• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 481 Views, 2 Comments

Thaumaturgics - Resurgent Wanderer

A filly with a troubled past takes up residency in Ponyville. Usually it wouldn't matter, but Twilight can't help but take an interest in the new arrival, along with the guard and one specific unicorn filly.

  • ...

We're All Pony

"Wake up you lazy shit, time for combat training!"

Kat shivered under the biting cold water soaking her fur and the stinging in her cheek.
"Why do we always fight, why not make friends?"

The stallion just lashed out with his whip a second time, striking the six year old filly.
"You don't have friends, nopony wants to be your friend!"

Jerking awake and feeling her coat to be soaked through and through it took Kat all of two seconds to realise it was raining. Casting a shielding spell followed by a drying spell and finalized with a spell to resist water Kat stood up and headed towards the open street.

Checking left and right, Kat cleared that nopony was in view before entering the street. She walked a good ten hooves before she heard a familiar voice call out.

"Oh, morning Kat! How are things?"

Jumping at first, Kat teleported ten hooves forward, but facing behind her. Surprisingly it was only Sparkler, so she teleported with in five hooves of the filly.
"You probably shouldn't sneak up on me....it can have mixed results."

Nodding sagely Sparkler motioned for Kat to walk next to her and started down the street.
"I was just on my way to breakfast when I saw you. You want to come along?"

Somewhat unsure of the proposal Kat stayed silent.

"Come on, they have some amazing pancakes, oh, and the waffles are to die for!" Sparkler grinned.

"Lily, why did you offer me a place to stay and food when you didn't know me?" Kat asked.

Lily just shrugged.
"Life sucks most of the time...I guess I wanted to make sure somepony didn't have to be as down as I am all the time."

"So I should just...what? Accept it when ponies are nice to me?"

Nodding slowly Lily set out lunch.

"I guess," Kat conceded, "But...."

Sparkler just shook her head, knowing what Kat was going to say.
"Don't worry, I've got enough bits to cover you, besides, that's what friends do."


Twilight was frustrated to say the least. Ponyville wasn't a big town, but she was no closer to finding the filly that upset Pinkie. Mumbling angrily it was only by pure chance that she bumped into another pair of ponies grumbling angrily. Filthy Rich and Silver Sickle.

"Ah, Ms. Sparkle, you seem as put off as we are."

Twilight eyes them and saw that they were indeed put off.
"Mr. Rich, what's wrong?"

Twilight was quick to receive an earful on how both their daughters had been accosted and had their noses broken for no reason by a magi-marked filly. The alicorn's eyes narrowed angrily at the thought of somepony in their town hurting ponies for fun.
"Don't worry, when I find them they'll wish they never entered this town!"


Sparkler watched in mild amusement as Kat tore voraciously into her meal. She was glad she'd opted for the buffet and couldn't help but think that she must have looked and acted similar when Derpy had brought her here for lunch all those years ago.

The waitress came by to check on them just then.
"My my, hungry? Would you come like me to bring some more pancakes around?"
Kat just gave her a glare and a nod before she recommenced her eating.

"You can be nice," offered Sparkler, "You know, to other ponies. It's not like it will hurt or something."

Kat shuddered and started choking on her food, coughing loudly for a moment until the blockage was clear. Her visage grew both very haunted and very angry at the same time as tears built up in her eyes. As one began to slide down her cheek she heard Sparkler trying to get her attention.

"Hey, are you okay? You look like you're about to cry."

Huffing and tearing back into her meal, trying her best to keep her waterworks in check, Kat mumbled her response back through her mouthful of food.
"M'ffine, sff'noffing."
Even as she tried to shrug it off her tears betrayed her, her body knowing nopony from the complex was around and making it harder for Kat to resist crying. She suddenly flinched as she felt a hoof connect with her, but immediately realised it was a soft touch, not a strike. It was Sparkler trying to comfort her.

"Hey, it's okay..."

Kat tried to shrug Sparkler off but only succeeded in causing the filly's hoof to slide a few inches across her back. It was enough to have Sparkler gasp and her eyes to show a mixture of pity, horror, and morbid fascination as she ran her hoof along Kat's neck and shoulders feeling every raised bump of scar tissue from numerous whippings.

"Oh Kat, I'm so sorry."

Shaking her head, Kat found she couldn't shake off her confusion.
"Why? Why do you care? Why are you sorry? Why is it okay for you to be nice but not me? I don't understand...."

It struck like lightning that Kat must not have ever had a chance to understand friendship, or anything of the sort. Pulling back from Kat, Sparkler caught the filly's eyes with her own.
"Then stick around me for the day, okay? I'm going to make sure you understand that everypony should have somepony that cares. Finish up though, because I'm going to be late for work."

Nodding and drying her tears quickly Kat took two more large bites of pancake before hopping out of her seat and following after Sparkler.


Der'arzt grinned in a predatory fashion as his scouts returned to him with the location of the filly. With the knowledge of his prize in claw he called in two of his best gryphons.
"Find ze unicorn filly, and bring her to me! I vill not tolerate failure!"


Stoic as she normally was, the breakfast ordeal being an anomaly, even Kat couldn't help but think of how awesome Sparkler's job was. She worked in a soda pop and ice cream parlour called the Pop Shoppe. Upon entering Kat couldn't help but think back to the older times when they decorated places like this.

It was all stainless steel with black and white tiles topped with an old style jukebox in the corner.

"Pretty awesome, huh?", Sparkler smiled, "My boss, Pop Float, runs it. Always wanted some place like this."

Kat nodded and took a random seat. She didn't know how long she'd been sitting, but what she did know is her eyes never once left Sparkler.


Twilight scowled angrily. On the plus side, she and the town guards following her had a valid lead. Derpy had confirmed that Sparkler had taken an interest in her. Still, it meant they had to find Sparkler, and hope Sparkler could lead them to the filly. Even better was the fact that Filthy and Sickle both had formed a small posse, perfectly within legal limits, to find the filly as well. Rounding up her guards, Twilight went over her rules, namely no overly violent tactics, and had them start combing the town.


Celestia stood grimly at the head of the train while looking over the elite unicorn guard as the train came to a halt. Magically amplifying her voice, the Solar Diarch gave her instructions.
"I want this search carried out as quickly and cleanly as possible. As little interruption to the town as possible. If you find the filly before I, contact me immediately, do not engage. She has been known to have killed just over thirty gryphons and is regarded as a highly dangerous terrorist. I repeat, we can not risk inciting her in the town."

With that the train came to a halt and the guard started exiting off into the town.


One minute she was idly staring at Sparkler's flank, the next she was standing upside down on the ceiling staring down at the stallion that had startled her.

"Hey there little filly, finally takin' my advice and chillin' out?" came a soft surfer boy voice that Kat immediately recognized as Surfboard.

"Oh, what are you doing here?"

Surfboard just laughed and motioned for her to come off the ceiling.
"Sparkler, bring your new friend a drink over, totally my treat, infact, you get your self a treat too, m'kay dude?"

Sparkler nodded and brought over a float for Kat before turning and walking back. When Sparkler wasn't looking Kat's eyes never left her.

"You've totally got the hots for her, don't you!"

Flushing quickly and getting angry Kat ducked her head.
"I don't....it's just a...thing. Okay, it...and...damnit, I'm fine, okay."

"Whatever little filly, I'm just try'na say that if you want things, sometime you gotta take it, you know what I mean little filly?" Surfboard grinned.

Kat was about to reply when a red coated orange maned stallion came up from behind Surfboard and nuzzled him in loving way.
"Trying to give this filly relationship advice Surf? Maybe you should leave that to the stallions that know what they're doing, eh? I'm Pop Float by the way."

Surf just nodded before wrapping a foreleg around Pop and drew him into a deep kiss before turning to Kat.
"Totally do something like that, only on the cheek little filly. Trust me, it works every time."

Kat nodded and was about to thank Pop for the advice, albeit with a very large blush, when everything hit the fan.


"I don't care who my daughter described, the only unicorn filly I know of with any magical talent is Sparkler. We kick the door open, we detain that filly and we punish her accordingly!" roared Filthy Rich. With a hefty kick the stallion knocked the door of the hinges and the volunteers poured in.


"This her alley Blackfeather?"

"Yeah, we just wait here for a unicorn filly to show up."


As soon as the door flew open Kat was up and over the back of the booth well out of sight. Surfboard and Pop Float immediately moved in between the door and the cash register, incidentally between the stallions coming in and Sparkler as well.

"Move out of the way you two, we're here for Sparkler!" Filthy Rich roared.

Pop Float cast one glance between Filthy and a very confused Sparkler to know he didn't plan on moving an inch.
"Why, what has Sparkler done? Aside from take care of her sister and maintain my shop she's done nothing."

'Run Kat.'

Stepping forward angrily Rich spat out his accusations.
"You broke my daughters nose and stole her allowance bits you bitch!"

'Run Kat.'

Sparkler stepped back, shocked.
"I haven't even seen Diamond Tiara in ages, the last I heard was from my sister they....."
Sparkler froze, realizing rather quickly who must have hurt Diamond Tiara.

'Run Kat'

"No excuse off the top of your head?" Silver Sickle spat as he had a couple of the posse members, other stallions he'd paid off, push past Pop Float and Surfboard as he dove for Sparkler.

He hit a red glowing wall.

"Drop the shield Sparkler!" Sickle yelled as he stood back up.

"It isn't me!"
"It's not her!"
"It's me!"

Three voice rang out simultaneously.

Twilight Sparkle walked through the front door, flanked by a number of town guards.
"I know you're here, and I want you out of my town! You've done nothing but hurt ponies and I'm tired of it!"

In response Kat's magi-marked body stalked from behind the booth behind her red shield.
"I know I'm here too. Sparkler didn't touch Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon though. No, that was me."

Suddenly Silver Sickle and Filthy Rich threw themselves at the barrier in fury. Kat just tried not to laugh at their feeble attempts.

"Pulled your daughters off Dinky and taught them a lesson in how they should treat others."

At this Twilight slammed a hoof down, drawing everyponies attention.
"And Pinkie Pie? You slammed her into a wall."

"She...startled me."

"She's right!" Sparkler cried, "I startled her this morning and she teleported forward away from me. She was worried I was a threat!"

Instead of listening Twilight stepped forward and exerted pressure on the barrier.
"Sparkler, I need you to get down, I'm coming to get you!"

Kat narrowed her eyes and focused on Sparkler, Surfboard and Pop Float and her alley.
"It won't be safe in a moment, I'll come by and let you know when it's safe."
With a pop and a flash of light the three ponies Kat had been focusing on disappeared, followed by Kat's wall.
"My....friends.....are safe, but I have to make sure it stays that way. You want me captured, and I was a prisoner once, but it will not happen again! It will never happen again!"

With that cry a shockwave arced out fromKat, knocking everypony save Twilight off their hooves.

"And you won't make me go back to a hole, I won't let you."


Celestia was standing amongst the clouds, scanning the city. It was such a quaint little place, Ponyville, and a favourite spot of her own. Going back a few thousand years she would have loved to live in a place like this. It was quiet and serene, the birds chirping, the townsponies screaming, and the flying shrapnel.

It all caused her to narrow her eyes and turn to see two small forms duking it out, one sending blasts of lavender, the other crimson. Narrowing her eyes and outstretching her wings Celestia took off towards the miniature battle ground.


Biting back both the urge to laugh and the urge to be sick, Kat couldn't help but be reminded of the battles she'd been forced to participate in, if battle could have even been the correct term. It had been rare for any of the other numbers, the other foals, to have actually presented any sort of challenge, and it was very much the same still as she exchanged blows with the alicorn Twilight.

Every beam, blast, or lash from Twilight was but a feather against the shields that Kat put up, and every strike against Twilight's shields were much alike the act of a baseball being struck by a bat. And again, it would have been laughable if it wasn't so sickening. Twilight was but a foal...One of so, so many foals that she'd killed before...

"Give up Twilight, you can not hope to defeat me. I was trained for this, I was built for this." Kat declared.

Twilight just fired off another three beams at Kat's shields.
"What, to defeat me? Because I ascended to the form of an alicorn?!"

Reaching out a gripping Twilight, Kat jerked her forward strongly and held her immobile before her.
"No, not to defeat you. To kill you, and your Princesses. I was beaten, broken and bloodied, pitted in death matches against other foals to see who was strongest. I was, I always was, and the experiments kept going. I kept being beaten broken and bloodied. And now? Now I'm better than those that would have turned me loose on you..."

Kat watched as true fear, the fear that you were about to die, filled Twilight's eyes.

"I'm better than them, because I'm going to let you go."

Twilight felt relief wash over her as Kat's crimson aura began to loosen its grasp.
"I don't understand..."

Kat just belted out a cruel laugh.
"Fuck if I know either...I guess I just want something better, I just didn't realise it until today. If I let you go, will you attack me, or let me go on my way?"

"I'll...I'll let you go."

Kat nodded thanks and lowered Twilight to the ground and moved to hug her.
"Thanks, than-"



Celestia fired off a blast of magic while simultaneously putting a shield up around Twilight to protect and teleport her. As the smoke and dust settled Celestia slammed into the ground before the young unicorn.

"You assaulted my friend and protege, bad move on your part. Give up and come in quietly and your stay in the dungeons will be much more pleasurable." Celestia laid out.

Kat slowly picked herself up from the ground and found herself bleeding from a short but somewhat deep cut on her cheek. Touching a hoof the the wound Kat pulled her hoof away to find it stained with her own blood.

Celestia had all of two seconds to blink before a hellish red aura slammed into her a threw her through the wall of the nearest building. It didn't take to much time for Celestia to pull herself from the wreckage, glaring death at Kat.
"This is how you want to play things?"

"I don't play..." growled Kat murderously as she immediately locked her magic around Celestia and threw her into a nother building. Just as Celestia disappeared from sight Surfboard came hobbling around the corner supporting Pop Float who had a number of viscous looking gouges in his side.


"Whoa, Pop's okay little filly, but some nasty lookin' gryphon dudes totally swiped up Sparkler. Pop tried to stop them, but, yeah."

Kat's eyes hardened, if she'd looked murderous before, she now looked downright genocidal. Turning to try to track down Sparkler, Kat got just over three hooves when Celestia appeared before her.

"You will not escape justice!"

Hellfire shone in the Kat's eyes.


Sparkler tumbled out of the large burlap sack with a thud. Taking a moment the unicorn rubbed her head before trying to stand up, and action that was interrupted when a large claw gripped her roughly and lifted her eye level with a nasty looking gryphon. His eyes both shone dangerously but what got her attention was the burned spot.

"Nasty, isn't it? Your...friend, Subject Seven, did zis to me, and now you get to play bait to get her back." the gryphon growled.

Sparkler narrowed her eyes, she wasn't stupid, there was a catch.
"And then? You just let me go, I doubt it. I felt what you did to her back."

The gryphon just laughed evilly.
"Of course I von't let you go. You see, Subject Seven must learn her place, so vhen she gets back she vill be presented a choice. To kill you quickly and join us, or to refuse and vatch as we burn you alive. Oh, and you can call me Der'arzt, and I run zis fine establishment. Enjoy your stay in mein home!"

Author's Note:

Any pony sprechen Deustch? I don't, but enjoy the evil gryphon.