• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 18,991 Views, 1,338 Comments

Flames and Twilight. - Ausbrony

A sequel to my fanficton, A Pony out of Place. How will life in Equestria treat Flare now he has opted to stay with Twilight and her friends? (Takes place during season 3)

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His True Purpose. Part Two

Chapter Two - His True Purpose - part 2.

The sun had set and Luna’s moon shone brightly in the sky, surrounded by an ocean of stars. Flare trotted casually towards the Crusader tree house. His saddlebags were laden with things like marshmallows, cookies, soda, and other unhealthy snacks.

As he got closer, he could hear cheerful music emanating from the wooden structure and the voices of more than three fillies giggling from it.

He climbed up the narrow ramp and opened the door just a bit, peering inside. Unable to see anything, he nudged it open and saw the CMC, along with a couple of their friends, dancing to a polka song from an old gramophone.

“Hey girls!” he greeted, causing every pony in the room to turn and look at him.

Scootaloo stopped the music and ran over, helping him with his saddlebags. “Hey Flare! Bout time you got here.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” he apologised. “I was helping Mrs. Cake feed Pound and Pumpkin while Mr. Cake finished off a large order,” he explained. “Though they gave me extra stuff as thanks!”

“You’re always helping out everypony, huh?” Sweetie Belle commented. “You’re a true gentlecolt!”

Flare blushed slightly at the comment, “Yeah, I suppose so…”

One of the other fillies, a cream coloured one with a frizzy red mane and glasses, began to sing. “Fware an Sweetie sttin’ in a tree~ K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”

Sweetie Belle turned bright red and glared at the filly, “Be quiet Twist! I do not have a crush on Flare!”

“I neveah said anyfin about a cwush,” Twist pointed out with a grin that made Sweetie Belle blush even harder and bury herself in a pillow.

The other foals laughed and even Flare did a little until Sweetie join the giggles. A little painted colt turned to the Crusaders and asked, “So who is this guy?”

”Huh? Oh right, we haven’t introduced the Crusader’s honorary member yet,” Apple Bloom realised.

“This here is Flare Blitz! Though he may be a little older than the rest ‘o’ us, he’s still one of us!” Apple Bloom said proudly. “Well ‘cept fer Twist, who has her Cutie Mark already.”

Flare Blitz stepped up to the little podium that Apple Bloom was standing at and gave the group a polite little bow. “A pleasure to meet you all,” he said and smiled warmly.

“I’ll introduce everypony else” Scootaloo said. “Well you already know Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, an’ me, but this here is Twist,” she motioned to the glasses-wearing filly. “That there is Pipsqueak,” she said and pointed to the painted colt and then to a light purple unicorn filly with a golden mane. “And of course, you know Dinky Doo as well,” Scoots said as Dinky wore a huge smile and raced over to hug Flare.

Flare smiled again. “Well alright then,” he said. “What say we get this little party underway?”

The six foals cheered and Sweetie put the music back on. Flare danced with them for a while, but soon enough, he was content to just sit back and read a few scrolls on magic principles and eat marshmallows. After the young ones had enough of dancing about, it was time for dinner.

“So uh, what are we doing for dinner?” Flare asked out of curiosity. “Surely something that isn’t coated in sugar?”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Our grub should be arriving shortly...” And no sooner had the words left her mouth than there was a knock at the door. Apple Bloom opened it and Big Macintosh walked in, a sizeable platter that was wrapped in a checked sheet on his back.

“Thanks fer bringin’ this over Big Brother!” Apple bloom said.

Mac placed the platter on a table and nodded. “Eeyup,” he simply replied. He shot a glance at Flare and smiled. “Enjoyin yer slumber party?” he grinned.

“Oh hush” Flare shot back, also smiling. He knew the draft horse was only teasing. He did look oddly out of place after all. “And at least they have some adult supervision… unless you feel like staying too?”

“Eenope!” Big Mac quickly replied and headed back to the farmhouse and a fresh mug of vintage cider that was waiting for him.

Flare took the sheet off of the platter to reveal a nice looking spread of fruits, vegetables, bread, and apples. Lots and lots of apples.

“Whoa, thith lookth awethome!” Twist said. “Your Gwanny can make a nithe spwead.”

That was something that everypony could agree to and they wasted no time in tucking in. After the meal, Scootaloo asked what the next item on the agenda was.

“How about scary stories?” Pip asked. “It’s a must with sleepovers and camping.”

“Well I’m not afraid of anything!” Scootaloo said confidently. “Bring it on!”

Dinky didn’t look as enthusiastic. “Um, do we hafta?” she said. “I don’t really like scary stories.”

Flare smiled, she was adorable. “Don’t worry about it,” he said calmly. “I’m here, so nothing’s going to hurt you.”

Dinky nodded, but she still wasn’t looking forward to it.

“So who wants to go first?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“How about Flare?” Pip suggested. “I bet he knows some scary ones.”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo agreed. “Go for it Flare, scare our tails off! If you think you can that is?” Scoots was confident that Flare couldn’t do it. Her dad would tell scary stories sometimes, but failed epically at it. Scootaloo would usually wind up laughing instead of shrieking.

Flare had to think. He didn’t want to scare them too much, but he also didn’t know if the stories he knew were all that scary. “Okay,” he said. “Gather round little ponies and I’ll tell you the tale of Darkrai, the Lord of Nightmares!”

He dimmed the lights so all that remained was a single lantern in the centre of the circle. They all stared at him with eager eyes as he began to speak…

On nights such as this, when the moon is calm and bright.

And all the little children have settled down for the night.

Those whose dreams are light and pure.

To Darkrai, they hold the greatest allure.

In the dead of night, he’ll come whilst you sleep.

No way to resist, not even a peep.

With form of pitch black, your dreams he’ll corrupt.

From happiness and hope, nightmares most foul will erupt.

Only horror and darkness await the unwary.

Nothing you’ll encounter will ever be as scary.

With the morning sun, comes blessed relief.

Until he returns to scare you beyond belief.

So beware little ponies for when you close your eyes.

Darkrai will be there, until the morn’s sunrise.

Flare Blitz leaned in close and with a barely audible whisper, “He might be here right now… RIGHT BEHIND YOUUU!!”

They all shrieked as Flare ignited the lanterns and all the foals collapsed, giggling with nervousness and relief.

“That was scary!” Pip said. “Scary but fun though.”

“Yeah!” Dinky agreed. “It was scary, but it’s a good kind of scary. It was a good story Flare.”

“It wasn’t too scary for anypony?” He asked, hoping that nopony would get nightmares for real.

Everypony shook their heads, everypony except Scootaloo. She sat bolt upright and her coat seemed paler in colour.

“You okay there, Scoots?” Flare asked dubiously. “It wasn’t too scary for you was it?”

“W-w-what, n-no way!” Scootaloo replied, shaking like a leaf in a windstorm. “I-I-it wasn’t s-s-scary at all. N-not one bit!”

“Well okay then,” Flare replied. “Anypony feel like making some smores?”

“Yeah!” the kids replied and followed Flare outside to start a fire to melt the marshmallows. Scootaloo hadn’t budged an inch.

“I never, ever, ever want to hear another scary story for as long as I live,” Scootaloo mentally reassured herself.


It was late when they all retired for the evening. A multitude of sleeping bags had been placed around the clubhouse and several snores could already be heard. Flare was still awake however, having consumed enough sugar to make Pinkie proud.

“Tonight wasn’t so bad,” he thought. “I never would have done something like this back home.”

The moon high above softly illuminated the clubhouse, and combined with the sounds of sleeping children, it gave the whole room a sense of gentleness and serenity.

Even Scootaloo was sleeping peacefully. She had seemed shaken up after the story, which made Flare feel bad. But after inquiring about the multitude of Rainbow Dash paraphernalia around the room, she had explained that the CMC clubhouse also doubled as the Rainbow Dash Fan Club meeting place. She then proceeded to explain why Rainbow Dash was the coolest, most awesome pony to ever exist. For an hour.

As Flare’s eyes finally began to close there was a soft snap coming from outside, and at first, Flare paid little heed. Then little Dinky was there, shaking him gently awake.

“Um, Mr. Flare?” she said, her little voice holding a hint of nervousness. “I think something’s outside.”

Flare opened his eyes and looked at the little unicorn. “It must have been a dream, Dinky,” he said quietly. That was until he heard another twig snap and the sound of soft footsteps.

Getting up, he moved to a window and carefully glanced outside. He saw something that made him rather unsettled. Several creatures that kind of reminded him of Mightyena, but made of wood, circled the tree house.

“Let’s see, one, two, three… six,” he counted in his head. He turned back to Dinky and the other foals that were also slowly waking up. Flare put a hoof to his mouth to keep them silent.

“I need everypony to be totally quiet,” he whispered.

“What’s goin’ on?” Apple Bloom whispered back.

Flare glanced out the window again and then back to Apple Bloom. “There’s some things outside, they’re made of wood and…” he sniffed the air and crinkled his nose. “What is that smell?”

“Timberwolves!” Apple Bloom said. “They come from the Everfree Forest.”

“Are they dangerous?” Flare asked her.

“Very,” Apple Bloom said. “Everything from the Everfree is-.”

Flare glanced out the window and saw their numbers had diminished by one. The others were no longer circling and just stared at the tree house. “Now what are they…?”

His head turned when he heard a scratching at the door. Sweetie Belle and Dinky shrieked and ran over to Flare.

“Okay!” He said firmly but calmly. “I want everypony to stay near the rear of the clubhouse.” He looked towards Apple Bloom. “Does that door open outwards?”

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom responded. “Why?”

“Here’s the plan!” Flare said. “I’m going to drive them away.”

“You can’t do that!” Sweetie Belle interrupted. “It’s too dangerous, you’ll get hurt!”

“Better me than all of you,” Flare replied. “I’m going to drive them off and once that door is open and I’m outside, I want that door closed and barricaded. Close the windows too, just in case they can jump high enough.”

“But-?” Dinky argued, but Flare cut her off.

“Don’t worry,” he said, kneeling down in front of her and the others. “I won’t let anything happen to any of you and I’ll be just fine. Okay?”

They all remained silent until Dinky and Sweetie nodded. “Okay, but be careful please?”

Flare nodded and walked to the front door. The scratching was becoming more furious as the door rattled and shook. Scootaloo and Pip readied themselves to close the door once Flare was clear as the other four closed and locked windows.
Flare rose onto his front legs and gave the door a sudden, powerful buck. The door swung open violently and caused the unsuspecting Timberwolf on the other side to have the door smack it right in the face, launching it from the narrow ramp. Flare stepped outside and kicked the door shut. Once he heard it lock he leapt from the ramp and came face-to-face with the pack of wolves.

The cloudless sky and the bright full moon gave him decent visibility and the glowing eyes and rancid breath of the wolves offered them little in the way of stealth anyhow. The pack wasted no time in surrounding Flare, growling hungrily.

“Think you’re tough, picking on small children, huh?” Flare goaded. “It’s too bad for you that I’m here, so run away now and maybe I won’t smack you down!”

The wolves’ growling became louder as one of them leapt at Flare, who promptly bucked it in the face, causing it to shatter in a pile of sticks and leaves.

“Huh? Guess this’ll be easier than I thought” Flare mused. But his bravado quickly went south as he saw the remains twitch and then reform back into a snarling Timberwolf.

“Of course they can regenerate.” Flare muttered. “It’s not like anything in Equestria plays by the rules…”

The wolves leapt at him, which he evaded by jumping straight up, causing several wolves to crash into one another.

“Okay, so physical blows won’t work and I still can’t use my attacks...” Flare had no idea how he could beat these things in a fight. Maybe if he broke them enough times, they would just leave?

He then noticed a lantern hanging above the door of the treehouse and he got a brilliant idea.

He ran back up the ramp and grabbed the lantern with his mouth, as one wolf attempted to charge at him, Flare tossed the lantern, smashing it against the wolf and watched as it ignited into a mobile bonfire. But therein lay the problem. The wolf bolted in panic from its burning body and headed straight towards the apple orchard!

Flare got ahead of it using a burst of speed and bucked it hard, knocking it back. The wolf tumbled across the dirt, causing the flames to extinguish. The orchard was safe but Flare was running out of options. They could regenerate and his location meant that using fire was out of the question.

“Argh, dammit! What do I do?” He had to keep those kids safe and he sure as hell didn’t want to be dinner for these things either. His train of thought caused him to become distracted however, and that train became derailed as a Timberwolf sank its fangs into his hind leg.

"YEARRGHH!” Flare lashed out with his other leg, shattering the Timberwolf into pieces. For a moment anyhow.


Sweetie Belle cringed when she heard Flare cry out. “We have to help him!” she pleaded to the others. “He’s getting hurt trying to save us!”

“Well what do we do!?” Scootaloo said. “We’re just little fillies, we can’t fight Timberwolves!”

Pipsqueak gave the pegasus and unamused stare at being called a filly.

Apple Bloom looked around and saw a large bushel of apples in the corner. “Where’s that baseball launcher?”

“For when we tried to be Cutie Mark Crusader Baseball All-Stars?” Sweetie Belle confirmed. “It’s in the closet, why?”

“Jus an idea,” Apple Bloom grinned.


Flare watched the wolves carefully, his hind leg dripping blood and shooting sharp pains throughout his body. Things weren’t exactly looking up right now. He couldn’t use any attacks and since his magic refused to work, he couldn’t use Twilight Blaze either. Why did he have to be so useless!?

One of the wolves leapt at him and he flinched. He had been trained by the best and yet this creature was causing him to flinch because he doubted himself.

“YEEEEHAAAHHHHH!” Apple Bloom hollered as a window flung open and an odd device protruded from it. She aimed at the wolf and the device started firing high speed apples.

It was total carnage as the high velocity fruit ripped the fragile bodies of the wolves apart… until they ran out of apples.

Flare was stunned to say the least. “Apple artillery, huh?” he mused, “Why not?” He looked up at the foals that had gathered at the windows and flashed them a grateful smile.

Then the wolves regenerated again.

“Oh c’mon!” Flare said with an exasperated sigh. This was getting ridiculous, but he glanced at those fillies and he knew that he couldn’t and wouldn’t give up! Not now and not ever!

Dinky noticed something and pointed it out. “Hey everypony! Look!” she pointed at Flare and to something shining on his flank.

“Is that?” Scootaloo said.

“His Cutie Mark!” Sweetie Belle said.

A silver shield with a heart-shaped flame emanating from it shone on his flank.

“It’s cool!” Scootaloo breathed. “What do you think it means?”

Flare’s horn lit up with crimson light and he felt a familiar power course through his body. “It means I’m back in business!” He said as the wolves reformed, though more slowly than last time. “Are they slowing down?” he wondered.

“Lupus lignus,” Sweetie Belle explained. “As long as they can tap into the magic of the Everfree, they can regenerate. But that power diminishes over time should they stay outside the forest.”

Everypony just looked at her.

“What?” she squeaked. “I read it in a book.”

Flare nodded and turned to face the wolves. “So once more should do it?” He confirmed. The wolves charged, they would not be denied their meal.

“You chose a poor path to tread” Flare said as flames began to flicker along his coat. “You should have stayed in the forest”. The flame grew brighter as his entire body became engulfed in a coat of red and orange hues.

“Now try this on for size!” His flames shifted to a gold and purple hue as magic sparked from his horn. “One main course of Twilight Blaze, coming up!”

Flare charged into the group of Timberwolves, the attack catching all of the beasts in its blast radius.

The foals viewing the spectacle tucked behind the window as the shockwave rocked the entire tree house and probably half the orchard.

Once the noise died down, they peered out to see Flare sitting there. The remains the Timberwolves were just toothpicks, scattered about the place.

They ran from the clubhouse and down to where Flare was sitting.

“Are you okay?” Dinky asked him.

Sweetie Belle was looking at his hind leg, the one that got bitten. “It doesn’t look too bad,” Sweetie Belle suddenly grinned. “I guess it’s bark is worse that it’s bite huh?”

“Slumber parties are rough,” Flare groaned, both from exhaustion and the terrible joke. The others just laughed.

Flare pulled the six foals into a hug and sighed. “At least you guys are safe,” he said thankfully.

“Thanks to you!” Sweetie Belle said. “And you even got your Cutie Mark!”

Flare looked down at his flank and saw it there. “Oh yeah, there’s that too. Guess I’m pretty awesome huh?”

“Pft, not as awesome as Rainbow Dash” Scootaloo argued with a grin. “Buuut, I suppose you come in at a close second.”

“I totally want to be as cool as you when I grow up!” Pip said.

Flare ruffled his mane and smiled. “And I bet you will. I know you’ll all be fine ponies.”

There was a shout as Big Macintosh came running up. “Whut happened?” he asked, looking around and then to Flare Blitz. “Is everypony okay?”

Flare nodded as Mac helped him to his hooves. “Yeah, everything’s just fine…”


The following afternoon, Flare relaxed comfortably in the library reading a book as the CMC dashed here and there, cleaning up the place.

“You really don’t have to do this,” Flare said. “My leg isn’t all that bad and you guys don’t owe me anything.”

“But we want to help!” Sweetie Belle said.

“No, you just wanted to spend more time with your ‘special somepony’!” Scootaloo teased, causing the unicorn filly to blush.

“He is not!” Sweetie Belle denied, though it didn’t sound very convincing.

The door suddenly swung open as six tired-looking mares entered the library.

“I still wish I could have kept that coat,” Rarity whined softly. “I looked soo fabulous.”

“An’ ah told ya that ya look jus’ fine as is,” Applejack said for must have been the umpteenth time.

The chattering stopped when seven pairs of eyes fell on a bandaged up Flare Blitz and three little fillies holding cleaning equipment.

Twilight instantly ran over to Flare, looking at his injured leg. “W-what happened? Are you okay? What did you do?” She fretted like a mother whose foal had just taken a tumble.

“I’m fine,” Flare sighed and smiled. “Just a little scrape, no need to get worked up. Right girls?”

“Uh huh. No problem at all,” Apple Bloom said.

As Twilight continued to inspect his leg, her eyes glanced over his flank and the Cutie Mark that now resided there.

“Is that what I think it is?” she said.

“Yup, got it last night!” Flare replied with a wide grin.

There was a burst of confetti and streamers as Pinkie Pie bounced about the room. “Oooh this is waaaay awesome. I hafta make a ‘Congrats-on-getting-your-Cutie-Mark’ party for Flarey right away!!” And with that she rocketed from the room and towards the bakery.

Flare closed the book he was reading and levitated it back over to the shelf, eliciting a gasp from Twilight.

“F-Flare? Did you just use magic?” she whispered in surprise. Just what had happened while Twilight and her friends were gone?

“Hm? Oh yeah, seems you were right on the money about it being connected to my Cutie Mark,” he explained. “But all I can do is levitate small stuff and use my attacks again.”

“But it’s a good start,” Twilight said. “We should be begin studies…” her sentence was cut off as she yawned. “Oh, sorry,” she said.

The others saw this as a good a time as any to leave.

“Come, Sweetie Belle!” Rarity said. “We shall go home and I’ll tell you all about the fabulous trip I just had.”

“Yeah!” Applejack agreed. “I’ve left the farm fer too long. It’s best we git back and help Big Mac! Let’s git goin Apple Bloom!”

“I must return to see my little animal friends.” Fluttershy said quietly. “They must be quite upset that I was gone for so long. Good bye everypony.”

Rainbow Dash was the next one to exit. “These clouds won’t kick themselves,” she said. “Later guys!” Scootaloo offered one last look of thanks to Flare and followed her idol out, hoping she was off to do something awesome!

Once the others left, Twilight sat down next to Flare, dropping her head onto a pillow.

“It seems that we both had full days yesterday huh?” Flare said, noticing how tired the purple unicorn looked.

“We saved an Empire from an evil unicorn tyrant. Restored an entire race of Crystal Ponies and I passed Princess Celestia’s test,” Twilight explained, giving Flare the abridged version. “And now I’m so tired I just can’t… stay… awake~” she gave an adorable yawn and fell asleep right there.

“She hasn’t slept since yesterday morning,” Spike explained. “To be honest, I haven’t had much either. I think I’ll hit the hay too.”

Flare nodded as Spike gave them a blanket. “Thanks man! Have a good night!”

Spike nodded as he headed upstairs to his warm basket. Flare. on the other hoof was more than content to just lay there next to Twilight.

His mind wandered to thoughts of home and his family. But as Twilight slept peacefully next to him, he smiled and placed a soft and gentle kiss on the top of her head. He knew that he had made the right decision after all and that there was absolutely no place else he would rather be than right here.


Princess Celestia sat on her throne, reading a report that her agent, a mint green unicorn, had just delivered personally.

“So he has earned his Cutie Mark and re-discovered his powers then?” the Princess asked.

“Yes, Your Majesty!” The unicorn replied. “I have been watching him as you ordered and I do not believe that he is ready yet. He still requires much training.”

Celestia nodded in agreement. “My student could handle the task, but her destiny must be realised soon. I think I will handle matters from here on out”. She nodded to the unicorn. “Thank you for your hard work, Agent Hearts. You are dismissed”.

The unicorn bowed respectfully and silently vanished into the shadows.

“If he is to stand by her side on that day, then he must be trained.” Celestia said to herself. She took a quill and a piece of parchment and began to write…