• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 7,644 Views, 557 Comments

Millie - totallynotabrony

In the underworld of Equestria, one mysterious pony is fearfully whispered about. Only Vinyl and Octavia know why he left a trail of destruction through the criminal ranks. Now he's back, and, well...not a he anymore.

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Chapter 7C

The barista finished the order and checked the name written on the cup. “Ice?”

I stepped forward to take the coffee from her. The little shop had become a favorite of mine since arriving in Manehattan three months before. So much so that I even got coffee there in the afternoon, well beyond the time caffeine would do me any good. That was all right. I was planning on having a long night, although sometimes I wished such things could start sooner rather than later.

Stepping outside, I blew across the top of the cup. It steamed like a chimney in the cold air. Maybe I could get a bit of breeze to cool it off to drinking temperature.

Stretching out my wings, I checked the sky before taking off. The last thing I wanted was to cause some sort of traffic accident. It must be my old cop instincts at work. Glancing around to get my bearings, I set off on a leisurely, time-killing flight. I took the opportunity to survey the buildings and streets.

There was something wrong with this city. Granted, there was something wrong with most of them. Something drove ponies to be indecent to each other. So much crime… I couldn’t let my outrage show in public, however. I had to keep up appearances.

When it stopped burning my lips, the coffee went down quickly. I dropped low to the street to find a litter bin for the empty cup. I realized I was near a jazz club that I had been to a few times. It was still early, but maybe they were open.

I was expecting music but not strutting models. The sign above the door was correct, so I knew I was in the right place. A pink unicorn assured me that the club was only temporarily closed for a fashion show. I’m not sure if it was her manner or the way her mane was shredded, but she seemed ill-at-ease. I wanted to ask if something was wrong, but I’ve learned a hard truth over the years that you can’t save everypony. I had discovered that law enforcement can be a rewarding career, but it’s never quite satisfying.

Well, jazz was out. I would have to find something else to keep me busy until nightfall when I could go to work.