• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 19,824 Views, 671 Comments

Displaced - Seven Fates

A unicorn colt has an accident, and nopony knows him. His wild claims go widely ignored until...

  • ...


Dear Mom and Dad,

Gosh, has it really been so long since I last wrote? So much has happened since I last wrote to you, and I hardly know where to begin. I'm really sorry that I haven't written to you at all since my last letter. Three years is a long time, I know, but you have to understand things have been really good for me lately.

I suppose I should start with the 'beginning'. There was the whole ‘kidnapped by Draconequi’ deal, but Goldenrod saved me! Everypony came to save us all! Get this: they all saved not one, but two worlds in the process! Is that awesome or what? I even got my cutie mark for bravery!

The Draconequi were really terrible. They murdered indiscriminately, and destroyed a lot. They even did a really horrible thing to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. They were forced to become one monstrous creature! Goldenrod saved them too, though! Still, they haven't completely been the same since. That in itself has been really hard on their sisters, Applejack and Rarity.

When we returned to Equestria from Goldenrod's homeland, we had to escape a collapsing castle. It was kind of scary, but pretty awesome, too. It was just like the Daring Do novels Goldenrod reads to me. Then, when the bridge collapsed, he saved me again! He grew wings, and dove into the chasm after me!

He died shortly after that, but he came back as a more grown-up pegasus soon after! I have to wonder, did you see him on the other side? He won't talk to anypony about what he saw, or if he saw anything at all. Apparently only the Princesses know.

There was a big ceremony for Goldenrod, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and the others in Canterlot just days after everything that happened! They were all knighted by Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance! Right after, there was a big party with everypony's families. Goldenrod told me at the party that the Princesses gave him their blessing in becoming my legal guardian!

Since then, we've lived together back in the house you raised me in. Sometimes he can be stubborn, but I know he's just looking out for what's best for me. It can be pretty hard on him, watching over me. Celestia knows I still get into all kinds of trouble with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.

Like I said before, they've never really been the same since they were made into a monster by the Draconequus. For one, they've been a lot closer than they used to be, and they have a creepy habit of speaking in unison or finishing each other's sentences. Apparently that's supposed to wear off over time, but I'm not so sure. Even a few years later, they're still like that from time to time. They think it's funny though; they even joke that they could relay messages at long distance.

Sweetie Belle initially got a lot of grief from Rarity after she started speaking with the accent Apple Bloom's family does, but after an examination by experts in Canterlot, she was a lot more supportive. Still, it didn't stop her from trying to re-brainwash Sweetie Belle into talking like 'a proper lady.' It was sorta funny that Apple Bloom started talking all fancy after the first few sessions.

Just recently, Sweetie Belle earned her cutie mark for singing in the school pageant! A microphone and music notes! She's even been accepted into a prestigious music academy in Canterlot. We always knew she had a great singing voice, but she was always so shy about it. I suppose that's the one good thing that came out of what happened to them. She's not as shy about her voice now.

Similarly, Apple Bloom got her cutie mark too. It's some kind of glass beaker shaped like an apple. Go figure that her cutie mark would have something to do with potions or invention. After all, she used a potion she cooked up under Zecora's supervision to protect the crops of Sweet Apple Acres from a parasprite invasion. Since then, she'd been looking to travel. Finally, one day, she up and left for Appleloosa to go visit her cousin Braeburn.

I still get letters from them both from time to time. We're looking to set-up a Cutie Mark Crusader Reunion right here in Ponyville. Pinkie Pie jumped at the opportunity to host the party, and insisted everypony who'd gone to Earth should come too. Ponies change, but Pinkie? Pinkie never changes.

In spite of her experiences with Goldenrod, Fluttershy did eventually adopt. About a year ago, she took in a very lonely earth pony filly who'd lost both of her parents in a train accident. Since then, Puppy Eyes has come out of her shell and befriended the Cake twins, and Fluttershy is already dealing with a new batch of Crusaders. I swear, I don't know where they got the idea!

Rarity's boutique has never been busier. Since Sweetie Belle began attending the Canterlot Academy for Talented Musicians, her business has doubled. Of course, it helps that Rarity is always sending her new dresses to wear to her recitals. I sometimes hear Rarity talking about how proud she is of Sweetie Belle when she visits Pinkie at Sugar Cube Corner. Then she goes on to complain about the outrageous number of orders she's gotten from the families of Sweetie's classmates.

Sweet Apple Acres is as busy as ever. Applejack's been working extra hard since Apple Bloom left. Granny Smith has been ailing lately, and Big Macintosh reckons her time is coming. It's been really hard on AJ. Even with the bits Apple Bloom sends back from her sales of parasprite repellent, it's only enough to make sure Granny Smith is comfortable. I just hope Apple Bloom will be back to see her grandmother one last time.

Since her visit to Earth, Twilight Sparkle has been a lot more sparing with her use of magic. While she puts it off as having taken an interest in the theoretical aspect of her studies in magic, I accidentally overheard her when she was dictating a letter for Spike to send to Celestia. She said that she's still scared of what she did on the island. I don't know what she's talking about, but it must have been something pretty bad. Twilight instead has become a lot more active in the community, particularly physically. In the last winter wrap-up, in addition to her usual organizational role, she helped the earth ponies clear the snow. AJ comments from time to time on how her lessened reliance on magic has done her a world of good. Twilight says she still uses magic when it matters, but she's beyond the casual uses.

Rainbow Dash kept her promise of training me. Once my wings were strong enough, she took me on as an apprentice. I learned a lot from her, and so has Goldenrod. When he became a pegasus, he didn't really know how to fly, and Dash didn't object to his learning from her sessions with me. Sure, he gets remarks about 'flying like a filly,' but he doesn't seem to mind; he's just as fast now as the next pegasus, but more maneuverable than most stallions. He still practices with me and Dash. Oh, and when Rainbow Dash was accepted into the Wonderbolts, she did a triple rainboom! It was so awesome. Even though she's pretty busy with her position on the team, she still takes the time to train with me. I don't think she'd ever say as much, but it feels like she's grooming me as a possible prospect for the team in the future.

It took a while, but Goldenrod began to fit in around Ponyville. He began to volunteer his time helping around the flower stall run by Rose, Lily and Daisy. After he learned to fly, Rose asked him if he'd like an actual job with them, delivering orders of flowers. He leapt at the opportunity, and has been working happily with them since. I think that's probably why his cutie mark became a bouquet of goldenrod. Delivering flowers is apparently his special talent. I never see him dating though, it's sort of odd.

I think he might be going away for a while though. I've seen him approached by Twilight a few times now, and they seem to be getting into some pretty heated conversations. I think she received a mission from the Princess, and for whatever reason, she thinks he should go with her. The only thing I've gotten from eavesdropping is that there's some sort of temple somewhere out past the Mild West. It sounds like it could be fun.

As for me, I've been trying to find a bit of summer employment. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find work in Ponyville when your special talent is bravery. I've done a few jobs for a local cartographer's guild, scouting areas for their scribes to make sure they're safe, and I like the whole scouting deal, but the areas around Ponyville are all well-documented, and they refuse to send me into less known areas. Who knows; maybe I can convince Twilight to take me with her on her mission?

Anyway. I'll miss you both more than I can ever tell you, but I think I'm finally coming to terms with your loss. I won't be writing letters any longer, but I'll never stop thinking about you both. I love you so much, Mom and Dad, and I hope you're proud of the pony I've become.

Your loving daughter,


Comments ( 103 )

daaawww.... why you stop plz make more about their future or maybe about his next experience with death when he becomes a alicorn :yay:

1029247 You'll just have to wait for the sequel. :scootangel:

1029259 curse you and your fancy writtin :ajbemused: please sir/madam may I have some more :applecry:

Wonderful story. I greatly enjoyed reading it. Well done.

I sense a sequel :pinkiehappy:

I think that's probably why his cutie mark became a bouquet of goldenrod. Delivering flowers is apparently his special talent.


His special talent is food delivery. :I

Lol, Mild West :D

This story has been really enjoyable and the updates relatively often as well- Thanks for the story so far!

Now that you've got your OC properly established, it's time for the REAL story to begin! :pinkiehappy:

XDD Is Goldie crushing on Brae Brae? I guess being a pegasus makes you Bi curious by default ;D
The last parts of this makes it sound like the ground work for sequel, I hope thats the case :3
Overall great story =D I definatly wanna see pegasus Goldenrod drawn someday X3

Oh no! It's over!
Oh yes! There is a sequel!
One error I spotted. "...a letter for Spike to send to Equestria..... Shouldn't that be Celestia?

1029408 Ooops. Yet again one of the things you don't find in a spell-check. XD

This 'mission' better have something to do with a sequel. :twilightsmile:

"Ah sure does like them fancy dresses, sis!"
"I expect those apples are quite ripe, Applejack."

Voice swapping FTW!


Yay!!! :3 Will there be a sequel? Pleeeeeze?

hahaha :twilightsheepish:
i just knew as soon as you said Temple there was going to be a sequel
this is getting goo....not good but great keep it up i have alota ideas i need plotted and what part i want to reference
i'll try writing something down while while camping thanks for finishing before i went camping.
for that you earn yet another Internet and scootaloo badge :scootangel:

Heh. Apple Bloom's cutie mark is the Apple logo. Genius.
Cannot wait for a sequel, this was brilliant! :pinkiesmile:

SEQUELLLLLLL!! :pinkiehappy:
This story was totally amazing. I look forward to more! :twilightsmile:

1037247 My goodness. I am ever so pleased someone caught reference.:pinkiehappy:

Well what a great story. I guess Goldenrod is not into females. I hope he finds his stallion one day. :rainbowlaugh: I can't wait for the sequel.

1038198 Error, the image you are trying to post simply will not appear.:pinkiesad2:

1042030 Pfff. Read the rest of the fic and then the epilogue. :scootangel:

1042328 I can't believe I actually made that mistake in Cheerilee's lecture. It just goes to show that an author evolves even as they write their tale. I'll fix that up right away.

1075173 The Charon's obol used in a lot of faiths. Even Christians have done that in the past. Maybe mister Ashland had his ancestral roots in Greece. :raritywink: It certainly would explain some references I'm sure he's made to paying the ferryman and the River Styx.

It took me 3 days, but now I'm done with your story (quite the coincidence that you finish your story shortly after I decided to read it, isn't it?). Over all, it was a nice/good story and a sequel would be great.
Critic: In my eyes Goldenrod accepted his suffering too easily and he was a little too heroic from time to time, but that's only my opinion. Another problem was that Scootaloo was too passive from time to time and too well-behaved. Really good was the idea "where the Alicorns comes from" ;-).

1092641 Yeah... I call that absolutely stupid reaction to danger- running right at it- the VGHE (Video Game Herp Effect). The reason why? It's when the player is either completely OP, or has health that regens fast enough that they could fight off a thousand enemies with a broken dagger. That's when the 'hero' becomes a 'herp', and the stupidity runs rampant.

Try reading the last five chapters while listening to Fear Not This Night.

Manly tears were shed during the reading of this epic fiction.

And damn my schedule, only just had time to read Chapter 18 - Epilogue.

1112186 I'm glad you enjoyed it.:pinkiehappy:

1112206 Why wouldn't I enjoy it?

I gladly look forward to the sequel.

Keep up the great work! :pinkiehappy:

1112222 :raritywink: Make sure you check out my other works then.



Who says I already haven't?

Speaking of which, this story needs a theme song. If I knew how to use the virtual music programs, I would.

By my presence I, Dracus, give you the medal of the hug at death !
I take my hat off for you, but i want to murder you too for let us think TWO time he was really DEAD ! :flutterrage:
Nevermind :facehoof: , good story anyway :ajsmug:

man, it is hard reading this while listening to anime
this seriously was the most most emotional chapter out of this entire story
and i started from where i left off at chapter 15 or 16 and it took me all night and it's already 11 A.M.
was so totally worth it though man
1029259 I shall not wait I want a sequel and I want it NOWWWWW!!!!!
cause like I always tell everyone who knows me, I'm too impatient to be patient

1162205 huh, then how come one of those words isn't Physiological
but instead they r both the same word

1162429 It's not physiological because you wrote out that quote from memory from what you thought you saw. Look real damn hard, and you'll see physiological. It's been that way for a month. It's not like I edited it just to make an idiot of you.:unsuresweetie:

You can not be that dumb. :ajbemused:

1162487 there is a possibility of that lol, and all i did was copy and paste the uote from teh chapter
I'll go look at it in a minute
*edit* o ur right well then srry bout that, all i did to that word was copy and paste it to that comment
no idea how it became something else lol

How so? :scootangel:

Lets see.
1)There is a lack of capital letters in most of your comments.

"man, it is hard reading this while listening to anime
this seriously was the most most emotional chapter out of this entire story
and i started from where i left off at chapter 15 or 16 and it took me all night and it's already 11 A.M.
was so totally worth it though man"

2)You seem to be unable to spell full words.

"they r both "


" o ur right well then srry bout that"

oh you're right, well then, sorry about that.

3)You act dumb.

1st off, I can write exceptionally well man
And for your information I am not dumb, I can read up to 3 books a week (700+ pages usually)
I also scored in the top 3% of my state when I was in 7th grade (but still my grades were horrible that year cause i had a lot of bullies to contend with lol)
If you want proof I can write, just read this: (click on the space right after this) Just something I did for someone I barely know cause he was feeling down

Then don't act dumb when you are on the site.

Dude, I don't think being myself is aginst the rules of this website
So can't u just love and tolerat me for who I am?

The only reason I am here, is that Seven Fates was complaining about you in chat.

all i did was mess up a copy and paste
the word got changed somehow

1214122 Yup, she's slipping. :raritywink:

Absolutely beautiful, great fic seven. Read it all in one sitting... took a little under 4 hours... honestly I am kind of afraid you have the sequel done already, I don't think I could help myself.

Anyway this definitely deserves a like, fav, and a watch,

:yay: you rock :yay:

1256790 The sequel is nowhere near finished; it took me around seven months to finish Displaced [I swear I'm not trying to be funny]. I've only started the third chapter of the sequel, and I've only about a third of the 'plan' flushed out. I'm actually kind needing to get into the writing mood.

I'm glad you've enjoyed my tale, though.:raritystarry:

Am I the only one that thought of scout scootaloo?

Ponies change, but Pinkie? Pinkie never changes.

I get the reference! :pinkiehappy:
Why is pinkie referenced to war? :pinkiecrazy:

1405907 Clearly Pinkie is one of the ponies of the apocalypse.

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