• Published 20th Apr 2013
  • 36,521 Views, 249 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If? - SuperPinkBrony12

A rewrite of a few Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3 episodes I felt could've been done differently. (WARNING: the rewrite choices are my personal opinion)

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S2E11 "Hearth's Warming Eve" (What If?)

The Friendship Express was racing towards the city of Canterlot. Everyone onboard was excited. It was Hearth's Warming Eve and all the passengers knew that Canterlot was the place to be for the holiday. On board one of the coaches the mane six and Spike were already filled with excitement.

"We're almost there!" Rainbow Dash said "This is gonna be so sweet!"

"I'm so excited that I feel like shouting!" Fluttershy said "That is if I could."

"This is gonna be the best Hearth's Warming Eve ever!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Now now girls let's not get too excited." Twilight said "Remember Princess Celestia called us to this city for a reason."

"We know that Twilight." Applejack said "But can ya'll blame for us being so excited? This is our chance to see Canterlot when it's all decked out in holiday cheer. It's a rare opportunity."

"I just wish we had time to stop at all the shops." Rarity said "I hear there are some very unique items that are on sale at this time of year."

"Hey look, we're approaching the station!" Spike said. And he was right. The train pulled into the highly decorated Canterlot Central Station. The scene looked something right out of a holiday story.

"Mares and gentlecolts we have arrived at our destination." the conductor called out "We here at 'Equestria Rails' want to thank you for riding with us today, and on behalf of the company we wish you all a very happy Hearth's Warming."

The passengers stepped outside, bundled up in their various scarfs and other clothes. They didn't mind the cold weather that the pegasi had brought in as they felt it added to the holiday spirit.

"Well it looks we've got some time before we need to be at the theater." Twilight said "How about Spike and I show you around town?"

"That's a great idea Twilight." Rarity said "Lead the way."

"With pleasure." Twilight said and she lead her friends through the heart of Canterlot. Before long they arrived in Canterlot's chief shopping district. "If we have time after the perfomance we can come here and get something before we have to go home." Twilight said "But for now what do you say play a game of I Spy?"

"Sure." Pinkie Pie said "You go first."

"Okay." Twilight said "I spy with my big eye, something red."

"Is it that eight foot candy cane?" Rainbow Dash asked, pointing to the gaint candy cane where a filly had gotten her tongue stuck to it.

"Correct." Twilight said "Your turn Rainbow Dash."

"Alright." Rainbow Dash said "I spy with my big eye, something made of snow."

"Is it that snowpony over there?" Pinkie Pie asked, pointing towards an earth pony (there weren't that many of them in Canterlot as opposed to other towns) making a snowpony with her hooves.

"Bingo." Rainbow Dash said "Now it's your turn Pinkie Pie."

"Ooh I've got a good one!" Pinkie Pie said "I spy with my big eye, somepony eating a gingerbread house!" she promptly dashed into a nearby shop ,and came back with a gingerbread house, which she then devoured in one bite "And it's me!" she said. Everyone laughed.

"Wow, will you look at the time?" Twilight said "The play starts in roughly 15 minutes. We've got to make our way to the royal Canterlot theater."

"Aaaahhh." the rest of the mane six and Spike groaned.

(Title Sequence)

The royal Canterlot theater was always an incredibly popular theater. Not just among the citizens of Canterlot but among all the citizens of Equestria. Plus the royal sisters themselves were known to visit from time to time. But it was the magic of Hearth's Warming that truely brought out the best in the theater. The holiday decorations were among the finest ever known and made the theater look even more enchanting then it normally was.

Now it was not unheard of for tickets to the various plays that were performed in this theater to sell out. After all plays of all sorts both big and small were featured for ponies of all ages. But when this particular play had been announced, along with who would be playing whom, tickets to this play had sold like hotcakes. In addition anyone who had a connection to someone in the theater made sure to use it, and so not one seat was left empty as the auidence filed in. Rumors had circulated that at some point the royal sisters had been planing to come to the performance, but as the auidence members took their seats they saw such a rumor had turned out to be false, the royal sisters were nowhere to be seen in the vicinty of the theater. Not that it mattered, the auidence knew that regardless of who was in attendence this was going to be a play unlike any other.

The play in question was known as The Founding of Equestria and told the tale of how Equestria was formed. It was a highly popular play, especially around Hearth's Warming and had been performed in various theaters across Equestria over the years, but it had been a long time since this play had come to the royal Cantelort theater, which had only served to further increase the hype for it. Right now the big question that was playing in the mind of the auidence members was "Will this play live up to the hype?"

Backstage as the stage crew worked to prep the scene the mane six and Spike were getting into their costumes. They already knew the play by heart and had rehearsed countless times on their way to Canterlot.

"I can't believe that Princess Celestia has honored us by allowing us to perform this play." Twilight said "And it's surprising how she said we all fit our roles so well. I mean I know this play is incredibly accurate but just thinking about how similar we are to the founders, well I'm kind of at a loss for words."

"I know, this is certainly an honor." Rarity said "It's not every day you get picked for something like this."

"I wish Princess Celestia hadn't honored me so much." Fluttershy said "I mean what if I mess up?"

"Darling this is tradition." Rarity said "Lots of ponies are putting on their own performance in their own towns."

"So then they'll be too busy to come and see us?" Fluttershy asked.

"Fluttershy you do realize that this play is the most important one right?" Rarity asked "Thousands of ponies are coming to see us."

"Thousands?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"Yes thousands." Rarity said, not cluing into the fact that Fluttershy was getting stage fright "All of them watching us to see if we can deliver the performance they're expecting, and their expectations are high."

As soon as Fluttershy heard these words she dove into the costume box. Twilight tried to use her magic to pull Fluttershy out. "Come on Fluttershy." Twilight said "We can't do this play without you."

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash was admiring herself in the mirror. She was so focused on this that she didn't seem to notice the open window that was allow for cold air to come in.

Applejack noticed however and she made sure to let Rainbow Dash know about it "Rainbow Dash would you kindly stop admiring yourself and close the window? You ain't the only star of this play you know."

"I know that but that doesn't mean I can't admire myself." Rainbow Dash said.

"I shouldn't have to keep reminding you to do things!" Applejack said.

"You sound like my mom!" Rainbow Dash said.

"You take that back R.D.!" Applejack snapped.

As this bickering went out the play director appeared and said "Two minutes to show time girls."

Twilight wasn't having any luck getting Fluttershy to come out. "Twilight let me help." Pinkie Pie said and she went over to the box and tried to help Twilight pull Fluttershy out. But the cold air made her lose her grip.

"PINKIE!" Twilight shouted at the top of her lungs as she crashed into the box.

"S-sorry T-Twilight." Pinkie Pie said "B-but i-it's f-freezing in here."

"S-she's r-right." Rarity said.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash continued to bicker and cold air continued to pour in. At last everyone else lost patience "Shut the window!" Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy shouted, glaring at Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

Thankfully no one in the auidence was aware of the conflicts that had been going on back stage.

"Mares and gentlecolts! Colts and fillies! It's the moment you've all been waiting for!" the play director announced "The royal Canterlot theater is proud to present The Founding of Equestria! Starring the bearers of The Elements of Harmony!"

The curtain rose as the auidence clapped and cheered loudly. Spike appeared on stage dressed in a very unusual outfit. "Greetings to you all." Spike said in a thick accent "I am the narrator. Long ago, before the royal sisters Celestia and Luna ruled together. And before even Discord made himself known, Equestria as we know it did not exist. It was a strange and very unusual time. A time when ponies were torn apart, by hatred."

The auidence gasped.

"I know, can you believe it?" Spike asked "Anyway. Our story begins in that very time period. In those days of old there were three tribes. There was The Unicorn Kingdom, The Pegasus Empire, and The Earth Pony Republic. Alicorns did not exist and were thought to be urban legend. So in those days the earth ponies tended to the land and produced crops to feed themselves. However they were forced to give some of their crops to the pegasi in exchange for the weather that they needed to grow said crops. The unicorns demanded the same system of payment in exchange for magically bringing forth day and night."

Suddenly the auidence saw a fierce blizzard errupt on stage. Of course it was all just special effects but it still captivated the auidence.

"It is unknown when it began but eventually the temperatures began to drop and winters became longer." Spike narrrated "These harsh conditions led to trouble as the pegasi were unable to control the weather and thus the earth ponies lost a lot of their crops. This in turn led to conflict with both the pegasi and the unicorns as both tribes accused the earth ponies of withholding some of their crops and pushing back payments. The earth ponies accused the pegasi of not doing their jobs and the unicorns of using their magic to bring forth the unforgiving blizzards. This bad blood and disharmony between the three tribes did not make things any better. And as the blizzards became more fierce and more frequent more and more conflict brewed between the three tribes. And so it was decided that a special summit was to be held in an attempt to figure out what would need to be done to help the tribes survive."

The scene transitioned to the interior of a large building as Spike continued his narration. "When the day of the summit arrived each tribe had to decide who to send. The Unicorn Kingdom had originally planned to send their King, King Alabaster but just before the summit was to be held he fell ill and was unable to attend. In his place the Unicorn Kingdom sent the king's daughter Princess Platinum, who at the age of 19 was the youngest of the three rulers who attended. The Pegasus Empire sent their fearless leader Commander Hurricane, who was currently in her late 30's and was the oldest of all the rulers, even surpasing the age of King Alabaster by one year. The Earth Pony Republic after much debate sent their newly elected and enigmatic ruler Chancellor Puddinghead, who was older then Platinum by about three years. There was hope among those who were allowed to watch the proceedings that the age difference between the three rulers would produce a balance. Perhaps the radical views of the younger leaders and the wisidom of the older leader would even each other out and a solution could be found. Those hopes were soon crushed however."

"You earth pony scums are hogging all the crops!" Commander Hurricane complained "Have you forgotten that it is we pegasi who allowed you to grow your crops?"

"The only reason we're hogging all the crops is because of these crazy blizzards!" Chancellor Puddinghead snapped "Which you pegasi aren't trying to clear up!"

"How dare you accuse of us being lazy!" Commander Hurricane bellowed "If you're going to point hooves then point them at the unicorns! After all their freaky magic should allow them to summon the sun and melt these snow banks!"

"Why of all the nerve!" Princess Platinum said "We unicorns are doing our best!"

"I find that hard to believe Princess!" Commander Hurricane snapped "And I'll bet your father is simply faking this whole illness thing just so he doesn't have to show his sorry flank in my prescence!"

"My father is a great stallion and a true gentlecolt!" Princess Platinum said "You could stand to learn a thing or two from him! And as for you Puddinghead! I bet you rigged the votes just so you could get elected, because I fail to see how anyone in their right mind would ever vote for you!"

"Please I wouldn't dare stoop so low! We earth ponies are humble workers!" Chancellor Puddinghead said "Which is more then I can say for you mean old unciorns! You think you have it easy just because you can use magic!"

"If anyone is lazy it's those good for nothing pegasi!" Princess Platinum said "It seems like all they ever care about is fighting! In fact I heard a rumor that you Commander Hurricane rose to the top by using your status a gladiator! Which of course explains why my father had to bail you out in that fight with the griffon king!"

"That dirt bag got what he deserved for mocking the Pegasus Empire!" Commander Hurricane bellowed "And you and your father had better watch out or you'll suffer the same fate! The same goes for your Puddinghead!"

"You know what that's it!" Chancellor Puddinghead said "You nasty pegasi and unicorns are ungrateful! We earth ponies tend to our fields and mind our own business! I've never met a bunch of meanie pants in all my life!"

"Oh wow big shocker an earth pony giving up!" Commander Hurricane said "Well if you're not going to contribute then I guess I won't either! So what about you Princess?! Got any bright ideas?!"

"Even if I did have them what makes you think I'd bother sharing them with the likes of you?!" Princess Platinum said.

"Well excuse me Princess!" Commander Hurricane said mockingly.

"And with that the emergency summit ended in failure." Spike narrated "The Princess, The Commander, and The Chancellor all returned home to lick their wounds and basically to complain."

The scene transitioned to the interior of the Unicorn castle.

"Clover the Clever come here!" Princess Platinum shouted over the roar of the winds.

"I'm here your majesty." Clover the Clever said, using her magic to close the door and place a cushion for Princess Platinum to sit on.

"How's my father doing?" Princess Platinum asked.

"I'm afraid he's not getting any better." Clover the Clever said grimly "So for now you are in charge of the kingdom."

"I see." Princess Platinum said.

"So how did the summit go?" Clover the Clever asked.

"Terrible." Princess Platinum said "Those earth ponies accused us of being lazy and the pegasi insulted my father. They clearly have no respect for the great ruler that my father is."

"Is that really how the summit went down?" Clover the Clever asked "I was certain that the three tribes would see sense."

"Well you thought wrong Clover my dear." Princess Platinum said "And it looks like things aren't going to get better around here. I'm afraid we have no choice but to leave this land."

"Is that an order your highness?" Clover the Clever asked.

"Yes." Princess Platinum said "You have my permission to put together a search party."

"As you command Princess." Clover the Clever said and she set off to do as she was told.

The scene transitioned to the capital buliding of the Pegasus Empire.

"Attention!" Commander Hurricane shouted "Private Pansy front and center! Now!"

"R-reporting for duty ma-am." Private Pansy said nervously.

"Want to know how the summit went?" Commander Hurricane asked.

"Um yes I suppose." Private Pansy said.

"It was terrible!" Commader Hurricane said "Those rotten unicorns mocked our strength, they didn't even have the guts to send their leader to face me, and the earth ponies clearly forgot who they were dealing with!"

"Did it really unfold like that?" Private Pansy said "Because I thought peace would prevail."

"Private Pansy sometimes you can be so stupid. If you thought those tribes would see reason you thought you wrong." Commnander Hurricane said "I'm afraid they've left us no choice but to strike out on our and show them who's boss!"

"S-so we're leaving this land behind?" Private Pansy asked.

"You've got that right!" Commander Hurricane "Assemble a search party now! That's an order!"

"Y-yes ma-am." Private Pansy said and flew off to follow Commander Hurricane's orders. She knew that Hurricane didn't tolerate those who disobeyed her.

The scene transitioned to the inside of the Earth Pony Republic's chief office.

"Greetings Secretary Smart Cookie." Chancellor Puddinghead said sticking her head out from a fireplace.

"Um you do realize there was a perfectly good door you could've used right?" Smart Cookie asked.

"Smart Cookie you clearly don't understand why I was elected Chancellor." Chancellor Puddinghead said "I was elected because I'm able to think outside the box. And that means I can also think inside of the chimney. So let me ask you Smart Cookie, can you think inside of the chimney?"

"Well no." Smart Cookie said.

"Exactly." Chancellor Puddinghead emerging from the chimney "So your arguement is invalid."

"Whatever. Just tell me how the summit went." Smart Cookie said.

"It was no fun at all." Chancellor Puddinghead said "Those mean old pegasi refused to do their jobs and those unicorns seemed to think that their magic made them all high and mighty. And before you ask yes that's how the summit went."

"Well shoot I really thought the three tribes would come to an agreement." Smart Cookie said.

"And that's why I'm a Chancellor and you're only a Secretary." Chancellor Puddinghead said. Then as she was shaking the chimney dust out of her uniform an idea came to her "Oh my gosh! Hold on to your hooves, I am just about to be brilliant!"

"Do I even dare to ask what you're planning?" Smart Cookie said.

"You don't need to." Chancellor Puddinghead said "I'll tell you. Seeing as this land has outlived it's usefulness we shall simply pack up and find a new land. A land where we can thrive and prove to everyone that we are not weak."

"So I take it you want me to create a search party right?" Smart Cookie asked.

"You read my mind." Chancellor Puddinghead said "And I'd do as you're told unless you want to lose your job."

"I'll get right on Chancellor." Smart Cookie said and set off. But when she opened up the door she was met with a mountain of snow.

"And that's why I came in through the fireplace." Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"And so the three tribes set off." Spike narrated "Each of them searching for a land they could call their own. A land that would allow them to escape not just the harsh winters but the other tribes. But along the way each search party ran into obstacles."

The scene transitioned to an open field, coated with snow which Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever were walking across.

"Clover how long have we been walking for?" Princess Platinum asked "My hooves are killing me."

"Your majesty we've only been walking for about ten minutes." Clover the Clever said "The castle is only now starting to fade from view."

"Well it feels like it's been a lot longer." Princess Platinum said.

"And the more you complain the longer it's going to take." Clover the Clever said.

"Well what else am I suppose to do?" Princess Platinum asked.

"Anything but complain your majesty." Clover the Clever said. Just then they came to a river bed which somehow had not yet frozen over. "We can cross these stones to the other said." Clover the Clever explained.

"So who's going to cross it first, to make sure it's safe?" Princess Platinum asked.

"You are." Clover the Clever said.

"Clover are you out of your mind? You can't possibly be serious." Princess Platinum said.

"What's wrong now your majesty?" Clover the Clever asked.

"You can't possibly expect me to cross when I don't know if it's safe." Princess Platinum said.

"It's only a little water your majesty." Clover the Clever said "You'll be fine."

"I'm sorry but if you expect me to cross that river you're going to have to do it first." Princess Platinum said "After all you are forgetting Clover that my father asked you to protect me. You wouldn't be doing a very good job if you didn't cross this river first to make sure it was safe for me to do so."

"You wouldn't dare tell your father." Clover the Clever said.

"Oh but I would." Princess Platinum said "So what's it going to be?"

"All right fine I'll cross first." Clover the Clever said "But don't think you can just push me around. I have my limits too you know."

"Of course Clover." Princess Platinum said "Now are you going to cross that river or do I have to make to you?"

"No need for that your majesty." Clover the Clever said, and with that she carefully crossed to the other side "See what did I tell you?" Clover the Clever asked "Now hurry up and cross before we lose any more precious time."

"I'm coming, don't rush me Clover." Princess Platinum said.

The scene transitioned to the open skys where Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy were flying at break neck speeds.

"We'll show those good for nothing unicorns and earth ponies." Commander Hurricane said "Once we reach our new land everyone will see just how great we pegasi are."

"Do we really have to do this?" Private Pansy asked "Can't we just go back and try work out our differences?"

"And let them push us around? I don't think so!" Commander Hurricane said.

"But I was just thinking that-" Private Pansy said.

"If it has anything to do with trying to work things out with the unicorns and the earth ponies then I don't want to hear it!" Commander Hurricane said "So unless you've got any ideas that don't involve us turning back I suggest you keep shut."

"I'm just saying that we-" Private Pansy said.

"Pansy look even if we wanted to we can't go back." Commander Hurricane said "We'd look like fools if we went back. Everyone would mock us."

"No they wouldn't." Private Pansy said.

"Pansy you don't know the other tribes like I do." Commander Hurricane said "King Alabaster insisted on helping me out when I landed in hot water with the Griffon King but in the end I didn't need his help. But that didn't stop ponies from accussing me of being weak. So I have to do this, to prove to everyone that I'm not weak."

"But you already aren't." Private Pansy said.

"You might think that but only a hoofful of my loyal supporters believe the same thing." Commander Hurricane said "So I'm afraid that nothing you say or do is going to convince me to turn around and go back. But if you don't wish to accompany then I won't hold it against you."

"I could never abandon you Commander." Private Pansy said "I may not always like what you do but as a fellow pegasi it is my duty to stay by your side and support you through thick and thin."

"Thanks Pansy, you're one of the good ones." Commander Hurricane said "But perhaps you should keep quiet and let me do all the thinking from now on."

"If you're sure that's what you want then I'll do that." Private Pansy said.

The scene transitioned to a few hills set against a looming mountain. Chancellor Puddinghead was observing the map while Smart Cookie followed her.

"Well according to this map we've already covered a lot of ground but we've still got a ways to go before we get to the land our scouts told us about." Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"I actually thought we were walking in circles for a while there." Smart Cookie said "Are you really sure you're reading that map right?"

"Are you questioning my leadership Smart Cookie?" Chancellor Puddinghead asked "Cause if so then you can just leave."

"I wasn't questioning your leadership your chancellorness." Smart Cookie said "But truth be told sometimes I really wonder if you know what you're doing."

"Oh trust me I know what I'm doing." Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"Say is it just me or are you reading that map upside down?" Smart Cookie asked.

"I've got a newsflash for you Smart Cookie." Chancellor Puddinghead said "The world is round. Therefore there is no up or down."

"That's some very intresting thinking there Chancellor." Smart Cookie said.

"And that's why I was elected." Chancellor Puddinghead said "Now come the more we just sit around talking the longer this trip will take, and I for one don't like wasting time on idle chit chat." So Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie set off. Eventually however Chancellor Puddinghead stopped at a small clearing.

"A rest stop? What a relief." Smart Cookie said.

"You don't need relief Smart Cookie." Chancellor Puddinghead said "If anyone needs relief around here's me. I'm a chancellor. So here you take the map while I enjoy some relief." Chancellor Puddinghead gave the map to Smart Cookie and wandered over to a nearby ledge. "Sweet relief." she said to herself, enjoying her potty break.

Smart Cookie meanwhile was trying to figure out how Chancellor Puddinghead could possibly read the map with all these confusing symbols on it.

Thankfully Chancellor Puddinghead returned before long and Smart Cookie was all too happy to return the map to her. And they set off again.

"Eventually each of the three tribes approached a land that was unlike anything they had ever seen before." Spike narrated "All of them were amazed by what they saw."

"I can't believe me eyes!" Princess Platinum said "These rocks are filled with jewels of all sorts big and small! These will do wonders for our outfits."

"Not to mention these gems look like they would make for an excellent currency with which to trade." Clover the Clever said.

"I Princess Platinum hereby claim this land in the name of my father King Alabaster. I dub this land Unicornia." Princess Platinum said. She used her magic to plant the flag of the Unicorn Kingdom on top of one of the rocks.

"These clouds are quite possibly some of the most comfortable ones I've ever had the pleasure of encountering." Commander Hurricane said "We might just have to put up a relaxation spot somewhere to take advantage of them."

"And these mountains should help protect us from any invaders." Private Pansy said.

"I Commander Hurricane hereby claim this land in my name. Behold,the birth of Pegasopolis." Commander Hurricane said. She flew down to one of the clouds and planted the flag of the Pegasus Empire on top of it.

"Ah the dirt. This dirt is perhaps the dirtiest dirt I've even seen." Chancellor Puddinghead said "This is just the kind of dirt we need."

"Plus this soil is nice and fertile. We should have no trouble growing any of our crops." Smart Cookie said.

"I think I'm gonna call this place dirtville." Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"Um how bout Earth?" Smart Cookie asked.

"Earth works good too." Chancellor Puddinghead "I Chancellor Puddinghead hereby claim this land. I call it Earth." The flag of the Earth Pony Republic came down from seemingly nowhere and landed in a dirt mound.

Suddenly the three tribes looked around and saw that they were not alone. Somehow they not noticed that they had each claimed part of the same land.

"What are you doing in Unicornia?!" Princess Platinum said "Only unicorns are allowed!"

"You mean Pegasopolis!" Commander Hurricane said "And for your information we only allow pegasi!"

"You're both wrong!" Chancellor Puddinghead said "You're both trespassing on Earth which only we earth ponies can live on!"

"I don't think so!" Princess Platinum said "I planted my flag first therefore all of this land belongs to me!"

"No I planted my flag first!" Commander Hurricane said "Therefore I get to claim all of this land!"

"Well I planted mine earlier then first!" Chancellor Puddinghead said "So therefore all of this land is mine!"

"You won't take it without a fight!" Princess Platinum said "Clover the Clever send these fools to the dungeon!"

"What dungeon?" Clover the Clever asked.

"Is that the best you can do?" Commander Hurricane taunted "Private Pansy get over here and help me drive off thse invaders!"

"Can't we all just get long?" Private Pansy asked.

"Pansy get down here right now or I'll have you court marshaled for insubordination!" Commader Hurricane shouted,

"Make all the threats you want you'll never defeat me!" Chancellor Puddinghead said "But if you even want a crack at me you'll have to get past Smart Cookie!"

"I won't fight and you can't make me!" Smart Cookie said.

"You will fight and I can make you do so!" Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"I'd like to see you try!" Smart Cookie said.

"Oh sure relay on others to fight your battles for you!" Princess Platinum said. Then suddenly she was pelted by a snowball. This quickly led to an all out snowball until suddenly Clover the Clever realized something.

"This snow wasn't here before." she said.

The leaders quickly stopped fighting upon realizing this. To their horror they discovered that the very weather conditions they had sought to escape had somehow followed them to their new home.

"And so the new home that the ponies had discovered was soon lost. Burried beneath a thick blanket of snow and hard feelings." Spike narrated "Instead of wonderful it was wintery. Instead of beautiful it was blizzardy. Instead of spectacular it was snowtacular. Instead of-"

"We get it! Move on!" a pony in the auidence shouted.

"Anway" Spike narrated "The situation soon got worse. Before long the three tribes were forced to take shelter in a cave. But even then the bad blood between them still lurked and made conflict inevitable."

"I can't believe I'm being forced to share a cave with the likes of you." Princess Platinum said to Commander Hurricane and Chancellor Puddinghead.

"Trust me I'm not happy about this either." Commander Hurricane said.

"And neither am I." Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"Can we please try to get along?" Clover the Clever asked.

"Yeah I vote for calm." Private Pansy said.

"So do I." Smart Cookie said.

"You're asking the impossible Clover dear." Princess Platinum said.

"Calm is never going to come Pansy." Commander Hurricane said.

"What they said Cookie." Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"Do you mind giving me my personal space Commander Hothead?" Princess Platinum asked.

"For your information the name is Hurricane." Commander Hurricane snapped.

"Well Commander Hurricane do you not see this invisible line? It means you're in my personal space." Princess Platinum said.

"Oh so that's how it's going to be huh?" Commander Hurricane said "Private Pansy mark our territory for all to see!" Private Pansy began tracing a line in the dirt "Do you see this non-invisible line?!" Commander Hurricane said "No unicorns or earth ponies are allowed to cross it! This line marks the border of the sovereign terrritory of Pegasopolis!"

"Clover the Clever please mark our territory as well!" Princess Platinum instructed.

"Smart Cookie you know what do to!" Chancellor Puddinghead said.

Both Clover the Clever and Smart Cookie began to reluctantly draw lines in the dirt as well.

Eventually Private Pansy came to a rock and began to draw her away around it.

"What are you doing?! Don't go around the rock go over it!" Commander Hurricane said "I won't give up even an inch of territory to our enemies!"

"Commader that rock clearly belongs on the Unicornia side of this cave, I ask that you give it back immediately!" Princess Platinum said, then under her breath she muttered "Who knows, there could be jewels inside."

"I don't think so!" Commander Hurricane said "I hereby claim this rock in the name of Pegasopolis!"

"Commander I ask that you unhoof that rock this instant or face my wrath!" Princess Platinum said.

"Never!" Commander Hurricane said.

"Oh look you found my rock. Thank you Commander I've been looking for everywhere for it." Chancellor Puddinghead said. She quickly scooped up the rock and ran back to the earth pony side of the cave.

"You've got some nerve invading our territory Chancellor!" Commander Hurricane said "Normally I'd say I like a mare who can be sneaky but in this case I'm willing to make an exception!"

"Well finders keepers, losers weepers!" Chancellor Puddinghead taunted.

"That does it! You give back that rock right now!" Commander Hurricane bellowed.

"Come and take it, unless you're afraid!" Chancellor Puddinghead taunted.

"Chancellor I'm warning you the same way I tried to warn Commander Hurricane!" Princess Platinum said "Give me back my rock and nopony gets hurt!"

"You want it?! Come and get it!" Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"Give me back my rock!" Princess Platinum snapped.

Before long the three leaders were all aruging and fighting over a single rock. The fighting went on and on until Clover the Clever shouted "Look everpony the entrance is freezing over!" The tribe leaders looked and saw that Clover was right. In just a few seconds the entrance to the cave had frozen shut.

"Well this is just great, now there's no way out of here!" Commander Hurricane said

"You two deserve this terrible fate!" Princess Platinum said "The both of you mocked me and my kind!"

"Well you aren't so high and mighty either your highness!" Commander Hurricane said.

"And of course you're just as guilty as you claim I am!" Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"At least we unicorns didn't stoop as low as you!" Princess Platinum said. The three tribe leaders either didn't notice or didn't care that their bodies were starting to freeze along with the rest of the cave.

"Well you unicorns know you'd never win in a fight so course of you'd rely on insults!" Commander Hurricane said "And as for you earth ponies you're only good for tending to your fields!"

"You pegasi are brutes and rather savage ones at that!" Princess Platinum said.

"You unicorns are a bunch of elite snobs!" Chancellor Puddinghead said. As soon as the three tribe leaders finished saying those words they were completly frozen over.

Clover the Clever, Private Pansy, and Smart Cookie all began to back up as the ice slowly approached them. Eventually they all bumped into each other and breathed a sigh of relief. They had never wanted any of this to happen.

Suddely they became aware of a harsh roar. They looked up and discovered that the snow and ice were the result of strange ice like ponies.

"What in the world are those things?" Private Pansy asked.

"They must be... windigos!" Clover the Clever said.

"Windigos?" Private Pansy and Smart Cookie asked.

"My mentor Star Swirl the Bearded taught me all about them." Clover the Clever explained "They're winter spirits that feed off fighting and hatred. So the more hate the spirit feels, the colder things become! "

"So then this is all our fault." Smart Cookie realized "We three tribes. We brought all of this on ourselves. This is why the blizzards came to our land. We never trusted each other and fought with each other, and now our bodies will become as cold as our hearts. And all because we were foolish enough to hate."

"Well actually I never hated you guys." Private Pansy said "In fact if I hate anypony, which I don't, I hate Commander Hurricane." as she spoke the remaining three's bodies slowly began to be incased in ice "But I don't hate her or even dislike her. I just don't always agree with what's she done."

"Well you know what I don't hate you guys either." Smart Cookie said "We're all ponies. Even Chancellor Puddinghead."

"And I never hated any of you." Twilight said "And as ponies we'll meet our fate together." The three ponies huddled close as their bodies were slowly turned to ice. Then suddenly Clover the Clever's horn flared up, shooting a powerful beam of fire directly at the windigos. The heat melted the ice around herself, Private Pansy, and Smart Cookie. Eventually the beam formed a heart which remained burning and drove the windigos away. It slowly began to melt some of the ice inside the cave as well.

"What was that?" Private Pansy asked.

"I never knew unicorns could do that." Smart Cookie said.

"I didn't either." Clover the Clever said "But it couldn't have come from just me. Nothing like this has ever happened before. So I can only conclude that it came from us, all joined together, in the name of friendship."

"And so all throughout the night and even into the next day the three ponies kept the fire of friendship alive by telling stories to one another." Spike narrated "And also by singing songs which would go on to become the Hearth's Warming carols we all sing today. Eventually the warmth reached the tribe leaders. Not only did their bodies begin to thaw but their hearts as well. As a result the three leaders made their peace with each other and all agreed to share the beautiful land. They promised to live together in harmony forever and so they offically dubbed their new land-"

"Equestria!" the cast said all at once.

"And that is the story of how Equestria came to be." Spike narrated "But the new land would go on to face many challenges. But that is another story."

The audience clapped and cheered loudly as all the cast members took a bow.

"Mares and gentecolts. Colts and filles. Please rise for the Equestrian National Anthem!" the play director announced. The auidence did as it was told. Bells began to ring.

The auidence, the mane six, and Spike all sang:

"The fire of friendship lives in our hearts.

And as long as it burns we cannot drift apart.

Though quarrels may arise, their numbers are few.

Laughter and singing will see us through (will see us through).

We are a circle of pony friends.

And a circle of friends we'll be to the very end."

As soon as the song was finished the auidence burst in thunderous applause. This was undoubtly going to the Hearth's Warming Eve they'd remember for a long time. The same would hold true for Spike and the Mane Six.

"See Fluttershy, what did I tell you?" Twilight said after the play was over "You did great."

"You mean it?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course." Twilight said "Now whaddya you say we do a little holiday shopping?"

"Sounds like a great idea!" Pinkie Pie said "Let's go!"