• Published 16th Feb 2012
  • 29,013 Views, 997 Comments

Perfect for Me - The Equestrian Gentlecolt

Twilight Sparkle clones herself to make more time for her friends, but just gets more distracted.

  • ...

Double Trouble

The main room of Sugarcube Corner had been cleared in preparation for a party. A makeshift stage had been set up, a plywood affair with a set of red curtains, and a single microphone at the center of it. Shades had been drawn down over all the windows, doing their best to block out the light from the sun outside. But even in the dim light that filtered through, the bright colors of ribbons, streamers, and balloons were clearly visible. Most of them were some shade of purple.

A spotlight switched on, lighting up the center of the small stage. A pink pony slipped out from behind the curtains and stepped up to the microphone. She was dressed smartly, a black and white tuxedo contrasting the color of her coat and mane. Clearing her throat once, tapping the microphone twice, Pinkie Pie put on a wide smile and addressed her audience.

“Mares and gentlestallions, fillies and colts! May I have your attention please! I present to you... the one... the only... Twolight Sparkle!”

Silence reigned for a moment, then...

“No.” Twilight shook her head wearily, and glanced over at her twin and fellow audience member. The other Twilight was shaking her head as well. Pinkie Pie, unperturbed, disappeared again behind the curtains. The spotlight went out.

A spotlight switched on, lighting up the center of the small stage. A pink pony bounced out from behind the curtains and came to a stop behind the microphone. A pair of comically-large glasses were perched on her muzzle, and attached to the glasses were a false nose (From what sort of creature? Twilight wondered briefly) and a thick, bushy moustache. Clearing her throat once, tapping the microphone twice, Pinkie Pie put on a wide smile and addressed her audience.

“So, I just flew into Ponyville,” Pinkie announced, giving her audience a conspiratorial wink from behind the oversized glasses. “And boy are my wings tired!” A pause. “Anypony? Nopony? Okay, here’s one for you: What’s the only thing better than Twilight Sparkle?”

“No.” Twilight shook her head. Beside her, her twin did the same. Pinkie Pie, unperturbed, disappeared behind the curtains. The spotlight went out. Sugarcube Corner went dark again.

It had taken almost fifteen minutes the previous night to convince Pinkie that “immediately” probably wasn’t the best time for her “Twilight Sparkle found a very special somepony oh and also there are two of her now” party, after the day they had all had. It had taken another thirty to fend off their friends’ barrage of questions and get the library to themselves again. But their all-too-brief respite was over now. Today, Pinkie was in Party Planning Mode, and she wasn’t going to stop until she found the perfect way to introduce the new couple to Ponyville. All of Ponyville, if possible. They had tried arguing the point, but Pinkie had been adamant. There would be no more hiding in the library for the Twilights Sparkle.

Well, it would be nice to be able to go out in public together. Twilight sighed, and returned her attention to the stage.

Soft lights illuminated the stage. A tall white mitre appeared from behind the curtains, balanced precariously on the head of a small pink pony. Pinkie Pie stepped forward to the microphone, cleared her throat once, and addressed her audience.

“Dearest friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of—”

“No!” both unicorns exclaimed at once. “I-I mean,” Twilight stammered, “th-that might be... moving a little fast...” Her twin nodded in vehement agreement.

Pinkie Pie, unperturbed, disappeared behind the curtains. The lights went out.

“It’s just gonna get worse y’know,” the last member of Pinkie’s three-mare audience observed. The soft sound of wing beats got louder as Rainbow Dash abandoned her spot near the ceiling, and she came down to land next to the two unicorns.

“I know,” Twilight grumbled. “But c’mon. Puns on my name? Stand-up comedy? And a marriage ceremony? Can’t I just—”

A spotlight switched on, lighting up the center of the small stage. A pink pony bounced out from behind the curtains, wielding a cane and a top hat. With a sound like a hundred party horns, the music began.

Twilight is my bestest friends, whoopee!
They’re the cutest, smartest, all-around-best po-ny!
And now there’s twice as many of her, you see!
You see!
That means that she’ll spend twice as much time with meeeeee!

“No,” Twilight said with a hint of exasperation. “Pinkie, look. I appreciate what you’re doing, I really do. But maybe it would be best if I just... introduced myself.”

“Oh.” Pinkie deflated slightly. “I guess you could do that too.” The top hat slumped down over her eyes as she lowered her head.

“But,” Twilight added quickly, “I really did like the song.”

The main room of Sugarcube Corner had been cleared in preparation for a party. And the party guests had arrived. What seemed like a hundred ponies were gathered there, milling about in the late afternoon sunlight that filtered in through the shaded windows. Refreshments had been served, and already eagerly started in on, while they awaited the guest—or rather, unbeknownst to them, guests—of honor.

A spotlight switched on, lighting up the center of the small stage. A purple unicorn slipped out from behind the curtains and stepped up to the microphone. All eyes turned to the stage. Swallowing her nervousness as best she could, Twilight Sparkle cleared her throat and addressed the expectant herd of ponies before her.

“Everypony. Hi. I, um...” Her speech trailed off, lost as quickly as it had begun. She cleared her throat again. “I know most of you already know me by now, but I’m Twilight Sparkle. I run the town library, and, um, I like to read, and...”

The blank stares and the rustling of restless movement told her she was losing them. She wasn’t normally this bad at speeches. She wasn’t! But how do you tell a whole room full of ponies that, not only are you in love with a mare, you’re in love with yourself?

Well, when all else fails, there’s always the direct route.

“A-anyway!” she said hurriedly. “The reason you’re all here is because, well, there’s somepony I want to introduce to you...”

A second purple unicorn stepped out from behind the curtains and came to stand beside the first. The boredom of the crowd evaporated instantly, replaced by perfect silence as they stared, their eyes flicking between the two completely identical ponies. It wasn’t until the yellow-maned, pink-coated mare in the front row fainted that Twilight realized something was very wrong. By the time the thump of the mare’s body hitting the ground startled the other ponies out of their paralysis, both unicorns had realized that, all things considered, the crowd hadn’t come to an entirely unreasonable conclusion.


And with that, chaos erupted in Sugarcube Corner. Half the ponies, who unfortunately were mostly the ones closer to the stage, tried to bolt for the door. A great many of the remainder (who, again unfortunately, were nearer the back) made a disorganized attempt to charge the stage. Twilight’s friends made a noble effort at calming down the panicking herd, but their cries were entirely lost in the tumult.

Twilight and her twin turned, ducked through the curtain behind her, and ran. By the time they shot out the back door of Sugarcube Corner, half of Ponyville was hot on their tails.

She considered running toward the library first. But she wouldn’t have time to board up the doors and windows, and anyway, she didn’t want to have to clean up the inevitable mess that would result from having a herd of ponies pounding at her door. Her friends’ homes were out for the same reason. Sugarcube Corner had probably already suffered some damage as it was, and she didn’t want to compound that any further. She could run for the Everfree, but... well, there were worse things than a crowd of ponies to have chasing you. And somepony would probably try to follow her in and get themselves seriously injured. So her only real choice was to lose them first, and hide after that.

“We’ve been doing... a lot of running... lately...” her twin panted beside her.

And there was the problem with that plan. Twilight was far from the most fit pony in Ponyville. In fact, their pursuers were already getting noticeably closer. She would have to outsmart them. Fortunately, being smart was her specialty.

When most ponies run, their amygdala, the part of their brain that houses their most basic instincts, takes over and their thought processes become very simple: Run. Go faster. Get away. Twilight Sparkle was different. When Twilight Sparkle panicked, her frontal lobe took over. Identify problem. Solve problem. Implement solution. The solution to this particular problem presented itself in the form of a set of mathematical functions mapped onto a three-dimensional coordinate system. Simple.

“Mirrored helix!” The simple command conveyed all it needed to. Her twin veered to the right, and she cut sharply to the left, dividing the crowd down the middle as they split up to follow the diverging unicorns. Twilight raced down a side street—more of an alley, really—next to the local shipping warehouse, dodging barrels and crates. She might not have been as agile as some of the ponies chasing her, but as a crowd, they were as clumsy as a sleepy ursa minor.

Unfortunately for the local shipping company, they were also nearly as destructive. Somepony was going to have to pay for those crates. Twilight hoped it wouldn’t be her. She took a sharp right around the back of the warehouse and kept running.

Meanwhile, in the opposite direction, Twilight was losing ground fast. The marketplace had already closed for the party, so there was a lot of open space for her to cover. She risked a glance back and saw that the nearest pony, who she recognized as Rose from the flower stall, was less than ten feet behind her. That wouldn’t give her nearly enough time. She was going to have to think of something fast.

“Hey look, it’s Princess Celestia!” she shouted.

The ponies chasing her didn’t even slow down. Visits from Princess Celestia had become almost commonplace since Twilight’s arrival in the little town.

“And she’s uh... kissing Sapphire Shores!”

That gave her the moment she needed. It was an ill-advised bluff, but Princess Celestia could banish her for it later. Some time after she was finished not getting trampled by a herd of madponies. She took a left, and began counting side streets.

On the opposite side of Mane Street, Twilight was also counting to herself. “...two... three...” Well, pi was going to have to equal three for now. She could already see her twin turning down the opposite side street toward her. It was time for the helices to meet. She turned right.

The two mares’ eyes met and locked as they galloped toward each other. Time seemed to slow further and further as they grew nearer and nearer, as if they were stuck in some kind of dichotomy paradox, doomed to never reach their destinations because they would forever be chasing a new halfway point. They could each see the desperation in the other’s eyes, the sweat on her coat, and the herd of ponies galloping on her heels.

Then one flicked her eyes to the side, just slightly, and the moment shattered. They turned as one, skidding to halt their momentum as much as they could, their sides bumping together and their legs nearly getting tangled before they regained their footing. Then, just before the two waves of ponies converged in the middle of Mane Street, Twilight Sparkle and Twilight Sparkle resumed their motion together. They galloped side-by-side down the road, panting but victorious, as their pursuers crashed together into a massive tangle of ponies, shouting, and dust. Then they took another turn down a disused side street and started toward their library before anypony could recover enough to give chase again.