• Published 15th Apr 2013
  • 1,090 Views, 14 Comments

Skullgirls of Equestria - distortedtruth92

During a fight Valentine and Cerebella are transported to Equestria, along with the SKullheart

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The Arrival

In this world, there exists an artifact of immense power that can grant any woman’s wish, the Skullheart. If the woman is pure of heart, her wish will be granted to its fullest. However, if she is not, the Skullheart will corrupt the user, transforming her into a scion of darkness. She will wield inconceivable power, but it will only cause destruction and despair. A fight between Cerebella, a former circus performer, and the Skullgirl, Valentine, is where out tale begins…

Valentine looked across the empty street to where the circus performer was standing, a slight smile playing across her face, underneath her surgical mask. She raised a hand and brushed a stray strand of her blue hair out of her face. She positioned her bone saw comfortably on her hip and assumed a fighting stance.

Cerebella looked across the empty street to where the mad nurse was standing, her mouth spread wide in a huge grin. She calmly took her orange hat/living weapon and placed it on her head, causing two massive arms to sprout out and assume a fighting stance.

“It’s over, Skullgirl,” Cerebella cried out to the nurse. “Your reign of tyranny ends here.”

Valentine slowly shook her head before reaching up and pulling down her mask, revealing a tightlipped mouth with a scar over the left side. When she speaks, her voice is as smooth as pure honey, “My dear, Cerebella, that is where you are wrong. Where Marie was weak, I have full control over the Skullheart. None of the many that have come before you have ever been able to defeat me. What makes you any different?”

“They didn’t have the drive that I do. They didn’t watch their friends be slaughtered like I did. I will kill you.”

Valentine let out a mirthless laugh. “I’d like to see you try.”

Without another word, Cerebella charged the Skullgirl, only to be brought up short by Valentine’s IV Naginata. She quickly recovered from the attack, before jumping into the air and using the giant arms on her hat as wings to bring herself closer to Valentine. While still in the air, she brings the hands together in a giant clap on the Skullgirl’s head.

Valentine staggered back, only to be hit by Cerebella’s famous Titan Knuckle punch. She flew back and landed with a crash on the ground. She quickly rolled forward and whipped out a body bag, which she captured Cerebella in. She then took the bag and jumped into the air, spinning it around to where the head was down. “Going down,” she calmly said as she slammed Cerebella’s face into the asphalt, creating a crater.

Cerebella quickly scrambled out of the body bag and got to her feet. Her dress was ripped at the stomach and she had blood forming at the left corner of her mouth. She raised a hand and wiped it off, succeeding only in smearing it across her cheek. “It’s time to end this.” She charged Valentine again, getting ready for a Titan Knuckle that would finish off her foe. At the same time, Valentine pulled out her IV Naginata again. As Cerebella launched her punch, Valentine swung her Naginata down with a force of a small meteor. The two attacks connected with a cosmic thunderclap and a flash of brilliant white light. When the light dimmed, the two combatants were gone, the only signs of their battle were the craters left in the asphalt of the street.

Twilight was watching the stars again, as she did every Wednesday night. She was in her chambers at Canterlot Tower. She had come back to the capitol for the royal summit that was held there every year. Still, she would not let her royal duties get in the way of her most favorite past time. This night, however, was different.

There were two new stars in the sky.

Twilight scrunched up her face in confusion. “That’s odd. I don’t remember Luna saying anything adding new stars to the sky.” As she finished her sentence, she saw the two new stars begin to fall from the sky. Looking through her telescope she saw that the things falling from the sky were not, in fact, stars. Or, rather, they were like no stars she had ever seen before. As she watched, she saw the two celestial objects crash into the ground far away. “Oh, no. They’ve crashed in the Gullet of Tartaros.” She stepped back from her telescope, already formulating a plan to investigate the landing site. Once the plan was fully formed, she galloped down the stairs to where her friends were staying.

The two fighters lay, unmoving on a stone floor, a hole in the ceiling, high above, from where they crashed through. The one on the left had blood running down her arm. She wore a lab coat that came down to her mid-thigh and nothing more. She had a bandage over her left eye. While she slept, something was pulsing in her chest. Suddenly, the breast of the coat burst open and out came a heart shaped skull, wreathed in blue flames. The Skullheart looked down upon the unconscious form of his former host. It seems I am free and in a new land. I am sorry, Valentine. It was fun while it lasted, but I will spread my chaos all across this new land. With that, the skull heart flew off into the night in search of a new host.

Valentine woke in a dimly lit, damp room. The only light was coming from a few candles resting in sconces on the wall. She looked around and saw Cerebella sprawled out on floor next to her, her living weapon lying dormant next to her. Where am I, and why is Cerebella here with me? It was then that she noticed the pain blossoming from her chest. She looked down and saw that the left breast of her lab coat had been torn open.

“Arrrgh!” she cried out as memories flooded back to her. The destruction of the Medici family, the total annihilation of project Peacock, and the last, worst crime, the murder of Cerebella’s family. Cerebella had been a childhood friend of Valentine’s before the two went on their separate paths. She hadn’t seen her old classmate for years before that last fight.

Valentine slowly sat up, shaking the grogginess from her head. She crawled over to where Cerebella lay and gently shook her awake. “Cerebella, wake up.”

The ex-circus performer stirred sleepily. “Not now, mommy, just five more minutes, please.”

Valentine smiled behind her surgical mask. “Come on, Cerebella, your audience is waiting.”

With that, Cerebella did a backwards somersault and sprang to her feet. “Well I can’t keep them waiting, can I?” she cried out, a huge smile on her face. Her smile fell as she realized who was there before her. “Valentine, what the hell are we doing here?”

Valentine slowly shook her head. “I have no idea, but we need to get out of here.” She came to her feet.

“I’m not going anywhere with you, not after what you did, even if you are baring a breast for me.”

Valentine’s one good eye widened as she looked down to notice that, indeed, her left breast was bare to the world. She looked back up at Cerebella. “Never mind that. Listen, I am truly sorry for what I did, I had no control over my actions, but the Skull Heart is gone now. I am myself again.”

Cerebella leaned closer to Valentine, noticing that the skull that had been present in her school friend’s eye was gone. “Valentine, is that really you?”

Valentine nods. “It is, old friend.”

Cerebella’s eyes begin to tear up before she throws her arms around Valentine in a bawling fit. “Oh, Valentine, I’ve missed you!”

Valentine wraps her arms around her crying friend and gently pats her on the back. There, there, Ceri, it’s all right now. Right now we need to find a way out of this place to see where we are.” Cerebella backed away, smiling and gives a firm nod. “I can feel a warm wind coming from that way,” she points to her left, down the hall. “I believe we should go that way.”

“Sounds good to me.”

All six Element bearers galloped across the country side, towards the Gullet of Tartaros.

“Okay, Twi,” Applejack said as she panted to keep up the pace Twilight was setting. It seemed that becoming an Alicorn boosted physical endurance, “care ta explain again why we are runnin” hay bent into the jaw o’ Tartaros?”

“I told you, I saw two falling stars crash down there. I do not believe they were stars, however. They did not look like any stars I had ever seen before. I wanted to come investigate them, but I knew it was too dangerous to go alone. That is why I brought you girls.”

“And if anything decides to rear its ugly head, we’ll kick its flank,” Rainbow Dash said bravely.

Twilight Sparkle only nodded. “We’re almost there.”

They group arrived at a hole in the ground. Looking down, they saw a hallway lined with torches. Twilight looks to her friends. We are going to have to fly down, it’s too far to jump.”

Fluttershy panics and quickly backs away. “W-we’re g-going in t-there?”

Twilight nods once, a determined look on her face. “Yes, we are.”

Author's Note:

Howdy there. I hope you enjoy this story. I've been playing Skullgirls for a while and I thought it would make a good crossover. The two in this story are my favorites to use. Happy reading.

Comments ( 14 )

eh, it's not a bad start, though the pacing needs a check and the characterization of the characters we don't know it's not quite good, but hey at least it's a bit more original than most HiE fic that have both princesses starring, although I hate princess Twilight Sparkle with all my heart, it's not that bad of a first chapter.

2432961 they will be getting more characterization next chapter. In hindsight i probably should have made the two chapters into one


2432985 how did you beat me to this?
oh, and unrelated sad pokemon pic.

This better be good, cause I'm a big skullgirls fan and am getting my OC (not current but new) going to be put in the background from their indiegogo campaign drive.

2433036 i'm planning on it. I hope i can live up to expectations
2433014 because im awesome, though the story needs more likes

i will read this all the time
check ever day for ever till it done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2433074 what do you think of the pic?

you're information is incorrect because on the official skullgirls website it says that Valentine is 27 and that Cerebella is 18, which means they could not have been childhood friends, pro-tip for the future you should get the facts strait on characters before you pull the "childhood friends" card

2617557 sorry never read that. my bad. oh well. my story, my rules. artistic license and all that shit. I think I might be coming off as a little rude. sorry bro. check back when im sober

2432961 so we should keep you away from the skullheart?

2617894 hey! Only one person gets away with that...well damn she's dead.....well one pon-wait that freak can do that to ok you know what just tell me if there's a group for this or not please.....i will throw in a cute zombie!?!

what happen next chapter?

The two fighters lay, unmoving on a stone floor, a hole in the ceiling, high above, from where they crashed through. The one on the left had blood running down her arm. She wore a lab coat that came down to her mid-thigh and nothing more. She had a bandage over her left eye. While she slept, something was pulsing in her chest. Suddenly, the breast of the coat burst open and out came a heart shaped skull, wreathed in blue flames. The Skullheart looked down upon the unconscious form of his former host. It seems I am free and in a new land. I am sorry, Valentine. It was fun while it lasted, but I will spread my chaos all across this new land. With that, the skull heart flew off into the night in search of a new host.

Good luck with that discord would take care of you very easily.

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