the asshole and pussy by alien-like tentacles of the rape happy variety. Each of her moans and shouts only turned Chrysalis on more, and if she wasn’t already being treated so well by her little friend, she’d be rubbing herself off.

Reaching out, Chrysalis grasped Nightmare’s extended forelegs in her grip and pulled her up. Leaning on her back with the tentacle holding her body in the air, wrapped around her stomach, Chrysalis positioned Nightmare Moon atop herself.

Spreading her legs wide, Chrysalis groaned in delight by the more vigorous pumping action her tentacles were taking with the extra space she provided them. Nightmare grabbed ahold of Chrysalis’s back legs with her forelegs, trying to hold herself up by hugging Chrysalis’s stomach to herself.

“Aw, what’s the matter dear?” Chrysalis asked, leaning her face closer as Nightmare laid atop her. The changeling’s tongue slithered out and tickled at Nightmare’s nose, slowly moving to her lips to properly wet them.

“It f-feels weird,” Nightmare muttered, her body moving back and forth as both tentacles fucked her in synchronization. Each time one entered, it would move in a 360 degree position to cover every inch of her cunt and asshole. Each twirling motion made her gasp in carnal lust, slobber flying out of her mouth. “F-f-fuck... they w-won’t stop!”

“Of course not. Well, at least until they cum,” Chrysalis chuckled, noticing another one of Nightmare’s tentacles crawling up the currently occupied alicorn. It popped up between the two, wiggling to and fro in a clear attempt to get their attention.

“Oh Nightmare, dear, looks like our friend wants a little extra fun,” Chrysalis pointed out, her mouth opening wide. Nightmare was lifted out of her sexually fazed out state of mind to catch a sight of the tentacle shooting out into Chrysalis’s mouth.

The changeling moaned as the tentacle squirmed in deeper. Every inch of her mouth was soon coated in slime, the substance a sweet sour with a bitter aftertaste that Chrysalis just adored. Prompting itself deeper and deeper, Chrysalis held back her reflex gag as it slithered down her throat. All the while Chrysalis would lick its all too long shaft with her tongue, her hooves working furiously to rub the length of her slimy friend.

After a few seconds of gentle suckling sounds escaping her throat, the tentacle withdrew from Chrysalis’s mouth, a mix of her saliva and its own slime coating its length.

“Now for your turn,” Chrysalis said, just as the tentacle seemed to pounce at Nightmare’s face. She was totally unprepared for the strike, the double penetration she was feeling putting her mind in such a state of sexually appealing bliss she could barely think straight.

The tip tried to wiggle its way past her lips, but Nightmare held her mouth tightly shut. This changed when both tentacles beneath suddenly pushed inside her at the same time, the distance between both their lengths being a thin wall of flesh separating her vagina from her asshole. As their poundings took to a whole other level, Nightmare was forced to scream in unimaginable amounts of pleasure being assaulted on both her holes.

This, of course, gave the tentacle the perfect moment to strike her open mouth. Lodging inside her mouth, Nightmare had no choice but to open her jaws as more and more of the tentacle’s length stuck itself inside her. It didn’t seem to end, ignoring her gagging as it crawled to her throat and started to thrust inward and outward. All Nightmare could do was choke on its slimy mucus traveling down her throat as she was forced to deepthroat it.

Never before had Nightmare Moon felt so full. Not in the spiritual or mental state, mind you. This was physical, with a side of sexual as well. She literally couldn’t believe a pony could be filled so much with something like a tentacle, along with being pleasured through each hole by one as well.

Her pussy being fucked over and over, the tentacle quickening its pace and changing every available position to pump into every angle imaginable her vagina could take. All the while the tentacle that was penetrating her asshole was stretching her walls to the limit. She was sure she was going to pop at any second, but it just kept on thrusting and thrusting until she felt like her ass was going to explode. Then there was the tentacle she was forcibly fellating. Its taste, its texture, the warmness of its skin as it pushed in and out down her throat. It all culminated to her body being nearly numb in blissful pleasure, her mind almost unable to take the large bursts of hormonal delight assaulting her body.

When the tentacle left her throat, and then mouth, she vainly tried to keep it in place by planting gentle kisses down its length. Opening her eyes, she noticed Chrysalis staring at her with a devious twinkle in her eye.

“Wh-what?” Nightmare asked, her face blushing further than the sexual arousal she was feeling permitted.

“You seem to be enjoying yourself,” Chrysalis cooed, joining Nightmare by licking up and down the tentacle’s skin with her unreasonably long tongue, collecting its sticky juices in her mouth. “You ready for the finisher?”

Nightmare grunted, but not in a response. She could feel herself slipping, the dual pumping of the tentacle’s movements in her cunt and plothole causing her to near the edge. The tentacle sensed the quivering in her body, eager to feel the precious gift of their labors slather on themselves.

Chrysalis herself could still go much longer, due to practice with this type of sexual act, but decided against it. Besides, what could be more romantic than two lovers finishing at the same time?

“Ooh... ah... I-I can’t...” Nightmare felt a shudder pass through her body, the tentacles working overtime just to push her further. Chrysalis felt it as well, smiling in content as her own tentacles prepared for the onslaught. Both the changeling and alicorn were fellating the tentacle between them, creating a sticky mess of slime and their collective saliva.

“F-fuck... fuck, fuck, fuck... I’m gonna c-cum!’ Nightmare Moon shrieked, just as she made good on that sentence. She squirted what felt like a waterfall of her sexual juices, just barely getting past the block of the tentacle to fall to the floor of the room. Chrysalis joined in, letting out a passionate groan of release as she rode out her orgasm in an almost nonchalant manner.

Before Nightmare could relax, she heard Chrysalis whisper, “You might want to hold on tight.” What Chrysalis meant was soon answered as to why the tentacles didn’t stop thrusting in and out of her. Suddenly they stopped, little bumps in their length traveling up to where their ends met in her asshole and cunt. Nightmare’s eyes opened wide when she realized what was about to happen.

The first load shot into her pussy like a cannon, knocking all the breath out of her lungs as the sticky white substance coating her walls in an instant. It was so hot she was sure she’d get burned, but load after load just kept on being pumped into her. Even her asshole was included, the cum filling her up almost to the breaking point.

“Oh fuck... f-fuck, there’s too m-much!” Nightmare yelled, practically in tears at the large amount of tentacle cum filling her up. In a welcome relief the tentacles withdrew from her pussy and asshole, a stream of cum leaking out of both on their departure. Though they made sure to leave some parting gifts by cumming along her flank, completely covering her cutie mark in streams of white.

Chrysalis got pretty much the same treatment, except she didn’t beg for her tentacles to leave her. She enjoyed every sensation of being filled to the breaking point with her special friend’s cum.

Panting hard, Nightmare was caught completely off guard when she got a load of cum right in the face by the tentacle she was sucking off not too long ago. Her face was soon covered by sticky white semen, the experience not dampening her orgasm one bit. She was still riding high on the greatest stimulation she’s ever felt; like soaring across clouds of rainbows or something else clichedly girly like that.

Finally, after releasing a good amount of cum on both the lovers’ faces, the tentacle withdrew, along with the rest. That just left the two of them gasping for air on the floor, soaked in a puddle of their collective sexual juices and tentacle cum.

After some tense minutes of silence, Chrysalis was the first to speak, an impossibly large grin on her face. “Wow... you took it better than I thought, Nightmare. Like a true mare.”

“Th-thanks,” she stammered, feeling much like a dirty whore now. Triple penetration and being covered in cum. Definitely not what you would expect from the future dark ruler of a nation.

“We really must do it again sometime.” Chrysalis smoothly got to her hooves, while Nightmare shakily got to her own, almost stumbling down when she attempted a step.

“So does that mean you’ll join my cause?” Nightmare asked, hoping what she just went through wouldn’t go to waste.

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes, walking over to the disheveled alicorn. Quite suddenly, she kissed her on the lips, much like their first time. It was sloppy, just passionate making out without any inhibitions holding the two back. Their tongues wrestled with one another as saliva coated their mouths and cheeks as they licked and lapped at every available space of the other’s face.

Backing away in an abrupt retreat, Chrysalis smiled. “Why sure. Anything for my new partner. Plus, it’ll repay that delightful meal you supplied me.”


“Why do you think I usually want a fellow lover whenever I call upon my friends?” Chrysalis asked, her smile quickly turning into a sly grin. “I feed off of love. And you sure were loving those tentacles, right?”

Nightmare blushed furiously, disappointed with how transparent she could be at times. “I was merely... complying to enjoy them to not disappoint you.”

Chrysalis snorted, barely holding back a laugh. “Oh Moony, you can just be so cute sometimes.” Nightmare’s face was entirely made up of red at the use of Chrysalis’s new pet name for her.

“I-I am not cute!” Nightmare replied, looking away sheepishly. “Evil yes, but not cute.”

Sauntering away, but making sure Nightmare got a good look of her curvaceous ass, Chrysalis glanced behind herself and winked. “Until next time, Moony.” In a flash of bright green light, Chrysalis disappeared, leaving Nightmare Moon all alone in the room.

Glancing down at the puddle of sexual juices, then looking over herself at her sticky-from-deprived-activities coat, Nightmare Moon sighed. “Fuck it. First, I’m mopping. Then I need to find a shampoo that gets cum out of my mane.”