• Published 8th Apr 2013
  • 1,271 Views, 54 Comments

The Daughter of Drakensdale Hollow - Resurgent Wanderer

Equestria is apparently getting an ambassador, one that they have not quite been told of. As the dragons age and begin to mellow, they decide peace would be prudent, so the king sends his daughter of course. Nothing could possibly happen there...

  • ...

Family values, and water....lots of water.

Lithe groaned loudly as she stretched her full belly. Granny Smith and herself had just finished their lunch and settled themselves in the den when the young Draken-pony began to notice the pictures. The first pictures she noticed were those of Applejack, Big Mac, Applebloom and Granny Smith-Apple. As she continued looking amongst the pictures whilst regaling Granny Smith with her tales of dragon life she began to take note of another two ponies. They were only in a couple of pictures, but they seemed to be from when Granny Smith was younger. Finally unable to fight her curiosity Lithe asked the nagging question.

"If you don't mind me asking, who are those two ponies?"

Granny Smith's gave followed the point of Lithe's claw to a pair of ponies, one stallion, red orange in colour, wearing a stetson, and a mare, light red, standing next to them. In their hooves was a small red foal, a colt, just out of the hospital. To Granny Smith, they were her everything, her daughter and her son in law, the bringer of her grandfoals that had brought her so much joy. Granny Smith almost forgot she was supposed to respond until she noticed Lithe twitch an ear.
"That there's AJ, Mac, and Bloom's ma an pa, my daughter and my son in law. Not a day goes by I don't miss 'em."

Cocking her head to the side, Lithe failed to understand why Granny Smith would miss them.
"Are they out migrating, or trying to find new land?"

There were many things you could call Granny Smith, and insightful was high on that list. It didn't take a genius for Granny Smith to piece together the idea of dragons, half dragons, and then a lack of understanding of death for said half dragon. Even then the elderly mare was at a loss for how to take care of the situation. On one hoof, she could explain to the young filly exactly what had happened, but on the other she had no idea if she would understand. In the end the option was chosen for her when Applebloom's two friends came bolting in the door, worried expressions plastered across their face.

"Applebloom....Tiara....parents....fight...." panted Sweetie Belle, only for a more in breath Scootaloo to translate.
"Diamond Tiara mouthed off about Bloom's mom and dad and Bloom went crazy and beat them up and ran off!"

Granny Smith's eyes grew wide before settling. She knew where her youngest grandfoal had gone, she also knew that her body, especially now, couldn't make the old climb. She only had one choice.
"Well, I hate to bother ya more young'n, especially after your work outside, but would you mind giving me a lift. I need to go help my granddaughter."

Recognising the urgency in Granny Smith-Apple's voice Lithe nodded immediately and gently lifted off the ground before lifting Granny Smith just as gently.

"Where to?"


Lithe and Granny Smith stood a ways off as they both looked upon a sobbing young filly, red bow in her mane, laying before two simple gravestones on a hill. They had stood there for a while now, Applebloom screaming at Granny Smith when she'd tried to get closer. Lithe had been arguing with herself for a while now, and it was finally culminating to a point. Setting her shoulder, the filly pat Granny Smith-Apple's back gently with a wing.
"I think I can help."
With that Lithe moved forward.

As she neared Applebloom the little filly tossed her a 'dirty' look, or as dirty as one could when their eyes were red and puffy from crying.
"Whadda you want!"

Laying next to the Applebloom calmly Ltihe just gave a shrug of her shoulders.
"Curious. You know, it isn't an easy thing, losing a parental figure..."

"Don't you start," Applebloom growled, "All ya big ponies think thacha know what's wrong. Well ya don't! Ya don't know anything! Everypony felt so bad for mah older brother'n'sistr cause they 'lost' their ma an' pa, but not me! No, Ah didn' even get to know them!" Applebloom yelled, her voice threatening to break, "An' it's worse, 'cause Ah don't even know if they loved me! An' Diamond Tiar is probably right, they don't! Ah'm just a stupid blank flank!"

As Lithe watched the filly finish her rant she swept a wing out to embrace her, pulling her close. This only seemed to further enrage to grief driven Applebloom.

"Ah don' want yer pity, Ah jus' want ma an' pa! Lemme go, Ah want ma an' pa!"

Rather than comply Lithe moved her head closer so that she could speak to Applebloom.
"I can understand why it's hard. Never knowing your mum and dad. I never got to know my mum, and my dad and I...we get along, but not as well as we could. He's always off playing dragon king somewhere. My mum passed away when I was just a little draken-pony. I never had any true memories of her, and I felt the same way you did once too. But that's where the best memory of my family comes in."

"Ah don' care....Ah jus' want mah ma an' pa back..." Bloom sobbed, no longer trying to strike at the mare.

Regardless Lithe carried on.
"Dragons are unique in the fact that they consider every other member of their species family, and there was this one dragon, an orphan, who helped me. He told me that he knew my mum loved me because if she didn't she wouldn't have made me. He also told me that my mum was always watching after me, no mater what, and then he taught me how to talk to her."

Applebloom looked up with a look that read of hope and intrigue. Her mane blew back from a strong gust of wind flowing towards the Acres so Lithe blocked it with a wing before continuing.
"Whenever I want to talk to my mum, I just have to think of her real hard and talk. That's all there is to it."

Suddenly Applebloom grew sceptical as Lithe focused her eyes on the slowly setting sun before them.
"Heya mum, having a great time in Ponyville so far and making friends. Did you know it's only been two days and I've met over six ponies! Pretty crazy, I know. I'm a little shy too, but I'm working on it, oh, and when I come and see you someday in the sky I'm going to have to have my friend show me how to make something amazing called pancakes! Well, that's all there is for now, catch you on the flip side mum!"
As Lithe finished speaking she had a rather content look on her face. Lithe turned to regard Applebloom who was looking at her in disbelief.

"You jus' talked to nothin', nopony was there!"

Grinning cheekily Lithe rolled her eyes.
"How do you know nopony was there?"

"Well...Ah didn' see anypony!"

Lithe nodded at this, but pressed on.
"You don't have to see somepony to know they care. Do your brother and sister care? I'm pretty sure they do, but they aren't here. Come on, give it a try."

Applebloom looked apprehensive for a few minutes before screwing her eyes shut in concentration. The wind still blew strong towards the Acres from the hill they were on.

"Hey ma an' pa. Ah...Ah don't really remember you, but Ah wish Ah could. Ah wish everyday Ah could remember you, and Ah wish Ah could know you still remembered me, but it's hard an' stuff, an' some ponies are mean..." Applebloom stopped for a moment as a sob broke free from her lips and Lithe hugged her closer, "But Ah jus' got told that you were always listenin', so Ah jus' wanted you to know that Ah wish Ah could've remembered you two, an' thanks for makin' me an' such....Ah love ya ma an' pa...please...please let me know you love me too...please..."

For a devastating minute nothing happened at all, and just as Applebloom was about to give up any semblance of hope a strong and stray gust of wind came whipping out from Sweet Apple Acres towards the hill, lifting a few leaves and swirling around the farm filly while carrying the homey scent of apples. As it died away the wind continued blowing towards the farm, but Applebloom's face was wide with shock and joy. Excitedly she threw her hooves around Lithe's neck.

"They love me too, that was their sign! Ma an' pa love me too!"

Tears of joy poured from Applebloom's face as Lithe held her close.
"I told you they were always listening, and you know what the best part is? You can talk to them whenever you want. Doesn't matter when or where you are, their always watching out for you."

Nodding Applebloom gripped Lithe a little tighter as Granny Smith can out and sat next to them. As Applebloom told her tail of how she knew her ma and pa loved her, the elderly mare's eyes took a younger light to them, like a great burden had been lifted from her shoulders.

As the sun continued to set the trio stayed out on the hill for a while longer until Lithe realised that she would need to head back to Twilight's for the night. As Lithe walked down the hill and into the acreage she stopped for just a moment to remove an apple tree branch, complete with two apples, out from under her wing.

Looking down at it, the draken-pony sighed, content for the night and flapped lazily back towards Ponyville.


Twilight trotted into the bathroom much like she would any other morning. Her routine was simple, brush her teeth, brush her mane, relieve herself and then go about her day. Lifting her toothbrush in her magic she quickly applied the toothpaste while simultaneously lifting her mane brush and straightening out the knots from her sleep. Once satisfied with her looks she turned to make use of her toilet only to start slightly as she realised something-no, somepony actually- was in her bathtub!

Drawing the curtains wide Twilight was both relieved and mystified to find Lithe curled up in the bottom of her porcelain shower base. Smiling slightly at the odd humour of it Twilight lifted Lithe in her magic and carried her through to her own room. She set the draken-pony down on her bed above the covers and released her hold only to freeze when Lithe shifted slightly.

Lithe yawned wide and Twilight only just now noticed the two razor sharp, vicious looking canines that jutted from her lower jaw and the four more jutting from Lithe's upper jaw. Twilight watched as Lithe's tongue arched like that of a cat's own and how all four legs stretched out, claws flexing, as if trying to find something. Then as soon as it started it ended when Lithe's left claw bumped a pillow and she quickly snatched it closer to her and curled around it, still sleeping lightly.

For Twilight it was like one of those precious moments when you watched a foal do something really cute, only instead it was a half dragon half pony adult. In fact it was so cute Twilight realised that she'd been sitting there staring for the past minutes. Blushing slightly she scurried away back to the bathroom to finish her business and start her day.


After a number of half asleep half awake rolling around Lithe was soon racing through the library screaming at whatever creature was stuck to her face. The worst part was that when she'd tried to pull it off it had grabbed her right claws and held fast, apparently determined to consume her as it slowly wrapped around her wing during her frantic running.

After impacting two walls Lithe successfully managed to inadvertently find the stairs and go tumbling down them before landing on her back. During the tumble she also managed to further become ensnared by the foul beast that had assailed her.

As she struggled and flailed about Twilight trotted out from the kitchen to see what the commotion was about when she spotted Lithe struggling fruitlessly against the hold of an entangled blanket. Her first thought was to laugh, but that thought ended just about as fast as it started when she swore she heard Lithe crying. Moving quickly Twilight grasped the blanket in her magic and teleported it off to her room to reveal two frantic blue flecked orange eyes and a hyperventilating draken-pony. As soon as Lithe realised she was free she leapt to her feet, looked around for any other threats, then half hugged half crawled under Twilight while shaking fitfully, tears running down her face.

It was this that made Twilight happiest that she hadn't laughed before, and after thinking about it realised that coming from the dragons it was no small wonder that Lithe might not have known what a blanket was. Especially if she'd awoken with it already wrapped around her. Rubbing a hoof through Lithe's mane gently, much like her own mother had used to do when she was scared.

"Hey now Lithe, you're fine, everything is fine." Twilight soothed as Lithe slowly began to relax and dry her eyes, "I took care of it, you're perfectly safe. How about we go get you some breakfast? I usually only make them on special occasions, but I'll make my mom's style pancakes again, okay?"

This drew a nod and slight smile from Lithe as she sniffled and rubbed her eyes dry.
"O...okay. Are you sure its gone? I don't think it wanted to let go of me until...until..."

When Twilight saw Lithe was about to upset herself she pulled her into a quick hug and led her into the kitchen so she could start making breakfast. She also decided to steer the conversation in a less blanket oriented direction.
"So, how was working at the farm yesterday? I'd imagine you worked hard."

Any apprehension or lingering fear that had been plaguing Lithe before hoof disappeared at the mention to the work she had done yesterday, and the two new friends she'd made as well. As the draken-pony delved into her tale of the events she'd taken part in the previous day she couldn't hide her excitement. Lithe bubbled with joy and excitement as she told of how much fun it was to flit amongst the trees. The leisure and satisfaction when she felt her hind claws connect with a tree and the sounds of the apples falling into the baskets in response. The rush of a job well done, it was all just so much!

As Lithe finished her tale(and her pancakes) she stood and placed her dish in the sink before turning to Twilight.
"Any thing we plan on doing today?"

"Actually," Twilight smiled as she looked up, "Pinkie Pie, a friend of mine, has a party set up for you today. We should actually be on our way over soon. Why don't you head upstairs and take a shower after working yesterday, then we can head out? I'll get the dishes."

Nodding, Lithe turned and skipped off out the room allowing Twilight to take free reign over the dishes in the sink.

Twilight watched the bubbly mare skip off with a smile. She moved forward and began cleaning the dishes, marvelling over how such a mare could fear for her life one moment and then be so carefree the next. Maybe it was the makings of a new friendship report. Just as she finished the last dish there was a call from upstairs and the sound of rushing water.

"Twilight! I think I broke it....."


Both Twilight and Lithe giggled ridiculously as they shook bubbles and excess water from their manes and tails, the latter also attempting not to skid around too much on her not-meant-for-wet-tile claws. Twilight was currently waving a soapy ball of water threateningly in her aura as Lithe playfully glared back with a wet wrapped towel hanging from her mouth.

"Give it up Lithe, I've got magic and wings on my side!" Twilight mock bragged.

"Meah? Wew I've go' a toew!" the draken-pony pretend threatened right on back.

In response the alicorn sent the ball of water straight at Lithe's face, but the draken-pony blocked it with a wing and lunged forward in an attempt to land next to Twi and pop her in the flank with the towel. The one thing Lithe forgot about but quickly remembered upon landing was her not-meant-for-wet-tile claws as she went sliding into the alicorns legs causing them both to slip a few hooves in a tangled mess.

Upon coming to a halt in their slide Twilight and Lithe both made to get up at the same time, again causing them to slip and fall against each other again. Landing half on top of the other half on the ground, both Lithe and Twilight stopped for a moment to regain their breath, having just spent upwards of the last hour having a water fight.

"Well, that was fun." wheezed Twilight as she lay under a wing and a leg of Lithe's.

In response the darken-pony flicked some excess water at her and blew a raspberry.
"I won. I won and you know it!"

Shaking her head Twilight got to her hooves and flicked some water right on back at Lithe.
"You slipped and accidentally tripped me..."

Lithe attempted to leap to her feet and defend herself, but found she still had no grip on the wet tile and started falling again. Twilight quickly stepped forward and caught Lithe against her causing Lithe's head to rest just under Twilight's chin in an almost intimate yet awkward hug. Realising what what they both pulled back from on another, albeit carefully, as a red hue rose to Twilight's cheeks, both matching and contrasting the natural blue hue gracing Lithe's cheeks.

"So..." Lithe trailed, suddenly feeling very shy again, "About that party, shall we clean up and head out?"

At a nod from Twilight Lithe went to fetch the mop and bucket she'd seen in the kitchen.

Author's Note:

I like this character I've done. I've always had some terrible past or some such with my characters, but I like just making a relatively happy carefree character who isn't being haunted, hunted chased or attacked or some such like other characters I've done. (i.e. Tailwind, Telvanni, Aon, Sanguine Ashes, Faolan and more.)

But yep, first attempt at a carefree character granted I also want to be able to relate her, such as with Applebloom and their parents(which I'll delve more into Lithe's family later.

And then of course Twilight and Lithe's water fight, which goes right back to cutesy =).

Expect chapter 3, and more cutesy fun stuff, with in the next three days or so, real life willing.

Finally, two choices, laugh because Lithe was 'attacked by a blanket' but 'play-wrestled with a manticore' or actually feel bad because she thought she was going to die =P