• Published 17th Mar 2013
  • 16,123 Views, 742 Comments

What Didn't Happen - Zeg

Chasing a mystery into the past, Twilight finds an Equestria that is different from what she remembers. Will she be able to set history back on track by fixing what didn't happen, or is this Equestria destined to take a different path?

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What Didn't Happen

by Zeg


The doorway to Twilight’s private library opened with a quiet creaking sound. The darkened room was lit at first by only the long beam of light cast across the floor from the adjoining room, and then brightened as torches around the perimeter of the room lit in a counter clockwise cascade just as Twilight stepped hoof across the threshold.

Her hoofsteps echoed throughout the quiet room as she walked past the first few columns of bookshelves, and then she paused for a few seconds, tilting her head as she glanced down one of the narrow spaces between the shelving. She turned to make her way between the shelves, glancing up and down at the rows of books to her left as her lips silently mouthed the titles that her eyes caught as she scanned them.

After passing by nearly half a dozen full bookshelves, she squinted at one of the lower shelves she was standing in front of, trying to make out the titles on the book spines. She lowered her head and began to crouch to get a better look, but as she shifted her stance, her right flank bumped into the shelving on the other side. The unexpected touch caused her to and flinch away, and she stood so quickly that her shoulder caught under one of the wooden shelves on the shelf to her left, unseating it from the wooden pegs that it laid upon and causing it to tip forward. Before she knew what was happening, a small cascade of books toppled from the shelf and landed in a messy pile at her hooves.

“Shoot,” Twilight quietly cursed. Her magic lit and began to lift the books from the floor one by one, closing the ones that had fallen open and stacking them together in floating stacks around her. As she was cleaning up the mess, her mind wondered why the shelves seemed so close together. She could have sworn that there had been more room between them before.

She hadn’t grown that much.

Though, it had been a few decades since the library had last been redone, something she had been putting off. She let a light sigh escape from her, resigned to the fact that another renovation was probably unavoidable.

After adjusting the shelf to reseat it properly, Twilight’s magic began to take the books one by one from the floating stacks and quickly reshelve them after she glanced at the covers. When she was down to the last few, she did a quick double take when her eyes came across one of the titles. She pulled it back quickly to look at the cover again, her magic flipping the book over once as she looked over the seemingly very plane cover before reading the title once again.

What Didn’t Happen

She had recognized the journal right away as the record of events she had created after returning home from the alternate Equestria. However, she was a bit confused as to why it had ended up on the shelves among all the rest of the books in her library. This was one of the few that she normally kept hidden away in a safer place. She furrowed her brow deeply as she tried to remember the last time she had seen the journal. It had to have been at least over a century, perhaps coming up on two. Though she would never admit to forgetting about her time in the other world, she had put it out of mind for a while after she had realized that it would be quite a while before she would be ready for the next step. Perhaps she had removed it from the vault for some reason, and then somehow not noticed it getting mixed in with the rest of the books the last time the library had been reshelved, or perhaps she had simply been tired one evening long ago and placed it upon the shelf without thinking. Either way, she found it rather uncanny that she had happened to nearly trip into it by chance.

She placed the remaining books upon the shelf before turning her attention back to her old journal, and after inspecting the cover once again for any signs of wear, she opened it to the first page. The bindings creaked as the book’s pages opened for the first time in over a lifetime, and Twilight’s eyes began to scan quickly back and forth as she read the first entry. A few minutes soon turned into a few hours as Twilight read entry after entry in the journal. She eventually settled into laying on the floor there between the shelves as she continued to read with the journal propped against her crossed forehooves. She finally came to the last of the written journal entries as she turned a page.

All of the records of events contained within the pages of this journal will never be found within our own history books. These events are from an alternate history that our world will never know, a record of what didn’t happen.

But, for our world to exist, this other history must also exist. I know that this other history will happen, that the other Equestria and all those who live within it will exist.

Someday, I will make sure of it.

Twilight’s eyes lingered on the last sentence of the final entry on the page before glancing to the next page. The next page was filled from edge to edge with notes on temporal equations. Her magic turned the page over to the next, and there she found a construction diagram of a staff, with various notes written in around the components. At the bottom center of the page was carefully written a single name.


Twilight’s eyes lingered on the page that depicted the yet to be created artifact for a moment longer, and then her magic lit as it closed the journal, causing a dull thump to echo quietly through the room. Her eyes closed as she spent a moment in thought, and then slowly opened again. She stood and turned to walk back down the row of shelving, her magic holding the journal just to her right as she made her way to the exit. She stopped once she made it to the library doorway, turning to look back in the room, and then down to the journal. The journal hadn’t been what she was looking for. She had just stumbled upon it by chance, but even so, it now felt like this was the real reason why she had ventured into her library this evening. Sometimes, when looking for something, you find something else even more important.

Twilight smiled as she tucked the journal away under her wing, and turned to leave the library.

Perhaps it was finally the right time to make something happen.

The End

Comments ( 82 )

What is this Chinese translation.

so what ultimately happened to young Twilight? Could have have a better wrap up than this.

I'm still not quite clear on why Chrystallen feels compelled to continue to rampage and destroy in the loop.

thank you Zeg.
Thnak you for writing such an epic, moving piece. I will not forget this story any time soon.

So what are you going to write next? Why doesn't Discord want to get Twilight mad? Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here. (Or did I already ask that?)

Wanderer D

This was truly a treat to read. :raritywink: I might have to come back and re-read it at some point. But for now... thanks.


I didn't intend to wrap this one up. While that might sound disappointing if you were hoping for a solid resolution there, it is left open on purpose.

However, Chapter 24 does give a few hints showing that something did happen between the younger Twilight and Chrysalis.

Rage, mostly directed at Twilight.

To give a little back story that I felt didn't really fit directly into the story itself, the first time Chrysalis experienced one of her visions failing on her was when Twilight stopped her from invading Canterlot in the canon story we all know. By what she had seen in her versions, she was sure she would win and that it was her destiny to take the city. That's why she came off as being careless and overconfident.

When it didn't come true, she blamed Twilight for her destiny being stolen from her, and over the years her and Twilight clashed more than once as Chrysalis saw many different visions that told her how she could defeat Twilight, but they never did work. And this eventually leads to where the story starts.

There was a lot of bad blood between those two, and the amulet focused on that feeling of rage that Chrystallyn felt for Twilight, twisting it and feeding on it until it was out of control.

Thank you for reading. :yay:

4950055 My guess is that Little Twilight merged her consciousness with Chrysalis. Instead of being a voice over the hive mind, she is literally within Chrysalis now.

Overall, the story was well written. I especially like these type of stories. The kind where you add/change/remove one detail, and every change can be traced back to that cornerstone. In this case, Twilight was abducted by changelings as a filly.

4950298 But too opened end for my taste. If you have to make a sequel on that do it. I hate loose ends.



So what are you going to write next?

I've actually got a list of ideas I've been keeping track of, since I didn't feel up to writing more than one story at a time. Wanted to focus on one so I can actually finish.

I've got two of the ideas both demanding my attention, but I'm leaning more toward one that will be staring Fluttershy.

Why doesn't Discord want to get Twilight mad?

Because she's Twilight Sparkle, obviously. :trollestia:

But seriously, ticking off a time traveler probably isn't a good idea... ever.

Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily?

I may, but the story is complete, so it'll be as is. I've already spent nearly a year and a half on it and while it has been fun, I'm ready to move on to another one. If it can't make it in with it being the way it is, then so be it.


Thanks for taking the time to read, glad you liked it.

Ideas like this are why I left it open. :twilightsmile:

That, and to show that this world still has a future of its own to take care of.

I can understand that.

I'll keep this as a recommendation on my story idea list, and should I dream up a side story about younger Twilight that I think does her justice, I'll go for it.

This has been a treat to read. I had hoped the ending would be a little clearer to understand, but I guess that was how you wanted it.

Thank you very much for this wonderful story. I enjoyed it from start to finish, and I wish you the best of luck and inspiration on your next project.

4950488 I hop[e so she and Spike were the most screwed in that story.


Excellently crafted, full of suspense, and truly original. I think I'll be watching you for a bit. :rainbowlaugh:

Decided just complete this for posterity's sake, using Word of God for some.

The Origins of the Changelings: Chrysalis's true identity is that of the former Everfree and Crystal Empire Queen Chrystallyn.
The Progenitor: Everything that has occurred thus far is a predetermined event carried out in part by Twilight's future self.
The Missing Spark: While this timeline's Twilight Sparkle is still stuck in the hive mind with no way out in the foreseeable future, Chrysalis feels that the little girl is watching over her like some sort of conscience.
Chrysalis's Strange Behavior: It turns out that Chrysalis had orchestrated a deal with Celestia to safeguard the Elements in exchange for a place to build a Hive without being ostracized by the public.
Secrets of a Changeling Queen: Chrysalis is attempting to reclaim her former kingdom, the Crystal Empire.
The Truth about the Elements: It turns out that Chrysalis is the true creator of the Elements and Tree of Harmony, which are in fact the first Celestial Weapons ever created.
The Chessmaster: The visions themselves were, in fact, created by Twilight's future self! Even Celestia can be a pawn at times...
What the Mad God Knows: Discord seems to know an awful lot about Twilight. Perhaps he has encountered her future self at some point.
Dual Destinies: Chrystallyn is doomed to an ever perpetual loop of life, love, and destruction.
Amplifier Artifact: Dusk was a temporary loan from the future. One day, Twilight will know the joys of acquiring it for herself.
The Dark Prince: Revealed to be the creator of the Alicorn Amulet as well as Chrystallyn's ex-husband, Sombra's former actions were the result of the Alicorn Amulet's dominating power.
A Bothersome Feeling: The lost chunk of the Crystal Empire eventually becomes the foundation of Canterlot Mountain and provides an immense source of magic to Equestria. The only wrong thing here is that Twilight eventually becomes a lot looser than she is now.
A Desperate Despot: Chrystallen's rage is mostly due to Twilight disrupting her plans and ruining her visions, which were placed there by Twilight herself.

Thank you for the great story. It's been quite a trip.

Though I have one question. The answer may have been in earlier chapters and I just don't remember, but whatever happened to Spike in the secondary timeline? Is he still stuck in his egg somewhere?

Hmm, an interesting story, and it ended about on as good a note as one could hope, relatively.

Overall, I don't really have any complaints. The premise works, the idea sound once you see how it all connects, and on a more positive note than really, these can be. And you've wrapped up the more loose ends related to this.

I give this story two thumbs up.
But ponies don't have thumbs silly!
Pinkie, I'm not a pony...
You're posting on a website for pony fanfics though so everything must be ponified! So unless you want to go on some epic quest to join us here in Equestria, come up with a thumby thing that ponies have and give this story two of those!
What in the world could a pony possibly have that even resembles thumbs?
Well DUH we obviously have our hoovesies!
But those are nothing like thumbs!
But they totally are!
In what way could they possibly...? You know what, I don't want to know. I take option number two: epic quest to become an Equestrian pony.
YAY! I can't wait for the welcome party!
Oooohhhkkaaayy then... it was a good story but now I'm off to find a way into Equestria apparently.
Yes! Friendship quests are ALWAYS the way to go!

Such a great story with an amazing ending

Good ending. I'm glad you used the multiple timelines an explanation. I wasn't too sure what you meant about Twilight needing to make sure the other timeline happened until I remembered that she needed to go back to make sure the Crystal mountain event happened the way it did. It ensures that all timelines will occur and not just these two. Very important. I'm not too sure I agree with the reasons why Twilight needed to leave then. It's a parallel timeline and the one she came through is stable and won't change until the point 250 years in the future when she left to follow Chrysalis in to the past. If anything she could stay for 250 years in the new timeline until the day of when she left her own timeline and then just step across. That pint in time would be the closest and most stable point between the two time streams but I suppose unless you wanted to gloss over 250 years of alternate history there's gotta be another reason for her to leave, lol. Myself, I probably would have had her stay for 250 years and when she left, she'd be able to go save her past self before she returned to her point of origin. Hell at that point she'd probably be powerful enough to make a trip back and forth between timelines, but she'd have the entire lifetimes of her friends all over again, be there to see Chrysalis and Twily as they...I'm guessing they sort of combine and merge into one entity in the end and protect the kingdom there while she accumulates knowledge and power and by the time she returns to her timeline will be a much wiser Princess for it. Regardless I still really liked this story. It was fun and exciting and was a nice adventure.

You have messed with our minds. And you liked it :pinkiecrazy:
How could you do this us? We are your readers, your precious loyal readers.
How can we be expected to understand the intricacies of a stable rip in the time space continuum? A tear that both destabilizes and re-stabilizes itself. :pinkiesick:
Still a big fan but you better get Time Turner back on Derpy's good side :trollestia: No one can compete with a princess after all.

another fantastic adventure completed. i love this fandom so much... (and I love you, random brony!) ...wait who said that? ah, i must be hearing things. it's 11:30pm; time to make like Seth and go to bed. ...or something.

One of the greatest stories on this site.

This was truly an amazing story. I felt sorry for Tuner though, wonder how long Derpy will make him sleep on the couch? :rainbowlaugh: :twilightsmile:

That... Was just... Wonderful. I actually feel enlightened and inspired just from reading that. Heh... Such a wonderful story.

This is a amazing story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

If Moondancer was voiced, what would she sound like? If you don't know, then just tell me.


Ah well, I do know what her voice sounds like 'in my head' I suppose, but hers might be a little difficult to describe accurately.

She has a strong voice without it being loud, very clear spoken, which you would expect from someone who is a captain of the guard. I'd say the pitch of her voice is a little bit lower than average for a female.

I just finished reading this, and honestly, I have no clue what to say. This story was brilliant, both in theory and execution, and I would like to commend you on an excellent job. However, I do agree that this ending made it feel very incomplete... I'll be keeping an eye out for a possible sequel or sidestory.

You know, I came into this expecting just a simple adventure story where Twillight had to fix a bad future. I came away with a sweeping tale of alt histories, changed futures, wibbly wobbily, and the idea of how Time travel is seen. There were twists and turns that I never saw coming, Twilight being awesome and a story of a gal with unlimited power saving the world she loved. A nail story, but what a nail story, one that was not as simple as I thought it would be.

It was brilliant and I was glad to have read it.

Yes, the alternate verse is no less wrong or good because it is different...it just exisits and has a potiential. nd personally, I think these are perfect end credits music


Glad to hear that you stuck it out to the end and found it enjoyable.

And I have to agree, that is a fitting pick for end credit music.

An absolutely beautiful piece of work, though it leaves me with a craving for a sequel……:twilightsheepish:

Again, very well done.

5450601 Eh, I don't agree with that idea. My opinion is that a villain should be made as powerful as he or she needs to be. Metaphorically speaking, arming your bad guy with nukes when a shotgun would have sufficed is rarely good writing.

Unless the story is a parody or plain crack, in which case logic, reason and rationality often flies right out of the window.

This is just my opinion of course, and it's not like I consider it to be some sort of absolute rule. There are always exceptions.


In the way I was thinking, the only additional goodbye would be with Twilight's friends, and that woukd probably be a single scene. The neetings with Shining Armor and the parents would be hellos, instead.

I just feel that her brother and parents are just as important to her as her friends are, and it's a shame we don't see their meetings. Plus, we'd get more Moondancer/Shining Armor interaction, and it would let us see them get resolution on what happenen to little Twilight.

I know it's not my story, but those are my two cents.

5634059 it sounds as if you and I think quite similarly. Imagine the world-building two such minds could produce.

Truly, this is one of the Best of the Best works I have read on this site, and one I would love to see as an actual book someday. This story is one of the hidden gems that deserve a lot more attention that it has received.

Kudos on creating this masterpiece. I have enjoyed every word.

I don't know if im correct but shouldn't this have an AU tag


This story isn't meant to be one. Technically, all fan fiction is an alternate universe because the events of any fan fic don't actually happen in canon, but I think the tag is meant for the stories that try to change major canon events (or maybe even start over completely) and retell the story in a different way with the same characters.

That wasn't my intent with this story. The canon history of Equestria still happened and led to what happens in this story.

Now, some things may not line up perfectly because I began writing this story before season 4 aired, so some things may have shown up in episodes after I wrote about a similar event in my story. That's inevitable when you write fan fiction for a canon that's still developing, but it doesn't change the fact that I don't intend for this story to be it's own universe separate from canon.

This story is so confuse. And it is glorious.

Some of the readers have a question about the story...little twlight had been kept in Hive Mind,but has no affect on futuer twilight……So one timeline will not influence other timeline...But why the future ponies destoryed twilight's research?If she really go back to the past,the future will still be that future...
Hope I have expressed it clearly.


The reason why Twilight's research was destroyed is they were afraid that the time travel spell would change history. They did not know that it would not. Twilight theorized that traveling to the past actually could change history in unpredictable ways. It turned out she was wrong, at least in this one case.

Remember, there was some interference from an older Twilight to make the spell behave this way.


How they look while within the Hive Mind is the result of a subconscious projection. Chrysalis has been a changeling for so very long that, subconsciously, that's just how she sees herself now. Graphite hasn't been a changeling for anywhere near as long. He's somewhere about in his 40's, and of course hasn't been a changeling his entire life. So, subconsciously, his mind still tends projects his original form.

That makes sense.Thx.


Heh, guess the history stuff isn't for everyone. :twilightsheepish:

The rest of the story wouldn't make much sense without it though.

Luckyly time doesn't exist. It's only an illusion we created so we could plan our day.

And so it ends. Absolutely amazing, truly.


Or does she even have an age? Measuring how old something or someone is usually requires a point of origination to measure from, but she doesn't have one.

I know, it doesn't make sense, but a paradox never does.

Glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

5866177 Well think of it as a thought experiment. Let's take a magical clock - invisible, intangible, all that stuff - and stick it to her. It's gonna go through a loop, call it 2000 years. Then it's gonna loop again to 4000, 6000, etc.

Since she's immortal, the clock's value doesn't matter, but as a technicality her age is infinite.

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