• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 3,816 Views, 97 Comments

An Even Bigger Storm of Chaos - MrAnime

I woke up one day thinking that it was just another normal day. Little did I know, I just got transported to Equestria, and the first thing I see is Pinkie Pie. Turns out ... I'm the new Lord of Chaos!

  • ...

The Dragon Path it is!

“I’m going with the left path,” I said to him. I think I should’ve picked another one because after I said that, a smile came across stretching from ear to ear. He started to levitate in the air, and handed me some sort of paper and a pen.

“Excellent choice, now if you could just sign this paper stating, that everything that is about to happen if you fail, is entirely one-hundred percent your fault,” He pointed to a part of the sheet which had a signature line on it. I looked at the pen, then the paper … then at him.

“Why would I sign this? I mean if this paper were to state that everything that is about to happen is my fault, then why would I sign it?” I looked at him with a look that made him grit his teeth.

“Geh! Well … um … Because everything is your fault. I mean the Paleneristicus chose you after all. Plus, if you do fail at this task, well … heheh … it all depends on those 'cuts',” He gained his assurance in himself again after that little recover, his expression from total shock, changed to nothing but reassurance. “Anyway, mind signing this little paper to complete our little agreement? Come on,” He smiled again hinting to the pen and paper. I started to grab the pen. I held it to my face, thinking it over. After a while, I uncapped the pen.

“Fine … I’ll do it,” I said with a sigh “Only to get this damned thing out of me, and to send you back to where you belong!” I yelled at him showing all my determination against him. Then he just smiled.

“Wait! You don’t have to do this Samuel! I can find a counter spell, I promise! Just please don’t listen to him! He’s just tricking you; he’s going to awaken it either way!” Twilight yelled. For a while I thought she wasn’t in the same place as us, but then I saw here a couple of feet behind Pitch Black. She must’ve know where we we’re at. I saw Pitch Black look back at her, and I could tell he was giving her a nasty look based on her backing off a little, and a worried expression on her face.

“Wait how do you know he’ll do that, Twilight?” I asked her. She was knocked back by shock at this question. She was gritting her teeth like Pitch Black was earlier.

“Just a hunch?” She looked nervous.

“What do you mean just a hunch?” I was worried about this. How would she know that he was going to wake this thing inside of me either way? Pitch Black looked back at her again, but with an even nastier face this time by the way Twilight was sweating, and backing away even more. “Twilight, do you know what’s going on? Please tell me if you do,” I looked back at her, and she was looking back at me too.

“I don’t know anything else about this other than what I’ve told you already, I promise,” She said to me with an even worried face on her.

"Just sign the damn paper already!" I looked back at him. He seemed impatient. I just stared at him for a while, then I snatched the paper from his hand.

"Fine! I'll sign it !" I held the paper closer, and started to sign my name on the dotted line, and handed it back to him. "There! Now get that path ready for me,"

"Haha! It's a deal then!" Pitch Black threw the paper in the air, and it burst into flames. He looked straight back at me with an evil smile. The little twitch in his left eye just sold how insane he was.

Wait a minute ...

"You ready Samuel? Because heeere we go!" He brought his hand down, and the other two paths began to lower. The rumbling, and shaking of the ground almost made me lose my balance. "You may enter when ready," He gestured to the opening of the path. I breathed in, ready to take on this dragon in my way. Out of the corner in my eye I saw Pitch Black snickering. I gulped, and headed in. Once I was passed the line on the ground-that I just barely noticed-Pitch Black said something that made me change my mind instantly. "Aha! Welcome to 'My Maze of Terror!' Good luck with the dragon. Oh. and one more thing ... I changed the amount of cuts that the dragon deals. Now, if he so much as scratches you ... you automatically lose! Haha! I hope you live," After that I started to run forward a bit, and already came to a split. I went the right, and heard a terrifying roar. It shook the very walls of this labyrinth, and they were made of stone! I turned around to be face-to-face with a purple dragon the size of a school bus! I noticed it's green spikes on it's head and back. I also noticed it's tail with a shape of a spade at the very end of it.


Author's Note:

So very sorry this one took so long guys. I've just been busy with stuff on the outside world. I have a life too you know! Psh! Anyway here it is. Sorry if it's shorter then usual, but I still hope you guys enjoy this chapter.
For Irk and the ponies guys!