• Published 19th Apr 2013
  • 14,528 Views, 173 Comments

"I'm Tired Of All This" - Dasponi

Scootaloo left a letter in the clubhouse detailing her past, and her present. Now she's gone off to Ghastly Gorge to prove she can fly.

  • ...

So I Jump

"Well, I guess this is it." Scootaloo said to herself as she looked down over the edge of Ghastly Gorge. She had left the clubhouse as soon as she left the note and her determination had not wavered in the slightest since then. If anything her resolve had been strengthened as she had passed through the town without incident. Nopony had stopped her to ask how she was, or what she was up to. Barely any of them had even acknowledged her. Somepony of sound mind might think that they were probably so used to seeing her ride around that they just thought nothing of it anymore. Scootaloo could barely be considered of sound mind anymore though. She had just taken it as a sign that no one really cared about her and that she was doing the right thing. Either she would fly, or she would be free. She told herself she would be free either way. Free from the taunts, the pain and misery, and the shame of being unable to fly. She took one last look over the edge, gulped, and dove in to the nothingness that waited below.

It was exhilarating. The rush of the wind and the feel of it as it caressed her body brought a smile to her face as she closed her eyes and flapped her wings as hard as she could. Regardless of what happened now she knew what it was like to fly. She could tell now why Rainbow tried to fly so fast. As she picked up speed as she fell, she felt more and more exhilarated and, perhaps ironically as she was plummeting to her death, alive.

It took about half a minute for her to realise that things might be going wrong. She was flapping her wings as hard as she could but she was still falling, she was still going down.

"I knew this could happen, and this might be for the best." she thought to herself as she began to accept her fate. "I'm sorry for being so useless...At least now you won't have to deal with me anymore." she muttered quietly in to the air to nopony in particular.

Scootaloo exhaled as she felt herself hit something soft and before she knew it she felt herself flying up in to the air at an incredible speed. She opened her eyes and saw that she was indeed headed straight up towards the edge of the gorge she had jumped from what felt like a lifetime ago. She looked behind herself and saw a rainbow trail, the kind left in the wake of a Sonic Rainboom. For a scant second she toyed with the idea she had somehow managed to pull off a rainboom and that she had simply been flying downwards, not falling. Her brief moment of hope was shattered however when she looked down and saw she had landed on a large piece of blue fur. She would recognise where she was anywhere. She had landed on the back of Rainbow Dash. Her idol, her mentor, yet another person who had let her down. Scootaloo would have continued her poisonous thoughts when she noticed something. It looked like Rainbow Dash was crying. Scootaloo couldn't understand why she, the bravest pony in all of Equestria could be crying. She decided instead to just wait until they made it to the top of the Gorge. She had assumed that was where they were heading at least.

Given Rainbow's speed it didn't take long at all and before Scootaloo knew it she had been bumped off of Rainbow's back and pulled in to the tightest hug she had ever experienced. She scrambled her way out of it and sat staring away from Rainbow.

"What they hay was that all about?!" Rainbow demanded. There were still a few tears in her eyes and so she quickly wiped them away with a foreleg.

"What was what about? Why are you even here?" Scootaloo replied. She turned a little towards Rainbow but still wouldn't look her in the eyes and instead stared at the ground. Tears were forming in her eyes but she refused to let them fall.

"I came because I found what you left in the clubhouse. I came to stop you from doing something stupid. You don't know how thankful I am I made it in time." Rainbow replied with a smile. Scootaloo didn't buy it however and still refused to look at her.

"I know you don't care. I know nopony cares." Scootaloo said, unable to hold back the tears anymore. They fell freely from her eyes and matted the fur of her coat. "I can't even fly so why don't you just leave me alone and let me get it over with!" she shouted as she made a break towards the edge of the Gorge again. Rainbow reacted quickly and blocked Scootaloo's path. She pulled Scootaloo in to another tight hug and wiped away her tears.

"If I didn't care about you I wouldn't be here right now." Rainbow said, trying to comfort Scootaloo with words as well as with actions. Rainbow gently brushed Scootaloo's mane with her foreleg to help calm her down more.

"If you cared about me then I wouldn't be here right now." Scootaloo countered with an argument of her own. Rainbow had to admit it was a good one, but she knew how to answer.

"Squirt...Scoots...I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. I really didn't know any of that was happening. I'm so sorry Scoots. Please don't do anything like this again." Rainbow said, breaking in to tears once more. She nuzzled Scootaloo and continued brushing her mane, trying to calm herself down now as much as Scootaloo.

"Why didn't you just let me fall? Why didn't you let me just end my pain already?" Scootaloo said so quietly that Rainbow might not have heard her if she wasn't so close.

"Because nopony deserves to be that alone, to hurt that much. I never wanted you to be alone Scootaloo and I never would have let you be if I knew." Rainbow replied.

"So what? You're going to magically fix everything now and take all the pain away?" Scootaloo replied snarkily.

"No, I don't think even I can do that. But I am going to help you deal with it Scoots. If you'll let me that is."

"If I let you? If I let you back in just so you can be mean to me again and to always tell me I'm not good enough?" Scootaloo was beginning to shriek as all her anger boiled over and she didn't bother trying to contain it anymore.

"I never said you weren't good enough." Rainbow stated simply, bringing a look of shock to Scootaloo's face. It wasn't an answer she was expecting.

"Yes you did! You were always telling me to do better and to try harder and saying I wasn't good enough!" she attested. Rainbow Dash sighed.

"I told you that you can do better yeah, but that doesn't mean you aren't good enough. I can try to do better, everypony can. If you're really trying your absolute hardest then tell me, okay? To me you really are one of the coolest little fillies I know." Rainbow said, trying to reassure Scootaloo.

"But I can't even fly." Scootaloo replied. Her mind wouldn't crack and allow Rainbow's words to penetrate and convince her that she was anything other than useless.

"We can work on that. I can teach you and if you really, really, really can't fly then it doesn't even matter anyway."

"It...it doesn't?" Scootaloo said as she stared up in to the large and moist eyes of Rainbow Dash. She saw no hint of a lie in them.

"Of course it doesn't, why would it?"

"It mattered to my parents...and to the orphanage...and to anypony who might have adopted me and given me a home..." Scootaloo said, looking away from Rainbow once more.

"Yeah but I'm something they're not, and never could have been." Rainbow said, turning Scootaloo's face around so she was looking in to her eyes again. She wanted her answer to the next question she expected Scootaloo to ask to be said without a shadow of a doubt, and while she looked straight in to her eyes.

"And what's that?" came Scootaloo's inevitable reply, and the question Dash was expecting.

"I'm somepony who loves you." Rainbow Dash said. It had the effect she was hoping for. Scootaloo started crying again and dove deep in to Rainbow's chest, crying and muttering apologies.

"I'm so sorry Dash, I'm so so so sorry." Scootaloo said between sobs.

"It's okay Scoots, I messed up too. Can you forgive me?" Rainbow replied.

"Of course I can, if you can forgive me." came Scootaloo's soft reply.

"Consider us even." Rainbow said as she nuzzled Scootaloo again. The pair stayed like that for a few more minutes until they inevitably had to let go of eachother. When they did they gave eachother a once over glance and let out a small giggle over the mess that had become their coats thanks to all the tears. Rainbow Dash's chest was mottled where Scootaloo had buried herself in to it and Scootaloo herself had developed frizzy hair in her mane where Dash had been crying. Eventually the small giggles became full blown laughs as the pair let out all the stress and tension that had been building up. Rainbow Dash was the first to stop laughing as she picked Scootaloo up in her mouth, silencing her, and tossed her on to her back.

"What are you doing?" Scootaloo asked, poking her head through the space between Rainbow's ears.

"Well first of all we're going to get you cleaned up, and then I'm going to see if I can teach you to fly. SAFELY." Rainbow replied, stressing the last word. She was in no hurry to have a repeat of the day's events. Scootaloo beamed and nuzzled her way in to Rainbow Dash's mane, wrapping her hooves around Rainbow's neck so she wouldn't fall as the two of them were flying. Rainbow kicked off from the ground and Scootaloo gave another squeal. One of delight this time, instead of anguish.

She decided it was much better to be flying than falling.

Author's Note:

Thank you everypony for reading this. I hope you don't mind the ending, as I expect some were expecting a nice old fashioned suicide, but I wanted to end on a hopeful note. No matter how you may feel about your life, or the people around you, someone will always be there for you if you let them in. Don't live your life keeping others out. The first half was written in a depression where I felt like I was nothing, and this second half is the realisation that I am something, and that there are people there. I hope you enjoyed the story. I'd also like to take this chance to say "yay" over the fact that before I submitted this chapter it got over 100 views and not a single downvote.

*cue downvoting over the happy ending*

I'd offer to write an alternate ending where Dash doesn't make it but I'm not sure I could actually do it. I've killed off characters before in my other, non-pony works, but I don't think I could kill off a pony. Especially one as small and cute as Scoots.

Comments ( 146 )

Great story! Well written and nice emotion

Thank you very much :pinkiesmile:

thanks, now THAT is the nicest reply to a comment i have ever gotten :heart::heart:':heart:s to you and stay strong:rainbowdetermined2:

I'll try :twilightsmile: I suppose one of the greatest things about this fandom is that somepony will always be there if I need it, and much like Scootaloo, I don't need to be alone anymore.

well, as long as the fandom exists, and even after that, there really always will be somepony there. I have found that when I'm feeling depressed, if i just go and talk to my cat, i feel better. Animals have that effect, they don't care what you look like or what you like, they will still love you and listen, no matter what is going on.

oh:derpytongue2:, had an idea, it would be cool if you added a chapter involving Dash teaching Scoots to fly. even if you don't my compliments on writing a great story.

And I'm the same with other people :twilightsmile: Although my cat is pretty awesome for that. It kinda makes up for the way she sleeps on me and keeps me in bed because I'm so nice I hate moving and knocking her off :twilightblush: Don't get me started on cats or we'll be here forever....FOREVER:pinkiehappy: I might add that chapter, or maybe even a sequel where everypony in the note learns how much she was hurting. I like how the first fic I was going to ever write has been on the back burner so long that I've written three other fics and am now contemplating a sequel :facehoof:

totally have to agree on not talking about cats or we'll be here forever thing, i love:heart: my cat and could talk about her endlessly!

*upvotes for the happy ending*
Also, this reminds me of a quote from my favourite show.

"Never forget,
Someone, somewhere, is fighting for you.
And as long as she is, you are never alone."

I have two :pinkiehappy: But I don't see the other one much because he sleeps all day in my dads room. :applecry:

People are upvoting for the happy ending? I am incredibly surprised this story not only has forty upvotes now but still not a single downvote :pinkiesmile: Even the guy who brought up endless Scootabuse didn't downvote it.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a happy ending and never let anyone tell you otherwise. Also I think you did a good job with capturing what it truly feels like to be hopeless. Scoots is at that point where you have gotten so bad you deliberately blind your self to the positives. She has two amazing friends (and depending on if this comes after sleepless in ponyville) a pretty much adoptive big sister, and yet in her depression and self loathing shes overlooked or downright twisted them into negatives, this is an all too common thing for people suffering from depression. So in short good work!

Thank you :pinkiehappy: I've been in that place myself so I know how it feels and I'm glad I got everything across how I wanted to :twilightsmile:


Seriously I take that as pretty high praise :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed it :yay:

That was pretty sweet, most of the stories of Scootaloo I read end up with her dead, or still an orphan, or with what ever set of parents she has, but this one implements the happiness of a family, Rainbow Dash, to her life. But I've read alot of Scootaloo stories, so it wasn't a first, but it's still a good story, :twilightsmile:

Thank you. If I can please someone who's read a lot of similar stories it's definitely a plus for me :twilightsmile: I try to write stories that I've not read before, so it's not something I've come across, but I know there's plenty of it. I did recently read a story where Scoots died myself, and I don't think I could do that:pinkiesick:

Well I got around to reading this now, and I gotta say, I loved it. There's nothing wrong with a happy ending, I enjoy grimdarks and such however, a nice hopeful story is always good to read especially when the message is as good as the one you gave. Also, you're right about letting people in because, whenever you feel upset you see people pushing others away and just becoming sadder and sadder and eventually it'll either end with a smile or frown and I for one (as I'm sure everyone else here can agree with) hope for the first. We've all been there where it feels where we're nothing but as you said we just need to remember that no matter what, we are something amazing. Once more, great story. :heart:

I much perfer happy endings to endings with somepony dead or dying.:pinkiesad2:
Thank you for writing this.

Thank you very much and I'm glad that message got across :twilightsmile:
I'm doing better thank you but I'm still not fully out of it. I'm working on something major that has to be just right and it seems I can't get it right. Thank you for reading it. Writers are nothing without readers.
Thanks :pinkiehappy:
Well I can't please everypony all of the time. I've been in the state she's in myself and it can lead to anger like that. She became so lost and blind in her own reality that she couldn't see things for how they really were. Eventually the walls crumbled and she started to see what was really happening. She was a bitch but she thought it was justified :twilightsmile:

2459952 Its fine. Poor little scoots, she is my favorite crusader, and she needs more love.:pinkiesad2:

Why would there be a down vote on an unhappy ending?

that's EXACTLY what my cat is doing right now, sleeping in her cat bed, which is on my bed.:rainbowlaugh:

this has nothing to do with your comment but i LOVE you user pic!

I'll admit when I first came across Scootabuse I did like some of it, but then I did start to think "Why would you do that? She's so cute and sweet." Scootalove is best love.

I could just see it happening. People will downvote if the story doesn't go how they think it should, and they'll see it as a bad story.

One of my cats has a cat bed but it's outside. She used to sleep outside a lot so when the weather got cold we got her a bed. Now she stays indoors :facehoof:

But if that's the case, then why do one at all when you already established the ending? 2461536

Hmm? Why would they read when I've already established the ending you mean? There was always the chance that Dash wouldn't make it in time.

True. I suppose to people like me who believe in the multi-verse, you can't have a happy ending all the time. 2462347

That's what alternate endings are for :twilightsmile: I am also a firm believer in the multiverse theory so somewhere out there there is a universe where this had a sad ending, and there's one where this fic doesn't exist, which is the true sad ending :pinkiesad2:

Then there's one where my yet to published story of my OC enters their dimension randomly at the exact wrong time :twilightoops: 2462403

Which inadvertently creates the ultimate comedy fic, about a fic :rainbowlaugh:

...Maybe? It would definitely defuse the seriousness of the situation if say Dash and Scoots are having a hug moment and FLASH suddenly my OC and maybe one of the CMC pop out from their dimension .... 2462428

It would certainly break the tension that's for sure. Right now I'm too tired to consider the mind boggling infinity of the universe though, or I'd probably be tempted to start some kind of ultimate crossover fic where fictions crossover. I can have the Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash from my first fic (which is all sunshine and lollipops) meet the RD and Scoots from this one. Hmmm...IDEAAAAAAAA. Instead of creating a sequel to this fic I just create a midquel between this fic and that one. Ooooh. I'm going to have to read that first fic and see if I can do it.

I'm not tired enough! I actually am working on something like that, where my OC and SB pop in and out of either established dimensions that have nothing to do with Equestria or possibly other Fimticion stories. The only issue is getting permission to do that for each written story... eh 2462449

"I'm somepony who loves you." Rainbow Dash said.

That seems kinda OOC for Dash to say. You were doing fairly well up until that line. There has got to be a better way to phrase that so she's more in character, maybe "cares about" instead of "loves".

I can see your point but in my defense this was a scene where there were no walls at all. I think Dash just isn't comfortable being open about feelings but if the time came she would be able to. Cares might have fit better, but I think love was necessary to the story. She didn't believe Dash cared about her, so Dash took it one step further, and admitted to love with such conviction that it got through to Scoots.

Well if you can think of anything to do with mine you've got my permission :twilightsmile:

No problemo. I'm still really small time so I'm yet to get full of myself and I can appreciate the exposure it might get me :pinkiecrazy: Plus I'm interested to see what you would do.

I just might. Do you want to be informed when the story is out? It's gonna be a long one so not sure when your dimension will come into play... 2462665

That'll be handy yeah :twilightsmile: I think if you just promise to link up to and credit people properly they'll be willing to let you "remix" their work, for lack of a better term. A lot of the people here are quite nice.

True, I just don't want to be told I'm copying The SB Chronicles or something. 2462769

One thing I've learned is people often don't think how you'd think they might. You might not have anything to worry about :pinkiesmile: I know how you feel though, as I try to only write stories I've never read before. Even if it ends up like that then just do it in a different way and make it your own.

2462640 Yes, I do understand. It's just wierd.

I'd offer to write an alternate ending where Dash doesn't make it but I'm not sure I could actually do it. I've killed off characters before in my other, non-pony works, but I don't think I could kill off a pony.

I know dat feel bro. I love me some grim-dark... as long as it ain't ponies. Ponies are too pony to get bad endings.:moustache:

like the idea

way too fast. lacked a few details but i loved the backstory, and it didn't have enough. all in all it seemed like a normal picture fic. a fic that so small and goes by so fast...it doesn't stick or matter much.

i loved the idea but it has SO MUCH potential to be more and it's just so...small. sorry?

I realised how weird it was that I wrote a story where a six year old girl got run over and died (which I did) but I couldn't kill a small pony. Although I wrote that story ages ago when I was living grimdark and I'm not sure I could do it again.

I understand how you feel so there's no need to say sorry or anything :twilightsmile: As I was re-reading it myself (once it had been published) I felt like it was too short. Things happened too quickly. Writers, or at least I, tend to get caught up in the heat of the moment and the rush of writing and think things take longer than they do :facehoof:

No disappointment from me my friend that ending was perfect. Writing a suicide would have been , much like in real life, taking the easy way out. Thank you for this great story.

much liquid pride has been shed :moustache:

I too always see suicide as the easy way out. I hear people say you have to be brave to take your own life but I don't buy it. I've never thought "I wish I was strong enough to just kill myself" and have always thought "Why am I so strong? Why can't I just give in and end it?" I'm really pleased that it touched you and that you, as someone who has been through similar things, found it to be just right :twilightsmile:

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