• Member Since 31st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago



Trixie is about to be killed by the Ursa when she tries one last spell in desperation, using all her remaining magical energy to cast it. The results are rather spectacular as she summons a creature strong enough to easily defeat the monstruous bear, one Ranma Saotome, martial artist extraordinaire. Ranma 1/2 crossover

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 95 )

I loved that manga, always getting into bizarre situations. I wish our library carried it, reading on the Internet just isn't the same

I don't know if I should love you or hate you for writing this story, but I guess I'll still thumbs it-up in the end.

2271029 Yeah. Ranma 1/2 is great. Too bad the anime stopped at Nodoka's introduction. There are a lot of interesting story arcs that would have deserved to be used in the anime.

2271093 I don't think that love and hate are compatible with each other, lol.

Good story, although I have never heard of this Ramna or whats his face. :twilightoops:
Is that from Naruto or something?

static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/1906_8233.jpg Maybe this picture will describe you.

:pinkiecrazy: Have a ice day...Or else


I want to see the Mane 6's reation to Ranma's cursed form :pinkiehappy:

2271806 Pfft, No, not Naruto. Ranma's a Martial Artist who has the "terrible misfortune" of having a curse that turns him into a girl when splashed with cold water. Hot water, of course, will turn him back, but still. He's stuck in a body that switches between male and female form, and it always happens at the worst times possible. :rainbowlaugh:

What's this? A Ranma crossover that's fairly well written, only involves Ranma being in Equestria, and has the characters act in a believable way?!

Wow, I'm really looking forward to this stor- *Sees stupid Trollestia being used*

Well, so much for that. :facehoof:

Honestly, I'm tempted to give this fic a dislike just for the last paragraph. It's completely unnecessary, makes a character badly OOC when everyone else seems fine, isn't funny, and only ruins any bit of enjoyment gained from the rest of the story.

As you can see I’m going with a tame Trollestia instead of Celestia. I really like Celestia’s mischievous nature and I’d like to explore that side of her a bit more. Honestly, I can’t really fault her for trolling her subjects. I imagine that she leads a rather boring life. Whenever we see her in the cartoon (except when she’s visiting Twilight or festivals) she’s just sitting around and doing nothing. Okay, that’s my interpretation, but I’ll stick with it.

Seriously? There's nothing to suggest she would do something as mean-spirited as keeping someone there against his will. That's just... :facehoof:

Out of all the reasons possible for why he couldn't just go back, you really had to choose the weakest excuse.

I think the character who’s mostly OOC here is Princess Luna, but I think it’s a nice idea to have Luna be the responsible one of the sisters.


You're using Trollestia, and you think the only one who acted OOC was Luna (and no, she didn't seem OOC from what has been shown so far)?

I will say that I liked the part where Ranma stops and thinks about his home life after seeing Twilight and her friends. It seems like something that would really happen after he personally sees a group of close friends interacting. It was actually a really interesting part. Yeah it was kind of ruined with the needless Trollestia thrown in at the end, but for the sake of enjoying this story I'm just going to pretend that didn't happen.

“Oh, don’t be sad, Mister Ranma” a yellow, soft-spoken pegasus with a light pink mane and tail approached. “We will help and take good care of you. My name is Fluttershy. Would you like to be friends?”

Nope, sorry, lost me right there. Fluttershy, asking a strange human creature to be friends? Nope, nuh-uh, no way, that's it, I'm done. Sorry, but please try to remember that he just beat up an animal, and a baby at that, and Fluttershy and Twilight would more than likely scold him for that, not praise him.


Ranma 1/2 was one of the first anime and manga to make it to the USA and has contributed to the rising popularity of the genre. Most readers here are probably too young to remember this great series. You'll find a lot of information about it here. It's a classic everyone should know.


Don't worry, you will. The curse will become important later on.


You're partly correct. Yes, I portrayed Celestia like this to have a reason not to send Ranma back right away, but I also like the idea of a mischievous Celestia.

Honestly, I don't really think that I put Celestia in a bad light since she is mischievous as is rather evident when you watch the cartoon. Don't worry, Celestia won't play a large role in the story.


Good point there. I should have noticed, lol.


Yes, Celestia does have a mischievous side, and I don't have a problem with that. The problem is that you've taken that too far by having her lie to someone and hold him there against his will.

That's not mischievous. That's just cruel.

Honestly, I'm not even sure it was needed. If he knew he could go back at anytime, I wouldn't be surprised if he stayed for awhile to learn more about Equestria. He could find a way to send a letter letting everyone know what happened, and then stay to learn more about the place.

Basically, I'd have found it better if there was any other reason he couldn't return home other than Celestia suddenly becoming a mean-spirited jerk.


I understand what you mean. I might change that part. Do you know if it's possible to edit a story without having to submit it to the moderators again?


Sorry, but I don't know anything about that.

Going back to Celestia, I think I have a way for you to show her mischievous side without making it (unintentionally) come across as mean. Have it where she actually can't send him back right away or have him decide to stick around to explore, and have her sit back with popcorn at all the chaos that pops up around him.

That way the reader can see that side of Celestia, and at the same time it doesn't make her mean. I hope that idea helps you. :twilightsmile:


That's what I was going to do.

It was only a matter of time for this to appear (fine by me i love ranma 1/2)


Glad you liked it. I worked a lot on this one. Well, I usually do on all my stories, lol.

My suggestion on untrolling Celestia would be for her to explain to Luna that Ranma actually has TWO strings, and since she's never seen that before (and Ranma didn't volunteer the nature of his curse), she didn't want to take the risk of picking the wrong one. She needs to study this more carefully, first. And she needs some popcorn, stat.

Then again, this is practically a vacation for young Mr. Saotome.

As for Fluttershy, I don't see her as too OOC here. Fluttershy might not like seeing fights between two creatures (as Ranma would have seemed to be at first), but, well, the Ursa Minor did "start" it (from her perspective - the real fault lays with the dimwitted duo of course), Ranma fought to incapacitate something about 30 times his size, and even Fluttershy didn't know it was "just a baby" until Twilight revealed that fact in the show IIRC. But Ranma fights, then seems friendly rather than feral (and Fluttershy would attempt to befriend even an angry manticore, so...) Then when Ranma casually suggests killing and eating the corpse, she (quite appropriately) freaks.

Similar logic applies to Twilight, even though she knows it's just a baby, it's still very clearly trying to kill Ranma, and therefore Ranma's self-defense during the fight isn't unacceptable. At worst it might be worth a "That's really not how we do things here" lecture.

Just edit the chapter. No muss nor fuss.

Just realized something: this story needs a Human tag because it involves at least one character who is a human.


Okay. Human tag added.

Comment posted by HurricaneBomber deleted Mar 18th, 2013

Go here to watch the whole series:

Ranma 1/2

btw Rumiko Takahashi wrote Ranma 1/2 as well as Inuyasha


and Maison Ikkoku, Urusei Yatsura, Mermaid Saga, and more recently Rin-ne


I take you haven't been keeping up with the official comic then?

Chrysalis murders a kitten in front of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

No, really.



No, seriously? Isn't that a bit much for the kids reading the comic.

I haven't read the comic, but if all the art is like these pictures I don't really want to.

-Reads description.
-Sees it's Ranma 1/2 crossover

finally a Ranma 1/2 crossover.... yay

2273653Oh hell yes it's possible. In fact, there just so happens to be a convenient little 'edit' button on the top bar when the author goes into a chapter. Also, love your profile pic. Is it just me, or is that Ranko? (I always refer to the female side of Ranma as Ranko because that's what they fall back on whenever Nodoka comes to visit)

Now to talk about the actual story... To say the least, I loved this. You set up a plausible way of sending Ranma to Equestria, you actually had him act as you'd normally think he would, and you gave a (somewhat) decent reason for him having to stay there. Though in all honesty, I'd think Ranma would volunteer to stay after remembering all the horrible memories of everyone back in the Nerima Ward. Trust me, if you have read the manga and seen the anime, you know what I'm talking about.

And thank god, someone actually presented Akane as she actually is in the manga/anime. I mean, no offense to anyone Ranma 1/2 related or anyone who likes Akane, but I personally despise her. You've pretty much nailed what her reaction to Ranma is. And it royally ticks me off even further when nobody stands up for Ranma. I mean, just recently I watched the Ranma 1/2 movie (sucks that there's only two. At least, in the library system there's only two.) and near the beginning Happosai tried to steal Akane's panties again. Genma and Soun both saw it, and they just let her try to kill Ranma. What the hell you two? Isn't the whole point of you two actually being in the story to get Ranma to marry Akane?

Anyways, that's my unofficial review of your story. Not much of a review, but that's my first time doing something like that. Because you had above par storyline and setup, I didn't notice any grammar/spelling mistakes, and you characterized people/ponies well, I'm giving you a 10/10.

You've earned the favorite. And also, I'm giving you a follow.


I know of three others, but those have been posted at fanfiction.net.

In two of them Ranma is turned into an Alicorn at the beginning and another one has the Mane 6 arrive with Ranma in Nerima (the ponies all fell into the Jusenkyo spring of drowned girl)


Yes, that's Ranko. Everyone's using pony avatars here. I wanted to use something different, and since I'm only writing Ranma stories...

People always think I hate Akane, but that's not true. THe only thing I dislike is Ranma/Akane since a marriage between the two is bound to fail. Honestly, it will never work.

The only character I really despise is Nabiki since she makes everyone's life hell and never gets punished for it. She's really evil, only thinks of herself, and doesn't give a damn about anyone else, except her family, if only a little bit.

2322812Those are both on this site.

As for the despisal of characters, my view differs from yours. For Akane, if she doesn't get her way or the right answer she resorts to violence. That just ticks me off. As for Nabiki, yeah she's a heartless bitch. Though I love the Ranma/Ukyo pairing.


That pretty much applies to all the girls after Ranma. They are all psychotic bitches, although Ukyo is probanly the most level-headed of them. But she can be vicious and brutal too..

2324011Precisely why I like her. Shampoo is obsessed with Ranma and doesn't know how to take no for an answer. Plus the fact that she scares the crap out of Ranma whenever she gets hit with cold water. Akane we've already talked about. Kodachi is just a bitch with a school girl crush. She resorts to paralysis and/or sleeping potions to get Ranma, and she lies and manipulates to get what she wants. Doesn't help that she's almost as thick as Akane.

Then there's Ukyo. Sure things started off rough, but they worked things out. She doesn't resort to violence towards Ranma, she actually listens to Ranma instead of bashing him for something he didn't do, and she defends him from unjust accusations. Plus she knows how to cook Ranma's favorite food.

Damn this phone. Its auto-correct keeps trying to change Ranma to Ranks.

When's the next update?

2724461 Very soon I hope. Unfortunately I don't have mucht time at the moment. I'm usually working on my fics at work, but two of my colleagues are out of commission for a while and we have to do their work.

Nabiki was an interesting character that became a one-dimensional money pit around a third of the way through.

Really hope that youchoose to continue this its a great start! Dont kill of a story that has to grow roots

Don't worry, there'll be more. I'm just spending too much time on World of Warcraft at the moment ^_^

I just... I don't... my feels?
Seriously... this never crossed my mind of possibilites... and I just got done watching season 1 of it... Am I a bad person?

Yes you are, but if you watch Captain Harlock with 2-d season of Ranma, then we'll forgive you.:ajsleepy:


As a voice of experience I can agree it's one I see as doomed to fail, partly because the bad moments seem to drastically outweigh the good. True, there's a number of times Ranma brings it on himself, but he does get accused/megaton-punched far more often then he deserves thanks to many of them also being from misunderstandings where he just happened to be in the wrong place(or position) at the wrong time. The other reason of course is their parents rushing them into it and only adding the pressure. Then there's frequent ambushes from rivals/suitors any time they get a moment.

Nabiki... yeah she's a textbook sociopath. Cares about no one but herself(has shown willingness to sell out or otherwise outright betray her own family), has such a ruthlessly cutthroat approach on life to the point she will knowingly put others in certain death situations unless they pay her(and she WILL gouge them for all they're worth) to get them out of it, has extorted children, and knowingly causes strife and conflict between the other characters just so she can play bookie and collect bets. Also, like many sociopaths, she's EXTREMELY charming and charismatic which she uses to manipulate others and fleece them for all they've got and leave them up the creek without a paddle after, and is willing to betray any who hire her for something as soon as she gets a better offer. Personally I'd say by far she's the most evil character in the story(possibly more so then self-proclaimed evil-doer Happosai) .:trixieshiftright:

All that said, I am intrigued as Ranma was one of the first animes I ever got into. FAVED! :twilightsmile:

yay :twilightsmile:

Found this story over on ff a while ago but I dont remember chapter 2. Glad to see it here :-). Hope you write more. This is an excellent start.


Yes, I'll post it at ff.net a bit later. I want to test the reactions here first. Glad you like it.

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