• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 15,547 Views, 1,252 Comments

Syncopation - Terrasora

Octavia Philharmonica, the Canterlot Conservatory's rising star, is about to begin a whole new part of her life; one that involves an old friend, an ambitious businesspony and a certain eccentric DJ.

  • ...

The Attire

“Good afternoon and welcome to the Magnifique Boutique, Miss de Lis.” A light purple unicorn with a yellow mane stood behind a counter. “How can I be of service today?”

“Hello, Pearl. I’ve heard that Rarity is in town.”

“I assure you, Miss de Lis, you would be the first to know if such a thing were to occur.” Pearl cast a wary eye around the shop, focusing briefly against each of the other customers.

“And I assure you,” responded Fleur lightly, “nopony besides us knows.” She tilted her head slightly to include Harpo, Vinyl, and Octavia in her statement.

Harpo gave an attempt at a debonair wink, hoping to help their cause. Pearl held back a grimace with a forced smile. The mare looked around once more before nodding. “She’s in the back room.”

Fleur de Lis smiled, sliding a golden bit over the counter. “Thank you, Pearl.”

The four made their way deeper into the boutique. Fleur led the way, marching past rows upon rows of fabric and thread and needle. Every once in awhile she would stop and inspect a particular material. The musicians would spend these moments attempting to look as socially adept as possible, but only succeeding in being awkward. And then Fleur de Lis would continue onwards, sometimes armed with a swatch of color, sometimes not taking anything at all. They made constant progress to a grubby door. It looked like a maintenance entrance.

Octavia trotted up next to Fleur de Lis. “Fleur, may I ask who it is we’re meeting?”

“Of course you may. Her name is Rarity, an up and coming designer from Ponyville who made quite the name for herself some months ago.”

The cellist vaguely recalled the name. Apparently, this designer had had the Canterlot elite eating out of her hoof after only a few days. Rarity had even taken Blueblood’s place at an airship launching ceremony.

The Prince was not very happy about this.

Well, thought Octavia. Anyone who can anger Blueblood is a friend of mine.

“But,” continue Fleur, “Miss Rarity is one of the Elements of Harmony. This status, when coupled with her own talents have placed her in high demand among Canterlot. Which is why we must keep this meeting very hush-hush.” The unicorn glanced from side to side before putting a hoof on her lips. She winked conspiratorially.

I think, thought Octavia with a smile, that Fancy Pants had a greater influence on her than either of them realize.

Fleur opened the grubby door with a push of her magic. The four slipped inside, trying to seem inconspicuous and being very suspicious in the process. By sheer fortune, nopony in the shop seemed to notice them.

The back room was immaculate. The walls were no longer walls per say; they consisted of shelves upon shelves of multi-colored fabrics. Mannequins for every shape and size were gathered in a corner, a desk topped with a sewing machine dominated another. The ceiling seemed to be made of glass and it cast a glow on the largely empty center of the room and the white unicorn who stood therein.

Rarity, as the three musicians correctly presumed, was surrounded by her materials, each roll of fabric suspended by the same light blue glow. She had a look of utter concentration on her face as she sampled different color combinations, wrapped fabrics around mannequins, floated two rolls over to the sewing machines, and carefully used her scissors to work out the kinks. Everything was in a constant motion that none of the four intruders wanted to interrupt.

Fleur sighed and gestured towards a nearby couch. “This may take a while.” They sat.

Rarity hardly seemed to notice. She was far too busy with her work, muttering to herself as bits of cloth danced around her.

Harpo leaned over towards Vinyl. “A relative of yours?” he asked with a nod towards Rarity.

“What?” responded the DJ.

“Well, you look rather similar. You know, like a marshmallow.”

Vinyl narrowed her eyes behind her brightly colored shades. “You callin’ me fat, Harpbutt?” she said in a cold, silent voice.

“I—I’ll just shut up now.”

“That’d be a good idea. Anyway, I’d hope she’s not a relative. Kinda cute.”

Harpo nodded. Octavia looked at Vinyl out of the corner of her eye. The DJ noticed.

“Oh, well not as cute as you, Tavi! Nopony could do that,” said Vinyl, trying to cover her tracks.

“Hmmmmm,” responded the cellist.

Vinyl turned around and hit Harpo.

“Ow!” cried the composer. “What the buck was that for?!”

“Look what you did Harpo! You made Octy angry at me!” The DJ hit the stallion again.

“Stop hitting me! And I wasn’t the one staring!” Harpo glanced back at Rarity with a sly smile. “Well, not in this case.”

Octavia reached past Vinyl and hit Harpo.

“Ow!” repeated the composer. “What was that for?!”

The cellist snorted. “For acting like such a male.”

“Vinyl was doing it too!”

“Don’t bring me into this!”

“Yes, and Vinyl will be punished for it.”

“What’d I do?!” said Vinyl indignantly. Kinky, she thought to herself.

Octavia raised a sharp eyebrow.

“Now, now, dear children,” cut in Fleur’s serene voice with a slight giggle. “We must make a good impression on Rarity; we want to make sure that she will be willing to work with us.”

“Honestly, Fleur de Lis, why in heavens would I not be willing to work with you?” Rarity strode across the workshop floor, stopping in front of the elder unicorn and kissing both of her cheeks. “It’s been far too long; how go your endeavours?”

“Better than either I or Fancy Pants dared to hope,” replied Fleur with a smile. “These are, in fact, our musicians. Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Philharmonica, and Harpo Parish Nadermane.”

“Musicians?” squeaked Rarity. “How wonderful! Musicians are very in this season.” She kissed Octavia and Vinyl on their cheeks and glanced at Harpo. The composer leaned in. Rarity shook his hoof.

“In what?” asked Vinyl.

“Why darling, not in in the literal sense. You’re simply in. Do you understand?” Rarity gave a polite smile.

Vinyl nodded slowly. “I guess.”

“She means that musicians have become very fashionable as of late,” cut in Fleur de Lis. “And nopony knows fashion like Miss Rarity.”

The designer put a hoof to her chest. “You flatter me,” she said. “Now, to what do I owe this immense pleasure?”

“We’ll be placing an order,” responded Fleur de Lis.

Rarity conjured a pencil and a notepad out of seemingly empty space. “Wonderful! Three new outfits? Or perhaps you’d like multiple?”

“Just one for each of them should be fine.”

The designer nodded, scribbling furiously. She had reentered her working mode. Fabrics of various colors began to float around the room. “And what is the occasion?”

“A social gathering for some of the Canterlot elite,” replied Fleur. Rarity made another note.

“Also,” added the elder unicorn, “it will be their first public appearance.”

There was an audible clatter as Rarity’s pen fell to the floor. “Their—Their first public appearance you say?” There seemed to be an audible squeak as the designer grinned brightly. “Oh, this is a very special occasion. And how much time will I have to work on this formal attire?”

“About two days.”

“Then we must waste no time!” Rarity grabbed Octavia’s shoulders. “Come along, darling; I’m feeling particularly inspired by your color.” She pulled the cellist to her hooves, dragging her deeper into the workshop.

The cellist looked back at Fleur. The pink unicorn smiled in an amused manner, waving a hoof at the cellist that seemed to suggest complete trust in Rarity. Octavia looked back at the designer who was mumbling to herself and scribbling notes on her pad of paper. Bits of fabric were still flying around, often zipping past half an inch from Octavia’s face.

Well, thought the cellist hesitantly, if Fleur trusts her...

Rarity opened another door, this one far more well-maintained than the entrance to the main workshop. This room was just as filled with materials. The key difference was that this smaller room contained a small stage. The designer gestured to the platform. “Please stand there for a moment, darling; I have to work out a few of the final kinks.”

The cellist stepped onto the stage. Rarity trotted over to a small desk, opening up a drawer and drawing out her measuring tape, a roll of thread, and a needle. Octavia watched her, more out of a desire to occupy her time than out of curiosity. But something on the desk caught the grey mare’s eye.

It was a copy of the newspaper from the day before. A copy with its front page pointing directly upwards and spotted with coffee stains.

Of course, thought Octavia.

Rarity immediately set to work, taking her measurements and scribbling them down. Octavia stood still, keeping her gaze even, hoping that the designer wouldn’t broach the subject. But the cellist knew that it was a losing battle. That type of pony was only interested in gossip.

“Miss Philharmonica?” asked Rarity.

Octavia shifted her gaze to the designer.

“I’ve finished taking the measurements. Would you like to the see this initial design?”

The cellist blinked, her eyebrows knitting together slightly. “Pardon?”

“The dress, Miss Philharmonica,” replied Rarity with a smile. “I’d rather not create a dress that dissatisfies a customer.” She paused, as though remembering something. “Of course, I will have to take most suggestions into consideration before actually implementing them.”

Octavia nodded and trotted over to the desk. Rarity presented her sketch with a flourish. The dress was long and flowing, and rather simple in its overall design. There were no flashy decorations; in fact, practically the only embellishments were a treble clef over where Octavia’s cutie mark would be and a stream of music notes on the edge of the dress’ train.

“Do you like it?” asked Rarity with the slightest tinge of concern.

“It’s—It’s wonderful.”

The designer knit her eyebrows, levitating her sketch and glancing between it and Octavia. “Are you sure?”


“Well, it certainly is a rather nice dress, but there will be quite a lot of rather nice dresses. No, no, no, there is something missing; something... more, you understand.” Rarity placed a thoughtful hoof to her chin.

Octavia craned her neck to catch a better glimpse of the drawing. No, she didn’t understand. The dress looked fine to her.

“Maybe it’s the color?” asked Rarity, more to herself than to the cellist. “That may be it. I’d imagine a violet dress, but maybe a lighter color would better suit your matte coat. A light blue perhaps? Rather like Miss Scratch’s lighter mane color. But I wouldn’t want to completely be rid of the violet.” The designer added something to her sketch. “Oh yes, I quite like that.” Some more scribbling. “Oh yes, I quite like that!”

The cellist shifted her weight nervously. “Ummmm, pardon me, but...”

The designer looked up. It took a moment for her to completely refocus on Octavia. “Oh! My apologies; I simply got ahead of myself. Look it this new design and tell me what you think of it, if you don’t mind.” Rarity floated the sketch over to Octavia.

The simple, flowing dress had been replaced by a more ornate, flowing dress. The solid dark purple had been offset by a light, electric blue exactly the shade of Vinyl’s mane. The music notes on the train had received the same treatment, alternating between shades of dark blue and light blue and varying in their size.

“This... this would look incredible,” stuttered Octavia.

Rarity smiled warmly. “This will look incredible, darling. The design is always the hardest part; it will only take a few minutes to whip up the full dress.” Her horn began to shimmer, and rolls of fabric the very same hue as the drawing floated over to her desk. “Magic is very useful in that regard.”

Octavia nodded.”Thank you.”

Rarity waved a hoof. “Think nothing of it! I’m always happy to help a friend.”

The cellist nodded again, looking at Rarity through new eyes. “That’s a rather unique viewpoint coming from a Canterlotian.”

The designer froze. She seemed to be thinking something over. Then her face positively brightened; Octavia could have sworn that stars appeared in her eyes. “A Canterlotian? Moi? Oh, it’s very kind of you to think so and I suppose that, yes, with my mannerisms I can see where you’d make that distinction. And I am so very flattered that you believed that I come from such a wonderful city, but I come from the rather quaint town of Ponyville.”

“Really? I never would have guessed.”

Rarity’s grin grew wider. “You flatter me! But while I am not a Canterlot pony by the strictest means, I am most certainly one in mind.”

Octavia gave a wan smile. “I rather hope not.”

The designer glanced at the newspaper. “Ah, I see.”

The cellist nodded.

“But not all from Canterlot are like that, are they?” asked Rarity. “Fancy Pants, Fleur de Lis, yourself, Miss Scratch, Mister Nadermane, Hoity Toity. You all are nothing like say, Blueblood.” There was an obvious venom in Rarity’s voice that Octavia understood immediately.

But there was something that the cellist could not understand. “Hoity... Toity?”

“Yes, darling; he gave me my first real exposure to working in Canterlot. Admittedly, he was rather difficult to work with at first, but he understands when he has some talent with him.”

“... Hoity Toity?”

Rarity hid a giggle behind her hoof. “Yes, it may seem rather hard to believe, but I assure you that it is true.”

Octavia chose to nod.

“Well,” continued the designer, “that will be all for your dress. It should be ready by tomorrow. Please send Miss Scratch in next.”


Four ponies exited the Magnifique Boutique only forty five minutes later.

“It’s incredible how quickly she works,” admired Harpo.

“She is a very talented mare,” asserted Fleur. “I cannot wait to see what she grows into.”

An admirer of Canterlot society, thought Octavia. What a rarity. She blinked as she realized her own pun.

“You know,” said Vinyl, “Harpo has a crush on her.”

“She’s cute,” said Harpo. “Scary intuition, though.”

“Whatever you say, Sergeant Obvious.”

“Oh, shut up! I’m not one of the two who bought matching outfits!”

“Don’t tell me to shut up! You shut up, Harpbutt!”

Fleur sighed, rubbing at her temple with a hoof. “Sometimes I feel like the mother of two very young foals. I don’t think I enjoy this feeling.”

They lapsed into a content silence.

However, Vinyl Scratch is never content with silence. “So, what are we doing now?”

“Now,” replied Fleur de Lis, “we continue to prepare you for your appearance. Your attire is well taken care of; behavior follows.”

“Fun,” said Vinyl without enthusiasm.

Fleur ignored her. “That includes greetings, proper procedure during the meal, and dancing.”

Vinyl scratched the back of her head. “Yeah, cool, fine. I’m hungry. Is there like a Maredonalds around here?”

The elder unicorn shook her head. “Octavia, you’ll be in charge of training these two for the next few days.”

“What do you mean ‘these two’?” aske Harpo indignantly. “I can handle myself!”

Fleur de Lis and Octavia glanced at Harpo, then at each other.

“I’ll ask Miss Rarity for some help,” said the cellist.

“That would be a good idea.”

“I can take care of myself!” asserted the composer.

“Come on guys, I’m really hungry!” said Vinyl.

Octavia rubbed her eyes. “This is going to cause me physical pain.”

Fleur smiled. “It is your duty as the big sister of our family. Besides, I won’t be able to accompany you. In fact, I must get going now. Everything else will be left to your discretion. See you in a few days!” The unicorn trotted off happily, looking forward to what the days would bring.

Vinyl tugged on Octavia. “Tavi, I’m hungry.”

The cellist looked down with a bemused look.

The DJ took off her glasses, trying to put her puppy dog eyes on full blast.

“If you keep doing that, I’ll build up an immunity to it,” said Octavia weakly.

“Are you immune now?”

The cellist looked at Vinyl, directly into her scarlet eyes. Something within Octavia melted at the sight.

The grey mare sighed. “Curse you and your eyes,” she muttered to herself. “Follow me, I’ll cook something and we’ll begin our etiquette lessons.”

Vinyl pumped her hoof in the air. “Yes! Awesome!” She leaned forward and quickly pecked Octavia on the cheek. “Thank you, Tavi,” she said, batting her eyelashes.

Octavia grew slightly pink as she turned towards her home. But even she couldn’t hide the light spring in her step.

Harpo watched with a mix of amusement and borderline envy. “Fine. I’ll just roll along. As the third wheel.” He chuckled slightly. “Rolling third wheel. I’m funny.” He looked back towards the boutique and ran a hoof through his mane. He hit himself lightly and put on a grin. “Well, there’s no use for that.”

He trotted off towards the retreating mares.

Author's Note:

This chapter was largely written from Boston! From MIT, to be exact. I've completely fallen in love with this city and the institute. But I'm tired. Pretty very tired. And I've got a six hour flight ahead of me! Which is fun. Well, not really, but you get my point. Or maybe you don't. Whatever.
Thanks go out to AppleDashFan132, my pre-reader and only person that I send the GDocs links to. Thanks to Josh, busy man that he is. Thank you to you, my wonderful wonderful readers who seem to think that I'm a wonderful writer. You've almost made me believe it.
Anyway, comments and feedback are, and always will be, read, printed out, snipped by snipped, primped and pressed, yard by yard, sometimes stressed, and that's the art of appreciation. But not in that order.