• Member Since 12th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen May 26th



Neo Domino City is a war zone. The mysterious Black King has spread his shadowy influence throughout the once-thriving metropolis. A small resistance movement is fighting against him, but they can't last much longer without help.

In Equestria, the balance is beginning to shift to the darkness. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are sent across dimensions to the human realm to discover the source of the imbalance and to repair it. But she'll discover much more than that, and will eventually learn the true connection between her universe and Yusei's.

DISCLAIMER: My Little Pony! Friendship is Magic, all Yu-Gi-Oh! characters, and the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game are copyright their respective owners. All original story elements, including original cards, their names, and their effects, are mine and may not be reproduced without my consent.

Chapters (53)
Comments ( 633 )

Looking great so far. I like how you took that one guy's idea of Celestia and Luna sharing a Inti/Quilla combo; it really suits them. However, I expect a Jack Atlas duel by the time all is said and done.

I was waiting for this to come out. Hmm, if Twilight and her friends are going to the human world, I would LOVE to see Jack and Crow's reactions to Yusei having pony friends form another world, it would be hilarious. I wonder if those cards Twilight got from that stranger will be any high-tiered cards that will be useful to her later on?

Also another thing: Will you be using Xyz Monsters in this fic?

And one more thing: Pitch-Black Power Stone can only transfer a Spell Counter once per turn, so Twilight can't use it twice.

Until the next chapter then.

2379575 I'd planned to do the Sun/Moon combo from the beginning. It's an obvious choice, but as you said, it suits them. And don't worry, Jack will definitely duel. He was one of my favorite characters from 5D's, and definitely had one of the most consistent decks in the show. Yusei relied on little combos building to big results but often relied on luck of the draw. Crow just used tricks to maintain field control/presence while whittling away at the opponent. Jack? Jack was pretty straightforward about his strategy. Level 5 + Level 3 = Red Dragon Archfiend, then PUUUUUUUNCH! Simple.

2379682 I was actually skeptical about the "once per turn" thing. I'd always interpreted as being able to use the effect any time during your turn to move 1 counter at a time, but with no limit to how many times you could activate the effect. I found the Japanese text and threw it into Google Translate and it said "once per turn". So I've fixed that. Had to fix the rest of the duel outline too, but that's done now. Shouldn't be any more hiccups.

I'm not sure I'll be using Xyz Monsters. Until their origin becomes a bit clearer in ZEXAL, I'd rather steer clear of them. But if I DO use them, I know exactly how I'll introduce them.

2380198 i won't hold my breath for yugi or jaden to appear, but will yuma or any of the other zexal characters at least make an appearance??

ok i have that deck in real life and its a real pain in the neck, sun dragon and moon dragon, but i also use the tricky for easy synchro summon

the tricky
spellcaster 2000/0

"once per turn you can special summon this card if your opponent controls a monster and you dont"

i think, i havent used that deck in ages

Humans and Ponies I Predict Will Hit it Off:

Jack: Jack is one of the coolest characters in all of 5D's. There's no doubt that he and Rainbow Dash are going to become friends (despite multiple bull-headed arguments along the way :twilightblush:). Not to mention, his taste in fashion (and the fact that he's a total hunk) will attract Rarity (and he would easily take advantage of her low rates) (wink wink).

Crow: Crow's devotion to the orphans (whom he considers his family) will be heavily admired by Applejack. However, with his daring attitude and strong spirit, he'll also be a favorite of Rainbow Dash's.

Akiza: With her newfound kindness that she will develop on her road to being a nurse, she'll get Fluttershy to warm up to her. Plus, her knowledge in the field would be of interest to Twilight. And I don't know why, but I feel that she and Applejack would get along nicely.

Leo: I assume that he'll be the most apprehensive about the ponies at first and will be one of the last to fully warm up to them. But, as it mostly would be, it's Pinkie Pie, the friendliest of them all, who wins Leo over.

Luna: Her soft and kind attitude is almost identical to Fluttershy's. No surprise here.

Martha: I think that Pinkie Pie's being great with kids or Applejack's cooking skills would be received well by Martha.

Carly: She'll go gaga for all of them.

Damn it! I wanted to bring that match made in heaven to fimfiction. Said match being the princesses and the sun/moon dragons.

Wow.... Dueling is magic! I just caught up with it all... and it's easily one of my favorite crossovers I've read. I like how you give the ponies decks that make sense, and I honestly need to keep better track of the shows, because I've only seen Yusei's and The Twin's (C + L) deck types before.... :twilightblush: I had no idea the Cbeasts could even hope to compete with Malefic monsters.... but Dash did good. I hope we see more of this awesome stuff! Keep up the good work!

2380198 Speaking of Jack and Crow, am I correct in expecting them to have Black-Winged Dragon and Red Nova Dragon in their decks in this fic?

And speaking of the signer dragons will Leo have Life Stream Dragon too? And let's throw in some Assualt Mode and Majestic action into the mix, those guys could use a bit more love, pluse they'd make some pretty good plan B strategys should Accel Synchro (Or in Jacks case Double Tuning) fall short of the mark.

And now that I've brought up Accel Synchro, does Yusei have Shooting Quesar Dragon in this fic?

Don't worry about my review by the way, I'll give a full one once the main story get's going. I will say now however, I am REALLY liking what I'm seeing so far.

Jack and Crow will have their ace monsters now that Paradox has returned them. Leo will probably still have Life Stream Dragon. Seeing as he gave the physical card to Yusei in the final duel against Z-one, I see no reason why Leo wouldn't still have it.

The Majestics are no longer accessible to Jack and Yusei. The Crimson Dragon left at the end of 5D's, taking its marks with it. Majestic Dragon was only accessible through the Crimson Dragon's power.

I don't know about any Assault Mode monsters. It really depends on how the duels flow.

Shooting Quasar will be... difficult. I still don't know about it.

I've never heard of these cards the Princesses are playing but they really suit them.

2406257 Okey, cool I've wanted to see how you'd handle those dragons.

Ooooh so THAT'S what happened, I never got to see the end of the series (Fucking copyright spoil-sports!) so I thought the Majestics were still an option, to bad though, I really liked those ones, they were so shiny.:rainbowlaugh:

I'll cross my fingers then and hope for the best.

It can be a chore to summon can't it, I guess it all comes down to preference.

2414510 They were used by Rex Goodwin in the ultimate shadow turbo duel at the end of the first season of 5D's

I doubt you'll bother, but I've got some card ideas you can use if you want. Here they are:

Name: Malefic Raigeki
Card type: Normal Spell
Effect: Pay 1000 life points to destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field. After activating this card, instead of being sent to the graveyard, it is added to your opponent's hand.

Name: Malefic Feather Duster
Card Type: Normal Spell
Effect: Pay 1000 life points to destroy all Spell and Trap cards on your opponent's side of the field. After activating this card, instead of being sent to the graveyard, it is added to your opponent's hand.

Name: Reality Check
Card Type: Normal Trap
Effect: Pay 500 life points to look at every card in your opponent's hand and every face-down card on their side of the field.

Name: Passive Spirit - NuYang
Card Type: Effect Monster
Attribute: Dark
Level: 4
Monster Type: Fairy
ATK/DEF: 1000/1000
Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned simultaneously from your hand with Dominant Spirit - EleYin. This card is unaffected by your opponent's card effects. If there is not a face-up Dominant Spirit - EleYin on your side of the field, destroy this card.

Name: Dominant Spirit - EleYin
Card Type: Effect Monster
Attribute: Light
Level: 4
Monster Type: Fairy
ATK/DEF: 1000/1000
Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned simultaneously from your hand with Passive Spirit - NuYang. This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. If there is not a face-up Passive Spirit - NuYang on your side of the field, destroy this card.

Name: WuJi Fusion
Card Type: Quick Play Spell
Effect: Remove from play from your side of the field the following cards: Passive Spirit - NuYang, and Dominant Spirit - EleYin. Special Summon one Atomic Spirit - YinYang from your Extra Deck in face up Attack or Defense Position.

Name: Atomic Spirit - YinYang
Card Type: Fusion/Effect Monster
Attribute: Wind
Level: 8
Monster Type: Fairy
ATK/DEF: 2000/2000
Effect: This card cannot be summoned except by the effect of WuJi Fusion. If this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, both players take 10000 points of damage.

2439643 I notice all of these are written in the old text format. I can rewrite them in the new format and PM them to you if you like.

I really like these stories. Keep up the good work, Wolfgang! And I'd definitely want to play against you irl sometime...

In fact, you know what I'd like to see? Sayer (or Divine) is brought back from the dead and/or Netherworld by Nightshroud and becomes a new servant of his. Personally, I think that Sayer got a weak ending by just being eaten by Ccarayhua; I think after killing Misty's brother and murdering Carly, I felt like there should have been a lot more done with him (and done too him, the bastard).

Edit: I just learned that Sayer was resurrected after the Dark Signer battle and then arrested. In that case, he should DEFINITELY come back.

2441303 In the words of Joey Wheeler, "Oh man, I just got a killer idea!"

Enjoying the show so far dude, and the way your setting up Neo Domino City, very mysterious and ominous. Me likey.:pinkiehappy:

Also, might I suggest maybe having Yusei use his Manga synchro monsters? You know Scarred Warrior, Gravity Warrior, Mighty Warrior, 7 Swords Warrior and Lightning Warrior. I believe these guys may add some verstilaty to his deck, plus his team DID say he's been using the same old tricks for a while now.

2445758 I haven't told you guys yet about Yusei?

2440060 What kind of deck do you run in real life?

2448432 Mishmash of stuff that focuses on Stardust and Shooting Star. Has a number of other tricks too, including Red Nova Dragon. The Extra Deck is my toolbox.

Man, that reminds me of this one time I was facing a friend's Decoy Dragon deck. The guy had Decoy Dragon out and I couldn't get around it. Anytime I swung at it, he had to pick a dragon from his Graveyard and summon it. Even swinging with my biggest thing (Shooting Star at the time), I couldn't hurt him because he could just summon in DEF.

So I have Shooting Star, Number 17 at full power, and a Cyber Dragon on the field. I draw a Junk Synchron. I look at Junk Synchron. I look at my Graveyard and do a mental check of everything Junk can summon that's in there. I look back at my Extra Deck and think about everything I could summon with my current setup. I look at my field. I look at Junk. I look up and ponder for a moment. Then I blink and say the same thing I said above: "Oh man, I just got a killer idea!"

So I summon Junk Synchron. He pulls back one of my LV1 non-Tuners (I run three: Cyber Valley, Stardust Xiaolong, and Boost Warrior). I tune for Armory Arm and equip it to Cyber Dragon. "Cyber Dragon, PUUUUUUNCH!"

My friend almost immediately realized what I was doing and summoned the weakest thing he could in DEF: Ancient Fairy Dragon. Cyber Dragon killed it, Armory Arm punched him in the face for 2100. A few more turns of that and I won. And it worked because Decoy Dragon's effect is mandatory!

2448497 Stardust, huh? You wouldn't happen to use Starlight Road in your deck do you?

2448622 Since I migrated from /Assault Mode to Shooting Star, yeah.

2446498 Well, who else would be in this fic? I mean, he was already in the first two.

2446498 Eh, you'll find out soon enough.

2450526 Let me put it to you this way: I taught my girlfriend how to play. I split my deck into two decks, one for Shooting Star, the other for Assault Mode. The two games we played, she won. And what's more, she has hidden talent as a Duelist. She was better than I expected her to be for a newbie. MUCH better.

And she was playing Shooting Star. So yeah, now I have a deck that can get out two Shooting Star Dragons and sometimes Red Nova Dragon.

BTW, when Celestia activated Ancient Forest, why didn't Twilight remove a counter from Magical Citadel to prevent its destruction? Also,

“Twilight, there’s one other thing,” Celestia continued. “It may be best not to tell your friends about our connection to the Duel Monsters Spirit Realm or the human realm. I don’t know if they


Twilight had asked her friends to meet her in the fields outside of Ponyville. She explained the situation as best she could to the five ponies and Spike.

Did that first part get cut out or something?

However, I'm highly anticipating the adventures of the Mane 6 in the human world.

Magical Citadel's ability to prevent its destruction only protects it from card effects, not game mechanics. The same ruling can be found on Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins.

That's weird.... it must have been cut. I'll fix that.

“Twilight, there’s one other thing,” Celestia continued. “It may be best not to tell your friends about our connection to the Duel Monsters Spirit Realm or the human realm. I don’t know if they . . .

Looks like you forgot to add the rest of her speech. :derpytongue2:

:twilightblush: Twilight Sparkle WINS! Confetti!
:yay: :yay.

2469987 Of course she won. You didn't think I'd have her fail a test, especially when I keep saying I've got big plans for this story, did you?

Nice. Now the REALLY good stuff can start, I can hardly wait!

BTW Since the whole Mane 6 went to earth, does this mean they'll all be dueling, or will it just be Twilght?

2472435 Jury's still out on most of the ponies. I can confirm, however, that Rainbow Dash WILL be dueling.:rainbowdetermined2:

2472633 Well, if you decide to have AJ and Pinkie duel, I have some deck ideas... case your interested.

Here's some more card ideas you're free to use.

Name: Beatstick Soldier
Card Type: Normal Monster
Monster Type: Warrior
Attribute: Earth
Level: 4
ATK/DEF: 2000/1100
Card Lore: Forbidden from learning how to fight by his family, this young man has taught himself what true strength entails and how to achieve it. It's rumored that his weapon was given to him by Warrior Di Grepher.

Name: Beatstick Dragon
Card Type: Normal Monster
Monster Type: Dragon
Attribute: Wind
Level: 4
ATK/DEF: 1900/1900
Card Lore: This dragon was abandoned by its clan for its miniscule strength and was soon after discovered by a young man who provided it with hospitality. The two have formed a strong bond through their daily training exercises and now consider each other brothers.

Name: Heart of the Cards
Card Type: Normal Spell
Card Effect: Select one card from your deck. Place the selected card on top of your deck.

Name: Spirit Orb
Card Type: Normal Trap
Card Effect: Select one random monster from either you or your opponent's graveyard and special summon it to your side of the field in face up defense position. The selected monster cannot change battle position, it's ATK/DEF points both become 0, and it cannot be destroyed as a result of battle.

I'm still debating about custom cards, too. But if I do use any, they will be my of my own creation. It's nothing personal, Razalon; I just want to make sure the duels I write go in the right directions. (Which is, admittedly, whichever direction I think "feels" awesome.)

I sincerely hope you haven't gone the predictable route of having Yusei turn out like Jaden in the third season of GX; Supreme King Jaden, I mean.:trixieshiftright:

I'm curious on what kind of decks the other ponies will be packing.

Well, we know that Twilight runs Spell Counter Spellcasters. Spike has a Gem Dragon/Blue-Eyes hybrid deck. Rainbow Dash uses Crystal Beasts, but her Turbo deck will have an additional twist to it.

As far as the other ponies, I don't know if I'll have anyone other than Rarity duel. And if she does duel, her deck choice will be obvious: Gem-Knights.

2491041 Well, I don't know about AJ and Fluttershy, but Pinkie could have a deck based around flip effects and traps, alluding to her 'surprise' nature.

2492571 Pinkie's deck would be an interesting choice. I suppose something "surprise" based could work. However, if I end up introducing Xyz Monsters, I know EXACTLY what deck she should run: Madolche.

2502781Really? I was thinking a Toon deck would fit her better. Given her random and zany nature, and her habit of bypassing reality like toons bypass monsters to attack directly.

As for the other 2, for AJ I was thinking a Plant deck focused on the three Rose Angel cards(The ones Akiza uses in the manga) with Naturia as a second choice. And Fluttershy... hmm, that's a touphy actually, I guess maybe a Kuri deck? I'll get back to you after I look around some more.

And PLEASE! DON'T go Season 3 Jaden on us with Yusei, it's just to predictable, other then that though, I like what I've seen so far and I can't wait for Rainbow Dragon and Red Nova Dragon to brawl, so don't take to long now.


Well, the next duel has been outlined and I'm currently transcribing it into the story. To keep in step with the title, it'll probably be an extra long chapter. It's either that, or cut the duel down with sheer luck shenanigans, and I really don't wanna do that.

Quick question.

I've always been iffy about these kinds of rulings, but when Rainbow Dragon says it can only be summoned with "7 'Crystal Beast' cards with different names on your field or in your Graveyard," doesn't that mean that the cards must exist either on the field OR in the graveyard?

I even checked the ruling on the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki, and it listed the whole "it can be a combination of both" ruling as a "previous ruling", so is it still valid? It's just I've seen people do this all the time on Dueling Network (along with cards like Miracle Fusion and Miracle Synchro Fusion) and I never can be to sure, because summoning powerful monsters like that can be the edge one needs to win or lose a duel, so is this ruling valid?

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