• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 1,318 Views, 9 Comments

Thank You, Miss Fluttershy - TheDorkside99

A convicted felon, an ambitious researcher, and a shy pegasus. What could possibly go wrong?

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Chapter 1

“Lemme tell ya somethin’, boy. Don’t eva lemme catch ya sayin’ thank you to nopony. Don’t eva say thank you to nopony when I ain’t around. Why you gotta be thankin’ them for? Look at me when I’m talkin’ to ya. Why ya gotta be thankin’ ‘em for? Cuz they open a door for ya? Cuz they cut ya a check every two weeks for workin’ ya plot off? Cuz they smile at ya? That’s what they s’pose to be doin’, boy. It ain’t no thang to be doin’ easy stuff like that. You know who ya should be thankin’? Me, cuz I brought ya into this world, and ain’t nopony gonna care for ya as much as I do. You hear me, boy? Nopony. So don’ be thankin’ nopony that ain’t yo mama cuz ain’t nopony gonna care for ya like I do.”

Cell Block D knew no criminal but the worst of the worst. The white walls testified to the most colorful assortment of murderers, thieves, attackers, and repeat offenders Equestria had to offer. It sat among the twenty five other cell blocks of the Fillydelphia Solitary Confinement Grounds in low flickering light during the day and deafening silence at night.

Inmates were no strangers to the rumors that spread across the black linoleum floors about Cell Block D. The cell that experienced the most repaint jobs was known among the secretive note-passing inmates of FSCG as “Cell Block Dead Officer.” Nopony left the temporary holding place to live another day and officers with wooden batons hanging on their sides dubbed the cell “Cell Block Dead Pony Walking.”

It was ten in the morning, the rays of the sun’s light squeezing through crevices dug by desperate inmates. A group of five officers approached Cell Block D and slid open a small space on the door by a metallic handle.

“Hooves out,” said a gruff voice.

Within seconds, a pair of large, tattered hooves stuck out into the officer’s view. Another officer pulled out a pair of heavy duty cuffs specially designed to limit leg movement and placed them on tightly.

“Back in,” said the officer.

The hooves disappeared into the infamous cell and the officer put a hoof on the knob of the cell door. He signaled the other four officers then slowly opened the cell door allowing them to enter quickly and apprehend the highly dangerous inmate.

“It’s your lucky day, 7410. You gotta visitor that might change your life.”

Not a single word escaped the lips of inmate number 7410. He gave the officer a cold stare and proceeded to walk as the routine baton swipe to his flank signaled him to. Slowly the troupe of five uniformed ponies led the pony in a one piece orange jumper down the lonely corridor towards the interrogation room. His booming steps masked the light clops of the officers. When they arrived at the office, the lead officer placed a hoof on the door knob.

“Now you listen here. This is a mighty fine opportunity you got coming to you from the Princess herself. You ought to thank her for it.”

The inmate scowled at the old officer and jerked his head violently towards him. Immediately the inmate was slammed into the cold wall face first.

“Cool it, 7410, or you can kiss this idea goodbye,” yelled one of the officers.

The burly prisoner relented and allowed the officers to pull him off the wall and into the ten by ten interrogation room. Inside, a young purple pony wearing an identification badge stood to her hooves and flashed a friendly smile to the officers and their prisoner.

“Well here you go, Miss. We’ll have two officers here on guard for your protection.”

“Thank you, officer,” she replied.

The lead officer and two of his subordinates exited the office while the two appointed officers stood by the door assuming a vigilant position. The young pony took a seat and turned her attention to the inmate.

“Please, take a seat,” she said, pointing at a chair.

The inmate took his seat and stared at the opposite wall.

“Alright, let’s get started. My name is Twilight Sparkle and I’m here to propose something to you.” Twilight searched through her papers as she talked to the invited inmate. When she found the right document, she placed her glasses on her face and read intently.

“Okay, mister…7410?”

She looked up at the stallion. He simply shrugged and continued to face the wall.

“Anyways, as the head researcher of ‘Finding Redemptive and Effective Education’ or FREE for short, I am pleased to extend to you the offer of being the first to undergo trials of our devised plan to rectify and redeem future felonious convicts through groundbreaking methods so they can function appropriately in regular society. Given your history, I believe you to be the ideal candidate for this endeavor.”

The stallion continued to stare at the wall.

Twilight continued. “What this will look like is essentially, you will be relocated to a more intimate setting where one pony has agreed to monitor you on a daily basis and teach you from a carefully structured curriculum comprised of the latest psychological and educational research readily available.”

Twilight handed the inmate a sheet of paper with loads of information on both sides.

“Here is a copy of a brief synopsis of the entire experiment. Should you decide to continue with this initiative, simply mark your hoof on the dotted line and we can start the proceedings immediately.”

The inmate stared blankly at the sheet hoofed to him for several moments. Twilight rapidly tapped a hoof on the floor as she waited for any kind of response. The guards waiting by the door mumbled something between themselves which made Twilight all the more nervous.

“Um, did you understand everything I said about our plans?”

The stallion didn’t move his focus from the sheet.

Twilight sighed. “Well, I guess I could explain it again. So, what we…”

“S-So, I’se gets tah be wit otha pony and, n-not be here?” asked the inmate.

Twilight smiled with delight. “Precisely! Of course, you will not be spending nights with your host for safety concerns. You will be going through a series of social reconstruction therapy throughout the day and spend nights in your own sleeping quarters. You will never have to set hoof in this building again.”

The last sentence that came out of the unicorn’s mouth caused the guards to shuffle their hooves uncomfortably. They looked nervously at the burly inmate who bore a grin on his face.

“So, Mr. 7410. Are you ready to try this?”

He nodded slowly.

Twilight and the inmate walked side by side out of the interrogation room towards the front desk to finalize the details of his departure. The two guards followed closely behind still mumbling under their breaths afraid that the intelligent pony may pick up on their discussion. As the four approached their destination, the lead officer stepped out sipping coffee from his mug.

“Oh, pardon me. Didn’t see ya there! So, what’s the verdict?”

Twilight smiled. “Well officer, Mr. 7410 has agreed to the terms of the experiment so we are on our way to the front desk to finalize his departure.”

The officer spit his coffee to the side and looked shocked. “Oh, well, um, congratulations 7410, I guess.”

The prisoner didn’t say a word and followed Twilight out to the front desk. When they were far from hearing distance, a young officer yanked the lead towards him, making him spill some coffee.

“Boss, you can’t be serious about this. Are you really gonna let him out of here?”

“Son, I have no control over this matter. The Princess herself has commissioned this plan and we have to facilitate.”

“Yeah, but this guy is no good.”

“I have my reservations about this too, son. But rules are rules.”

“So we’re gonna let this brute from Cell Block Dead Pony Walking go free because some four eyed egg head said so?”

“Ahem,” said a voice from behind the young officer.

“M-Ma’am. I-I didn’t see you there.”

“Of course,” she replied with a flat tone. “Mr. 7410 has been cleared to leave these premises to begin the initiative immediately. I need for you to retrieve any personal belongings from his cell. That is if you don’t mind helping a four eyed egg head and her brute.”

“Well,” said the lead officer. “You heard the lady. Now get.”

The young officer frowned and stormed off in a fast trot towards the cells.

“I do apologize for Timmy there Miss Twilight. He’s got some concerns about this whole initiative thing.”

“And I understand that,” she replied. “But I can assure you that years of diligent research went into this plan. In fact, I am so confident in this initiative, that I can guarantee Mr. 7410’s full restoration to society and the implementation of this brilliant plan across the Equestrian legal system.”

“That’s a mighty bright outlook you got there, miss,” said the lead officer. “Wish I had that faith in this here thing like you.”

“You doubt me as well, officer.”

“Not you,” he replied. He cast an uneasy glance at the inmate.

Before Twilight could respond, Timmy arrived with a small suitcase in his mouth.

“Just place it next to Mr. 7410. He can carry it the rest of the way out,” said Twilight.

The young officer walked over to the inmate and carefully set it next to his hooves. The corners of his grainy mouth curved at the corners and his yellow teeth sent chills down Timmy’s spine.

“Well, gentlecolts. It was a pleasure meeting you.” Twilight motioned to the released inmate to follow her out into the drizzling outdoors.

“I can’t believe this,” said Timmy. “That’s gotta be two of the stupidest ponies I’ve ever met. Does she have any idea what she’s doing?”

“Well son,” said the lead officer. “We gotta let fate have a turn. But I tell you what, that there might be the first time two dead ponies walk outta Cell Block D.”

“So that basically wraps up what will happen at the first meeting today, okay?” asked Twilight.

7410 continued to stare out the window of the carriage hardly paying attention to Twilight Sparkle. He marveled at the way the rain covered every square inch of the ground and how he could see everything in his way, though the sun hid behind the clouds. He pressed his muzzle on the window and delighted at the sensation of natural cold as opposed to the air conditioning he was accustomed to.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” asked Twilight.

The mesmerized inmate finally turned to look at Twilight.

“Rain was always my favorite kind of weather. Something about how the rain washes away any impurity from the sky and nourishes the natural world always gives me a sense of hope and renewal.”

7410 nodded and returned to looking outside the window.

“So, just a quick reminder. Today I’m going to introduce you to your mentor then go over any details pertinent to the few months of the experiment. Then I’ll show you to your temporary housing where you can get settled in. Tomorrow, I’ll meet you at your house to walk you through the process of a typical day.”

The stallion didn’t respond.

“Did you hear me, Mr. 7410?”


Moments later the carriage pulled up to a bridge that rose above a moat adorning the front yard. As they made their way across the cobblestone bridge, several wild animals peeked out from their hiding places to view the new visitors. Twilight knocked on the front door and smiled at the inmate.

“You’re going to love your new mentor. She’s the absolute sweetest pony in Ponyville and is really good with animals.”

The large stallion stared at the crotched heart garnishing the wooden door and made a slight grimace.

“Did I mention she’s pretty good at…crocheting?”

The beautified door cracked open slowly as a pink tuft of mane fluttered in the light wind. A pair of large blue eyes met the lavender pony with a flair of caution then a spark of genuine enthusiasm. The cute pegasus tapped the door to get a full view of her expected company.

“Oh, hi Twilight! I’m so glad you’re here. So where’s the little…oh my.”