• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Hello. I'm BillyColt. In real life, I'm a dweeby music student from California. Here, I write Pony fanfiction.http://billycolt.tumblr.com/


In a matriarchal society such as Equestria, sometimes the social position of a stallion can be difficult.

Big Macintosh has things going fairly well for himself. He does his share of the work at Sweet Apple Acres and helps to support his family along with his sister.

But Granny Smith has been talking lately. She thinks an eligible stallion such as himself should find a well-to-do mare and get married before he's too old. And now she's gotten an idea: why doesn't Applejack introduce him to her friends?

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 151 )

Given that this is a comedy I shall not take the political commentary seriously (In RL horses are matriarchal). I look forward to seeing what happens and why you've included a Celestia tag.

Fair enough. "Commentary" probably gives it too much credit. I just didn't want to pass-up "comedy-tary."

>Dat Celestia tag

:eeyup: Wait, Pinkie Pie? How did that happen?

:trollestia:Listen you. Stallions are objects and should be treated as such.

This could get interesting...

My aunt used to be like Granny Smith. She didn't stop bugging me until her kids got kids of their own.

The girls played off that reaction just for Applejack. They've all had their eyes on him and Pinkie Pie, being the predator she is, jumped at the opportunity the moment she saw the green light. I applaud her tenacity. I'm sure the others won't be far behind with their schemes. This should be quite the entertaining read^^

Or maybe what I'm saying is complete nonsense and Pinkie Pie has no ulterior motive to a completely reasonable and legitimate "Two Pony Party" in which case. Would make an equally entertaining read^^


Solid start here, man. I'm really loving Granny in the matchmaker role for Big Mac. It just makes so much sense! I'm curious about Mac's relationship with Caramel, Lyra, and Bon as well (unless he's just friendly with everypony, in which case I would wonder why we had that conversation with Lyra at all....). And I love that cool reaction after Pinkie invites him over. It's just a perfect way to make me as a reader go, "Awwww, here it goes!" Imma have to keep track of this.

One thing, though, at the start of the chapter:

“Big Macintosh?”


“I was wonderin’...”

Applejack was nearby, bucking the trees and letting the apples fall into the buckets. Her brother, Big Macintosh, was at work on another batch of trees, while Applebloom, too young to do the work herself, just watched.

He's talking to Apple Bloom, but the first image you give me is of Applejack. Therefore, I assumed Applejack was the one speaking until you said Mac was talking to her. Just something to think about. For me at least, I would've been able to read through it without that momentary "huh" if Apple Bloom had been pointed out first.

The last Mac shipping I read was...well, I'm not sure how to put it. I know this question is out of the blue, but I don't want any surprises in this fic: Is Big Mac gay?

Ok at first I was like, "Okay, where's the 'eeyup'" and then I was like "Oh no I can't see any!!" But then I reached the middle and the 'eeyup's where falling like apples during applebucking season. Oh, and great first chapter!!

Not a bad start, just try to keep to what the characters would really say. I'm pretty sure Applejack would never say 'bro'.

Omg, het shipping, ewwww! Didn't anypony tell you that's totally straight? If Goddess wanted 'those kind' of relationships, she wouldn't have made a 9:1 gender ratio!

As long as this doesn't turn out as another 'surprise! He's gay.' fic.....
I shall watch this with amused interest. Do continue... :moustache:

if this is a "he's gay" fic or if the author pairs one of the girls up with another girl. i'm leaving. i have nothing against people who like the pairings, we all have our favs, i just hate them.

also i ship mac/dash but mac and pinkie sound like a good pairing. i'll give it a shot. i like the story idea


I'm watching, BillyColt~


A great start!

All the characters are well done, and the pace of the writing is quick and to the point. Doesn't get bogged down in the details, really nice work getting the premise across in such a short time.

and now we wait for the next chapter, good work!

2388235 Looking forward to the next chapter. Personally I think it makes more sense to spell it Apple Bloom instead of Applebloom (to me it just seems to flow better as two words) but of course that's just a minor nitpick. Other than that, this is a well done story. If turns into a PieMac ship it could be interesting. But it would also be entertaining if she was just wanting to hang out.

*Reads Synopsis*

Oh, I'm definitely going to read this!


Applejack was nearby, bucking the trees and letting the apples fall into the buckets. Her brother, Big Macintosh, was at work on another batch of trees, while Applebloom, too young to do the work herself, just watched.

In S3 Episode 8 (Apple Family), it was shown that Applebloom is now clearly strong enough to buck apples off trees; she also does other choirs on the farm when not in school, playing with her friends, etc.

But otherwise.....

2389663 It's more like 4-1, 5-1 ratio.

:twilightsmile: TwilyMac FTW!
:pinkiehappy: Silly... That's not how you spell PinkieMac ... :heart:

This should be interesting. :3

BigmacXpinkie? Never would of thought it but it sounds liek it might work! I wanna see the turn out.:pinkiehappy::eeyup:

Well the title got me thinking, LETS READ IT!!!:pinkiehappy:


Hmmm Its interesting:duck:

In Reality: SO AWESOME:rainbowkiss: a pinkieXbigmac fic :yay: :pinkiehappy::eeyup:

So Pinkie is already out of the running even before the date... and... oh dear Twilight is going to do a sociology experiment, this is not going to end well. And the Princess appears

can he have a date with dash after twilight? :pinkiesad2:

tho i like pinkie's date. it's funny

My traditional American mind is being thoroughly blown by the societal reversals with stallions and mares in this universe.:applejackconfused:

Meh, Pinkies not really wife material. Besides, Mac isn't interested. Let's see if he can generate a proper response to Celestia's inquiry.

Ah yeah! This chapter supports my BigMac+Celestia relationship idea!

that was weird in a fun way. :3

I'm calling it now: Big Mac marries Celestia. If it doesn't happen, I'll just be one of the many readers who made a wrong prediction. If it does, bow down, for I am clairvoyant.

I too like cake.

Great story!

But, if you examine the episodes in which they spend time in Canterlot, many, if not most, of the upper class ponies are stallions. But, its your story, and I like the societal angle.

Keep up the good work!

Gurl, all 'bout that cake!....seriously I have a hankerin for cake now, Great Story! Can't wait for more! :pinkiehappy:

I predict a platonic harem. Bic Mac x everpony! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

2448409 Agree. She's more of the crazy aunt type.

really interesting to see a main character to just be so chilled and without a thought in the world. Usually main characters would be over thinking it, but Big Mac... nope!

Strangely fascinating indeed.
>inb4 big mac harem fic

A :eeyup: X :pinkiehappy: story.....yeah. Or :twilightsmile:. Or even :trollestia:.

Whatever, I just hopes he DOES marry at the end.

My guess is the Princess gets him

“I’m glad you came,” she said. “It’s been nice getting to know you better?”

Was Pinkie supposed be confused by that statement? Either way, another great chapter. :pinkiehappy:

Totally need a pinkie and Mac fic and I want some drama up in here

AMAZING is the only word so far always outside the box billy colt

Stay that way my freind

Comment posted by zacoda1 deleted Jun 10th, 2013

This fic will never finish :( I am saddened.

Next chapter coming soon!

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