• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 1,855 Views, 25 Comments

Celestia Visits the Dead - blazikenking

Princess Celestia takes a short trip to the afterlife. It's not what she expects at all.

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Extra: Celestia's Diary

Dearest Diary,

I just returned from the afterlife, and it was quite enjoyable. If you didn't have to die to go there, I'd tell all my little ponies to go spend a day there. Neither Luna or I will tell anybody on this planet about it though, as we fear it could be used in conjunction with a silver tongue to convince our subjects to kill themselves. We've been debating whether or not to tell Twilight about this. I think Twilight could handle the secret, but Luna fears she might let something slip out by accident and thinks it would be best to wait a few hundred years. We'll see how things play out. Neither of us are sure whether to tell Cadence or not.

Something interesting I saw in the afterlife was how different ponies were responding to the same things. While I was on the moon, I saw two ponies on a ride called a 'roller coaster' that were sharing a seat. They had nearly identical physiques, but when they sat down, their expressions and reactions were different. One of them, a dull white pegasus, looked like he had just sat on my throne and was enjoying the comfort enchantments in it that I never tell anypony about. The other, a deep red unicorn, looked like he just sat on something uneven and bumpy covered in something that was not mud. A safety bar was also put down. The white pegasus now had an expression like he was getting a massage while on my throne (I should try that sometime). The red unicorn's expression when the safety bar came down was like that when you're squeezed around the barrel in a hug with too much power.

When they returned, they still had different expressions. The red unicorn looked like he wanted to throw up, but couldn't. The white pegasus was smiling like he just had the time of his life. This caught my interest, so I decided to give up my spot in the line to follow these two for a bit.

Remarkably, they stuck together and did the same things for some time. They each got a funnel cake from a stall serving them (I got a waffle crepe with strawberries. It was better than perfect). The white pegasus looked like he was enjoying his funnel cake as much as I was my crepe. The unicorn did not share his enthusiasm, and seemed to be forcing the funnel cake down. I politely asked if I could have a small bite of each of their cakes, and each one tasted the same to me.

I was invited by the white pegasus to join them for some stargazing. We found, of all things, a grassy hill to lay back on. The pegasus acted like he was laying on a could bed while the unicorn seemed more like he was on a bed of warm coals. The hill felt perfectly fine to me.

During the lunar stargazing (quite the experience, I must say), my thoughts began to wander to the two ponies I had joined and what I saw of their experiences. The pegasus seemed to be enjoying everything while the unicorn was not. The conclusion I came to was that the unicorn was a bad pony when he was alive and the pegasus was a good pony.

After we went our separate ways, I did some more pony watching. There were ponies that were enjoying the place more than others, though it wasn't always as noticeable as the white pegasus and red unicorn. I believe that the better you were in life, or the more struggles you went through, the more enjoyment you can get from everything here.

I looked back on some of the things I had gone through in my long lifespan. There certainly were some bad things I had done, but there were many more good things I had done, not to mention struggles like when I banished Luna and had to spend a thousand years alone. I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about that.

I suppose I'll end here and go give Luna a hug. Even though she's back, a thousand years of her absence is not easy to just leave behind. I suppose a piece of me is afraid of losing her again.

Sincerely, Celestia

P.S.: Luna loves getting hugs. She's also very nice to hug. I'm sure any foal would love to have her as a family member just for that.

Author's Note:

The white pegasus and red unicorn's colors and species were randomly chosen by me. Any similarities with common depictions of other entities is purely coincidental.

Oh, be sure to ask the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home what she thinks of this story.

And is that a bit of foreshadowing of something at the end?

Comments ( 2 )

Oh, be sure to ask the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home what she thinks of this story.

*Nods in acknowledgement*

6099573 All hail the mighty glow cloud. Ignore the pitiful glow cloud, as it is pitiful and not worthy of praise.

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