• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 3,108 Views, 31 Comments

So... It has come down to this. - Fimbulvinter

Celestia and Twilight Sparkle wage war for the future of Equestria.

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For Equestria's Future

For Equestria's Future

Celestia groaned as she surveyed the battlefield before her. Hostile forces besieged her castle and there was little that she could do about it. The bulk of her remaining forces were occupied trying to stave off the advances of her opponent, who had, in a brilliant display of tactical cunning, managed to slip a guard through Celestia’s line, and it was now wreaking havoc behind her vanguard.

Dimly, Celestia wondered how it had managed to come to this. She had had so many opportunities to end this battle before this moment, but she had squandered them through poor planning and hesitation to take a risk. She still couldn’t believe it; her faithful student, whom she loved like the daughter she would never have, had rebelled against her. The pair were now locked in mortal battle and casualties mounted by the hour, but Twilight didn’t seem to notice or even care as the troops loyal to her were defeated. Among those had had been lost were two of her highest ranked Bishops, the pair seemingly targeted for assassination right from the start by Twilight’s ruthless stratagem.

It had all started out so innocently. Shortly after her coronation, Twilight had expressed an interest in studying military tactics and strategy, claiming that as a princess, she had a need to learn such things if Equestria was ever in danger. Celestia knew that she had been studying closely with both her brother, who was a veteran soldier and General Blackthorn, who was considered to be the finest tactical mind Equestria had ever produced since before the Nightmare Moon incident. Celestia knew that Twilight was gifted, but not like this. Now they were arrayed against each other; two mortal enemies locked in conflict of which there could only be one winner.

Celestia was still indignant over the fact that Twilight had dared to challenge her at all. Didn’t she love Celestia as much as she did her? And where was Luna for that matter. Celestia wondered where her sister was. Luna was far better at this sort of thing than she was; Celestia handled the economic and political side of ruling, while Luna, a far superior tactical strategist held the position of High Commander of Equestria’s military. She should be here to fight this battle, not Celestia.

With a start, Celestia suddenly realised just where Luna was. She could see the Night Princess’s style mixed into Twilight’s strategy; her bold gambles and high risk, high reward chances. So, it seemed that even her sister had betrayed her and sided with the enemy. Celestia grit her teeth and focused back on the battlefield. Her troops couldn’t act without her direction and she had to try and save her castle if she could.

Without hesitation, Celestia pulled one of her two knights away from the advance and issued him with orders to harass and neutralise, or at least slow down the lone marauding hostile pony that had breached her lines.

Displaying skill that belied her youth, Twilight redirected her troops to assist with the siege of the castle, leaving a few units exposed in the open to act as bait. Celestia saw them for what they were – a means to slow her down slightly so that Twilight could net a larger prise herself. Celestia cursed at herself for allowing it to come to this in the first place but she didn’t waiver. There was nothing to be done about the castle that she hadn’t already done, so she struck at Twilight’s exposed troops without mercy or remorse. They had chosen their side and now had to face the consequences of such a choice. Soon Celestia’s ponies had cleared the area of Twilight’s rebels and for the first time, Celestia seemed to have the upper hoof for a moment.

Sensing a weakness in Twilight’s forward lines, Celestia pushed ahead with her remaining forces, eager to try and end this battle quickly. The fighting became more bitter with each passing second and somehow she knew that Twilight would win in a war of attrition. She had to try and end it now with one swift stroke.

To her horror however, Twilight seemed almost able to predict her move and easily responded by dispatching a few of her troops, mere pawns in the grand scheme to interdict Celestia’s advance guard. Though only few in number, they had the advantage of position and Celestia saw that they would easily be able to rout her forces. She was sure that if pressed, her own units would be able to punch their way through and drive a wedge into Twilight’s lines, but not without taking heavy losses.

Celestia realised that she had been lured into a trap by Twilight as the lavender Alicorn pressed forward and took her castle, overwhelming her defenders and gaining the foothold needed to strike at Celestia herself. She had deliberately left a flank open to draw Celestia’s forces forward and trap them out of position when her final attack occurred. The few units that Celestia had left that were capable of making the trip back would never arrive in time.

From her perch above the battle, Celestia looked sadly down at a gleaming marble statue of herself, all alone in its square. She had never liked having such an image of herself present, seeing it as self serving, but the court had insisted that it was only proper. Right now however, her statue was being surrounded on all sides by Twilight’s forces and they were eager to move in for the kill. Celestia had nothing left to defend with and they knew it. Twilight’s forces were in full control and the few remaining units that Celestia still commanded were scattered and well out of position; there would be no help coming today.

With a groan, Celestia watched as Twilight’s sole remaining knight moved in and toppled her statue and then it was all over. She had lost. Twilight’s little rebellion was successful.

Sitting across from her, Twilight instantly rose up to her back hooves, fore hooves up and wings flapping with the excitement of victory. “HAHAHAHA. You are defeated Celestia. Equestria is mine!” she cackled. “From now on, all foals must read for at least 3 hours every day.”

Celestia looked sadly down at her oak table and the chess board that sat upon it. Pieces lay scattered over its surface, with her king resting on its side.

“Best two out of three?”

Author's Note:

A very short and silly fic that I thought up and wrote in the space of about one hour. Not to be taken seriously.
I had down time at work and was bored.

Cover art is not mine, and I cannot remember who is the artist. If anyone can tell me I will add in credits as appropriate.

Comments ( 29 )

You got me.....You bastard :rainbowwild:

From the start I knew what it was especially when you started spouting the names of the pieces. good job:twilightsmile:

You got me.
Both with the story and you also got a new follower. :twilightsmile:
Job well done indeed

3 hours?! You monster!

2476532 I made a point of not calling the castle a rook for exactly that reason, but anyone who is familliar with the game would still recognise it.

2476650 thanks for a follow

2477105 yep Thanks for answering, And I loved how you made Celestia loose horribly to Twilight.:rainbowlaugh:

I should kick your Australian ass. But it was good, so I'll leave you alone.

Chess rules. You should redo this seriously.

I really dig the artwork and... you got me again, grr!! :rainbowlaugh:

2535975 The art was perfect for the story, and I wanted to write a crack fic where everything seems one way, but reading it again with knowledge of the twist changes how everything fits together.

Twilight's forces were mere pawns because they actually were pawns, and who else would be the king, but a depiction of Celestia herself. Though she sees it as narcissistic having to play as herself on her own set.

Good to see you around again.

2535999 Haha, yeah it's fitting beautifully. I actually read the story when you posted it, but re-read it just now to spot the clues. Too bad I'm so unfamiliar with the chess figures in English, or I might have spotted that there were exactly two bishops and two knights. When you described Celestia looking down upon her marble statue I actually pictured her on a balcony, helplessly looking down as enemy troops invade the front court of her castle.:twilightblush:

Feels good to be around again, too! Expect me to pester you with a new story of mine in two weeks time, give and take a few days.:twilightsmile:

I saw the ending coming as soon as Bishops were mentioned.
Still, very well done and a great idea.
Clearly a favorite.

Celestia you foal!!!! Twilight is a lvl 12 nerd at least! What were you thinking trying to take one of those on, and in a chess match of all things!?! I mean that's on the same lvl of stupid as trying to take a piece of cake away from you! Only with less of a chance of losing a hoof or a horn in the process.:twilightblush: :eeyup:


didnt see that ending coming i was to focused on the battle to realize the ending

i had to read this while listening to---


just as i always have to listen to that whenever i see that pic ^^

i could also tell before i even read it what the story was going to be about that lol......

So...I started reading this and I was like "Hmm...you know what would be awesome? A fic about this exact scenario, but it ends with Celestia and Twilight playing Che-... Oh...THAT WAS THE FIC! OMG!" XD I was just starting to get some ideas on how to work it when the ending popped up and I was like "OMG! I GUESSED THE FIC BEFORE I EVEN READ IT!"

Entertaining short. :twilightsmile: Saw things as they were a bit early on but still quite enjoyed the read. Also I cannot find the pic in question in the gallery, but am 99.47% sure that is DeviantArt's PonyKillerX by source. Could be entirely wrong, mind...

i totally didnt se that ending coming :rainbowlaugh:

As soon as bishops were mentioned, I was like 'oh, they're playing chess'.

3570142 Bishops, Knights, Castles and Pawns all get a mention.

Bishops were the first pieces mentioned, anyways it is rooks not castles

3573333 I know it's rooks, not castles, but calling it a rook would have tipped my hand too early.

So did bishop; a bishop is a leader in the church and has no place upon the battlefield, and that's before you take into account that there doesn't seem to be anything in the way of religion in Equestria.

Yeah, the bishop thing makes the fact that their playing chess far too obvious.

@the author, you might want to consider renaming them to archers, generals, or using an equivalent name from older styles of chess, such as calling them alfil or ferz or whatever. The bishop mention at the beginning of the story simply makes the chess motif far too obvious.

3575105 umm, you do realize just how militant the early churches were right?

Even with the early church, the bishop would never be on the battlefield, but rather in a secure location.

It took a few seconds for me to catch on.:twilightsheepish:

When I first started reading this, I thought Twily had actually waged war upon Tia. Then I eventually realized it was a game of chess. Great story!

That was the idea, a little hint for those paying attention.

*Sees Cover art*
...........That's Cool (Puts on reading list)

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