• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 3,505 Views, 608 Comments

The Pale Land - OrphiusOlyandra

Clover the Clever never defeated the Windigos. Now thousands of years in the future, the three pony tribes are still at war as extinction looms over the horizon. Twilight Sparkle wanders through the frozen land, looking for a way to end the winter.

  • ...

Chapter 22

"They enslaved us, ya know."

Braeburn glanced over his shoulder at Applejack before returning his gaze to those before him. Together they watched the unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies wander around the camp, chatting and milling about as though nothing was out of the ordinary. Some were hugging each other, though they were few and far between. In the massive cavern, their voices echoed back and forth making the entire thing feel busier than it truly was. It was a welcome distraction.

"So why are ya so chummy with 'em now?"

He simply shrugged and kept on watching from his vantage point. With barely hidden scowl, Applejack followed his gaze, watching them mill about as they stood side by side. Out the corner of her eye, she caught a flash of white and purple, but when she went to take a closer look, that unicorn was nowhere in sight. With a sigh and shake of her head, she turned back to Braeburn.

"Ya're not gonna answer me, are ya?"

Braeburn looked back, his mouth opening slightly before he simply shook his head and closed his mouth. The seconds dragged out, trickling into minutes before he simply said, "Ah used to be like ya once. Like MacIn-"

"Don't ya dare," growled Applejack. "Ah am nothing like him."

"Maybe ya're not like him now, but some day? Yeah, you'd fit that role. Ya hate them. Ya want to kill 'em all so that they will never be able to hurt anypony else."

"And what's wrong with that? They enslave and rape and murder us. To them, we're nothing more than animals, slabs of meat!" A hoof was jabbed at Braeburn, causing him to wince. "And yet here ya are, being friends with them."

"You think MacIntosh was born the way he was? When his family was killed and taken away from him, he said he wasn't gonna let another earth pony suffer. No more families torn apart, no more slaves taken, no more." Braeburn sighed and shook his head. "Ah was right there beside him, promising the exact same thing." A bitter chuckle escaped. "To think Ah was once his right hoof stallion."

That got an incredulous look from Applejack.

"Ah was creative and handy with a pair of blades." He shrugged and brushed a lock of mane out of his eyes. "Not all battles are fought on the battlefield."

"So ya're just like them."

"No. Ah used to be like them, just like how Ah used to be like you." He turned and began walking away. "Come, we should find somewhere more private."

After a second of hesitation, Applejack followed him into the tunnel.

"Everything starts out in anger, ya know. First ya hate the unicorns that enslaved ya, so ya kill 'em, and good on ya! But then ya come across some more unicorns beating up an earth pony so ya kill them. And then some just don't look at ya right so ya kill them too. Soon, ya're convinced all unicorns are evil, that they're all monsters." The entire time Applejack watched where they were going, the paths they took and the turns they made. Who knows, maybe this was some elaborate trap, and she was going to make sure that if worst came to worst, she knew how to get out. "But the thing is, they're not all like that."

That got a snort of amusement out of Applejack.

"That mare ya were with, Rarity Ah believe her name is?" The pounding in her heart increased at the name of that unicorn. "You should give her a chance, she's a good girl, got her head on right."

"Ah ain't into mares." Good, her voice didn't betray any emotions. "And Ah would prefer it if ya kept such gossip to yaself in the future."

"Ah never said ya were, just saying that maybe ya should consider being her frien-"

"Fuck off." Drawing to her full height, Applejack fixed Braeburn with a flat look. "Ah don't have time for this, Ah have a group to return to."

"Pinkie and Twilight, they were like sisters ya know."

"Those names mean nothing to me," spat Applejack as she turned away.

"An earth pony and a unicorn, the ones who started this all, they were like sisters."

"That... means nothing to me." Without a backwards glance, she walked away. Who cares if unicorns and earth ponies could be friends with each other. No doubt this 'Pinkie' was a monster like MacIntosh, living in her own fantasy world. At best, she would be completely and utterly insane.

All these pegasi and unicorns and earth ponies, did they really think friendship was possible? Their friends murdered each other, their families enslaved by the other's hooves. Did they really think all of that could be washed away by a couple of words and smiles? The unicorns took away her family, took away her foalhood, took away everything. To ask her to smile and forget all that, to become friends with them was asking for far too much. Monsters existed in all races, MacIntosh proved that, but that did not mean she had to like the others.

It was disgusting, that's what it was. Pegasi and unicorns enslaved her race, killed them, treated them like dirt. They... they did nothing to stop it, they just ran away, hiding in their fantasy world where all three races could live happily ever after.

They were wrong.

She would never forgive them for what they had done. She wo-

"Applejack." She stiffened at the sound of that voice. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Ah told ya, my name is Golden," Applejack ground out.

"Interesting that you keep a name a filthy unicorn gave you." It took all of Applejack's willpower not to turn around and smack that smirk off of Rarity's face. "Regardless, I am here to... thank you, I suppose is the correct term, though the moon knows why I even bother."

"Thank me for what?" spat Applejack as she finally turned around to glare at the unicorn.

"In your own roundabout fashion, you have proven what I always wanted to know, or rather, you bought me here, and it is here I found the truth. Oh dear, I am being awfully cryptic, aren't I darling?"

"Ah'm not anypony's darling and Ah'm most certainly not yours!"

"Regardless, I have merely come to thank you and to inform you I will no longer be travelling with you," continued Rarity as though Applejack had not interrupted her at all. "Thank you for your time and input, but our paths will not cross again."

"Ah knew it." Applejack stalked forward, a low growl rumbling in the back of her throat. "Ya followed me 'cause ya're a spy . Stealin-"

Laughter echoed through the empty tunnel.

"Please darling, as if you had anything I would want to steal. No, this was personal interest. My mother told me stories about my father when I was a filly, and I wanted to see if they were true or not." There was a pause as Rarity looked at Applejack expectantly, but when there was no response, she sighed. "I suppose I should not be surprised. Goodbye Applejack."

And with those words, Rarity simply began walking away.

"Hey, get back here!" The unicorn suddenly found her path blocked off by Applejack. "What are ya talking about? Tell me! Ya owe metr-"

"I owe you nothing," hissed Rarity. "You killed my family so you could escape, if anything, you owe me." Slammed up against the wall, all Applejack could do was struggle uselessly as Rarity's magic held her in place. "Be glad I haven't taken the 'horned freak' route and killed you in your sleep. You forget, my dear Applejack, I used to be in politics, and there is nothing more cutthroat than that."

With one last disgusted look, Rarity let go and Applejack slumped to the ground, gasping for breath.

"And yet, despite all that, I forgive you," continued Rarity as she walked away. "After all, you were nothing more than a slave, looking for a way out, and I can understand that."

"Don't lie," coughed Applejack as she got back onto shaking hooves. "Ya play the victim card, but really, ya don't care, do ya?"

"What did you say?" Her voice was almost as rigid and cold as her body.

"Yer family is dead, maybe worse, and ya haven't tried to go back and save them. Seems to me, ya're nothing more than a cold hearted bitch who-"

"How dare you," whispered Rarity as her body trembled. "I love my family, they were all I had, but I'm not so stupid as to think me rushing back there by myself would do anything. "

"Ah would have gone back."

"Then that makes you a fool. As long as I am alive, at least one pony will remember them and carry on their legacy."

"Are ya even listening to yourself?Ah wouldn't want a monster like ya to carry on my legacy even if the other choice was the unicorn who enslaved me to begin with!" Applejack glared as she spat on the ground. "Family is the most important thing and ya're willing to just toss it aside. Ya would rather let them be tortured than risk a single hair on that precious hide of yours."

"How dare you!" Rarity's slap missed by a hoof width as Applejack scrambled back. "I am keeping their memories alive, their dreams and wishes will continue on as long as I do. I cannot bury them nor did I get a chance to say 'goodbye'. "

"And yet ya don't grieve. Ya don't cry, ya don't even think about going back there for 'em. Ya're a cold hearted one alright."

"Crying won't save them. Begging won't bring them back. I fail to see what the point in participating in such fruitless endeavors is. Instead of wasting my energy on something that's impossible, I decided to focus on something that was just as important."

"Just as important?" The thinly veiled growl actually made Rarity take half a step back in surprise. "What could possibly be just as important!? Keeping your mane brushed out? Pretending to be nice?Ensla-"

"My father. I wanted to know if what mother said about father was accurate, if it could be real." Applejack squirmed under Rarity's look. "And I'm starting to believe..."

Believe what?

There was something missing here, something obvious. It was on the tip of her tongue, but no matter how hard she tried, it just stayed out of reach. It was about her father, a father Applejack had never met. Was he dead? If so, why? No doubt fighting in the war, but then what did that have to do with earth ponies?

And their house. It was so run down, so filthy and disgusting, how could they be part of a noble house? Unless that unicorn was mistaken, but no, she had seen Rarity's reaction, that narrowing of the eyes. There was something there, something that had happened, that her father had done? Regarding earth ponies? Was he... was he a sympathizer? That would explain how she had been treated despite being a sla-

No, don't think about it. Applejack shook her head, ignoring the tightening of her chest and a pair of round filly eyes staring up at her. That had been a trick, to make her drop her guard an-

"An earth pony," whispered Applejack.

"Took you long enough." The unicorn said it all so casually, not even trying to hide it, almost as though it was the most simple and straightforward thing in the world. "The heir to the great House of Belle, falling in love with a dirt pony! She told me about how kind he was, how generous, how loyal and honest, and how meeting him was so magical ." She stomped the ground, electricity sparking out across the ground. "I hated her for so long, but the more she talked about him the more curious I became. Was it possible, was it even probable for a dirty pony to be those things. To be more than some slobbering animal running on nothing more than some bestial impulses."

"More likely ya mother forced herself on him," snorted Applejack.

"And just what would that accomplish? She was the heir to a great House, had her pick of suitors and could get anything she wanted. No matter how you look at it, it had to be love, nothing else makes sense. " Rarity sighed and ran a hoof through her mane. "And so, I had to be sure. I had to be certain."

"That changes nothing. Ya still left yer family behind to find something only ya cared about! Father? Dead. Dead and left out in the fields to rot no doubt. Ya're chasing ghosts when ya've got the something important right now, right in front of ya." Leg trembling, Applejack glared at Rarity. "And ya're throwing it all away for nothing!"

"What do you know about family?"

There was no time to think. To contemplate, to even process what was happening. One second they were inches apart, the next, Applejack had that fucking bitch shoved up against the wall, one hoof over her throat and the other posed to break that pretty little horn if she so much as attempted to cast a spell.

"More than ya apparently," spat Applejack before shoving Rarity to the ground. "Ya disgust me."

"At least I'm not like MacIntosh."

Applejack froze mid-step. "What did ya just say?"

"You heard me, Applejack, you might be able to talk to a unicorn or pegasus, but you cannot trust them. You cannot talk to them politely without being passive aggressive. You see all these ponies here? All these pegasi and unicorn and earth ponies? They're here because they had enough, because they wanted to change things, because they fell in love like my mother did." The hoof that jabbed Applejack's chest felt like a sword. "You can't even give them a chance, you’re the same as MacIntosh ."

"Ya're wrong!"

"Then prove it!"


Without a single word being spoken, Applejack turned around and walked away. There were some ponies she needed to talk to back in camp.

"I said, stay. Still!"

Fluttershy forced that earth pony back down, one foreleg across his throat, another pinning him down while she gripped the dagger and ripped it out. Spitting it out, she ignored the spray of blood over her face as she grabbed a cloth and began cleaning the wound. Beneath her, the earth pony whimpered and cried out in pain causing Fluttershy to roll her eyes. As intelligent as these beasts were, sometimes they just didn't know what was best for them.

Though it took a bit more wrestling to make sure he didn't get away or twist around and injure himself, Fluttershy eventually managed to bandage him up. Sure, she probably could have used some antiseptic or even some painkillers, but there was so little of it left that she needed to save it for the pegasi. Hopping off his body, she picked up the bloody towel and cleaned the blood off her face, before trotting away. All around her, ponies moaned and cried out in pain, begging for relief, but she ignored them all. If it wasn't because she had been ordered to help them, she wouldn't have even bothered. There were pegasi out there that were injured!

A growl of frustration escaped as she threw the towel to the ground, skipping past whoever it was that was in her way. It made sense though, Bleeding Heart was a unicorn and even stupid animals know to look after their own.As she turned the final corner, she froze at the sight of the empty bed and the complete lack of Rainbow Dash.

Spinning around, she looked down at the unicorn in the bed next to Dash's. "Where'd she go?"

"I dunno, limped out mumbling to herself about some unicorn or something."

"And you didn't stop her? Are you insane, did you see the injuries she had?"

The unicorn glanced down at her bandaged torso and broken leg before looking back up and cocking an eyebrow. "Even if I could have stopped her, I wouldn't want to. You saw her wings, better to just let her go."

"You-!" She was forced to bite back a scream as she ran out the room on trembling legs. Rainbow Dash, she had to find Rainbow Dash. Who knew what that reckless pegasus would get up to without her around to rein her in. Worse yet, she had looked so broken, and the fire in her eyes was gone.

Fluttershy ran through the corridors at the brisk walk, not too fast though, after all, she didn’t want to hurt any pegasi. No, she merely walked, constantly stopping to ask pegasi if they had seen Rainbow as she navigated the maze of their impromptu camp. She even passed an earth pony and unicorn dueling, yelling about some things that she didn't even bother paying attention to. Something about a unicorn and earth pony breeding to produce a foal, it didn't really matter and it's not as though she'd never done crossbreeding programs of her own .

"Hey, watch where you're going!" snapped a pegasus.

"Oh, um, sorry, I, that is, oh dear." Fluttershy slipped behind her mane, peeking out to see who it was that she had offended, only for her eyes to widen. S-Spitfire!? What was she doing here? Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. This wasn't good. They were going to come under attack again and so many pegasi would die and there'd be blood everywhere and there wasn't enough poultices and potions to being with an-

"Wow, calm down, deep breaths." Spitfire placed a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder, causing her to shrink back. "Okay, no touching... But seriously, just relax, I know I'm kinda a big deal, but don't sweat it, I'm one of the good guys. Anyways, I'm looking for a unicorn. Purple coat and mane, cracked horn, goes by the name 'Twilight'. You seen her?"

Fluttershy just mutely shook her head.

"Damn it. Where in the world could she be? Ugh." Rubbing her temples, she began walking away. "Spike! Spike!"

"W-Wait!" Those orange eyes were suddenly on her and Fluttershy shrunk back. "If, um, if you see Spike, can you ask him if he knows where Rainbow Dash is?"


"I found her!" Spike skidded to a stop. "Twilight's with Rainbow Dash."

All three of them exchanged a nervous glance before rushing off as one. The lack of screaming and explosion was a good sign, right? It had to be, with those two together and Dash's attitude... she'd be dead. Dead in a heartbeat. She'd say something stupid like 'Unicorn's aren't as cute as earth ponies' and they'd get into a fight and she'd get blown up just. Like. That.

And yet, as they approached wherever it was they were going, there were no sounds of fighting, and as they turned the corner, there were Dash and Twilight out in the snow in the gloom. Side by side, almost looking like companions. Neither spoke, nor did they look at each other. They merely sat, staring out into the frozen mountains of the north, and the tornado that seemed larger than ever. Had it grown? It sounded so impossible and yet, even from this distance, it felt as though it loomed above her.

"About time you guys arrived." Pinkie gestured for them to side next to her. "I've been watching them, with those two, you can never be too careful."

"Pinkamina," said Spitfire stiffly as she sat down away from her with Spike in tow.

"Um..." Fluttershy looked between the two before taking her place next to Spitfire. "Are... are they alright? I mean, they hate each other and well, that is, I..."

"They've just been sitting there." Pinkie shrugged. "They haven't said anything, or done anything."

"Do you think I should...?" said Spitfire, but Spike merely shook his head.

"No, they need this," he replied. "Something happened during the trials, something only they know and it brought them closer. And now? Now they're broken." He turned to look at Spitfire. "I expect you to be there for her every step of the way, and if you're not..." A small growl and a bit of fire escaped his muzzle. "Got that?"

"Y-Yes, sir!"

Then, to the surprise of all, Rainbow Dash turned and said something to Twilight. If the unicorn replied, it was impossible to tell, but Dash continued. Against the dull stormy clouds, two silhouettes spoke in hushed tones. There was no anger there, no sadness or even any emotions. It merely was.

"What do you think they're talking about?" said Pinkie.

"Does it matter? They're not killing each other, which is better than I expected," replied Spike.

"Whatever. I've got better stuff to do than sit around watching those two all day." Pinkie got up and walked away.

"Good riddance," spat Spitfire.

"You don't get it!" yelled Dash, causing all eyes to snap back to the duo.

Twilight continued speaking in a hushed tone, hooves making a cutting motion to emphasize whatever it was she was saying.

"You're wrong, just admit it."

Another shake of the head, more things being said. The entire time, Twilight sat calmly, facing down the righteous hurricane that bore down on her. Out the corner of Fluttershy's eye, she noticed Spike shifting his weight from leg to leg, eyes narrowing occasionally, but he made no move to interfere.

Whatever was said next made Dash take half a step back, and for the first time in her life, Fluttershy actually saw fear in Dash's eyes. The conversation continued, not as softly as it had originally been, but also not loud enough for them to distinguish the words. Still, from the way Dash winced and the awkward shuffling of her... her wing, it was clear something was up, but every time she moved to comfort Dash, Spike would glanced over in her direction. No words were said, but that look was enough.

Far faster than she expected, Dash settled back down, staring out at the snow plains once more. No more words were exchanged, they didn't even look at each other as they simply sat there. The seconds ticked by, soon becoming minutes, but they didn't even twitch. Two statues, gazing into the endless expanse.

Eventually the pair stood up and turned to face each other. A rapid exchange took place, both speaking at the same time, barely pausing to let the other get a word in before a reply was given. Without warning, they turned as one and began walking towards the group.

"Spike, we're leaving tonight," said Twilight as she brushed past.

"I'm coming with you," said Spitfire.

The two stared at each other, no words were spoken, just glares that made Fluttershy tremble.

"Hey, we don't have time for this shit, we need to get ready and prepare for whatever those insane alicorns have planned for us," snapped Dash as she shoved past. "Plus, another pegasus around will make sure you keep your end of the deal."

That got a snort out of Twilight. "I always keep my word."

"No doubt when it suits you and your goals," replied Dash causing Twilight to flinch. "Thought so."

"I don't care, Spitfire is not comin-"

"Excuse me?" Spitfire sounded far too polite. "I am coming along and that is final. Last time you went off on your own you cracked your horn, and I am not letting anything else happen to you."

"Doesn't matter. Where we're going, only Dash and I can enter anyways so it's a moot point," replied Twilight.

"Well then, you won't object to me following as far as possible to make sure you don't do anything stupid."

"I've got Spike."


The drake looked like a bunny surrounded by timberwolves.

"I'm coming and that's final. Either I tag along or I stalk you," said Spitfire.

Twilight sighed and rubbed her temples. "Fine. We'll be travelling fast and light, so bring what you need and nothing else."

"Alright, leaving after dinner?"

"Yes. We'll meet back here." Twilight turned to face Dash. "Get what you need and don't be late."

"Whatever." Dash limped over to Fluttershy and sat down gingerly. "Look, Fluttershy, I want you to stay here with that insane bi- with Pinkie. You'll be safe here."

"But I-"

"No buts. I mean it." All the yellow pegasus could do was nod. "Good. I'm already babysitting a unicorn, I don't need more on my plate."

"What if-"

"No." That single word fell through the silence like a boulder. How many times had she heard Dash use that voice? Three times, maybe four at most, and like every time, Fluttershy stiffened. "I left to get you to safety and I've done that. Now?" The faraway look she got was so alien on Dash's face. "Now I have something I need to do."

There was the Dash she remembered. That fire was back, not as bright as it had been, but it was there, the embers glowing as they waited for something. She had a goal, and as long as she had that and could stay focused on it, she'd be alright. Or, at least, Fluttershy hoped she would. There was just something off about Dash. Maybe it was the way she stood, maybe it was the way she talked, but...

A part of her wanted to reach out, to lay a hoof on Dash's shoulder and tell her everything would be alright. The other part of her was afraid that such a light touch would shatter her entirely. She needed to say something, anything! Dash... Dash was her friend and that meant she had a duty to do something to help her, but every time she tried, her hoof would stay firmly glued to her side.

Eventually, Dash gave a small nod and walked away, trailing behind Twilight, Spitfire and Spike.All Fluttershy could do was sit by her lonesome, staring after their retreating backs. She wasn't useless like a unicorn! If they got injured, she could help them. Bandage them up, make sure they weren't going to bleed out or something, anything!

She- She wasn't useless.

She wasn't...

Author's Note:

Blame my editor.
Good news is, I've almost finished the next chapter already.